Every year everything more people prefer to have rabbits as pets. They are less demanding to care for than dogs, more friendly than cats, and at the same time have a much more pleasant size and suitable for human interaction than hamsters or guinea pigs. There are 2 main groups of rabbits suitable for keeping as pets: large and dwarf breeds. This article will discuss the dwarf breeds of these animals, the rules for keeping and caring for them.

Origin story

It is difficult to say exactly when, and also as a result of crossing which breeds, the first representative of the group of dwarf domestic rabbits was first bred. According to an unspoken agreement among breeders, it is generally accepted that the first such animal was obtained by crossing a white downy and silvery small breed of rabbit.
At the end of the 19th century, the first documented variety was obtained in England domestic rabbit, corresponding to the parameters of modern dwarfs and called the Polish breed.

Did you know? Female rabbits have a specific and very unusual structure of the reproductive apparatus. Due to the presence of a bifurcated uterus, they are capable of carrying 2 different litters, conceived during 2 different intercourses.

At the beginning of the 20th century, German breeders actively worked in this direction, which resulted in the birth of the Hermelin breed, which is distinguished by its extremely unusual appearance. And in the 30s of the same century, Dutch rabbit breeders actively worked on breeding dwarf rabbits with different colors and hair lengths.

Today there is a very wide variety of breeds of these animals with a wide variety of colors, patterns and long hair. The average lifespan of a modern domestic rabbit is 5–7 years, but under certain conditions they can live up to 10–12 years.

Breeds of dwarf rabbits

Today, there are about 70 different breeds of these animals, differing not only in appearance, but also in character, the degree of their attachment to their owners and their potential tendency to be trained.

In this article we will pay attention only to the most common and most suitable for home care representatives of dwarf rabbit breeds, since many of them exist only in nurseries due to poor susceptibility to domestication. Below you will find a list of such breeds with a short description each of them.

The main distinguishing feature of these animals is their drooping, rather long ears. The size of rabbits of this breed, in comparison with other representatives of the dwarf group, is average, weight reaches 1.5 kg. There are several subspecies of this breed, differing slightly in appearance and country of origin.
There is an American variety that has a rather large, square-shaped head, short ears compared to other representatives of the breed, and very powerful hind legs.

The Dutch subspecies of the breed is very popular, representatives of which have a more rounded head, large expressive eyes, ears that are very dense to the touch and powerful hind and forelimbs.

Did you know? The maximum length of rabbit ears ever officially recorded by humans is about 80 cm.

But the classic representative of lop-eared rams is the German subspecies, which has a fairly large head, almost always slightly tilted forward, and very large ears hanging down on the sides in the manner of ram horns.

Video: Ram rabbit

A distinctive feature of this breed is the curved, rather small mustache, which can be noticed immediately after the birth of the rabbits. Animals belonging to the Rex breed are quite large in size compared to other dwarf rabbits.

Their weight can sometimes reach up to 3 kg. They have very short, rather fragile-looking paws. The ears are erect, have slightly curved tips, the length of which is 10–13 cm.

Another distinctive feature of the breed is its short, pleasant-to-touch fur, very evenly distributed throughout the body, with the exception of small curls in the back of the head and lower abdomen.


Japanese rabbits have the greatest external similarity to soft toys from all other breeds described in this article. They have very thin, extremely pleasant to the touch fur, which in its softness and fineness resembles silk, and its color is most often either black or completely yellow.

According to breed standards, the body must have stripes or spots of ash, red or white. The weight of an adult varies between 800–1500 g.

The Japanese breed was developed in France and was first presented at an animal exhibition in 1887.

This breed has a strong-looking build, but their paws and neck tend to look quite fragile. The tail is always pressed tightly to the body. The animals have a fairly large head, even compared to the background of their body. Their ears are one of the smallest among all dwarf breeds (up to 5.5 cm).

The standard weight of an adult representative of colored dwarfs ranges from 1100 to 1250 g. They have very thick fur that shimmers in the light, which can have almost any of the existing colors. Pure white is considered the rarest and most expensive color.

Fox dwarf

These animals, as the name implies, have a vague external resemblance to representatives of the fox family. First of all, the similarity is due to the nature of their hair, which in length, color and thickness resembles the fur of a fox. The weight of representatives of this breed varies from 800 to 1500 g.

The head is small and neat, like the rest of the body as a whole. The ears are erect and have less pronounced fur than the rest of the body. The front legs are quite short, the hind legs are longer, but do not have much power.


The main distinguishing feature of this breed of dwarf rabbits is the presence of a specific hair thickening around the neck and lower part of the head, which resembles a lion's mane. The weight of a standard representative ranges from 700 to 1400 g. The body is very short, compact, the legs are of medium length, and quite strong.

The head of a lion-headed rabbit is medium in size, with straight, well-furred, short ears set quite high on it. The color of the fur varies from snow-white and gray to black and brown.

Video: lion-headed rabbits


The body of this rabbit is shaped like a small dense ball. The head is large in size, slightly skewed towards the back of the head. The ears are set quite far on the head and are small in size (up to 5 cm). The legs of short-haired dwarf rabbits are very short, weak and thin in appearance.

The tail is also short and always pressed tightly to the body. The coat is uniform, quite thick, shimmers a little in the sun, and the variability of colors is extremely high. The ideal weight according to breed standards is 1.1–1.25 kg.

