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2 EXPLANATORY NOTE In accordance with the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated /29, the employer (or his authorized person) is obliged to organize training in safe methods within a month after hiring and methods of performing the work of all persons entering work, as well as persons transferred to another job. Labor safety training is carried out during the training of workers in blue-collar professions, retraining and training them in other blue-collar professions. The employer (or a person authorized by him) ensures that persons hired for work in harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions are trained in safe methods and techniques for performing work with on-the-job training and passing an exam, and during the course of their work, periodic training on labor protection is carried out and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. A bulldozer operator who has started work for the first time, or who has had a break in work for more than a year, undergoes training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements within the first month after being hired. Since the work of a bulldozer driver is associated with dangerous and harmful working conditions, he must undergo training and knowledge testing on labor protection. Periodic knowledge testing is carried out at least once a year. Examination tickets with alternative answers to test the knowledge of occupational safety of a bulldozer operator are developed on the basis of the Standard Instructions on Occupational Safety and Health for a Bulldozer Operator (TI RO) and other regulatory documents regulating the occupational safety of a bulldozer operator, his qualification characteristics in accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook works and professions of workers, as well as analysis of the conditions and safety of their work. In the exam papers, after the name of the question, in parentheses there is a link to the relevant regulatory document on the basis of which the exam papers were developed. These exam cards can be used as a simulator to prepare for the knowledge test. List of regulatory documents on the basis of which examination cards with alternative answers have been developed to test knowledge on labor protection of a bulldozer driver 1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001 197-FZ (as amended on July 24, 25, 2002, June 30 2003, April 27, August 22, December 29, 2004, May 9, 2005, June 30, December 18, 30, 2006 , April 20, July 21, October 1, 18, December 1, 2007, February 28, July 22, 23, December 25, 30, 2008, May 7, July 17, November 10, 25, 2009). 2. The procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education dated / Intersectoral rules for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 1 2009 290n. 4. Standard labor protection instructions for a bulldozer operator (TI RO). 21

3 5. Labor safety rules during construction, repair and maintenance of highways, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated b/n and the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the USSR dated b/n. 6. Intersectoral instructions for providing first aid in case of accidents at work. M.: Publishing House NC ENAS, Fire Safety Standards NPB “Fire Equipment. Fire extinguishers. Requirements for operation". TABLE OF CORRECT ANSWER CODES FOR EXAMINATION TICKETS WITH ALTERNATIVE ANSWERS FOR CHECKING KNOWLEDGE IN THE SPECIALTY OF BULLDOZER OPERATOR Question numbers Ticket numbers Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket Ticket

4 Ticket 1 1. WHAT ACTIONS SHOULD THE BULLDOZER OPERATOR PERFORM IF IT IS NECESSARY TO CLEAN THE BULLDOZER BLADE? /4, paragraph 17./ 1. Raise the bulldozer blade and begin cleaning it with the bulldozer engine running. 2. Raise the bulldozer blade and turn off the engine, then begin cleaning. 3. Lower the dozer blade and turn off the engine, then begin cleaning. 4. If it is necessary to clean the bulldozer blade, it is allowed to perform any of the above actions, at the discretion of the driver. 2. WHAT ARE THE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR FILLING DIRES WITH A BULLDOZER? /4, clause 13./ 1. Before filling the excavations, the bulldozer driver must make sure that there are no people, equipment or building materials there. 2. During the backfilling process, the bulldozer blade is not allowed to go beyond the edge of the slope. 3. It is prohibited to move the bulldozer within the prism of the collapse of the pit walls. 4. All of the above safety requirements must be observed. 3. WHAT ARE THE SIGNS OF ARTERIAL BLEEDING? /6, p. 73/ 1. Scarlet blood flows from the wound in a gushing stream. A ridge of escaping blood forms over the wound. A large bloody stain on clothing or a pool of blood near the victim. 2. Blood flows passively from the wound, the color of the blood is very dark. 3. The skin around the wound turns pale, the color of the flowing blood is scarlet. Ticket 2 1. WHAT IS THE MINIMUM INTERVAL BETWEEN TWO BULLDOZERS WITHOUT SCRAPERS MUST BE MAINTAINED WHEN THEY ARE OPERATING SIMULTANEOUSLY? /4, clause 15./ 1. Not less than 10 m. 2. Not less than 20 m. 3. Not less than 30 m. 2. WHICH BULLDOZER PARTS CAN BE WASHED WITH LEADED GASOLINE? /4, paragraph 26./ 1. Spark plugs only. 2. Bulldozer engine only. 3. When washing parts, it is not allowed to use leaded gasoline. 3. WHAT DOES THE TERM “HAZARDOUS OCCUPATIONAL FACTOR” MEAN? /1, art. 209/ 1. A production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to illness. 2. A production factor, the impact of which on a worker can lead to injury. 3. A production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to illness or injury. 23

