Catalogs, books, brochures:

Literature for chapter 1

1. Machine for sharpening microtome knives. Instrument-making firm "Sakura". Firm catalog. Tokyo, 1969, p. 4.
2. Analytical ultracentrifuge, model. E. Laboratory centrifuges, company catalog.
3. Apparatus for obtaining pyrogen-free water AA-I, model 795. M., 1965, p. 32.
4. Apparatus for removing solid culture media from laboratory glassware. Laboratory equipment (catalog). M., 1970, p. 72.
5. Analytical balance AVIV S / 3.- "Laboratory equipment", 1972, No. 5, p. 26.
6. Scales and weighing devices, part 1. M., 1967, p. 53.
7. Voskresensky P.I. Technique laboratory work... M., 1973.
8. Glukhova MN Bacterial contamination of deionized water in conditions of its industrial pollution .- "Scientist. app. Gorkovsk. un-ta ”, ser. Biol., 1970, V. 105, p. 23.
9. State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR. 10th ed. M., 1968.
10. Kasatkin A. G. Basic processes and devices chemical technology... M., 1971.
11. Katz AM and Kantorovich AS Measuring and dosing devices for clinical diagnostic laboratories. L., 1970.
12. KEA-62 - a device for obtaining demineralized and deionized water. Exports of the GDR. Laboratory technology. Separate issue, Berlin, 1967, p. sixteen.
13. Keil B. (ed.). Laboratory technology of organic chemistry. M., 1966.
14. Brief chemical encyclopedia, v. 5. Centrifugation. M., 1967.
15. Torsion scales "Metrimpex", type B-411/1 Flax. Center, scientific and technical information ISV, 30113, 1970.

16. Laboratory scales and mass measuring equipment. M., 1972.
17. Laboratory equipment (catalog). M., 1970, p. 109.
18. Laboratory equipment. Exports of the GDR. Dept. no. Berlin, 1967, p. fourteen.
19. Lotz Yu. A. and Ozherelev A. Ya. Analytical centrifuges. Sat. "Unique devices CMEA", 1970, p. five.
20. Magnetic stirrer MM-3. Technical description and instructions. Kievsky zd medical equipment. Kiev, 1972.
21. Machine for washing laboratory glassware. Technical description and instruction manual. Moscow plant "Technologist", 1969.
22. Machine for washing laboratory glassware (small model). Penza, 1968.
23. Medical devices, apparatus and instruments (catalog). Production Association"Red Guard". L., 1968.
24. Medical devices and apparatus. Kharkov, 1971.
25. Microthermostat MT-03. Catalog. Products of the Odessa plant of medical equipment. Odessa, 1968, p. fourteen.
26. Microtomes. V / O Medexport (catalog). M., 1970, p. 2.
27. Petrishchev IP and Nedelko VV Experience in the operation of electric distillers.- "Pharmacy", 1973, No. 3, p. 70.
28. A device for shaking melangeurs. Kiev, 1973.
29. Adaptation areometric to scales VT-500 (OUV-1). Information sheet. Linen. Center for Scientific and Technical Information, 1971.
30. Tissue shredder RT-1. Odessa plant of electromedical equipment. Odessa, 1968.

31. Modern tendencies in the application and improvement of liquid flow thermostats. German export. GDR, 1971, p. 17.
32. Sokolov VI Modern industrial centrifuges. M., 1967.
33. Machine for sharpening microtome knives. New medical devices... Soyuzmedtekhnika (catalog), part II. M., 1970, p. 29.
34. Machine for sharpening microtome knives. Sakura company brochure in Russian. lang., 1969.
35. Supercentrifuge "Super Speed-75" MSE company brochure. London, 1970.
36. Thermostat for paraffin filling. Products of the Odessa plant of medical equipment (catalog). Odessa, 1969, p. nine.
37. TC-80 thermostat, electric dry-air. Technical description and instruction manual. Odessa, 1971.
38. Thermostat MT-1,2. Information sheet of the Leningrad Center for Scientific and Technical Information. L., 1972.
39. Ultramicrotome piezoelectric UMTP-1. Prospectus of the Sumy Plant of Electron Microscopes. Sumy, 1970.
40. Ultrathermostat UT-15. Technical description and instruction manual. Odessa, 1972.
41. Centrifuges. Prospectus of the company Hirana, Czechoslovakia. Prague, 1971.
42. Electric drying cabinet, round. Catalog of the Odessa plant of medical equipment. Odessa, 1967.
43. Electric drying cabinet, rectangular. ShS-40M. Catalog of the Kazan plant of medical equipment. Kazan, 1969.
44. Electronic device for shaking up TH VS-1. Laboratory technology. Dept. no. Berlin, 1967, p. 13.
45. "Electrothermal". Prospectus of the company. Laboratory equipment. Miniature stirrer 1 E. London, 1967, no. 471.