Dutch dwarf

This rabbit is an exact copy of its larger brother (which is simply called the Dutch one), only significantly reduced in size. The weight of representatives of this breed varies from 1 to 2 kg. The coat of the classic Dutch rabbit is white and black, quite short and pleasant to the touch.

Did you know? Rabbits run much slower than hares. The speed of a rabbit reaches only 56 km/h, while the hare reaches up to 75 km/h.

The body is strongly built, especially the well-developed hind legs. The ears are small and set vertically. A distinctive feature of the appearance of these animals is their plump, prominent cheeks.


A distinctive feature of Angora rabbits is their very thick, long (up to 6 cm) and pleasant to the touch coat, which evenly covers all parts of the body of any representative of the breed. The body and paws are practically invisible under a thick and long layer of fur, but they have average strength parameters.

The head is very short, but at the same time wide, the ears are set quite deep, erect, measuring up to 7–10 cm. Angoras have eyes of only two colors - red or blue.

These animals were called butterflies for the characteristic pattern on their faces, consisting of wool that differs in color from the main one. As a rule, dwarf butterflies are white and black in color. Tri-color is also possible - black-white-yellow shade of hair. Rabbits of this breed have a fairly strong build and powerful hind legs.

Their head is large, but their neck is rather poorly developed. The ears are erect, of medium length, oval in shape, up to 9 cm long. The weight of an adult representative of this breed ranges from 1500 to 1800 g.


This is the smallest of all existing modern dwarf rabbit breeds. The weight of their representatives does not exceed 1 kg, but more often ranges from 500–700 g. The body is quite short, compact, the front legs are very short and straight. The head is small in size, but at the same time quite wide and has a round shape.

The ears are erect, slightly rounded at the ends, their length reaches 7 cm. The coat is short, soft, fits tightly to the body; breed standards allow absolutely any color.

How to choose a dwarf rabbit

When choosing a dwarf rabbit, you need to focus primarily on its health status and potential problems that it may have in the future. If you are planning to buy a rabbit primarily as a pet, then choose the first rabbit you like and has a healthy appearance.

Important! It is not recommended to buy dwarf rabbits, especially very small ones, at spontaneous markets or from private sellers, as they may sell you an animal that is sick or does not correspond to the declared breed. It is better to make a purchase in large nurseries.

If you intend to use it for breeding and/or participate with it in various exhibitions and competitions, then it would be a good idea to ask the seller to provide you with a passport, vaccination card and information about the pedigree of this animal.
When choosing your future pet, observe a little the behavior of the entire litter as a whole.

Pay attention to how the baby you chose behaves with its brothers and sisters, how it expresses itself during feeding, whether it moves quickly enough around the cage, how actively it explores the world around us and how he reacts to the approach of strangers.

Important! These animals, despite their natural timidity, over time adapt to the constant presence of people next to them, begin to respond to their nickname, go to hand, and sometimes even begin to demand attention to themselves with loud sounds and defiant behavior.

This will help you protect yourself from acquiring an overly aggressive or, conversely, passive pet.

Features of keeping dwarf rabbits

In general, keeping dwarf rabbits at home is no different from keeping representatives large breeds. In order not to describe all aspects of the process of keeping these animals at home, we will limit ourselves to only a list of the most important, in our opinion, features this process. Here is the list:

  1. The cage in which the animal will live should not be placed near windows and doorways, since the influence of excessive sunlight and drafts is detrimental to them.
  2. The mangers, trays, drinkers and feeders in the cage must be secured, since rabbits love to be active and will turn them over very often.
  3. The bottom of the cage must be covered with straw or hay, which must be changed at least 3 times a week.
  4. The tray with a bedding made of sawdust must be changed every day - dwarf breeds love cleanliness and most often are disdainful of going to the toilet that has already been used several times.
  5. These animals need daily exercise, so try to let them out of the cage more often to explore their surroundings. But at the same time, make sure that there are no objects in their path that they could damage with their teeth.
  6. The comfortable temperature for keeping dwarf breeds is +15–20 °C, and the most suitable air humidity is 50–70%.
  7. Due to the fact that most rabbits are active mainly at night, it is necessary to organize in their cage a kind of additional house in which they could hide from excess sunlight.
  8. At night, these animals often lay aside and eat caecotrophs - feces that have many useful components vital for normal functioning their organisms.
  9. When walking around the house, you need to carefully monitor the rabbit so that it does not crawl into any gap, for example, between furniture and a wall, from which it will then be extremely difficult for it to get out.

What to feed

The list of products suitable for the daily diet of this type of animal is somewhat different from that typical for other rabbits. This is due primarily to the peculiarities of their digestive tracts, which have low throughput food and sometimes having a very imperfect structure.

List of foods suitable for dwarf rabbits:

  • the main product in the diet is hay;
  • dried fruits (apples and pears);
  • porridges like “Hercules”;
  • buckwheat;
  • flakes;
  • white bread croutons;
  • green grass;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • branches of fruit trees;
  • pasta (boiled and dry);
  • compound feed;
  • wheat;
  • rape;
  • millet;
  • rye;
  • oats.

Any food other than hay, which must be available to rabbits in unlimited quantities and at any time, must be given to rabbits in strictly limited quantities. For example, animals should be given no more than 25–30 g of grain per day.

All food products new to rabbits must be introduced into the diet gradually, taking all necessary precautions, so that they can be quickly and painlessly removed from the diet in case of such need.

