Target: create a festive mood for children and parents.

Tasks: educate the desire to take part in the holiday.

Equipment: masks for vegetables and fruits, autumn costume, 2 baskets, props for vegetables and fruits.

Characters: presenter, children, autumn, vegetables and fruits.

Event scenario.

Presenter: Hello, dear guests, today we have a holiday! Look how beautiful our room is!

Yellow leaf in the palm

It used to be green

He flew up to our window.

Why did he turn yellow?

Whom, friends, do not ask -

They say it's coming...

Children: Autumn!

Child 1.

The autumn wind is spinning the leaves,

And they fly and fly.

As if in warm climes with birds

They want to warm up until spring.

child 2.

The cranes are flying away

They leave their native land,

And they shout: "Goodbye,

Meet us in the spring!

Leading: We are now waving a leaf

Let's invite autumn!

Guys, do you want Autumn to come to visit us? (children - Yes!)

So let's call her.

Child 3.

Here is a happy holiday

We meet merrily

Come, we are waiting for you

Autumn is golden!

All: Autumn, Autumn, we ask you to visit!

(Children sing the song Sweet Autumn rustles) Autumn enters.

Autumn: Did you call me? It's me!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

I came to your holiday

Sing and have fun!

I want with everyone here

Make strong friends!

Guys, while I was walking, I collected a bouquet of autumn leaves. Let's dance with them.

(song-dance "Leaves")

Leading. It's good that you came.

We have you Autumn, ask

What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn: I brought you flour!

Children: So there will be pies!

Autumn: I brought you buckwheat!

Children: Porridge will be in the oven!

Autumn: I brought you vegetables!

Children: Both for porridge and cabbage soup!

Autumn: And apples are like honey!

Children: For jam, for compote!

Autumn: I brought you a full deck of honey!

Children: You and apples, you and honey,

You brought bread

And good weather

Have you got it for us as a gift?

Autumn: Not happy with the rain?

Children: We don't want, we don't!

Leading: Autumn, listen to what poems our guys have prepared for you.

Child 1.

Why do trees fall

Dropping leaves?

Why are trees in winter

Stripping around?

Trees also need

Undress before bed!

child 2.

Crow screams in the sky - “Kar-r!

There's a fire in the forest, there's a fire in the forest!

And it was just very:

Autumn settled in it.

Child 3.

Autumn has come,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

Don't hear merry

Nightingale songs

The birds have flown

To distant lands.

Child 4.

Autumn walks along the path

Wet feet in puddles

It's raining and there's no light.

Lost somewhere summer.

Autumn walks, autumn wanders

The wind dropped the maple leaves

New carpet underfoot

Yellow-pink maple.

Child 5.

circled over me

Rain of mischievous leaves

How good is he!

Where else can you find such

Without end and without beginning

I began to dance under him,

We danced like friends

Rain of leaves and me.

Child 6.
The leaves were flooded with sunshine
Leaves soaked in the sun

Poured, weighed down

And flew into the wind.
Rustled through the bushes

They jumped over the branches.
The wind turns gold
Sounds like golden rain.

Child 7.

It's raining down the street

Wet road.
Many drops on glass
And a little warmth.
Like autumn mushrooms

We carry umbrellas

Because in the yard

Autumn has come.

(Song about autumn)

Presenter: Who is naughty outside the window?

Children: knock-knock-knock.

Presenter: Who is knocking on the glass?

Children: knock-knock-knock.

Presenter: Maybe these are birds?

Children: No, no, no.

Host: Maybe it's the kids?

Children: No, no, no.

Presenter: maybe raindrops?

Children: yes, yes, yes!

(Dance with umbrellas)

Autumn: Guys, I have autumn riddles in store for you.

1. Lots of dresses, lots of crunch.

What is her name? (cabbage)

2. Make everyone around cry

although he is not a fighter, but ... (bow).

3. We fry it in oil,

Stew and cook in uniform.

I'll grow up a little

I will dig myself (potatoes).

4. Her green is an inch,

Red sweet spine.

I deftly pulled out

And in the hands - (carrot).

Autumn: Vegetables are wonderful, everything

But which one is the most

The children love

I do not know yet.

(Children vegetables go to the center of the hall. Dramatization "Quarrel of vegetables")

Vegetables (together); which one of us is the tastiest?

Which one of us is the most important?

Cucumber: I am the tastiest

I am the most important!

We live in brine

Everyone is eating us.

Beets: don't shout, cucumber,

You, of course, well done.

But who is more important than beets?

Who, tell me, is needed?

Sugar is made from beets

And beetroot salads

And beetroot too

Who is more important, who?

Carrots: You are an important vegetable, beets,

But more importantly, I am a carrot!

You can't cook soup without me

Not a day without me!

Cabbage: So that you are empty

Cabbage is the best!

Rich in vitamins

My guys love it!

Tomato: Oh, what a ridiculous argument,

All the healthier tomato!

The one who drinks tomato juice

He lives healthy.

Autumn: Quiet, quiet, don't make noise,

Stop the quarrel quickly

Every vegetable is a gift from God

It knows, young and old.

Leading: There are no tasteless vegetables,

All are useful, no doubt.

To grow, be healthy

You have to love vegetables.

Autumn: You sang and danced beautifully. Let's play together?

Games are being played. “Find out the taste” (from which berry jam was made, for parents) “We cook soup and compote.”

Autumn: I also have a riddle for you, guess, get a fairy tale as a gift. Round and smooth

Take a bite - sweet

Seated firmly

On the garden...

Children: Turnip.

Leading: Now you and I, guys, will see the fairy tale "Turnip", and your parents will perform it (we distribute roles to parents and masks of the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip")

Me guys no painting

I'll tell you one story.

Everyone knows the story

Russian folk.

I know a fairy tale everyone is happy

Here she is in a new way.

In one village

There lived a family.

Lived, did not grieve,

Everyone was friends with each other...

However, let me introduce you.

With the whole family I am now.

(Everyone enters and bows)

Grandfather Danila is the head of the family,

The whole house has a head.

Nimble grandmother named Dusya,

Frisky granddaughter named Lucy.

Kind and smart and devoted dog,

Whose name was Barbos.

Purring cat named Tosya,

Mouse cheat named Frosya.

They had no time to be bored

Everyone is minding their own business.

And I'll tell you straight,

Hard worker grandfather Danil.

Once woke up

Yawned sweetly, stretched,

He scratched the back of his grandfather's head and thought.

Give me a turnip

I will plant nonche, -

Idea, by the way.

I sowed a turnip in the garden,

And he began to dream in nature -

Here will grow a big turnip

Big one, big one.

I will go to the market through the forest,

I will sell and buy a Mercedes.

Danila was waiting for the harvest

Look, autumn has come.

Hastened rather grandfather

See if the turnip has grown.

Sees: a miracle of miracles

Turnip almost to the sky.

What to say in a fairy tale

Can't describe with a pen.

Here Danila began to pull,

Yes, it was not there

And the poor man is so tired

Well, there is no more power

Apparently a turnip has settled

Hard to the ground, very hard.

Need to seek help.

He began to call grandmother Dusya. (calling)

And they began to pull together

Yes, it was not there

And the poor people are so tired

Well, there is no more power

Apparently a turnip has settled

Hard to the ground, very hard.

Need to seek help.

They began to call their granddaughter together (they call together)

And the three of us already began to pull

Yes, it was not there

And the poor people are so tired

Well, there is no more power

Apparently a turnip has settled

Hard to the ground, very hard.

Need to seek help.

Grandfather Barbosa began to call. (They call three)

The four of us began to pull

Yes, it was not there

And the poor people are so tired

Well, there is no more power

Apparently a turnip has settled

Hard to the ground, very hard.

And I had to call for help.

Look for Toska? (Cat's name).

Five of us have already begun to pull

Yes, it was not there

And the poor people are so tired

Well, there is no more power

Apparently a turnip has settled

Hard to the ground, very hard.

And I had to call for help.

Everyone started looking for Frosya. (Mouse runs out)

And then the mouse came running

She tucked her thin tail,

Frosya grabbed

For the purr Tosya.

Well, Tosenka is beautiful

Grabbed the dog.

Dog Barbos for granddaughter Lucy,

Granddaughter for grandmother Dusya.

Grandmother Dusya for grandfather Danil,

Pulled up, that there was strength,

Pulled, pulled...

Yes, they pulled it out! (applause)

Autumn: Guys, I have one more gift in store for you. Guess a riddle (a riddle about a mushroom, the song "Mushrooms", a game for kids "Cones and mushrooms").

Autumn: Have fun from the heart,

You are all very good!

Have fun guys! And here is my gift to you - a special magic mushroom. (Opens the lid and shows the children). Help yourself to forest gifts, but it's time for me to leave. Goodbye, guys!

Leading: Thank you Autumn for your gifts. Goodbye!

At the end of our holiday, watch another dance performed by our guys - "Autumn Tango". With this dance, we say a big thank you to our grandparents, and to you, dear parents.

Scenario of the autumn holiday "Autumn has come to visit us" for children of different ages (2-6 years old)

Description : scenario of an autumn holiday for a group of different ages in kindergarten.
Target : create a festive atmosphere, an emotionally positive mood among children and those present, remember the signs of autumn, make each child want to participate in games.

Tasks: 1) Consolidate knowledge about the season - autumn; about signs and signs, about the harvest: in the garden - fruits, in the garden - vegetables;

2) Develop and train memory (songs, riddles, poems, motor activity of children, emotional sphere (to bring joy from communication and a sense of celebration);

3) Cultivate goodwill in relationships with peers;

4) Develop dexterity, resourcefulness, endurance, feelings of friendship and mutual assistance

Preliminary work : learning poems, songs, dance movements.
The hall is festively decorated. On the wall are balls, colorful leaves. Exhibition of bouquets on the autumn theme.

Event progress:

To cheerful music, children enter the hall, decorated in the form of an autumn forest. .

Leading. Look, guys, how beautiful it is today in our hall! How many colorful leaves are around. This sorceress-autum tried.

The leaves were flooded with sunshine

Leaves soaked in the sun

Poured, weighed down

And flew into the wind.

So the wind brought the leaves to us here.

A song is being performed "Golden Autumn - Yellow Leaf"

yellow leaf yellow leaf
Will fall on the track
It means, it means
Autumn is coming to visit us!

Here are the leaves, rain, rain
Falls on the palm
It means, it means
Autumn is visiting us!

