On the eve of the 45th anniversary of the MPZ, we visited Maloyaroslavets.

We talked with the General Director of MPZ JSC Sergei Yuryevich Meleshkin about the history of the plant, what plans it has labor collective for this year and what is being produced here today. And then we went on a tour of the enterprise.

Secretary and Head of Office Elena Ivanovna Krylyshkina she is the first to meet everyone who comes to the plant director.

General Director of MPZ JSC in his office. Despite the arrival of Moscow journalists, the work process does not stop for a second.

IN factory museum, where the history of the enterprise is recreated, all documents are still carefully stored.

Nadezhda Georgievna Kleymenova, head of the personnel department of the MPZ and our staff correspondent, shows on the map the distribution zone of MPZ devices and the place of their production.

Looking at old photographs, you can see a lot of interesting things. Including learning about such a specialization as a revolver. Do you know who this is? And we didn’t know that a revolver operator is a turner who works on a turret lathe and is busy processing various kinds of parts.

And in the photographs you can recognize some of the current employees of the plant... Among the middle managers is S. Yu. Meleshkin.

We also found Nadezhda Georgievna. Here she is - in a white cap, in the top photo on the left!

There were newspaper vending machines.

Plastic dishes, cash registers and lasers - in the museum you can find all the models that were once produced here.

And this is the only place where it is not forbidden to crawl through the turnstiles!

Meet, Sergey Vyacheslavovich Skripitsyn, radio installer And also a classmate and best friend general director of the plant.

Yuri Petrovich Levin- also a radio installer. In May he turned 55 years old, and he has been working at the MPZ for almost 38 years, since October 1978. I came here after school as a student. And after six months of studying I passed the grade. Today Yuri Petrovich has the highest 5th category. “Why didn’t you leave during the difficult years? - Yuri Petrovich asks again. - Got stuck... This morning it's a factory. And in the evening I go to the dacha, raise white and red rabbits, grow potatoes and carrots.”

Elena Vladislavovna Kaliganova, Head of technical control and service department. By the way, Yu. P. Levin and he have known each other for 30 years, live nearby and work in the same workshop.

Valentina Tikhonovna Sofina. She is a sales economist, a cashier. Valentina Tikhonovna has been at the plant since 1979. And in October, colleagues are preparing to celebrate her anniversary.

This is what it looks like new boiler room in the administrative building.

Work process in a machining shop.

Vladimir Ivanovich Pavlov, turner. He is 79 years old, but he has only been working at the plant for the last 16 years. A most of He gave his life (29 years) to the Baltic and Black Sea fleets. He worked as a repair mechanic on the ship. And he traveled, without exaggeration, the whole world: Cuba, Sweden, Canada, New Zealand, and Antarctica. “I live nearby, I’ve already gotten involved,” Vladimir Ivanovich patiently explains to us why he can’t sit at home. “And without work it’s boring.”

Rare shot: general manager plant together with its employees - Valentina Vasilievna Averkina And Nadezhda Georgievna Kleymenova.

This is what it looks like UZT. With the help of this universal ultrasonic therapeutic device with microprocessor control, diseases of various origins are treated - both the peripheral nervous system and the musculoskeletal system, keloid and postoperative scars, and urological diseases.

And this device is famous "Tone". It is successfully used in sports. It generates currents that have a good analgesic effect. Physiotherapeutic procedures using this device can reduce swelling, eliminate muscle spasms and pain conditions that arise from sprains and injuries, neuromuscular and other diseases.

And here, finally, is the legendary ES-10-5, simply put, "Electrosleep". Remember the popular Soviet film “Love and Doves”? It was because of him that Lyudmila Gurchenko fell asleep on the move, not having time to tell the curious Alexander Mikhailov whether the man from the photograph had been found. And even the mask of “Electrosn” is still the same orange color.

Director of the MPZ S. Yu. Meleshkin with devices produced at the plant.

Radio installers S.V. Skripitsyn and Yu.P. Levin in the process of setting up fans

The installation process of the devices is underway.

Adjusting medical equipment is a responsible matter.

The Maloyaroslavets Instrument Plant was founded in 1971 as a pilot production facility at the Moscow Research Institute of Instrument Making of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry and was intended for the manufacture of complex radio systems by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense. In the 80s of the last century, the Maloyaroslavets Instrument Plant became the largest industrial enterprise cities, making an important contribution to strengthening the defense capability of the state. The plant created a production facility with a full technological cycle for manufacturing products - metalworking, plastic molding, manufacturing printed circuit boards, electroplating and painting, assembly and radio installation. A residential neighborhood was built, the best in those days was put into operation kindergarten. Working at the enterprise was considered a prestigious matter in Maloyaroslavets; the plant became a real source of personnel for the hometown. And now former employees The Maloyaroslavets Instrument Plant can be found playing leading roles in other city enterprises and in city government bodies.

