Today I will tell you how everyone’s favorite ice cream is made using popsicle as an example. In its European version, ice cream appeared in Russia only in the 18th century and immediately conquered great popularity. For Catherine II, it was a mandatory dish on the menu. It was only in the 19th century that the first ice cream machine appeared. Industrial production began in our country only in the early 30s of the last century. On this moment There are three types: hardened, soft and homemade. Everything is clear with home. The soft stuff is made in restaurants and cafes; you need to eat it right away, it doesn’t last long, and it looks like cream. It is hardened ice cream that we buy in stores - this is the main type produced industrially. For a couple of popsicles, I stopped by the Zarechny cold storage plant, which has been producing ice cream in Nizhny Novgorod since 1989.

1. The production process begins with the supply of raw materials. Ice cream is usually made from milk, cream, butter, sugar, flavorings and aromatic substances and various food additives. In the laboratory, all raw materials undergo thorough testing to ensure compliance with the requirements.

2. Chemical reagents.

3. A piece of brought butter undergoes a luminoscope to control the purity of the composition, which will reveal the fact that fats and margarine have been added to the butter, if any. The color of the oil is checked through a slit. The blue glow of the product means that butter has been mixed vegetable fat, and the yellow glow confirms: a natural dairy product. This piece confirmed its naturalness.

4. The milk sample is poured into a special device, which after 3-4 minutes displays all the indicators on the screen: fat, protein, lactose, salt content, temperature. The milk is also tasted. It should be free of foreign tastes, white, creamy and sweetish in taste.

5. Data is recorded in a journal and verified.

6. Ice cream brewing shop, where the mixture is prepared. The second stage, which includes several important substages.

Briefly speaking, it looks like this.

7. The butter is heated through pipes and flows into the tank. During preparation, the oil should not be overheated. The process takes 40 minutes.

8. Libra. Precision plays a big role in ice cream production.

9. The recipe for each brew is individual. First of all, it depends on the raw materials that go into production.

10. Melted butter, whole milk, condensed milk, sugar and water in required quantity take a bath. Inside the bath, whisks carefully mix the mass. The process continues for several hours.
Unfortunately, the photograph does not entirely reflect reality. I got to the production facility after cooking: the tanks were empty, the baths and pipes were being washed.

11. After obtaining a homogeneous milk mixture, it is filtered. Filtration removes lumps from the mixture. Then we go to the pasteurization stage, during which the mixture is heated to 85 degrees for 3-5 minutes. During this heat treatment, all microorganisms die. Before ripening there is still a stage of homogenization. It is produced to improve consistency and plasticity.

12. After cooling, the mixture is sent to tanks, where it is allowed to mature for 24 hours with slow stirring.

13. The insides of the tank.

14. The mixture looks like a flowing substance, very thick milk. In order for it to freeze, it needs to be beaten in a freezer and saturated with air. As it turns out, air is the most important ingredient in ice cream. It seems that without oxygen this mixture is so cloying that it is impossible to put it in your mouth.

15. Packing shop. The final stage.

16. Our ice cream to its final form.

17. Ice cream moves through pipes into a dispenser, where the desired portion is cut off and at the same time a stick is inserted. I would even say that it shoots into the ice cream. An employee monitors the availability of cartridges.

18. The popsicle is almost ready. During an 8-hour shift, the Zarechny cold storage plant makes 45,000 popsicles.

19. Sent to an air-cooled freezer. Ice cream alternately passes through zones of calm and intense air movement, in which it first hardens and then hardens to a temperature of -12...-14 °C.

20. This is what chocolate looks like. It is brought to the enterprise from Kaliningrad. For 1 ton of ice cream, 180 kg of glaze is needed - 18% of the weight.

21. The popsicle, thawed from the surface, enters the enrobing chamber.

22. There are 8 people working on the packaging line. There are a total of 200 people on staff during the season and 176 off-season. Very soon it is planned to launch a new line that will automate the process from feeding to packaging.


24. The ice cream dries and falls through the chute onto the wrapping machine. The packaging film also moves as a single tape, then takes the shape of a cylinder and is cut off with iron-knives.
You've probably noticed that sometimes the chocolate on the ice cream is broken. This is all due to the transport chute. Sometimes the chocolate breaks when turning.

