Accounting and taxes

Small-scale energy has been increasingly used in recent years. All this is due to the fact that compact and relatively easy-to-maintain gas turbine units have appeared.

For this reason, the labor market has become extremely in demand for specialists who can competently operate gas turbine plants, as well as carry out their scheduled maintenance.

How does a gas turbine plant work?

According to the principle of operation, a gas turbine unit is a kind of aircraft engine. It sucks in air on one side, and on the other, it emits a stream of exhaust gases during fuel combustion. Only in the case of a gas turbine unit, gas is used to rotate an electric generator and generate electricity.

In modern power plants, high-power gas turbine units are usually connected to combined-cycle boilers for more rational use of exhaust gases - they are used to heat the coolant (water) and generate additional electricity. Unlike thermal power plants using solid fuels, gas turbine stations operating on natural gas

, has significantly higher efficiency with relatively compact dimensions. Modern samples of gas turbine units reach

Currently, there are many types of gas turbine units of various capacities, sizes and purposes. At the same time, machinists are required everywhere to service them.

The essence of the work of a gas turbine operator

    During his work, a gas turbine operator is required to perform a number of functions:

    monitoring the operating mode of equipment;

    operational maintenance and ensuring uninterrupted operation of the gas turbine unit;

    monitoring the readings of measuring equipment, automation and alarms;

    combating possible accidents and eliminating them.

In essence, a gas turbine operator is a specialist worker who is involved in direct maintenance of the complex, and it is he who bears the main responsibility for the operation of the equipment.

Because the modern production electricity is almost completely automated; only one person can handle this work. In some cases, the driver works as part of a team of power engineers.

What a gas turbine plant operator should know and be able to do

Qualification requirements and job descriptions require the gas turbine operator to know everything about the equipment being used:

    Device and specifications installations, as well as other equipment (gas compressors, turbines, etc.);

    Thermal circuits and methods for switching them;

    The principle of operation of instrumentation, as well as automation and control of gas turbine units;

    Electric generator circuits;

    Technical and economic indicators of equipment operation.

Theoretical knowledge in the field of gas dynamics, heat engineering and electrical engineering will also be useful for a specialist.

Where do they train to become a gas turbine operator?

To become a gas turbine operator, you need to obtain a secondary education professional education by passing the qualifying exam.

An alternative option is retraining at an institution of additional vocational education. Such training centers are often created by energy companies. In particular, INTER-RAOEES has its own training center.

The duration of training is about 178 academic hours, approximately half is devoted to theoretical training, and another 98 are industrial training.

Qualification categories of the profession Gas turbine operator according to ETKS

In the profession of GTU Machinist there are four qualification categories, starting from the 4th and ending with the 7th.

Gas turbine operator, 4th category

Has the right to work with gas turbine units with a unit capacity of up to 10 thousand kW.

Gas turbine operator, 5th category

Serves gas turbine units with a capacity of 10 to 50 thousand kW.

Gas turbine operator, 6th category

Works with gas turbine units with a capacity of 50 to 100 thousand kW.

Gas turbine operator, 7th category

Works with particularly powerful gas turbine units over 100 thousand kW.

At the same time, the ETKS notes that if the driver does not work alone, but under the guidance of a more qualified employee, his qualification category goes down. Consequently, wages also decrease. This should always be clarified when applying for a job.

Average salary and demand for gas turbine operators in the labor market

There are quite a lot of vacancies for gas turbine operators on the market. In this case, we are often talking about servicing compact and mobile power plants located in northern fields. Therefore, work is expected on a rotational basis.

Remuneration is low by northern standards, however, it directly depends on qualifications and rank. Thus, specialists of the initial 4th category can count on 35 - 40 thousand. But, starting from the 5th category, you can already count on 58 - 60 thousand.

At the same time, up to 3 years of work experience is desirable everywhere.

Pros and cons of being a gas turbine operator

The specialty of a gas turbine operator has a number of benefits:

    high wage if you have experience;

    official employment and corporate voluntary health insurance;

    “northern” experience and early retirement, subject to working on a rotational basis;

  • demand in the market.

Minuses the profession also has:

    high responsibility;

    monotony of work;

    high requirements to qualifications and experience;

    risk of emergency situations and accidents.

Requirements for professions that determine professional standards and technology developments are constantly changing, and therefore continuously the process is underway changes, adjustments and updating of training programs, in particular in railway professions. Last week we received learning programs, agreed upon and approved by the Ministry of Transport and the Federal Agency railway transport by profession:

Learning to operate a railway crane

Last week, the theoretical training of a railway crane operator was completed. It was the railway crane operators who studied, taking into account all the specifics: shunting work, alarm and safety rules on railway... The course focused on cranes KDE-251 and KZhDE-25, as well as EDK-1000/2 with increased lifting capacity up to 125 tons.

Next week, the trainees will go to our training ground, where they will put into practice the acquired theoretical knowledge under the guidance of experienced instructors.

