

noun, and., used often

Morphology: (no) what? responsibilities, what? responsibilities, (see) what? duty, how? duty, about what? about duty; pl. What? responsibilities, (no) what? responsibilities, what? responsibilities, (see) what? responsibilities, how? responsibilities, about what? about responsibilities

1. Duty They call the rules established by law, norms of behavior that must be observed, fulfilled constantly or in a certain situation by all citizens of a country.

Testifying is a right, not an obligation, of the accused. | Caring for the preservation of historical monuments and other cultural values ​​is the duty and responsibility of all Russian citizens.

2. Universal conscription call the duty of a citizen who has reached a certain age, enshrined in the Constitution, to serve in the ranks of the country's armed forces.

3. Duty you call what you perform, you do at someone’s request, instruction, order, or because you think that you should do it.

The honorable duty of opening the festival was assigned to the famous Italian director Tinto Brass. | I am your friend and it is my duty to warn you against a rash step. | I must fulfill the difficult duty of informing you of the death of your son. | Taking out the trash is one of my many household chores.

4. If you do anything according to duty, which means you are doing it forcedly, against your will.

Don’t do anything without your soul, out of obligation!

5. Duty you name what you do because it is part of your work, service, and is part of the requirements for you professional requirements.

The main duty of the driver is to drive the car, and not to protect you from a possible attack by hired killers. | Protecting the rights of voters is the first duty of a deputy. | You must perform your job duties better. | In camping conditions, maintaining the fire in the fire is the duty of the orderly.

6. Acting someone is a person who temporarily occupies a position without being officially confirmed in it.

Acting head of the department. Acting General Director.

7. If anyone made it a duty something means he was forced to do something, entrusted with doing something.

The director, without hesitation for a long time, charged the security guards with daily cleaning of the territory.

8. If you shift your responsibilities on someone, which means you force him to do something instead of you, to do your work.

Do not shift your responsibilities to others!

Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


See what “duty” is in other dictionaries:

    In a broad sense, a synonym for debt. In philosophy, this concept historically evolved in the meaning of what should be done in general. “Proper” of the Stoics meant “appropriate”, i.e. corresponding to the requirements of nature. Lat. the equivalent of this term is the word... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    RESPONSIBILITY, responsibilities, wives. (book). Something that is subject to unconditional fulfillment by someone, that is necessary for fulfillment according to social demands or internal motives. “Military service in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army represents... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Obligation, duty, position, necessity, duty, calling. Enter into duties. Line of duty. Call of Duty. By doing so, he violated his direct duties. An iron need to obey weighs heavily on him. Depart... ... Dictionary of synonyms

    See Legal duty... Legal dictionary

    DUTY, and, wives. The range of actions assigned to whom n. and unconditional for execution. Rights and responsibilities of citizens. Job responsibilities. Assign to whom n. duties of the chairman. Public o. Acting (i.e. not yet... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    duty- OBLIGATION, duty, obsolete. duty is OBLIGATORY, must OBLIGATORY, indispensable, book. immutable, bookish. rigorous, colloquial reduction indispensable MANDATORY, certainly, outdated. absolutely, colloquially reduction certainly, colloquially reduce... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    English duty; German Aufgabe/Obliegenheit. Moral, social or a legal requirement of socially expected behavior made on an individual or group. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    duty- circle of responsibilities field of activity duty official duties performed functions official - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information Technology in general Synonyms... Technical Translator's Guide

    duty- the obligation is assigned to the passive, movement / transfer to assign the obligation to move / transfer the obligation arises existence / creation, subject, began to fulfill the obligations implementation fulfill the obligation implementation ... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    duty- primary duty serious duty heavy duty grave duty... Dictionary of Russian Idioms


  • Commentary 1st kb 366 art. mouth citizen Sudopr. The duty is shown, M.I. Malinin, Applicable to Article 366. Can they be allowed only in the case when there are legal proceedings? In this case, there are controversial points between the litigants. Due to the controversial nature of this... Category: Humanities Series: Publisher: Book on Demand,
  • Realization of the economic cycle: freedom, duty, responsibility, Nikolai Kamzin, Existentialism reveals ideas about an existing person, revealing meaning, making choices, self-determining, possessing an active subjective essence. In the process of economic... Category:

STUDENT CODE The student has the right:

    Show your own activity in acquiring knowledge and skills using all the school’s capabilities; express your personal opinion and doubts regarding the content of education and upbringing at school.

    Participate in extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

    Represent the school at competitions, shows, competitions and other events in accordance with your capabilities and skills.

    Rest during breaks between lessons.

    Set forth to the class teacher, school director, psychologist, social educator, teachers their problems and receive help, explanations, answers from them.

    Demand respect for your dignity.

    Behavior in and outside of school is assessed separately.

    Choose personally, through parents or persons replacing them, the educational profiles existing at the school.

    Elect and be elected to the school council and school bodies


The student is obliged:

    Make full use of the time allocated for learning, work diligently to enrich their knowledge, systematically prepare for classes at school, and participate in their chosen extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

    Act for the benefit of the school community.