25. This is the path of the popsicle at the Zarechny cold storage plant.

26. Very close by is an area for producing ice cream in cups. There are probably some tricks there too.

27. Popsicles are put in boxes

28. and sent for storage.

29. I took a couple of delicious popsicles for the trip!

One day, the authors of “Wandering” really wanted ice cream, but were too lazy to go to the store. So we decided to freeze the milk in the freezer. A few hours later we got a treat, but it wasn’t ice cream, it was just a piece of ice.

For an explanation of why we didn’t get the treasured delicacy, we went to the Noginsk cold storage plant. Here they promised to reveal to us all the secrets of making real ice cream.

Let's start our acquaintance with the ice cream factory from the waffle shop. Here they make cups, cones and briquettes, which are then filled with sweet treats.

Huge sheets are cut by hand and placed in boxes.

Children enjoy eating hot, aromatic waffles.

Molds for baking waffle cups:

Ready-made cups

and this is for baking horns:

Boxes of waffles are sent to the next workshop to be reunited with ice cream. Control everywhere in the plant. Here an automatic sensor counts the number of boxes that have passed by. For greater control, a camera is installed.

Previously, there was no special control at the plant. The employees brought ice cream home. There was a case when all the condensed milk was stolen and customers were surprised - something was clearly missing from the ice cream.

But recently the plant had new owner. The first innovation was the installation of security cameras and new system control. Now employees are prohibited from taking ice cream home - only buying it.

So, what is ice cream made from? The basis of ice cream is made up of five ingredients: water, condensed milk, cream, milk and sugar.
All components in the required proportions are poured into a huge bathtub.

Inside each bath, whisks carefully mix the mass. The process continues for several hours. It is necessary that not a single lump remains from the milk powder or cocoa.

Here the mixture... is heated to a temperature of 80 degrees. Why, it’s not some kind of soup?
The thing is that at this temperature bacteria die, this process is called pasteurization. This is done so that the ice cream does not spoil longer.

One boy asked to try the resulting mixture. They poured him a glass. He took a sip and immediately spat it out, shouting: “how disgusting your ice cream is.” Water, milk, condensed milk, cream and sugar make a very sugary mixture that is simply impossible to eat. But how does this inedible semi-finished product turn into a delicious sundae?

We'll tell you the most main secret ice cream production. In fact, everyone’s favorite delicacy is made from... air. The concentrated mixture is saturated with oxygen, it becomes airy and not at all cloying. And voila - the ice cream is ready! In fact, the production of ice cream is a very profitable business, because its main ingredient - air - is absolutely free. But, unlike cakes and pastries, this delicacy is low in calories.

In addition to oxygen saturation, we also need to freeze our mixture. The future ice cream, cooled after pasteurization, is sent to a new procedure - into refrigeration pipes.

Now the ice cream needs to be frozen as soon as possible. Why is haste important here?

Have you tried freezing milk in the freezer? Will you get ice cream? No, just a piece milk ice. Why? When frozen for a long time, ice forms. If the mixture is cooled sharply, the water will not have time to turn into large crystals and the ice cream will become soft. That's why we couldn't make proper ice cream at home.

A regular refrigerator does not have an instant freeze function. Therefore, a cunning installation is used at the cold storage plant. A large pipe with ice cream is surrounded by small pipes that contain liquid nitrogen. (in the photo, under the lid, pipes with nitrogen are entangling a container with a treat).

After such a sharp cooling, you can safely freeze the mixture further - there will be no more ice.

Ice cream production is a seasonal business. In summer there is a huge demand, nothing is stored in warehouses, the cold storage plant operates at full power. As demand decreases, so does productive capacity. In winter, production generally closes. The plant makes money by renting out refrigeration chambers. Fish, meat and other products that require freezing are stored here.

We visited one of the freezers. It's minus 30 degrees here. Brrrrr….

Icicles hang menacingly from the ceiling. The nose, accustomed to the hot Moscow summer, begins to desperately freeze.

The employee makes sure that no one remains inside, and only then closes the massive door to the kingdom of cold.

And we move to the main workshop. This is the last stage.
The waffle cone finally meets a tasty filling

And it turns out to be creme brulee in a glass.