In addition to direct food products, the diet of dwarf breeds must include a variety of specialized vitamin and mineral supplements, which can be purchased at almost any veterinary store.

Important! Dwarf rabbits have a very pronounced appetite: almost all the time when they are not sleeping, they absorb food. Therefore, in order to avoid overeating, it is necessary to remove excess feed from them, leaving only the manger with hay.

You can also place a variety of mineral stones in the cage, which are designed to equalize the mineral balance in the animal’s body, as well as to grind down their teeth. In winter, it is advisable to add a variety of branches and needles of coniferous plants to the food.

What diseases are dangerous for rabbits?

There are no diseases that exclusively affect toy breeds. For the most part, all the diseases that can happen to them are formed as a result of insufficiently attentive attitude of the owners towards them.

Among the ailments there are various diseases digestive tract, respiratory organs, mucous membrane of the eyes, thermal injuries, injuries, as well as a variety of specific lesions, for example, rickets, pododermatitis, myxomatosis, pasteurellosis and dermatophytosis.
Let us analyze in detail the symptoms and methods of treating specific diseases, since the analysis of each of the nonspecific diseases will take a lot of time. once already

When, on a walk in the park, we see a small child with a fluffy animal in his arms, curiosity immediately arises: “What kind of animal is this?” And how surprised we are when we hear in response that it is a rabbit. In our minds, rabbits, then let them go. In fact, there are more than two hundred decorative breeds of rabbits.

Why are decorative individuals needed?

For games

Their purpose is quite clear from the name. Decorative breeds are not intended for breeding for meat or skins. These babies are bred as pets. The variety of species allows each person to choose his favorite. Outwardly, these are cute and cute animals that have not only an attractive appearance, but also a special character.

Yes, yes. Decoratives have their own habits, their own fears or pleasures. In most cases, these are calm but cheerful animals. They do not conflict unnecessarily and respond adequately to external stimuli. But there are also capricious species that require a special approach.

Classification of breeds of decorative rabbits

There are different ones: white, blue, red.

Based on their weight, breeds of decorative individuals are divided into small, medium and large. There is also a classification based on wool. The coat of decorative dogs can be long, short, or normal.

Below are the most popular types of decorative rabbits among hobbyists.


They got their name due to the place where they were bred - the Netherlands. A very peculiar breed, judging by its external color. The back of the body along with the paws have the same color as the ears and part of the muzzle. The unusual thing is that the color of these parts of the body is determined by the color of the eyes. They match. There are white “socks” on the bottom of the hind legs; the rest of the body is also white. If you look at the rabbit from the side, it seems that the body is “halved” by color contrast.

It is considered ancient; similar images date back to the 15th century. Official sources They claim that the breed appeared only in the mid-19th century.

The behavior cannot be called anything other than cute. They are affectionate and have sympathy for small children. They easily get used to a person and communication with him. The weight of the rabbit is about 2-2.2 kg, the color can be any (this means the back part and ears with a muzzle). In total, just over 20 types of colors are recognized (shades of brown, sand, gray, black, blue).

Shorthaired Dwarf (Colored Dwarf)

The name speaks for itself. This is a very small rabbit, its weight ranges from a kilogram to one and a half. The length of the ears is only 5.5 cm. Regarding the color, it is difficult to name a specific color. In total, there are about 6 dozen colors of this species.

The body is quite small, but it is quite strong. The legs and neck are short compared to other ornamental breeds. The animal's fur is soft and shiny. The length of the coat is insignificant, hence the name shorthair. The most popular color is pure white. The white Oto color is popular; in this case, there is one black spot on the pure white body. It frames the eye, has a smooth shape without protrusions or interruptions. Chinchilla, brown, black, blue, sand and other colors are also common.

By their nature, they rarely show aggression. The only time you may notice an unreasonable manifestation of this emotion is puberty. At such a moment, the rabbit may bite. After a few months, the aggression disappears.

Common behavior is curiosity and activity. In addition, they are small in size and beautiful in appearance.

Dutch Fold

The main distinguishing feature of this breed: hanging ears. We are accustomed to the fact that these animals have protruding ears, but from the fold-eared category we bypassed this criterion.

The Dutch Fold's ears are not very long, so they do not drag on the ground, unlike the English Fold. The muzzle of this animal is not elongated and the ears look organic. Of all the lop-eared varieties, the Dutch are the smallest.

The behavior is non-aggressive, the animals are very active, but without unnecessary fuss.

Dwarf ram

These rabbits have medium length fur. This type belongs to the category of lop-eared.

They belong to large decorative breeds, their weight reaches 3 kilograms. They have a stocky body, a beautifully defined back line, and short legs. The back of the body is rounded. The name ram comes from the shape of the head. She has a wide forehead and large eyes, resembling the head of a ram. The wool is soft with undercoat. Various shades of color.

Not very active, very calm. What is noteworthy is that they are practically not afraid of anything, unlike others. Quickly gets used to human society. Unpretentious in content.

Fox dwarf

The main feature of foxes is their long hair. The head has short hair, the rest of the body is covered with abundant hair, the length of which is from 4 to 7 millimeters. The body is stocky, the neck is almost invisible. There is a curly, but short head.

The ears are closely erect, stand straight, have a rounded shape at the ends, the average length is 5.5 cm. The maximum possible length of the ears is 7 cm. The front legs are disproportionately short.

