To order services from Credo Group of Companies, you will need to download and fill out an order form, and then send it to our e-mail furniture production . For each of the services provided there is a separate corresponding order form. On this page you can find all available forms, download them, and also see an example of filling them out.

Ordering glass and mirror cutting services

In order to order cutting of glass and mirrors from the Credo Group of Companies, you need to fill out a form and send it by email. In the form, indicate the name (glass or mirror), article number (images of the material and article numbers can be found on the page), the need for edge processing and the presence of a safety film, as well as the number of holes and their sizes. Order fulfillment time is from 7 to 15 working days from the moment of approval. Find out prices from customer service operators.

Ordering artificial stone products

It is very simple to order products made from artificial stone - you need to indicate in the form the type of product (countertop, window sill, reception, etc.), select the manufacturer of artificial stone (Grandex or Dupont), decide on the decor, provide a sketch with the dimensions of the product, fill out your personal data, send the form by email and wait for the order to be ready 7-15 days .

Order doors - compartment

When ordering sliding doors, you must indicate: the type of door (sliding / swinging), the shape and manufacturer of the profile, color, length, number of guides, insert material, the necessary information on the sketch and your personal data. The completed form must be sent by mail. Order completion time - from 7 to 15 days.

Order cutting services, cladding, edging, additive

When placing an order, please indicate:

Thickness, decor and need for edging.

Number of sheets. When calculating the number of sheets, take into account 20 mm of trim around the perimeter of the sheet, so the net sheet size is 2030 * 2760 mm.

List of works. You can order not only cutting of chipboard, MDF, tambourine, but also edge trimming, groove milling, addition and pressing of fittings.

Contact details. Do not forget to indicate your contact phone number so that the manager can contact you promptly.

The period for completing the work is from 7 to 15 days.

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This standard form is used to register the sale of goods on pre-orders with delivery to the specified address or without delivery to the address. The order is placed for a specific date and time.

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How to fill out a TORG-26 order correctly

The order is executed in two copies by an employee of the trade organization upon agreement with the customer. One copy remains with the company placing the order, the second is given to the buyer, always with a note about payment. The TORG-26 form is signed by the persons responsible for processing, paying and completing the order.

The form must indicate:

Last name, first name, patronymic of the buyer, telephone number for contacting him, as well as physical address;
- position with signature and transcript of the employee who accepted the order;
- information about the goods, their quantity and price, as well as the delivery address;
- date and time of order execution, surname of the selector.

The total total cost must be written down at the bottom of the table. Please note that the amount must be written from the beginning of the line with a capital letter, and a dash must be placed in the remaining space.

As a rule, the order is placed by the manager of a trading company, who accepts applications by phone or online. After placing an order, it is transferred to the selector, who processes it.
The cost of the ordered goods is checked by an authorized employee of the company (trading company), and then confirmed with his signature. The selected goods are checked by the packer, who also signs the order form.

note that unified form TORG-26, like any other primary accounting document, has the legal force of an official document only if it is drawn up in the proper form, namely, free lines are crossed out, all mandatory details are filled in and it is properly certified.

Get acquainted with general requirements for the preparation of primary accounting documents can be found in Article 9 of Law No. 129-FZ. When filling out any documentation trading company can be guided State Standard Russian Federation"Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation. GOST R 6.30-2003", approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2003 N 65-Art.

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If the buyer orders delivery of goods by a certain date, a form is drawn up in the form TORG-26. The document is drawn up in two copies: one is given to the assembler to form an order, the other is sent to the buyer along with the order.

Sample of filling TORG-26

Form TORG-26 must contain:

  • Full name of the buyer, telephone number for contacting him, his address,
  • position with the signature and transcript of the employee who accepted the order,
  • information about goods, their quantity and price,
  • date and time of order execution, name of the assembler,
  • total cost of the order.

The total amount in the TORG-26 form is indicated in words with a capital letter, and a dash is placed in the remaining space.

Form TORG-26 is needed to record the sale of goods at retail on a pre-order - the buyer confirms with his signature that he has received the purchase.

Based on the TORG-26 signed by the client, the accountant:

  • writes off the goods sold,
  • reflects revenue from the sale of goods in accounting.