    To behave in a dignified, cultural manner at school and outside of it, takes care of the honor and maintaining the traditions of the school and its authority.

    Show respect for teachers and other school employees, obey instructions and orders school principal, pedagogical council, teachers, as well as decisions of class and school self-government, disputes are resolved only on the principles defined by the school Charter.

    Show respect for adults and peers, resist rudeness and vulgarity; respect other people's views and beliefs, freedom and dignity.

    Takes care of the health and safety of his own life and the lives of his friends: the student does not smoke, does not drink alcoholic beverages, drugs or other intoxicants, he is always clean and tidy.

    Takes care of the aesthetic appearance of the school and tries to keep the school grounds clean and tidy.


    The first principle of self-defense in the city is to choose a safe route, not a short one. Give preference to illuminated, crowded streets. Avoid vacant lots, long fences, dark yards, parks, etc.

    Explore your way home. You should always have multiple movement options. In case someone is following you, you should be able to immediately, without showing fear, turn to an alternate route.

    Another important principle of behavior is not to be afraid. Your step should be firm and springy, your face should be confident, do not flinch from other people’s steps, do not retract your head.

    Late in the evening, try not to travel in public transport; if you get into an empty bus, tram or metro car, choose a seat closer to the driver (persons under 18 years of age are strictly prohibited from appearing on the street after 11 p.m. good reasons unaccompanied by adults).

    Do not walk with an audio player: firstly, you stop hearing surrounding sounds and become distracted, and secondly, the player can attract the attention of a criminal.

    Do not enter an elevator with a stranger, as you risk finding yourself alone with an intruder in a confined space.

    If you are extorted for valuables or money, give it up. Remember: life and health are always more valuable. Immediately after the robbery, contact the police and describe the characteristics of the criminals.

Telephone numbers of special services: 101 – fire protection; 102 – police; 103 – ambulance; 104 – gas service.


1. Human rights are: a) science; b) law; c) a system of activities; d) norms.

2. Why is legal knowledge necessary? a) to expand horizons and improve general culture; b) to know and correctly fulfill their duties, as well as to use their rights in various fields of activity; c) to promote the observance of the rule of law, and thereby justice in our society; d) I find it difficult to answer.

3. Who do you think should inform teenagers first? on legal issues? a) various state legal bodies; b) educational institution; c) teenagers themselves (boys and girls); d) parents.

4. The most important document on the rights and responsibilities of the child is: a) Constitution of the Republic of Belarus; b) UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; c) Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Rights of the Child”; d) Law “On Citizenship of the Republic of Belarus”.

5. If someone interferes with a person’s life, interferes in his personal life, then he: a) has the right to ask law enforcement agencies for protection; b) must defend himself; c) has the right to give any resistance; d) must contact his parents.

6. Which of the following questions would you like to receive more information? a) on labor legislation; b) about criminal legislation; c) about the rights and obligations of citizens; d) on the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Rights of the Child”;

Appendix 4 Didactic material

"Good and bad" Instructions: Identify: 1) the author;

    title of the work (original source);

    name what offenses are described in the poem.

The little son came to his father and the little one asked: What is good and what is bad? The Pope showed the code and answered sternly: Dad: Those who did not respect him were given a lot. Even though you are still small in stature, in any era you must do well and not do poorly. Along the road the boy ran without looking. It’s clear to everyone that he’s a hooligan And, to the grief of dads and moms, he won’t become an uncle. Every citizen remember, every child knows: Red light is necessary for regulations. Whoever loved the green light, look, son, lived to be a hundred years old. Well done, grandpa! In the gateway around the corner, young people are crowding. Glasses are clinking and there is a column of smoke - who is having so much fun? Someone lay down in a puddle to rest with his girlfriend. He became like a pig, a boy, and his girlfriend was a pig. It’s bad if you have one-sided views in your leisure time, Pour juices for good friends! Here's some smart guy, not tall. He stole your wallet - that's very bad! If you want to get an excellent salary, then you can use secondary employment. The boy went out onto the balcony (he went out to breathe). He immediately heard obscene language. The boy was studying the code, the little one bent down, showed a threatening finger and answered: “Bad”! Everyone must speak in a decent language. And then we will live in an excellent society! Answer:

    poet Vladimir Mayakovsky;

    poem “What is good and what is bad”;

    a) violation of traffic rules;

b) drinking alcoholic beverages and being drunk in a public place (administrative violation); c) obscene language in a public place (administrative violation).



    Sexual intercourse using physical violence, threats or taking advantage of the victim's helpless state (rape).

    Quarrel accompanied by mutual beatings (fight).

    Behavior that shows clear disrespect for society, for

human dignity, extreme outrage (hooliganism).

    Theft of a vehicle (hijacking).


    Demanding the transfer of property or rights to it under threat of violence

over the person in whose possession the property is located (extortion).

