When a three- to four-year-old child enters a preschool institution, many changes occur in his life: strict regime day, the absence of parents for nine or more hours, new requirements for behavior, constant contact with peers, a new room fraught with a lot of unknowns, and therefore dangerous, a different style of communication. All these changes hit the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation for him, which without special organization can lead to neurotic reactions, such as whims, fears, refusal to eat, frequent illnesses, etc. These difficulties arise due to the fact that the baby moves from a familiar and usual family environment to a preschool.

The child must adapt to new conditions, i.e. adapt. The term "adaptation" means adaptation.

The difficulty of adapting the body to new conditions and new activity And high price, which the child’s body pays for achievements achieved, determine the need to take into account all factors that contribute to the child’s adaptation to a preschool institution or, conversely, slow it down and prevent adequate adaptation.

Adaptation is inevitable in situations where there is a contradiction between our capabilities and the requirements of the environment.

There are three styles with which a person can adapt to the environment:

a) creative style, when a person tries to actively change the conditions of the environment, adapting it to himself, and thus adapts himself;

b) conformal style, when a person simply gets used to it, passively accepting all the requirements and circumstances of the environment;

c) avoidant style, when a person tries to ignore the demands of the environment, does not want or cannot adapt to them.

The most optimal style is the creative style, the least optimal is the avoidant style.

How are adaptation abilities formed in a child? The birth of a child itself is a clear manifestation of biological adaptation. The transition from conditions of intrauterine to extrauterine existence requires a radical restructuring in the activities of all the main systems of the body - blood circulation, respiration, digestion. By the time of birth, these systems must be able to carry out functional restructuring, i.e. there must be an appropriate innate level of readiness for these adaptation mechanisms. A healthy newborn has this level of readiness and quickly adapts to existence in external conditions.

Just like others functional systems, the system of adaptation mechanisms continues to mature and improve over a number of years of postnatal ontogenesis. Within the framework of this system, after birth, the child develops the ability to social adaptation as the child masters the social environment around him. This occurs simultaneously with the formation of the entire system of higher nervous activity.

Nevertheless, these changes hit the child at the same time, creating a stressful situation for him, which without special organization can lead to neurotic reactions.

So, in order to avoid stressful situations, it is necessary to competently approach one of the problems of a preschool institution - the problem of children's adaptation. The common task of educators and parents is to help the child enter the life of kindergarten as painlessly as possible. For this you need preparatory work in the family. Output uniform requirements to the child’s behavior, coordination of influences on him at home and in kindergarten- the most important condition facilitating its adaptation.

Age characteristics, children's capabilities, determining indicators need to be known. But the individual characteristics of the child should also be taken into account.

Often the cause of unbalanced behavior in children is the improper organization of the child’s activities: when his motor activity is not satisfied, the child does not receive enough impressions and experiences a deficit in communication with adults. Disruptions in children's behavior can also occur as a result of the fact that their organic needs are not met in a timely manner - inconvenience in clothing, the child is not fed in a timely manner, or does not get enough sleep. Therefore, the daily routine, careful hygienic care, methodically correct implementation of all routine processes - sleep, feeding, toileting, timely organization of children’s independent activities, classes, implementation of the correct educational approaches to them is the key to the formation of the child’s correct behavior, creating a balanced mood in him.

As a rule, weakened children find it more difficult to adapt to new conditions. They get sick more often and have a harder time experiencing separation from loved ones. It happens that the child does not cry, does not express outwardly negative manifestations, but loses weight, does not play, and is depressed. His condition should worry teachers no less than those children who cry and call their parents.

Also, special attention Required by children with a weak type of nervous system. These children painfully endure any changes in their lives. At the slightest trouble, their emotional state is disrupted, although they do not express their feelings violently. They are frightened by everything new and find it very difficult. They are unsure and slow in their movements and actions with objects. Such children should be accustomed to kindergarten gradually, and people close to them should be involved in this. The teacher should encourage, encourage and help them.

Ignoring by the teacher the characteristics of the child’s nervous system types during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution can lead to complications in his behavior. For example, being strict with children who are not confident and uncommunicative causes them to cry and not want to be in kindergarten. A harsh tone of address causes excessive excitement and disobedience in easily excitable children.

IN different situations the same baby can behave differently, especially during the adaptation period. It happens that even a calm and sociable child, when parting with loved ones, begins to cry and ask to go home; it is not easy for him to get used to the new requirements.

