The political scandal in France is gaining momentum and may deprive the UMMC president of control over his foreign companies. But who “leaked” compromising information on Makhmudov to the Western media? The situation looks like it could have been done by his "junior partner" - Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor of the French Republic Andrey Bokarev, whom some associate with the "Orekhovskaya" organized criminal group.

In December 2018, Iskandar Makhmudov came to the attention of the French media in connection with the investigation of the so-called "case of Alexandre Benalla" (former bodyguard of President Emmanuel Macron). One of the defendants in the investigation was the former gendarme Vincennes Craz, who trained reservists to guard the Champs Elysees and was responsible for security in Macron's Forward, Republic! party. The Mediapart publication found out that while working for the president, Kraz received money from Makhmudov - about 300 thousand euros for the protection of relatives and property of the Russian billionaire in France. Perhaps for a French layman this amount may seem significant, but for a Russian reader of Forbes magazine it is obvious that for this money it is possible to provide only the protection of a domestic cat, but not Makhmudov's relatives.

In a different setting, this story, most likely, would not have received large-scale publicity. But a wave of publications about alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election, the British referendum on Brexit and the “yellow vest” protests in France did their job. The respectable newspaper Le Monde published the material about the Russian fees of Macron's guards, this information was aired by the largest French radio station RLI. The British The Times took up further writing about Makhmudov's affairs in France, followed by other English-language media. But, in fact, all of them, like a carbon copy, reprinted the same story: Iskandar Makhmudov, through his representative, allegedly transferred money to Vincennes Craze. And none of these reputable publications seem to have attempted to identify this anonymous intermediary. Who is this person?

Mysterious mediator

Makhmudov's association with French elites appears to have a long history. People close to the Russian billionaire talk about his acquaintance with businessman Jean-Louis Eigenauer. In the early 1990s, Eigenauer, who is considered a close friend and colleague of the former French Interior Minister Charles Pasqua, came to Russia to establish contacts with promising representatives of the business circles that were forming in our country. Although it is likely that their acquaintance took place much earlier. In 1984-86, Iskandar Makhmudov served as an interpreter for a group of Soviet military advisers in Libya, a country traditionally in the sphere of French interests. And here a natural question arises about the possible connections of Aigenauer and Makhmudov with the Western intelligence community. But for now, we'll save that story for the future. Now we are interested in something else.

It is hard to imagine that contacts with Jean-Louis Eigenauer, who in Lately in a narrow circle, he allegedly calls Iskandar Makhmudov "an Uzbek who cooked barbecue for him", and Andrey Bokarev, Makhmudov's partner in the Kuzbassrazrezugol company, does not. It also has - recently Bokarev and Aigenauer, who mainly lives in Morocco, have become especially close. After all, it is Bokarev who controls the foreign company KRU Trade, through which products are exported from deposits in the Kemerovo region. It is Bokarev who is believed to solve all export issues related to the business of Iskandar Makhmudov, including in France. Back in 2014, Andrei Bokarev became a Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor - an award given for special services to France, so he never had problems with contacts, although Jean-Louis Eigenauer remains, according to the businessman, the key "breeder". Most likely, it was Bokarev who was the intermediary who, possibly, transferred the money of the Russian billionaire to the security specialist Vincennes Craze.

Our Parisian colleagues, on condition of anonymity, said that Bokarev, apparently back in October 2018, on the advice of Eigenauer, hired a large PR company in France, shortly before information about the bribery of Macron's "security guards" hit the press. Andrei Bokarev, apparently, had to spend hundreds of thousands of euros on the services of lobbyists and PR people who contacted the editors of the largest French media in preparing publications about Kraz in order to "cut" the name of his client from these materials. And despite this, Bokarev, as our sources say, decided to skip this season in Courchevel, so as not to once again fall into the field of view of journalists. But it is unlikely that he will sit in the shadows for a long time.

Take away and share

Before the start of the media scandal in France, Andrey Bokarev, apparently, convinced Iskandar Makhmudov, who was on the “Kremlin list”, to reorganize their joint trading companies - through splitting into many supposedly independent structures, recorded at face value, including KRU Trade and the Cypriot Carbo One Limited. Some players consider the latter not just a lining for the resale of Kemerovo coal abroad, but also one of the links in the chain of smuggling coal from the DPR to the West, which turns into Russian when crossing the border with the Russian Federation. About how the products of mines in the unrecognized republics in the East of Ukraine are sold to Europe under the guise of raw materials from Kuzbass, Our Version has already written using the example of another coal magnate Ruslan Rostovtsev. Carbo One Limited is considered a major player in international market, and in the event of loss of control over the company, Iskandar Makhmudov risks losing coal cash flows entirely. Coal money will end up in the hands of his "junior" partner in the event of sanctions against Makhmudov: apparently, Andrei Bokarev is counting on this scenario, clearing his name in the French media.

Given the past of Andrei Bokarev, this development of the situation does not look fantastic. It is believed that in the first half of the 1990s he was a representative of the interests of the "Orekhovskaya organized crime group" in a number of commercial banks. After the death in 1994 of the founder of this group, Sergei Timofeev (“Sylvester” - he was blown up in a Mercedes), Bokarev, it seems, needed a new “roof”. He met Iskander Makhmudov, apparently in 1998, when, due to the crisis, the Imperial Bank was forced to put up for auction his controlling stake Kuzbassrazrezugol company. It was Bokarev who allegedly helped Makhmudov in establishing control over this asset, in return receiving KRU Trade and a presence in other companies of Makhmudov - Bokarev is also a member of the Board of Directors of UMMC, the main asset of the billionaire.

It is possible that the role of the “junior” partner has ceased to suit him. Over the past few years, Bokarev has been building his own vertical relationship with the authorities state power and dubious structures. "Orekhovskaya" and "Izmailovsky" (Makhmudov is mentioned with them) figures are not Bokarev's only circle. It is known that he is doing business with the creator of the Sevastopol gang, Radik Yusupov (Dragon), who was convicted of several murders and was released on parole a couple of years ago.

