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introduction Causes of occurrence. 1) Challenge to society, protest. 2) Challenge to the family, misunderstanding in the family. 3) Reluctance to be like everyone else. 4) The desire will establish itself in the new environment. 5) Attract attention to yourself. 6) An underdeveloped area of ​​organizing leisure time for young people. 7) Copying Western structures, trends, culture. 8) Religious ideological beliefs. 9) Tribute to fashion. 10) Lack of purpose in life. 11) Influence of criminal structures, hooliganism. 12) Age hobbies. We call the ages of 11-12-15-16 years of age teenage. This is the period of personality development from childhood to maturity to adolescence. During this period, moral development and the formation of the teenager’s beliefs take place. “Difficult” teenagers appear, constituting the majority in various informal associations. An informal movement is, to some extent, a social group - a socially organized community of people united by common interests, goals and joint activities. True, many of them take different positions regarding basic social values. Many of the informal groups are asocial - focused on meeting the needs of only members of this group (hippies, punks, rockers, breakers, metalheads, etc.), socially oriented (neo-Nazis, skinheads, Redskins) and antisocial - openly criminal groups. The primary reason for teenagers leaving for informals is the need for friends, conflicts at home or at school, protest against the formalism of adults, the search for or lack of awareness of the meaning of existence.

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The emergence of informal movements in Russia In Russia, informal youth groups appeared after the Second World War. During the period of perestroika, their number increased, young people joined the world youth movement, representing their own specifics. The existing various informal groups often come into contact with each other. Punks, metalheads, rockers, grunges, bikers know each other. 1) Wave 60s. The period of the Khrushchev Thaw. These are the first symptoms of the disintegration of the administrative-command system. (Artists, Bards, Hipsters). 2) Wave. 1986 The existence of informal groups was officially recognized. Informals began to be defined by various somatic means (clothing, slang, symbols, manners, morality, etc.), with the help of which young people fenced themselves off from the adult community, defending their right to an inner life.

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Hippies In Russia, the hippie movement arose in the 60s. It was the interest of young people in denim clothing. At the end of the 70s. hippies began to be replaced by punks, metalheads, breakers, but by the 80s. there is renewed interest in the hippie movement. Now the Moscow hippie system consists of about 2 thousand young people aged 13-36 years. These are schoolchildren, students, workers, scientific, technical and artistic intelligentsia. They change jobs and work as watchmen, which gives them free time during the day. The system is divided into “pioneers” and “olds”, or “mammoths”. “Pioneers” are those who have recently joined the club, “old ones” are old members of the club who are seriously delving into politics, religion, mysticism, and art. Hippies wear long hair parted in the middle, a thin bandage covers the forehead and back of the head, and many grow a beard. Their clothing and behavior are explained by the desire not to break away from nature. But the main class of informal movements are musical informals.

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punks The punk movement is widespread in Russia. In addition to their unique style of clothing, they are distinguished by their rude slang and defiant behavior. Many wear leather jackets or “leather jackets” with spikes or rivets threaded through them, and torn jeans. They establish connections between cities. They often engage in fights and robberies. They listen to punk music and call themselves the dregs of society, anarchists.

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bikers On motorcycles without mufflers at sick speed, in groups, at night, sometimes they steal other people's motorcycles, some do not have a driver's license, many come into contact with criminal elements. Nowadays, real bikers are already wealthy people of mature age (over 25) on expensive motorcycles (for example, Harley Davidson brand). In their musical tastes, they are similar to rockers (lovers of the musical style Rock, Hard Rock) and metalheads. The movement is considered very prestigious, because All this requires a lot of finance. Bikers dress the same as metalheads: leather jackets, leather vests, some wear leather pants, Cossack boots with narrow toes. They place the flag of the slaveholding confederacy on their clothes, and wear an abundance of metal rings on their hands. They wear long hair, some even grow beards. They have their own hangouts and even hold their own annual festivals (“Bike Show”), where many Russian rock bands participate. Bikers consider many of them theirs, for example “Mongol Shuudan”, “Black Obelisk”.

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Metalheads Nowadays the most common group is fans of metal rock, or metalheads. They listen to several styles of metal: “Heavy Metal” (heavy metal), “Power Metal” (strong metal), “Speed ​​Metal” (speed metal), “Thrash” (thrash), “Black Metal” (black metal), “ Doom Metal”, etc. Metal is an atheistic direction of rock, although there are also believers, as well as satanic groups. These are fans of "Black Metal". They are aggressive and preach the cult of Satan. They wear either an inverted cross or a pentagram on their chest. There are also metal groups that openly promote racism and chauvinism. Many teenagers are drawn to them because... they are attracted to this appearance. However, basically, metalheads are connoisseurs of metal rock, passionate about music, perceiving the attributes of metal rock (skulls, blood, evil...) as gloomy gadgets, treating them with humor, sometimes black. There are also aggressive ones, because Metal music is inherently antisocial and aggressive, but there are also peaceful ones who are in contact with official organizations. You can criticize metal music for the fact that in it evil usually triumphs over good, but in fact this is often what happens. Of course, people who listen to metal have a rather gloomy worldview, but, as they themselves say, they are often prepared for all sorts of “blows of life” than those people who live in an illusory world created by their parents and are not ready to realize the “harsh reality.”