In the 90s of the 20th century, difficult times came for the economy of our country. The instrument plant also had a hard time surviving them. The defense order, which previously ensured the full utilization of the enterprise, collapsed to almost zero. The management and staff of the plant had to urgently repurpose production and look for a new civilian products. Gradually, this problem was solved, mass layoffs were avoided, and mostly the workforce was retained.

Initially, the production of physiotherapeutic medical equipment using in great demand. Devices produced by MPZ JSC - "Tonus", "Electroson", "Stimul", UZT can be found in any medical institution in all corners of our country.

The next step was mastering the technology overhaul previously produced equipment for the Ministry of Defense, which made it possible to load the automotive assembly workshop.

In 1994, the plant was transformed into OJSC Maloyaroslavets Instrument Plant.

A real breakthrough for the plant in the mid-90s was cooperation with the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation. Development and production of equipment for passenger railway transport allowed the company to take a leading position in the production of ticket printing machines and passenger turnstiles. At the same time, OJSC MPZ had its first experience in developing and producing vending machines. During this period, the unstable economic situation in the country and the low quality of issued means of payment (coins and banknotes) did not contribute to the development of such production. However, a targeted order from the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation for the production of ticket machines for suburban railway traffic made it possible to implement the first project in this area. As part of this project, our company developed and launched serial production Automatic ABPF. The machine provides automated sale of all types of commuter tickets with payment in coins and banknotes. ABPF is capable of functioning both in stand-alone mode and as part of automated system management of railway stations. The issue of the relationship between machine users and the country's tax authorities was resolved, and ABPF was included in the State Register. In the process of developing technical documentation and launching the ticket machine into production, new design solutions were developed, including a coin mechanism and a return device, which ensures the possibility of returning accepted coins and bills before receiving the service. Subsequently, these solutions were applied to a whole series of vending machines. Patents have been obtained Russian Federation.

In total, until 1998, more than one and a half thousand ticket machines were produced, which are installed on all major railway stations countries. Many of them are still in successful use today.

Second major project development in the field of automatic trading and services began in 1999 automatic camera storage of hand luggage AKHM. Built on a modern electronic base, AKHM, which accepts coins and banknotes, has replaced the storage lockers that were widespread until the early 90s and accepted 15-kopeck coins. The modular design made it possible to vary the number of storage cells depending on the location. In this case, the user is given a receipt indicating the access code. Flexible tariff system allows you to install hourly pay with additional payments for overdue storage. Similar storage lockers were installed at the railway stations of Samara, Orenburg, Magnitogorsk, Chita, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and other cities.

At the same time, by order of one of the Moscow publishing houses, automatic machines for selling printed materials APG-6 and APG-2 were developed. APG-6 is intended for the sale of 4 titles of newspapers and 2 titles of magazines. APG-2, respectively - 2 names of newspapers. More than 600 such machines are installed in Moscow and other cities of Russia and Ukraine. In 2007-2008, a project was implemented to install newspaper vending machines in the Moscow metro. Agreements were concluded for the supply of newspaper machines to neighboring countries.

The release of new, higher quality banknotes, as well as the economic revival at the turn of the century, contributed to the beginning of the formation of the vending machine market in our country. Rapid market development mobile communications and the widespread use of calling cards led to increased demand for card vending machines. As a result, serial production of APKF-8 machines was started, which could sell 8 types of different cards for banknotes. Our APKF-8 assault rifles are available throughout Russia - from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to Kaliningrad, in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.

At the same time, by order of the Moscow City Telephone Network - MGTS - the production of the multifunctional automatic machine APKF-4U began, intended for the sale of both unpacked and plastic-packed cards for coins and banknotes. In this case, the buyer receives a receipt and change. Modem communication allows you to include machines in automated complexes. Flexible software easily adapts to banknotes of other countries. The first hundred APKF-4U machines were installed by MGTS at the beginning of 2004.

In the market of card vending machines, our company faced competition from foreign manufacturers for the first time. Among them are machines from the companies “Opal”, “Jede”, “Amiel”. Only a number of functional advantages, such as the ability to return accepted cash before issuing a card, the presence of a receipt, the ability to issue change and the organization of modem communication allow our machines to successfully compete with imported ones. In addition, we always try to respond flexibly to market changes and meet the wishes of consumers of our machines, including in terms of organizing service.

