Even doctors do not always know all the secrets of hospital life, which nurses have heard well about. That is why their opinion is worth hearing if you want to get the most information.

Sometimes it is worth consulting with different doctors

No one will say that the doctor is incompetent. However, sometimes the nurse may recommend that you consult someone else. Consider this a secret signal.

Gossip carefully

The hospital is not a fun place and you might want to chat with the nurse. But she has a long working day, and there is a chance that the most interesting gossip will be retold later to someone else.

Nurses may give more medicine than prescribed

When a patient is terminally ill, the doctor does not always prescribe enough pain medication. If a person is suffering, the nurse may give him more than prescribed.

Service depends on your attitude

Patients with incontinence should only be wiped with a cloth. If you are nice and polite, the nurse will do much more for you, but if you are rude, the service will be at the required minimum.

The nurse is supposed to remain calm

The nurse's calm tone does not mean anything - even if she is very excited, she will not show it.

You need to see a doctor on time

No one will directly blame you for delaying a visit to the doctor, but sometimes it is really stupid.

Don't lie about how much it hurts you

If you calmly use your phone and laugh until you notice the nurse, no one will believe that you really are unbearably ill.

Your life is in your hands

You must independently follow the doctor’s instructions, because mistakes are quite possible. It depends only on you how good the treatment will be.

A nurse's job is full of paperwork.

You can’t even imagine how many documents you have to fill out during the working day. The life of a nurse is not all about patients.

Hospitals are full of infections

Despite all efforts, hospitals are still quite dirty and full of drug-resistant infections.

Only seriously ill patients are admitted to the hospital

With mild symptoms, you will simply be sent on sick leave. Even if you are seriously ill, you will most likely be discharged before you have fully recovered.

Don't insult nurses

Those who really feel bad have no time to complain

Nurses know very well who is really unwell. The loudest and most dissatisfied patients are those who do not have any serious illnesses.

They will always smile at you

Any nurse tries to be as attentive as possible, even if you behave intrusively. However, she may complain to her colleagues, which will affect how you are treated in the future.

Name all the medications you took

Even if it was medicinal herbs or secretly purchased medications, which usually require a prescription. You should list everything to avoid complications when prescribing treatment.

Reality is different from TV series

What you see on the screen is real life it happens completely differently. In addition, nurses have much less free time.

A hospital is not a hotel

Yes, the food is not always appetizing, but you should understand that these are the conditions. For the same reason, relatives cannot be with you at any time.

The tests should be carried out by a doctor

Do not ask nurses about the results of your tests - all this should be discussed exclusively with your doctor.

There are conflicts between nurses

Sometimes they also conflict, interfere with each other and quarrel in front of patients. The thing is that this job causes too much stress.

It is difficult for a nurse to point out a mistake to a doctor

It can be difficult to watch a doctor make a mistake, but it is also difficult to object to him - you may receive not the most flattering comments in response.

Don't blame the nurse for everything

Sometimes nurses are unfairly accused even by doctors themselves. But not everything depends solely on them!

Patients should try to be friendly

If you like the nurse, show your gratitude - positive comments make you happy and are remembered for a long time.

Don't forget about the nurse

If you have been in the hospital for a long time, you can visit the nurse after you are discharged and thank her. It will be very nice for her.

Nurses believe in miracles

During the course of their work, everyone has experiences that cannot be called anything other than miraculous. People wake up from comas and recover in critical cases. You should never give up and stop believing in the best.

Working in a hospital is very exhausting.

There are physically demanding professions. Some are mentally exhausting. A nurse's job involves both. If you are not getting enough help, simply ask another nurse.

Demand attention to yourself

Many nurses and doctors only discuss test results during rounds. If you want your opinion to be listened to, pay attention to yourself.

Do not distract the nurse while preparing medications

In this matter, mistakes are unacceptable. Avoid distracting the nurse who is dispensing medications to avoid causing problems.

A good nurse knows how to give an injection the first time

If they can't get into your vein, call another nurse. Of course, inexperienced workers need practice, but you are not a guinea pig! The injection must be done the first time.

Don't stand the pain

If you feel pain, it is better to report it immediately. Mild discomfort is easier to eliminate than a critical condition.

Drink more water before your blood test

If you have a blood test, drink a few glasses of water. This will make your veins more visible, which means everything will be as comfortable as possible for everyone.

