This presentation, pptx format, consists of 16 slides, contains animation of the experiment; detailed progress of work; contains control questions; questions of updating knowledge, homework (textbook by A.S. Peryshkin); table and formulas for calculating acceleration and instantaneous speed.



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Social network of educators website Presentation for a lesson in 9th grade Author: Aprilskaya Valentina Ivanovna Physics teacher MBOU "Secondary School" No. 11p. Ryzdvyany, Stavropol Territory Laboratory work No. 1 Study of uniformly accelerated motion without initial speed

Study of uniformly accelerated motion without initial velocity Purpose: to determine the acceleration of the ball and its instantaneous speed before hitting the cylinder. Laboratory work No. 1, grade 9

We repeat What is acceleration? What is the direction of the acceleration vector? In what units is acceleration expressed? What kind of motion is called uniformly accelerated? What equation is called the equation of motion?

We repeat How is the projection of displacement calculated during uniformly accelerated motion? How is the displacement projection calculated at V o = 0? How to calculate the projection of the instantaneous velocity vector? What formula is used to calculate the instantaneous speed at V o = 0?

Homework. Textbook: A.V. Peryshkin, E.M. Gutnik. Physics 9th grade Repeat § 7 (movement with uniformly accelerated motion), - retelling; § 8, p. 31 repeat the formulas and definitions from § 1 - § 6; prepare for a physical dictation on the topic: “Kinematics of uniform and uniformly accelerated motion” 09.23.2014 Write it down

Work No. 1. Measuring the acceleration of a body during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion Purpose: _______ (formulate independently) Equipment: _____ (describe, standing on the table) 09/23/2014 We draw up

We carry out in the following order 1. Assemble the installation according to the drawing, mark the initial position of the ball

Execution order 2. After releasing the ball, measure the time of movement until it collides with the cylinder and write it down.

Execution order 3. Measure the displacement modulus and record. S

Procedure 4. Without changing the inclination of the gutter, repeat the experiment

Execution order 5. Enter the measurement results into the table, calculate the average time value Experiment No. Motion module, m Movement time, s Average movement time, s Acceleration, m / Instantaneous speed V= at, m/s 1 2 Experiment No. Motion module, m Motion time, s Average movement time, s Instantaneous speed V= at , m/s 1 2

Procedure 6. Determine acceleration using the formula 7. Calculate instantaneous speed using the formula V = at Note. Since V o = 0, then av av

We write down 7. Conclusion on the purpose of the work, taking into account the error in measuring physical quantities Note. Instructions for calculating measurement errors on page 2 of the 71 textbook

Test assignments based on the collection of problems by A.V. Peryshkin. Physics. 7 – 9 Option 1 Option 2 No. 1425, No. 1426, No. 1432 No. 1429 Solve 8. Complete control tasks

Thanks for the work!

Sources of information Printed materials 1. A.V. Peryshkin, E.M. Gutnik. Physics 9th grade, - M, Bustard, 2012 2. A.P. Rymkevich. Physics. Problem book for grades 10 – 11, Bustard, M. – 2012 And Internet resources. 3. Picture. Question mark. http:// 4. Picture. Reading emoticon. / 5. Picture. The call from class. 6. Picture. Ball and groove. http://

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Movement of a body during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. No initial speed

Movement of a body during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Without initial speed. Movement of a body during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Without initial speed...

Presentation "Movement of a body during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Without initial speed."

Presentation "Movement of a body during rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Without initial speed"....

Laboratory work for grade 9 "Study of uniformly accelerated motion without initial velocity"

Laboratory work for grade 9 "Study of uniformly accelerated motion without initial velocity." Scanned from an old Kikoin textbook. Processed. Not all schools still have this...

Laboratory work No. 1.

Study of uniformly accelerated motion without initial velocity

Work progress.

1. We will conduct a series of 3 launches. We record the time every time.

2. Measuring the distance h between sensors. Let's calculate the average value of the body falling time t Wed and, substituting the obtained data into the formula g = 2 h / t 2 Wed, we determine the acceleration of free fall g .

3. We enter the obtained data into a table.

Sensor distance

h, m

t, With

Time average

t Wed, s

Acceleration of gravity

g, m/s2

4. Based on the experiments carried out, we draw the following conclusions:


Laboratory work No. 3.

