Anna Sukhova
Quest game for senior preschool age “In the Land of Professions”

Target: acquaintance preschoolers with professions through play activities.


Educational: expand children's knowledge about a variety of professions, their name and content; to form in children ideas about the social role of adult labor and the importance professions in society(doctor, fireman, builder, seamstress); to form ideas about the various specialties of doctors (dentist, neurologist, traumatologist); practice the skill of writing descriptive stories about different people professions using a mnemonic table (plan - diagram); strengthen children's knowledge of the first signs of stroke.

Developmental: promote the development of coherent speech; enrich and activate children's vocabulary on the topic « Professions» (patient, dentist, neurologist, traumatologist, stroke, adjectives (caring, hardworking, friendly, kind); to form the need for children to answer in full common offers; develop cognitive interest and creative abilities of children; consolidate the ability to build according to a drawing and independently select the necessary building material; consolidate children's knowledge about the work of firefighters, about the basic rules of behavior during a fire.

Educational: cultivate a desire to work in a team; cultivate creativity; cultivate respect for work.

Types of children's activities: gaming, cognitive, motor, productive.

Forms of working with children: creative tasks; guessing riddles; didactic games; design.

Equipment: Schematic map, interactive game “What is needed for the work of a builder”; poster ; audio recordings for musical accompaniment; Dunno costume; hollow floor constructor according to Polikarpov’s method; medals for each child; multimedia presentation (pictures for the game "Find out a stroke", mnemonic table "Tell me about profession seamstress» ); puzzle « Professions» .

Preliminary work:

Di “Who needs what for work”, "The Lost Tool", "For what and from what"; Role-playing games "Hospital", "Pharmacy", "Little Master"; Meetings with representatives profession nurse; Conversations with children about parents' professions; Consideration illustrations on the topic, various instruments professions; Compiling short stories “Who will I be when I grow up?”; Reading poetry.

Progress of the quest:

Children enter the hall to the music of L. Derevyagina "Who to be?"


Game situation emotional mood:

In a wide circle - I see all my friends stand up,

We'll go right now - one, two, three

And then let's go left - one, two, three

Let's gather in the center of the kug - one, two, three

And we’ll all return to our place - one, two, three

Let's smile, wink, and start playing fun.

Exit Dunno. Dunno runs in with drawings « Professions»

Leading: Hello Dunno. What do you have?

Dunno: Hello. I got into trouble, I was kicked out of Sunny City. I wanted to try myself in different professions: I even drew everyone (the confused ones professions, look here. And they got offended and kicked me out (crying).

Dunno: What should I do now, how to return to Sunny City? To help, Znayka gave me some piece of paper (shows map).

Leading: And what does Dunno have? (map).

Dunno: But I just can’t figure it out. Maybe you can help me (answers)

Leading: Guys, how do you think we can help Dunno? (let's go on a trip around the map, learn a lot of new things and tell Dunno). I suggest you take a trip to country of professions. There will be various challenges along your way. Try complete the tasks correctly and then you will be able to help Dunno. For each correctly completed task you will receive a piece of the puzzle.

Leading: Then let's go. Where should we go? (we need to look at the map). What we see at the first station (a syringe is drawn). What do you think this symbol means? (answers)

That's right guys, first station "Medical". Children go to the station with a sign "syringe".

Leading: How do you want to get there? (by train). I will be the locomotive, and you will be the carriages. Stand next to each other. Let's go!

Children stand one after another, each holding onto the elbows of the one in front. Moving their arms bent at the elbows, the children barely follow the teacher around the room.

Pronounce: “Cha-cha-cha, we all went to the doctor. Chu-chu-chu, I'm healing my neck. Chi-chi-chi, we have all become strongmen.” Our train stopped at the station "Medical" (sit down)

Who sits at the patient's bedside,

And he tells everyone how to get treatment.

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk! Who is this? (Doctor)

Leading: What does a doctor do? What qualities should a doctor have? (friendly, affectionate, kind). What do you think the doctor does to benefit people? (answers) The doctor treats us when we are sick. He, like a magician, can cure any ailment in children and adults. Do you know that doctors have different specialties, each of them specializes in certain organs and performs specific work.

What specialties of doctors do you know? (therapist, pediatrician, surgeon, etc.)

What are people called who visit a doctor? (patient).

Game "Find out a stroke"

"Tooth Bandaged" (tooth hurts) What's in the first picture? What's wrong with this patient? (tooth hurts) What should he do? (you need to go see a doctor). What doctor can cure him? (dentist) That's right, this is a dentist. He treats teeth and works out caries prevention, gives advice on what to do to prevent teeth pain.

A picture appears on the slide "Bandaged leg" (leg hurts) What about this patient? (leg hurts) And what doctor can help him?

(traumatologist). What does a traumatologist do? A traumatologist will always help if you fall or get injured

A picture appears on the slide "Grandfather is sitting" (stroke) What do you think happened to this patient? (children’s assumptions: fainting, headache, stroke, etc.).

Leading: How can you check that a person is having a stroke? (answers) Ask to smile, say your name, raise your hand up. (picture on slide "emoticons" 3 rules). And they remind us of this "Funny emoticons".

If it is difficult to complete one or more tasks, what should you do first? (call an ambulance). What is the number to call an ambulance? (03) . Which doctor should I contact? (to a neurologist) A neurologist is a specialist in diseases of the nervous system.

Well done, you named the doctors' specialties correctly and you get the first piece of the puzzle (a puzzle piece appears on the slide)

Leading: We found the first piece of the puzzle. But we need to hurry, find the rest.