Come beauty, golden autumn!
The kids love it, autumn is golden!

Leading. Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year. Everything around is bright, elegant, like in a fairy tale.

1st child.

Autumn holiday in the forest

Light and fun. -

Here are some decorations

Autumn is here.

2nd child.

Each leaf is golden

Small sunny,

I'll put it in a basket

I'll put it on the bottom!

3rd child.

I take care of the leaves.

Autumn continues.

I've been at home for a long time

The holiday doesn't end!

4th child.

Autumn has come

dried flowers,

And they look sad

Bare bushes.

Withers and turns yellow

Grass in the meadows

Only turns green

Winter in the fields.

A cloud covers the sky

The sun doesn't shine

The wind howls in the field

The rain is drizzling.

Noisy water

fast stream,

The birds have flown away

To warm climes.

5th child.

If in a distant land
The birds have flown
If in the trees
The leaves turned yellow
If the sky is gloomy
If it's raining -
So it's the time of year
It's called autumn.

6th child.

The rain is pouring, trying
Even if they don't ask him.
The sun is in the clouds,
So it's autumn

7th child.

Autumn, autumn, don't rush
And wait for the rain.
Give us more summer
Sunshine and light.

presenter: An autumn leaf swirled and fell under my feet.

Who decided to pave the roads with gold?

Children: Autumn

Presenter: That's right, autumn. Let's invite her to our party.

We'll clap our hands five times, 1-2-3-4-5!
And stomp our feet five times

All: Autumn, Autumn! Please visit!

Autumn comes out with a basket in his hands.

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am!
Hello autumn to you, friends!
Are you glad to meet me?

I came to your holiday
Sing and have fun.
And I want with everyone here
Make strong friends.

Leading:Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came!
We, Autumn, will ask you
What did you bring as a gift?

Autumn: I brought you pain. (Shows a bag with the inscription "flour")

Leading: So there will be pies!

Autumn: I brought you buckwheat. (Shows a bag with the inscription "buckwheat")

Leading: The porridge will be in the oven!

Autumn: I brought you vegetables. (Shows vegetables.)

Leading: Both for soup and cabbage soup.

Autumn: Are you happy with pears? (Pointing to pears.)

Leading: We will dry them for the future!

Autumn: And apples are like honey! (Pointing to apples.)

Leading: For jam and compote!

She also brought honey. (Shows a barrel of honey.)

Leading: Full deck!

Leading(referring to Autumn):
Harvest fruits in autumn
Lots of joy for people
After all the hard work.
And we meet you
Rich harvest.

song "Grandma, bake pancakes"

1. Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother.

Bake pancakes, pancakes -

Hot and lush

With raspberries and cherries

With raspberries and cherries.

2. Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother.

Bake pancakes, pancakes -

Fragrant and delicious

With mushrooms and cabbage

With mushrooms and cabbage.

3. Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother.

Bake pancakes, pancakes -

With jam, with sour cream,

Like a ruddy grandmother,

Like a ruddy grandmother.

Autumn: I brought a lot of colorful leaves. Let's play! Now let's check which of you is the most attentive.

Mobile game "One, two, three - take this sheet"

Leaves are scattered across the room in large numbers, different colors. Playing children 5-7 people, arbitrarily, move around the hall to the music (circling, waving their arms). At the signal “One, two, three - take the yellow sheet! » pick up a yellow sheet from the floor. The commands are different.

Music sounds, the game repeats. Sample commands: One, two, three - take two sheets; take the same sheet as mine; take nothing; take three sheets

Leading:This sorceress Autumn painted everything around with bright colors. Let's tell her our autumn poems.

1st child.

Autumn is walking in our park,
Autumn gives gifts to everyone:
Pink apron - aspen,
Red beads - rowanberry,
Umbrella yellow - poplars,
Autumn gives us fruits.

2nd child.

It's raining down the street
wet road,
Many drops on glass
And a little warmth.
Like autumn mushrooms
We carry umbrellas
Because in the yard
Autumn has come

3rd child.

Autumn has come,
Our garden turned yellow.
Leaves on a birch
They burn with gold.
Don't hear merry
Nightingale song.
The birds have flown
To distant lands.

4th child.

The sun rarely shines
Warm rays.
A flock of birds fly south
Breaking up with us.
Frequent rain outside the window
The sky is crying
Leaves are yellow all around
It's autumn, then.

5th child.

It's raining!
It's raining!
Dropping more and more.
This is a rain-walker,
The rain is real.
Here I am walking in the rain
I'll go out on the track.
I have to grow up too
Need a little.

Song "Rain"

Drip drip drip tuk tuk tuk

There was a knock on the glass

It's rain in the morning

Woke up all the kids

Cap cap cap don don don

The drops started ringing

If you go out for a walk

Don't forget to take an umbrella

Drip, drop, drop, drop, drop

The rain has a cheerful disposition

Tomorrow morning we will again

Let's go for a walk in the rain.

Autumn: What a bright painted

The circle opened up above me

If you go for a walk in the rain

Don't forget to take it.

Part 1: To any musical composition of a boy and a girl in
in their circle they dance around their umbrella.

Part 2: On command, they diverge with their eyes closed in different directions (you can turn off the light) Umbrellas are rearranged to other places. At the end of part 2, on a signal, you must quickly stand up to your umbrella (for example, girls to pink, and boys to blue). The team that quickly gathered at their umbrella wins. The host gives symbolic gifts. (the game can be played with a different number of umbrellas, depending on the size of the dance hall)

Leading: Rain, rain, rain pour,

Don't spare your drops!

Swirl in a friendly dance,

And drink the land.

Dance with umbrellas (to the song "Colorful umbrellas")

Autumn. Now, guys, let's play some more. And the game is called "Magic Shawl".

The game "Magic Shawl" is held.

Fun, upbeat music sounds. Children move freely around the hall, perform various dance movements. Suddenly, the music changes to a quieter, calmer one. Children squat and cover their eyes with their hands. Autumn, straightening a large scarf, goes around the guys to light music and covers one of them with a scarf.

Autumn: One! Two! Three!

Who is hiding inside?

Don't yawn, don't yawn!

Answer quickly!

Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed it, then they raise the handkerchief. The child, who was under the scarf, jumps to the cheerful music, and everyone else clap for him. Playing for the last time, Autumn covers with a scarf a basket of apples, quietly brought into the hall. Autumn speaks again.

All the guys are here! Who then hid under the handkerchief?

We raise the handkerchief

What's under it, now we'll find out!

What is this? Basket!

And in the basket...

Children. Apples!

Autumn: Happy for your fun.

Business time, games hour.

But, much to my regret,

It's time for me to leave you.

And we will sing the song "toys"

On the shelves of the toy store I do not count,

And a cool machine, probably, too?

So that the doors open, so that she rides herself,

So that the headlights are lit, and the glass is blown.

Chorus. Cool car - boys dream.

Girls need a Katerina doll.

Children have fun in toyland.

Like toys and you and me!

Stubborn boys, why do you need cars?

Here with the Katerishka doll, we are not at all bored.

Hair can be done, and the dress can be changed,

And take the handle to the street for a walk.


Why can't girls understand

What is so cool to play with a typewriter in the yard? Can you give a ride to my Katya doll?

Of course, I invite you, we will be friends!

→ Autumn holidays without a date >" url="http://scenario/index1.php?raz=1&prazd=27&page=1">

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 9414 human

Dear Guys! Here comes autumn. Harvested in fields and gardens
harvest. The last warm days are coming. But we are not sad, then
mu that in every season there is something unusual, magical.
In the yard the leaves turned yellow, ...

Autumn Festival in the preschool "Oseniny"

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 6860 human

1st host:
Autumn maples are already blushing,
And the spruce forest is green and shady.
Aspen yellow is sounding the alarm,
A leaf fell off a birch,
And, like a carpet, covered the road.
2nd leader:
The sun is tired
You are warming up.
Yellow and scarlet
Sheets are spinning.
3rd leader:

Scenario of the holiday "Harvest friends"

27.08.2013 | We looked at the script 20578 human

To the music of the song "Autumn", children enter the hall in a group and examine it.

Presenter: Guys, look how smartly our hall is decorated. Can you please tell me which time of the year this design is more suitable for? Why?

Children answer: In the autumn! ...

Scenario of the holiday "In the autumn forest"

21.08.2013 | We looked at the script 20169 human

To the cheerful Russian folk melody, the children of the younger and middle groups enter the hall and sit on chairs in the auditorium.

That's an artist so an artist!
Gilded all the forests!
Even the heaviest rain
This paint has not been removed.

Scenarios of autumn matinees - Meeting of autumn

17.08.2013 | We looked at the script 15627 human

Summer is coming: Hello children! I'm summer, do you recognize me? It's nice. Did you feel good with me for three hot months? I warmed you with my warmth, warmed the water for you in the rivers, helped you sing delicious and juicy berries. But three months have flown by and it's time for us ...

Scenario for the autumn ball

05.11.2011 | We looked at the script 17293 human

The autumn ball holiday, dedicated to the beginning of autumn, is accompanied by all kinds of skits, competitions, and theatrical performances. At such an event, you can see a wide variety of skits and theatrical performances. They usually prepare for the autumn ball ...

"Autumn Noisy Ball"

04.11.2011 | We looked at the script 15252 human

To the sounds of a waltz, two children enter the hall
A raindrop fell on the bunches of mountain ash,
Maple leaf circles above the ground
Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise
And again put on a golden outfit.
You bring sadness with you...

"The Extraordinary Adventures of Preschoolers." Autumn Holiday Scenario

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 17093 human

Guys, look: in my opinion, miracles are already beginning for you and me. Spider, let us go to the party. We are in a hurry to visit in autumn.
The spider bounces on a string.
What? Do you want to miss us? Strange ... But what are you ...

Scenarios of the autumn holidays "Autumn gifts"

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 19051 human

Gossamer webs fly
With spiders in the middle
And high from the ground
Cranes are flying.

Everything flies, it must be
Our summer is flying by.

Summer flies away, and the golden sorceress hurries to meet him ...

"Autumn sisters" scenario of the autumn holiday

13.09.2011 | We looked at the script 14956 human

The hall is decorated with garlands of autumn leaves, bouquets of flowers, rowan, aspen, maple branches.
Children run into the hall and dance to the "Waltz" by A. Griboyedov.