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grunges Grunges are almost no different from metalheads, they just listen to “Grange”. Can wear denim. With their hairstyles, many are reminiscent of their idol, Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain (who, by the way, created this style). In general, all of the above groups, which are in close contact with each other, are friendly. But their disadvantage is the large percentage of drug addicts in these movements. Many are unable to cope with problems or achieve harmony in a way other than using drugs.

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rappers They already listen to electronic music: “Hip-Hop”, “Trip-Hop”, “Brake beat”, “Soul” and other styles of African-American music. They wear terribly wide trousers, often lowered, and wear hoodies, “klubnyaki” (puffy club jackets) or down jackets. Bandanas, baseball caps, Cangol caps or stocking caps are worn on their heads. The rappers are divided into clans, imitating the American rapper gangster gangs of the East side and West side ghettos, which are at war with each other. In America, rap is what in Russia is chanson, the music of criminal elements. In Russia there are practically no such “elements” among rappers. In our country, rap is, rather, just an ultra-fashionable image of “cool people”. They do not particularly burden themselves with moral principles and life guidelines. The life ideals of rappers vary greatly from party to party. Among rappers, “kidalovo” (the confiscation of any items of clothing or expensive things under the threat of physical violence) is widely practiced by more “ideologically unenlightened” rappers or simply people who are far from Hip-Hop culture. According to the rappers themselves, their main enemies are the skinhead NS. So White Smoke Clan quickly earned a reputation among rappers for making it their mission to protect the Hip-Hop movement from the aggression of neo-Nazis. This is perhaps the only rapper gang that actually copies the lifestyle of African-American gangsters. But soon it became simply fashionable to be a “White Smoke”, and the so-called 2nd, 3rd and even 4th generations of “White Smoke” appeared, although they differed sharply from the real gang, not for the better, both in quantity and quality .

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emo Emo - short for emotion (emotional) began its existence in the 80s in the West. Some people think that emo is heavier indie, others that it grew out of hardcore, keeping the sound but changing the theme of the songs, others are sure that it is one of the varieties of punk rock... Opinions differ, and no one can now say for sure who was the first to play emo-core. How to distinguish this style of music from others? Squealing, crying, moaning, whispering, breaking into a scream... texts about unhappy love, injustice, about a cruel and violent world. And emo comes in different forms. Some people like more melodic and calm songs, others prefer heavy, hysterical compositions. You can't compare one emo band to another. Everyone has different emotions and expresses them differently. The most important thing is that they be sincere. A standard set for any emo band: guitar, bass, drums and a lead singer with a strong voice who can hit the highest notes. The frantic power of the music, the most complex parts, impulsiveness, the eardrum-bursting long scream (scream) - all this is emo. Expression of emotions is the main rule for emo-kids (emo-kids - those who consider themselves to be part of the emo subculture). Self-expression, opposition to injustice, a special, sensitive worldview, an emo kid is often a vulnerable and depressed teenager. He stands out from the crowd with his bright appearance, is looking for accomplices and dreams of happy love. Unlike the Goths, the emo kid does not go to cemeteries, does not drink blood and does not think about death all the time.

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What do emo look like? Thin, tall teenagers with coarse, straight, black hair (torn bangs covering half of the face, hair sticking out in different directions at the back), girls can have childish, funny hairstyles - two small ponytails, bright hairpins - hearts on the sides, it looks especially cute combined with plump lips and large naive eyes. Both boys and girls can paint their lips to match their skin color, use a light foundation, the face looks pale, and thickly black-lined eyes look like a bright spot. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Soul - emotions. Skinny jeans, possibly with holes or patches, a riveted belt with a chain, or maybe pink with Hello Kitty or Powergirls. Tight T-shirts with funny children's drawings (Mickey Mouse, SpongeBob), black with the names of emo groups, with crossed pistols (classic inscription: bang-bang) or with hearts torn to shreds on the chest. On your feet are sneakers or Vans, on your hands are multi-colored bracelets, snaps are especially popular, on your neck are large bright beads or white pearls, borrowed from your grandmother. Sweaters with v-necks, jackets with badges, sweatshirts from the USSR era, a vest with diamonds like grandpa's, long striped scarves, pierced tongues, lips, ears, nose, bridge of the nose...

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The main features of musical informals 1) Informal groups do not have official status. 2) Weakly defined internal structure. 3) Most associations have weakly expressed interests. 4) Weak internal connections. 5) It is very difficult to identify a leader. 6) They do not have a program of activities. 7) They act on the initiative of a small group from the outside. 8) They represent an alternative to government structures. 9) Very difficult to classify in an orderly manner.

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Nazi Skins The skinhead movement originated in England in the late 60s and early 70s. These people were workers whose jobs were taken away by foreign (often black) emigrants. A man named Ian Steward did a lot for the development of the NS movement. This was the leader of the musical group Skrewdriver. He, in fact, created a right-wing radical music scene, represented by the organization “Blood and Honor”, ​​proposed a path for the development and implementation of NS ideas, which are now followed by all skinheads in the world. This man is the leader of the skinhead movement, an unquestioned authority (just as Adolf Hitler was the leader of National Socialism). He died in 1993, but his name is sacredly revered by many skinheads.