Let's look at our map (There are threads on the map, where should we go next? (answers). That's right, that means we need to head for the station "Sewing"(children go to the station with a sign "threads").

Dynamic pause "White Snowflakes" (to calm music)

Close your eyes and imagine that you are snowflakes.

Spun, spun (spin in place)

White snowflakes.

They flew up in a white flock (raise your hands)

Light fluffs, (spin on your toes)

The prankish wind died down a little - (put your hands down, stand up straight)

Lay down everywhere (sit down, hands to the floor)

They sparkled like pearls (stand up, hands forward)

Everyone marvels at the miracle (spread your arms to the sides)

They sparkled and sparkled (perform the movement with your hands "scissors")

White girlfriends.

Let's go for a walk (steps in place)

Children of our group. (sit on chairs)

Leading: So we ended up at the station "Sewing"

Sews, cuts, takes measurements,

Invites you to try on.

Helps her with her work

You won't believe it - a needle!

Without her there will be no point,

She takes care of her needle (seamstress).

Leading: Guys, who is called a seamstress? (A person who cuts and sews clothes).

Who wants to talk about professions"seamstress" using our table helper. Look carefully at all the squares so you don't miss anything. Who wants to tell us?

Sample story:

This is a seamstress. She works in a garment factory. A seamstress wears special clothes to make her work comfortable. To work, a seamstress needs scissors, a sewing machine, needles, and threads. Thanks to the seamstress, all people have beautiful, comfortable, fashionable clothes.

Leading: Well done guys, another piece of the puzzle has been found (a puzzle appears on the slide). Where should we move next, how will we know? (view map). There is one more station on our map that we must visit. And drawn here... (fire). So this is the station? "Fire". And we will go to her, having guessed riddle:

If something suddenly happens in the house -

Smoke billows from the windows,

And the fire, and the heat blazes -

It means there<. >.(fire)

This is not just a joke to you,

Without wasting a minute,

Don't think too long -

Call<. > (01)

Leading: Well done, you guessed it right. And we're at the station "Fire".

What qualities should a firefighter have? (must be brave, smart, strong, smart).What kind of work does a firefighter do? (answers)

Leading: Guys, to find the last piece of the puzzle, you must turn into a team of young firefighters. And you want to be a team of firefighters and name all the rules of behavior in case of fire. (Children's answers)

Situation "Rules of conduct during a fire"

On a magnetic board, children look at a poster depicting the rules in case of a fire. And they get a puzzle.

Leading: Well done guys, you did it. We have another piece of the puzzle. But that's not all. Look at the map there is still a test ahead. And where should we go? (on the map "helmet").(Answers) Right to the station "Construction". And we will get there if we remember a few proverbs about labor:

As is the builder, so is the monastery!

The master's work is afraid.

He who loves to work cannot sit idle.

People honor those who love work.

To build a building requires knowledge.

A bad craftsman has a bad saw.

Leading: so we ended up at the station "Construction"

Who do you think works at this station? (builder) Do you know what a builder needs to do his job?

Interactive game “What does a builder need to work?”

Leading: I know the magic words, if you say them, you will turn into little builders and be able to build a House (stand near the chairs):

"Top, top, clap, clap,

Turn around yourself

Turn into a little builder."

I suggest you build houses from modules. What is the first thing you need for work? (plan) Consider and tell us about your building, what lies at the base of the building, how many parts and what kind. (children look at the diagram, name what material they will need, in what sequence they will carry out the construction, discuss in pairs who will build what). Now select the material for the drawing and begin construction.

At the end, a puzzle piece is found under the cubes

Leading: Boys, what have you built? And girls, what have you built? Well done (individual praise. Who exactly, for what! You made beautiful houses. You worked together, helped each other. Guys, look at the map, we have one more final test left. Which one? (answers).

In order to help Dunno get to the Sunny City, you need to put together a puzzle from the elements that you have in your hands. (The team assembles the puzzle piece by piece - the result is a poster “Everything professions are important) (sit down) At this time Dunno appears.)

Dunno: You guys are great, have you completed all the tasks?

Leading: About which ones we talked about professions today? Which I liked the profession more? What did you like most about our trip? All professions The ones we talked about today and those we didn’t have time to talk about are very important and necessary for all people.

Dunno: Yes, that's it professions are very interesting, but I liked the builder's work most of all. But I realized that for anyone professions first you need to study a lot and know a lot. Today you were attentive, brave, a lot professions learned and mastered. I hope you grow up and choose a profession you like.

Leading: Dunno, now you can return to Sunny City!

Dunno: Thank you guys! And I also didn’t waste time and prepared these medals for you (presents medals)

Leading: Thank you, Dunno. We say goodbye to you. Goodbye.

Dunno: Goodbye guys. The guys are leaving

Lyudmila Ivanova
Scenario of the children's career guidance quest-game “All professions are needed! All professions are important!” Older age

Carrying out such quest– travel will allow children to open the door to the world professions, and for teachers to organize a new form of interaction with parents of students and society.

1. Explanatory note.

Target: formation in children of positive attitudes and respectful attitude towards different types of workers professions.


To form in preschoolers ideas about the social role of adult labor and the importance of individual professions in society;

To develop concretely - visual ideas of pupils about professions important to society, to form an elementary experience professional actions;

Develop the ability to clearly answer questions, promote the development of attention, memory and logical thinking;

Instill in children respect for different people professions;

Teach children how to interact with peers

in team games.

Participants: children senior group(20 people, parents, teachers.