Average weight 1.3 kilograms. The most common colors are three types: brown, agouti, chinchilla. Other shades are also acceptable. The constitution is somewhat similar to the Hermelin breed.
Experts still have not agreed on the nature of these rabbits. Some people come across calm individuals, while others come across restive ones. But their opinion is unanimous on one thing: fox rabbits need careful care.

Lion head

It got its name from the mane that frames its head. It has a long body but short ears. The length of the coat does not exceed an average of 6, maximum 7, centimeters. Some varieties have black rims around the eyes. There are no special criteria for colors; they can be very diverse and unusual. The main difference: small size, low weight, noticeable difference in the length of the hair between the entire body and the head.

Has a very friendly character. You can start it even if you have small children. Affectionate, has a phlegmatic temperament. Happy to take part in children's games. Does not require special conditions for maintenance. Unpretentious. I don't mind walking on a leash.

Angora dwarf

It can easily be confused with an ordinary ball of fur. Because of this feature of the coat, it is difficult to see the eyes or nose. It's all about the long fur. It covers the entire area of ​​the rabbit's body, and the fur on its face is especially thick. If you decide to pet an Angora pet, you will feel pleasant and soft fur under your hand. It feels like cotton wool to the touch.

There is one variety of Angora decorative type. These animals have shorter fur and are much easier to care for. It tangles less. The coat of this breed is smooth and shiny. No more than 5 cm in length.

The body of Angora pets has a cylindrical shape. The head is round, the eyes are shallow-set, the neck is barely noticeable. The ears are short, barely peeking out from behind the fur.

The whole difficulty of caring for Angora rabbits is grooming. Fur requires constant attention. It needs to be combed thoroughly and regularly. If you miss the moment and the fur still gets matted, there is no need to injure the rabbit and try to comb out this lump. Trim any matted fur immediately.

Angora lion

Perhaps this rabbit boasts the longest fur. It is even present on the ears, which is very unusual for rabbits. On the muzzle itself the fur is slightly shorter than on the rest of the body. If you notice that the fur has begun to fall over the animal’s eyes and is preventing him from looking, then the hair needs to be cut. A common color is also “lion” - reddish-brown.

This decorative look has a calm disposition. They do not show causeless aggression. Not fussy, but does not welcome excessive activity.

Pygmy hare

One of the most common ornamental breeds. The body is proportional, slightly elongated torso. There are no special features in the constitution; taken as a whole, the animal looks organic. Distinctive color: white body, on which there are dark (black, blue, brown) inclusions. The same color as the spots, ears, tail, paws. What is noteworthy is that the spots appear some time after birth. The eyes are red.


Dwarf butterfly

She can rightfully call herself one of the most popular in Russia. Even distant residents of our country know what the Butterfly rabbit looks like.

Rabbits are very small in weight, their average weight reaches 1.5 kilograms. The body has the shape of a cylinder. The body is strong, the back line is almost straight, the bend is barely noticeable. The croup has a rounded shape. the head is large. The ears are set close. The ears have a non-pointed, rounded shape at the ends. The Butterfly's claws are transparent.

If we consider the Butterfly’s fur, it must be shiny, this is one of the signs. The most common color for this species is white. Deviations are acceptable, but a symmetrical pattern is required.

The answer to the question is why they were called butterflies. It's all in the drawing. The black wide rims around the eyes are closed. The ears are completely colored black, and there are dots on the cheeks of the same color. Small “wings” are present at the corners of the mouth. What is noteworthy is that on the ears the dark color turns into an even stripe along the spine. There are also 4-6 black spots on the sides. If you notice spots on the chest, belly or paws, then this is a defect.


This type of rabbit is very similar to a squirrel, hence the name. Average in weight and size. It was bred at the beginning of the 20th century, so it is considered relatively young. We got these cuties in Germany.

They have a proportional body, strong. The back is wide. An adult weighs about 4 kilograms, small deviations are acceptable. The belly and lower part of the tail are lighter in color than the rest of the body. The head is small, the eyes are gray.

It is not popular in Russia, but has already found its fans in other countries of the world.

As you can see, even in such a small list of breeds there are noticeable differences. Regardless of your desires, you can choose the rabbit that really suits you. And remember one rule: no matter what type of decorative pet you have, you cannot pick up a rabbit by the ears.

Fold sheep breed
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Dwarf rabbits are very cute and cute animals., you can see this in the photo in the text, so keeping, raising and caring for them will give you a lot of pleasure. Rabbits are very playful animals, they love communication and attention. Compared to , and some other pets, the cost of their and veterinary care is small, and you will get no less joy from communication. What’s very nice is that you can buy a harness for such a fluffy and walk with him outside, at any time, on the nearest lawn or playground. But this is not necessary, there is no need to walk a dwarf rabbit, he will quickly learn to go to the litter box, but walking with him will bring a lot of joy to you and your children. On this page of the website “” we will talk in detail about these animals.

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During your vacation, you can always leave the cage with your pet with friends or relatives, to whom it will not cause much discomfort. Rabbits are very light and easy to transport or move; they feel comfortable in the summer at the dacha. But long-eared animals, like other domestic animals, require communication, education and care. Your pets are prone to minor damage in the house. Therefore, when purchasing a dwarf rabbit, remember that you are taking into your home, first of all, an animal with its own character, personality and habits, and not a soft fluffy toy. Dwarf rabbits live on average 5-7 years, but some can live up to 10-12 years. How long an animal will live depends on the breed, living conditions, and nutrition. If you want to increase the life expectancy of your pet, it is advisable to create conditions for an active lifestyle. It is not recommended to keep your eared cat in a cage all the time. If he lives in an apartment, it is advisable to let him out to “graze” for at least one hour a day.

