

1.Economic system, combining elements of market, centrally planned and traditional systems.

2. Science that studies the mechanisms of satisfying unlimited human needs in conditions of relative limited resources.

3. The sphere of free and sustainable exchange of equal goods, services and factors of their production.

4. An economic system in which the ownership of production facts and the distribution of goods and services produced with their help are established on the basis of historical traditions, religious beliefs and customs.

5. The quantity of goods that buyers are willing to purchase on the market at a certain price.

6. Lack of resources to simultaneously and fully satisfy all the needs of all people at any time.

7. A set of individuals living together and providing themselves with everything necessary for life, fully or partially pooling and spending their funds.

8. The means available to humanity to satisfy needs.

9. The proportion of exchange of goods for money, if the price is expressed in money, or alternative cost, if the price is expressed in another product.


1. An economic system in which the bulk of the factors of production are privately owned, and the goods and services produced are distributed through sale at free prices.

2. A feeling of lack of something necessary, desirable or useful.

3. Preference for one of the alternative options.

4. A resource that has economic utility and satisfies a specific need.

5. The right to own, use and dispose of property.

6.Organized commercial enterprise, which is a legal entity.

7.Enterprise surplus remaining at the disposal of enterprises after they have made mandatory payments.

8. Materialized result of production.

9.Part economic science, studying the patterns of behavior of households, enterprises and, in part, the state as consumers and producers, as well as the functioning of markets for goods, services and factors of production.

10. Transformation of resources into economic benefits.

Crossword No. 1 “Economy and economic systems”

Answers to crossword No. 1"Economics and economic systems"

Crossword words:


1. mixed

2. economics

4. traditional

6. limited

7. household

8. resources


1. market

2. needs

5. property

9. microeconomics

Crossword puzzles for social studies 6th grade for the entire school year.

1. Stimulate the cognitive activity of students;
2. Contribute to the creation of a relaxed, creative atmosphere in the classroom.

3. Develop skills and critical thinking skills.

















The group of society into which a person joins after birth

Interior layout or attractiveness

Younger family member

Jewelry box

Dairy product which children love, especially in summer

Basic law of the state

The opposite of sympathy

And morning exercises and a school subject

Crossword on the topic: “Man among people”

1. According to the writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, this is “the only true luxury.”
2. Famous children's writer, author of the book “Timur and his team.”
3. The most important group in children's lives.
4. An example of which simplified idea is the phrase: “All Russian men drink”?
5. They are the basis interpersonal relationships.
6. Formal leader of the school class.
7. Internal disposition towards a person.
8. Deaf and mute people communicate with them.
9. Important quality in interpersonal relationships, helping to avoid conflict.
1. A method of resolving a conflict in which both parties make concessions to each other.
2. The most common type of interpersonal relationships.
3. A level of interpersonal relationships that is stronger than friendship.
4. The famous Soviet announcer who read radio messages during the Great Patriotic War.
5. It is much easier to communicate with them than with older guys.
6. It comes for breaking the rules.
7. The main means of communication.
Horizontal:1. Communication; 2. Gaidar; 3. Family; 4. Stereotype; 5. Feelings; 6. Headman; 7. Sympathy; 8. Gestures; 9. Patience.
Vertical:1. Compromise; 2. Acquaintance; 3. Love; 4. Levitan; 5. Peers; 6. Punishment; 7. Speech.
Crossword "Man and the Law"

1. A lawyer who helps draw up a will or agreement.
2. Its observance is strictly mandatory not only in military service, but also in the classroom.
3. International organization, which adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
4.According to Russian laws the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty by that government agency.
5. The great ancient Greek philosopher, sentenced to death by his own citizens.
6. Without them, human rights turn into permissiveness.
7. “(…) is second nature.” Indicate the missing word.
1. The most important human right, without which other rights are meaningless.
2. The set of rituals that accompany marriage.
3. A Belarusian village destroyed by the Nazis, whose name became a symbol of war crimes.
4. Harassment of passers-by as an offence.
5. Duration military service for Russian conscripts.
6. For committing this crime, criminal liability begins at the age of 14.
7. Rules of behavior mandatory for all citizens.
8. Creator of the Russian regular army and navy.
9. The meaning of the word "taboo".
Horizontal:1. Notary; 2. Discipline; 3. UN; 4. Court; 5. Socrates; 6. Responsibilities; 7. Habit.
Vertical:1. Life; 2. Wedding; 3. Khatyn; 4. Hooliganism; 5. Year; 6. Murder; 7. Laws; 8. Peter; 9. Prohibition.
Crossword “Man and Economy”