1st child.
Summer flew by quickly
Migratory bird into the distance.
Autumn wonderfully spread

Larisa Perova
The scenario of the autumn holiday in the age group of the kindergarten "Tale for Autumn"

The hall is festively decorated in autumn style. To the music of the song "Dvorik" op. and music. Reznikova


Autumn again, birds again

In a hurry to fly to a warm land,

And again the autumn holiday

Comes to kindergarten!

To the music of B. Mokrousov "Autumn Leaves", children run into the hall in pairs and stand in a checkerboard pattern, each holding two leaves.

Children of the older subgroup read poetry.


Gradually getting colder

And the days got shorter.

Summer is running fast

A flock of birds, flashing in the distance.


Already the rowans have turned red,

The grass has become withered

Appeared on the trees

Bright yellow foliage.


In the morning the fog swirls

Motionless and gray-haired,

And by noon the sun warms

Like a hot summer day.


But the wind barely blows

And autumn leaves

Flickers in a bright dance

Like sparks from a fire.


The summer has died down, the summer has rang,

The ringing cobweb has faded.

Everything is dressed in a ghostly fog,

The sky was covered in velvet clouds.


Oh what a summer it was!

Not a trace left

Everything in the neighborhood turned yellow

And a cold river


Boring rain beats in the window,

He's full of dirt

Summer won't come back

The puddles will freeze.


And today, at the easel,

Brush drives day-to-day,

Autumn dressed in red

And he loves himself.


Queen Autumn has arrived

On a golden chariot.

The rain managed to help us,

Driven home from the yard.

And the round dance turned the leaves,

Painting them in all colors

She laid it on the ground with a carpet.

Look! What a beauty.


Let's call Autumn.

Let's sing a song to her together.

Oh what an autumn

1. Where are you, where are you, dear autumn

We have been waiting for you all year.

In the autumn forest along the path

We will go to meet you.

Chorus: Oh what autumn, oh what

All of the yellow leaves are golden

And the silver drops of rain sing songs.

2. In cobwebs between birches

Hiding the sun's rays

Berries, mushrooms, nuts

Save for us.

3. The wind dances with autumn

And the leaves are spinning.

colorful leaves

In a waltz they joyfully fly.

The children sit down.

To the continuation of the music, Autumn enters the hall with a basket in his hands. Large autumn leaves in the basket.


Hello my friends!

Know that Autumn is me.

I came to you for the holiday!

How many children do I see!

How many guests do I see!

I dressed everything around

Dark forest made rich!

It became as light as day,

The leaves are on fire!

Leading. Come on, come on, Autumn! Be our guest, we are very glad to have you!


Thank you my dear friends

I am so happy and grateful.


Autumn, honey, sit down.

Sing and have fun with us.

Children will sing a song

Poems will be read about you.

Children of the middle subgroup come out and read poetry.


Autumn is coming

In our park

Gives autumn

Gifts for all:

Red beads -

Pink apron -

Umbrella yellow -

Fruits autumn

Gives us.

(I. Vinokurov)


If in the trees

the leaves turned yellow

If in a distant land

the birds have flown

If the sky is gloomy

if it's raining,

This is the time of year

called autumn.

(M. Khodyakova)

Autumn is coming

Following the summer

Autumn is coming.

yellow songs

The wind sings to her

Red under your feet

spreading leaves,

white snowflake

Flying into the blue.

(V. Stepanov)

mischievous people

circled over me

Rain of mischievous leaves.

How good is he!

Where else can you find one like this?

Without end and without beginning?

I began to dance under him,

We danced like friends

Rain of leaves and me.

(L. Razvodova)

Raindrops are flying

Flying, raindrops are flying

You won't leave the gate.

Along the wet path

Raw fog creeps.

By the fallen pines

And fiery rowans

Autumn comes and sows

Fragrant mushrooms!

(I. Demyanov)

autumn omens

thin birch

Dressed in gold.

Here comes the sign of autumn.

The birds are flying away

To the land of warmth and light,

Here is another one for you

Autumn omen.

Sowing rain drops

All day since dawn.

This rain too

Autumn omen.


On a bush-bush -

yellow leaves,

A cloud hangs in the blue, -

So it's time for autumn!

Autumn children's verse

Autumn with colors has come:

Red, yellow gold

She's got things to do now

Send everything to rest.

Let nature rest

New strength will be gained

And in the spring a year later

Will be back with new greens!

The children sit down.


So let's celebrate autumn

Song, dance and play!

There will be joyful meetings.

Autumn, this is your holiday!

Pair dance "Autumn paths"

(terrible group) - waltz

I. p. Children stand in pairs in a circle. Arrow hands

"Behind the autumn clouds somewhere

Crane conversation calmed down ”- 8 steps forward in a circle

"Along the path where summer ran

The multi-colored carpet lay down ”- the boy goes down on 1 knee, the girl runs around him on her toes.

Chorus: stood facing each other, hands - "boat"

“Autumn (1) paths (2)” - cross on 1 hand, sit down a little, on 2 - spread again on the boat, straighten up

“Cooling (1) blue (2)” - also

"Rubs palm on palm

Poplar foliage "- circling in a boat


Part 1 - the boys stand with their backs in a circle and sway in place, hands behind their backs, girls run after each other in a circle

Part 2 - couples reunite (girls run up to their boys) and spin a candle on an easy run

verse 2: the same

The children sit down.


Dear Autumn, our children know many fairy tales. Guys, what fairy tales do you remember? (children's answers) Let's show our guest a fairy tale.

The roles are staged by the children of the older subgroup.

"A Tale for Autumn"

Leading: Stands in the field Teremok. Who lives in it? And the garden is small: cabbage, potatoes, and carrots grow in it! (knocking) No one answers. Do you hear? Someone is running! Guess the riddle:

Small, gray, squeaks thinly,

He looks at the children from the mink!


Mouse runs out.


Someone called me? Guys, hello. Ouch! What a beautiful tower! Nobody is answering. I will live in it, live,

Digging potatoes in the garden, watering the cabbage,

Collect carrots, but store up for the winter!

(runs into the house)


The Mouse ran into the teremok and began to live in it ...

Hear, guys, someone else is coming here, knocking with their legs. And here is the riddle:

What kind of strange bun crossed my path?

He has a fur coat in needles, he is not afraid of anything!


Hedgehog comes out.


Hello guys! I rolled along the forest path,

I found myself in a forest clearing.

What kind of miracle teremok? Who, tell me, lives in it?

A small garden under a tall pine ...

Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?


I am a mouse-norushka! And who are you?


I am a Hedgehog, no head, no legs! Let me live with you!


To live, live, you need to stock up for the winter!


And in the woods, under a hill, under a birch and under a Christmas tree,

In round dances and in a row, mushrooms stand evenly!

I'll pick mushrooms, but I'll save for the winter:

I’ll dry it and salt it, in the winter I’ll bake pies for everyone!


What mushrooms do you know?


And white, and boletus, and mushrooms!

(Takes out the mushrooms from the basket, arranges them in a row and runs between them)

Mouse: I want that too!

(Arranges the second row of mushrooms and runs between them)


Guys, who else wants to run? Let's compete! Whoever runs around the mushrooms faster, not a single mushroom will collide and will return to its original place.

(the game is played 3-4 times).

After the game, the Mouse and the Hedgehog collect mushrooms in a basket.


Mushroom harvest is good! Will you take me to live with you?


Come into the house soon, it will be more fun in it!


The Mouse and the Hedgehog began to live together ...

And here is someone else running along the path, do you hear?

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps smartly, loves carrots!


Bunny runs out.


Hello guys!

In the clearing on the forest teremochek painted!

Who lives in the terem and plants a garden?

Who lives in a teremochka?

Who-who lives in the low?


I am a mouse-norushka!


I, the Hedgehog, have no head, no legs! And who are you?


And I'm a runaway bunny! Let me live with you!

I'll help in the garden, I'll harvest you:

Both cabbage and carrots - Bunny will deftly collect them!


Well helpers are important

We need helpers!


Guys, let's help Bunny harvest carrots!

The game "Who will collect the carrot sooner?".


Thank you guys for helping me harvest carrots! And now you can dance!

But you guys are still so small. Do you really know how to dance? Come on, show me how your hands dance!

(Children show hand movements to the music.)

(Showing movements.)

Yes, you really are real dancers!


How you know how to dance, You must show us all.

The dance "Dance with Umbrellas" is performed.

Middle group.

The song "Drip, drip, droplets."

Children sit on chairs along the wall. 4 girls with open umbrellas stand near the door.

At the intro, 4 girls with umbrellas come out, stand near the central wall at a short distance from each other, facing the audience.

The umbrella lies on the shoulder, the girls hold it with both hands, bending their knees in turn.

1 door The girls go ahead, disperse. They stand at the corners of the square. Shake an umbrella with a tilt of the shoulders.

1. Expose the right leg to the right to the side on the toe, while performing a slight tilt to the right.

2. Stand up straight, feet together.

3. Expose the left leg to the left to the side on the toe, while performing a slight tilt to the left.

4. Stand up straight, feet together.

3 doors = 2 doors

4 doors They circle around themselves, raising their umbrella high.

5 doors (Chorus) In turn, they throw their legs to the side, slightly tearing them off the floor, perform jumps.

6 doors Springs. The umbrella lies on the shoulder, with the right hand they call the children to themselves. Children run out and stand around the girls with umbrellas, forming 4 circles.

7 doors Children run around 4 girls who are spinning umbrellas in the center.

1. The children sat down, the girls raised their umbrella high.

2. The children stood up, raised their hands high, shaking their fingers, and the girls with umbrellas sat down.

9 doors \u003d 7 doors.

10 doors Children form 4 trains - they stand behind the leading girl with an umbrella, take hold of the belt in front of him.

11 doors 4 trains, led by girls, who have umbrellas in their hands, go in different directions.

12 doors Girls with umbrellas stop, close the umbrella, the children all scatter.

13 doors The girls open the umbrella, raise it high, the children hide under it, again forming 4 circles.

14 doors At the end of the music, everyone slowly squats under the umbrella. The children take their seats.


Oh, guys, look who came to us with a red fluffy tail?

Higher cat growth,

Lives in a hole in the forest.

Fluffy red tail

We all know.



Hello boys and girls!

I hear - are you having fun? Housewarming in the little house?

Take me to live with you, you won’t grieve with me!

I will amuse you: I will dance and sing!

Well, there is nothing to be bored! Come out to dance!