When buying a small rabbit, you must follow certain rules. A young animal must be at least 45 days old; without experience, you should not take a very small fluffy one. The baby should be vaccinated against myxomatosis and VGBK, and before them, worms should be expelled. Find out if your rabbit may have hereditary problems. If you see a baby huddled in a corner, ruffled, sad and clearly unhealthy, then it is better to refrain from such a purchase. A good indicator of the health of a dwarf rabbit is its bright and shiny fur. What else can you pay attention to? One of the main signs of a healthy rabbit is a clean nose and eyes. Also, the ears should be clean, neat, without ulcers or scratches, without seals or scabs. If the baby shakes his head or constantly scratches them, this is a clear sign of a tick.

Caring for dwarf rabbits

Dwarf rabbit
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A cage for any dwarf rabbit must be at least 70 cm in length. At the bottom, as bedding, compressed sawdust or hay with a layer of 3-5 cm is best suited. The house must be placed in a place protected from drafts and cold. It is recommended to use a heavy feeder; a ceramic one is best, since rabbits have a tendency to turn everything over. You can hang a hanging feeder. Your pet should always have fresh water. Automatic drinking bowls for rodents, with a ball, are very convenient. The bedding on the floor of the cage must be changed at least 2 times a week.

A dwarf rabbit grows quickly, so immediately buy a large cage, four times larger than the baby rabbit. The cage should allow the grown rabbit to lie down at its full length and stand on its hind legs. In addition, there should be space in the cage for the rabbit’s house, because he needs a break from everyone, for a litter box, a manger for hay and a water bottle. The cage is purchased with a plastic tray, not a lattice one. The rabbit's paws are not adapted to the mesh. The automatic drinker is attached to the bars of the cage.

Dwarf rabbits are extremely sensitive to stuffiness, direct sunlight, and overheating. High air humidity, drafts, dampness, and high levels of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and carbon dioxide in the air are harmful to them. The optimal temperature for these animals is +18-20 degrees.

Young fold ram
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Rabbits have a certain intelligence. When living for a long time in the family of one owner, they are happy to be handled and know their name. They love to be stroked on the back, on the head and are nervous when taken by the chin. These animals are active at night and hide in the house during the day until 16-17 hours. They should not be disturbed during the daytime.

It is not recommended to bathe your pet frequently. You only need to wash him in emergency cases, for example, when he has diarrhea or is hot. If such a need arises, then a special shampoo for domestic rabbits, purchased at a pet store, is best. The dwarf rabbit cleans its own fur well. If you do bathe the baby rabbit, protect it from drafts, as their coat is thick and takes a long time to dry. Long-haired animals need to be combed to prevent tangles from appearing. When letting your pet go for walks around the apartment, you need to close windows and doors to avoid drafts and your rodent escaping. At this time, carefully monitor the animal so that it does not get injured.

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Dwarf rabbits have their own characteristics of the digestive system, which must be kept in mind when preparing their diet. Having a small single-chamber stomach and high speed digestion, animals are forced to constantly feed the body, so they eat up to 30 times a day, and young animals twice as often. This must be taken into account in order to give the animal food in accordance with its needs.

It is necessary to provide the rabbit with hay at all times; this is the main type of food. If the animal is reluctant to eat dry hay, try lightly moistening it with salted water or sprinkle it with flour. Also, for an adult dwarf rabbit, twigs are placed daily in the cage for eating bark and leaves (birch, linden, apple, raspberry, rowan, pear, etc.). Pet stores sell complete food for decorative rabbits by age, which contain all the necessary components. Give them to the animal 2-3 tbsp. spoons per day, preferably at night. Additionally, you can give your pet grains - oats, barley, legumes, soaked or boiled. Do not give sweet mixtures of dried fruits, do not treat sweet, spicy, or salty foods at all.

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These rodents love fresh grass. Try to provide them with this food, especially in summer period. You can collect meadow and wild herbs; alfalfa, plantain, nettle, dandelion, burdock, sow thistle, yarrow, mouse peas, and quinoa are suitable. Give some herbs, such as sweet clover or clover, in limited quantities. Before collecting grass for your pet, check the list of poisonous herbs and plants so you don't accidentally feed him henbane or buttercups.

From succulent food, dwarf rabbits are given boiled potatoes, carrots, turnips in raw and boiled form, a little bit of beets and cabbage. You can feed young corn on the cob. Rabbits eat apples with appetite. Divide the fruit into four parts, remove the seeds and place them in a cage. Do not leave spoiled food in the cage; the food must be fresh. Overfeeding rodents with green food can upset digestion, in which case it is better to reduce the amount of such food.

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Bone meal, mineral stone, and pressed chalk are used as mineral additives. Another feature of the rabbit’s body is that it eats its own droppings. This is the animal's need, because... droppings slow down the rate of food digestion by 20% and, accordingly, increase its digestibility. In addition, this is a source of vitamins, so don’t worry if you see your baby picking up his own “peas,” he’s just helping his body.