46. ​​Auto-Mix laboratory Blenders. MSE Publication 430A, 1972.
47. Destillirapparatur TQS. - "Acta Med. Techn.", 1971, p. 288.
48. Spfilmaschinen. - Feinmechanik-Optik, 1967, S. 16.
49. Homogeniser. MSE Publication, No. 431, 1970.
50. Keil B., Sormova Z. Laboratoriumstechnik fur Biochemiker. Leipzig, 1965.
51. Laboratory centrifuges. AB Lars Ljungberg a. Co. Stockholm, 1970.
52. Laboratoriumi Felszerelesek Gyara. Budapest, 1967.
53. Lauda-Ultra-Thermostate. - "Acta Medicotechn.", 1969, No. 4, p. 111.
54. Manuel dApplication AM 202. Millipore Corporation. N. Y. 1970.
55. Automixer. MSE Publication N 666, 1970.
56. Mettler Balances. News a. Review, Gallencamp, London, 1972, p. fourteen.
57. Balances EF-15. - "New a. Review", Gallencamp, London, 1971, No. 24, p. five.
58. Drying cupboard OW-880 .- "News a. Reiview", Gallencamp, London, 1971, v. 24, p. 10.
59. Drying plate WD-215.- "News a. Review", Gallencamp, London, 1971, v. 24, p. eleven.
60. UL-150 - News a. Review, Gallencamp, London, 1971, v. 24, p. nineteen.
61. Pelcool frezing Stage. MSE Publication N 1001 / A, 1970.
62. Scandon-centrifug.-Tools for the Scientist. London, 1971.
63. Technicka documentace. Chirana. SUS 9/1, 9/11. Praha, 1971.
64. TEK 2M / 0672. Cambridge Scientific Instruments Limited. London, 1970.
65. TEK 2 / M0673, Cambridge Scientific Instruments Limited. London, 1970.
66. Torbal PL-12. - Science, 1973, v. 181, No. 4106, p. 1242.
67. Ultratom-111, der LKB-producter AB. - "Medizinal Markt", 1972, H. 1, S. 23.
68. Unipam Gomogenizator 342. Wissenschaftlicher Geratebau der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. - "Labortechnik", 1971, H. 4, S. 31.
69. Vollautomat "Meteor Brillant-25" - "Medizinal-Markt", 1972, H. 3, S. 12.
70. Waagenfabrik Oschatzer. - "Feinmechanik-Optik", 1967, H. 2, S. 65.


In progress term paper a number of stages have been passed:

1. The trade and technological equipment was considered, which represents various constructive equipment of the store, namely: furniture, inventory and other items and tools that are necessary to ensure the most efficient operation of the store and its divisions.

2. The company was considered, and its organizational, legal and economic characteristics. Form - limited liability company. Carried out economic analysis revealed the following points: the main indicators, such as turnover, net profit increased, and indicators such as production costs, operating costs decreased, which indicates the effective work of the enterprise.

3. Various configuration principles have been studied trading floor, which gave a complete picture of the picture efficient organization and the optimal configuration of the sales area for various versions of its execution (structural and technological features of the construction).

The work carried out allows us to judge the correctness of the strategy chosen by the store and the principles of placement of commercial equipment and shows that both are chosen correctly and are optimal for this organization.