Introduction to Oil and Gas Production

Where does oil come from? How is it mined and what is it processed into? How are rigs built, drilled and completed?

All this was discussed at the course “Introduction to Oil and Gas Production,” which was conducted by specialists from the oil and gas division of PromResurs last week.

Although the course has ended, we will be happy to repeat it for you.

The course will be useful to you if:

Studied with us: Training of galvanizers

There are a little more people who have mastered a qualified specialty, Hurray!

Our specialists conducted regular training for employees of the galvanic shop with the organization of theoretical and practical classes. During practical classes, work was carried out to coat parts of complex shapes.

Now the galvanizers will be able to independently perform the stated work, and the company will not waste valuable time on training them while working on productive parts and will reduce the level of defects in its production.

We welcome everyone who has not yet completed training!

Recruitment of a group of Railway Crane Operator in July

Friends, at the end of July, training in the profession of “Railway Crane Operator” will begin.

The training will consist of 2 parts: Theoretical and Practical.

The theoretical part is held from July 31 to August 18, 2017. The training will cover topics such as crane design, operation, loading and unloading, railway signaling and the basics of maneuvering.

Signalman on the tracks of JSC "Russian Railways"

For specialists of the railway division of the PromResurs training center, the training program for the profession of “Signalist” was adjusted in accordance with the requirements of JSC Russian Railways. In particular, the requirements of the labor protection instructions and job requirements signalman, approved regulations RUSSIAN RAILWAYS. Also, as part of the training, mastering the profession of “Track Fitter” is carried out - mandatory requirement when working as a signalman on public roads.

Buy a certificate - what's behind it?

Very often you can find advertisements with flashy headings “Buy a certificate”, “Buy a crust”, “Buy a certificate”. And we are not talking about buying the certificate forms themselves, but about selling a ready-made certificate in your name, which confirms your qualifications. They offer to buy everything from an occupational safety certificate, fire safety, and ending with working professions, such as slinger, turner, etc.

Blue-collar skills are always in demand. And the profession is a machinist gas turbine units not an exception. But in order to perform your duties efficiently in compliance with safety precautions and all established standards, and also not have problems during inspections, you need to take a course for a gas turbine operator.

Gas turbine operator training vocational training, retraining and advanced training are offered by ANO DPO “Training Center Perspective”.

Required documents:

  • Application;
  • Copy of passport (page spread with photo and registration page);
  • 2 photographs 3x4 (with corner); Document on existing education and its copy
  • Foreign citizens must provide a notarized translation of a civil passport and a temporary registration document.

We offer

  • Training as a gas turbine operator from the best teachers and highly qualified instructors with extensive experience.
  • Modernly equipped classrooms for lectures on theory and our own areas with the necessary technical equipment for practical classes.
  • ANO DPO "Training Center Perspective" has a valid license, the training program is approved by the regional Gostekhnadzor.
  • You can undergo training as a gas turbine operator at a time convenient for you; there is an opportunity to study without interrupting work.
  • Special offer for enterprises – group courses with visiting teachers and instructors.
  • Eat nice bonus and for those undergoing individual training: free help in employment. Companies constantly provide existing vacancies for graduates of our Center.
  • Fixed payment, installments.

To obtain a specialty as a gas turbine operator, you need to undergo training at the ANO DPO "Training Center Perspective" (theoretical and practical course) and pass the qualifying exam. After successful completion of training, you receive an indefinitely valid certificate of the established form. When increasing the rank - a certificate of qualification received.

You can study at training center"Perspective" in cities:

  • Chelyabinsk
  • Miass
  • Simferopol
  • Kazan
  • Ekaterinburg

Characteristics of the work.

Maintaining the operating mode of gas turbine installation equipment with a unit power of up to 10 thousand watts. Operational maintenance of gas turbine units and ensuring their uninterrupted and economical operation. Starting, stopping, testing installation and switching equipment in thermal circuits. Monitoring the readings of measuring instruments, the operation of automatic regulators and alarms. Elimination of emergency situations.

What you should know:

  • device, technical characteristics of serviced compressors, gas turbines, turbogenerators and auxiliary equipment
  • thermal circuits
  • operating principle of measuring instruments
  • Schematic diagrams of control and automation of gas turbine units
  • fundamental electrical circuits generator and auxiliary needs of gas turbine units
  • technical and economic indicators of equipment operation
  • fundamentals of gas dynamics, heat engineering and electrical engineering. When maintaining the operating mode of gas turbine installation equipment with a unit power of over 10 to 50 thousand kW - 5th category
  • when maintaining the operating mode of gas turbine installation equipment with a unit power of over 50 to 100 thousand kW - 6th category
  • when maintaining the operating mode of gas turbine installation equipment with a unit power of over 100 (secondary vocational education is required) - 7th category. Note. When performing work under the supervision of a gas turbine operator of higher qualifications, the tariff is calculated one group lower at the corresponding capacities of the gas turbine installations.