Two males should not be kept in the same cage; when they grow up, they will definitely start fighting. But two females, and sometimes even three, if the cage is spacious enough, get along well together, though only if raised together. They even have more fun, and in winter they will keep warm by cuddling up to each other. It is best to buy sisters from the same litter. Rabbits that are unfamiliar with each other should be placed in the same cage before they are 10 weeks old, but you still need to carefully monitor them so that they do not quarrel. A male and a female can be kept together, but then they will constantly mate and produce offspring, which is not very good for the health of the female.

Reproduction of dwarf rabbits

The main biological feature of domestic dwarf rabbits is the high intensity of reproduction. This is a prolific animal - the female rabbit brings up to 12-16 or more cubs, and feeds them well for 30-45 days. Females can give birth at any time of the year. She can become fertilized even on the 2nd day after giving birth. Thanks to the short period of intrauterine development, a healthy mother can give birth up to 6-9 times a year.

The female rabbit, ready for mating, changes; she rakes up the bedding and often even makes a nest. For mating, the female rabbit must be placed with the male, and not vice versa. A rabbit, placed in a cage with a female rabbit, first of all studies the new environment, and is not interested in the female. Early maturity is an important feature of these animals. At the age of 6 days, the baby rabbit doubles its weight, and by 30 days of age it increases its initial live weight by 10-12 times. Rabbits grow most intensively up to 4 months of age and by this time reach the size of almost adult animals, about 80% in length. Weight increases until 6 months of age and by this time reaches 81-87% of the mass of adults. At 8 months of age, growth ends.

White dwarf rabbits
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Dwarf rabbits are born completely helpless: hairless, blind and deaf. But from the day they are born, they have well-developed senses such as smell and balance. The sense of taste is not fully developed, but they can already distinguish sweet and sour well. The hair on their body begins to grow at about a week of age, and after 14 days the hairline is already quite well developed. The eyes of baby rabbits open and they begin to see on the 12th - 14th day of life. Grown-up animals begin to leave the nest most often at the age of about 3 weeks and older. From now on, they can feed on their own. Young dwarf rabbits are separated from their mother when they reach 8 weeks of age.

Breeds of dwarf rabbits

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Ram. This is probably one of the most popular and unpretentious breeds of dwarf rabbits. In young individuals of this breed, the ears initially stand up straight, like in ordinary animals, but later they droop, and for some time one ear can be erect and the other drooping. Individuals of this breed are unpretentious in maintenance, feeding and care. See photos and details.

Rex. The first short-haired rabbits appeared in 1919 in France. For their unique and highly valuable fur, these rabbits were called “Castor Rex” or the king of beavers. Their red-brown fur color is similar to that of a beaver, and because of the quality of their skin, which is similar to that of a chinchilla, they are called kings. Short-haired rabbits have low hair, with guard and down hairs of almost the same length, almost half as long as in ordinary animals. The underdeveloped mustache is interesting: (photos and details at the link) they are much smaller than usual, and in most cases are curved. At an early age, Rex can be distinguished from dwarf rabbits of other breeds only by its mustache. When this species is crossed with ordinary ones in the first generation, the skins of all the rabbits do not resemble Rex.

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Lion's head. For the first time, a breed of rabbits (photos and details at the link) was bred in Belgium. However, despite this, currently this breed is not a separate species in many countries of the world. But, nevertheless, in Russia this cute and charming pet has gained enormous popularity throughout the country among adults and children. It is not difficult to notice that this type of rabbit received its name precisely because of its appearance, since its head very much resembles the head of a lion. A fluffy and soft mane grows around the entire muzzle, thereby forming a kind of “frill” around the head. However, most experts believe that this breed is nothing more than a cross between short-haired and fluffy rabbits.

Colored dwarf rabbit(photos and details at the link) appeared in Holland around 1920-1930. In fact, these are the offspring of colored counterparts of Polish rabbits. In their structure, as well as in appearance, they are very similar. This breed is derived from red-eyed Polish rabbits crossed with wild animals. Initially their color was light gray. Around 1945-1950, a black variety of this breed appeared, and then, one after another, all sorts of colors began to appear. The most important distinctive features This breed has a small, short and strong body, a very short neck, short legs, and a dense hindquarters. Short ears, only 5-6 cm long, are also characteristic. The animals have a soft, short, shiny coat. The main shades of this breed are: hare, light grey, dull grey, brown grey, grayish blue, black, brown, blue, yellow, orange and chinchilla.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 6 minutes


Rabbits have been used as pets for a long time, and not only for the purpose of obtaining meat or skins from them. Decorative and industrial rabbits most often differ in their size. Keeping decorative rabbits does not require special costs and effort, since these animals are unpretentious. Next, we will look at the most popular breeds of decorative rabbits.

Many people are interested in the question: how long do decorative rabbits live at home? Such animals live on average 6 years, however, if they are provided with proper conditions and good care throughout their lives, as well as fed properly, they can live up to 12 years.

Decorative rabbits vary in size and are very diverse in appearance.

How to care for a decorative rabbit is the topic of a separate article, but now we will figure out what kinds of decorative breeds of these pets there are?

Short-haired dwarf rabbit

Another name is colored dwarf. These domestic animals are similar to ordinary wild rabbits in their physique, but are much smaller in size. Their body is stocky and its shape is cylindrical. The head shape is round, the ears are small, about five and a half centimeters long. These babies weigh approximately one kilogram.