Don't hold your breath from the pain

Holding your breath only worsens the pain, so it’s better to try to breathe regularly.

Don't go to hospital in the summer

If you have a choice, do not go to the hospital during summer time- at this moment the work of new employees begins, who may not be very experienced.

Doctors don't tell you everything

Not every doctor speaks directly; some will reassure you, even if the situation is critical.

Some doctors don't care about pain

Some perform painful procedures without pain relief or give too little medication.

All visitors must wash their hands

Constantly remind everyone who comes to you to wash their hands. This even applies to doctors!

Stay close to seriously ill relatives

It is always difficult for nurses to watch a terminally ill person suffer less from pain than from loneliness.

Little things matter to patients

Just wrap the patient in a warm blanket - comfort and attention are most important.

Sometimes nurses speak harshly to relatives

Family members must clearly understand what the patient needs, so they will be told about it as clearly as possible, even if the information is difficult.

Nurses may be more important than doctors

They are the ones who monitor your medication intake and your condition throughout the day!

Men should see a doctor more often

Listen to your wife who advises you to go to the hospital, don’t try to endure it - this is not a sign of masculinity.

If you don't understand something, ask

Ask for an explanation of any diagnosis that you do not understand.

Know what further treatment involves

Monitor the treatment process and ask detailed questions about what to do next.

Treatment can be unpredictable

Nurses encounter a variety of life situations, so they are used to giving advice.

Understand boundaries

You should not flirt with a nurse and ask her out on a date - this is unethical.

Keep a positive mood

Keeping your spirits high is very important for a quick recovery.

Give thanks

Giving thanks is not as difficult as it seems!

Don't hide bad habits

Don't downplay your alcohol intake or hide it bad habits, the doctor will find out about it anyway.

Don't make others wait

Don't distract the nurse with petty requests - someone may feel really bad.

Sometimes you are deceived

Nurses need white lies for your peace of mind.

Wet the patch

Finally, when removing the bandage, ask to wet the patch - this will make it come off much easier.

If you like helping people, and biology, anatomy and chemistry were your favorite subjects, then it is likely that you will like the profession of a nurse.

Average wages: 25,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


The profession of a nurse (in the male version, nurse) is a very popular specialty, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. It will be very difficult for a doctor to fulfill his duties if he suddenly does not have such an assistant. Let's take a closer look at what this specialty is, what it consists of, how many years and where you need to study to get it.


For a long time, all auxiliary manipulations in the treatment of patients were performed by young doctors, who later became doctors. The first community of sisters of mercy appeared in the 11th century. Their duties included helping women, but later they began to help men as well - first those wounded on the battlefield, and then ordinary civilian patients.

The first hospital, where only patient care was provided, was opened by the Hungarian Countess Elisabeth of Thuringia. Later, similar institutions began to be organized throughout Europe. In the 17th century, there was an urgent need for the profession of a nurse, since in those days there were numerous wars, and accordingly, there were many wounded who needed first aid on the battlefield, and then care in military hospitals after operations and amputations. Later, the girls began to assist during surgical interventions.

Description and characteristics of the profession

In any medical institution, nurses are the doctor’s right hand and his most important assistants. The skills acquired during training give them the right to provide first emergency aid, perform simple manipulations (give injections, measure temperature and pressure), simple procedures (enemas, gastric lavage, etc.), and describe the examination under the dictation of a doctor. At the clinic, the nursing staff is busy writing out certificates, referrals for tests, and examinations.

In the hospital, these items are supplemented with the dispensing of medications. In surgical departments, this position provides assistance during an operation: the nurse must prepare instruments, present them to the doctor on time, and then remove and sterilize them.

The nurse cannot fully assume the responsibilities of a doctor and make a diagnosis, establish a sequence of treatment, cancel or prescribe recommended medications, since it is the doctor who is responsible for the final result of therapy or the outcome of the operation.

Specialties, universities and Unified State Exam subjects

To become a nurse, you must attend nursing school. There is a wide choice in this area - in total there are more than 245 establishments in all regions of the country, for example:

  1. St. Petersburg Medical College named after. V. M. Bekhtereva.
  2. College of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.
  3. College of Rostov State Medical University.
  4. Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College.
  5. Medical and Pharmaceutical College of the Kazan State Medical Institute.