The knowledge gained will help me in the future to improve the efficiency of the planning of sales areas.


1. Arustamov E.A. Equipment for enterprises (trade): Textbook. manual / E.A. Arustamov. - M .: Publishing House "Dashkov and K", 2000. - 451s.

2. Berman B., Evans J.R. Retail: A Strategic Approach. - 8th edition: Per. from English - M .: Publishing House "Williams", 2003.

3. Blank I.A. Control trade enterprise... - M .: Association of Authors and Publishers. TANDEM. EKMOS Publishing House, 2004.

4. Gusev B.K. Equipment for enterprises (trade): Textbook. allowance / B.K. Gusev, G.A. Utkin; Krasnoyar. state bargain. - econom. in-t. - Krasnoyarsk, 2006 .-- 300 p. Kashchenko V.F., Kashchenko L.V. Trade software: Tutorial... - M .: Alpha-M; INFRA-M, 2006 .-- 398 p.

5. Dashkov L.P. Commerce and trade technology: Textbook / L.P. Dashkov, V.K Pambukhchiyants, O.V. Pambukhchiyants. - 11th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2011.

6. Zubkova I.N. Organization of trade in non-food products: textbook. allowance / I.N. Zubkov. - M .: Dashkov and K, 2000 .-- 347 p. , page 124

7. Levi M., Veitz B.A. Basic retail trade / Per. with eng. - SPb., 2010

8. Lei M. Basics retail: monograph / M. Ley, B. Weitz. - SPb .: Peter, 2003 .-- 328 p.

9. Nikolaeva TI Systematic assessment of the efficiency of commercial activities of trade enterprises: Textbook / Yu.S. Bernadskaya, S.S. Marochkin, L.F. Smotrov. Ed. L.M.

10. Equipment of trade enterprises and Catering: Complete course: Textbook / Ed. prof. V.A. Gulyaeva. - M .: INFRA-M, 2002 .-- 543 p.

11. Osipova L.V., Sinyaeva I.M. Fundamentals of commercial activity / Student for universities. - M .: Unity., 2008.

12. Pambukhchiyants O.V. Organization and technology of commercial activity: a textbook for university students / O.V. Pambukhchiyants. M .: Dashkov and K, 2010 - 639p.

13. Polovtseva F.P. commercial activity: textbook. for universities / F.P. Polovtseva; Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. - M.: Infra-M, 2011 .-- 248 p. : ill. ; 21 cm - ( Higher education). - Bibliography: p. 241-243. - ISBN 978-5-16-002274-1.

14. Modern supermarket: A textbook on modern forms of trade. - 3rd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Zhigulsky Publishing House / LLC "Business to Business Production Group" BBP-G ", 2003.

15. Chaikin B.I. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. / Scientific. Ed. B.I. Chaikin, V. Zh. Dubrovsky. - Yekaterinburg: Ural Publishing House. State Econ. University, 2002. - 505 p.

16. Yakishev O.G. Organization of production and enterprise management: Textbook. Ed. O. G. Turovets; Retz. Yu.P. Aniskin, Yu.M. Soldier. - 2nd ed. - M .: INFRA-M, 2009.

Reference book in 4 volumes / Ed. advice of E.I. Semenov et al. -M.: Mechanical engineering. -T.1 Materials and heating. Equipment. Forging. / Ed. E.I. Semenov -1985. 568s., Ill.

The first volume contains information on materials, their deformability, division into blanks, thermal conditions of forging and stamping. Flame furnaces and electric heating devices, general-purpose forging and stamping equipment are described. The features of automation and mechanization are noted technological processes stamping and forging, stamping design automation, quality control of forgings, as well as heat treatment of forgings. Technical and economic indicators of the work of forging shops and information on labor safety standards are given. The features of forging of tool and high-alloy heat-resistant steels and non-ferrous alloys are stated.