Preliminary work: learning poems about professions, reading fiction literature: N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?", S, Mikhalkov "All sorts of mothers needed» , “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”. D. Rodari “What crafts smell like”,B. Zakhoder "Shoemaker", "Builders", "Dressmaker", "Chauffeur".E. Permyak "What are hands for? needed» , E. Karganova “I want to become a worker”. Riddles about professions, learning proverbs about work, conversation on the topic “What do your parents do?”, d/game "To whom what needed for work, "Guess profession» , "All professions are important» , looking at illustrations on the topic « Professions» , role-playing games "Supermarket", "Beauty salon", "Pharmacy" and other physical education minutes « Professions» , listening to music.

Means: multimedia equipment, presentation quests - games

"All professions are needed! All professions are important!”, route sheet, tools for the work of a biologist scientist (magnifying glass, net, dissecting needle, puzzles « Professions» , medals for each child.

Venue: music room, group room.

Psycho-gymnastics "Bridge of Friendship".

Educator. Hello guys! How are you feeling? Let's build "Bridge of Friendship". Let's hold hands and raise them up. Here's ours "Bridge of Friendship". Let's smile at each other and wish each other a good mood. We will need it today. Presentation demonstration.

Welcome to the participants “Video message from the scientist Vseznaykin”.

“Guys, I've heard a lot of good things about you. I know that you know a lot professions.

I invite you to take part in quest game"All professions are needed!

All professions are important!».

Guys, do we accept the invitation of the Wise Owl? Children: We accept.

Educator. Guys, Mr. Know-It-All sent us a route sheet, using it we will navigate, find routes and play the game.

Do you agree? And so we begin.

We review the route sheet and determine the place of promotion.

First we go to the sign "Computer".

Game "Guess profession» . Exercise: An adult will read the riddle, and you listen carefully. Guess which one profession in question? To find out if you answered correctly, click on the button with a question mark.

To move on to the next riddle, press the arrow.


1. Who in days of illness

more useful than anyone else,

And cures us of everything

diseases? (Doctor).

2. This sorceress has

This artist

Not brushes and paints,

And a comb and scissors.

She has

Mysterious power:

Who will touch

He will become beautiful. (Hairdresser).

3. He will wake up at dawn,

The snow will be cleared in the yard.

All paths will be swept

And the ice will sprinkle sand. (Street cleaner).

4. All day today

The whole family.

Wait a little, cat,

There will be clothes for you too! (Seamstress).

5. Mom has dolls, balls, pins on the counter,

Shoes are on the right, fabrics are on the left, cups are on display.

Mom is like a queen

In our store! (Salesman).

6. He teaches children at school.

Strict, but forgives everything.

Helps you become smarter

He explains everything. (Teacher).

7. He will direct the glass eye,

Click once -

will remember you. (Photographer).

8. I have a pencil

Multi-colored gouache,

Watercolor, palette, brush

And a thick sheet of paper,

And also a tripod easel,

Because I... (artist).

Educator. Well done. You completed the task. Let's continue further. Game "Who cares what" need to?. Exercise: Look carefully at the pictures. Think about who will need the proposed tools for their work. Say your answer in complete sentences. For example, "For a hairdresser to work needed...» .

Test yourself by clicking on the image professions.

Educator. Well done. You completed the task. Let's move on. Next route to the sign "Microscope".

Educator. Hello, Oksana Vladimirovna. I am glad to welcome you. Oksana Vladimirovna's story about her professions biologist at the Institute of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with a demonstration of the presentation and tools for scientific work (magnifying glass, net, dissecting needle).


1. The airplane is light and fast

A fragrant flower flies over.

Wings, tail and eyes.

This is a miracle...dragonfly.

Squeaks thinly

It bites painfully. (Mosquito).

3. It crawls very slowly,

He carries his own house with him. (Snail).

Educator. Guys, let's say a big thank you to Oksana Vladimirovna for the interesting and informative story and say goodbye to her.

Children. Goodbye, thank you very much!

Educator. We continue our journey further. Let's go to the sign

"Fingers". Let's play a little. Physical education minute « Professions» :

Many professions-hands on the belt -torso turns

In the world we have left and right.

Let's talk about them now - spread your arms to the sides.

Here is a seamstress sewing a shirt - moving the needle.

The cook makes us compote and stirs it with a ladle.

The pilot is flying the plane - arms to the sides

For landing and takeoff, they lower their hands down, raise their hands up.

The doctor gives us injections.

And there is a security guard at the school - his arms are bent at the elbows.

A bricklayer lays a brick - he places his hands on top of each other.

And when a hunter catches game, they make binoculars from their fingers.

There is a teacher, there is a blacksmith - they bend their fingers.

Ballerina and singer.

So that professions to have - we straighten our fingers.

You need to know a lot, be able to do wrist turns.

Well study my friend! - shake a finger

And of course, don’t be lazy! - negative movement of the index finger.

Educator - And now I propose to continue the game. Let's go to the sign "Puzzles" I have also prepared interesting things for you assignments: Each team must put these puzzles together. I hope you can handle it!”

In the meantime, you will be putting together puzzles « Professions» , let's repeat the proverbs about labor:

“If you’ve done the job, go for a walk”.

“It’s hard to pull a fish out of a pond”.

“Skillful hands never get bored”.

"Time for business - time for fun".

Educator. Our game continues. We look at the route and move on. We approach the screen.

Game "Dreamers"

Exercise: to find out what the person represented dreams about professions, click on the question mark in the cloud. Give your answer in a complete sentence For example: “The artist dreams of...”.

Educator. There are many different professions.

And we can’t count them all.

Not so much it matters who we are,

It is enough to love your work.


With which professions did you meet today?