    Open theft of property (robbery).

    Secret theft of personal property of citizens (theft).

    Intentional or reckless deprivation of human life (murder).

    Armed attack with intent to rob, murder (robbery).

"Rebuses" Solve puzzles on the topic "Your rights." Every child has the right to... Answers: life, name.


Instructions: The questions and suggested answer options are read out, each participant is asked to choose an answer and raise the corresponding letter. 1. A generally binding rule, something that is recognized as mandatory: a) a theorem; b) law; c) normal. 2. International treaty; the most important international act in the field of human rights: a) article; b) convention; c) agreement. 3. The fundamental law of the state, government structure: a) decree; b) decree; c) constitution.

    A certain range of actions assigned to someone and unconditional for execution:

a) duty; b) right c) responsibility. 5. Type of action contrary to legal norms: a) dispute; b) disagreement; c) offense.

    6. The measure of influence on the one who committed the offense, crime:

a) punishment: b) encouragement: c) condemnation.

"Do you agree..." Instructions: Statements are read out to which participants must give a positive or negative answer by showing a “yes” or “no” sign. Discussion. Statements:

    Each person must be responsible for their actions.

    It is necessary to defend your rights in any way, even if he (she) contradicts the rules and norms accepted in society.

    Only adults can protect children's rights.

    Men are stronger than women because they have more rights.

    Parents must be responsible for raising their children.

    A child under 18 years of age cannot go to court to protect his rights and interests.

"Situation Analysis" Instructions: Situations are read out. Discussion.

    Returning home from school, you see that near your entrance, older guys are pushing your neighbor, a younger boy. Your actions.

    Having opened her wallet, mom discovers that there is a shortage of money and blames you for the loss. You know for sure that you are not to blame. What will you do?

    After a fight at home with your parents, you get dressed and literally “fly” out of the house. After a while you realize that you were wrong. How will you proceed next?

    When entering the bus, you accidentally touch a woman - a bus passenger, as a result of which she speaks negatively about you to the entire bus. What will you do?

    You are often physically abused at home. But you are already quite tired of this. You can't stand it anymore. Your actions.

    Your mother is sick. Having given money, she asked to buy medicine at the pharmacy. On the way to the pharmacy, you meet a friend who came to visit relatives in your city for two days and is leaving tomorrow. He suggests going to the computer salon, playing and chatting. What will you do?

"Collage" Participants are divided into groups. Draw on paper the right: to treatment, to education, etc., and prepare a defense: come up with a story, sing a song, recite a poem, etc. 10 minutes. Discussion (relationship with responsibilities).


Imagine that the word "law" is an acronym. In order to decipher it, it is necessary to select as many words as possible for each letter of the word that characterize this concept. The result may be the following. P decency (in interaction with others, so as not to violate the rights of others); R equality (all people are equal); A activity (in protecting and upholding one’s own rights and interests); IN always, everywhere (respect rights); ABOUT responsibility (for one’s actions and actions), ABOUT duty.

"Make a poem" Groups are asked to create a poem in 5-10 minutes using the end words of each line. ........................... right. .............................. words. ............................. law. ........................... ..theft. ............................... to defend. ........................... protect. ........................... help. …………………….. and live.

“Know and obey the law!” In order not to commit illegal acts, Everyone must certainly know: For petty hooliganism: Obscene language, pestering people, And also for drunkenness, your parents will pay a fine, And they will certainly put you on the register. For slander, insult, intentional bodily harm, the one who did this without reason will incur a fine of up to three basic amounts. We will never tire of reminding parents: The law prohibits teenagers from drinking alcohol. If you encourage children to drink, you will lose your money in vain: A fine of 10 basic units... Isn’t that funny? For committing illegal actions? If you drink alcoholic beverages (including beer) in company, and then you walk down the street with a defiant look, your parents will also have to pay money, so that your son or daughter can be weaned from bad habits more successfully. The law must be followed everywhere and by everyone. This will save you from many problems. It’s nice to live in a law-abiding world. Everything seems simple and clear.

Appendix 5


Appendix 6


    LAW - a document of the country that sets out the rules of conduct

for everyone living in this country.

    CONVENTION is an introduction to an important document, a law.

    DECLARATION is an international document, a law for the countries that signed it.

    THE CONSTITUTION is the main law of the country.

    PREAMBLE – an international document calling on all countries.

    CHILD'S RIGHTS – the conscious responsibility of adults to children for their life, development and vital activity.

    HUMAN RIGHTS – a set of rights and freedoms essential to characterize legal status people, enshrined in the documents of the United Nations.

    RIGHT – a set of established and protected state power norms and rules governing the relations of people in society.

    OFFENSE is a failure to comply with a legal norm, a person’s failure to fulfill a legal obligation, an action or inaction prohibited by a legal norm.

    CRIME – a socially dangerous and guilty action or inaction provided for by criminal law, encroaching on the social system, personality, property, rights and freedoms of citizens, public order. A person who commits a crime is subject to criminal liability and punishment.