"Autumn has come" - music. Olga Osipova

Children stand in 2 lines opposite each other (the boy is opposite the girl)

Introduction and beginning of verse 1 - the children meet in the middle, join their hands with an arrow and dance through the middle of the hall. step by step for the first pair. They move around in a circle.

“Leaf fall spun in the sky” - they circle around themselves on the steps

1. clap in rhythm - 1-2,1-2-3

2. stomp in the same rhythm - 1-2,1-2-3

3. “colors of a rainbow-arc ...” - with 2 hands they perform semicircles with a spring (right-left-right-left) - “draw a rainbow”

4. clap in rhythm - 1-2,1-2-3

5. stomp in the same rhythm - 1-2,1-2-3

6. “so that we can paint ...” - 1 hand was removed behind the back, with the other hand, like a brush, “paint”. They changed the hand for repetition - “brush”

The boys stand with their backs in a circle, clap their hands - they are “rain”.

Girls run on tiptoes in a circle, hands behind a skirt.

They ran to their couple and ran around the boy.

Gave: "La-la ..." - The girls clap their hands - they are "rain".

Boys run on tiptoes in a circle, hands on their belts. They ran to their couple and ran around the girl.

“After summer came autumn, autumn.” - the circle shrinks

“We will ask her about different colors, we will ask.” - expands

“falling leaves spun in the sky ...” - hands raised up, shaking with brushes and spinning on half-fingers

"Birds fly away." (3 times) - turn to face the audience, make “birds”, i.e. cross the hands, “birds flap their wings” to music with stops at the end of sentences

The last chord - they hid their hands behind their backs, sat down a little with a bow of their heads - a bow.

The children sit down.


Oh, thank you all amused, pleased.


Come, Fox, to our tower,

So be it, we believe you!


Chanterelle went into the teremok and the four of them began to live. And here's someone else coming, do you hear guys? Who is this? Listen to the riddle:

Who is cold in winter

Wandering through the forest angry and hungry?


Wolf comes out.


Hello guys!

What kind of miracle-teremok? Ouch! And next to the garden!

I would have something to eat - my stomach was cramped with hunger!

Look, the potatoes are ripe! I would eat it now!

Whose, say, harvest? Hey master, answer!



I am Volchok, gray barrel! Let me live in the teremok!

I'm not afraid of work, I'm not lazy at work!

I will help you and collect potatoes!


Let's help, guys, to collect potatoes for the Wolf?


game "carry potatoes"

To cheerful music, children each carry one potato from the garden into their own basket. Who will collect more?


The harvest was gathered together, there is no need to starve in winter!

Come into the house as soon as possible, five of us have more fun!


The Wolf entered the little house and they began to live together ...

And here is someone else walking along the forest path. Guess the riddle:

The sound of footsteps is heard!

What strange beast is coming?

In winter, he likes to sleep in a den

And suck a sweet paw!


Mishka comes out.


Hello guys! Guessed the riddle correctly!

Oh, look, teremok! I'm not alone in the forest!

Very bored alone, would like to visit someone!

I've saved honey here - I made a supply for the winter!

Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?


I am a mouse-norushka!

I am a Hedgehog, no head, no legs!

I'm a runaway bunny!

I'm Foxy Sister!

I, Volchok, gray barrel! And who are you?


And I'm a clubfoot bear, I eat honey from the hive with my paw.

Well, I brought you honey, I'll treat everyone with honey!

You don’t drive me into the forest, take me into the teremok!


Come, Mishutka, into the house, it will be more fun in it!


It's better you, animals, go out,

Help me to feed the kids!

Animals come out, treat the kids.


Did you guys like Mishka's treat?

Children's answers.


The animals began to live in the teremka, live, and make good:

Mouse and Hedgehog bake pies,

Bunny and Chanterelle sing songs

And the Wolf and Mishka keep order.

Leading: Generous and bright golden autumn,

Every year brings us different gifts.

And the guys have prepared a gift for the fall.

The song "Autumn knocked on our door"

Autumn knocked on us with a golden rain,

And with, alas, not a gentle sunbeam.

Dragged the sad song of the fall,

And under this song, the garden falls asleep.

A mountain ash-berry, like a light

Warms, pleases a cloudy day

In puddles, like boats, the leaves are circling

Gray, cold, clouds hurry into the distance.

Birds no longer sing songs.

They gather in flocks and fly south.

Lullaby song, knocking on the glass.

Quiet evenings the rain drizzles,

Lullaby song, knocking on the glass


Thank you, children, for the fairy tale and for the song!

I am very grateful to everyone!

A basket of the most ripe fruits

You accept a gift from me!

(Autumn gives a basket of apples, gives it to the teachers).

Leading: Guys, let's thank our dear Autumn for the delicious and fragrant gifts.

Children: Thank you, Autumn.


Time flew by quickly

It's time for us to part.

I still have worries

Goodbye, kids!

(To the music of Dunayevsky's "Bad Weather" Autumn waves his hand, making a circle, leaves the hall).


Here our holiday comes to an end. Dear parents, we want to thank you for your active participation in the life of our kindergarten. We want to wish you fewer cloudy, rainy days, and as much sunshine and golden autumn as possible. Until we meet again!

Children in pairs go to the music in a group.

Props: teremok, wattle fence, vegetables in the garden (potatoes, carrots, leaves, baskets, spoons, a barrel of honey, treats. Forest decoration (Christmas trees, stumps, mushrooms).

Scenario holiday for children of the older age group "Hostess Autumn"

Target: create a festive mood for children and parents.

Tasks: educate the desire to take part in the holiday.

Equipment: masks for vegetables and fruits, autumn costume, 2 baskets, vegetable and fruit props.

Characters: presenter, children, autumn, vegetables and fruits.

Event scenario.

Leading: Hello, dear guests, today we have a holiday! Look how beautiful our room is!

Yellow leaf in the palm

It used to be green

He flew up to our window.

Why did he turn yellow?

Whom friends do not ask -

They say it's coming...

^ Children. Autumn!

Child 1 The autumn wind is spinning the leaves,

And they fly and fly.

As if in warm climes with birds

They want to warm up until spring.

^ R. 2 The cranes are flying away

They leave their native land,

And they scream, "Goodbye,

Meet us in the spring! »

R.3 Suddenly out of nowhere

Cloud came running

And trees and bushes

As if trembling.

^ R.4 I walk through the puddles

And although I know for sure

That you can't walk in the puddles.

You just need to measure them!

R.5 The rain has just stopped

The air is clean, fresh.

Rejoicing soul sings

Calls for mushrooms in the forest.

Vedas. We are now waving a leaf

Let's invite autumn!

Guys, do you want Autumn to come to visit us? (Yes)

So let's call her.

^ R.6 Here we are a joyful holiday

We have fun meeting.

Come, we are waiting for you

Autumn is golden!

All: Autumn, Autumn, please visit!

(Children sing a song about Autumn)

(Autumn enters).

Did you call me? It's me!

Hello autumn to you, friends!

I came to your holiday

Sing and have fun!

I want with everyone here

Make strong friends!

Hello, autumn!

Hello, autumn!

It's good that you came.

We have you Autumn, ask

What did you bring as a gift?

^ Autumn:

I brought you pain!


So there will be pies!


I brought you buckwheat!


The porridge will be in the oven!


I brought you vegetables!


And for porridge, and for cabbage soup!

^ Autumn:

And apples are like honey!


For jam, compote.


I brought you a full deck of honey!

You and apples, you and honey,

You brought bread.

And good weather

Have you got it for us as a gift?


Are you happy with the rain?


We don't want, we don't!

^ Ved. Let's sing a song about rain.

(Children sing the song "Drip-drip")


I also came to you not empty for a holiday,

She brought autumn leaves to all the children.

Well, take the leaves!

Have fun dancing with them!

(Autumn scatters leaves on the floor, children take two leaves each, stand in a circle. ^ Perform a dance with leaves

Autumn. Guys, I have autumn riddles in store for you.

1.. If the rain catches you,

He will immediately become a roof,

You can take it with you

Guess who he is. (umbrella)

2. Lots of dresses,

Lots of crunch

What is her name? (cabbage)

3. Make everyone around cry

Although he is not a fighter, but ... (bow)

4. We fry it in oil.

Stew and cook in uniform.

I'll grow up a little

I will dig myself (potatoes)

5. Round and smooth

Take a bite - sweet

Seated firmly

In the garden (turnip)

5. Her greens are an inch,

Red sweet spine.

I deftly pulled out

And in the hands - (carrot)

6. Though without wings, it flies,

Though without hands, but it happens,

Picks pears from the tree

And get tired - fall

And disappear without a trace. (wind)

Autumn: Vegetables are wonderful

But which one is the most

The children love

I do not know yet.

Children “vegetables go to the center of the hall. ^ Dramatization "Quarrel of vegetables".

Vegetables (together): Which one of us is the tastiest?

Which one of us is the most important?

Cucumber: I am delicious

I am the most important!

We live in brine

Everyone eats us in plenty.

Beet: Don't scream, cucumber

You, of course, well done.

But who is more important than beets?

Who, tell me, is needed?

Sugar is made from beets

And beetroot salads

And beetroot too.

Who is more important, who?

Carrot: You are an important vegetable, beets,

But more importantly, I am a carrot!

You can't cook soup without me

Not a day without me!

Cabbage: For you to be empty

The best of all cabbage!

Rich in vitamins

My guys love it!

Tomato: Oh, what a ridiculous argument

All the healthier tomato!

The one who drinks tomato juice

The healthy one is alive.

^ Autumn: Quiet, quiet, don't make noise,

Stop the fight quickly.

Every vegetable is a gift from God

The young and the old know this.

Vedas: No tasteless vegetables

All are useful, no doubt.

To grow, be healthy

You have to love vegetables.

Autumn: Vegetables, don't fight

Hold hands together

And at the holiday guys

We will sing and dance.

(Children sing a song about vegetables)

Autumn: You sang and danced well. Let's play together?

Games are being played.

"Gather vegetables and fruits"

"Know the Taste"

Autumn. I also have a riddle for you, guess it, get a fairy tale as a gift

Round and smooth

Take a bite - sweet

Seated firmly

On the garden...

^ Children"Turnip".

Autumn Now you and I, guys, will see the fairy tale "Turnip", and your parents will perform it.

(we distribute the roles to parents and the masks of the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip")

Me guys without embellishment

I'll tell you one tale

Everyone knows the story

Russian folk.

I know a fairy tale everyone is happy.

Here she is in a new way.