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In clothing, the Skins imitate their Western counterparts. At the beginning, skinheads adhered to the Military style, which until recently was very fashionable in Russia: heavy boots with a metal insert (most often from English companies: Grinders, Dr. Martens, Getta Grip, Shelleys, Rangers, etc.); blue or blue jeans (most often Lee, Wrangler, Motor) and jackets of American pilots from Alpha: Ma-1, B-15, N-2B (commonly known as “bombers”), or an American infantry jacket M-65 (parka or "natovka"). All this was typical of the skins when their movement was purely working. But soon Casual Wear began to become fashionable among wealthier skinheads: products from sports companies: Lonsdale (England), PitBull (Germany), Everlast (USA), BenSherman (England), Fred Perry, Merk, Lacoste (France), Fruit of the Loom (Ireland), No Surrender, Three Stroke, Mark Ross (Poland), Paninter (Russian concern), Timberland, and others. Many of the listed companies specialized in the production of clothing for boxers, which was very popular among skinnies. The Casual Wear style of skins was borrowed from football hooligans.

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Football is by far the most popular game on earth. Millions of people around the world play it, watch it on television, and go to the stadium. But only a few of them deify football; they create a cult of their favorite team and sometimes worship it to the point of death. For these people, football is much more than a game; football for them is a way of life and a worldview. We are talking about football fans.

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Types of fans Gopniks (The most negative part of the fan spectrum. People who absolutely do not care about football, and came to the stadium only because it became fashionable or they liked the appearance of the fans. The main task is to get drunk to an inhuman state, beat up a numerically inferior or junior opponent on the face of fans of other teams and swell to cosmic proportions from the realization of their own coolness, they only evoke negative emotions in serious fans and discredit the image of the fan.)

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Football hooligans, hardcore (Serious people and fighters by nature. They are passionate about football and understand football, but will never miss an opportunity to fight, even if it means sacrificing the game. These include Ultras, Casuals and “young fighters”. They determine the fan policy - movements of one or another team. They plan and implement actions against enemies. Most often, these are people from groups. They prefer to get lost in the crowd so as not to be detected by the police.) Casual Wear helps.

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conclusion I would like to remind you that I spoke only about the most widespread and well-known informal associations. They, of course, can and probably will change as the informal associations themselves change. The nature of these changes depends not only on the informals, but to a large extent on us - on our support or our rejection of this or that association. The activities of each association require in-depth analysis. The time has come to turn to the informals. Today they are a real and quite powerful force that can promote and hinder the development of society or the state. The primary reason for teenagers leaving for informal groups is the need for friends, conflicts at home or at school, and a protest against the formalism of adults. Every eighth of those who came to the informals are those who “didn’t know how to live further.”

“Different subcultures” - Yuppies. Furry. Subcultures. New age. Anime people. Tracers. Visual kei. Indie. D"n"B Step. Straight edge. A person interested in Japanese racial animation. Emo. Alternatives. Ska. Goths. Downshifting. Tolkienists. Punk. Rastafarians. Hip-hop. Hippie. Antifa.

“Types of youth subcultures” - Main types of youth subcultures. Prerequisites for youth subculture. Factors in the emergence of a youth subculture. Tolkienists. The concept of “youth subculture”. Emo. Youth subcultures. Metalheads. Functions of youth subculture. Punks. Youth subculture. Goths. The role of youth subculture.

“Modern subcultures in Russia” - Protest against adult society. Function of the youth movement. Studying the concept of subculture. Goths. Bikers. Influence of subcultures. The relevance of this topic is due to the growing interest of researchers. Glamor. Gothic subculture. Rappers. Youth subcultures. Diggers. Subject of research. Emo. Rap was an informal movement.

“Representative of the youth subculture” - Hippie. A group of people. Charm. Consciousness. Punks. Rappers. Part of the culture of a society. Subculture. British youth were called rockers. Hip-hop. Music. Glamor. Goths. Emo. Sadness. The worldview is ready.

“Modern youth subcultures” - Youth subculture in Russia. The main youth movements of the 20th century. Do modern subcultures influence your behavior strategies? Features of modern youth culture. Subculture as a way of survival. Problems of modern youth. Topalov's classification. Skinheads. Hippie. Red skins.

“Examples of subcultures” - Skinheads. Skinheads appeared in the early 90s. Appearance. Youth subculture and conflict with the law. An extreme form of racism. Participation in youth organizations. Trait of the emo image. The youth subculture has its own world. The main occupation of Russian skinheads. Worldview of the emo subculture. Skinhead principles.

There are 31 presentations in total

youth subcultures"

Youth subculture

Youth subculture – partial, relatively
a coherent system within the general cultural system.
Its occurrence is associated with uncertainty
social roles of young people, uncertainty about
own social status.
Its essence is the search for social status.
Through it, young people “practice”
performance of roles that in the future should
will play in the adult world.

Informals - who are they?

"Informals" is a group of people that arose
on someone's initiative or spontaneously for
achievement of any goal by people with common
interests and needs.
FORMAL is a social group
having legal status, being
part of a social institution, organization, where
the position of individual members is strictly regulated
official rules and laws. A
informal organizations and associations nothing
they don't have this.