What new did you learn? What was interesting?

Which profession did you like it the most?

Educator: Well done, children, they told a lot about the work of adults, about their professions, about what is necessary in their work. Now come to me and get your rewards for the game.

The teacher rewards the children medals: "The smartest", "The smartest".


1. Dybina O. V. Familiarization with the subject and social environment. System of work in senior group of kindergarten. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012. – 64 p.

2. Kolesnikova I. V., Osyak S. A. Quest – technologies.

3.Pasechnikova T.V. Career guidance work in preschool educational settings organizations: Methodological manual – Samara: Publishing House TsPO, 2013. – 45 p.

5.Potapova T.V. Conversations with preschoolers about professions M.: Sfera, 2005. 64 p.

6. Shorygina T. A. Professions. What are they? A book for educators, tutors and parents. M.: Gnome, 2013. – 96 p.

School 18 in Murom hosted a career guidance quest game for schoolchildren in grades 8-10. Below is a list of tasks and photos.

"X-Men - a journey into the world of professions"

Purpose of the quest game:

To promote the acquisition of knowledge about professions in adolescents. Participation in the quest will give players the opportunity to practice their profession skills. In the game, schoolchildren will gain new knowledge about professions, meet specialists in these professions, acquire communication skills, the ability to work productively in a team, and find compromises to achieve a common goal.

Before the game teams choose themselves a name, captain, slogan, register, receive a route sheet.

Each team goes through a series of stations - stages where the Assistants (an asset of the youth factory committee) conduct a game with the players or give a creative task. They evaluate the work and put points on the route sheet. You can find the class where each stage will take place only by solving the code. This is additional adventure and excitement for the players. The game begins and ends in the school assembly hall.

When summing up the results, the Assistants can determine the most friendly, organized, cohesive, creative team. Participants are awarded diplomas and sweet prizes from Murom Instrument-Making Plant JSC.

"X-Men - Journey into the world of professions"

To successfully move the team forward and overcome obstacles at individual stages, act step by step and follow the rules.

Step 1. Fill out the form given at registration with the whole team.

Step 2. Hand it over to the Assistants at the registration point.

Step 3. Carefully review the plan issued upon registration. It shows ALL the rooms that are involved in the game.

Step 4. The sequence of stages for your team is determined by the code for searching for symbols of the stages of the game, which are issued by the Helpers. Write down the name of the stage on the route sheet when you solve the code correctly.

Step 5. After completing all tasks, hand over the route sheet to the Assistants at the registration point. Expect a summing up of the game in the assembly hall.

Rule 1. Put all your energy and creativity into completing tasks!

Rule 2. You have no more than 15 minutes to complete each task at the station. Don’t try to save time - it won’t bring you extra points.

Rule 3. If you are confused and don’t know where to go next, or how to complete the task correctly, ask the Helpers.

Rule 4. Additional points are given by Assistants at stages of the game, at their own discretion, justifying their decision in the route sheet.

Rule 5. DO NOT ARGUE with Assistants, as well as with judges!

Rule 6. Do not consult with members of other teams, do not interfere or help other teams: there is a competition, and the task of each team is to win! For violation of this rule, the team may be disqualified.

We wish you success!

Phrase encryption option

For example, the phrase: time is money

We encrypt it and get: 31861433561528410

Station one. Firefighter.

Phrase to encrypt the profession: “People who fight fire.”

An assistant at the station introduces the team to the profession. 3 minutes to get acquainted with the profession.

The team is then introduced to firefighter combat clothing. 3 participants put on clothes for a while.

Then the guys are given a diagram for laying the hose line. At the start, participants have 2 sleeves, a splitter and a barrel. The team must connect the elements of the hose line according to the diagram. The task is completed for a while. The whole team participates.

Station two. Cook.

Phrase to encrypt the profession: “Bon appetit.”

Instructions for completion are attached to the task.

Instructions: I have in my hands a text called “Royal Easter.” The text is cut into parts. Each of you receives several fragments of text. This text contains all the necessary information to answer the question posed.

While searching for an answer to a question, you can:

- communicate with each other;

- take notes on paper if you need it;

- keep track of time using a stopwatch;

However, you must not:
- get up from your seats;

- show each other your leaves;
- should not turn to assistants for help.

The task will show:

— can you work in a team;

— whether you can achieve a common goal.

If there are no questions, then good luck! Time has passed!

Question: How much food do you need to buy to bake the royal Easter?

Task text:

  • Kitchen secrets were passed down in Rus' by inheritance and recorded in family cookbooks.
  • It is noteworthy that almost every recipe in such a book is associated with family traditions and has its own history.
  • Here is one of the old recipes from Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy (the wife of the writer Leo Tolstoy).
  • It gives you the opportunity to look behind the scenes of the Tolstoys’ family life, feel the atmosphere of a large, hospitable house, and get to know its owner better.
  • Royal Easter recipe. Servings: 3 pounds good fresh curds, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 pound butter, 3 yolks, ½ vanilla stick, ¾ bottle heavy cream, 2 cups sugar.
  • Rub 3 pounds of good fresh cottage cheese through a sieve, put half a teaspoon of salt into it, 1 pound of butter (it must be melted and cooled a little) pour into the cottage cheese; Grind 3 yolks with sugar and ½ vanilla stick, and stir with cottage cheese.
  • Put 2 cups of sugar in this cottage cheese. Then whip ¾ bottle of heavy cream as hard as possible and mix it with the cottage cheese.
  • Mix all this well and place it in the beekeeper under a small press.
  • Ancient weight measures found in the Cookbook:

Pound (English) – 453 g

Pound (Russian) – 400 g

Spool – 4.266 g

Lot – 12.797 g

Ounce – 31.103 g

Drachna – 3.732 g

Measure – 7.5 kg

Glass – 200 g

  • Ancient measures of volume found in the Cookbook:

Shtof – 1.2299 l

Garants (garnets) – 3.28 l

Bottle – 0.6 l

  • Today all these products can be bought in the store. Cottage cheese is sold in packs of 200 g and 400 g.
  • A pack of cottage cheese 200 g costs 20 rubles.
  • Salt is sold in large packs of 1 kg and costs 7 rubles. A pack of butter contains 250 g and costs 53 rubles.
  • Eggs in the store can be bought in packages of 6, 10 and 30 pieces, their prices are 46 rubles, 57 rubles and 129 rubles, respectively.
  • Vanilla is sold in bags (3 sticks) for 37 rubles, cream - in bags of 0.5 liters for 70 rubles.
  • Sugar is sold in bags of 1 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg, costing 28 rubles, 90 rubles and 170 rubles, respectively.

Station three. Logistics, logistician.

Phrase to encrypt the profession: “Time is money.”

Example of a task: a team is laying out a route. Determines the length of the shortest path between points A and F (assuming that travel can only be done on constructed roads). Roads have been built between settlements A, B, C, D, E, F, the length of which is shown in the table. (The absence of a number in the table means that there is no direct road between points.)

A 3 5 8
B 9 4
C 3 9 3 1
D 3 2
E 4 8 2 7
F 7

Determine the length of the shortest path between points A and F (assuming that travel can only be done on constructed roads).

A route map must be drawn. To do this, the team is provided with: Whatman paper and multi-colored markers.

Station four. Nurse or brother.

Phrase for encryption: “The doctor is nature’s assistant!”

An assistant at the station introduces the team to the profession. 3 minutes to get acquainted with the profession.

At the station, the team is given: an individual first aid kit and an assignment (cards).

It is necessary to provide first aid within 10 minutes, according to the task, to the injured player.

Station five. Mechanic.

Encryption phrase: “All around us are mechanisms.”

An assistant at the station introduces the team to the profession. 3 minutes to get acquainted with the profession.

At the station, the team is given a set of parts and assembly instructions. It takes 10 minutes to assemble the mechanism.

Station six. Feelings of professions.

Muravyova Irina ts.29

Encryption phrase: “To feel is to be.”

At the station, the assistant will need whatman paper according to the number of commands, lined notes and markers. Time no more than 10-15 minutes.

The assistant at the station reminds that there are such antonym words, that is, words that are opposite in meaning to each other, for example:
Participants are asked to recall ten words with their antonyms. These words should be verbs related to the effect of one person on another, for example:
The assistant takes out a pre-prepared sheet of Whatman paper. The sheet is divided into four columns.
Participants come up with pairs of antonyms. The assistant enters them into the table. The first one goes in the first column, the second antonym goes in the second column. If the verb has a negative connotation (for example, “to cripple”), then it is better to put it in first place, that is, put it in the first column.
Next, the assistant asks for each of these verbs to remember the profession that corresponds to it. For example, “to remain silent” corresponds to the profession of “librarian” (because it is customary to remain silent in the library), “to speak” corresponds to the profession of a teacher or speaker. The profession related to the first word is entered in the third column, the second - in the fourth. It is advisable that professions not be repeated.
Once the table is complete, you can analyze it a little. For example, you could ask participants questions like these:
— Maybe some professions should be swapped?
— Where else could one put the profession of “policeman”?
— Is there anything in common between the professions in the third column? in the fourth?
— Which of these professions would you choose?
- Which one would you definitely choose?

Station seven. Electrician

Encryption phrase: “Let there be light!”

An assistant at the station introduces the team to the profession. 3 minutes to get acquainted with the profession.

At the station, the team is given: 10 pieces of plywood, 20 pieces of two-core wire, 10 knives for stripping insulation, 2 scissors, 4 rolls of electrical tape.

  1. Schoolchildren sit down at their work stations, each taking a pair of wires, plywood, a knife, and three pieces of electrical tape.
  2. The assistant shows how to use a knife on plywood to remove the insulation from the wires, connect the wire strands and insulate each of them and the overall one.
  3. Students repeat the task and hand it over to an assistant.

Station eight. Design engineer.

Encryption phrase: “Drawing is the language of technology.”

An assistant at the station introduces the team to the profession. 3 minutes to get acquainted with the profession.

At the station, the team is given: 10 copies of one drawing, 10 drawing formats, pencils, rulers, squares, erasers, two drawings with errors.

  1. 10 schoolchildren are seated at desks on which everything necessary for completing a simple drawing has been prepared. Their task is to repeat the drawing within no more than 10 minutes.
  2. Schoolchildren who are not involved in drawing work, or are released early, receive a correct complex drawing and a copy of the drawing with errors. You need to find 10 errors in the drawing - learn to read the drawing.

Station nine. One day in the life...

Encryption phrase: “Life is a moment.”

At the station, the assistant will need: a pen, papers, a tablet.

The exercise is carried out in a circle. Time no more than 10-15 minutes.

  1. The assistant determines, together with the other players, what profession would be interesting to consider.
  2. General instructions: “Now we will jointly try to compose a story about a typical working day for our employee - ……. This will be a story made up of nouns only. For example, a story about a teacher’s work day could be like this: bell - breakfast - bell - lesson - poor students - question - answer - grade - teacher's room - director - scandal - lesson - excellent students - bell - home - bed. In this game we will see how well we imagine a person’s work, and also find out whether we are capable of collective creativity, because in the game there is a serious danger of some unfortunate touch (inappropriately called “for fun”, a stupid noun) to ruin the whole story .