In one village

There lived a family

We lived, we didn’t grieve,

Everyone was friends with each other...

However, let me introduce you

With the whole family I am now.

(Everyone enters and bows)

Grandfather Danila is the head of the family,

The whole house has a head.

Nimble grandmother named Dusya,

Frisky granddaughter named Lucy.

Kind and smart and devoted dog,

whose name was Barbos,

Purring cat named Tosya,

Mouse cheat named Frosya.

They were never bored

Everyone is minding their own business.

And I'll tell you straight,

Hard worker grandfather Danil.

Once woke up

Yawned sweetly, stretched,

He scratched the back of his grandfather's head and thought.

Give me a turnip

I will plant nonche, -

Idea, by the way.

I sowed a turnip in the garden,

And he began to dream in nature -

Here a big turnip will grow,

big taka, big.

I will go to the market through the forest,

Selling and buying a Mercedes.

Danila was waiting for the harvest

Look. and autumn has come.

Hastened rather grandfather

See if the turnip has grown.

Sees: a miracle of miracles

Turnip almost to the sky.

What not to say in a fairy tale

Can't describe with a pen.

Here Danila began to pull,

Not here, it was

And the poor fellow is so tired, well, there is no more strength.

Apparently a turnip has settled

Need to seek help.

He began to call grandmother Dusya.

And they began to pull together,

Yes, it was not here.

And the poor fellows are so tired, well, there is no more strength.

Apparently a turnip has settled

Hard to the ground, very hard.

Need to seek help

They began to call their granddaughter together.

call together

And they began to pull together, -

it wasn't there.

and the poor people are so tired

Well, there is no power.

Apparently a turnip has settled

Hard to the ground, very hard.

Need to seek help

Grandfather Barbosa began to call.


The four of them began to pull,

It wasn't there

And the poor people are so tired

Well, there is no power.

Apparently a turnip has settled

Hard to the ground, very hard.

And I had to call for help.

Maybe look for Toska?

the name of the cat

Five of us have already begun to pull

Yes, it was not there.

And the poor people are so tired

Well, there is no power.

Apparently a turnip has settled

Hard to the ground, very hard.

And I had to call for help.

Everyone started looking for Frosya.

mouse runs out

And then the mouse came running

She curled up her thin tail.

Frosya grabbed

For Murlyka Tosya.

Well, Tosenka is beautiful

Grabbed the dog

Dog Barbos for granddaughter Lucy,

Granddaughter for grandmother Dusya,

Grandmother Dusya for grandfather Danil.

Pulled up, that there was strength,

They pulled, they pulled.

Yes, they pulled it out! (applause)

Autumn. Have fun from the heart

You are all very good!

Have fun guys

I didn't just come

The harvest took off rich:

Brought a lot of apples

And so now

I will treat you, my friends.

Target: Create a joyful mood in children.

Cultivate love for nature, diligence.

To form independence, benevolence, sociability.

Develop creative imagination, memory, attention, speech. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the signs of autumn, forest animals.

Strengthen vocal and choral skills in the process of group singing. To improve the musical and rhythmic skills of children through dances, exercises, games.

Main characters:

Adults: presenter, Autumn.

Children: Hedgehog, Bunny, Fox, Mouse.

Leading: Cranes fly south

Hello, hello autumn!

Come to the holiday with us

Very, very please.

1. Autumn festival in the forest

And light and fun.

Here are some decorations

Autumn is here.

2. Each leaf is golden,

Small sunny-

I'll put it in a basket

I'll put it on the bottom.

3. Golden leaves

They fly from the tree

The wind is spinning the leaves

This is leaf fall.

4. Cranes fly south.

Hello, hello autumn!

Come to the holiday with us

Very, very please.

5. Here we are a joyful holiday

We have fun meeting.

Come to the holiday with us.

Autumn is golden!

Song "Autumn Beauty"

Words and music - Gulnara Azamatova-Bas.

Leading: Guys, let's invite autumn to our holiday

Autumn, autumn, please visit

stay for eight weeks.

Leading: Music plays, the wind sings

Hear someone coming over here!

(Lisa enters to the music.)

Fox: As autumn has come

Dressed up all the trees.

Well, I dressed up -

Look at me.

I put on a red dress

On an autumn day, I'm not in vain.

Leading: Hello, fox - red sister, we called Autumn, but do you know where she is?

Chanterelle: Autumn sent me

for me to play with you

(The fox walks around the hall and scatters leaves.)

Leading: Come out, children, play with Lisonka,

we will collect colorful leaves.

(Children take two pieces of paper each.)

The game "Leaves"

(To the cheerful music, the children spin, run, dance, as soon as the music ends, the children sit down and lower the leaves.)

Leading: Let's sing a song about leaves.

"Autumn Song"

Muses. An. Alexandrova, Words by N. Frenkel.

Leading: now let's dance with the leaves.

"Dance with leaves"

Folk melody (Ah, you canopy my canopy).

Leading: guys, let's call autumn again.

Children repeat after the leader the words:

Autumn, autumn, please visit

stay for eight weeks.

The mouse enters.

Mouse: I am a mouse

I ran past here

Heard merry laughter.

And I decided not to joke

I'll look at you for a minute

See what kind of people

Lives in this garden!

Leading: Well, mouse, we are glad that you came to us, but do you like turnips?

Mouse: Yes.

Leading: Then I invite everyone to play an interesting game.

Game "Turnip"

Children stand in a circle. In the middle of the circle - "turnip", behind the circle - "mouse".

turnip, turnip,

Grow strong - Children go in a circle and sing

Neither small nor great

To the mouse tail! Yes!

The turnip is growing at this time, and the mouse is moving backwards. With the end of singing, the children raise their clasped hands up, the “turnip” runs away, the “mouse” catches it. At the end, the "mouse" and "turnip" dance.

Leading: let's call autumn for the third time, but louder.

Enter Autumn.

VED. Hello, autumn! It's good that you came!

AUTUMN. Hello! I am Autumn

I will be glad to be with you

have fun and play

Songs to sing and dance.

VED. Autumn, what's in your basket?

AUTUMN. I have raindrops in my basket.

VED. And we are not afraid of the rain, let's play with the rain and sing a song about it.

The song "Autumn has come"

Music and lyrics by S. Nasaulenko.

The game "Cross the puddle in galoshes!"

Two children are participating. On a signal, the children put on galoshes and run to the chair and back. The one who runs faster wins.

Leading: I see that a hedgehog has also come running to us from the magical forest.

Hedgehog: I am a forest prickly Hedgehog, there is no head, no legs!

Finally I came to you, I found the way!

I was in such a hurry, so tired, that I was almost late!

Leading: and what did you bring us on thorns? Mushrooms, apples, leaves, flowers. Let's play with them

Musical game "Little hedgehogs"

Leading: And the bunny jumped up to us.

Bunny: I am a runaway bunny

Went down the path

I came to you for the holiday.

Leading: What do you have in your bag? Vegetables. And what - the guys themselves will guess.

Game "Pig in a Poke"

It is necessary to determine by touch a vegetable or fruit without removing it from the bag.

Autumn: The animals in my forest are friendly and very kind, let's see what dance they have prepared for us.

Dance "Kindness"

Autumn: And I don't come to you empty-handed. Eat my apples, and gain health for the whole winter. (Hands out apples.)

Nice we had fun

We became very close friends!

They danced, they played

Everyone has become friends!

Autumn: It's time for us to say goodbye

Pack up on the way back!

Holiday "Hello, Golden Autumn!" for children of different ages from 3-7 years old

Material Description: I offer you a script for the autumn holiday for children of different ages. This material will be of interest to educators, musical directors of the kindergarten.
Target: Creation of conditions for emotional rest of children.
Tasks: To develop the creative abilities of children through the participation of pupils in competitions, emotional mood, a sense of joy. To cultivate a sense of beauty, friendly relations with each other, a culture of behavior at the holiday.
Good afternoon, dear children and guests!
Today our holiday is dedicated to the beautiful,
gentle and sad time of the year-autumn.
With the advent of autumn, the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer.
One after another, golden candles light up on the edge of a birch.
Fog floats like a soft blanket in the morning.
Amazingly changeable pictures of autumn.
2 Lead:
Attention! Attention!
Today we invite all children and guests to the holiday.
Attention! Attention!
Queen Autumn herself will arrive at the feast.
Children come dancing to the music of "Autumn Dream". Dance "Autumn Leaves".
Montage:Children read poems about autumn
The song "What will autumn bring us?" (middle group)

Leaves, leaves, leaf fall
Fall asleep forest and garden,
Like gold is spinning
And lays down like a carpet
The fruits are harvested in autumn.
A lot of people joy after all the work.
And autumn we meet with a rich harvest.
Song "Harvest"(children junior group put on hats of vegetables, the rest sing)
1. We carry baskets, sing a song in chorus.
Harvest and store for the winter.
Oh yes, collect and store for the winter.
2. We guys are great, picking cucumbers.
Both beans and peas, our harvest is not bad.
Oh yes, and peas, we have a good harvest.
3. You, pot-bellied zucchini, have rested your side!
Do not be lazy, do not yawn and climb into the basket.
Oh yes, do not yawn and climb into the basket.
4. We are going, we are going home in a truck.
Open the gate, the harvest is coming from the field.
Oh yes, open up, the harvest is coming from the field. (2 times)
Dramatization of "Dispute of vegetables"(children of the middle, senior and preparatory groups participate)
Your harvest is good, it was born densely: carrots, potatoes, white cabbage,
Blue eggplant, red tomato start a long and serious argument.
Which of us, from vegetables, is both tastier and more useful?
Polka dots jumped out - well, a braggart!
Polka dots:
I'm such a pretty little green boy!
If I want, I'll treat everyone with peas!
Let me say a word! Listen first!
Beets are needed for borscht and vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself. There is no better beetroot!
You beet, shut up! Shchi is cooked from cabbage.
And what delicious cabbage pies!
You will be very satisfied by eating pickled cucumber!
And everyone loves a fresh cucumber, of course!
I am a ruddy radish, I will bow low to everyone.
Why praise yourself? I am already known to everyone.
The story about me is short. Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice and eat carrots.
Will you then, my friend, strong, strong, dexterous!
Don't talk, carrot, nonsense! Shut up a little!
The most delicious and pleasant, of course, tomato juice!
There are a lot of vitamins in it, We drink it willingly!
I am a seasoning in every dish and always useful to people.
Guessed? I am your friend, I am a simple green onion!
I, the potato, are so modest, I didn’t say a word.
But potatoes are so necessary for both big and small!
Eggplant: Eggplant caviar is so tasty, healthy ...
It's time to end the argument
It's useless to argue!
Someone seems to be knocking.
This is Dr. Aibolit!
Well, of course it's me! What are you arguing about, friends?
Which of us, from vegetables, is tastier and more important than all of us?
Who will be the most useful in all diseases?
To be healthy, strong, you need to love vegetables
All without exception! There is no doubt about it!
In each there is a benefit and a taste, and I do not undertake to decide,
Which of you is tastier, which of you is more important.
Vegetables are all healthy and tasty, they are especially good when they are grown with their own hands. The village workers have finished harvesting, now they can rest. In villages and villages, a harvest festival is traditionally held. People are happy because they are happy with the results of their work.
The game "Know by touch"(with children) Blindfolded to the touch or taste to recognize a vegetable or fruit.
In autumn, a rich harvest of potatoes is harvested. And Antoshka, apparently, did not really want to work ...
Song-staging "Antoshka"
Let's invite Queen Autumn together.
Queen of Autumn! You are welcome to visit us!