In a close circle of a businessman, a story is told that, for obvious reasons, cannot be documented. However, the story looks extremely realistic. A few years ago, Andrei Bokarev suggested that Iskandar Makhmudov write a will. The reason was quite reasonable - Makhmudov, a lover of extreme diving, was going to the waters of the Arctic, so the "junior" partner showed concern for the common cause. In France, Bokarev showed concern only for himself, apparently hoping to take control of the flow of coal money from the Russian Federation.

Andrey Bokarev can become a completely indispensable partner in the event of the promotion of the Vera Metallurgica company, through which the Izmailovites laundered money in Europe. A few years ago, the company appeared in the case of the Russian mafia in Spain, but then the names of Oleg Deripaska and the Cherny brothers (former partners of Makhmudov) sounded mainly. According to our sources in Paris, the French police have new evidence of Iskandar Makhmudov's possible connections with Vera Metallurgica, and again, the name of Bokarev is not found in the dossier, just like in the French press. The Spanish money laundering case against Vera Metallurgica was dropped due to lack of corpus delicti, but it will not hurt to open it in France, especially since the police have new documents. We will try to tell you more about the French details in the Vera Metallurgica case in the near future.

It is hard to imagine how the relationship between the former military translator and polyglot Iskandar Makhmudov and the former bank supervisor Andrei Bokarev was built initially. But until recently, Makhmudov managed to masterfully conduct business, using in his own interests, including such semi-criminal people. The situation with the publication of compromising evidence in France shows that the situation has changed and it seems that now the "junior" partners are starting to use the billionaire in their own games. It seems that 2019 will be a turbulent year for Makhmudov and Bokarev, not only abroad, but also in Russia.

In 2009, an unprecedented attempt was made in Russia to encroach on that part of state property that was in the use of the first persons of the state. It was impossible to imagine such “assaults” on the personal, or rather domestic, interests of Russian statesmen from the first “troika” even at the dawn of Russian democracy ─ in the 90s, who did not recognize absolutely any authorities.

Then everything was limited only to verbal skirmishes. Since the beginning of the 2000s, any personal attacks have gradually been suppressed by the propaganda machine. A group of well-known politicians and entrepreneurs, consisting of the St. Petersburg "vodka king", the senator from Chuvashia Leonid Lebedev and the co-owner of the UMMC metallurgical holding Andrey Bokarev decided to "chop off" 200 hectares from the land holdings of the Presidential Administration by an open raider seizure.

The appetizing plot was closely adjacent to the Novo-Ogarevskaya residence ─ Vladimir Putin's favorite place to stay in the near Moscow suburbs. In 2009, after an imperious “castling,” Putin conceded the post of president to Dmitry Medvedev for 4 years. However, the post of prime minister did not involve such cavalier treatment.

The trio of desperate raiders acted in accordance with all the rules established in Russia for conducting such actions. The courtroom was chosen as the battle arena. The partners enlisted an unknown lawyer, Yuri Loktionov, to the village to help, who presented documents stating that almost a decade ago the lands of the Leninsky Luch collective farm were illegally transferred to the Presidential Administration, which placed the Tyatkovo recreation complex on them.

The Novo-Ogaryovskaya residence of Putin is structurally part of the complex. Loktionov claimed that he was authorized to represent the interests of the collective farm that disappeared from the surface of the earth, almost being its current chairman. The authorities immediately responded with a counterclaim for fraud. It was not possible to take away the land from the state. Fraud has also not been proven. Discussion stalled. The initiators of the "collision" were dealt with in the usual behind-the-scenes ways.

The first and hardest hit was Sabadash. He was expelled from the Federation Council and the prison was determined to be his place of residence. Immediately silenced senator from Chuvashia Lebedev voluntarily resigned in 2015. The act of the most vulnerable at first glance, without a political "roof", businessman Andrei Bokarev, on the contrary, went unpunished. Of course, someone was behind the trinity. It is worth remembering that 2009 and the next 2 years after it turned out to be the most difficult for the political elite, which took power from the hands of Yeltsin.

In 2008, the global economic crisis broke out, hitting hard on Russia, which is firmly integrated into the world's infrastructure. The following year saw the beginnings of mental ferment in the middle class. It was specially cultivated from the beginning of the change in the economic and ideological formation in Russia. After 2 years, confusion and vacillation within the creative class will lead to mass protests against the recognition of the rigged results of the elections to the State Duma and a rally-march of many thousands on Bolotnaya Square. The Russian government has never seen anything like this. a couple of hundred hectares of land near Moscow could be an ordinary attempt to test the power for stability, a kind of test, a “litmus test”.

Evidence that the lawsuit turned out to be not a reckless initiative of several people overwhelmed by a thirst for enrichment or ambitions, but a carefully thought-out operation is the fact that Vladimir Kozhin, the presidential affairs manager himself, spent the winter holidays in the French Courchevel in a luxurious chalet, kindly provided for the entire vacation Andrey Bokarev. Before Kozhin, the Russian oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov always stayed there.

Since 2012, that is, since the return of Vladimir Putin to first place in the power rating, Andrey Bokarev's business has received a new impetus. It needs to be clarified. Bokarev in business from the very beginning acted in tandem with another major Russian industrialist. They, except for the case with the Novo-Ogarevskaya residence, have always remained inseparable, successfully complementing each other.

Russified Uzbek was different feature national enterprise, and the native Russian showed the qualities of a real diplomat. A rare case when the state allowed into the holy of holies ─ the arms business happened with Bokarev and Makhmudov. Since 2012, they have been negotiating their participation in the activities of the Kalashnikov concern, a manufacturer of small arms that has become a world famous brand. In 2014, long negotiations ended. To allow businessmen to manage the concern, an additional issue of shares was even made.