    RESPONSIBILITY – fulfillment of social, legal, moral requirements.

    A RESPONSIBLE PERSON is one who controls himself and his behavior.

    CRIMINAL LIABILITY – for breaking laws provided for by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. Since the crime poses the greatest danger to society, the punishment can be up to the death penalty and life imprisonment.

    CRIMINAL LAW is a set of Laws where articles define the degree of crimes and penalties.

    THEFT – secret theft of property;

    seizure of property without the knowledge of the owners or legal representatives.

    ROBBERY – open theft of property;

    theft of property in the presence of the owner.

    ROBBERY – an attack with the aim of taking possession of property, combined with violence dangerous to the life and health of the person attacked or the threat of such violence.

    COMPLICITY – the intentional joint participation of two or more persons in the commission of a crime. The perpetrators themselves, as well as the organizers, instigators and accomplices, are recognized as accomplices to the crime.

    PETTY HOLIGANITY – theft of state or public property in an amount not exceeding 10 times the minimum base amount at the time of the offense entails administrative liability. In the case of personal property, the concept of “petty theft” does not apply.

    HOLIGANITY – committing intentional acts that grossly violate public order or demonstrate clear disrespect for the public.

    INSPECTION FOR JUVENILE AFFAIRS - a police unit involved in the prevention of crime among teenagers: preventing and suppressing illegal actions, identifying the perpetrators and bringing them to justice; individual work with offenders; legal propaganda, etc.

    COMMISSION FOR MINORS – a collegial body created under the city (district) executive committees; serves to coordinate activities government bodies and public associations for the prevention of delinquency by minors; for the device of children and teenagers; consideration of cases of offenses of this category of persons, etc.


    Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the Rights of the Child”.

    Protecting childhood. - Mn.: Ed. Krasiko-Print LLC, 2005.

    Code “On Marriage and Family”.

    Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offences. - Mn., 2007.

    Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

    In the ring with a difficult childhood. - Mn.: Ed. Krasiko-Print LLC, 2002.

    Transitional age. - Mn.: Ed. Krasiko-Print LLC, 2003.

    Subprogram “Children and the Law”.

    Legal erudite. - Mn.: Ed. Krasiko-Print LLC, 2002.

    Program "Children of Belarus".

    Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus - Mn., 2007.

    Falkovich T.A., Vysotskaya N.V., Tolstoukhova N.S. Adolescents of the 20th century. - M., 2007.