Yes, here she is. Meet the music! Music sounds, autumn enters
Hello dear guys. I am autumn. That same time of year
about which it is customary to speak - damp, rainy.
But there are other words about autumn: golden, crimson.
The green forest is all around,
Autumn maples are already blushing
And the spruce forest is green and thorny.
Aspen yellow is sounding the alarm,
A leaf fell off a birch
And, like a carpet, covered the road.
Hello, autumn!
Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, Autumn, will ask you
What did you bring as a gift?
I brought you pain.
Means: there will be pies.
I brought you buckwheat.
The porridge will be in the oven!
I brought you vegetables!
And for soup and cabbage soup!
Are you happy with pears?
We will dry them out.
And apples are like honey!
For jam and compote.
I brought you honey.
Full deck. And good weather
Did you bring us a gift?
Are you happy with the rain?
We don't want, we don't! (cloud child runs out, everyone scatters)
Game with parents "Impromptu Theater" - fairy tale "Turnip" (7 people participate)

In order to play a fairy tale here, we need to give out roles.
Whoever guesses the riddle, he immediately gets the role.
Hardworking, though gray, you guessed it? It… (grandfather)
And grandfather has a girlfriend - very sweet ... (old lady)
A beauty, not a snarky one, lives with them ... (granddaughter)
And the granddaughter has a friend - very smart ... (puppy)
She stretched out on the window and purrs sweetly ... (cat)
It grows in the garden, although it is not in fashion now, it is round and strong - yellow ... (turnip)
And a tailed rascal, this is a gray one ... (mouse).
Roles and words are distributed
TURNIP:(spreading his arms, jumping from foot to foot) "Here I am!"
GRANDFATHER:(rubbing his palms) "Yes, sir!"
BABKA:(bows) "Wow! Well you!”
GRANDDAUGHTER:(waves his hand) "Oh, la-la!"
Mouse:"Yes sir!"
The facilitator reads the text of the fairy tale; when he calls the name of the hero, he must play his part.
Is there a ball without guests?
With guests, the ball is, of course, more fun.
So let's call them soon!
Let's say, guests, come,
We are waiting for you!
Scene "Slush and Chill".(Music from the movie "Gentlemen of Fortune"), Slush and Chill enter, sing.
Only autumn comes
Our turn comes
And Slush and Chill are coming.
And no one is waiting for us
And we, on the contrary,
And we are always scolded and scolded.
I am Slush, I am around,
In galoshes and with an umbrella,
I wander through the puddles
Dampness catching up.
And Kholodryga is a friend,
Everything is running around
On all passers-by letting cold.
Listen, Slush, it was you and me who were invited to visit!
Slush: What are you, Frostbite! How many years I have lived in the world, no one has ever invited me to visit.
Frostbite: Yes, and me, Kholodryga, is also not very favored.
Well, since it was not us who were invited to visit, then they will all regret it.
Slush: How much more sorry! We will spoil their whole ball for them.
Frostbite: Look, here is the prom queen herself: Golden Autumn.
Slush: They rejoice, because they sing songs to her, and read poetry, and dance for her!
Frostbite: Yes, the kids love her.
Slush: But we don’t-no ... (crying).
Frostbite: What the hell are you doing here? Do not roar, but rather let's think about how we can teach Autumn a lesson so that she is not very conceited.
Slush: And I've already figured it out. We will conjure, and she will fall asleep. Here we will spread such slush!
Frostbite: Let's get this cold!
Slush: That it will turn from gold ... rainy!
Frostbite: Brrr…
Slush: Dull!
Frostbite: Brrr…
Slush: And no one will love her anymore.
Frostbite: Will not. What if she breaks down?
Slush: What are you? She will be disenchanted if she is like this - cold, rainy - they will still love her. And that won't happen...
Together: Never!
Frostbite: After all, everyone loves when it is warm, light and ...
Together: Dry!
Music: Slush and Chiller come up to Autumn and forcibly give her “Balm” to drink. After drinking it, Autumn becomes sad, quiet.
Autumn, Autumn, what's wrong with you?
Where is your radiant look?
Why are you crying all of a sudden?
Everything around faded.
Look, Kholodryga, everything worked out for you and me, Autumn is no longer golden, but gray, rainy.
Frostbite: Well, now we are hosting here with you.
Kholodryga runs with a fan, waving at the children. The slush rains down on them from a sprinkler.
Wait, wait, what are you doing?
You've come to the party.
Well, for the holidays.
Everyone brought gifts. Get it!
What's your Snickers?
Slush: Read more carefully: "Rhinitis." What do you have? "Bounty?"
Together: What you need.
They feed a girl and a boy.
Can we fall in love with such an autumn, cold, rainy,
what good is rain and cold?
Slush: Like what? You can sneeze.
Frostbite: You can get sick.
Slush: Walking with wet feet...
Frostbite:..and with blue noses!
Is rain bad?
You only wear boots
And not only on the roads,
And run through the puddles.
How nice it is in the rain
Whisper with an umbrella together,
You can even take an umbrella.
Sing a song and dance.
Song "Leaf fall".
Chill and Slush:
Don't let Autumn sleep.
Well, why do you need her? Look what she is
raw, cold and disgusting.
Get away from here
Children will not forget autumn.
Leave, we ask you
Autumn will still wake up!
We really need autumn
Everyone loves her so much.
Oh how long I slept.
Where I am? What am I? Understood…
You guys saved me
They helped you get back.
Is it really
Are you tired of the rain?
And despondency, and bad weather?
In a word, autumn?
All: Not!
That's so happiness!
I am grateful to all of you.
We continue the ball, friends.
Song "Leaf fall".
Autumn is a holiday of autumn. In the autumn chamber, the windows and doors are wide open - whether it is raining, whether the wind is whistling. Come on, good people!
And whose yard is this, a copper fence,
silver collar,
And whose son is this, and whose daughter is this
Yes, he walks around the yard, yes he carries keys,
Does he open the gate, invite guests?
Today we honor the children of autumn.
Happy birthday, we congratulate you
On autumn day we wish you:
So that you grow up as good people,
They were kind and nice!
Be healthy and happy
Have fun on weekdays and holidays!
Like trees, grow, free
Parents in joy, power to the rescue!
Our autumn birthdays:
Lyuba Fedina - 10 Oct 5 years
Ksyusha Biryukova - 11 Oct 5 years
Artem Shevchenko – 14 Oct 4 years
Sonia the Holy Spirit – 14 Oct 5 years
Masha Abdulloeva - 15 Oct 5 years
Denis Kogevin - 15 Oct 6 years
Masha Belogolovtseva - 20 Oct 3 years
Anya Kharitonova - 30 Oct 5 years
Dima Kochegarov – 29 Nov 4 years
Autumn holds a quiz with birthday people(gives children autumn leaves with tasks)
We clap our hands seven times
And stomp our feet seven times,
Happy birthday
And make us dance!
Children stand in a circle, sing: “On the autumn-name day, we baked a loaf ...”
Well, guys, it's time for me to say goodbye to you and get ready for the forest.
See you next year. Wish you Have a good mood, Health and happiness.
Each of you has already worked hard, and we have seen what
beautiful crafts you made. (Presentation of crafts on the screen)
Now it's time to reward you for your active participation.
The holiday ends with a common tea party.

Scenario of the autumn holiday in a group of different ages


Target: creating a festive mood.

Tasks: to form in children an interest in natural phenomena; cultivate respect for nature; develop musical and rhythmic skills, creative abilities; join the musical culture.

The course of the holiday

Cheerful music sounds, the children, together with the leader, enter the hall.


We are gathered today in the hall
to joke, laugh and dance.
We invited dear guests
celebrate the autumn holiday!
My dear children, guess the riddle:

Reb .Here is an artist, so an artist!

Gilded all the forests!

Even the heaviest rain

This paint has not been removed.

Please solve the riddle

Who is this artist?

Children: Autumn.
Leading . Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year! All the trees in the garden, in the yard, and in the forest are festively dressed!

1st child.

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...

2nd child.

Admire the masquerade!

The forest changes its dress

He took off the green, measures a new one -

Yellow, red and purple!

3rd child. Autumn walks through the gardens

Walking, smiling.

Like in a fairy tale, here and there

All colors change.

4th child Autumn drops gold

Autumn steals the birds.

Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south!


Summer flew by quickly
Ran through the flowers
Somewhere over the mountains
And misses us there.
Birds followed him
To a place where it's hot all year round.
Autumn is knocking at our door
Autumn is visiting us!
Autumn enters the hall with a palette and a brush in her hands, paints the leaves.

Autumn exit.
Leading . Look, what a guest we have - in a golden outfit, she has paints and a brush in her hands, she paints the leaves in golden color. Did you find out who it is?
Children: Autumn!
Autumn (turns to children)

I am golden autumn. Came to you again
I will paint with red, yellow paint.
I walk along the paths, I walk slowly.
And the golden leaves fly, fly, spinning.
Leading - We are very glad to see you beautiful Autumn at our holiday. Sit down and listen to the song the guys have prepared for you.

Children sing the song "Autumn"

1 The wind blows, the wind blows,

Blowing, blowing

yellow leaves

Breaks from the tree

2 And the leaves fly,

circling the path,

Leaves are falling

Right on our feet

Child . Golden leaves fall, fly.

Golden leaves cover the garden.