As a result, Andrei Bokarev and Makhmudov became full shareholders of the defense giant and received 49% of the shares in their hands. Bokarev's role in this deal turned out to be much more important than that of his richer partner. Bokarev's personal fortune is significantly inferior to that of Iskandar Makhmudov. He is, of course, a billionaire, but he is habitually in the seventh or eighth tenth list of the richest people in Russia, owning about $1 billion.

In the deal with Kalashnikov, the trust in him on the part of law enforcement agencies played a big role. Rumor says that he had excellent relations with the directors of the FSB Patrushev and Bortnikov. The same rumor compares Andrey Bokarev to oligarch Roman Abramovich, emphasizing the support of the FSB, which the former governor of Chukotka does not have. This is the only way to get into the elite and super-profitable arms business.

Vladimir Putin met with Andrey Bokarev on several occasions during the new presidential cycle. The speech at the meetings, of course, was not about trying to break into the neighbors in Novo-Ogaryovo. Putin thanked the industrialist for the generous sponsorship of the preparations for the Sochi Olympics. Andrey Bokarev oversaw the construction of the Shaiba ice arena. The object was completely rebuilt with the money of a billionaire.

Andrey Bokarev expressed a desire to transfer it to the new owner free of charge at the end of the Olympiad. The president gave the next positive mark to the businessman for the coverage of the European Games. Television broadcasts from them were conducted by the Russia-2 channel, but Andrey Bokarev paid all the expenses. It cost him $ 1 million. The president and the billionaire are united by a common love for skiing. A frequent visitor to Courchevel heads the Russian freestyle federation. Andrey Bokarev over and over again successfully applies the basic principle of doing business ─ using the influence of "strong" people to his advantage.

Andrey Bokarev and regions

The young Muscovite took his first steps in the mid-90s at the National Investment Bank. He chose the coal industry as a direction of activity. Fate brought him to the Kemerovo region, where the young businessman established excellent relations with the hardened governor Aman Tuleev. Large social programs, held by the regional administration, were generously funded by a visiting Muscovite.

In return, the local authorities did not object to him taking over OAO Coal Company Kuzbassrazrezugol. Approximately the same Andrey Bokarev acted in the Altai Territory. There, OJSC Altai-Koks became his prize. The coal industry serves the needs of the metallurgical industry. This is how he met Iskandar Mahmudov. Bokarev, Makhmudov and another businessman from metallurgy make up the trio of co-owners of UMMC. Having distributed the roles among themselves, they gave Kozitsyn the right to manage the current activities of the metallurgical giant, while they themselves began to search for new investment projects.

Makhmudov and Bokarev came up with the idea to seriously engage in transport engineering. JSC "Transmashholding" in terms of profitability may well be compared with UMMC. Andrey Bokarev was among the co-owners of the engineering giant, engaged in the production of cars, electric trains, locomotives and other transport engineering products. Transmashholding directly led the duet of businessmen to fulfill government orders. A group of machine-building enterprises, headed by Makhmudov and Bokarev, very quickly received the unofficial title of "kings of the state order."

Every year, Transmashholding supplies products worth 100 billion rubles for state needs. Another important customer for the company of Bokarev and Makhmudov was Russian Railways, which brings about the same amount to the general cash desk. Appetite comes during the game. Having studied the features of a new market for themselves, the partners switched to transport sector activities. First, they owned a 25% stake in the capital's Aeroexpress carrier. Then came the turn of the Central Suburban Passenger Company and Route Systems LLC.

Billionaires left the surface of the earth to develop new business horizons underground. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has actively begun to build new metro lines, resolving the chronic transport problem in the capital. For this purpose, tens of billions of rubles began to be allocated from the city budget. Now Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev were among the co-owners of OAO Mosmetrostroy. In this matter, Bokarev was assisted by his new lobbyist ─ the head of the Moscow Department of Transport, Maxim Liskutov.

Knowing the peculiarity of Andrei Bokarev, before implementing the planned plan, thoroughly discuss important details with the “right” people, the intrigue is brought about by information about spending leisure time together with the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, in the billionaire’s hunting grounds near the town of Zubtsov, Tver Region. Andrei Bokarev has never been afraid to take risks and has never made a mistake so far.

Dark spots in the biography of Andrei Bokarev often give rise to idle rumors and fiction. Some associate the oligarch with crime, according to others, his activities are supported by special services. In fact, the businessman earned his billions himself - thanks to determination, perseverance and intelligence. And yet, his success in business would not have been so bright if in 1995 fate had not brought the young financier together with Iskander Makhmudov.

Andrei Bokarev avoids publicity and does not like to advertise his personal life. Therefore, nothing is known about the first twenty-four years of the billionaire, just as it is not known who the parents of the oligarch were. It is only known for sure that Andrei Removich was born on October 26, 1966, in Moscow, the capital Soviet Union and there he spent his early years.


In 1990, Bokarev became a student at the Moscow Financial Institute. At that time, entering this prestigious metropolitan university was associated with great difficulties, but for the future billionaire, solving this problem became a feasible task. In 1995, Andrey Removich received a diploma in finance and immediately began his career.

Career and business of Andrey Bokarev

Having received higher education, a young specialist, for two years served as the head of the board of the National Investment Bank, which became Bokarev's first job. At this stage, fate brought the future billionaire to Iskander Makhmudov, whose companion and shadow Bokarev remained for many years.

In 1997, Andrei Removich went to work in the Rosexportles joint-stock company as a deputy CEO.

Since 1998, in a similar position, he has been in charge of export deliveries in one of the largest Russian coal mining companies Kuzbassrazrezugol, owned by Makhmudov. At the same time, the entrepreneur became the head of Krutrade AG, an Austrian company owned by Makhmudov.