The waste does not go to waste; it is used to feed animals. For example, bears from the Moscow Zoo simply love ice cream!

Ice cream fresh off the assembly line tastes amazing. Can't compare to store bought. I don’t like cups, they usually look like paper, but here I gladly gobbled up two of them - the still slightly warm fresh waffles crunch pleasantly, and the ice cream itself melts in your mouth.

They also make cakes at the factory. This is also ice cream, a real ice cream:

Take a round filling base:

And the figure is cut out manually using a hot knife. The technology is similar to making ice sculptures.

The report was made at the Noginsk cold storage plant.

Thank you "Promturu" for an interesting excursion!

Profession ice cream taster

Akishina Angelina 5 “B” class MBOU “Secondary School No. 107”

Hello, my name is Angelina Akishina, a 5th grade student. I will introduce you to the profession Ice cream taster.

“There is no arguing about tastes” is an aphorism familiar to everyone.

However its full version sounds like this:"With a taster tastes could not be discussed!"

Indeed, a taster is a specialist who knowsAll about the product being tasted: its composition, color and taste, country of manufacture, expiration date, production technology.

It seems that the tasters are the most happy people in the world. They are the first to try new varieties of cheese, chocolate, tea, coffee, confectionery and many other types of products.

Today, it is impossible to do without sensory analysis (as tasting is called) in any production.

There are gastronomic tasters who specialize in different types food products, drink tasters and

the so-called “sniffers” or “noses” are smell tasters who have the ability not only to perfectly distinguish odors, but also to compose new perfume compositions.

Expert tasters are no less in demand

they do the assessment

and make a decision to purchase or reject the product.

Tea testers know everything about tea varieties.

Cap testers are welcome in coffee shops where they develop recipes for new types of coffee.

Every child probably dreamed of the magical profession that is eating ice cream in childhood. And such a “dream job” really exists: Ice Cream Taster ice cream tasters. They actually try up to half a kilogram of different varieties of ice cream a day.

In addition, their responsibilities include

come up with new flavors and flavor combinations.

Ice cream lovers club

has no age and


The main activity of an ice cream taster is participation in assessing the quality of various products.

Products are evaluated according to the following indicators:

appearance, color,

smell, consistency, taste.

Ice cream is rated using a one hundred point system.

The maximum score for assessing taste and aroma is 60; structure and consistency - 30; colors (colors) - 5; containers and packaging -5.

Ice cream that received 96-100 points belongs to the “Extra” grade, 90-95 points to the highest grade and 80-90 points to the I grade. Ice cream that receives 80 points is considered defective and cannot be sold.

As in any profession, an ice cream taster needs confirmation of his professionalism - he must pass a sensory ability test based on the following indicators:

- sensory minimum; - sensory sensitivity; - sensory memory; - recognition threshold; - assessment of taste sensitivity;

For example, testing sensory sensitivity to recognize the main types of taste is carried out on solutions of chemical pure substances:

- sweet - must be determined in a 1% solution; - salty - in solution 0.4% - sour - in 0.05% - bitter - in solution 0.5%

A taster has no room for error if he wants to achieve a good career.

This profession requires not only certain knowledge, but also unusual tools:

High sensitivity, taste and olfactory receptors, excellent taste memory, imagination, attentiveness, concentration, thoroughness.

Professionals like to talk about talent as the main quality of a taster; it is the same natural gift as an ear for music.

Also, the taster must know all the requirements and rules for conducting tastings and preferably speak foreign languages.

Many people may think that being an ice cream taster is a very tasty profession. However, she also has her own negative side: special requirements are imposed on the taster:

in life he is forbidden to drink strong drinks and smoke coffee, eat very spicy, salty and sugary sweet foods (so as not to lose his delicate and sensitive taste). In addition, tasters do not use perfume, since foreign odors interfere with their work.

Another disadvantage of the profession is that in life it is often difficult for them to enjoy food, because they are accustomed to assessing its quality.

What are tasters afraid of?

Taster – a common person, he may get sick or for some other reason lose his sensitivity. And lose your professional suitability. Therefore, some specialists insure their abilities in case of loss.

Insurance Company considers this approach to be very reasonable.

