“Think before you do”

(about bad habits and addiction prevention)

Goals and objectives:

Explain the essence of the process of thinking about one’s behavior, cultivate strong-willed qualities, and develop discussion skills.

Preparatory work:

Paper, pencils (colored), felt-tip pens.

What you shouldn't do is not

do it even in your thoughts” (Ancient rule)

Guys! In life we ​​often hear the following proverb: “Measure twice and cut once.” What similar proverbs do you know?

Students: (give in advance in the library)

    If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water.

    If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

What do these proverbs say?

Before doing anything, you need to think carefully;

If you don’t know what to do, it’s better to ask your elders for advice.

You always need to think about the result, otherwise you may not get out of the “ford” (bad result, action).

Guys! What does it mean to think?

We think about our words, plans, actions

Every person in his life commits many actions and actions. There are some things he wants to do and some things he doesn’t want to do. Just desire or unwillingness is not enough. We still need to think about whether this is necessary or not.

If necessary, then you have to force yourself. And if it is not necessary (and even more so, it is impossible), then reflect, take into account your previous (deplorable) experience, as well as the experience of other people.

But only then, after everything has been thoroughly thought through and weighed, a person must make a decision. (measure seven times).

Tell me, do all people do this?


I think that everyone is different, so they act differently.

Some people will first talk, do something bad (they can even offend friends), and then only repent.

Guys! To avoid bad consequences, think carefully about every word and deed, consider both its benefits and its harm.

Moreover, the consequences can be bad both for the people around you and for you.

Now let's conduct a survey.

    Do you always think about your actions before you say or do something? (yes; not always, but often; never; rarely)

    Do you do rash things? (yes; yes, but rarely; never; I can’t restrain myself)

    Who suffers the most from your thoughtless behavior. (friends; strangers; loved ones; myself)

    Are you satisfied with your behavior? (yes; more often no; more often yes; dissatisfied)

Guys! Before committing any action, a person sets a goal. He thinks, why is he doing this? How can I help him?

Guys! They will help him:



    Adult help

    Friends support

    The ability to say “no” to yourself in time

People who can do this are called strong-willed. I think the majority are like that. But there are also quite a few weak-willed ones.

When a weak-willed person encounters difficulties on his way, and they do happen, then he – the weak-willed one – necessarily finds an excuse for his inaction. If desired, an excuse can always be found (rain, snow, etc.). And this makes him lazy, weak, weak-willed, submissive. Guys, do you know anyone like this?

But a strong, strong-willed person knows how to refuse on time.

    Student: First of all, you need to follow your daily routine and not be lazy. Sometimes you have to force yourself. The most important thing is that you all need this for your future life. You have to make an effort.

    We need to be less distracted in class. You need to control your speech, play chess, develop your thinking, read.

I set a goal to exercise.

I had to fight sleep and laziness.

I have to go to bed and get up earlier,

It turned out to be not easy to force

Your mind and body work profitably,

When you sleep very sweetly in the morning.

The alarm clock became my first enemy.

I can't find the button...

That's it, I sent him under the pillow,

But he didn’t force me to shut up.

The alarm clock rings: “Boy Kolya,

Will you keep your word and show your will?”

I thought: “Ay! Ay, ay!

What a weak-willed lazy person I am.”

I decided, and sleep was gone.

I quickly threw off the blanket.

I looked and Rex was waiting for me.

Yesterday he was also doing exercises.

He loves to jump and twirl his tail,

At least he can’t overcome daddy’s weights.

My mother came to see me:

Well, with good morning. – She smiled.

I was sure you would overcome this,

Oh, son, you seem to be growing up...

Guys! You are not adults yet. Why do you think mom told Kolya that he was growing up?

Children: Because he was not capricious in the morning like a little one, but acted like an adult. Adults have great willpower. They know what needs to be done and they do it. Although they may not always want this.

And Kolya made the right decision. He becomes independent. Being an adult doesn't have to mean being big. It also means being responsible.

Me: So how do we achieve a positive result?

Children: Through willpower. Being able to reason intelligently about the benefits of a matter.

Me: Guys! Do you always have enough willpower to, for example, overcome hostility towards one of your classmates: to restrain yourself and not hit or push, not be rude, not insult? What is your attitude towards parents and other adults?

I used to get irritated often

Sometimes I burst out screaming,

Mom said: “Wait!

Count to ten."

And while I thought so,

All my anger is gone now.

Didn't offend anyone

I'm not being rude to my mother.

Don't you believe me? OK,

Try it yourself.

I have progress,

I was able to find strength,

Well, I need the number ten,

Five is enough for me.

You see, the boy is happy, he has solved his problem.