For successful trading Other documents are also needed, for example, a log of the movement of goods in the warehouse and others. All necessary forms can be downloaded and filled out in MySklad - you will get rid of paperwork and save up to 70% of time on working with documents. All forms are filled out automatically, which means there is almost no risk of making mistakes. You also receive an archive of documents. It can be accessed at any time and from anywhere.

The TORG-26 form is easy to fill out, but sometimes questions arise. We've sorted out the main ones.

One copy of TORG-26 is handed over to the order collector, and the second to the accounting department?

No, one copy of the TORG-26 form must be given to the collector so that he can collect the order, and the second is given to the buyer, who must sign it. After this, the document is transferred to the accounting department.

Who should sign TORG-26?

The document is signed by employees responsible for receiving, selecting, completing, and executing the order. They all must sign.

What documents are used to fill out the TORG-26 form?

Based on an order from the buyer by phone, email or through the website. You can download the TORG-26 form

Form TORG-26 Order is a form regulated with the help of Goskomstat (corresponding Decree No. 132 dated December 25, 1998) and serves as a means of ensuring that the buyer formalizes a pre-order for a specific product chosen by him, offered by the seller. The form implies an indication of the need for delivery (or lack of such service) at a predetermined time. In the article we will tell you about TORG-26 “Order” and give a sample of filling out the form.

What is the TORG-26 form used for?

Using this document, the process of confirming the fact of purchase in retail network through the implementation of a pre-order. Form TORG-26 is used exclusively trading enterprises selling goods by pre-order.

The procedure for applying the order form provides the following algorithm:

  1. The buyer orders goods from the supplier by submitting his request orally or in writing;
  2. Based on the received application, an employee of the supplier’s organization fills out the TORG-26 order;
  3. The TORG-26 form is transferred to the warehouse to the goods collector;
  4. The specified items are being assembled;
  5. The person responsible for the cost checks the accuracy of its indication in the document;
  6. A control check of the correctness of the collected application is carried out by the responsible warehouse employee;
  7. The goods are sent to the buyer along with two copies of the TORG-26 order;
  8. Upon receipt of the valuables, the buyer checks the contents of the document and the actual goods delivered, if he agrees, certifies the form with his signature and returns one copy to the supplier.

As a result, one copy of TORG-26 with the signatures of responsible persons, including those from the buyer, is received by the supplier, the document is kept by the employee of the supplier’s organization who selected the goods for the order, the second is transferred to the buyer.

The cost of the items indicated in the document in question is subject to verification by the relevant employee of the trading entity, after which it is certified by his signature. The moment the form becomes legally binding occurs when it, like any other document related to financial statements, correctly completed and approved in accordance with regulatory aspects.

One of the common cases is recording the signature of the packer on the form, which can be used to perform an action aimed at checking the quality characteristics of the product. To avoid a confusing situation when filling out the document, the total amount should be indicated at the bottom of the form using a capital version, and all remaining unfilled lines should be canceled using dashes.

Who signs the order form TORG-26

In the process of signing the TORG-26 form, the following subjects involved in such action are involved:

  • a selector (and in some cases a packer) who selected a specific unit of goods for transfer to the buyer;
  • worker trading structure(from among the management team) involved in the process of product formation;
  • directly the buyer who made payment for the item he purchased (this signature confirms the fact of acceptance and transfer of the subject of the agreement). Read also the article: → "".
  • in the case of using the services of a supplier for the delivery of a specific product, the process of signing the document requires the involvement of an employee (if he is involved in such an action) who delivered the parcel to the destination address agreed upon in advance between the parties to the agreement.

The approved form is subject to subsequent transfer to the seller’s accounting department, where it serves as a tool for examining the following procedures:

  • ensuring the process of writing off sold goods;
  • displaying the amount of revenue from the sale of a specific item.

How to fill out the TORG-26 form

A normatively regulated document sample presupposes the presence in its structure of the basic information required to obtain the opportunity correct design a transaction related to the purchase of a specific product on a pre-order basis.