Causes of Occurrence

Challenge to society, protest
Challenge to the family, misunderstanding in the family
Reluctance to be like everyone else
Desire to establish yourself in a new environment
Attract attention to yourself
Copying Western structures, trends, cultures
Religious ideological beliefs
Lack of purpose in life
Influence of criminal structures, hooliganism
Age hobbies

Classification of informals

Associative - stand aloof from social problems, but not
pose a threat to society. Such associations include
spontaneously formed companies, based on public interest,
hobbies, types of leisure activities, imitation of the chosen type
Antisocial - pronounced aggressive character,
the desire to assert oneself at the expense of others, moral deafness.
Prosocial informal clubs or associations are
socially positive associations. They are beneficial
society and solve social problems of cultural and protective

Associative informal youth associations





The punk movement arose in the United States in the middle
last century and later covered Europe. It was
reaction of youth as a “lost generation”
to difficult living conditions and the impossibility of complete
realization of spiritual powers. They are very fast
turned into a form of protest suitable for
various collisions on any ground:
ideological, social, cultural,

There are:

Punk rock fan movement
small movement)
Teen underground punk movement
so-called street punks. Are
There is also a clear division in interest in
For example,
an independent wing of the punk movement
are "GRUNGERS" - fans of the group

Symbols and attributes

The mohawk is a traditional type of punk hairstyle.
It is a comb of hair or a strip in the shape
fin on a shaved head. May have different
size, shape and color. Sometimes there is an “anti-mohawk”; only a strip is shaved in the place where it usually
there is a mohawk


Metalheads are a youth subculture inspired by the music of
metal style, which appeared in the 1980s
Belonging to a group is indicated by the presence of metal
objects and parts in clothing.
A typical fashion among metalheads can be described as follows:
Long hair
Leather jacket, leather vest
Jeans or leather pants
Black T-shirts with your favorite band's logo
Wristbands with rivets and spikes, collars with spikes on the neck
Rough shoes - “camelots”, “grinders”, usually boots.


A characteristic gesture of metalheads is a raised fist with
unclenched little finger and index finger and
with the palm facing forward.


Hippie – youth subculture and philosophy,
popular in the USA in the 1960s - 1970s,
protested against generally accepted morality
and the desire to return to natural purity through
propaganda of pacifism (their main protest was
directed against the Vietnam War) Most
famous hippie slogan - “For love and against


Over the years, hippies have developed real
traditions. And, probably, the most grandiose of them -
"Rainbow Gathering"

Rastafarians (Rastafari)

The main idea of ​​Rastafarianism has lived in the world for more than 400 years. This
the hope of all Africans to return to their homeland and get rid of
Nowadays a Rastaman can be recognized by his multi-colored hat,
hemp leaf on T-shirts, backpacks, rings, patches. Dreadlocks –
rare, but they do occur. Shoes with high soles, often worn wide
trousers. Fennecs are very common - wooden beads and the same
Ethiopian tricolor on a rag bracelet.

“Men in black on our streets,” or who the goths are

The standard model of a Goth is characterized by: isolation, “frequent depression”,
stereotypes of behavior and standards of appearance.
Also characteristic is the perception of death as a fetish. IN
in the context of Gothic culture the word is often used
"thanatophilia". However, this term should be considered as
the individual’s desire to use practices and themes associated with
death, namely visiting cemeteries and ruins.


The EMO subculture arose in the 80s in America,
and are fans of emotional punk –
rock music.
EMO is a special way of life and thinking
person. Emo is emotions, bright emotions, and
both positive and negative. Emo people live
emotions. For them, expressing their feelings is not
a manifestation of weakness, but a normal state. Be
themselves - that’s what’s most important for them.


Freak is a crazy and shocking subculture,
originated in Europe at the end of the twentieth century. Freaks are people
deliberately shocking with their crazy appearance and
ridiculous behavior. Famous freaks of our time:
Zhanna Aguzarova, Marilyn Manson, Shura.
Freaks are brave characters who are not weak from time to time.
time to appear in the city clubs in your true
guise. In their free time from freak_parties, they
carefully disguise themselves: wear ordinary clothes, work
in companies, studying at universities
To be a freak means to have imagination and style, to be able
stand out.

Street racers

"Street Racers" Group of motorists
negotiates among themselves and arranges
racing, usually at night, on one of the streets
cities. Selected fairly straight
section of road on which during racing
tremendous speed develops.

Street racers


Antisocial informal youth organizations



They call themselves “fascists”, “fascists”, “Nazis”,
"National Front", and are considered followers
Adolf Hitler.
It’s not so difficult to recognize these guys in black: black overcoats
or jackets, black trousers, black boots. Clothes are sewn
modeled on the uniform of officers of the “Third Reich”. Many have
lapel of a jacket or jacket, a swastika on the cap.
They greet each other with exclamations of “Heil”, “Heil”
Hitler”, Germans are chosen as pseudonyms
names: Hans, Paul, Elsa, etc.


The “theoretical” basis is a sparse set of
Nazi dogma: there is a “superior race” and
"subhumans"; most "subhumans" need
destroy and turn the rest into slaves; the one who is right
stronger, etc.