I want you to give examples of negative behavior. (Examples)

Other people were hurt by your actions, right?

So, I would like to end our conversation with these words:

“Right reasoning leads to right action, rightness of mind leads to rightness of heart.”

And think, guys, what things and actions have you done over the past week? How did that make you feel? After all, know that all actions speak eloquently about a person.

Class hour

on the topic:

“Before you do, think!”

"Before you do,- think!”

Target: Teach children to think about their behavior.

Equipment: notebook for notes; writing on the board: poem; “Rules of deliberate behavior”; flowers.

Progress of the lesson

Class teacher:Everything that motivates a person to activity must go through his head...

In the process of thinking, a person “tries... to mentally “lose” in advance various options actions and feel the meaning that the consequences of his action can have for others and for the person himself.

For example: Case 1 . You were accidentally pushed. It hurts and makes you feel uncomfortable. Your actions.(We listen to the guys, what they would do).Yes, you can swear and scream! And, on reflection, it’s better to politely ask the person to be more careful.

Case 2 . A friend hit you...(Your actions, we listen).Perhaps you are offended. But think for a moment about how to get out of this situation.

You proudly, calmly and with dignity ask Vanya what happened. Vanya will definitely react to this behavior of yours - he will leave and apologize for his breakdown.

Guys, our smaller brothers often act more thoughtfully than you and me. Animals first warn: grin, growl, tail like a pipe, etc. We must always remember that the ability to analyze one’s actions is a precious human advantage. Listen!

My first fight -

With yourself.

When in the line of fire

In front of you - like armor.

And in a whirlwind of furious attacks

Before himself - like a daring enemy.

Where cowardice takes you by the hand,

But courage says:


My first fight -

With yourself.

The main battle

The hardest fight -

be able to

Overcome yourself.

And your life, and even death.

It's already easier. . . He is the second!

(R. Farhadi. “My first fight”).

Homeroom teacher: Even in childhood you cannot live like trees and birds without thinking. Perhaps the most important quality For modern man is the ability to compare your goals and actions, to be able to foresee the further consequences of your actions.

What do you guys think, have there been times in your life when you later thought - why did I do this? You can tell us about your examples so that your comrades do not make your mistakes. Or did you think about it before doing anything?(Listen to examples).Give specific examples of what you have had to apologize for in your life?(We listen.)

All the examples that we have heard here suggest that thoughtfulness of your behavior is simply necessary in order not to get into very unpleasant situations or later worry about it for a long time and regret that you did so. You always need to think about your actions, tell yourself in time: “Stop! Think!”

When you go to the board in class, you think first and then answer. There, the signal for reflection is an assessment. Nobody wants “2”, but “5” is pleasing to everyone. It’s exactly the same in other situations: you have to think, and then act with words, hands, feet. Listen, guys, to a fairy tale, but very carefully, about the hasty Marten and the patient Tit.

The hasty Marten began to cut out a sundress for summer. Blooper! She shredded all the silk - cut it into shreds. And not like a sundress - a scarf cannot be sewn from these scraps.

The patient Tit began to cut an apron from canvas. He’ll figure it out here, he’ll figure it out there, he’ll move it here, he’ll move it there. She figured everything out, drew everything, then took up the scissors. It turned out to be a good apron. Not a single scrap was wasted. Marten was amazed. He looks at the apron and is jealous:

  • Where did you learn cutting and sewing? Tit? From whom?
  • My grandmother taught me to sew.
  • How did she teach you?
  • Yes, very simple. She told me to remember five magic words.
  • Which ones?
  • Measure seven times and cut once.

Homeroom teacher: Guys, did you like the fairy tale? What conclusion did you draw for yourself? Right. Everyone should learn this proverb and use it in all deeds and actions.

There are many books about childhood: “The Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson” by Aksakov, “The Childhood of Nikita” by A. Tolstoy, books about Gorky’s childhood, “The Little Hero” by Dostoevsky. They help us understand ourselves and understand the complexities of our inner world. And they teach the main thing - to think. Let's listen to a poem by the young K. Marx.

I can't live in peace.

I can't live without a fight

And without a storm, half asleep.

I want to know art -

The best gift from the gods,

By the power of mind and feeling

Ready to embrace the whole world.

So let's get into trouble

And we'll go on a long journey.

So that we don’t live a meager life -

In empty vegetation.

Under the yoke of shameful laziness

We must not drag out this miserable life.

In boldness and striving, man is sovereign.