All manufactured products of the enterprise have certificates of conformity of the State Standard of the Russian Federation, and joint stock company certified for compliance with the quality system international standards ISO 9000.

Cooperation with MGTS continued in 2005. In November of this year, a large batch of APKF-8U automatic machines was delivered to the Moscow city telephone network. In 2006, MGTS plans to equip all stations of the Moscow metro with our machines for selling payphone cards. Negotiations are underway to supply a large batch of vending machines to Ukraine, and there is significant interest from other CIS countries.

In 2005, OJSC "MPZ" entered the investment program of OJSC "Russian railways"to create an automated system for payment, control and accounting of travel in suburban traffic using electronic travel documents (transport and social cards). This program is designed for three years. As part of this program, a new generation ticket printing machine MKTK was developed - a multifunctional cash terminal. MKTK allows you to issue one-time travel documents on paper and subscription tickets on a contactless electronic card. The first 3,500 MKTKs were supplied to the railways of the Russian Federation. As part of the investment program, in 2006, the development of a new railway ticket machine, ABPM, was carried out. It embodied the latest achievements of the development departments. factory: the ability to issue change, the ability to work with contactless smart cards, modem communication. The machine is not afraid of harsh winter conditions and works perfectly at temperatures down to -30°C. Passenger information validators for transport cards are being supplied. In 2006, work was completed on the design of a new TKRU passenger turnstile, which differs more modern design and wide functionality. The TKRU turnstile underwent trial operation at the Yaroslavsky railway station in Moscow, showing maximum throughput on the Moscow railway

In 2007-2008, serial production of payment terminals for making direct payments in the instant payment system for services began cellular communication, work is underway to modernize previously released APKF-8 card vending machines to accept direct payments.

Since 2009, the company has been cooperating with the Aeroexpress company, established in 2005 and today being the single operator for the transportation of air passengers from Moscow airports Vnukovo, Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo from the central railway stations of Moscow.

In 2009-2010 work is underway with transport companies Republic of Belarus. Our automatic lockers AKHM are installed at railway stations in the cities of Vitebsk and Baranovichi. In the fall of 2010, automatic lockers were installed at the railway station and bus station in the city of Lida.

In the first half of 2010, more than 500 pieces of medical equipment were delivered to various organizations our country. More than 200 MKTK were supplied to JSC Russian Railways.

In 2015, OJSC MPZ was transformed into JSC MPZ.

Currently, MPZ JSC is part of SOCIUM-A JSC. This is a diversified holding with almost 30 years of history. The enterprises and companies included in it are engaged in a wide variety of activities: they produce the widest range of weapons and military equipment, develop IT technologies, manufacture medical equipment, raise agriculture, conduct banking activities, manage and operate property complexes, protect facilities, etc.

The Maloyaroslavets Instrument Plant was founded in 1971 as a pilot production facility at the Moscow Research Institute of Instrument Making of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry and was intended for the manufacture of complex radio systems commissioned by the USSR Ministry of Defense. In the 80s of the last century, the Maloyaroslavets Instrument Plant became the largest industrial enterprise in the city, making an important contribution to strengthening the defense capability of the state. The plant created a production facility with a full technological cycle of product manufacturing - metalworking, plastic molding, printed circuit board manufacturing, electroplating and painting, assembly and radio installation. A residential neighborhood was built, and the best kindergarten in those days was put into operation. Working at the enterprise was considered a prestigious matter in Maloyaroslavets; the plant became a real source of personnel for the hometown. And now former workers of the Maloyaroslavets Instrument Plant can be found in leading roles at other city enterprises and in city government bodies.

In the 90s of the 20th century, difficult times came for the economy of our country. The instrument plant also had a hard time surviving them. The defense order, which previously ensured the full utilization of the enterprise, collapsed to almost zero. The management and staff of the plant had to urgently repurpose production and look for new civilian products. Gradually, this problem was solved, mass layoffs were avoided, and mostly the workforce was retained.

Initially, the production of physiotherapeutic medical equipment, which was in great demand, was mastered. Devices produced by MPZ OJSC - "Tonus", "Electroson", "Stimul", UZT - can be found in any medical institution in all corners of our country.

The next step was the development of technology for overhauling previously produced equipment for the Ministry of Defense, which made it possible to load the automotive assembly workshop.