The child’s behavior, under the influence of established habits, also takes on an individual character. If he does not know how to eat on his own, then in kindergarten he refuses food and waits to be fed. Also, if he doesn’t know how to wash his hands in a new environment, he immediately cries; if he doesn’t know where to get a toy, he also cries; I’m not used to sleeping without motion sickness - he cries, etc. Therefore, it is very important to know the child’s habits and take them into account.

Ignorance of the child’s habits greatly complicates the work of the teacher. Its pedagogical influences become spontaneous, unfocused and often do not give the necessary result. It is difficult to immediately recognize all the habits and skills of each newly admitted child, and they do not always manifest themselves in new conditions. The teacher must remember that a young child who has the necessary skills cannot always transfer them to a new environment; he needs the help of an adult.

At home, the child gets used to the nature of the pedagogical influences used, expressed not only in a calm, even tone, but also in a tone of strict demands. However, the stern tone of a teacher or nanny can cause fear. And vice versa, a child who is accustomed to loud, irritated instructions will not always follow the quiet, calm instructions of the teacher.

Despite the fact that daily routines for children of different ages, recommended by the “Kindergarten Education Program”, are scientifically substantiated, however, the so-called age-specific daily routine of individual children needs to be changed. An indicator of this is the behavior and well-being of the baby.

As already stated, special meaning during the adaptation period, children have individual characteristics in the field of communication. There are children who confidently and with dignity enter the new environment of the kindergarten: they turn to the teacher, to the teacher’s assistant to find out about something. Others shy away from other people's adults, are shy, and lower their eyes. And there are also children who are frightened by communication with the teacher. Such a child tries to be alone, turns his face to the wall so as not to see strangers with whom he does not know how to come into contact.

The child’s experience of communicating with others, acquired before entering kindergarten, determines the nature of his adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten. Therefore, it is knowledge of the content of the child’s needs for communication that is the key with which one can determine the nature of pedagogical influences on him during the adaptation period.

Direct emotional contact between a child and an adult is established starting from the end of the first - beginning of the second month of life.

Those parents do the right thing who, already in the first year of a child’s life, do not limit his communication within a narrow family circle.

By observing the necessary hygiene requirements, it is advisable to expand the child’s social circle already at this age. For example, you can allow a new person to hold him in your arms for a while or even leave them alone.

The teacher must establish contact with the child on the first day. But if a child has not developed the experience of communicating with strangers, he reacts negatively to all the actions of the teacher: he cries, breaks away from the hands, and tends to move away rather than get closer to the teacher. He needs a longer time to get used to it, to stop feeling afraid of the teacher. Nervousness and tears prevent him from correctly and quickly accepting the interested, kind attitude of the teacher.

In this case, it is advisable to allow the mother to be in the group. In her presence, the child calms down, the fear of an unfamiliar adult disappears, and the child begins to show interest in toys. The mother should encourage him to turn to the teacher, ask for a toy, tell him how good and kind his aunt is, how she loves children, plays with them, feeds them. The teacher confirms this with his actions: he speaks kindly to the baby, gives him a toy, praises his costume, shows him something interesting in the group, etc. .

Consequently, the nature of a child’s adaptation to the conditions of a preschool institution is influenced by a number of factors: the child’s age, state of health, level of communication experience, as well as the degree of parental care.

Asel Kudyarova

Target: Continue to expand ideas about folk crafts « Khokhloma»

using unconventional technology fine arts, How plasticineography.


Reinforce knowledge about elements Khokhloma painting;

To cultivate a love for Russian decorative art;

Develop the ability to see beauty in the created image;

Introduce unconventional technology « plasticineography» ;

Develop fine motor skills.

Methods and techniques:

Conversation, questions on the topic, showing illustrations.

Materials required for work:

Products Khokhloma painting, plates cut out of black cardboard, pieces of red and yellow plasticine, hand napkin, stack, rolling board plasticine;

I believe that it is very important to instill in children a love for folk art. I really like products with Khokhloma painting. Previously, various educational conversations were held with the children about Khokhloma products. The children also looked at products and albums of decorative and applied arts, especially about Khokhloma.

I decided to do something interesting with the students. And I decided to depict Khokhloma pattern on a plate, cut out of black cardboard, using plasticine red and yellow. And that's what we got.

The children really enjoyed creating a drawing using the " plasticineography"Everyone was in a good mood after the lesson.

Publications on the topic:

Artistic and aesthetic development. Summary of direct educational activities “Golden Khokhloma” Goal: to develop children's interest in folk decorative arts - applied arts; artistic creativity in decorative drawing. Tasks:.