In 1999, Andrey Bokarev joined the board of directors of OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company and in the same year - the board of directors of Kuzbassrazrezugol, which he was a member of until 2000. At the same time, until 2004, the businessman served as deputy general director of the STIN Holding Management Company joint stock company, and then, until 2005, he chaired the board of directors of Kuzbassrazrezugol OJSC. In the period from 2001 to 2006, Andrey Bokarev was also a member of the Management Board of OAO Altai-Koks.

In 2004, Makhmutov and Bokarev created Transmashholding, uniting fifteen disparate machine-building plants into a corporation. From 2008 to the present, Andrey Bokarev has been chairman of the board of directors of the holding.

In 2004, the assets of the partners were replenished with a half share of the Rodionov Publishing House. In 2005, participation in the management of the Novosibirskenergo joint-stock company was added to Bokarev's duties.

In 2010, Makhmudov and Bokarev partnered to acquire a 25% stake in Aeroexpress.

Andrey Bokarev, expanding his and Makhmudov's empire with the center in Transmashholding, earned himself the fame of a man who knows how to find large, profitable orders. So, in 2011, Andrey Removich signs a contract between Transmashholding and the German company Tognum AG. This agreement created a joint venture focused on innovative diesel engines for rail transport.

At the same time, Transmashholding and the French company Alstom Transport began to jointly produce high-speed trams with low floors, using the capacities of the Oktyabrsky Electric Car Repair Plant in St. Petersburg, which became part of Transashholding in 2005.

In the spring of 2014, Andrei Bokarev and Aleksey Krivoruchko bought out 49% of the shares of the Kalashnikov concern, the largest Russian arms manufacturer with world fame, in equal shares.

The deal cost the partners $1.3 billion, while under the contract they had to spend almost the same amount on the development of the enterprise over the next two years. The concern, thanks to the activities of Bokarev and Makhmudov, avoided bankruptcy and soon regained its lost positions in the arms market.

At the beginning of 2017, the Rostec State Corporation announced the sale to Bokarev, Makhmudov and Krivoruchko of the shares of the holding " High-precision complexes". However, the deal did not take place, because in the fall of that year, Andrei Bokarev and Iskander Makhmudov announced the sale of their shares in Kalashnikov and left the arms business.

Now Andrey Bokarev and Iskander Makhmudov are called "Kings of state orders". Their enterprises supply rolling stock "Russian railways and the metropolitan metro. In addition, Metrovagonmash, which is part of the partner structures, provides Moscow with three-section trams. As co-owners of Aerozhkspress LLC, in which the partners own a 37% stake, Bokarev and Makhmudov provide a monopoly for rail communication between the center of Moscow and the capital's airports.

Andrey Bokarev has established himself not only as a successful entrepreneur. His biography contains active social and political activities: since 2007, the businessman has been a member of the Council of Physical Education and Disputes under the President Russian Federation, in 2007-2010 he headed the Alpine Ski Federation of Russia, since 2008 he has chaired the Federation of Russian Billiards for two years. In 2010, Bokarev became the head of the Freestyle Federation and the Ski Association of the Russian Federation.

Andrey Bokarev's fortune

The photo of Andrey Bokarev first appeared in Forbes in 2006 and since then has not left the pages of prestigious financial publications. The businessman's fixed capital is contained in the assets of Transmashholding, the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, in the shares of Kuzbassrazrezugol, Transgroup, and others.

  • 2011 – 0,8/120.
  • 2012 – 0,9/109.
  • 2013 – 1,35/74.
  • 2014 – 1,5/65.
  • 2015 – 0,9/104.
  • 2016 – 0,95/79.
  • 2017 – 1,7/52.
  • 2018 – 2/48.

The billionaire has at his disposal a plot allegedly leased by him in Gorki-2 with an area of ​​2.4 hectares. The estate includes a house with an area of ​​800 m², a huge swimming pool and a man-made lake.

There is evidence that Bokarev has real estate in France, represented by two luxurious houses.

The media is silent about the oligarch’s yacht, but recently his name has been associated with the Princess Olga, a river cruise diesel-electric ship equipped with last word equipment and equipped with a helipad.

Private life of Andrey Bokarev

Regarding the personal life of Andrei Bokarev, conflicting biography facts are published in the media. According to one version, he is married and has a son. But more plausible information is voiced that the oligarch is legally married for the second time, and the spouses are raising three children - son Alex, daughter Liza, and the youngest member of the Bokarev family is Andrey.

As far as is known, the godfather of the children is an old friend of the oligarch - singer and composer Grigory Leps, one of whose songs - "The angel went into a binge" - is dedicated personally to Bokarev.

The billionaire's wife Olga Syrovatskaya, a beauty and businesswoman, is the founder of Je T'Aime, a chain of boutiques selling jewelry.

The active participation of the oligarch in skiing organizations is not accidental. Andrey Removich is a passionate fan of alpine skiing, snowboarding and freestyle and, according to his friends and experts in this field, has achieved significant success in these sports.

Andrey Removich Bokarev is engaged in patronage and charitable activities.

The oligarch took part in the organization of the Sochi Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, and the Shayba ice arena was built at the expense of the billionaire, which was later transferred to the ownership of the state.

In addition, the businessman organized the broadcast of the Olympic Games by the Russia-2 TV channel. These good deeds were worthily appreciated at the highest level: in 2014, Andrey Removich Bokarev was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, third degree.

In his activities, Andrei Removich repeatedly had to communicate with the highest ranks of the Russian Federation, thanks to which he was among the persons subject to US sanctions.

Andrey Bokarev today

In 2019, Andrey Bokarev is still active in entrepreneurial and public life. His name often appears on the pages official sources, his life is discussed by the yellow press.

In May, Bokarev was again re-elected to the board of the International Ski Federation. In addition, the businessman participates and leads a nationwide project aimed at increasing financial literacy and education of the population, because the correct handling of money, according to a professional financier, should be instilled from an early age, so the program largely covers children and youth.