1. Methodology for designing a detachment place. 2. Methodology for organizing and conducting the final gathering of the detachment. 3. For three days now, the child has refused to be in the camp, he doesn’t like anything, he doesn’t want anything except to play football... Your actions. 1) Methodology for designing a detachment place. The corner is the place where all information regarding the squad is collected. The design of the corner should correspond to the name of the unit (and the age of the children, of course). The corner can be placed on one sheet of whatman paper, but if possible, it can occupy the entire wall in the hall, or you can even decorate the entire hall in accordance with the name of the unit. In addition to the obligatory content, you can hang absolutely everything that concerns the squad in the corner (For example: drawings after a caricature competition, gratitude, angry sheets, a treasure map after a treasure hunt). Design options can be very different, and are limited only by your imagination: flat, voluminous, sliding, with rotating parts or hanging elements, and you can use anything as a material, not just paper. § The squad corner should preferably completely occupy all the walls in the hall; § Accordingly, you need to try to ensure required quantity paper (for example, draw instead of paper on old wallpaper) and paints; § Of course, it remains mandatory to have all the necessary sections in the squad corner: squad list, name, grid plan, Congratulations, Shame, Today in the squad (which must be filled out every day, especially on commission days). The sections can have any form; § In junior units, it is usually completed on the last night before the deadline, and always all night until the morning (if you manage to draw before the morning, then take your time, draw more carefully, otherwise it will turn out badly); § You cannot apply detachment corners to the wall with glue or even toothpaste, but only with transparent tape, and then at the end of the shift, very carefully tear off the tape from the wall (i.e., so that a piece of this very wall does not come off with the tape); § During the shift, very carefully protect your creation from children and other natural disasters, otherwise, firstly: commissions come at the end of the shift, and, most importantly, at any moment someone may need your squad corner or some part of it -something for the decorations of some camp event or counselor concert. Detachment corners can be different: § colorful and beautiful (as a rule, among junior detachments); § short and concise (for counselors lacking imagination, or for lazy ones); § very original (for example, consisting of the contents of a trash can, creatively stuck on the wall); § very impressive (made using a volleyball net, rope, etc.); § long-drawn (as, for example, some people finish drawing their corners at the end of their shift, although it usually turns out very beautifully); The names of detachment corners can also be different: § simple and mean nothing (such as Brigantine, Eaglet, etc.); § with a hidden meaning (for example: Iknodop - read it backwards); § directly characterizing the detachment (Cast Iron Elka, Blatnye Russula); § very majestic (Libra of Humanity); § as well as names invented by the children themselves (very rarely). Let's consider the process of creating a corner with children approximately 12-14 years old. First of all, you need to decide what it is for. When creating it, many goals are pursued: 1. To begin to unite the squad, identifying the talents of children and involving them in collective creativity on a voluntary (!!!) basis. 2. Decorate the room where the squad gathers. Agree, looking at bare walls is not very interesting. 3. Get a place where you can have an interactive life. 4. Get rid of your superiors (the last thing in importance). Let's go through the mandatory points separately. § Plan for the day - if you follow it, you will be spared the eternal childish question “What are we doing today?” They will know that all the information can be found in the lobby, and there is no need to look for a counselor. § Shift plan - the same, but for long-term planning, so as not to arrange “Zarnitsa” on a bath day. § Congratulations - celebrate the successes of the squad and individuals. § Shame - we hope we won’t have to use this, but it can be used to spur the guilty. You just need to put it in such a way that he doesn’t brush it off. 2. Methodology for organizing and conducting the final gathering of the detachment. 2. Goal and objectives: - summing up the results of the shift experienced by the detachment; - report from children's self-government bodies on the work done; - determining the prospects for further self-development of adolescents. 2. Algorithm for preparing and conducting the final gathering of the detachment: 1. Preparation: - the commander of the detachment conducting the gathering, the press group to record the decision of the gathering; - venues: gathering questions, chairs, table,.. - decoration: gathering questions, posters, diplomas, certificates, surprises... - getting the kids in the mood for a serious conversation with the help of a common song. 3. Collection progress. - The commander (educator) of the detachment reminds about the organizational aspects of the gathering: - why they gathered (goal, tasks); - collection rules; - collection questions (reads out); - collection leaders (F.I.); - press group (to record the decision of the meeting, its composition: F.I.). - Opening remarks educator (commander): - a reminder about the topic of the shift, the conversation at the organizational meeting of the detachment and its decision, the adopted Declaration (Convention, Code of Rules,..); - general camp and squad affairs as an opportunity for the active participation of each teenager in the shift program; - acquisition by every teenager own experience in choosing friends, a team of like-minded people; - choosing your interest, “trying yourself” in preparing and carrying out an interesting activity for your team, club (Union of Like-Minded People,..), everything children's camp . - Discussion of collection issues: - Have you become the creator of your life on shift? (Was life full of events?). - Did everyone manage to prove themselves in the affairs of the detachment? (What did each teenager do for the squad, children's camp?). - Through thorns to the stars or who stood at the helm? - Awarding the best children with diplomas (diplomas, certificates,..). - Summing up the collection: - presenters sum up the general conversation on collection issues; - the press group reads out the decision of the final meeting; - the guys of the detachment make their proposals and approve the decision of the meeting; - parting words from the unit teachers (poems, surprises for the children,..); - final common song. 4. Tips: 1. An example of a solution to the final gathering of a detachment: To achieve a common goal: 1. everyone strived to be worthy of the title “Eaglet”; 2. complied with the laws and traditions of the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok"; 3. Our detachment was friendly, responsible, without conflict; 4. we were active in gaining knowledge, skills, and experience working in a team with friends; 5. Self-government bodies helped us in clearly organizing the life of the detachment: - detachment commander (full name); - member of the Strategic Council (full name); - active guys of the squad (full name),.. 2. Possible questions of the final gathering could be: I. - The formula for our success. - Together we built, built, and finally built it! - Have our dreams come true? - Together we discovered worlds (This world was invented by us!) - In the camp we made a fairy tale ourselves. Julia 2. Methodology for organizing and conducting the final gathering of the detachment. 2. Goal and objectives: - summing up the results of the shift experienced by the detachment; - report from children's self-government bodies on the work done; - determining the prospects for further self-development of adolescents. 2. Algorithm for preparing and conducting the final gathering of the detachment: 1. Preparation: - the commander of the detachment conducting the gathering, the press group to record the decision of the gathering; - venues: gathering questions, chairs, table,.. - decoration: gathering questions, posters, diplomas, certificates, surprises... - getting the kids in the mood for a serious conversation with the help of a common song. 3. Collection progress. - The commander (educator) of the detachment reminds about the organizational aspects of the gathering: - why they gathered (goal, tasks); - collection rules; - collection questions (reads out); - collection leaders (F.I.); - press group (to record the decision of the meeting, its composition: F.I.). - Opening speech by the teacher (commander): - a reminder of the topic of the shift, the conversation at the organizational meeting of the detachment and its decision, the adopted Declaration (Convention, Code of Rules,..); - general camp and squad affairs as an opportunity for the active participation of each teenager in the shift program; - each teenager acquires his own experience in choosing friends, a team of like-minded people; - choosing your interest, “trying yourself” in preparing and carrying out an interesting activity for your team, club (Union of Like-Minded People,. .), the entire children's camp. - Discussion of collection issues: - Have you become the creator of your life on shift? (Was life full of events?). - Did everyone manage to prove themselves in the affairs of the detachment? (What did each teenager do for the squad, children's camp?). - Through thorns to the stars or who stood at the helm? - Awarding the best children with diplomas (diplomas, certificates,..). - Summing up the collection: - presenters sum up the general conversation on collection issues; - the press group reads out the decision of the final meeting; - the guys of the detachment make their proposals and approve the decision of the meeting; - parting words from the unit teachers (poems, surprises for the children,..); - final common song. 4. Tips: 1. An example of a solution to the final gathering of a detachment: To achieve a common goal: 1. everyone strived to be worthy of the title “Eaglet”; 2. complied with the laws and traditions of the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok"; 3. Our detachment was friendly, responsible, without conflict; 4. we were active in gaining knowledge, skills, and experience working in a team with friends; 5. Self-government bodies helped us in clearly organizing the life of the detachment: - detachment commander (full name); - member of the Strategic Council (full name); - active guys of the squad (full name),.. 2. Possible questions of the final gathering could be: I. - The formula for our success. - Together we built, built, and finally built it! - Have our dreams come true? - Together we discovered worlds (This world was invented by us!) - In the camp we made a fairy tale ourselves. II. - Everything was in our hands. - Our goal is to do something you like! - We built an interesting bright life! - There was a common cause for everyone! - Our path of useful and good deeds. - Have we succeeded and have our opportunities come true? III. -Who led the way? - During my shift, I did it myself... - We chose, we were chosen, what did we stand for as a result? - Was there something to everyone’s liking? - Who, if not me! Why, if not us? 3) . For three days now, the child has refused to be in the camp, he doesn’t like anything, he doesn’t want anything except to play football... Your actions. create conditions for success and organize forms of interaction between children that correspond to their gender, age, and interests. Rely on immediate problems and use them to attract guys to the cause. As a rule, such children selectively participate in some activities. Let them choose. Support them when they decide to be active. If a child plays well, then he can be singled out, i.e. you can arrange a football competition and award a certificate TICKET No. 16