Study of the dependence of the oscillation period of a spring

pendulum on the mass of the load and spring stiffness

Carefully! There should be no foreign objects on the table. Careless handling of devices leads to their falling. In this case, you can get mechanical injuries and put the devices out of working order.

I have read the rules and undertake to comply.___________________________

Student signature

Purpose of the work: to experimentally establish the dependence of the period of oscillation and the frequency of oscillation of a spring pendulum on the stiffness of the spring and the mass of the load.

Equipment: set of weights, dynamometer, set of springs, tripod, stopwatch, ruler.

Work progress

1. Let's assemble the measuring setup in accordance with the figure.

2. By spring tension D x and the mass of the load we determine the spring stiffness.

F control = k D x – Hooke's law

F control = R= mg;

1) ____________________________________________________

2) ____________________________________________________

3) ____________________________________________________

3. Let's fill in the table of the dependence of the period of oscillation on the mass of the load for the same spring.

m 1 = 0.1 kg

m 2 = 0.2 kg

m 3 = 0.3 kg

4. Let's fill out table No. 2 of the dependence of the oscillation frequency of a spring pendulum on the spring stiffness for a load weighing 200 g." width="48" height="48"> 5. Let us draw conclusions about the dependence of the period and frequency of oscillation of a spring pendulum on the mass and stiffness of the spring.


Laboratory work No. 4

Study of the dependence of the period and frequency of free oscillations of a thread pendulum on the length of the thread

Safety regulations. Carefully! There should be no foreign objects on the table. Use the devices only for their intended purpose. Careless handling of devices leads to their falling. In this case, you can get a mechanical injury or bruise and put the devices out of working order. I have read the rules and agree to comply. _______________________

Student signature

Purpose of the work: find out how the period and frequencies of free oscillations of a thread pendulum depend on its length.

Equipment: a tripod with a clutch and a foot, a ball with a thread attached to it about 130 cm long, a stopwatch.

Work progress

1. Let's set up a tripod on the edge of the table.

2. Secure the pendulum thread in the tripod leg using a piece of eraser or thick paper.

3. To carry out the first experiment, we choose a thread length of 5–8 cm, deflect the ball from its equilibrium position by a small amplitude (1–2 cm) and release it.

4. Let's measure a period of time t, during which the pendulum will make 25 - 30 complete oscillations ( N).

5. We will write the measurement results in the table

Physical quantity

ν , Hz" width="35" height="33 src="> T 1 = T 2 = T 3 = T 4 = T 5 =



6. Repeat the experiment, but at a higher speed of the magnet.

a) Write down the direction of the induced current. ______________________________


b) Write down what the magnitude of the induction current will be. ___________________________________

7. Write down how the speed of the magnet affects: a) The magnitude of the change in magnetic flux._______________________________________________________________________________

b) To the induction current module. _____________________________________________________

8. Formulate how the modulus of the strength of the induction current depends on the rate of change of the magnetic flux._____ _____________________________________________________________


9. Assemble the setup for the experiment according to the drawing.

10. Check whether there is a problem in the spool 1 induced current when: a) closing and opening the circuit in which the coil is connected 2 ; b) flowing through 2 DC; c) changing the current strength with a rheostat.________________________________________________________________


11. Write down in which of the following cases: a) the magnetic flux passing through the coil changed 1 ; b) an induced current appeared in the coil 1 .___________________________________

Conclusion: ____________________________________________________________________________


Laboratory work No. 6

Observation of continuous and line emission spectra

Safety regulations. Carefully! Electric current! Make sure that the insulation of the conductors is not damaged. Do not allow extreme loads on measuring instruments. I have read the rules and agree to comply. ______________________

Student signature

Purpose of the work: observation of a continuous spectrum using glass plates with beveled edges and a line emission spectrum using a two-tube spectroscope.

Equipment: projection apparatus, two-tube spectroscope, spectral tubes with hydrogen, neon or helium, high-voltage inductor, power supply (these devices are common to the entire class), glass plate with beveled edges (issued to everyone).

Work progress

1. Place the plate horizontally in front of the eye. Through the edges forming an angle of 45º, observe a light vertical stripe on the screen - an image of the sliding slit of the projection apparatus.