If you have decided that the profession of a taster is right for you, then I would like to immediately warn you that you cannot study for it in Russia, although in our time it is quite popular and in demand. But there is one very simple way out of this situation.

There are 183 universities in our country (on the slide closest to us) that train process engineers food products, then take special courses.

It is this kind of education that can help you become a taster, if, of course, you have the necessary qualities taster (I talked about them earlier).

Now I invite you to become ice cream tasters. You are offered two samples of ice cream, you determine its taste.

TASTING (each participant in the competition is given 2 samples of creamy ice cream with different flavors)

If you find it difficult to name the flavors of ice cream - the profession of a taster is not for you yet, but do not despair - according to statistics, 12 out of 100 people by nature have the full range of olfactory and taste sensations, and 58 achieve success through hard work. And if you determine that ice cream has a pineapple flavor and a cherry flavor, you should try yourself in this profession!

Thank you for your attention!

STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION EDUCATION: PRIMARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROFESSION: ICE CREAM MANUFACTURER OST 9 TO 02.34.8-2000 Official publication AGREED APPROVED by the Ministry Agriculture and Deputy Minister of Education and Food Russian Federation Institute of the Russian Federation Department of Food Processing - V.A. Bolotovaya industry and children's nutrition "____"__________________2000 A.M. Usachev “29” June 2000 STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION EDUCATION: PRIMARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROFESSION: ICE CREAM MANUFACTURER OST 9 TO 02.34.8-2000 Official publication AGREED BY the Ministry of Agriculture and the Deputy Minister of Education and Food of the Russian Federation Institute of the Russian Federation Department of Food Processing - industry and children's V.A. Bolotov nutrition “____”_________________2000 A.M. Usachev June 29, 2000 STANDARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION EDUCATION Primary professional education Initial vocational education Profession: Ice cream maker OST 9 PO 02.34.8-2000 Profession: Maker of ice-cream Date_________________2000 EXPLANATORY NOTE to the federal component of the State educational standard initial vocational education in the profession “Ice cream maker”. The federal component of the State educational standard for primary vocational education in the profession “Ice cream maker” includes the following documents: a) professional characteristics; b) federal component of the content of professional and special training cycles. The organization of training in the profession is carried out in accordance with the List of professions of primary vocational education (approved 08.12.99; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1362). The federal component of the content of the general professional training cycle is represented by a standard on the subject: “Economics of Industry and Enterprise,” which is published in a separate issue. When organizing training for persons who have basic general education and receive, subject areas and educational elements, indicating the level of their mastery. The name of the educational elements in the standard indicates the specific content of the activity that the graduate must master as a result of training. The ratio of theoretical and practical training in mastering educational elements is determined by the educational program documentation. Official publication Reproduction is prohibited P. 3. OST 9 ON 02.34.8-2000 Training elements correspond certain levels assimilation. The standard of primary vocational education provides for the use of the following levels: Level 1 - recognition of previously studied objects, properties, processes in a given professional activity and performing actions with support (hint). Level 2 - independent execution of a typical action from memory.(OST 9 PO 01.03-93), this standard for the profession, as well as approximate program documentation developed by the Institute for the Development of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, taking into account national and regional conditions. This standard is interdepartmental in nature, applies to all forms of professional training in both state and non-state educational institutions and has legal force in all regions of the Russian Federation. P. 4. OST 9 PO 02.34.8-2000 PROFESSIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. Profession of primary vocational education: “Ice cream maker.” Professions, according to All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories (OK 016-94): - Glaze cooker (3rd category);- Waffle maker (2-3rd categories); - Glazer of ice cream and cheese curds (2nd category); professional activities 1 2 1. General professional parameters Maintaining technological pro- Equipment. process of making ice cream on General technology of making ice cream makers. ice cream and semi-finished products for conducting the pasteurization process, cakes, pastries and muffins. homogenization and pumping the mixture into tanks, making cakes and pastries. Conducting the processes of obtaining Fundamentals of microbiology, health care, ice cream in compliance with the rules of hygiene and hygiene. occupational safety, sanitation and hy- Biochemistry milk and milk hyenas. products. Occupational Safety and Health. Maintaining technological con- Technological labor protection, fire safety measures. Electrical safety. General safety requirements on the territory of the enterprise and in production premises. Safety requirements for the operation of technological equipment. 1.2. Fundamentals of microbiology, sanitation and hygiene (2) Fundamentals of microbiology. Morphology and classification of organisms. Physiology of microorganisms and their distribution in nature. The influence of external conditions on microorganisms. Microbiology of milk. Microbiology of ice cream. Basics of hygiene and sanitation. Information about sanitation and occupational hygiene. Concept of food and nutrition. Infections, zoonoses and immunity. Helminthic diseases. ice cream production. Making jelly. Food poisoning and measures to prevent it. Personal hygiene of workers of dairy industry enterprises. Disinfection, disinsection and deratization.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for an ice cream manufacturer, sample 2019. A person with primary or secondary vocational education, special training and work experience can be appointed to this position. Don’t forget, each ice cream manufacturer’s instructions are hand-delivered against signature.