In 1994, the plant was transformed into OJSC Maloyaroslavets Instrument Plant.

A real breakthrough for the plant in the mid-90s was cooperation with the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation. The development and production of equipment for passenger rail transport allowed the company to take a leading position in the production of ticket printing machines and passenger turnstiles. At the same time, the first experience of MPZ OJSC in the development and production of vending machines occurred. During this period, the unstable economic situation in the country and the low quality of issued means of payment (coins and banknotes) did not contribute to the development of such production. However, a targeted order from the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation for the production of ticket machines for suburban railway traffic made it possible to implement the first project in this area. As part of this project, our company developed and launched into mass production an automatic ABPF. The machine provides automated sale of all types of commuter tickets with payment in coins and banknotes. ABPF is capable of functioning both in autonomous mode and as part of an automated control system for railway stations. The issue of the relationship between machine users and the country's tax authorities was resolved, and ABPF was included in the State Register. In the process of developing technical documentation and launching the ticket machine into production, new design solutions were developed, including a coin mechanism and a return device, which ensures the possibility of returning accepted coins and bills before receiving the service. Subsequently, these solutions were applied to a whole series of vending machines. Patents of the Russian Federation were obtained.

In total, until 1998, more than one and a half thousand ticket machines were produced, which are installed at all major railway stations in the country. Many of them are still in successful use today.

The second major project in the field of automated trade and services was the development in 1999 of the AKKhM automatic luggage storage room for hand luggage. Built on a modern electronic base, AKHM, which accepts coins and banknotes, has replaced the storage lockers that were widespread until the early 90s and accepted 15-kopeck coins. The modular design made it possible to vary the number of storage cells depending on the location. In this case, the user is given a receipt indicating the access code. A flexible tariff system allows you to set hourly rates with additional charges for overdue storage. Similar storage lockers were installed at the railway stations of Samara, Orenburg, Magnitogorsk, Chita, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and other cities.

At the same time, by order of one of the Moscow publishing houses, automatic machines for selling printed materials APG-6 and APG-2 were developed. APG-6 is intended for the sale of 4 titles of newspapers and 2 titles of magazines. APG-2, respectively - 2 names of newspapers. More than 600 such machines are installed in Moscow and other cities of Russia and Ukraine. A project is being implemented to install newspaper vending machines in the Moscow metro. An agreement was concluded for the supply of newspaper machines to neighboring countries.

The release of new, higher quality banknotes, as well as the economic revival at the turn of the century, contributed to the beginning of the formation of the vending machine market in our country. The rapid development of the mobile communications market and the widespread use of telephone cards have led to an increase in demand for card vending machines. As a result, serial production of APKF-8 machines was started, which could sell 8 types of different cards for banknotes. Our APKF-8 assault rifles are available throughout Russia - from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk to Kaliningrad, in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.

At the same time, by order of the Moscow City Telephone Network - MGTS - the production of the multifunctional automatic machine APKF-4U began, intended for the sale of both unpacked and plastic-packed cards for coins and banknotes. In this case, the buyer receives a receipt and change. Modem communication allows you to include machines in automated complexes. Flexible software easily adapts to currency notes of other countries. The first hundred APKF-4U machines were installed by MGTS at the beginning of 2004.

In 2005, MPZ OJSC entered into the investment program of Russian Railways OJSC to create an automated system for payment, control and accounting of travel in suburban traffic using electronic travel documents (transport and social cards). This program is designed for three years. As part of this program, a new generation MKTK ticket printing machine was developed - a multifunctional cash terminal. MKTC allows you to issue one-time travel documents on paper and subscription tickets on a contactless electronic card. The first 3,500 MKTKs were delivered to the railways of the Russian Federation by our enterprise. As part of the investment program in 2006, the development of a new railway ticket machine ABPM was carried out. It embodies the latest achievements of the plant’s development departments: the ability to issue change, the ability to work with contactless smart cards, modem communication. The machine is not afraid of harsh winter conditions and works perfectly at temperatures down to -30°C. Deliveries of passenger information validators for transport cards are underway. In 2006, work was completed on the design of a new TKRU passenger turnstile, featuring a more modern design and extensive functionality. The TKRU turnstile underwent trial operation at the Yaroslavsky railway station in Moscow, showing maximum throughput on the Moscow railway.

In 2007, serial production of payment terminals for making direct payments in the instant payment system for cellular communications services began, and work is underway to modernize previously released APKF-8 card vending machines to accept direct payments.

You can get more complete information about our products on our website.