The specialty of a nurse can be obtained after completing 9 or 11 classes. For admission to college, the results of the Unified State Exam or Unified State Exam are not required. Admission is based on a competition of certificates (if competition for budget places is high, and, as a rule, this is the case, then the results of the State Examination Test are also taken into account). Colleges have the right to conduct entrance examinations in the form of testing or interviews to check the psychological qualities of applicants. Their results are assessed on a pass/fail scale.

The duration of training depends on the level of basic education. After nine grades, study at the medical college will last three years and 10 months, after eleven - two years and 10 months.

Nurses can have different specializations, for example:

  1. Ward. Her responsibilities include caring for and monitoring patients in certain wards of the hospital or hospital.
  2. Procedural. Takes blood for laboratory tests and gives injections.
  3. Precinct. Helps supervise patients in assigned territory and perform procedures at home.
  4. Dietary. Deals with nutrition for a particular disease, monitors the preparation of menus and the quality of food.


The profession of a nurse or nurse involves performing a certain range of responsibilities, which includes:

  • provision of emergency assistance;
  • fulfilling doctor's prescriptions (injections, IVs, etc.);
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • preparing the patient for procedures;
  • patient care;
  • drawing blood for testing;
  • issuing certificates, maintaining documentation.

The specific list of responsibilities of a nurse depends on her specialization, but, as in ancient times, her main occupation is observing and caring for the patient.

Who is the profession suitable for?

The nursing profession is not for everyone. To successfully work in your specialty, you need:

  • the ability to find a common language with the patient and his relatives;
  • quick response to doctor’s orders - you often have to instantly navigate when an emergency situation arises in order to provide timely assistance;
  • politeness, tact;
  • strong nervous system;
  • responsibility and dedication.

A good nurse is also a psychologist: it is important for her to find words to support a sick person, to help him not only with deeds (with her knowledge and skills), but also to inspire him, because the success of treatment depends 50% on the patient’s mood.

The advantages of the profession include:

  • high demand for this specialty (and not only in Russia, but throughout the world);
  • employment opportunity in any city in the country;
  • the ability to skillfully help yourself and your loved ones when your health status changes.

The profession of a nurse also has disadvantages:

  • very low salary;
  • irregular schedule;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • risk of infection from infectious patients;
  • threat from antisocial elements;
  • very high responsibility.

In addition, it is necessary to be prepared in advance for the arrogant attitude of senior medical staff. Unfortunately, in our hospitals, doctors do not always show proper tact towards the nursing staff. Therefore, it will not be easy for ambitious and ambitious people to work in such a position.


By 2018, the average salary for a nurse in the country corresponds to living wage. IN major cities it is higher and varies from 17 thousand to 20 thousand rubles. In private clinics they receive more - approximately 30,000 rubles.

In Moscow, the salary of an average health worker is 31-40 thousand rubles. The amount depends on the status and specialization of the medical institution. The maximum rate in the country is 90,000 rubles. (but for those who decide to make nursing their profession, it is better to focus on more modest statistics).

Depending on the type of activity of a nurse, the average salaries in rubles are as follows:

  • senior - 38,000;
  • operating room - 34,000;
  • cosmetology - 32,000;
  • procedural - 30,000;
  • dental - 25,000.

How to build a career

Many people wonder whether a nurse can make a career. Currently, with higher educational institutions There are refresher courses. With the received additional education You can take an administrative position head nurse(departments or even hospitals), and also get the opportunity to teach “Nursing” in college. But by and large, the nursing profession does not imply dizzying career growth.

There is also the opportunity to continue education and study to become a doctor, and then build a career from a higher starting position. Work experience in this case will help you master specialized subjects faster. Those who are not satisfied with the salary are recommended to gain experience, improve their skills, and receive new category or get a job in a private clinic.

Prospects for the profession

Nurses, like doctors, will always be needed - at least for sure in the coming centuries. So, from the point of view of demand in the foreseeable future, the profession has no problems. Another thing is salary prospects. Unfortunately, they are not so rosy, but if you are a pessimist, then it is better not to go into medicine to work in any specialty.

Nurse(nurse) - a specialist in the field of nursing, a professional assistant to the attending physician. Male version of the profession - nurse. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

A doctor or paramedic examines the patient and prescribes treatment, someone must carry out these appointments: give injections, put in IVs, bandage a wound, give medicine, check the temperature, etc. All this is done by a nurse (or nurse) - a specialist from among the paramedical personnel. Often, a nurse communicates with patients even more than a doctor. And the success of treatment depends on her skills.