Bokarev Andrey Removich - co-owner and chairman of the board of directors of CJSC Transmashholding and OJSC UK Kuzbassrazrezugol, member of the board of directors of OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, OJSC Altai-Koks, FC Lokomotiv. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Tennis Federation. Co-founder of Aeroexpress LLC.


The main assets of Andrey Bokarev are concentrated:

  • mechanical engineering (CJSC Transmashholding);
  • metallurgical, mining, coal industry(OJSC UK "Kuzbassrazrezugol", OJSC "Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company");
  • chemical industry (JSC Altai-Koks).




1995 - graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute.


1995-1997 - Acting Chairman of the Board of the National Investment Bank.

1997 - Deputy General Director of Rosexportles.

1998 - in the position of Deputy General Director, he began to oversee the export deliveries of OAO UK Kuzbassrazrezugol, a company acquired by Iskander Makhmudov from Sergei Rodionov, Bokarev's senior partner. In the same year, he headed the Austrian company Crutrade AG (the main beneficiary is Iskander Makhmudov).

1998-1999 - CEO of Krutrade AG.

1999 - Member of the Board of Directors of OAO Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company.

1999-2000 - Member of the Board of Directors of OAO UK Kuzbassrazrezugol.

1999-2004 - Deputy General Director for the foreign market of CJSC Management Company STIN Holding.

2000-2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC UK "Kuzbasrazrezugol".

2001-2006 - Member of the Board of Directors of OAO Altai-Koks.

2003 - Member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Transmashholding and LLC UMMC-Holding.

2004 - Together with Makhmudov, they united disparate machine-building plants into CJSC Transmashholding.

2004 - Member of the Board of Directors of OAO Rosterminalugol.

2004-2006 - Together with Iskander Makhmudov, they owned a 50% stake in the Rodionov Publishing House.

2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO UK Kuzbasrazrezugol and member of the Board of Directors of OAO Novosibirskenergo.

2007 - signed an agreement on social and economic cooperation with Aman Tuleev, promising to give almost 300 million rubles to national projects.

2008 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO Transmashholding.

2010 - together with Iskander Makhmudov, they re-registered the ownership of 25% of Aeroexpress LLC personally to themselves.

2011 - signed an agreement with the German company Tognum AG on the establishment in Russia of a joint venture for the development and production of innovative diesel engines.

2011 - signed a memorandum with the French company Alstom Transport on the joint production of high-speed low-floor trams at the facilities of the Oktyabrsky Electric Car Repair Plant (OEVRZ) in St. Petersburg.

Social and political activity

2007-2010 - President of the Federation of Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding of Russia.

2007 - Member of the Development Council under the President of the Russian Federation physical education and sports, elite sports, preparation and holding of the XXII Winter Olympic Games and XI Winter Paralympic Games in 2014 in Sochi.

2008-2009 - Chairman of the board of the Interregional public organization Federation of Russian billiards.

2009 - was included in the "first hundred" of the reserve of managerial personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation.

2010 - President of the Russian Freestyle Federation (FFR).

2010 - President of the Russian Ski Association.

2012 - Registered as a Board Candidate for the International Ski Federation (FIS).

I bought a hotel in the Austrian resort of Schladmig for the training camp of the national team.


Enjoys skiing.

Family status

Married, has a son.


  1. Andrey Bokarev - candidate member of the FIS Council
  2. FTR Board of Trustees. Composition of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Tennis Federation
  3. Iskandar Makhmudov and Andrei Bokarev became co-owners of electric trains near Moscow
  4. The richest businessmen of Russia - 2011
  5. The richest businessmen of Russia - 2012
  6. Co-owners of Kuzbassrazrezugol leave the magazine business
  7. Owners of Kuzbassrazrezugol bought 25% of Aeroexpress
  8. Transmashholding creates a joint venture for the production of diesel engines together with Tognum AG
  9. Transmashholding and Alstom will be engaged in the production of high-speed trams in St. Petersburg
  10. FGSSR President Andrei Bokarev wrote a letter of resignation
  11. Andrey Bokarev is the new president of the Russian Freestyle Federation
  12. Andrey Bokarev headed the Russian Ski Association
  13. Andrey Bokarev is registered as a candidate member of the FIS Council



In 1995 he graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute (MFI) and became acting chairman of the board of the National Investment Bank, having worked in this position until 1997




Rails from Abramovich: why should a businessman invest in the road to Kazan

Evraz of Roman Abramovich and Andrey Bokarev's TMH are discussing participation in the financing of the Moscow-Kazan high-speed highway worth 1.7 trillion rubles. But the authorities have not yet decided on the need to implement this project.

Gunvor's legacy changes hands

Andrey Bokarev, co-owner of UMMC and Transmashholding, may sell 30% of the Kolmar coal company with assets in Yakutia. The businessman bought this package and a share in the Ust-Luga Oil oil product terminal in 2015 from Gunvor, which was previously co-owned by Gennady Timchenko, who fell under US sanctions (owns 30% of Kolmar). Recently, Mr. Bokarev decided to withdraw from the also sanctioned Kalashnikov. However, Colmar co-founder Sergei Tsivilev assured Kommersant that he himself had initiated the buyout of a partner’s share for a long time, while the situation around US sanctions escalated only this summer.

Iskander Makhmudov and Andrei Bokarev will sell their shares in Kalashnikov

Private investors of Kalashnikov Andrei Bokarev and Iskander Makhmudov are selling their shares, Kommersant writes. In April, Rostec, which owns 51% of Kalashnikov, said it planned to sell another 26% of the shares.

Rostec began searching for an investor for the developer of Pantsirey and Iskander

The Rostec State Corporation may sell a 49% stake in the High-Precision Complexes holding worth about 80 billion rubles. The main contender for the purchase is Andrey Bokarev, a billionaire and co-owner of Kalashnikov.