The first wave of the skinhead movement appeared in the late 90s
years, when the “skinheads” were participants in the LDPR rally.
The skinhead movement is the largest in
youth environment, in which tens of thousands participate
teenagers and young people 14-25 years old. In addition to acts
vandalism is typical for skinheads
hooligan character. Level of street violence from
side of skinhead groups is constantly growing, and
the crimes themselves are becoming more and more daring. If earlier
they killed in a gateway or a dark street, now there are murders
are committed in the city center, in crowded places, in the subway, in

Prosocial informal youth associations





Greens - this is what various people call themselves, existing almost
universal association of environmental orientation, activity and
whose popularity is steadily growing.
Among the most pressing problems is the problem of environmental protection
is not in last place. The “greens” took up the solution.
Environmental consequences of construction projects, placement and
operation of large enterprises without taking into account their impact on nature and
people's health. Various public committees, groups
launched a fight to remove such enterprises from their cities or their
The number of environmental groups is usually small: from 1015 to 70-100 people.

The same applies to prosocial informal
associations also include
associations for the protection of monuments,
architectural monuments, society
animal protection, forest conservation society

Informals of artistic orientation

Reiter (graffiti). Dressed like an ordinary person.
But not when it's working. Important
wear something you don’t mind getting dirty. Gloves
will help protect your hands, and a respirator or bandage will help you breathe in the paint. Often graffiti
dress in rapper style and many
Of these, they really are rappers.

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Informals are a social group; a general name for representatives of various subcultural youth movements. The definition of “informal” comes from the phrase “informal associations of youth,” which arose in opposition to “formal” associations: the Komsomol organization and others allowed by the authorities. called various unofficial, amateur communities of young people - social initiative groups, interest clubs and teenage gangs (“lubers”, etc.).

BEATS - probably this is the very first informal movement in general. Appeared in America and Europe in the early 50s. These are fans of jazz, especially the big beat movement, which is where the name comes from. The beatniks despised the petty values ​​of the bourgeois society of their time, so they plunged headlong into the world of jazz improvisations, Eastern (especially Buddhist) philosophy, and “new wave” literature…. Beatniks are sometimes called Beatlemaniacs. In Russia there is a completely special interpretation of this trend. Our beatniks were interested not only in jazz, but also in progressive foreign rock and early punk. In particular, Viktor Tsoi was a beatnik, and many of his creations are real big beat.

HIPPIES are cute, hairy people, usually 15 years old and older, because they do not join this movement for coolness and self-expression. This is a conscious choice of lifestyle and way of thinking, as if returned from the 60-70s. They preach Love, Peace and Freedom in the global understanding of these words. Clothing is usually shabby or homemade: flared jeans or a long skirt, a loose hoodie, shirt or T-shirt. In summer they often go barefoot to be closer to nature. Hair is sometimes braided or tangled in pigtails - dread-locks (applies to both boys and girls). There are an abundance of baubles on the arms and neck.

Most often, they do not wear anything leather and prefer vegetarianism, so as not to harm animals or increase evil in the world. Hippies see nothing wrong with free love and the use of soft drugs, especially weed. Christians or Buddhists, or even non-believers, they made it a rule to always respond with good to evil. These guys travel from city to city on foot or hitchhike, and in the summer they often live in tents somewhere in the forest. Hippies try to live in communes; almost everyone studies or works. Usually these people are creative and easy-going. They lead a somewhat ascetic lifestyle because they despise money. Favorite music is rock, especially psychedelic.

PACIFISTS are people who protest against violence in any form. They can be distinguished from others by a medallion, embroidery or badge with a symbol - the footprint of a dove (bird of peace), enclosed in a circle (symbol of the Universe), - “pacific”. When it comes to clothing, they tend to wear jeans and a “free artist’s robe.” Favorite music ranges from reggae to hard rock. Actually, pacifism is a less orthodox form of the hippie movement, i.e. every hippie is a pacifist, but not every pacifist is a hippie. Pacifists are very friendly and always try to help. For some reason, punks and gopniks really don’t like them. It’s better for the skins not to come across them at all.

PUNK (English punk) is a youth subculture that emerged in the mid-70s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, the characteristic features of which are a critical attitude towards society and politics. Many punks, as a rule, have a colorful, shocking image. Punks dye their hair bright unnatural colors, comb it and fix it with hairspray or gel so that it stands up straight. In the 80s, the mohawk hairstyle became fashionable among punks. They wear rolled-up jeans; some people pre-soak their jeans in a bleach solution so that they have red streaks. Biker jackets, studs, stretched T-shirts with aggressive appliqués. Cleanliness and tidiness are the least of the punk's concerns.

Many punks dye their hair bright, unnatural colors, comb it and fix it with hairspray, gel or beer so that it stands up straight. In the 80s, the mohawk hairstyle became fashionable among punks. They wear jeans tucked into heavy boots or tucked under short heavy boots (cans), some pre-soak jeans in a bleach solution so that they become red stains. They wear heavy boots, as well as sneakers and leather jackets. The predominant style in clothing is “DEAD”, that is, “dead style”. Punks put skulls and signs on clothes and accessories. They wear wristbands and collars made of leather with spikes, rivets and chains. Many punks get tattoos. They also wear torn, frayed jeans. attach chains to jeans. Bags are often worn.