There are many golden leaves on the paths,

We will make a good bouquet of them.

We'll put the bouquet in the middle of the table,

Golden autumn has come to visit us.

Leading. In our hall we will arrange
Real leaf fall.
Let the leaves turn
And fly, fly, fly.
Come on, kids, get out. And dance with leaves.
DANCE "Autumn Leaves"

Leading (listens) Someone else is running towards us,

Someone is rushing over here...

Let's slam, we'll stomp friendly,

May he find us soon!

Music sounds, the children clap their hands, stomp, and Cloudy runs into the hall, in her hands are two sultans from the New Year's "rain".


I am an evil, thundercloud,
I don't like to have fun
I'll pour cold rain on everyone.
I take the golden autumn from you,
And I leave you the autumn rain.

A cloud grabs Autumn by the hand, she breaks out.

Autumn: We don't need rain or clouds.
Better don't torture me
And let go to the guys -
Why does it rain during the holidays?
Cloud : (pulls Autumn behind him): I don’t want to hear anything,
And I take the golden autumn with me.
Leading. Well, how is it, Cloud. We can’t do without Autumn, we prepared, tried, we dressed up all morning. And you came and want to spoil our holiday?
Cloud: All right, all right, they wailed. It's been a pity for you. Here, guess my most difficult riddles, then I will let your Autumn go!
Leading : Guys, are you ready?
Children: Yes!
Cloud makes riddles for children.
Gets up at dawn. Sings in the yard.
Scallop on the head. Who is this? (cockerel)

Every day he mumbles: "Moo-mu."
Who can't understand this? (cow)

Furry, mustachioed, scratches on the paws.
Milk drinks, "meow-meow" sings. (cat)

And on the hill, and under the hill,
Under the birch and under the tree,
Round dance and in a row
Good fellows stand. (mushrooms)

Leading: Well, what's enough?

Cloud: Well done, guys, well, I won’t offend you, and I’ll let your Autumn go. (turns to Autumn) I let you go, what smart friends you have.
Leading: A cloud, but our guys can become your friends. What if you don't mess around anymore?
Cloud: I really want to make friends with someone. I don't have any friends at all. As soon as I go outside, everyone immediately opens their umbrellas and runs home.
Leading: So, so, Cloud, stay with us at the holiday, and we will read poems for you and sing songs. Do you want to listen
What do kids know about rain?
Children read poetry.
Raindrops are falling harder and harder
Along the branches and along the tropic.
We will not interfere with him.
The earth and people need rain.

Rain, rain. All day.
Drumming on glass
All, earth, all earth
Wet from the rain.
And we will take umbrellas
Let's go for a walk under an umbrella!

In the pouring rain
The mushroom opened up like an umbrella.
I would hide under it
If I could fit!

Dance "I walk on the water"

Children, together with Autumn and Cloud, perform “Autumn Warm-Up” to the melody of R.N.P. "I will sow my grief"

On the autumn meadow jumping like bunnies

The bunnies jumped.

high high

Bunnies began to jump.

They go to the autumn meadow like chanterelles

The fox came up.

Twirled on toes spinning

Red sister.

On the autumn meadow they run on toes scattered and

The birds were flying. flapping their arms like wings

The birds have flown

They waved their wings.

Clap your hands in the autumn meadow

The kids came running.

The kids came running

They started clapping loudly.

Waddle in the autumn meadow

The brown bear came out.

He began to stomp his feet, stomp his foot.

Little teddy bear.


Very fun to play

They showed their skill!

Leading . Harvest ripened in the forest

Everyone takes baskets.

What will be collected

On forest paths?

What will they collect?

You'll have to guess!

And on the hill, and under the hill,

Under the birch and under the tree

Round dances and in a row

Well done in hats!

What is this?

Children. Mushrooms!

Autumn: Look, guys, there are honey agarics, here are butterflies ...

Cloud. And here it is in the meadow Poisonous grebes!(Points to fly agaric.)

Who knows what they are called? (Children answer)

Cloud. Well, everything is ready! Here are the clearings, here are the mushrooms, the baskets are also here.

Autumn. It's time to go mushroom hunting! The game is being played"Collect the mushrooms."

Blindfolded children collect mushrooms in baskets while the music plays. As soon as the music stops, the mushroom picking stops. The winner is the player who collected the most mushrooms, in whose basket there will not be a single fly agaric or their number will be the smallest.

Autumn: Oh, what good fellows you are and play and sing together! I have prepared a present for you. But I'll give it to you if you can solve my riddle!

Look into the autumn garden

Miracle - Balls are hanging.

Red-skinned sides.

Yellow, green!

Sweet- Sour, slightly

Just not salty!

Fragrant and tasty.

Ripped off with a tail!

Full of vitamins

Strength is added!

Often, birds peck at them -

Sparrows and finches...

Guess who they are, kids

It's apples.)

Children answer: Apples!!!

AUTUMN: Correctly! Here's my gift to you!

AUTUMN takes out a basket of apples and treats the children (gifts are being distributed)

Autumn and cloud . Goodbye, guys!

Leading. The holiday is over, it's time to say goodbye
But it won't be long before we part.
On the New Year we will all be waiting
We will meet again!

Larisa Perova
The scenario of the autumn holiday in the age group of the kindergarten "Tale for Autumn"

The hall is festively decorated in autumn style. To the music of the song "Dvorik" op. and music. Reznikova


Autumn again, birds again

In a hurry to fly to a warm land,

And again the autumn holiday

Comes to kindergarten!

To the music of B. Mokrousov "Autumn Leaves", children run into the hall in pairs and stand in a checkerboard pattern, each holding two leaves.

Children of the older subgroup read poetry.


Gradually getting colder

And the days got shorter.

Summer is running fast

A flock of birds, flashing in the distance.


Already the rowans have turned red,

The grass has become withered

Appeared on the trees

Bright yellow foliage.


In the morning the fog swirls

Motionless and gray-haired,

And by noon the sun warms

Like a hot summer day.


But the wind barely blows

And autumn leaves

Flickers in a bright dance

Like sparks from a fire.


The summer has died down, the summer has rang,

The ringing cobweb has faded.

Everything is dressed in a ghostly fog,

The sky was covered in velvet clouds.


Oh what a summer it was!

Not a trace left

Everything in the neighborhood turned yellow

And a cold river


Boring rain beats in the window,

He's full of dirt

Summer won't come back

The puddles will freeze.


And today, at the easel,

Brush drives day-to-day,

Autumn dressed in red

And he loves himself.


Queen Autumn has arrived

On a golden chariot.

The rain managed to help us,

Driven home from the yard.

And the round dance turned the leaves,

Painting them in all colors

She laid it on the ground with a carpet.

Look! What a beauty.


Let's call Autumn.

Let's sing a song to her together.

Oh what an autumn

1. Where are you, where are you, dear autumn

We have been waiting for you all year.

In the autumn forest along the path

We will go to meet you.

Chorus: Oh what autumn, oh what

All of the yellow leaves are golden

And the silver drops of rain sing songs.

2. In cobwebs between birches

Hiding the sun's rays

Berries, mushrooms, nuts

Save for us.

3. The wind dances with autumn

And the leaves are spinning.

colorful leaves

In a waltz they joyfully fly.

The children sit down.

To the continuation of the music, Autumn enters the hall with a basket in his hands. Large autumn leaves in the basket.


Hello my friends!

Know that Autumn is me.

I came to you for the holiday!

How many children do I see!

How many guests do I see!

I dressed everything around

Dark forest made rich!

It became as light as day,

The leaves are on fire!

Leading. Come on, come on, Autumn! Be our guest, we are very glad to have you!


Thank you my dear friends

I am so happy and grateful.


Autumn, honey, sit down.

Sing and have fun with us.

Children will sing a song

Poems will be read about you.

Children of the middle subgroup come out and read poetry.


Autumn is coming

In our park

Gives autumn

Gifts for all:

Red beads -

Pink apron -

Umbrella yellow -

Fruits autumn

Gives us.

(I. Vinokurov)


If in the trees

the leaves turned yellow

If in a distant land

the birds have flown

If the sky is gloomy

if it's raining,

This is the time of year

called autumn.

(M. Khodyakova)

Autumn is coming

Following the summer

Autumn is coming.

yellow songs

The wind sings to her

Red under your feet

spreading leaves,

white snowflake

Flying into the blue.

(V. Stepanov)

mischievous people

circled over me

Rain of mischievous leaves.

How good is he!

Where else can you find one like this?

Without end and without beginning?

I began to dance under him,

We danced like friends

Rain of leaves and me.

(L. Razvodova)

Raindrops are flying

Flying, raindrops are flying

You won't leave the gate.

Along the wet path

Raw fog creeps.

By the fallen pines

And fiery rowans

Autumn comes and sows

Fragrant mushrooms!

(I. Demyanov)

autumn omens

thin birch

Dressed in gold.

Here comes the sign of autumn.

The birds are flying away

To the land of warmth and light,

Here is another one for you

Autumn omen.

Sowing rain drops

All day since dawn.

This rain too

Autumn omen.


On a bush-bush -

yellow leaves,

A cloud hangs in the blue, -

So it's time for autumn!

Autumn children's verse

Autumn with colors has come:

Red, yellow gold

She's got things to do now

Send everything to rest.

Let nature rest

New strength will be gained

And in the spring a year later

Will be back with new greens!

The children sit down.


So let's celebrate autumn

Song, dance and play!

There will be joyful meetings.

Autumn, this is your holiday!

Pair dance "Autumn paths"

(terrible group) - waltz

I. p. Children stand in pairs in a circle. Arrow hands

"Behind the autumn clouds somewhere

Crane conversation calmed down ”- 8 steps forward in a circle

"Along the path where summer ran

The multi-colored carpet lay down ”- the boy goes down on 1 knee, the girl runs around him on her toes.

Chorus: stood facing each other, hands - "boat"

“Autumn (1) paths (2)” - cross on 1 hand, sit down a little, on 2 - spread again on the boat, straighten up

“Cooling (1) blue (2)” - also

"Rubs palm on palm

Poplar foliage "- circling in a boat


Part 1 - the boys stand with their backs in a circle and sway in place, hands behind their backs, girls run after each other in a circle

Part 2 - couples reunite (girls run up to their boys) and spin a candle on an easy run

verse 2: the same

The children sit down.


Dear Autumn, our children know many fairy tales. Guys, what fairy tales do you remember? (children's answers) Let's show our guest a fairy tale.