Navalny found a Cypriot offshore at the Deputy Mayor of Moscow Liksutov

Deputy Mayor of Moscow Maxim Liksutov may be a shareholder of a company registered in Cyprus. Information about this was published on May 27 in the blog of Alexei Navalny by employees of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), created by the oppositionist.

The company of Makhmudov and Bokarev will be engaged in waste processing

The company of billionaires Makhmudov and Bokarev plans to build a waste processing station with an area of ​​57 hectares on the border with the Moscow region. Residents are afraid of the appearance of a landfill, which will spoil the ecology of Moscow. The complaint has already been sent to Putin

EBRD is preparing to lift the moratorium on investments in Russia

The EBRD may decide to resume investment in Russian projects within 3-6 months. The investment activity of the bank in the country was suspended after the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions in 2014.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development may decide to resume investments in Russia, frozen in 2014 after the imposition of anti-Russian sanctions, within 3-6 months, said the head of the EBRD Suma Chakrabarti on Davos live.

Chemezov named contenders for 25% of Kalashnikov

General Director of the state corporation "Rostec" Sergey Chemezov named applicants for the purchase of another 25% stake from the state-owned stake in the concern "Kalashnikov". Quarter the largest manufacturer small arms are planned to be sold in 2017 to Alexei Krivoruchko, who took over as general director of Kalashnikov, as well as to Andrey Bokarev, president and co-owner of Transmashholding.

Aeroexpress Redeemed RUB 3.05 Billion in Bonds

The company fully and timely fulfilled its obligations to bondholders

Aeroexpress made payments on Series 01 bonds in the amount of RUB 3.053 billion, the operator's press service reported.

“In addition, the income for the 10th coupon period in the amount of 167.457 million rubles was paid in full. (54.85 rubles at the rate of 11% per annum),” the message says.

The press found out how Timchenko and Rotenberg make money on Moscow construction sites

Moscow has already overtaken the Olympic Sochi by one and a half times in terms of planned costs for the construction of roads, metro, housing and kindergartens. By 2020, the capital will allocate more than 1.5 trillion rubles for this. According to Vedomosti, big money attracted the attention of major players - Gennady Timchenko, Arkady Rotenberg and Andrey Bokarev.

So, according to the publication, the structures of Timchenko and Bochkarev will be engaged in the reconstruction of the metro, for which the capital's mayor's office has sharply increased spending: 100 billion rubles annually until 2020. Contracts for 257.5 billion rubles are already being developed by five companies: Mosmetrostroy, Ingeocom, Transinzhstroy, USK Most and Kazmetrostroy. Federal "Transinzhstroy" and Kazan Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Kazmetrostroy" are state-owned, "Ingeocom" is controlled by the family of Mikhail Rudyak, the newspaper notes, but USK "Most" (contracts for 27.3 billion rubles) and "Mosmetrostroy" (for 93 billion rubles ) will soon have new owners.

- Putin's brother also decided to start building roads in the capital

According to Vedomosti, the structures of Gennady Timchenko are negotiating the purchase of a blocking stake in the USK Most group, which is the largest contractor of Russian Railways. And its construction division USK "Most" is the only contractor for the construction of a bridge on about. Russian. According to market participants, it is not easy to understand both the structure of this holding and what exactly Timchenko has acquired by now - a share in the parent company or in one of the contractors (in addition to USK Most, he got several other companies of the group) - is not easy.

And the current owners of Mosmetrostroy, Yevgeny Kashin and Gennady Stern, expect to receive the necessary financial support companies from Andrey Bokarev, co-owner of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company and Transmashholding, with whom they are negotiating, the newspaper writes. The size of the package offered to Bokarev is not disclosed by the owners of Mosmetrostroy.

Most likely, the Moscow metro projects will attract the attention of other big businessmen. “Moscow has become attractive to the “elephants”, they have received large contracts. There is enough work for everyone. Whoever has as much physical capabilities as he takes, ”says Moscow Vice Mayor for Construction Marat Khusnullin. According to him, 18,000 people are currently employed in the construction of the metro, while the required 35,000.

Also, according to Vedomosti, Timchenko began to "support" the construction of roads in the capital. “Timchenko usually does not pay money for a blocking package, but receives it on the promise of administrative support. After that, a controlling stake is bought for the real cost. This happened with IFSK GK ARKS, which gave away a blocking stake and received support, ”the manager of the infrastructure company told Vedomosti. The deal was prepared for about six months, closed in December last year. Timchenko received 25% plus 1 share, he has an option to increase the stake to a controlling stake within three years.

As the newspaper notes, in the first half of 2011, under the new mayor Sergei Sobyanin, only one major competition was won in the assets of ARKS Group - for the construction of an underground pedestrian crossing for 380 million rubles. However, now ARKS Group of Companies is in the lead: in November 2011, it won the competition for the reconstruction of the Kashirskoye highway, having received a contract for 8.53 billion rubles. In 2012, reconstruction of Balaklavsky Prospekt worth RUB 7.41 billion and Dmitrovskoye Highway for RUB 21.45 billion were added to the portfolio.

And the Rotenbergs in kindergarten

The manager of 60 billion rubles, which is planned to be used in Moscow to build 84 kindergartens and 51 municipal houses, last year was appointed the state-owned enterprise Moscow Center for Children, Family Recreation and Health Improvement (MTsDSO). By 2014, 272 billion rubles may be received under the targeted investment program. For this money, a serious struggle will also unfold.

The top three winners of the WDCSO competitions are closed by a company that has also recently changed its owner. The right to build two houses and a kindergarten for 2.75 billion rubles went to holding company"GVSU" Center ". At the beginning of 2012, 97% of its shares were consolidated by business partners and judo of Arkady Rotenberg - Mikhail Cherkasov (a native of Rosbuilding and vice president of the Russian Judo Federation) and Sergey Soloveichik (president European Union judo). Before GVSU Center, the development projects of Rotenberg's partners were limited to the construction of 2-3 houses in Kaluga, Tver and Zvenigorod, the newspaper notes.