1. A remuneration system based on the quantity of products produced by the employee.
2. The main material resource of the average Russian family.
3. The lion's share of your budget Russian families spends on paying for these services.
4. Antonym for the word “wholesale”.
5. Famous Russian book publisher, who has published about 500 million books.
6. The first paper money in Russia.
7. American industrialist and inventor who introduced the conveyor belt into automobile production.
8. “They are not a magnet, but they attract.”
9. This coin got its name in honor of the armed horseman depicted on it.
10. A type of economy in which people themselves produced everything they needed for life, rather than buying it on the market.
11. Economy includes four areas: production, distribution, exchange and (...) Indicate the missing word.
1. Non-monetary exchange of goods.
2. The excess of income from the sale of a product over the costs of its production.
3. The higher it is, the higher the employee’s salary.
4. JSC is an open (...) society. Indicate the missing word.
5. Entrepreneurial activity that generates income.
Horizontal:1. Piecework; 2. Apartment; 3. Utilities; 4. Retail; 5. Sytin; 6. Banknotes; 7. Ford; 8. Money; 9. Kopek; 10. Natural; 11. Consumption.
Vertical:1. Barter; 2. Profit; 3. Qualification; 4. Joint stock; 5. Business.
Crossword “Man and Nature”

1. According to the writer Valentin Rasputin, this word, “which sounds the same in all languages ​​of the world,” “expresses the same thing - an understanding of a universal misfortune that has never before existed on such a scale and severity.”
2. This industry produces huge amount waste hazardous to nature.
3. Everything that is not created by man.
4. They are created in order to preserve flora and fauna.
5. This book talks about animals that we will never see again.
1. German philosopher and humanist who did a lot of good ordinary people and expressed the essence of his teaching in three words: “reverence for life.”
2. If it is not stopped in time, it can destroy not only the forest, but also nearby houses and summer cottages.
3. The thinnest natural layer, without which life on Earth is impossible.
4. A famous Russian artist who painted many beautiful landscapes.
5. A person engaged in illegal fishing or hunting.
6. The most important natural resource, without which a person cannot live and from which he consists.
7. An exhaustible natural resource on which our country lives.
Horizontal:1. Ecology; 2. Chemical; 3. Nature; 4. Nature reserves; 5. Black.
Vertical:1. Schweitzer; 2. Fire; 3. Soil; 4. Shishkin; 5. Poacher; 6. Water; 7. Oil.
Final crossword puzzle for social studies

1. The science of human-human relationships environment.
2. A type of interpersonal relationship, the participants of which are united by common goals, business relations and mutual responsibility.
3. For violating it in class, you can receive a remark in your diary.
4. Feeling of hostility towards a person.
5. Synonym for the word “entrepreneurship”.
6. A means of non-verbal communication.
7. Type of economy in which material goods are produced for sale.
8. The principle of punishment, the essence of which can be expressed by the phrase “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”
9. According to the Russian constitution, this service is the duty and responsibility of Russian citizens.
10. Money that parents give to teenagers for a week (month).
11. Depending on the degree of harm, all violations are divided into crimes and (...) Indicate the missing word.
1. Rules of conduct accepted in society.
2. An important material object, for the purchase of which many families take out a mortgage.
3. Ancient Greek goddess of justice.
4. Its task is to ensure respect for our rights and freedoms.
5. A group of rights that give people the opportunity to participate in elections, hold rallies, and influence the activities of the government.
6. She protects public safety and fights crime.
7. The cost of the product, expressed in money.
8. The country's monetary unit.
9. Cooperation, compromise, adaptation, avoidance are four options for behavior in this situation.
Horizontal:1. Ecology; 2. Partnership; 3. Discipline; 4. Antipathy; 5. Business; 6. Gestures; 7. Commodity; 8. Talion; 9. Military; 10. Pocket; 11. Misconduct.
Vertical:1. Etiquette; 2. Apartment; 3. Themis; 4. State; 5. Political; 6. Police; 7. Price; 8. Currency; 9. Conflict.

Used literature:

UMK ed. L.N. Bogolyubova “Social studies” 6th grade.



