Find out how to make your invitations memorable and unique! Tips, ideas and, of course, examples for inspiration.

Sometimes it seems that it is easier to organize a cool party than to make a cool invitation, because the invitation is the “face” of the event. It shows the budget, format and scope. By looking at it, guests form an opinion about the event and can draw conclusions about whether to go or not, what to wear and what to expect. An ordinary invitation without a “seed” will leave people indifferent. And even if the highlight of your program is Lady Gaga, only those few who do not need invitations in principle will know about it - there would be a reason. Well, or word of mouth.

How to make invitations interesting and non-standard? Before you start designing, you need to answer two questions.

What is the format of the event: official or informal?

For official events, there is a set format for invitations, in which everything is quite strict. Firstly, invitations are printed only on off-white paper and only with black ink. For diplomatic, official, as well as other state-level receptions, all text is printed; for less strict ones, partial completion by hand is allowed. Secondly, such invitations must be sent at least two weeks in advance (or better yet, a month in advance). They also have installed sample text that provides for an indication of the form of clothing, a request to notify the organizers in case of refusal, etc. In general, there is no place for the designer to roam around here.

An example of an official invitation to the White House.

Informal invitations can be divided into two categories: private events (weddings, anniversaries, birthdays) and commercial (company birthday, opening of a new store, exhibition, etc.). Depending on the occasion, you can show your imagination and make a small masterpiece out of the invitation.

An example of a handmade invitation.

Who is the target audience?

Not everything that is good for a teenager will please his parents. In addition to age categories, it is necessary to take into account taste preferences and the format of the event. While an invitation printed on brown wrapping paper will look stylish at the opening of a newfangled loft-style cafe, it most likely will not be suitable for a fashionable restaurant.

So, now you know what types of invitations there are and what you need to take into account when developing their design. Of course, you should not forget about the budget, the method of delivery of invitations and the text that will be in them. As mentioned above, official (formalized) invitations have strict rules registration, so we will not consider them. But we will definitely list the most important features and aspects of working with informal private or commercial invitations:

If your budget allows, you can make invitations using intricate printing, die-cutting, even lace and rhinestones (especially when it comes to a wedding invitation), but be sure to consider the method of delivery to the recipient. If you plan to send invitations by mail, be prepared to pay for the overweight of the envelope. In some cases, two invitations are made: a complexly decorated one, for delivery from hand to hand, and with the same delights, but printed on paper, for sending by mail.

Sending invitations less than a week before the event is bad form. Moreover, people may think that they were remembered at the last minute. Others will decline the invitation because they already have something else planned. So try to give everyone advance notice to ensure good response and attendance.

When ordering a batch of invitations from a printing house, make a few more invitations. In the event that you need to invite someone else, or you spoil the form, you will not need to ask the printing house to make an additional print run. Besides, the required paper or the decor may simply not be there.

Try to make your invitation memorable and interesting. Even if it is later thrown away, the guests will have a pleasant impression in their memory.

Examples of invitations

So, from words to deeds. The most non-standard, sophisticated and stylish invitations, of course, come from famous couturiers. When inviting people to their shows, they spare no time or money to stand out and surprise guests.

Stella McCartney, along with the invitation, gave all guests a green googly eye ring from her new collection.

Exclusive invitation from Dries van Noten

Interactive invitation from KENZO.

Not only fashion designers, but also many others make creative invitations. Look at these!

Hello dear partners! We really like our community, we love it and want it to continue to grow and develop. And we also want our partners to develop and grow together with the community.

Do you want to receive additional income every month? In fact, we help all partners earn affiliate bonuses. After all, not everyone knows how to speak, present and “sell”. And then how to invite a person to the IC? The most difficult and important work we do it for you. We really want each partner to have results and specifically for this purpose we conduct online presentations, where we ourselves show, present and “sell” everything.

You can also earn good bonuses with affiliate program! Several times a week we hold community presentations for newcomers. These are very favorable moments when you can invite people to a presentation so that they hear everything from us and become your partners, members of the community. And you, in turn, will receive rewards through the SuperKopilki affiliate program.

It's very simple! Your task is simply to invite friends or strangers from the Internet to a free webinar. You don't have to explain or tell anything about the community, what it is and how it works. All you have to do is invite 10 to 20 people to attend the webinar that day and receive valuable information. For our part, we will do everything to make your person interested in SuperKopilka and start participating. We will now show you how to invite to a presentation.

How to invite?

First option.

We will use the social network VKontakte as an invitation tool. Having learned to use the invitation system via VK, you will then decide for yourself in which other networks you can use it (in part or in whole).

To invite people to a presentation, you need

    Step 1. A few hours before the start of the event, make a post on your wall on social networks, namely, an invitation to the presentation. You can repost from our VK group or create your own post by copying the text or inventing your own. You can select a picture from this photo album

    Step 2. If you are a member of the “Collective Leveling Up” chat, you need to level up your post in it. The collective leveling chat is created only for active users social networks. If you are one and want to join, read the rules and apply

Regardless of your choice, proceed to step 3.