An important condition: before naming a new noun, each player must repeat everything that was named before him. Then our story will be perceived as a complete work. To better remember the named nouns, I advise you to look carefully at all the speakers, as if associating the word with a specific person.”

  1. The presenter can name the first word, and the rest of the players take turns calling their nouns, making sure to repeat everything that was called before them.
  2. When summing up the results of the game, you can ask the participants whether the story turned out to be a complete one or not? did someone spoil the overall story with their unfortunate noun? If the story turns out to be confusing and chaotic, then you can ask one of the players to tell in their own words what the story was about, what happened there (and did it happen?). You can also discuss how truthfully and typically the work day of the professional in question was presented.

Station ten. Technological engineer.

Encryption phrase: “Technology is progress.”

An assistant at the station introduces the team to the profession. 3 minutes to get acquainted with the profession.

At the station in front of the team are wooden coins, on which the steps for making the ointment are written. The team needs to assemble the correct technological chain and explain it in 5-7 minutes.

Technological chain:

sanitary processing of production
preparation of raw materials and materials
preparing the base - dissolving Vaseline with a special steam “needle”
transfer of the molten base through a heated pipeline into the reactor
preparation of medicinal substances: grinding, sifting
introduction of medicinal substances into the base;
mixing bases and medicinal substances in a dough mixing machine
transferring the ointment to the homogenization hopper
homogenization of the ointment - thorough grinding and distribution of the medicinal substance in the base
ointment quality check
ointment standardization
ointment packaging
ointment labeling
packaging of finished products

Standardization is one of the activities to establish norms, rules and characteristics in order to ensure the quality of pharmaceutical products. Standardization of ointments is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the General Pharmacopoeia Monograph “Ointments” and other regulatory documentation. Standardization is carried out according to the following indicators:

  1. name of the drug in Russian;
  2. INN in Russian;
  3. compound;
  4. description;
  5. authenticity;
  6. weight of the package contents;
  7. pH of aqueous extract;
  8. particle size;
  9. foreign impurities (related compounds);
  10. microbiological purity;
  11. quantification;
  12. package;
  13. marking;
  14. transportation;
  15. storage;
  16. best before date;
  17. pharmacological group.

If the chain is assembled incorrectly, then the assistant corrects it by lifting and moving the money-steps higher than the chain. As a result, it is calculated how much money the team earned at this stage. For every coin raised, 5 squats for the whole team.

Game over.

The results of the game are summed up according to the stage completion cards handed over by the assistants. The best teams receive winning prizes. Teams with fewer points will receive incentive prizes. All teams receive diplomas for participating in the quest game.

The accelerating pace of change in the world, society, science, technology and increasing competition in the labor market, the emergence of new professions require teachers to search for new and original methods that increase the effectiveness of career guidance work in school.

As practice shows, modern children better assimilate information in the process of independently obtaining, analyzing and systematizing the material. Taking this into account, in career guidance work the method of working ascareer guidance quest. What is a quest in reality and how to conduct it at school with students?

Quest is an exciting team game, with a specific plot, in a specially prepared room or on the school playground. To win, participants need to solve mental problems, think logically, use dexterity, and work as a team. The plots of quests can be very diverse - from popular films and computer games to unique author’s scripts.

During the career guidance quest, participants not only acquire the knowledge necessary for an informed choice of profession, but are also placed in specially created conditions that contribute to the disclosure of the child’s abilities, the development of personal qualities, the manifestation of creative initiative, and the formation of a universal way of solving life’s problems.

Having become acquainted with the legend of the quest, the guys receive a task: by solving the proposed puzzles, answering tricky questions, completing various tasks and receiving tips, put together fragments of the formula for successfully choosing a profession or name a specific profession.

Children complete tasks with great interest and excitement, trying to get ahead of their rivals. During the game, schoolchildren gain new knowledge about professions, acquire communication skills, the ability to work productively in a team, and find compromises to achieve a common goal.

Principles of organizing career guidance quests:

In order to effectively organize children's career guidance quests, you should adhere to certain principles and conditions:

    all games and tasks must be safe;

    the tasks assigned to children must correspond to the age of the participants and their individual characteristics;

    under no circumstances should the child's dignity be humiliated in any way;

    It is necessary to introduce different types of activities into the content of the scenario, since children of the specified age, according to their psychological and age characteristics, cannot perform monotonous tasks;

    tasks must be thought out in such a way that they are consistent and logically interconnected;

    the game should be emotionally charged with the help of scenery, music, costumes, and equipment;

    schoolchildren must clearly understand the goal of the game they are striving for (for example, find a key and decipher a word or save a good character from an evil one);

    You should consider time intervals during which children will be able to complete the task, but will not lose interest in it;

    The role of the teacher in the game is to guide the children, “push” them to the right decision, but the children must make the final conclusions on their own.

Participation in a career guidance quest allows students to gain new knowledge about professions, acquire communication skills (effective communication in different forms and conditions), the ability to work productively in a team, and find compromises to achieve a common goal.

Scenario quest - games

"Journey to the City of Professions"

Goals and objectives of quest games :

    promote adolescents’ acquisition of knowledge about professions;

    systematize students’ knowledge about professions;

    develop cognitive processes, visual and figurative thinking;

    cultivate respect for work and working people.

    team unity in the process of overcoming difficulties;

    organization of active recreation for students.

Before the game, each team presents a short greeting, which it prepares in advance. The team captain receives a route sheet.