Punks (presumably from “punk” - rotten). Typical outfit: torn but not cut jeans, a T-shirt with your favorite team, under it - a turtleneck of an unspecified color, on top - a hoodie or sweater with holes in the sleeves for thumbs. In their opinion, washing clothes is bad manners. Add the famous “Mohawk” and quiet behavior... Punks are the most avid party people. They are also big “specialists” in drinking, “wheels”, and fights. They listen to “Exploited”, “Sex pistols”, “Purgen”, “4 cockroaches”, “Civil Defense” (E. Letov) and Yanka Diaghileva. Punk initiation is legendary. In some companies, a “recruit” must eat in a garbage dump with all the brethren, in others, he must sit for some time in a garbage can, covered in scraps...

ROCKERS. Rock music has a large number of directions: from light genres such as dance rock and roll, pop rock, Britpop to brutal and aggressive genres such as death metal and hardcore. The content of the songs varies from light and casual to dark, deep and philosophical. Rock music is often contrasted with pop music, etc. “pop”, although there is no clear boundary between the concepts of “rock” and “pop”, and many musical phenomena balance on the line between them.

ROCKER - any person who listens to rock of any severity. Bikers are often called this.

BIKERS (from “bike” - motorcycle) are very cheerful guys who respect hard rock and metal, but especially crazy racing on Harleys or at least Urals. Favorite drink is beer. They dress as metalheads should: jeans, black T-shirt, leather vest or jacket. Often completely covered with tattoos (this also applies to girls). Bikers can be found in large numbers at the annual bike show, and on the streets only at night, when there is “freedom of movement.” Hence the name of the parties - “Angels of the Night”, “Night Wolves”.

Bikers (English biker, from bike ← motorbike ← motorbicycle “motorcycle”) are lovers and admirers of motorcycles. Unlike ordinary motorcyclists, bikers have a motorcycle as part of their lifestyle. It is also characteristic to unite with like-minded people based on this way of life. Fans of bicycles also sometimes call themselves bikers, while they also call motorcyclists motorbikers. However, traditionally the word “biker” is associated specifically with motorcycle drivers. appearance of bikers.

METALLISTS (metalheads or metallers) are a youth subculture inspired by metal music that appeared in the 1980s. Metal as a style of music includes many directions of “varying degrees of severity.” Extreme destinations are now the most popular. Metalheads may well “run into” punks, gopniks, and rappers if there are reasons. They always give back. From time to time they turn to Satanism, and more recently - to paganism, probably due to the emergence of pagan (i.e. pagan) styles - black, pagan-doom... Metalheads are not prone to parties, they prefer close companies - without strangers.

Typical fashion among many metalheads can be described as follows: Typical metalhead belt Long hair for men. Leather motorcycle jacket, leather vest. Black T-shirts or hoodies with the logo of your favorite metal band. Wristbands - leather bracelets with rivets and/or spikes (flogging), spiked, riveted belts, chains on jeans. Patches on clothes and other surrounding objects with images of your favorite metal bands. Short or high boots with chains - “Cossacks”. Heavy shoes - “camelots”, “curzes”, “grinders”, “martins”, “steels”, “gads”, ordinary high boots. Shoes (usually pointy, “Gothic” boots). Leather pants or jeans (usually blue or black). Bandana on the head. Possibly rivets and spikes on clothing. Often: long black clothing (raincoats, coats), as well as fingerless leather motorcycle gloves.

SKINHEADS, or in short - skins (from the English “skin head” - skinhead). Perhaps the most aggressive of the informals. Their ideas are completely fascist: “Russia to the Russians!”, “Death to the Jews (Negroes, Chinese)!” Skins dress in something like a military uniform or just in tight dark jeans. On their feet are heavy boots - “khakis”, which the skins skillfully use in a fight. Skins' favorite music is hardcore (“Dog eat dog”, “Bio hazard”). The enemies of skins are everyone who is not a skin. I especially hate rappers and anyone with long hair. Many skins join RNE - the Russian National Unity party. And yet we should not lose hope for the return of lost souls!

SATANISTS - come from extreme metalheads who like bands with similar lyrics. There are frightening rumors about initiation into Satanism, about “black masses” and “entertainment” in cemeteries.

GOTH... goths are a completely different world... These are informals, the so-called “dead” informals. Their philosophical meaning is: “Momento mori” (remember death). As a rule, these are people who dye their hair black - the light of their world. They are dissatisfied with life and spend most of their existence in rituals very similar to satanic ones.

Many goths choose an androgynous style - this is genderlessness. If you meet a goth on the street who gravitates towards the above-mentioned aesthetics, you are unlikely to immediately determine who is in front of you: a man or a woman. Goths of this type wear skirts, mesh sweaters, and corsets, regardless of gender. Latex and vinyl are found in clothing. Cosmetics are very actively used, in particular in order to hide signs of belonging to a particular gender and create an image of something in between a man and a woman. Style is ready, working in companies where it is customary to dress according to certain rules. They have to combine the company dress code with the Gothic style. For girls, these are, for example, black long skirts combined with a lace shirt, or strict black dresses. The guys use the only possible option - a black business suit. There are almost no decorations or accessories. The shoes are also familiar - ordinary boots. Hairstyle depending on company rules.