Class teacher:Many great people have attached great importance to the formation of deliberate behavior in themselves. II would like to introduce you to the rules of conduct drawn up for myself by K.D. Ushinsky, which are entirely based on the thoughtfulness of the actions and deeds performed. These rules included the following requirements:

  1. The calm is perfect, at least externally.
  2. Directness in words and actions.
  3. Deliberate action.
  4. Determination.
  5. Do not speak a single word about yourself unnecessarily.
  6. Don't spend time unconsciously; do what you want, not what will happen.
  7. Spend only on what is necessary or pleasant, and not spend out of passion.
  8. Every evening, conscientiously make an account of your actions.
  9. Never brag about what was, what is, or what will be.

Class teacher:What correct and necessary thoughts! I ask you to open your notebooks and write down in them: what books you need to read about the childhood of great people; rules of thoughtful behavior.

Conclusion: a person must feel and know how to behave in any situation.

Ecology of life: An Indian grandfather and his grandson are sitting by the fire. Grandfather tells him: “You know, two wolves live inside every person. One is good, the other is evil. And they constantly fight.

An Indian grandfather and his grandson are sitting by the fire.

Grandfather tells him: “You know, two wolves live inside every person.

One is good, the other is evil.And they fight constantly.

“And who wins?” - asks the grandson.

“And the wolf you feed wins,” answered the Indian, looking slyly at his grandson.

“Existence determines consciousness,” wrote K. Marx. And I agree with this formulation up to a certain point in a person’s life. While it (being) rules over us, we are dependent. This refers to the period of infancy and adolescence, when a baby, child, teenager cannot be independent due to certain circumstances. Those. environment, people and lifestyle shape the consciousness of a small person (although practice shows that for many adults, unfortunately, Existence determines consciousness for a very long time. Therefore, the age limit for “growing up” is very arbitrary.) We grow up when we begin to understand the essence of things, phenomena, events of our lives, decide what thoughts will be in our head, how we want to live, what responsibility we want to bear. Only in this way do we begin to form our new reality, different from the past, our new Being.

I remember an anecdote on this topic.

A man sits on a bus and thinks: “I want a car, an apartment, a dacha, happy family…”An angel stands behind him and quickly writes everything down. I was just getting ready to do all this. And the man thinks further: “... and so that I have all this!” Angel: “Man, you HAD it all!”

Yes, how we think is how we live. Thoughts are real. Therefore, we need to be more attentive to what thoughts arise in our minds. It’s not for nothing that people say: “If you sow a thought, you will reap an action; if you sow an action, you will reap a habit; if you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny.”

In recent years, I have come to the next discovery, which I can express in one phrase: “Before you think, think!”

Both the parable, the anecdote, and the proverb carry the following hidden meaning: thought is energy. And where we direct our energy, in that direction we will develop or... stumble. If we are angry, offended, hate, then we ourselves, “with our own hands,” direct energy from ourselves to the “enemy,” give it away voluntarily, and exhaust our strength. If we think positively, give goodness and joy, then we will be filled with the same. Thinking in categories of the past, which is often filled with negative experiences, and in categories of the future, which is influenced by our fears, uncertainty, anxiety, etc., we, of our own free will, destroy ourselves, “cutting off the branch on which we ourselves are sitting.”

What to do? You need to learn to live for today, learn to think positively, see the “positive” moments of life, “celebrate them, stretch them out over time, savor them, i.e. enjoy them." In other words, “to create, create your Being.”

We must remember that life did not end yesterday and will not begin tomorrow. She is coming now, at this moment, in at the moment time. Maybe it's worth thinking about this?

Class hour on the topic: “Think before you do!”

What you should not do, do not do it even in your thoughts.

An ancient rule.

Progress of the class hour.

Leading : Good afternoon, dear friends! We have gathered today to talk about our lives. What do you think life is?

/children's answers from the audience/

Leading : I think that all people are different, therefore everyone has their own life and their own path.

Student : Life is something that no one has the right to destroy.

Student: Life is a chance and very great opportunities, which a person needs to use wisely.

Student: Life is always something beautiful: the sky, the sun, the forest, flowers, people. And all this should be admired.

Student: Life - this is a great love that must be accepted as a gift and this is a dream that one must pursue throughout one’s life.

Student : Life, with its sorrows and joys, is like a song. The songs are different. And everyone has their own, unique life.

Leading : Everyone makes their own choice on which road to follow: the road of creation or the road of destruction. Everyone chooses their own path.

Student : In life, a person has to perform many different actions and actions.

Student : It’s not enough just to want or not to want. We still need to think about whether this is necessary or not.

Student : if necessary, then force yourself, and if not necessary, then reflect, imagine the consequences of your words, deeds, actions.

Student : and only when everything has been well thought out and weighed, a person must make a decision.