1. Inverse indicator of capital productivity. 2. The set of structures, buildings, systems and services necessary for the functioning of sectors of material production and ensuring the living conditions of society. 3. Any activity of people related to the material support of their lives. 4. One of the forms of creating legal entities, which is commercial organization. 5. Property used for business activities, which is the subject of a leasing agreement, implemented within the framework of plans capital investments managed enterprises. 6. Form of education and expenditure cash, intended for financial security tasks and functions state power And local government. 7. The science of the economy as a whole at the state level. 8. ... funds - part of the means of labor used by the organization in the production of products (works, services) for management needs for a period exceeding 12 months. 9. Cash, or material assets received as a result of any activity. 10. The production process considered in continuous movement and renewal. 11. Security document certifying the exclusive right, authorship and priority of an invention, utility model or industrial design. 12. A universal equivalent to the value of other goods or services. 13. A document (agreement) giving the right to perform certain actions. 14. The amount of excess of income over expenses. 15. Monetary value cost of goods. 16. Inclusion of the worn-out part of fixed assets in production costs.

2. Cost reduction fixed assets. 17. Legal entities and individuals, debtors of the organization. 18. Economic enterprise based on joint activities and mutual assistance of members. 19. Indicator of output per value of fixed assets. 20. An individual or legal entity in whose favor an organization must make a payment or perform certain actions. 21. The process of managing the movement and storage of raw materials, components and finished products in economic circulation. 22. An organization that owns one or more enterprises and uses economic resources for the production of goods and provision of services in order to make a profit. 23. Everything a person needs ( to an individual) and organizations (including legal entity) to achieve a goal, to satisfy one’s own needs and the needs of subjects or objects external environment. 24. Totality parent company and controlled by it subsidiaries. 25. ... funds - the amount of funds advanced to create working capital production assets and circulation funds. 26. ... cost - the cost of reproduction of fixed assets in modern conditions. 27. The science of consumers and firms.

Collection of social studies crossword puzzles for 8th grade

Mamaev Oleg Vladimirovich, teacher of history and social studies MCOU "Batkovskaya Basic School", Ryazan region, Sasovsky district, Batki village

Description and purpose:
The collection consists of five crossword puzzles based on materials from all four chapters of the textbook “Social Studies. 8th grade” edited by L.N. Bogolyubov and N.I. Gorodetskaya. The four crossword puzzles correspond to the four chapters of the textbook of the same name: two crossword puzzles consist of 12 words and two of 16 words. The last fifth crossword puzzle is the final one for everything training course and consists of 20 words. Crosswords are intended for social studies teachers and 8th grade students and can be used in various forms in the classroom: to consolidate material studied in class, for individual or collective checking of homework, for conducting tests and intellectual-cognitive activities.
1. Test students’ knowledge of the material studied;
2. Stimulate the cognitive activity of students;
3. Contribute to the creation of a relaxed, creative atmosphere in the classroom.
Crossword “Personality and Society”

1. Three phases of personality development: adaptation, individualization and (...) Indicate the missing word.
2. The student will have to choose one of many in the eleventh grade, and perhaps already in the ninth.
3. Progressive social transformation carried out by state power.
4. The formation of a mature personality is impossible without the development of this system of views.
5. This sphere public life is decisive in relation to the other three.
6. The process of gradual continuous development.
7. Teenagers encounter this agent of socialization almost every day.
1. A society dominated by subsistence agriculture.
2. A person becomes a member of this social group immediately after birth.
3. An individual representative of human society.
4. K. Marx called them “locomotives of history.”
5. The main problem of our time is not terrorism, not environmental pollution, but a blatant social (...) Indicate the missing word.
Horizontal: 1. Integration; 2. Profession; 3. Reform; 4. Worldview; 5. Economics; 6. Evolution; 7. School.
Vertical: 1. Agricultural; 2. Family; 3. Individual; 4. Revolutions; 5. Inequality.
Crossword puzzle “Sphere of spiritual life”

1. The moral principle expressed in the proverb: “After me, at least the grass will not grow.”
2. The older teenagers get, the more they want it, often forgetting about the duties and responsibilities that come with it.
3. It is the opposite of faith and operates not with feelings and intuition, but with facts, laws and evidence.
4. One of the most polysemantic concepts in social science, originally meaning “cultivation, cultivation of the soil.”
5. This word comes from the Latin verb “to bind, to join.”
6. The process of assimilation of knowledge necessary for life and work in modern society.
7. Denial of the existence of God and supernatural forces.
8. A famous foreign physicist who warned the world about the inadmissibility of using nuclear energy for military purposes.
9. This system of values ​​is based on the principle formulated by the ancient Greek author Protagoras: “Man is the measure of all things.”
1. Finish the statement by M. M. Prishvin: “If you judge yourself, you will always judge with bias, either more towards guilt, or towards justification. And this inevitable fluctuation in one direction or another is called (...)"
2. This book states the moral rule: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
3. A moral sense that is instilled in students in the lessons of their native history and local history.
4. The great Polish teacher and children's doctor, who, together with his students, died in a fascist concentration camp.
5. The sixth of the Ten Commandments of Moses prohibits this act.
6. Higher education can be obtained from this educational institution.
7. Four elements general education: preschool – (…) – general basic – secondary general. Indicate the missing word.
Horizontal: 1. Selfishness; 2. Freedom; 3. Science; 4. Culture; 5. Religion; 6. Education; 7. Atheism; 8. Einstein; 9. Humanism.
Vertical: 1. Conscience; 2. Bible; 3. Patriotism; 4. Korczak; 5. Murder; 6. Institute; 7. Initial.
Crossword "Economy"