    Step 3. Invite 15-20 people who are online via private messages.

You can invite both those with whom you are friends and those with whom you are not.

Examples of invitations:

First example.

Hello Igor!

Today there will be an interesting webinar: “How to start saving and making money on the Internet?” Free admission.

I invite you to go and listen. If you like it, you will receive $50 as a gift.

Second example.

Hello Ira! Are you here?

I wanted to ask you what you think about my post on the wall? I have friends who earned money for a car in six months. And all newbies will get 50 dollars as a gift to lift their spirits!

How would you like to attend the webinar today and learn more? Interesting?

Admission is free.

Be sure to include the $50 gift in your message! This is the information that is easiest to attract the attention of your invitees.

These are just examples. With a little practice you will find your style and your approach.

Important! After finishing the presentation, you need to delete the post about it on your wall.

This is the first option for how you can and should invite people. It won't take up much of your time. If something seems difficult to you, just do what is written in the instructions, step by step, one after another. Believe me, after two or three repetitions of the material, you will do everything automatically, while thinking about what you will spend your earned affiliate bonuses on.

There is another option, an alternative. Here you will have to devote more time, however, and the number of people you invite will increase. This means your income will increase.

Second option.

You need to create a VK Event following the example of this one and invite your friends to it. You can invite 40 people per day.

An event is a page to which a specific event with a specific date is attached. At the same time, the date can be changed, so there is no need to create a new event for each presentation.

You can design the event page at your own discretion - add posts to the wall and pictures to photo albums. Be sure to share your results, add reviews and screenshots. Also add videos from our channel and news from the site. If you have difficulty filling out your page, take information from our official groups And

Be sure to add your affiliate link with your posts.

You can invite people every day, not only on presentation days. If you invite someone a few days in advance and they confirm they will attend, they will receive a reminder on the day of the meeting.

Once you put in the effort and create your page, you will always have a simple tool at hand for inviting newcomers to a presentation.

To create an Event, go to the “My Groups” section and click “Create a Community”

Select “Event”, write a name and click the “Create Community” button.

The event has been created. You can design it.

After the registration is completed, set the time for the next presentation (via the “Community Management” function)

Make sure that the time of the next presentation is always set correctly.

Once these steps are completed, start inviting friends to your event.

To do this, click “Are you going” and select “Invite friends”

Select any 40 friends from the list and send them invitations (or send them to everyone)

Everyone will receive notifications about invitations, except those of your friends who have forbidden inviting themselves to meetings. You can communicate with such people only in private messages.

Invite friends as often as possible and add fresh information.

If you understand what your need is charitable assistance, then pay attention to this article.
Those who, without your participation, may lose an exciting business have turned to you for help.
Many children, boys and girls, dream of becoming pilots on the track.
They attend classes where, under the guidance of an experienced trainer, they learn high-speed driving techniques.
Only constant exercises allow you to overtake correctly, build a trajectory and choose speed.
The basis of victory on the track is good qualifications. And, of course, a professional kart.
Children who participate in clubs are completely dependent on adults, because lack of money and broken spare parts do not allow them to participate in competitions.
How much pleasure and new sensations children experience when they get behind the wheel and start driving the car.
Maybe it is in such a circle that not only Russian champions grow up, but even future world champions in this sport?!
You can help the children's karting section, which is located in the city of Syzran. They are in a really bad situation right now. Everything rests on the enthusiasm of the leader: Sergei Krasnov.
Read my letter and look at the photos. Pay attention to the passion with which my students work.
They love this developmental sport and really want to continue learning.
I am asking you to help the karting section in the city of Syzran survive.
Previously, there were TWO young technician stations in the city, and each had a karting section. There was also karting at the Palace of Pioneers. Now there is not a single station in the city, and the circle in the Palace of Pioneers was also destroyed. They closed it - it’s hard to say, they simply destroyed it!
We fought, wrote letters, and everywhere they had the same answer. About five years ago I went to the governor of the Samara region for a reception. He didn’t accept me, but my deputy accepted me.
After that, we were given the premises where we are now based. We have a lot of children who want to go karting, but very poor material conditions do not allow us to recruit children.
The last two competitions were missed due to lack of money.
Yes and most go-karts require repairs. This is the situation our circle is in.
We also turned to the mayor of the city of Syzran for help. This is the second year we have been waiting for help. We decided to turn to you via the Internet for help.
You can contact me through social networks or write by email [email protected].YouTube channel Always, being on the wave of success, you need to do works of mercy, give alms. And if the Lord helps in difficult circumstances, then do not forget about gratitude afterwards. Then He will not forget about your needs.