Leading : Do all people do this? / answers from the audience / - (all people are different and their actions are different; some people will first say something, even do something bad (offend friends) and then only come to their senses and repent; it’s good if they think about it after the act and draw conclusions for themselves.

Leading : but to decide to do something and bring your decision to a concrete action, reasonable, useful actions - this is not a task for the weak. First of all, this concerns meaningful actions to refuse bad habits that destroy our lives and health.

Caption: “Boy, give up the cigarette so that evil doesn’t take root!”

Scene (bell rings)

1 student : I run, I run, I can’t stop running. Thank God, here is the threshold. There is a social teacher here.

Social Teacher : Well, my friend, where did you go?

Student : Yes, I had a little smoke break. (approaches another, they sing)

On the porch, around the corner, the two of us smoked. We were quietly smoking, suddenly we see the Director standing. I’m embarrassed, he’s angry, the Cigarette is trembling, which means I have to give up, maybe he’ll forgive me again.

Performance social teacher. (In his speech, the teacher focuses on the problems of teenagers who are at various types accounting.)

Leading : What harm does smoking cause to a person? The film will tell us about this.

Film screening.

Student. Gather your strength, boy, gather your will. And one day give it all up, don't smoke anymore!

Student: Early in the morning, open the windows wide, open them quickly, and do better exercises, don’t smoke anymore!

They speak in turns, demonstrating their words with slides, pictures, posters and more:

1st It’s better to run and lose weight than to smoke and get sick.

2nd Try singing instead of smoke and smoking.

3rd Dance, don't smoke! Better take an example from us!

4th Play football with the boys, distract yourself and them from cigarettes!

5th Ride a bike, do it and take your mind off smoking!

6th Instead of smoking and getting everyone sick of it, it’s better to just sit down and dream!

7th It’s better to have a heart-to-heart talk with your friends, ( all together ) But don’t put a cigarette in your mouth, don’t take it!

Leading : They talked about the dangers of smoking, is it only the cigarette that destroys us? The wine is still splashing in the glass, Let's talk about drunkenness for the hundredth time.

Inscription: “Beauty perishes from wine, Wisdom is reduced by wine”


Student : If a person is addicted to a glass and a bottle, be sure, he is unhappy. He has a short life!

Student : After a glass of water, everything started to swim around. Who am I? Where? He suddenly asked. So the guy has lost his mind.

Student: Move away the glass, guy, Better think with your head: “I’ll drink, what will happen to my body, my brain and fate?”

Student : If they invite you to a glass, it means they are wishing you harm. You can’t drink away your thirst with wine, you’ll only cause grief.

Student : Vodka is evil, everyone knows that. And he calls him an evil serpent. The serpent prevents people from living. "No!" You shouldn't be friends with him!

Listen to a letter that came to the editor of a newspaper.

/Reads to soundtrack/

I think that the end of my career as a prominent specialist, the end, so to speak, of my human career, came when I, no longer having money for vodka, took the first book from my library to a used bookstore.

Gradually, I sold all the books, which eliminated the need for bookshelves, which I also sold for next to nothing just to buy alcohol. I perked up only at the sight of a bottle, I lived as if in a dream. I was overcome by deep apathy, my circle of interests narrowed more and more until I reached the size of a bottleneck. There were flashes, some glimpses, but less and less often. Alcohol did its dirty work. Tempting prospects, professional growth, a wonderful family - everything is a thing of the past. I was turning more and more into a faceless creature who needed very little to feel earthly joys. This little bit was poured into a cut glass. It's always easier to fall than to rise, and I fell.

Leading : There's no need to even comment. Pass this story through your heart. May you never know the phrase “It’s too late!”

Leading : What does a drunk person like to do?

(Answers from the audience)

That's right.

Student: Then there was also fish soup and jellied giblets. Then they caught the boy and beat him for a long time. Then they went to dance in the hut, Then they fought not out of malice, And they destroyed everything good in themselves.

Speech by a police officer

Leading : And there are thousands and thousands of such cases. If you have taken everything into account, understood everything, then make another effort and decide not to touch the glass.

Leading: Before you do, think: health, joy of life are in your hands.

Bottom line

Good and evil, you walk close, side by side, Now filling everyone with light, now filling everyone with darkness, And in each person everything is different, Well, what is your proportion?

Are you more gloomy, envious and gloomy, And do you feel heavy from your difficult thoughts? Or has the energy of your soul and strength made someone happy and beautiful? Why are you silent? At least answer yourself? Are you ready to sing the beautiful song of life?

Song "Life"

Life is me, it's you and me

Live and be proud of your destiny.

Bringing light and joy to people

Before you do, think

You have to try to be good.

Life is joy, love, dreams

You have to live in such a way as not to smoke the sky