In the second volume, recommendations are given on the assignment of tolerances, allowances and overlaps on stamped forgings. Examples of design of technological processes of volumetric hot stamping on various equipment are given. Recommendations are given that are necessary for the design and calculation of dies and streams made in these dies. Paid attention special types stamping: knurling, rolling, electric heading, etc. The features of volumetric hot stamping of tool and high-alloy steels, as well as non-ferrous alloys are stated. The information on finishing and cleaning of forgings, control of their quality, operation and repair of stamping equipment is given.

The third volume provides information on the basic operations of cold forging, the design of die tooling and the selection of individual standard sizes of equipment and automatic lines... The properties, in particular, of the preparation of metal when stamping parts on presses and automatic machines are described.

Data on cold and semi-hot stamping of blanks from carbon and alloy steels, as well as non-ferrous alloys, requirements for the quality of finished parts, technical and economic indicators are presented.

Calculation formulas and graphs for determining the pressures on the tool and deforming forces for various shaping operations are presented. The concepts of automation of design of cold die forging processes are given.

The fourth volume contains the classification and methodology for calculating transactions sheet stamping, outlined the basics of designing technological processes. Recommendations are given on the selection and optimization of cutting, application lubricants, determination of deformation, power and energy characteristics. Calculations of the parameters of shape change and limiting shape change are given. Examples of calculation and design of technological processes are considered. Typical designs of dies and recommendations for their selection, as well as the main types of specialized equipment are presented.

The reference book is intended for engineering and technical workers of machine-building enterprises, it can be useful for teachers and students of technical colleges.