Lesson summary “Golden Khokhloma” (senior group) Goal: To familiarize children with different types of folk arts and crafts (Khokhloma). Objectives: Educational: continue to introduce.

"Golden Khokhloma" Abstract of GCD in the educational field "Artistic Creativity" Topic: “Golden Khokhloma” Program content: Educational area“Cognition”: consolidate and expand children’s knowledge about folk art.

Synopsis of the NOOD “Wonderful miracle, wondrous wonder - golden Khokhloma” Abstract of the NOOD “Wonderful miracle, wondrous wonder - golden Khokhloma” Compiled by M. A. Muravyova. Types of children's activities: educational - research.

Summary of OD with children of senior preschool age “Golden Khokhloma” Summary of OD with older children preschool age within project activities on the topic: “Golden Khokhloma” Goal: Continue to educate.

Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Golden Khokhloma” Program content: Introduce children to Khokhlama painting, its history, and make it clear what painting is used for. Teach children to see and highlight.

Lesson notes for the senior group “Golden Khokhloma”“Golden Khokhloma” Program content: -Introduce painting on Khokhloma products; -Learn to highlight the elements of the Khokhloma pattern (leaf, berry,...

Plasticineography or drawing with plasticine is relative new look children's creativity and a type of unconventional drawing, which is available to children both at home and in kindergarten. As the name implies, the main material in plastinography is plasticine, which is applied to a horizontal dense base - cardboard, glass, plastic or thick paper. You can also create paintings in mixed media, complementing plasticine drawings on paper with beads, sequins, natural materials and graphic drawings. Usually, children really like plasticineography and become the most favorite activity for kids. There are many reasons for this: firstly, it is very easy to create plasticine drawings on cardboard, secondly, plasticineography helps relieve muscle and nervous tension, thirdly, plasticine paintings can be easily corrected - if something doesn’t work out, then this part can be just remove the stack and redo it.
Plasticine drawing technique

To draw with plasticine you will need the following materials:

  • cardboard or thick paper;
  • wooden or plastic board for rolling out plasticine;
  • a container of water for wetting hands;
  • a set of multi-colored plasticine;
  • wet hand wipes;
  • set of stacks of different shapes.

Creating crafts using plasticineography technique consists of the following operations:

1. Select a base drawing to create a picture from plasticine. For the youngest artists, it is best to start drawing with plasticine with a rainbow. We transfer the sketch of the image we like onto the cardboard, paying attention to what background the selected picture will look better against: white or colored.

2. Separate small pieces from the plasticine bars and apply them to the base in accordance with the plan. At the same time, we use various sculpting techniques:

  • rolling - a piece of plasticine, located between the palms or the palm and the board, is rolled out using straight-line movements of the hands, acquiring a cylindrical shape;
  • rolling - a piece of plasticine takes on a spherical shape using circular movements of the brushes;
  • smoothing - used to create flat and smooth surfaces;
  • flattening - squeezing a ball of plasticine into a cake;
  • topping;
  • pulling back

3. To create pictures from plasticine with a large number details, as well as more expressive drawing of objects, you can use a medical syringe without a needle. A block of plasticine is placed inside the syringe and carefully heated, and then carefully squeezed out with long thin “threads”. For thicker threads, you can use a pastry syringe. You can heat the syringe by immersing it in a container with hot water, or placing it on a radiator.

4. To obtain softer transitions between colors and obtain the necessary shades of plasticine, different colors of plasticine are simply mixed by hand. In this case, you need to remember the following nuances:

  • You should not mix more than two colors of plasticine at the same time, otherwise the color will turn out dull;
  • You can achieve a brighter and deeper shade by mixing black plasticine with any color;
  • Pastel shades can be obtained by mixing with any color of white plasticine.

Plasticineography "Golden Khokhloma". Master class with step by step photos.

Chasovskikh Svetlana Olegovna, teacher of preschool educational institution No. 98 M.O. Lyubertsy district, Oktyabrsky village
Purpose: production of plasticine printing for a sample.
Target: Making work in the style of Khokhloma painting.
Tasks: Introduce children to artistic folk craft - Khokhloma painting, and examine its elements.
Strengthen your skills in working with plasticine.
Learn to make a pattern yourself using elements of Khokhloma painting.
To cultivate love and respect for our Russian traditions.
Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Develop composition skills.
Materials: wax plasticine, cardboard, stack, pencil or pen without a rod.