Quiz lesson

Legal knowledge on the Convention on the Rights of the Child

For grades 5-6

Objective of the lesson: introduce students to the fundamental rights of the child as proclaimed in the Convention on the Rights of the Child; contribute to the formation of an understanding of the main legal documents: “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, form the concepts of “Rights”, “Responsibilities”; fostering tolerance, mutual understanding and equality.

Lesson objectives:

· introduce children to the history of the emergence of legal documents and their significance in a child’s life;

· by example literary works familiarize yourself with the articles of the Convention;

· show the unity of rights and responsibilities;

· expand the legal knowledge of students, develop the ability to apply them in practice;

· bring up legal identity, respect for the rights of another person.

Methods: conversation, group work, work with a source, interactive game, quiz.

Required equipment: text of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Lesson progress:

Organizational moment

Today we have an important conversation about what a person needs: both an adult and a child, so that our life is fair and therefore joyful and happy, about rights and responsibilities. Updating knowledge

There is a box wrapped in gift paper on the table.

Imagine that the box contains something very desirable, but forbidden. The box must not be opened! Now each of you, with gestures, without words, will show how he would act in relation to this object and what he imagined in this box.

(Children take turns coming up and showing, then each reveals his “secret” - he tells what exactly he imagined and what he tried to portray with his movements)

Guys, did you want to see what's in the box?

Why didn't you unfold the paper? (Was rule– don’t take it)

- What other word can you say? (Law)

- What law do all the children of the world have?

Teacheropens the box and takes out book Convention on the Rights of the Child.

- Our task today is to learn about the basic laws by which you live.

A long time ago, thousands of years ago, people appeared on Earth. At the same time, major questions emerged.

  1. What can people do and what can't they do?
  2. What are they obligated to do and what are they not obligated to do?
  3. What are they entitled to and what are they not entitled to?

Game "Black Shoelaces": The teacher invites those who:

Considers himself attentive;

- ... sociable;


-... happy.

Teacher: as you can see, we are all different, but one way or another we have to find a common language, respect the opinions of other people, and be tolerant of others.

Teacher: On November 20, 1989, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child - this important document regulating the protection of children's rights around the world. The Convention is not a list of children's rights, but a list of the obligations that states have assumed to protect these rights.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is a document on the rights of the child, consisting of 54 articles, each of which describes a specific right. The Convention recognizes as a child a person under 18 years of age if, according to the laws of the country, the age of majority does not occur earlier.

When a country signs this Convention, it accepts the responsibility to provide these rights to all children without exception. On at the moment most countries have signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child (our country acceded to this document on July 13, 1990).

Interactive game:

The very best."

The teacher asks to name one quality of the neighbor on the right, something that makes him noticeable and attractive.

The teacher asks: who disagrees with the opinion of another?

Teacher: even if we disagree, we must be tolerant. The Convention on the Rights of the Child also speaks about this: States parties undertake to respect the right of the child to preserve his or her individuality (Article 8).