Bokarev will save Moscow 2.6 billion rubles

On Friday, the head of the Moscow Metro, Ivan Besedin, and the president of Transmashholding, Andrey Bokarev, signed a life cycle contract for Maintenance for 30 years 248 wagons. The responsibilities of the service company will include the repair and maintenance of trains, as well as their cleaning, washing and disinfection. The Transport Repair Company (TRK), which is part of Transservicegroup, also participated in the tender for concluding a life cycle contract, but Metrovagonmash's price offer turned out to be more profitable for the city - 517.5 million rubles. per year against 517.97 million from the shopping mall. “The proposal is formed on the basis of: inflation minus 15% - for us it's just super,” the acting director rejoices. head of the deptrans Maxim Liksutov. He admits that a favorable discount was possible, since Metrovagonmash is the manufacturer of the wagons it intends to service.

Bokarev wants more Transoil from Timchenko

Businessman Andrei Bokarev does not rule out an increase in the stake in Transoil from 13% to 25%, he said today (Interfax reports). Bokarev specified that a decision on this could be made before the end of the year.

The board of directors of Transmashholding was headed by the ex-head of Rosnedra

Anatoly Ledovskikh replaced Andrey Bokarev, co-owner of the company

Business everywhere: who and how builds electric trains and metro trains for Moscow

Until recently, about 70% of orders for Transmashholding products (No. 19 in the ranking of the country's largest non-public companies) were provided by Russian Railways. With the arrival of the former owner of the company, Maxim Liksutov, to the Moscow government (now he is in charge of the development of the capital's transport as deputy mayor), the share of the railway monopoly in Transmashholding's revenue should be greatly reduced in favor of Moscow orders.

Bokarev descends into the subway

A controlling stake in Mosmetrostroy will go to co-owner of Transmashholding Andrey Bokarev by autumn. This company received about a third of orders for the construction of the Moscow metro

Maxim Liksutov may refuse to participate in all his business structures

Maxim Liksutov, in the name of a career as a Moscow official, may refuse to participate in all his business structures. As it became known to Vedomosti, he can earn more than $370 million only for a stake in Transmashholding.

Co-owner of Transmashholding saw a billion at the end of the metro tunnel

The billions that Moscow allocates for the construction of the metro attract attention big business. Andrey Bokarev, co-owner of Transmashholding, may become one of the contenders for the purchase of the Tatarstan Kazmetrostroy

Land raid turns into a raid against the state

Recall that a group of individuals tried to seize the land of the state institution "Health complex" Tetkovo "of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation for the use of 197.57 hectares of land near the village of Petrovo-Dalnee in the Moscow region. Here is the residence of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Only influential, wealthy and, most importantly, self-confident people could decide to start a raid against the powerful Manager of Affairs. The press has repeatedly reported that a former senator from Nenets is behind the attack on the prime minister's lands autonomous region and "vodka king" Alexander Sabadash, member of the Federation Council Leonid Lebedev, businessman Andrey Bokarev (a business partner of another major entrepreneur Iskander Makhmudov), as well as Mikhail Topor, who is on the international wanted list. The direct executor of the raid is Yuri Loktionov, the current chairman of the Leninsky Luch collective farm, which once owned these lands. As Vedomosti reported, Loktionov was Sabadash's lawyer in the recent past. Having bought a power of attorney from the collective farmers, Loktionov openly acts in the interests of his master.

The last campaign of Sabadash

According to media reports, the investigating authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case against a group of people trying to seize the Tetkovo recreation complex belonging to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. The case was initiated under Article 195, Part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale”), which implies imprisonment for up to 10 years with confiscation of property.

Recall that the Moscow Region courts are considering a lawsuit, among the defendants in which the state institution "Health complex "Tetkovo" of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation is listed. The plaintiffs are protesting the right to use this enterprise land area of ​​1975700 square meters. m not far from the village of Petrovo-Dalnee. It is in this place that the prime minister's residence is located. According to The Moscow Post, behind the story of an attempt to take away land from the Presidential Administration are the former senator from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the “vodka king” Alexander Sabadash, member of the Federation Council Leonid Lebedev, businessman Andrey Bokarev (Iskander Makhmudov’s business partner )

The raider sponsored the Courchevel vacation by the Presidential Administration

It is said that Kozhin stayed in a chalet rented a year earlier by ex-head of Norilsk Nickel Mikhail Prokhorov. This year it was rented by Andrey Bokarev, ranked 78th in the Russian rating of billionaires according to Forbes magazine. A two-week rental of such a house costs about 80 thousand euros.

Andrei Bokarev is known as the organizer of a number of corporate raids. The most large-scale and loudest is directed precisely against the Administration of the President (Moscow-post) Among the initiators and customers of the attack on the prime minister's lands, along with Andrey Bokarev, they name the former senator from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Alexander Sabadash, a member of the Federation Council Leonid Lebedev, who are already known for the redistribution wars suburban lands. It is unlikely that Kozhin, accepting Bokarev's invitation to rest in Courchevel, did not know anything about this case, which directly affects the interests of his department.

Russians drifting in Saint-Tropez

When the models finally left, Leonid Rozhetskin, Deputy Chairman of the Board of MMC Norilsk Nickel, appeared on the beach, having arrived from Cannes on own yacht to celebrate your birthday here. Together with Mr. Rozhetskin, who is accused in Russia of fraud with MegaFon shares, musician Ilya Lagutenko, secular producer Andrei Fomin, several Odessa entrepreneurs and London models arrived. The company took a table by the pool and, having ordered sushi, rolls and wine, began to celebrate the birthday. “According to the bill, as I understand it, the millionaire Lagutenko pays today?” suggested the birthday boy. Mr. Lagutenko, who learned a day earlier that according to Forbes magazine, earned $ 3 million, noted that if he starts paying the bills, then the specified amount will “definitely never raise”.