The specific set of responsibilities of a nurse depends on the place of work. For example, in a clinic, a nurse can help a doctor see patients. This district nurse. She monitors the delivery of patient outpatient records from the registry (they keep medical histories); receives test results and conclusions in the laboratory and X-ray room; makes sure that the doctor always has sterile instruments and necessary medications at hand.

They work in anti-tuberculosis, dermatovenerological, psychoneurological dispensaries, as well as in antenatal and children's clinics visiting nurses. Patronage (from the French patronage - patronage, guardianship) means that medical procedures are carried out at home. Visiting nurses go to patients’ homes and give them injections, bandages, measure blood pressure, etc.

Nursein the physiotherapy room carries out medical procedures using special devices: UHF, ultrasound, electrophoresis, etc.

Procedural nurse gives injections (including intravenous), takes blood from a vein, puts in IVs. All these are very difficult procedures - they require high qualifications and impeccable skills. Especially if a procedural nurse works in a hospital where there may be seriously ill patients.

Charge nurse- distributes medicines, puts compresses, cups, enemas, gives injections. She also measures temperature, pressure and reports to the attending physician about the well-being of each patient. And if necessary, the nurse provides emergency care (for example, in case of fainting or bleeding).

The health of each patient depends on the work of the ward nurse. Especially if this is a seriously ill patient. In good hospitals, ward nurses (with the help of junior nurses and caregivers) care for weak patients: they feed, wash, change linen, and make sure there are no bedsores.

The ward nurse has no right against negligence or forgetfulness. Unfortunately, the work of a ward nurse involves night shifts. This is bad for your health.

Operating room nurse assists the surgeon and is responsible for ensuring that the operating room is always ready for work. This is perhaps the most responsible nursing position. And the most favorite among those who have worked at least a little in operations. The sister is preparing everything for the future operation necessary tools, dressings and suture materials, ensures their sterility, checks the serviceability of the equipment. And during the operation he assists the doctor, provides instruments and materials. The success of the operation depends on the coordination of the actions of the doctor and the nurse. This work requires not only good knowledge and skills, but also reaction speed and a strong nervous system. And also good health: like a surgeon, a nurse has to stand on her feet throughout the operation. If the patient needs dressings after surgery, they are also done by the operating nurse.

For sterilization, instruments are taken to sterilization department. The nurse working there operates special equipment: steam, ultraviolet chambers, autoclaves, etc.

Head nurse supervises the work of all nurses in a department of a hospital or clinic. She draws up duty schedules, monitors the sanitary condition of the premises, is responsible for economic and medical supplies, for the maintenance and safety of medical instruments and devices. In addition to their actual medical duties, nurses have to keep records, and the head nurse also monitors this. She also supervises the work of junior medical personnel (orderlies, nurses, nurses, etc.). To do this efficiently, the head nurse must know the specifics of the department's work down to the smallest detail.

Junior nurse takes care of the sick: changes linen, feeds, helps move bedridden patients inside the hospital. Her duties are similar to those of a nurse, and medical education limited to short-term courses.

This is not a complete list of options for working as a nurse. Each has its own specificity. What they have in common is that, although a nurse is considered a physician's assistant, main goal The work of a nurse is helping sick people. Such work brings moral satisfaction, especially if it is work in a hospital. But it is also very hard work, even if you love it very much. There is no time for smoke breaks and thoughtfulness in the middle of the working day. The most difficult departments are those in which operations are performed and where emergency patients are admitted. These are surgery, traumatology, otolaryngology.


There are several career options for a nurse. You can, while remaining in the same position, improve your qualifications and receive a corresponding salary increase. Another option is administrative: you can become the head nurse of a department or even a hospital. The third option is to continue your education and become a doctor.

But why "sister"?

The fact is that the first nurses appeared under the auspices of the church. And the word “sister” meant not a blood relationship, but a spiritual one.

In the 11th century, communities of women and girls appeared in the Netherlands, Germany and other countries to care for the sick. In the 13th century, Countess Elizabeth of Thuringia, later canonized, built a hospital at her own expense, and also organized an orphanage for foundlings and orphans, and she herself worked in it. The Elizabethan Catholic community was founded in her honor. In peacetime, nun sisters cared only for sick women, and in wartime, they also cared for wounded soldiers. They also cared for those suffering from leprosy.