An invitation letter is a way to invite the addressee to attend a certain event or to be present at some event. An invitation can be expressed orally, but in business relations it is the written form that is most common, which has a number of advantages. In this article we offer several sample invitation letters for participation in an event, conference, or exhibition. There is also an example of a written invitation to an interview with an employer and an invitation to cooperate.

In business relations, an invitation letter is important element building trust and respect between the two parties. A written invitation to take part, visit, watch is a sign special attention, in addition, allows the recipient not to forget about the important event awaiting him.

Why is it necessary? invitation letter:

  • confirms that the recipient is really invited, allows you to avoid mistakes;
  • reminds of the time and place of the meeting, event to which the recipient is invited.

Why written invitation better than oral:

  • allows you to notify certain person about any important event or event;
  • reminds the recipient of plans and will not allow them to forget an important event;
  • acts as an additional sign of attention and respect - the sender took the time to communicate the invitation information to the recipient in writing;
  • it is possible to send even to those people with whom it is not possible to talk by phone or in person.

How to send invitation:

  • hand over personally from hand to hand - bring to the addressee and hand over, this method allows you not only in writing, but also orally to invite the addressee to an event - a meeting, interview, conference, exhibition, conference, reception or other event;
  • send by Russian Post, if the event is particularly important, then you can send with a valuable letter with a description of the attachment, however, sending must be done in advance, taking into account the delivery time of the letter to the invitee;
  • sending by e-mail is a very simple and convenient method, if the addressee’s e-mail is known; this method is often used by recruiters when sending a letter inviting them to come for a job interview.

In order for this document to perform its function correctly, it must contain a sufficient amount of information. The information must be of such volume that the addressee has no questions regarding the planned event, place and time of its holding.

In order for the address to make sure that the invitation is sent to him, you need to provide information about the recipient. Typically, this information is located in the upper right corner of the letter form in the dative case. If this is an organization, then write its name and location, full name and position of the head. If this individual– then his full name and residential address.

Next, indicate from whom the letter was sent. It is important to indicate not only the name of the organization or the full name of the originator and sender, but also contact information, which allows you to ask the author of the invitation letter if you have questions regarding the planned event.

The text of the letter begins with an appeal. The polite form is used. If this is a specific person, then be sure to indicate him full name or first name, patronymic. For example, “Dear Olga Vladimirovna!” or “Dear Alexander!” The appeal depends on the type of event, the degree of acquaintance between the originator and the recipient. If these persons are not close acquaintances, it is enough to limit themselves to the neutral “dear.”

How to invite to an event

  • the date of the event - meeting, conference, interview, exhibition, conference, official reception, indicate not only the date, but also the exact time;
  • venue – the information in the letter should be sufficient so that the invitee has no questions about where to go. It is important to indicate not only the address (street, house), but also additional information- where to go, where is the entrance, what floor, what office, hall. It is also possible to attach a traffic diagram to the letter. If necessary, they also indicate the type of transport that can be used to get to the event venue. That is, the information should be as complete as possible so that the person invited to participate in the event does not wander through the corridors in search of the venue of the event, does not waste time, or is late. Inaccurate information regarding this detail is disrespectful towards the invitee; he will have to clarify exactly how to get there and what to drive;
  • type of event, its name - it is also important to indicate in the invitation letter what type of event awaits the invitee; if it has a name, then it is written in exact accordance;
  • directly the word “we invite”, it also specifies what exactly the invitee should do at the specified event - participate, watch, observe, for example, you can invite to give a report at a conference, or you can invite to watch the speeches of other speakers at the conference;

Examples of invitation letter:

“Dear Anna Dmitrievna!

We invite you to take part in the celebration of National Unity Day on November 4, 2018 at the Golden Alley restaurant at Novosibirsk, st. Dekabristov 34, entrance from the end of the building.”

“Dear Daniil Mikhailovich!

We invite you to attend the all-Russian conference “Changes in accounting and tax legislation in 2018”, which will take place on November 22, 2017 in the small conference hall of the Zheleznodorozhnik Palace of Culture, Ekaterinburg at the address Ekaterinburg, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya 23 (main entrance, 2nd floor).”

  • content of the event - if this is a conference, you can attach to the letter a list of speakers, who will participate in it, and topics of speeches; if this is a celebration of an event, then a brief program of the event.” This information will allow the recipient to assess the degree of interest in the planned event and prepare for it correctly;
  • please let us know if you plan to attend the event. If you want to find out the exact desire of the addressee to attend an event, then you need to clarify at the end of the invitation letter whether the person will come on the specified day at the place of invitation. You should indicate exactly how you want to send your response - by email, postal letter, telephone call, or other means.

The completed letter is signed by the addressee indicating the date of composition. If necessary, the completed document can be packaged in beautiful envelope and transfer to the destination.

It is important to make sure that the text contains contact information for feedback.

Sample invitation letters to the exhibition:

How to invite for an interview

Candidates for vacant position are usually invited for an interview either by telephone or by email.