A distinctive feature of such rabbits is almost 60 possible types of color, the main ones being brown, gray and chinchilla. The coat is smooth and shiny. The most beautiful are considered to be snow-white dwarf rabbits with spots around the eyes. Pure white, without the slightest shade of other colors, rabbits of this breed are very rare. Breeding them at home is quite simple, and the little rabbit will delight you with its funny appearance and behavior.

Dutch dwarf rabbit

As the name suggests, these little rabbits were bred in Holland. Outwardly, they are also similar to their larger counterparts. A characteristic feature of the color of this breed is a different color of fur in the eye area, ears and on the back of the body. The main color is usually white. They are also characterized by peculiar “stockings” on their paws. These crumbs weigh from five hundred grams to one kilo. Occasionally one and a half kilogram individuals are found. The most common colors are grey, brown, black and blue. Keeping these rabbits at home is a pleasure.

Angora dwarf rabbit

Outwardly, these fluffies look like lumps of fur, in which it is difficult to even see the face and eyes. The length of the coat on the body is longer, but the hair on the head is fluffier. The fur of this decorative breed comes in two types:

  • longer fur is pleasant to the touch, somewhat reminiscent of cotton wool in its softness. Such animals require careful care; they need to be constantly combed. If you find tangles or matted wool, they need to be cut off immediately. When buying a rabbit with such fur, remember that it will take a lot of time to care for it;
  • The shorter fur of Angora babies is shiny and smooth, no more than five centimeters long. It is much easier to care for such rabbits, since their fur hardly mats.

The ears of Angora dwarf rabbits are short and erect. The breed standard considers the ideal length to be 6 centimeters. The shape of the head is round, the neck is almost invisible. The body shape is cylindrical, the bones are light but strong.

The Angora can be immediately recognized by its extreme fluffiness. These rabbits require careful care of their fur at home.

Fox dwarf rabbits

Another name for such rabbits is dwarf fox. This breed is a long-haired animal. The coat of the head is smooth, and the coat of the body is longer, as if covering the body with a cloak. The length of wool fibers is from four to seven millimeters. The physique is stocky, the neck is almost invisible. The head, although short, is quite large. The ears are erect, close-set, and rounded at the ends.

The standard considers their ideal length to be five and a half centimeters. Although a deviation of up to seven is allowed. Ears longer than 70 millimeters are considered a breed defect. The front legs are very short. The optimal weight is between a kilogram and one and a half. The main colors of the suit are agouti (the color of a gray hare), chinchilla and brown.

"Lion" decorative rabbits

These breeds include:

  • angora lion;
  • lion's head.

Angora lion

The female rabbit or rabbit of this species is distinguished by a long coat of hair, which even covers the ears of the animal. Fur often grows in the eye area, preventing the rabbit from seeing. In such cases, it must be carefully cut off.

Lion head

As the name suggests, the face of these rabbits is somewhat reminiscent of a lion's face. A sort of “miniature lions”. The mane around the muzzle gives them a very sweet appearance.

The body of these animals is small, but quite stocky. Average weight – 1.2 kilograms. The shape of the small head is round, the ears stick up and straight. The legs are short, but very strong.

Angora lions are more difficult to care for than lion head rabbits, since the latter have hair in the mane area that does not roll into tangles.

The dwarf lop-eared rabbit has a very original appearance. A distinctive feature is their drooping ears, which make them cute and touching creatures. Due to the fact that these rabbits are not as timid as other breeds and quickly get used to their owners, the lop-eared ram is one of the most popular decorative breeds. Some believe that their reduced fearfulness is due to the fact that they have worse hearing than their relatives with protruding ears.

Rabbit breed lop-eared ram

The dwarf lop-eared sheep rabbit is larger than those listed above. They can weigh up to three kilograms.

The body constitution is stocky, with a beautiful back line, rounded at the back. The paws are small, their thickness is medium. This breed got its name because of the external resemblance of the head of rabbits to that of a lamb (dangling ears, wide forehead and large eyes). The ears, covered with fur, hang down, at their base there is a thickening resembling a crown, the tips of the ears are rounded.

The coat is thick, but not hard, with a rather thick undercoat. The color can vary within a very wide range: white, gray, black, blue and even yellow.

Dwarf rabbit Rusak

Also a very popular breed of pet. Distinctive feature her eye color is red. The main color is white, with dark fur on the ears, paws and tail. The color of the spots can vary: black, brown and, imagine, blue.
In newborn rabbits, dark spots are almost invisible. They are formed over time. The most popular color of spots is black. These rabbits used to be called "burning nose" rabbits.

Quite rare, but very beautiful breed. The main coat colors are black and bright brown. The texture of the wool itself is shiny and soft. The appearance of these animals is characterized by clearly colored nostrils and eyes, as well as the abdominal area, chest area and edging of the ears. Weight – no more than three kilograms. The physique is strong, the head is small. The length of the ears does not exceed 10 centimeters.

Dwarf Rex rabbits

"Rex" means "king" in Latin. Such a loud name of the breed speaks of its wide popularity. In another way, these animals are also called “teddy animals”. These are short-haired decorative rabbits. Externally, their coat looks like velvet (or plush). If you stroke them and crush the hairs, they immediately return to their original position. The unusual structure of the hair leads to the fact that these rabbits suffer from skin diseases more often than others, since the protective function of their skin is reduced. Rexes look very graceful and elegant.