2. Select the primary colors of the resulting continuous spectrum and write them down in the observed sequence._________________________________________________________________




3. Repeat the experiment, examining the strip through the faces forming an angle of 60º. Write down the differences in the form of spectra.________________________________________________________________________________


4. Observe the line spectra of hydrogen, helium or neon by viewing luminous spectral tubes using a spectroscope.

Write down which lines you were able to see.________________________________________________




Conclusion: _______________________________________________________________________________


Laboratory work No. 7

Study of the fission of the nucleus of a uranium atom by

photos of tracks

Purpose of the work: verify the validity of the law of conservation of momentum using the example of fission of a uranium nucleus.

Equipment: photograph of tracks of charged particles formed in a photographic emulsion during the fission of the nucleus of a uranium atom under the influence of a neutron, measuring ruler.

Work progress

1. Examine the photo and find the tracks of fragments.

2. Measure the lengths of the fragment tracks using a millimeter ruler and compare them.________________________________________________

3. Using the law of conservation of momentum, explain why the fragments formed during the fission of the nucleus of a uranium atom scattered in opposite directions. ______________________________________________________________


4. Are the charges and energies of the fragments the same? _______________________________


5. By what signs can you judge this? __________________________



Laboratory work No. 8

Studying tracks of charged particles using ready-made photographs

Purpose of the work: explain the nature of the movement of charged particles.

Equipment: photographs of tracks of charged particles obtained in a cloud chamber, a bubble chamber and a photographic emulsion.

Work progress" width="148" height="83 src="> ___________________________________________________________________________________

b) Why are the lengths of α-particle tracks approximately the same? _________________ rice. 2


c) Why does the thickness of α-particle tracks increase slightly towards the end of the movement? ___________________________________________________________________________________


Controls" href="/text/category/organi_upravleniya/" rel="bookmark">controls for the operation of the device.

2. Produce external inspection the device and its trial activation.

3. Make sure the dosimeter is in working order.

4. Prepare a device to measure the radiation dose rate.

5. Measure the background radiation level 8 – 10 times, recording the dosimeter reading each time.

No. of measurements

dosimeter readings

6. Calculate the average background radiation value. _____________________________________


7. Calculate what dose of ionizing radiation a person will receive during the year if the average value of background radiation does not change throughout the year. Compare it with a value that is safe for human health.__________________________________________


8. Compare the resulting average background value with the natural radiation background, taken as the norm, - 0.15 μSv/h _________________________________________________________________

Draw a conclusion__________________________________________________________________________



No. Lab. work

Laboratory work in physics

Student(s) 9 “___”

MAOU secondary school No. 28


Purpose of the work: calculate the acceleration with which the ball rolls down the inclined chute. To do this, measure the length of movement s of the ball over a known time t. Since in uniformly accelerated motion without initial speed

then by measuring s and t, you can find the acceleration of the ball. It is equal to:

No measurements are made absolutely accurately. They are always produced with some error due to imperfection of measuring instruments and other reasons. But even in the presence of errors, there are several ways to make reliable measurements. The simplest of them is calculating the arithmetic mean from the results of several independent measurements of the same quantity, if the experimental conditions do not change. This is what we propose to do in this work.

Measuring tools: 1) measuring tape; 2) metronome.

Materials: 1) gutter; 2) ball; 3) tripod with couplings and foot; 4) metal cylinder.

Work order

1. Strengthen the gutter using a tripod in an inclined position at a slight angle to the horizontal (Fig. 175). At the bottom end of the gutter, place a metal cylinder in it.

2. Having released the ball (simultaneously with the metronome strike) from the upper end of the groove, count the number of metronome strikes before the ball collides with the cylinder. It is convenient to carry out the experiment at 120 beats of the metronome per minute.

3. By changing the angle of inclination of the chute to the horizon and making small movements of the metal cylinder, ensure that between the moment the ball is launched and the moment it collides with the cylinder there are 4 metronome beats (3 intervals between beats).

4. The movement of the ball along the inclined chute is uniformly accelerated. If we release the ball without an initial speed and measure the distance s it has traveled before colliding with the cylinder and the time t from the start of motion to the collision, then we can calculate its acceleration using the formula: Calculate the time of motion of the ball.

5. Using a measuring tape, determine the length of movement s of the ball. Without changing the inclination of the trough (the experimental conditions must remain unchanged), repeat the experiment five times, again ensuring that the fourth beat of the metronome coincides with the impact of the ball on the metal cylinder (the cylinder can be moved a little for this).