When the birthday boy Rozhetskin started dancing at the edge of the pool, Andrei Bokarev, chairman of the board of directors of Kuzbassrazrezugol, appeared on the beach. Having made a walk around the tables and sun loungers, Mr. Bokarev found restaurateur Alexander Sorkin in a red bandana at one of the tables, eating a watermelon. From him, Mr. Bokarev heard a story about which the entire beach already knew at that time. A day earlier, Mr. Sorkin met actor Bruce Willis at the Le Caves du Roy club. The Hollywood celebrity fell under the legendary charm of Mr. Sorkin and promised to come to the Cabaret beach party. “Only until he somehow came. Sleeping, probably,” Mr. Sorkin sighed. In this part of the story, the restaurateur's interlocutors smiled indulgently. The smiles vanished as soon as Mr. Willis actually appeared on the beach.

The reasons for the appearance of compromising evidence on Senator Pugachev

Recall that a group of individuals is trying to seize the land of the state institution "Health complex" Tetkovo "of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation with an area of ​​​​197.57 hectares of land near the village of Petrovo-Dalnee in the Moscow region. It is here that the residence of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is located. Behind the attack on the prime minister's lands are the former senator from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the "vodka king" Alexander Sabadash, member of the Federation Council Leonid Lebedev, businessman Andrei Bokarev (a business partner of another major entrepreneur Iskander Makhmudov), entrepreneur Mikhail Topor, who is on the international wanted list.

Raiders target Putin's residence in Novo-Ogaryovo

They say that behind this story with an attempt to take away land from the Presidential Administration are the former senator from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the “vodka king” Alexander Sabadash, member of the Federation Council Leonid Lebedev, businessmen Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev, who are waging scandalous wars among themselves over the redistribution of available they have land in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region.

Law enforcement agencies, arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction of the Moscow region are involved in the conflict. Nikolai Golovkin, head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Moscow Region, was drawn into the redistribution, at the suggestion of which criminal cases were initiated under articles 159, 330, 318 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation against representatives of the conflicting parties, certain Zolotarev and Loktionov.

Raider Bokarev sponsored the Courchevel vacation by the Presidential Administration

As Kommersant newspaper reported, on the eve of the Christmas holidays there was a rumor that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin strongly advised Russian officials not to appear in Courchevel. Allegedly, an unspoken order was received from the White House about the undesirability of the appearance of officials in the elite alpine resorts. But neither prohibitions nor financial crisis could not scare away Russian high-ranking tourists from the resort of Courchevel. Russia's Permanent Representative to NATO Dmitry Rogozin, head of the Central Election Commission of United Russia Andrey Vorobyov, head of the Russian Olympic Committee Leonid Tyagachev, governor of the Tver region Dmitry Zelenin, director of the FSO Yevgeny Murov, a number of deputies and senators were seen here. But the highest-ranking official who went to Courchevel turned out to be Vladimir Kozhin, the manager of the President's affairs.

They say that Kozhin stayed in the chalet, which was previously rented by the ex-head of Norilsk Nickel, Mikhail Prokhorov. This year it was rented by Andrey Bokarev, ranked 78th in the Russian rating of billionaires according to Forbes magazine. A two-week rental of such a house costs about 80 thousand euros.

Andrei Bokarev is known as the organizer of a number of corporate raids. The most large-scale and loudest is directed against the Office of the President. Among the initiators and customers of the attack on the prime minister's lands, along with Andrei Bokarev, they name the former senator from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Alexander Sabadash, a member of the Federation Council Leonid Lebedev, who are already known for wars on the redistribution of lands near Moscow. It is unlikely that Kozhin, accepting Bokarev's invitation to rest in Courchevel, did not know anything about this case, which directly affects the interests of his department.

Andrey Bokarev submitted his resignation from the post of President of the Federation of Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding of Russia

On April 9, the Presidium of the Federation of Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding of Russia (FGSSR) will be held, at which the President of the FGSSR, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Coal Company Kuzbassrazrezugol, one of the founders of the Russian Olympians Support Fund, Andrey Bokarev (pictured) will announce his resignation. This was announced to the Sports Information Agency "All Sport" by the executive director of the FGSSR Sergey Korol.

“Yes, we are planning a regular meeting of the Presidium of the FGSSR on April 9, at which it is planned to consider two issues,” Sergei Korol confirmed. - First: about the results of the performance of the Russian national skiing and snowboarding teams in the 2009/2010 season. Second: consideration of Andrey Bokarev's statement on early termination powers of the incumbent president of the FGSSR. Andrei Removich explained this by saying that he plans to focus on the work of the Supervisory and Board of Trustees FGSSR, and the president of the federation should still be a sports professional. According to him, he plans to recommend one of the most famous Russian athletes of the past for this post, who will deal with the affairs of the federation 24 hours a day.

Iskandar Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev bought Aeroexpress from themselves

Entrepreneurs Iskandar Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev began to directly own 25% of Aeroexpress. Previously, they owned these shares through structures close to the Transgroup AS group of companies, controlled by them together with Maxim Liksutov. The cost of the transaction was not disclosed, but analysts believe that it could amount to about 2 billion rubles, which will cover a third of the needs of the company's investment program.

Yesterday, Aeroexpress LLC announced a change in the company's ownership structure. Co-owner of UMMC and Kuzbassrazrezugol Iskandar Makhmudov and his partner, President of CJSC Transmashholding Andrey Bokarev became direct owners of 25% of Aeroexpress shares. They bought half of Delta-Trans-Invest LLC, which owns 50% of Aeroexpress (the other 50% of the passenger carrier to Moscow airports is owned by Russian Railways).