The upper right field of the TORG-26 form contains fixed cells in which registration features relating to the number parameter of codes for the OKUD and OKPO systems are displayed. Below is information about the type of activity according to the OKVED system and the code of the operation being performed.

The top center section of the order form contains the following information:

  • full name of the selling organization in accordance with the specifics of its legal registration;
  • structural unit (division) of the selling entity;
  • Full name of the customer.
  • document number details;
  • date confirming the time of its preparation.

Below are (in decrypted form) the initials of the person who expressed a desire to complete the order. The client's address is indicated and a contact number is entered to enable telephone communication between the parties. The following section provides a list of data relating to the employee who accepted the order (initials, position and personal signature).

After this, a fact is recorded indicating the transfer of the order into the hands of the selector (its initial data and number are specified in accordance with the timesheet regulations).

This provision specifies the specification of the commodity values ​​selected for purchase, and contains tabular material enclosed in nine columns, each of which is provided with the following information:

Column number Information to be filled in
1 Sequential line numbering commercial products, divided between lines according to a certain criterion
2 Detailed characteristics of a specific type of product (if several different items are ordered)
3 Code that is assigned to a specific item
4 Type of products sold, product, if possible, indicate
5,6 Measuring units, information about which is combined into two columns, each of which indicates natural expression data (pieces, packages, etc.) and coded value, in accordance with the requirements of the OKEI system
7 Quantitative display of the volume of goods to be sold (indicated in a digital version)
8 The price that is determined per unit of purchased products
9 The total cost of a specific type of commodity product included in a specific line

After listing the full set of ordered items, the cost associated with the service is indicated (if such a fact occurs during the sales procedure). The next line records the cost that is payable for the provision of delivery services. At the end of the table is the total amount that is assigned to the buyer and is subject to unconditional payment.

Below the table, the previously given total value of the amount is duplicated in capital form. Below the table are the initials and position of the employee who was assigned the duty aimed at verifying the correctness of the calculated amount to be paid by the purchasing entity. The data is confirmed by the personal signature of the specified buyer.

The following is similar information about the person who checked the compliance of the quality qualities of the selected product with the requirements of regulatory acts and technical specifications. This action is also subject to a certification process by indicating the personal signature of the responsible entity.

Below is information about the person who issued the goods by deciphering his initials, position held and recording the original signature. Next, information is entered regarding the accomplished fact of payment by the buyer for the goods scheduled for receipt, which finds similar confirmation in the form of a display of the client’s personal signature.

The line below indicates important point, indicating that the client has paid a previously agreed fixed amount of funds. The quantitative parameter of the designated amount is fixed using digital and capital versions. The form ends with a recording of the fact of receipt of funds by a specific employee of a trading entity, which reflects the decoding of his initials, position and personal signature.

Errors in filling out TORG-26 “Order”

Errors in the execution of the order form are minimized due to the verification of the contents of the document by many persons. It is the responsibility of each entity involved in the process of placing an order, assembling it, setting prices and transferring it to the buyer to pay attention to detail.

The manager’s task is to correctly accept the request and add to the order the product that the buyer really needs. The selector’s task is to select those items of valuables from those available in the warehouse that are indicated in the order in the required volume. Errors are eliminated thanks to additional verification packing controller.

You should definitely check the prices indicated for each item; they must correspond to those established for a specific buyer. The buyer is required to check the accuracy of the completed order and certify the document as confirmation with his signature.

Excel containing complex calculations is required by enterprises that produce or sell complex products. For example, furniture, stone products, wood products, equipment that provides house construction services, and so on. Links to download such forms in Excel format are posted on the company’s website so that the client can download the form from a browser.

An order form for a complex product requires many conditions. Some of these conditions can be met simultaneously, while other conditions are mutually exclusive. So, for example, in the order form the client should not select several types of furniture facades at the same time. Another example is that the order form will not allow you to select a product size smaller or larger than technologically possible.

Example of a table of restrictions for a form in Excel:

Dimensions that are not possible due to production technology will be not available in the order form. In the same way, you can limit the values ​​​​entered in all fields of the order form in Excel. For example, the “color” field can be limited to a list of possible colors, the “coating type” field to a list of possible materials, and so on.

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