In 1617 in France, priest Vincent Paul organized the first community of sisters of mercy. He first proposed this name - “sister of mercy”, “elder sister”. The community consisted of widows and virgins who were not nuns and did not take any permanent vows. The community was led by Louise de Marillac, who organized a special school to train sisters of mercy and nurses.

Similar communities began to be created in France, the Netherlands, Poland and other countries. By the middle of the 19th century Western Europe there were already about 16 thousand sisters of mercy.

In Russia, the profession of a nurse appeared in 1863. Then the Minister of War issued an order to introduce, by agreement with the Holy Cross community, permanent nursing care for patients in military hospitals.


Nurses work in hospitals, clinics, maternity hospitals, private clinics, children's institutions, military units and hospitals, sanatoriums and rest homes.

Important qualities

The former name of this profession was “sister of mercy.” Mercy and sympathy for the pain of others is one of the most important qualities of a nurse. This is necessarily accompanied by attentiveness, accuracy and responsibility. Good coordination of movements is also important (this is especially important for operating rooms, procedure rooms, and ward nurses), good memory, and the desire for professional growth. Good health and stamina. Allergies to certain drugs can be an obstacle to work. For example, an operating room nurse cannot assist in an operation if fumes from disinfectants cause her to cough. But the nursing profession has such a wide field of activity that you can simply move to another job.


Salary as of 02/27/2020

Russia 18000—46000 ₽

Moscow 35000—66000 ₽

Knowledge and skills

The nurse must have an understanding of human anatomy and physiology and be able to provide emergency first aid, perform necessary medical procedures, ensure infection safety, and maintain records.

Where to study to become a Nurse

To work as a nurse you need a secondary medical education. It can be obtained from medical school or college. Many specializations require additional training. For example, in order to treat people in a physiotherapy office, you need to undergo special training in working with all the equipment.

In any medical institution there is a strict hierarchy of all nurses. Each nurse has specific rights and responsibilities, depending on her. This division ensures the efficient and high-quality work of the entire medical department.

Despite the fact that the position of a nurse is a junior staff compared to the chief specialist - a doctor, her contribution to caring for the health of patients should not be diminished.

A nurse is a doctor's first assistant. The main components of her work, from an ethical point of view, are mercy and humanity towards the sick. It includes caring for the patient, restoring and strengthening his health, as well as preventing various diseases.

There is a special distribution of nurses into categories, which depends on the type of activity and education:

  1. Woman having higher education and specialty "Nursing", can work head nurse. Her responsibilities include monitoring the work of junior and mid-level medical workers.
  2. monitors the work of the ward and junior nurses hospitals.
  3. A nurse who cares for patients in the wards is called a ward or guard nurse.
  4. The procedural nurse performs such manipulations as blood sampling, injections and infusions.
  5. In the operating room, the surgeon is assisted by an operating room nurse. She also prepares instruments, bandages and other things necessary for the operation.
  6. The local nurse helps the local doctor receive patients.

Nurse's rights

Any nurse has the following rights:

In addition, a nurse working in surgery has the right to control antiseptic standards during operations. Also, when meetings are held in a medical institution at which the work of a paramedic is discussed. staff, the nurse has the right to attend such a meeting.

Responsibilities of junior and senior nurses

Junior honey Personnel are considered to be nursing nurses, housekeepers and nurses.

These nurses help the ward care for the sick, maintain order and ensure that patients are comfortable in the wards. The hostess sister must be responsible for the economic issues of the hospital and monitor the work of the nurses.

For everything junior staff There are general responsibilities:

  • Cleaning of medical premises institutions
  • Helping ward nurses
  • Accompanying and transporting patients around the hospital
  • Carrying out sanitary and hygienic treatment of patients

The responsibilities of the senior nurse are mainly concentrated on monitoring the work of the junior nurse. personnel. They must provide effective work of his department, prepare for junior staff, ensure discipline and compliance with safety rules in the department. Also, senior nurses are responsible for receiving and storing medications and medical equipment.

Nurses' responsibilities

In addition to the rights and responsibilities, nurses are responsible for:

  • For poor performance of one's duties
  • For failure to comply with labor and discipline rules, failure to comply with safety precautions and fire safety

It is very important for every employee medical institution clearly know your rights and responsibilities. This will help ensure successful activities and harmonious relationships within the team.

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