Each team goes through a number of stations - stages, whereAssistants (10th grade students from the Council of High School Students) conduct a game or give a creative task. They evaluate the work and put points on the route sheet. The game begins and ends in the school assembly hall.

Team composition : 10 people. There are 6 participating teams in total (6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b classes).

The maximum number of points at each stage is 10.

When summing upAssistants can determine the most friendly, organized, cohesive, creative team.


· handouts for each station;

· route sheets for each class;

· markers;

The leader of the quest-game reads a letter - an appeal to the participants:

Hello guys! - Have you ever thought about who you will become, what profession you will choose?

Each high school student will have to choose his own professional route, and in order not to make a mistake in this choice, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the diversity of the world of professions.

Dear guys, today you have to take part in an interesting and exciting journey to the city of Professions. This city is unusual. It's not on the maps. But each of you will definitely visit it today. The inhabitants of this city - “Professions” - are the most necessary and most important in the modern world.

You have to go through 8 points, complete tasks and collect 8 cards with letters, from which you need to make a word denoting a profession.

Whichever team does it faster and better will win our test and be recognized as the most professional team.

Each team receives a route sheet indicating the stations:

City of Professions


"Key words"

room 27


“Professions in proverbs and sayings”

room 28


"Guess the profession"

room 6


"Understand me!"

Assembly hall


"ABC of professions"

room 5

    "Professiogram" area

room 8

    Auction Park

room 16


"Groups of professions"

room 17

Station 1:

Prospect "Key words".

Assistant I suggest you determine which professions the groups of words that I will now read to you belong to. You must name what profession these words apply to:

1. Drawing, project, plan, city, harmony, drawing, structures, construction, buildings, monuments.


2. Fabric, cutting, pattern, suit, scissors, atelier.


3. White coat, patient, clinic, diagnosis.


4. Workbench, plane, machine, wood, furniture, workshop.


5. Newspaper, news, modernity, people, efficiency, editorial staff, facts.


6. Earth, nature, field, greenhouse, garden, varieties, plants, care, fruits, grain, fertilizers, harvest.


Station 2

Boulevard "Professions in Proverbs and Sayings"

Assistant : What profession are these proverbs and sayings talking about?

1. It is not the needle that sews, but the hands.

2. Where they sew, there they flog.

3. As you cut, so will you sew.


1. It’s hard for the hammer, it’s hard for the anvil.

2. Strike while the iron is hot.

3. It is not fire that heats iron, but fur.

Blacksmith .

1. What you put in the cauldron is what you take out.

2. You can’t spoil porridge with oil.

3. It’s not the pot that cooks, but the cook.


1. Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

2. Live - serve the Motherland.

3. Don’t spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.


Station 3

Lane "Guess the profession"

Assistant - What profession are we talking about?

This word came to us from the French language and in translation has one of the meanings of “acrobatic imitation of a fall in the circus.” The work of a person in this profession involves not only falling, but also a host of other complex and dangerous actions that are performed on a horse or in a car, on an airplane or train.


According to the definition of V.I. Dahl’s explanatory dictionary, “... this is a merchant person who trades in money and monetary securities, deals with bills of exchange and transfers payments from one place and state to another and retains an agreed percentage for such a service in his favor.” Who are we talking about?


The name of this profession comes from the name of the ancient Roman goddess of flowers and spring blossoms. The art of making bouquets and flower arrangements has been known since ancient times. One of the first manuals on arranging bouquets, garlands and wreaths in Russian was published in 1913. Currently, this profession is one of the most in demand.


His profession is to leave traces: lines and strokes, letters and vignettes. He does not write on paper, his materials are: glass, stone, metal, wood, linoleum. Translated from French, this word means “an artist or craftsman who carves images on plates of various solid materials.”


The first after the Tsar” - this is what the great Faberge said about the people of this profession. This profession has come down to us from ancient times; and today, like many centuries ago, it brings creative pleasure, stable income and fame. The golden hands of the master bring cold stones and indifferent metal to life.


Station 4

“Understand me” (professional “crocodile”)

The team captain must show the profession that the presenter shows him using pantomime, and the team must guess what kind of profession it is. The more professions a team guesses in 10 minutes, the more points the team scores.

Professions for the competition:

    Blacksmith 5. Hairdresser 9. Trainer

    Driver 6. Teacher 10. Photographer

    Cook 7. Builder

    Carpenter 8. Policeman

Station 5

"Chain of professions"

The team must name a profession for each letter of the alphabet, for example, A-actor B - banker, G - loader, D - taster, E - huntsman, F - tinsmith, etc. The more letters the profession is named for, the more points the team receives.

Station 6


In order to have a good understanding of the variety of professions, scientists came to the aid of those choosing a profession and grouped professions into groups depending on what a person works with. Thus, specialists of some professions work with people, others with technology, information, nature, or are engaged in creativity

Professionograms of the most popular professions.

A professiogram is a description of scientifically based norms and requirements of the profession for the types of professional activities and personality traits of a specialist that determine the success of his work.

Your task is to provide information about this profession..

1) Auditor (provides practical assistance to the management and economic services of the enterprise in conducting business and managing finances;

qualities: high level of memory development, mathematical abilities, analytical

thinking, ability to engage in monotonous activities for a long time


2) Marketer (studies and forecasts demand for goods and services through observation, survey of consumers; analyzes the reasons for fluctuations in demand for goods and services, determines ways to improve their consumer properties, sales prospects, monitors the competitive sphere, changes in tax, pricing and customs policies of the state;

qualities: analytical thinking, observation, high self-esteem,

emotional-volitional stability, communication abilities, figurative and logical

memory, socio-psychological intuition).