Students are asked to find answers to questions in the text of the Convention. the following questions:

1. Why is it so important to protect the rights of the child? (“the child, due to his physical and mental immaturity, requires special protection and care, including appropriate legal protection, both before and after birth”).

2. Why is the Convention needed? (in all countries there are children living in extremely difficult conditions, such children need special attention; for the protection and harmonious development of the child; to improve the living conditions of children in every country).

If only a few students are actively participating in a discussion and the rest are silent, the teacher can activate the rest. There are various techniques for this:

Carousel – participants express their opinions in a circle (as they sit), but no more than 3-4 minutes.

Quiz. (class is divided into groups)

Questions of the 1st round. "Me and the Right"

■ The country where the person was born and raised. Answer: Motherland, Fatherland.

■ Our Motherland - Russian Federation. What does the word "Federation" mean?

Answer: Union, association.

■ The most important city in each country. Answer: Capital.

■ A person who loves his homeland. Answer: Patriot.

■ On what continent is Russia located? Answer: Eurasia.

■ What is the name of the fundamental law of the country? Answer: Constitution.

■ A resident of our state who has rights and fulfills responsibilities. Answer: Citizen.

■ A person who has received the right to power from the people. Answer: President.

■ What state symbols do you know? Answer: Flag, coat of arms, anthem.

■ What is the name of a symbol image that shows the historical traditions of a city, state, family, individual? Answer: Coat of arms.

■ What do the three colors of the Russian flag mean? Answer: White denotes purity of aspirations, blue - the will to peace, red - the willingness not to spare one’s blood in defending the Motherland.

■ What are the rules that the state sets called?

Answer: Laws.

■ When is Russia Day celebrated? Answer: June 12, on this day in 1990, the decision was made on the independence of Russia, and a year later the popular elections of the first President of Russia took place.
Questions of the 2nd round. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”
Try to judge the heroes of fairy tales and indicate which of their rights were violated.
- The stepmother makes Cinderella work from morning to night. The unfortunate girl is forbidden to participate in the games and amusements of her sisters. Which article of the Convention on the Rights of the Child would be violated if this were to happen today? (Article No. 31, recognizing the child’s right to rest and leisure, the right to participate in games and entertainment events appropriate to his age, and to freely participate in cultural life and the arts).
- Does a boy like Tom Sawyer have the right to be friends with a boy like Huckleberry Finn? (In Mark Twain's time, such friendships were a flagrant violation of public morality, but now the Convention recognizes the child's right to freedom of association and freedom of peaceful assembly).
- Is Mowgli, living in the forest with wild animals, a child who has equal rights with others? (According to the Convention, a child is every human being under the age of 18).
- Mowgli cannot speak human language. He can only make inarticulate, from the point of view of people, sounds. Do the people who caught him in the forest have the right to lock him in a cage and treat him like an animal? (Mowgli, who does not know human language and human norms of behavior, may be considered inferior. But, according to the Convention, every child, even a disabled child, must lead a full and dignified life in conditions that ensure his dignity. Cage and ill-treatment degrade dignity, therefore, they are unacceptable).
- The guardian of the world famous Harry Potter intercepts and reads letters addressed to the boy. Which article of the Convention does it violate? (Article 16. It states: “No child shall be subject to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy rights, family life, inviolability of home, secret correspondence, etc.).
- Baba Yaga takes brother Ivanushka away from sister Alyonushka, distant lands to the thirtieth kingdom. (Article 11 of the Convention provides for the adoption of measures to combat the illegal movement and non-return of children from abroad).

Based on the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, say: what rights are violated here, and help fairy tale hero protect your rights:

The fox says: “Kolobok, Kolobok, I’ll eat you!”

What article did Lisa violate? (Article 6)

What should Kolobok answer when defending his rights? (You have no right to encroach on my life).

What right did the bear violate by not letting Mashenka go home? (Article 37)

The bear said: “Masha, you will live with me, light the stove, cook porridge.”

How should Masha respond when defending her rights?... (You have no right to deprive me of freedom).

What article did Karabas-Barabas violate when he hung Pinocchio on a hook and then wanted to throw him into the fire? (Article 37) “You have no right to subject me to torture and cruel treatment.”

Questions of the third round. "Magic chest"

Objects symbolizing familiar human rights are taken out from the chest one by one.

1. Birth certificate. What kind of document is this? What right does it remind you of? (About the right to a name).

2. Heart. What right can the heart signify? (About the right to care and love)

3. House. Why was the house here? What right does it remind you of? (On the right to property)

4. Envelope. What did the envelope remind you of? (No one has the right to read other people's letters and peep)

5. Primer. What right does this book remind you of? (On the right to education).

6. Toy duckling and duck. What do these toys remind you of? (About the child’s right to be with his mother)

Questions from the 4th round. "Training"
Try to play around and judge the situation
(using the Convention on the Rights of the Child)
Situation No. 1.