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  14. Zaslavsky A. S. Ensuring reliable operation of automatic lines. - "Mashinostroitel", 1963, No. 10, p. 9-10.
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  16. Klimov A. N. and Popova L. G. Organization of repair of production equipment of machine-building enterprises. L., "Mechanical Engineering", 1975, 144 p.
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  18. Kunyavsky I.A. Organization of lubrication facilities at machine-building enterprises. M., "Mechanical Engineering", 1974, 52 p.
  19. Pekelis G. D. and Gelberg B. T. Technology of repair of metal-cutting machines. L., "Mechanical Engineering", 1970, 318 p.
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  21. LS Pustoin. Improving the technical level and efficiency of equipment repair at the enterprises of tractor and agricultural engineering. In the book: Improving the organization and technology of equipment repair in the machine-building industry. Lviv, ed. NTO Mashprom, 1971, p. 24-32.
  22. Pustoin L.S., Gorchukov K.A., Zheldakov I.Ya. Maintenance metal-cutting equipment at machine-building plants. M., "Mechanical Engineering", 1974, 43 p.
  23. Remmashtrest. Typical system of preventive maintenance of equipment. M., ONTI, 1937, 223 p.
  24. Spiridonov V.V. System of scheduled preventive maintenance. M.-L., "Standardization and rationalization", 1934, 86 p.
  25. Usatov A.I. Destruction of the spent emulsion. "Mashinostroitel", 1966, No. 1, p. YU.
  26. Tsyganov E. Nodal repair of equipment at KhTZ. - "Mashinostroitel", 1956, No. Yu, p. nine.
  27. Shein gold E.M. Mechanization of repair of forging and pressing equipment. - "Mashinostroitel", 1963, No. 3, p. 41-45.
  28. Economics and organization of equipment repair in the United States. Per. from English Ed. M. L. Shukhgalter. M., "Progress", 1969. 326 p.
  29. Yakobson M.O. Scheduled preventive maintenance in mechanical engineering. M., "Mechanical Engineering", 1969. 151 p.
  30. Yakovlev A.I. Organization of lubrication facilities. - "Mashinostroitel", 1963, No. 10, p. 10-11.
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  32. Munts L. Machine Tools under Preventive Maintenance. In: Techniques of Plant Engineering and Maintenance, 1964.
  33. Nemec Y. The Theory and Practice of RM in a Continuous Process Plant. In: Techniques of Plant Engineering and Maintenance, 1965.
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5. Technology of production of electrical measuring devices / Ed. I. M. Tkalina. - Moscow: Energy, 1970 .-- 360 p.
6. Neishtad S. 3 Rossiyansky LS Technology and equipment for the production of radio components and components. - Moscow: Energy, 1969 .-- 568 p.
7. Belevtsev AT Radio equipment production technology - Moscow: Energiya, 1971. - 544 p.
8. Vinogradov NV Production of electrical machines. - Moscow:
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13. Sobolev SN Calculation and design of low-voltage electrical equipment. - Moscow: Higher school, 1972 .-- 263 p.
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16.Vasiliev V.I., Evteev F.E. Technological preparation production of radio equipment. - L .: Energy, 1971. - 180 p.
17. Osmakov AA Technology and equipment for the production of electrical machines. - Moscow: Higher school, 1971. - 343 p.
18. Gusev VP Technology of radio apparatus construction. - Moscow: Higher school, 1972 .-- 494 p.
19. Basics of technology for the production of electrovacuum devices / AE Yorish, Ya. A. Katsman et al. - L .: Energiya, 1971. - 312 p.
20. Bulovsky PI, Mironov VM Technology of radioelectronic apparatus construction. - Moscow: Energy, 1971. - 344 p.
21. Kondrat'ev AB Technology of semiconductor and electrovacuum mechanical engineering. - Moscow: Higher school, 1969 .-- 526 p.
22. Skobnikov K. M. Glazov G. A., Petrash L. V. Technology of metals and other structural materials. - L .: Mashinostroenie, 1972 .-- 520 p.
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15-2. Rudnev A.V., Korolev A.A. Processing by cutting fiberglass. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1969 .-- 119 p.
15-3. Mechanical processing of plastics. / Semko M.F., Basnatov I.G., Drozhzhnn V.I., Kacher V.A. - Moscow: Mashinostroenie, 1965. - 131 p. with silt.
16-1. Volkova Z. P., Khotin V. M. Technology of electrovacuum materials. - L .: Energy, 1972 .-- 216 p.
16-2. Nikulin N.V., Kortnev V.V. Production of electroceramic products. - Moscow: Higher school, 1976 .-- 255 p.
17-1. Osipov N., Kovalchuk V. Technology of production of current transformers with cast insulation. - Technology of electrical engineering, 1969, No. 2.
17-2. Serebryanny Ya., Provorotov G., Bar M. Mechanized line for filling coils of electromagnetic couplings with epoxy compounds. - Technology of electrical engineering, 1969, No. 4.
18-1. Vainer Ya. V., Dasoyan MA Technology of electrochemical coatings. - L .: Mashinostroenie, 1972 .-- 464 p.
18-2. Bobkov L.S., Vasyukova A.I., Vladigina E.N. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1974 .-- 576 p.
18-3. Grilikhes S. Ya. Polishing, etching and degreasing of metals. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1971. - 128 p.
18-4. Vayner Ya.V., Kushnarev B.P. Equipment for electroplating shops. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1971. - 125 p.
18-5. GOST 21481-76. Metallic and non-metallic inorganic coatings. Classification. Notation. Selection requirements.
18-6. Lyubimov B.V. Protective coatings... Constructor reference. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1969 .-- 216 p.
19-1. Printed circuits in instrument making, computer technology and automation / A. T. Belevtsev, I. V. Borisov, P. I. Bulovsky, L. N. Moskovkin. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1973 .-- 272 p.
20-1. Novikov M.P. Fundamentals of assembly technology for machines and mechanisms. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1969 .-- 632 p.
20-2. Mutsenek K. Ya. Automation of assembly processes. - Moscow:
Mechanical engineering, 1969 .-- 107 p.
20-3. Albanian P. P., Kolominov B. V. Kuzmin V. A. Instrument and technological equipment for mechanics. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1969 .-- 198 p.
20-4. Kamnev V.N. Installation and maintenance of secondary commutation. - Moscow: Higher school, 1969 .-- 476 p.
20-5. Papirny V.I. Pneumohydraulic press for assembly work. GOSINTI, No. 9-66-449 / 40.
21-1. Frolov S.P., Yudkevich B.A.Tests of aviation electrical equipment. - Moscow: Mechanical Engineering, 1968 .-- 238 p.