Station 7


Write on a piece of paper in 3 minutes as many words as possible related to the profession (DOCTOR, TEACHER, SELLER, CARRIER). The words are read out one by one by the whole team.

Station 8

"Groups of professions"

All professions, as is known, are usually divided into 5 categories depending on the type of relationship between a person and the object of action: “man is nature”, “man is man”, “man is technology”, man is an artistic image”, “man is a sign system”. The task is as follows. The named professions must be correctly classified into one of the listed types.

(The presenter names a profession from this list randomly, addressing the teams in turn. Participants must say what type the named profession is).

Groups of professions according to the type of relationship between a person and the object of action.

1) “Man is an artistic image”: sculptor, painter, art critic, engraver, tailor, lacemaker, glassblower, potter, parquet floorer, photographer, composer, pianist, artist, conductor.

2) "Man - Nature": geological engineer, blaster, meteorologist, topographical technician, master cheese maker, dough maker, baker, roller (flour milling), forester, ecologist, microbiologist, livestock specialist, livestock breeder, game breeder, gardener.

3) "Man - technology": electrician, excavator driver, installer of reinforced concrete structures, plumber, mason, fitter, construction technician, carpenter, locomotive driver, track technician, trolleybus driver, motorist-steering, flight engineer, pilot.

4) "Man - man": secretary, passenger carriage conductor, waiter, hairdresser, cashier, guide-translator, museum work methodologist, lawyer, local inspector, legal adviser, epidemiologist, nurse, visiting nurse, pioneer leader.

5) “Man is a sign system”: computer operator, programmer, mathematical technician, civil aviation navigator, aerial photographer, draftsman, cartographer, economist, astronomer, telecom operator, chemist, pharmacist and pharmacist, radio operator, stenographer, typist, telephone operator.

Each team, having passed a certain station, receives a card with a letter. Having gone through all the stages, the team submits to the jury a route sheet and a profession that was obtained from the collected cards.

1 team – MACHINIST

Team 2 – MASONRY


Team 4 - DRIVER


Team 6 – SELLER

All teams gather in the assembly hall, where they present one by one the professions whose names they collected from cards received during the quest.

At this time, the jury counts the points of each team and awards the winners of the quest game.

List of used literature:

    Golub G.B., Velikanova A.V. Pre-professional training of students: Recommendations for organization and implementation / Ed. Prof.E.A. Kogan. - Samara: Publishing House "Educational Literature", 2006.

    Didactic material for the course “Your professional career” / Ed. S.N. Chistyakova.-M.: Education, 1998.

    Mitina L.M. Psychology of development of a competitive personality. - M.:MPSI; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 2002.

    Rezapkina G.V. Me and my profession: A program of professional self-determination for teenagers. - M.: Genesis, 2000.

Liliya Golovina

Introducing children to professions

"All professions are needed, All professions are important»

Target: Introducing children to professions


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about various professions: their name and type of activity.

2. Expand children’s knowledge about relatives, their professions, the significance of their work in the family and society;

3. Foster respect for the work of adults, the desire to choose profession and the desire to learn.

Equipment: pictures depicting different people professions.

Progress of the lesson.


Today we will talk and play games on topic: "All professions are needed, All professions are important».

Name professions that you know. (children's answers)

– Look carefully at the pictures and tell me very briefly who is shown in the pictures?

The pictures show different people professions.


Now I'll tell you a little about professions originated in very ancient times.

- Let's imagine a time when people lived in the forest, in caves. They did not yet have modern houses, modern clothes. Men went hunting, brought back prey, and women prepared food from what the men caught. They tanned animal skins to later sew clothes from them.

In those very ancient times such professions, as a hunter, cook, seamstress.

Time passed, and people learned to make dishes from clay and build comfortable homes from wood. With the new labor of people, new ones appeared professions, such as potters, builders. Man has always wanted to live better. He had to travel long distances, and he came up with transport.


What do you think professions have appeared?

Children's answers: (sailor, driver, pilot, designer, traveler)


The man worked all the time. People are all different and everyone tried to choose for themselves profession which he likes. I chose profession - teacher. I really like small children and I love playing with them.

Which one profession do you dream of choosing for yourself?

Children's answers: (children's stories)

Physical education minute: (repeat 2-3 times)

Two claps overhead

Two claps in front of you,

Let's hide two hands behind our back

And let's jump on two legs.


Let's play an interesting game.

Game: "Say the word"

The plane is piloted by a pilot

Tractor driver

Electric train driver

The wall was painted by a painter

You planed the board - carpenter

An electrician installed the lights in the house.

A miner works in a mine

In a hot forge - a blacksmith

Who knows everything - well done!


I have another game for you guys.

Game "To whom what need to

Bandage, brilliant green, syringe - to the doctor

Nails, hammer, screwdriver - for the builder

Paint, brush, bucket - painter

Needle, thread, scissors - for a dressmaker or seamstress

Scales, weights, apron - to the seller

Chalk, pointer, notebooks - for the teacher

Pan, knife, stove - to the cook


We have now listed a lot professions. What do you think? the most important profession, the main thing we couldn’t do without? (children's assumptions) We were never able to determine which one the most important profession because they are all needed.

"All professions are needed, All professions are important", and to master profession a person is required to have perseverance, discipline, skill, knowledge, and hard work.


Guys, now let everyone draw a person professions which he liked the most.

After the lesson, children can be invited to play role-playing games of their choice. (hairdresser, doctor, salesperson, teacher).