Student - Marya Ivanovna! I won’t come to you for history anymore. Why do I need it if I’m going to be a driver? And you yourself don’t know history, you often get confused, your lessons are uninteresting. Let them find us another teacher, smarter...
Teacher - How dare you, Ivanov, talk to me like that?
Student - I dare, Marya Ivanovna! I have the right to freely formulate views on all matters that concern me. And your teaching concerns me, because I suffered from it yesterday - you know how I was punished for your bad grade... I wasn’t allowed to go to the cinema. So listen - you are a bad, inept teacher...
The law in this situation is on the side of Marya Ivanovna. What should you not allow when declaring your rights? – So that other people’s reputations would suffer. (Art. 13).
Situation No. 2.
Student Sidorov broke a window at school. His classmates saw this and reported it to his class teacher.
Teacher - Sidorov, you scoundrel!!! It was you who broke the window! Now you won't get away from me!
Sidorov - What about Sidorov! Just a little bit - and immediately Sidorov! Have you seen it yourself?
Teacher - But I don’t even need to see... The whole class will confirm. Let's go to the director!
Sidorov - First you prove it, and then we’ll go to the director... But you will also find yourself guilty, because you violated respect for my person and the presumption of innocence - the main guarantees of International Law!!!
Explain the situation.
In Art. Article 28 of the Convention states that school discipline must be maintained using methods that reflect respect for the human dignity of the child. As for the presumption of innocence, it is mentioned only in connection with violations of criminal law (Article 40), which has nothing to do with this specific fact. There is a pure accident, which can somehow be associated with a violation of school discipline, if the window was broken deliberately.
Situation No. 3.
Mom - Son, I'm leaving, clean up, wash the dishes after yourself, go to the store.
Son - Mom, I have a test tomorrow...
Mom - May you solve your problems! You can't leave a mess in the house...
Son – I am protected by the Convention on the Rights of the Child from performing any work that interferes with my education.
Explain the situation.
Self-care cannot be an obstacle to getting an education. Article 32 is not about domestic labor, but about economic exploitation, employment and working conditions of children.

Situation No. 4.

High school student: How much is the cake?

Barmaid: Twenty ninety.

High school student (counting): One, 50, 60... not enough!

Fifth grader (approaches the buffet): Give me a pie.

Barmaid: Where can I find change for you in the morning! Look for change!

Fifth grader: My mother only gave me 50 rubles.

Barmaid: I'll change mine now. Here's your change, don't lose it.

High school student: Hey, kid, do you have 5 rubles? How about ten? Well, I took 5 rubles from you. Well done, boy, you helped me out. Go, go...

Teacher: Well done guys. You already know your rights well. But we must always remember that a person has not only rights, but also responsibilities.

1. Tell me what is a duty? (Children answer).

Let me remind you of the exact definition. ( written on the blackboard)

A duty is a range of actions assigned to someone and unconditional for fulfillment.

2. What responsibilities do you have? (Children answer: study well, take care of nature, love the Motherland).

Teacher: Your main responsibility is to study well in order to get an education and become good specialists in our country. Today you were introduced to another responsibility.

A range of actions assigned to someone and unconditional for fulfillment

The first letter is "o"

Second letter "b"

Third letter "I"

The last letter of the letter is "b"

Answer for the question "A range of actions assigned to someone and unconditional for fulfillment", 11 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word duty

Service, a range of actions related to the performance of a position

Any of your tasks that you must complete

Synonym for debt

Letter O in abbreviation i.o

Definition of the word duty in dictionaries

Large legal dictionary Meaning of the word in the dictionary Big Legal Dictionary
see Legal duty.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.
-i, f. The range of actions assigned to someone. and unconditional for execution. Rights and responsibilities of citizens. Official duties. Assign to someone the duties of chairman. Public o. Acting (i.e. not yet confirmed in position...

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
and. Something that must be carried out unconditionally by someone. (according to social requirements or internal motives). Service, a range of actions related to the execution of something. positions.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. D.N. Ushakov
responsibilities, w. (book). That which is subject to unconditional fulfillment by someone, which is necessary for fulfillment according to social requirements or internal motives. Military service in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army is an honorable duty of citizens...

Examples of the use of the word duty in literature.

The black-bearded European, knight von Elster, explained to the young Pole that the Turk accompanying him was aga Abdurrahman, on responsibilities which involves inspecting ships and identifying contraband.

Returning from school, I started my responsibilities- carried food to chickens, helped feed dogs and cats, and free time Accompanied by the dog Abracadabra, he wandered through the cold rooms of the huge manor house and looked at the portraits hanging on the walls.

The duty controller of the orbital defense belt expressed his indignation at Almeida's apparent failure to comply with his responsibilities, according to which the rear admiral must report all movements of his ship while the aircraft carrier is in the Earth control zone.

Thus, the management of the postal service takes over the second duty, thanks to which it turns into an authoritarian body of power, isolated from society and rising above it.

Everyone understands that you had to fulfill your responsibilities, Miss Adamson, and no one is outraged by this.