RAPPERS (aka hip-hoppers) are guys who carry tape recorders on their shoulders, wear clothes a couple sizes too big and dance in the street, and sometimes draw good graffiti. However, they are not the only ones painting the walls now. Rap music and rap culture emerged from the depths of black ghettos, and to this day almost all performers belong to the African race. The lyrics in rap are usually pronounced in a recitative manner, can be a pathetic protest against racism and injustice, or maybe just a set of threats and curses. Many rappers are pacifists, and then the skins hate them doubly: for their peacefulness and passion for “black” performers. Rappers often got the worst of it from punks and metalheads, but lately they have been trying to simply ignore each other.

ROLLERS - not everyone who has learned not to fall on eight wheels can proudly be called a roller. A true roller skater and skates are inseparable, and besides, only roller skaters are prone to experiments like trampolines and speed descents down steps. A roller can also be identified by "battle wounds" and jeans cut to the palm below the knee (usually with marks from falls, which are a point of pride). Usually rappers are inclined to roller-rolling, for which the skins beat all the rollers without exception. There are also “eight-wheeled” ravers and rockers...

RAVERS are young people who listen to currently popular electronic dance music (house, trance, happy-pardcore...). Ravers usually wear bright, fashionable clothes and have fun at raves, i.e. discos, with this kind of music.

EMO is a widespread movement among young people today, in particular Russian ones. Here are some attributes of the appearance of an emo character. The first is the emo hairstyle. Black, greasy hair is appropriate here. They should be cut short in front with a razor and cover half of the face. The back of the hair should be slightly tousled. For emo combat, sideburns and glasses with thick black frames are relevant. Emo clothes are heavy slacks - trousers, usually very tight and short. Polyester pants are also suitable.

The top will be decorated with thin sweatshirts of a very small size with a top row of buttons and a collar or children's size T-shirts with random slogans on them or with sports numbers on the back. Tight jackets and V-neck sweaters. Sweaters in dark colors with a transverse stripe. Another bright attribute is a scarf, preferably in bright colors, or combining two colors, such as black and pink. All kinds of stripes and badges, wallets with a chain are suitable for the emo style, but even cooler is a large key ring. Emo makeup is reminiscent of the popular gothic style - eyes lined with black pencil, and it is suitable for both guys and girls.

FREAKS (English freak - a strange person, an outdated disabled person, a freak who performs in a circus or show) - a trend in youth culture of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Social groups of people who try to look very bright and sometimes provocative (unusual manner of dressing, hairstyles, tattoos, piercings), completely disregarding the generally accepted laws of appearance. What sets them apart from the general mass is not only their appearance, but also their unique views on the world around them and slightly inappropriate behavior. Often these are creative people - artists, poets, singers, actors, DJs. The way of thinking (worldview) characteristic of freaks is characterized by a certain freedom from social stereotypes.


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“In the fire that enlivens youth, a person’s character is cast. That is why one should neither extinguish this fire, nor be afraid of it, nor look at it as something dangerous for society, nor hinder its free burning, but only take care that the material that is pouring into the soul of youth at this time is good quality".

K.D. Ushinsky.

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One of the most common informal youth associations, with its own subculture, which has a long origin, is the fan community.

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The concept of “fanaticism” arose historically to designate a phenomenon observed in religious life. Fanatics (Latin fanatikus - frenzied) began to be called people who are distinguished by frenzied religiosity, or more precisely, passionate devotion to the ideals and affairs of the church.

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Fans are a complex community in organization, very often constituting an asocial or antisocial subculture.

Fanaticism is the boundless devotion of someone to an idea and its implementation that has turned into passion. “Passion” here characterizes the depth of devotion (“absorption by some idea”), and “boundless devotion” covers both “commitment taken to the extreme” to some idea, and a certain “intolerance of other views,” and a fundamental “intolerance ” in relation to other ideas, and, finally, readiness for self-sacrifice for the triumph of one’s idea.

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(eng.biker, from bike ← motorbike ← motorbicycle “motorcycle”) - lovers and admirers of motorcycles. Unlike ordinary motorcyclists, bikers have a motorcycle as part of their lifestyle. It is also characteristic to unite with like-minded people based on this way of life.


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It is common for bikers to form clubs. Despite the fairly widespread stereotype, such associations are currently, in the overwhelming majority of cases, peaceful in nature.

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The biker movement originated in the USA, penetrated into Europe and for some time was part of a subculture when bikers were divided into several aggressive and warring factions. The most famous group is the Hells Angels.

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Fans of bicycles also call themselves bikers, while they call motorcyclists motorbikers. However, traditionally the word “biker” is associated with motorbikers.

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The stereotypical appearance of a biker: a bandana (a dark-colored headscarf tied in a pirate style at the back of the head) or a knitted cap, a “biker jacket” (a leather jacket with an oblique zipper) or a leather motorcycle jacket (often a sleeveless denim or leather vest with “flowers” ​​is worn over the motorcycle jacket). "(symbols) of a motorcycle club), leather pants. Bikers often grow long hair, mustaches, and beards, wear goggles to protect their eyes from the wind, and often ignore helmets. Leather clothing is usually used in cool regions; in warm countries, bikers ride in denim. However, among bikers this appearance is not always necessary. A biker can wear sports motorcycle clothing and equipment.