At first glance, it’s even hard to believe that their weight can reach up to four kilograms.

The body is elongated, the body shape is cylindrical. The head is slightly elongated. The eyes are big. The ears are set at an angle of 45 degrees, the hind legs are larger than the front legs. A characteristic feature of these animals is the weak development of their whiskers.

Character – calm, even phlegmatic.


Another name is Polish rabbit. Very popular in England and Scandinavian countries. In our country, hermelins are very rare. This is the smallest of all ornamental breeds. Their weight is always less than one kilogram. The color is snow-white, the eyes are either blue or red. This combination makes them look like living toys.

The body structure is elegant and fit. The length of the tight-fitting coat is no more than two millimeters. The head is large and ovoid. The ears are very thin and erect.

Hermelines have a very negative attitude towards heat, so when they are kept at a temperature environment need to be monitored carefully.

The character is quite complex, as they say, “on your own mind.” It is not recommended for beginning rabbit breeders to keep these rabbits at home.

Rabbits - dwarf butterfly

A breed with a very interesting color. These animals owe their name to their resemblance to the outline of a butterfly.

Average weight – from one to 1.8 kilograms. The body shape is cylindrical, with a beautiful back line and a rounded back. The head is large. The ears are protruding, close set, rounded at the tips.

Rabbit Dwarf Butterfly

According to the breed standard, the fur of such rabbits must be shiny. Lack of shine is a rock defect. The main part of the body is white, although two or three color combinations are allowed (white-black or white-black-yellow). The unique pattern located on the coat must be symmetrical. The pattern on the head consists of several elements:

Breeds of decorative rabbits attract people with their amazingly cute appearance, beauty and kindness. They do not rush at people and behave calmly even around children. That is why they are often bred at home as ornamental animals. In principle, you can keep any breed of rabbits in the house, but those that are considered decorative, also known as dwarf rabbits, are the most preferable.

What's so great about the Dwarf Ram?

The hanging ears of the decorative rabbit of the Dwarf Ram breed immediately attract the attention of animal lovers. Such pets become the soul of family comfort and the center of attention at any children's party. True, the ears do not immediately become floppy. Initially, individuals are born with erect ears, and only by 3 weeks do they begin to gradually droop.

The wool of Dwarf Rams is plush and of medium length. Dense and soft, the color can be different, there are a lot of color varieties. The body is squat, the weight of such a rabbit can reach up to 2 kg with normal feeding. A feature of the breed, in addition to drooping ears, is their length, reaching 25 cm! This is a rare indicator for dwarf breeds.

The last thing worth mentioning is character. He is easy-going, calm, simple, friendly to everyone. Such a pet will get along without problems not only with people, but also with other animals and even birds.

Rex rabbits

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The Dwarf Rex is an amazing creature, primarily striking for its fur. It is almost 2 times shorter than that of ordinary individuals, but just as plush, soft and shiny.

This breed of decorative rabbits has a strong bone structure and an almost round head. Erect ears, shortened paws and neck. Eye color can be any, just like coat color. Natural weight reaches 1 kg, but no more.

The character is usually calm, but it all depends on the situation. The rabbit will not allow itself to be tormented, so it is not worth giving it to small children who have not yet learned how to behave with animals, but you can pet Rex with the children. They love children, they just can't stand being mistreated.

Fox dwarf rabbits are very cute, kind and quiet, although there are also very active individuals. They are very demanding in terms of care; they need not only proper feeding and cleanliness, but also attention.

The body of these decorative breed rabbits is strong and small. The head is rounded, slightly elongated, the neck, paws and erect ears are short, the eyes are bulging, round and large. Normal weight is up to 1.5 kg; if the animal weighs more, then it is worth adjusting its diet.

The fur is long, so the rabbit needs regular brushing. There are different colors, but the most popular variations are red (like a fox).

What are the characteristics of Hermelin rabbits?

Rabbits of the Hermelin breed are among the most beautiful. They have a rounded head, red or blue slightly bulging eyes, and small erect ears. The body is small but strong, the legs and neck are very short.

The coat is medium length and only white! Weight can reach up to 1 kg. As for character, Hermelins have a friendly and calm disposition; “fighting” individuals are very rare.

The short-haired dwarf rabbit, or as it is more often called the Colored Dwarf, has a variegated fur color, which attracts attention. The color variety of this breed of decorative rabbits is enormous! There are individuals black and white, blue, yellow, red, Siamese, agouti, purple with different shades and a mixture of tones.

The colored dwarf comes from Holland, where it was bred from Polish colored rabbits, which they are very similar to. The physique is strong, although the rabbit itself looks very small. It has short legs, ears, neck and a massive hindquarters. The ears stand straight on the round head. The eyes are bulging and large, like in principle all decorative rabbits. The weight of individuals rarely exceeds 1.5 kg, and even then such a weight can only be observed in males. Females are much smaller - up to 1 kg.

The coat is of medium length - up to 4 cm. The character is soft, but in terms of mobility there is a lot of variety. Some members of the species are quiet, while others are very active. This breed is the most common throughout the world.

What other breeds can be classified as decorative?

Officially on at the moment Only five of the above mentioned types of decorative rabbits are recognized in the world. But there are also unofficial breeds of decorative rabbits that are in no way inferior to their recognized relatives.

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