An example of doing the job.


Write down the conclusion of the work completed.

Lesson #3

Relativity of motion

Goals: Introduce students to the law of “Addition of Velocities.”


Personal subject tasks:

To form the cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities of students;

Conviction in the possibility of knowing nature, in the need for wise use of the achievements of science and technology for further development human society, respect for the creators of science and technology, attitude towards physics as an element of universal human culture;

Subject tasks:

Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in physics in practice, solve physical problems to apply the acquired knowledge;

Meta-subject tasks:

Formation of skills to perceive, process and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic forms, analyze and process the information received in accordance with the assigned tasks, highlight the main content of the text read, find answers to the questions posed in it and present it.

Work plan:

Organizational stage.

Updating knowledge.

Our robot recognized:
Laboratory work 1.

Study of uniformly accelerated motion without initial velocity.

Option I.

Purpose of the work: to verify the uniformly accelerated nature of the motion of the block and determine its acceleration and instantaneous speed.

In this version of the work, the nature of the movement of a block along an inclined plane is studied. Using the device shown in Fig. 146 a textbook, you can measure the modules of the vectors of displacements made by the block during time intervals 1X, /g 2/, /sv - 3/1,..., 1 r/, counted from the moment the movement begins. If we write down their expressions for these displacement vector modules:

O/2 a a2/12 22 w a3/.2 Z2

2g2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3

Ag1 atU p2

2 2 2 then you can notice the following pattern:

5,: x2:z:...: w 1:22:Z2:...: l2 1:4:9:...: 2-If this pattern holds for the displacement vectors measured in the work of the modules, then this will be proof that the motion of the block along an inclined plane is uniformly accelerated.

An example of doing the job.

Task I. Study of the nature of the movement of a block on an inclined plane.

O 1 0.04 o 800 0.10 0.12 o o 00 o 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 oo gch o o o

A O el G

b 3 mm x 7 mm l-4 15 mm

15,-24w.24 1 mm, I mm

6 36mm 50mm x65mm x9 82mm

Yu 102mm M and 126mm 1LG 5 146mm

102.5 1mm 5 1mm

I 170mm i t 5.4 198mm tt 227mm::7

1mm, 1mm 5, 1mm

From here we find:

Х: 2:х3:5,:а:56 1Н m: p: 12:!: и - 1:3:7: 15:24:36:50:65:82: 102: 126: 146: 170: 198 :227. This pattern is not very different from the theoretical pattern for uniformly accelerated motion. Thus, we can assume that the movement of the block along an inclined plane is uniformly accelerated. Task 2. Determining the acceleration of the block.

We will calculate the acceleration using the formula: a --.

/1o 0.2s;o102mm 0.102m;a1-1 5.1m/s2.

/.5 0.3 s; .5 227 mm 0.227 m; a, 2227m w 5>04 m/s2.


Task 3. Determining the instantaneous speed of the block at different times and plotting the dependence of the instantaneous speed y on time /.

We will calculate the value of instantaneous speed using the formula: V a. I - 0.1 s; V 5.07 m/s2 0.1 s 0.507 m/s. I 0.2 s; V 5.07 m/s2 0.2 s 1.014 m/s. I - 0.3 s; V - 5.07 m/s2 0.3 s - 1.521 m/s. Graph of instantaneous speed V versus time I. V, m/s

Additional task. Plotting a graph of the dependence of the x-coordinate of the beam on time /. o 0. o 0,xХО Зк1 1,2,3,...,15.

Option 2.

Purpose of the work: to determine the acceleration of the ball and its instantaneous speed before hitting the cylinder.

The movement of the ball along the inclined chute is uniformly accelerated. If we release the ball without an initial speed and the distance 5 it travels before colliding with the cylinder and the time from the beginning of movement to the collision, then we can calculate its acceleration using the formula:

Knowing the acceleration a, we can determine the instantaneous speed V using the formula:

An example of doing the job.

Number of metronome beats n Distance.V. m Motion time L s Acceleration a -g-, m/s G Instantaneous speed y a/, m/s

3 0.9 1.5 0.8 1.2


I 0.5 s 3 1.5 s; o -12. 0.8 i/s2; 0.5s2

V 0.8 m/s2 1.5 s -1.2 m/s.