The roles are staged by the children of the older subgroup.

"A Tale for Autumn"

Leading: Stands in the field Teremok. Who lives in it? And the garden is small: cabbage, potatoes, and carrots grow in it! (knocking) No one answers. Do you hear? Someone is running! Guess the riddle:

Small, gray, squeaks thinly,

He looks at the children from the mink!


Mouse runs out.


Someone called me? Guys, hello. Ouch! What a beautiful tower! Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low? Nobody is answering. I will live in it, live,

Digging potatoes in the garden, watering the cabbage,

Collect carrots, but store up for the winter!

(runs into the house)


The Mouse ran into the teremok and began to live in it ...

Hear, guys, someone else is coming here, knocking with their legs. And here is the riddle:

What kind of strange bun crossed my path?

He has a fur coat in needles, he is not afraid of anything!


Hedgehog comes out.


Hello guys! I rolled along the forest path,

I found myself in a forest clearing.

What kind of miracle teremok? Who, tell me, lives in it?

A small garden under a tall pine ...

Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?


I am a mouse-norushka! And who are you?


I am a Hedgehog, no head, no legs! Let me live with you!


To live, live, you need to stock up for the winter!


And in the woods, under a hill, under a birch and under a Christmas tree,

In round dances and in a row, mushrooms stand evenly!

I'll pick mushrooms, but I'll save for the winter:

I’ll dry it and salt it, in the winter I’ll bake pies for everyone!


What mushrooms do you know?


And white, and boletus, and mushrooms!

(Takes out the mushrooms from the basket, arranges them in a row and runs between them)

Mouse: I want that too!

(Arranges the second row of mushrooms and runs between them)


Guys, who else wants to run? Let's compete! Whoever runs around the mushrooms faster, not a single mushroom will collide and will return to its original place.

(the game is played 3-4 times).

After the game, the Mouse and the Hedgehog collect mushrooms in a basket.


Mushroom harvest is good! Will you take me to live with you?


Come into the house soon, it will be more fun in it!


The Mouse and the Hedgehog began to live together ...

And here is someone else running along the path, do you hear?

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps smartly, loves carrots!


Bunny runs out.


Hello guys!

In the clearing on the forest teremochek painted!

Who lives in the terem and plants a garden?

Who lives in a teremochka?

Who-who lives in the low?


I am a mouse-norushka!


I, the Hedgehog, have no head, no legs! And who are you?


And I'm a runaway bunny! Let me live with you!

I'll help in the garden, I'll harvest you:

Both cabbage and carrots - Bunny will deftly collect them!


Well helpers are important

We need helpers!


Guys, let's help Bunny harvest carrots!

The game "Who will collect the carrot sooner?".


Thank you guys for helping me harvest carrots! And now you can dance!

But you guys are still so small. Do you really know how to dance? Come on, show me how your hands dance!

(Children show hand movements to the music.)

(Showing movements.)

Yes, you really are real dancers!


How you know how to dance, You must show us all.

The dance "Dance with Umbrellas" is performed.

Middle group.

The song "Drip, drip, droplets."

Children sit on chairs along the wall. 4 girls with open umbrellas stand near the door.

At the intro, 4 girls with umbrellas come out, stand near the central wall at a short distance from each other, facing the audience.

The umbrella lies on the shoulder, the girls hold it with both hands, bending their knees in turn.

1 door The girls go ahead, disperse. They stand at the corners of the square. Shake an umbrella with a tilt of the shoulders.

1. Expose the right leg to the right to the side on the toe, while performing a slight tilt to the right.

2. Stand up straight, feet together.

3. Expose the left leg to the left to the side on the toe, while performing a slight tilt to the left.

4. Stand up straight, feet together.

3 doors = 2 doors

4 doors They circle around themselves, raising their umbrella high.

5 doors (Chorus) In turn, they throw their legs to the side, slightly tearing them off the floor, perform jumps.

6 doors Springs. The umbrella lies on the shoulder, with the right hand they call the children to themselves. Children run out and stand around the girls with umbrellas, forming 4 circles.

7 doors Children run around 4 girls who are spinning umbrellas in the center.

1. The children sat down, the girls raised their umbrella high.

2. The children stood up, raised their hands high, shaking their fingers, and the girls with umbrellas sat down.

9 doors \u003d 7 doors.

10 doors Children form 4 trains - they stand behind the leading girl with an umbrella, take hold of the belt in front of him.

11 doors 4 trains, led by girls, who have umbrellas in their hands, go in different directions.

12 doors Girls with umbrellas stop, close the umbrella, the children all scatter.

13 doors The girls open the umbrella, raise it high, the children hide under it, again forming 4 circles.

14 doors At the end of the music, everyone slowly squats under the umbrella. The children take their seats.


Oh, guys, look who came to us with a red fluffy tail?

Higher cat growth,

Lives in a hole in the forest.

Fluffy red tail

We all know.



Hello boys and girls!

I hear - are you having fun? Housewarming in the little house?

Take me to live with you, you won’t grieve with me!

I will amuse you: I will dance and sing!

Well, there is nothing to be bored! Come out to dance!

"Autumn has come" - music. Olga Osipova

Children stand in 2 lines opposite each other (the boy is opposite the girl)

Introduction and beginning of verse 1 - the children meet in the middle, join their hands with an arrow and dance through the middle of the hall. step by step for the first pair. They move around in a circle.

“Leaf fall spun in the sky” - they circle around themselves on the steps

1. clap in rhythm - 1-2,1-2-3

2. stomp in the same rhythm - 1-2,1-2-3

3. “colors of a rainbow-arc ...” - with 2 hands they perform semicircles with a spring (right-left-right-left) - “draw a rainbow”

4. clap in rhythm - 1-2,1-2-3

5. stomp in the same rhythm - 1-2,1-2-3

6. “so that we can paint ...” - 1 hand was removed behind the back, with the other hand, like a brush, “paint”. They changed the hand for repetition - “brush”

The boys stand with their backs in a circle, clap their hands - they are “rain”.

Girls run on tiptoes in a circle, hands behind a skirt.

They ran to their couple and ran around the boy.

Gave: "La-la ..." - The girls clap their hands - they are "rain".

Boys run on tiptoes in a circle, hands on their belts. They ran to their couple and ran around the girl.

“After summer came autumn, autumn.” - the circle shrinks

“We will ask her about different colors, we will ask.” - expands

“falling leaves spun in the sky ...” - hands raised up, shaking with brushes and spinning on half-fingers

"Birds fly away." (3 times) - turn to face the audience, make “birds”, i.e. cross the hands, “birds flap their wings” to music with stops at the end of sentences

The last chord - they hid their hands behind their backs, sat down a little with a bow of their heads - a bow.

The children sit down.


Oh, thank you all amused, pleased.


Come, Fox, to our tower,

So be it, we believe you!


Chanterelle went into the teremok and the four of them began to live. And here's someone else coming, do you hear guys? Who is this? Listen to the riddle:

Who is cold in winter

Wandering through the forest angry and hungry?


Wolf comes out.


Hello guys!

What kind of miracle-teremok? Ouch! And next to the garden!

I would have something to eat - my stomach was cramped with hunger!

Look, the potatoes are ripe! I would eat it now!

Whose, say, harvest? Hey master, answer!



I am Volchok, gray barrel! Let me live in the teremok!

I'm not afraid of work, I'm not lazy at work!

I will help you and collect potatoes!


Let's help, guys, to collect potatoes for the Wolf?


game "carry potatoes"

To cheerful music, children each carry one potato from the garden into their own basket. Who will collect more?


The harvest was gathered together, there is no need to starve in winter!

Come into the house as soon as possible, five of us have more fun!


The Wolf entered the little house and they began to live together ...

And here is someone else walking along the forest path. Guess the riddle:

The sound of footsteps is heard!

What strange beast is coming?

In winter, he likes to sleep in a den

And suck a sweet paw!


Mishka comes out.


Hello guys! Guessed the riddle correctly!

Oh, look, teremok! I'm not alone in the forest!

Very bored alone, would like to visit someone!

I've saved honey here - I made a supply for the winter!

Who lives in a teremochka? Who-who lives in the low?


I am a mouse-norushka!

I am a Hedgehog, no head, no legs!

I'm a runaway bunny!

I'm Foxy Sister!

I, Volchok, gray barrel! And who are you?


And I'm a clubfoot bear, I eat honey from the hive with my paw.

Well, I brought you honey, I'll treat everyone with honey!

You don’t drive me into the forest, take me into the teremok!


Come, Mishutka, into the house, it will be more fun in it!


It's better you, animals, go out,

Help me to feed the kids!

Animals come out, treat the kids.


Did you guys like Mishka's treat?

Children's answers.


The animals began to live in the teremka, live, and make good:

Mouse and Hedgehog bake pies,

Bunny and Chanterelle sing songs

And the Wolf and Mishka keep order.

Leading: Generous and bright golden autumn,

Every year brings us different gifts.

And the guys have prepared a gift for the fall.

The song "Autumn knocked on our door"

Autumn knocked on us with a golden rain,

And with, alas, not a gentle sunbeam.

Dragged the sad song of the fall,

And under this song, the garden falls asleep.

A mountain ash-berry, like a light

Warms, pleases a cloudy day

In puddles, like boats, the leaves are circling

Gray, cold, clouds hurry into the distance.

Birds no longer sing songs.

They gather in flocks and fly south.

Lullaby song, knocking on the glass.

Quiet evenings the rain drizzles,

Lullaby song, knocking on the glass


Thank you, children, for the fairy tale and for the song!

I am very grateful to everyone!

A basket of the most ripe fruits

You accept a gift from me!

(Autumn gives a basket of apples, gives it to the teachers).

Leading: Guys, let's thank our dear Autumn for the delicious and fragrant gifts.

Children: Thank you, Autumn.


Time flew by quickly

It's time for us to part.

I still have worries

Goodbye, kids!

(To the music of Dunayevsky's "Bad Weather" Autumn waves his hand, making a circle, leaves the hall).


Here our holiday comes to an end. Dear parents, we want to thank you for your active participation in the life of our kindergarten. We want to wish you fewer cloudy, rainy days, and as much sunshine and golden autumn as possible. Until we meet again!

Children in pairs go to the music in a group.

Props: teremok, wattle fence, vegetables in the garden (potatoes, carrots, leaves, baskets, spoons, a barrel of honey, treats. Forest decoration (Christmas trees, stumps, mushrooms).