1. Rivalry of producers in a market economy.
2. Ultimate Goal entrepreneurial activity.
3. It consists of income and consumable parts and is approved once a year.
4. The economic system that existed in the USSR.
5. Trade or industrial enterprise.
6. Complete the statement of the German writer B. Auerbach: “To make a lot of money is courage; saving them is wisdom, and spending them skillfully is (...)"
7. In economics, it creates supply.
8. Lending money by the bank with payment of interest.
9. They are at the core human development and are satisfied with the help of goods.
10. The main means of production in the Ancient World and the Middle Ages.
11. The process of depreciation of money, manifested in the form of rising prices.
12. Without demonstrating this quality, it is impossible to practice entrepreneurial activity.
1. The inevitable companion market economy, especially increasing during periods of crisis.
2. The form of ownership that prevailed in the primitive community.
3. Property right means a set of three rights: possession, use and (...) Indicate the missing word.
4. There are two taxation systems: direct and (...) Specify the missing word.
Horizontal: 1. Competition; 2. Profit; 3. Budget; 4. Team; 5. Company; 6. Art; 7. Demand; 8. Credit; 9. Needs; 10. Earth; 11. Inflation; 12. Initiative.
Vertical: 1. Unemployment; 2. Public; 3. Order; 4. Indirect.
Crossword " Social sphere»

1. One of the ways to increase social mobility, typical for young women.
2. A common form of deviant behavior in our country.
3. Complete the triad: tribe - nationality - (...)
4. Home social group in children's lives.
5. Age group from 13 to 30 years.
6. Social mobility, associated with a change in position within the same stratum.
1. Today it largely determines social status person, which is why it is so important to study diligently.
2. The second largest people in Russia.
3. A large group of people united by a common culture, language and identity.
4. Deep social conflict within a particular society.
5. Social gender of a person.
6. Large social group occupying specific place V economic structure society.
Horizontal: 1. Marriage; 2. Alcoholism; 3. Nation; 4. Family; 5. Youth; 6. Horizontal.
Vertical: 1. Education; 2. Tatars; 3. Ethnicity; 4. Revolution; 5. Gender; 6. Class.
Final crossword puzzle for social studies

1. A society whose economy is dominated by large-scale machine production.
2. Rules of behavior adopted in society in accordance with its ideas about good and evil.
3. Financial institution providing the loan.
4. Social mobility associated with a person’s advancement up the steps of the social ladder.
5. Four main spheres of society: economic, social, political and (...) Indicate the missing word.
6. The most ancient form of culture, inextricably linked with faith.
7. A large group of people united by a common culture, language and identity.
8. The state budget is formed from them.
9. In the USSR, it controlled the entire process of production and distribution of material goods.
10. Form of ownership characteristic of a market economy.
11. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, it is “the primary environment where a person must learn to do good.”
12. Product of labor produced for sale.
13. Complete the statement of Charles Darwin: “The most powerful feature of the difference between man and animal is moral feeling or (...)”
1. Many young men will become acquainted with this agent of socialization soon after leaving school.
2. A commercial company created by pooling the funds of its members.
3. Material goods and money used to make a profit.
4. Monetary unit of the state.
5. A person capable of conscious activity as a member of society.
6. The period of life between childhood and adolescence.
7. The economic system dominant in most countries of the world.
Horizontal: 1. Industrial; 2. Morality; 3. Bank; 4. Vertical; 5. Spiritual; 6. Religion; 7. Ethnicity; 8. Taxes; 9. State; 10. Private; 11. Family; 12. Product; 13. Conscience.
Vertical: 1. Army; 2. Joint stock; 3. Capital; 4. Currency; 5. Personality; 6. Adolescence; 7. Market.