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Biker symbols

Confederate flag (Naval Jack). The tradition of its use comes from American bikers. Its modern meaning is ambiguous: on the one hand, it symbolizes the nonconformism of bikers, on the other, it can still be a symbol of racism. It is worth noting that not all representatives of the biker movement have an idea of ​​​​the historical significance of the symbol or do not attach importance to it, using the Confederate flag only as a sign of involvement in this movement.

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Image of a skull. Usually symbolizes fearlessness in the face of danger and death. Another meaning of using the skull symbol among bikers is protection from death. There is a belief that when Death comes, it leaves its sign on the deceased - a skull, and if a person already has this symbol, she thinks that she has already been here and does not touch the person.

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The emblem (for bikers the emblem is usually called “Colors”) of the club, sewn onto the back (often sewn on leather or denim vests, which are worn over a biker jacket, but can also be sewn on a jacket), which shows which bike club the biker belongs to. The club emblem usually indicates the name of the bike club (on the upper rocker), the country or city in which the bike club is organized (lower rocker), the club logo (central part) and the status of the bike club; a common signature is “MS”, indicating the club’s belonging to the “MS” category of clubs (an abbreviation for the English word “Motorcycle Club”). Also, some clubs make special stripes on the jacket sleeve or on the chest on the vest (on the left side), which indicates the status or position (President, Secretary, Accountant, Applicant, Prospect, Member, etc.) of the biker in the club, the name of the club.

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Gothic is a holistic subculture, which is based on music, literature, art and fashion.

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Goths have the so-called Gothic worldview - a combination of two main elements: life according to the principles of absolute individualism and neo-romanticism (dark romantic). Always strive for more (in life, music, art), look for beauty even in a world in which there is none, always look at all (negative and positive) aspects of life without turning a blind eye to them. Trying to change every gray, banal day - to bring emotions and feelings into it through music, clothing style, make-up (image) and other sources. Know the truth and gloomily ironize over it (the principle is “Die Loughing!” (die smiling). Melt all your emotions, both positive and negative - pain, despair and others, into vital energy. Feel normal with your gloomy/ironic mood , strange views on life and take strength from all this.

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For the most part, Goths wear black clothes, paint their nails, hair and lips black and wear eyeliner. Although this description does not apply to all goths, most of them look like this. Goths owe their diversity in appearance primarily to their desire for artistry and self-expression. The “Gothic image” is quite diverse: corsets, sweaters and tops, dresses, skirts (sometimes males also wear skirts) are made mainly of velvet, silk, brocade, chiffon, guipure. The colors are different, but black, burgundy, and purple dominate, although others, including extravagant colors, are rare. Clothes are decorated with rings, chains, lacing, and buckles. The favorite “attribute” is ready - piercing.

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The formation and self-awareness of the Goths was greatly influenced by the Satanists, from whom the Goths learned some symbols: the cross, and, to a lesser extent, the pentagram. Cross, both straight and inverted. They perceive this paraphernalia as an honor to dark aesthetics, without any flavor of ideology or philosophy. The veneration of symbols of death is a characteristic feature of Gothic ethics. It is not associated with Satanism, where these symbols are given not aesthetic, but occult meaning.

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In contrast to the “rude hero of the faceless human crowd,” the Goths emphasize their refined sophistication, intellect and intelligence, which have their own external symbols: refined aristocracy, sensual tenderness, long hair, gentleness of behavior, an emphatically asthenic physique and poetry.

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Emo (English Emo, short for “emotional”, also commonly spelled “Imo”) is a term denoting a special type of hardcore music based on crushing strong emotions in the vocalist’s voice and a melodic, but sometimes chaotic or completely absent musical component. Squealing, crying, moaning, whispering are the distinctive features of this style. The lyrics are personal - about the author's experiences, and in some cases about politics. Currently, this style of music is divided into: emo, emocore, San Diego hardcore (hardcore emo), emo violence, screamo, French screamo. The subculture of emo fans is called emo kids.

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Emo youth prefer a special style that sets them apart from other subcultures. They wear black combined with pink or another bright color. Classic emo clothing is clothing in black and pink tones, where the patterns are also two-color. Various armbands and wristbands, belts with iron plaques, fingerless gloves, a backpack with various Emo badges.

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Among the emo you can see a guy in skinny jeans, but you can also meet emo youth who prefer to wear a lot of iron rivets on their jeans. Bracelets on hands with skulls, nails black or silver. Makeup is common for both girls and boys, emo makeup is eyeliner with a black pencil, but not too much. Hairstyles are not divided into women's and men's; you can often see the same stylish hairstyles on both boys and girls. Bangs cover one eye, black or dark brown hair color. Styling or lack thereof, all this gives freedom in choosing individuality, while making it clear that this is real Emo.

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Determining and coordinating the general direction of the influence of informal associations on the individual is not only a pedagogical, but also a social problem of enormous importance, because the moral health of the younger generations is the concern of the whole society.

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Thank you for your attention!

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