The following provides typical information about the knowledge that an ice cream maker must have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is part of the huge library of our website, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. The ice cream maker is classified as a worker.

2. A person with secondary vocational education or primary vocational education and special training and work experience ________ years.

3. An ice cream manufacturer is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization upon the recommendation of the head of production (site, workshop)

4. The ice cream manufacturer must know:

a) special (professional) knowledge for the position:

— arrangement of serviced equipment;

— ice cream production technology;

— consumption rates of raw materials and materials used;

- recipe and rules for making a mixture for ice cream various types;

— properties of the types of raw materials used;

— requirements for the quality of raw materials and ice cream used;

b) general knowledge of an employee of the organization:

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection,

— rules for using funds personal protection;

— requirements for the quality of work (services) performed and for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

— types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them;

— production alarm.

5. In its activities, the ice cream manufacturer is guided by:

- legislation of the Russian Federation,

Charter of the organization,

- orders and instructions director of the organization,

- this job description,

— Internal rules labor regulations organizations,

— __________________________________________________.

6. The ice cream manufacturer reports directly to a worker with a higher qualification, the head of production (site, workshop) and the director of the organization.

7. During the absence of the ice cream manufacturer (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization on the proposal of the head of production (site, workshop) in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the fulfillment of the assigned responsibilities on him.

2. Job responsibilities of an ice cream maker

The responsibilities of an ice cream maker are:

a) Special (professional) job responsibilities:

— Conducting the process of making ice cream on various types of ice cream makers.

— Obtaining raw materials, preparing mixture components, preparing an ice cream mixture according to the established recipe.

— Heating the mixture in the preparation baths.

— Regulation, supply of steam for heating, melting of oil in oil melters.

— Monitoring the pumping of the mixture for pasteurization.

— Pasteurization of the mixture, filtration and cooling.

— Assembling the ice cream maker and preparing the ice-salt bath.

— Determining whether the mixture is overrun and transferring it into sleeves or molds.

— Transfer of packaged ice cream to a hardening chamber or popsicle generator.

— Ice cream weight control.

— Preparing the tattoo machine of the carousel popsicle generator for operation.

— Installation of cassettes with sticks into the tattoo machine.

— Regulating the operation of the tattoo machine, eliminating minor problems in its operation.

— Participation in wrapping and packaging of ice cream.

— Installing sleeves with ice cream into hams (tubs) and filling them with an ice-salt mixture.

- Selling ice cream.

b) General job responsibilities of an employee of the organization:

— Compliance with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization,

— internal rules and standards of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

— Execution within employment contract orders of the employees to whom it was repaired in accordance with these instructions.

— Performing work on acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning of the workplace, devices, tools, as well as maintaining them in proper condition;

— Maintaining established technical documentation

3. Rights of the ice cream manufacturer

The ice cream manufacturer has the right:

1. Submit proposals for management’s consideration:

— to improve work related to those provided for herein instructions and duties,

— on bringing to material and disciplinary liability workers who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization information necessary for him to perform his job duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the ice cream manufacturer

The ice cream manufacturer is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description ice cream manufacturer - 2019 sample. Job responsibilities ice cream manufacturer, rights of the ice cream manufacturer, responsibility of the ice cream manufacturer.