Khokhloma painting- This is a bright, original phenomenon of Russian folk arts and crafts. This traditional artistic craft arose in the 17th century in the Nizhny Novgorod province and received its name from the large trading village of Khokhloma, where all wooden products were brought for auction.
Initially, Khokhloma dishes were made at monasteries and intended for the royal court. Subsequently, when cheap metal and earthenware dishes competing with Khokhloma appeared on the markets, the unusual coloring of Semyonov’s products ensured their popularity and sales.
So in the 19th century. Khokhloma dishes could be found in every corner of Russia, as well as in Persia, India, Central Asia, the USA and Australia. After the World Exhibition of 1889 In Paris, the export of Khokhloma products has increased sharply...
In 1916 A school was opened in Semenov artistic treatment tree, the first graduates of which, led by G.P. The Matveevs organized a small artel (1931), which later grew into a large one production association Order "Badge of Honor" "Khokhloma Painting".
Since the mid-1960s. and to this day, the Khokhloma Painting enterprise is largest producer artistic wood products with Khokhloma painting. Thanks to the talented team, the traditions of ancient masters are preserved and enhanced. And the city of Semenov is rightfully considered the capital of Golden Khokhloma.
Khokhloma painting patterns contain three primary colors: red, black and gold; auxiliary colors, used in small quantities, are green and yellow. The painting is applied by masters of this craft - with a brush by hand without preliminary marking. There are two main types of Khokhloma painting: “mountain” (in red and black on a golden background) and “under the background” (golden pattern on a colored background). Traditional “grass” and “leaf-like” ornaments are usually classified as “top” painting. “Grass” is a painting that includes images of blades of grass and twigs painted in red and black paint on a gold background. The “leaf-like” painting consists of an image of oval leaves and berries, usually located around the stem. Painting “to match the background” is based on a large golden pattern, on a red or black background.

Nowadays, many needlewomen began to use the wood carving technique - Khokhloma painting. Drawings of this style are displayed not only in the form of carvings, but also in embroidery, decoupage, glass painting, etc. And, you can see that this style has integrated very well into our lives. It harmonizes perfectly with all needlework techniques.

Step by step execution of work.

Let's take a sheet of cardboard. On it, in random order, place the centers of large flowers made of red plasticine, I made three.

Add yellow and red peas.

We take yellow plasticine, make a small drop and give it the shape of a petal; I made 6 petals for each flower.

Place it around the middle.

If you liked everything. We begin to press the petals and press them down harder with the stack, drawing a pattern.

We make twigs with thin sausages, placing them on the cardboard in random order.

We sculpt leaves from a drop of plasticine, give it shape without drawing a picture.

We place them on the branches, press them down and draw the veins in a stack, pressing the leaf harder onto the cardboard.

Add small leaves, filling the space as much as possible.

Now we’ll make small flowers, which consist of red and yellow peas. We place them on the pattern.

Add a black pea to the center, and press down the yellow petals with a pencil or pen without a rod.

Let's add more leaves and twigs to our work (optional). Our work is ready.

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Gzhel and Khokhloma plates using plasticine painting technique MBOU "Secondary School No. 8 in Vyborg" Kapustina Tatyana Nikolaevna

Plasticine is simply a unique material, it is so soft and flexible that not only modeling, but also drawing with it is a pleasure! In this master class on the creative development of a child, I will not even show drawing, but real plasticine painting. And we will make a beautiful and elegant plasticine plate “under Khokhloma” or “under Gzhel”

Materials: Plasticine, paper or plastic plate, varnish, stacks Let's get to work Making the background. Spread a thin layer of black (blue) plasticine on a plate. We make a narrow strip along the edges in contrasting yellow (white)

Using a stack or a pencil, draw the outline of the future drawing. It could be anything! We make plant motifs characteristic of Khokhloma (Gzhel)

We take colored (white) plasticine and gradually apply it to the drawing, “filling in” the outlined contours

In the same way, fill the entire intended drawing with plasticine of different colors.

When the drawing is ready, add details with a stack or a pencil - veins in the leaves. Cover the plate with water-acrylic varnish and leave to dry. Now it will shine like a real Gzhel or Khokhloma!

And here are our works! Blue miracle!

Plates “under Khokhloma”

Try it and you will succeed!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Decorating a plastic plate using the Decoupage technique - an activity in the "Crafty Hands" club

Goals: To develop the personality of a creator capable of realizing his creative ideas in the field different types decorative and applied arts.[[("type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"379...

Goal: to promote aesthetic perception and appreciation by students of Khokhloma painting in decorating various household items. Planned results: Personal: to develop imaginative thinking in students, as well as...