5 Ticket 3 1. WHICH OF THE ACTIONS LISTED BELOW IS NOT PROHIBITED TO PERFORM BY A BULLDOZER OPERATOR WHEN WORKING ON SLOPES? /4, paragraph 18./ 1. Make sharp turns. 2. Rotate the bulldozer with the buried blade. 3. Move the bulldozer across slopes whose angle exceeds that specified in the machine’s passport. 4. When working on slopes, the bulldozer operator is prohibited from performing all of the above actions. 2. WHAT PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE USED BY A BULLDOZER OPERATOR WHEN LOCATED ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE? /4, paragraph 3./ 1. Canvas mittens. 2. Safety helmet. 3. The bulldozer operator must not use personal protective equipment while on the construction site. 3. WHAT SHOULD BE DONE IN THE CASE IF THE SPECIAL CLOTHING AND SPECIAL FOOTWEAR OF THE BULLDOZER OPERATOR BECOME UNUSED BEFORE THEIR WEARING LIFE EXPIRE FOR REASONS OUTSIDE OF HIM? /3, clause 9./ 1. Use ordinary clothing and footwear as workwear and footwear until the deadline for receiving new workwear and footwear. 2. Purchase new workwear and safety shoes at your own expense. 3. Report wear and tear to the employer so that he can replace or repair them. Ticket 4 1. UNDER WHAT CONDITIONS IS IT PERMITTED TO TOW OR PULL OUT A STUCK CAR WITH A BULLDOZER USING A STEEL ROPE? /4, clause 20./ 1. Provided that the diameter of the steel rope is at least 30 mm. 2. Provided that the glass of the bulldozer cabin is protected by a grill or wire mesh. 3. Provided that the total weight of the towed or pulled out vehicle does not exceed 3500 kg. 4. Subject to all of the above conditions. 2. WHO CONDUCTS THE PRIMARY OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AT THE WORKPLACE, AS WELL AS REPEATED, UNSCHEDULED AND TARGETED OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS? /2, p/1. Employer. 2. Occupational safety specialist. 3. Direct supervisor. 3. FOR WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM DURATION CAN YOU APPLY A TURNIE ON A LIMB TO PROVIDE FIRST MEDICAL AID TO A VICTIM WITH ARTERIAL BLEEDING? /6, p. 22/ 1. No more than 1 hour. 2. No more than 2 hours. 3. No more than 3 hours. 24

6 Ticket 5 1. WHAT SHOULD A BULLDOZER OPERATOR DO BEFORE ENTERING THE TRAILER? /4, paragraph 22./ 1. Ask the trailer driver or other employee to correct the direction of movement of the bulldozer while driving into the trailer. 2. Check the serviceability of the bulldozer brake system. 3. Make sure the trailer is stable and braked. 2. IN WHAT CASE IS THE BULLDOZER OPERATOR OBLIGED TO RELEASE THE PRESSURE IN THE BULLDOZER HYDRAULIC SYSTEM? /4, paragraph 24/ 1. During maintenance of the bulldozer. 2. If there is a break in work for more than 1 hour. 3. When coupling with a scraper. 4. In all of the above cases. 3. WHAT DOES THE TERM “HARMFUL PRODUCTION FACTOR” MEAN? /1, art. 209/ 1. Production factor, the impact of which on a worker can lead to injury. 2. A production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to illness. 3. A production factor, the impact of which on an employee can lead to illness or injury. Ticket 6 1. IN WHAT GEAR OF A BULLDOZER SHOULD I PICK SOIL WITH A SCRAPER? /5, p/1. In first gear. 2. In second gear. 3. It is necessary to select a gear for collecting soil depending on the method of cutting it. 2. WHAT SHOULD A BULLDOZER OPERATOR DO IN THE EVENT OF A FORCED STOP OF THE BULLDOZER ON THE ROAD AT NIGHT WHEN DRIVING TO THE WORK SITE AT HIS POWER? /4, paragraph 11/ 1. Place a triangular emergency stop sign for the vehicle at a distance of at least 15 m from the bulldozer. 2. Install red warning lights. 3. Perform any of the above actions. 3. IN WHAT CASES CAN CARBON ACID FIRE EXTINGUISHERS BE USED? /7, Table 1/ 1. Only for extinguishing fires of solid flammable substances (fire class A). 2. For extinguishing fires of solid flammable substances (fire class A) and liquid flammable substances (fire class B). 3. For extinguishing fires of solid flammable substances (fire class A), liquid flammable substances (fire class B) and live electrical installations (fire class E). 25

7 Ticket 7 1. WHAT IS THE MINIMUM INTERVAL BETWEEN TWO BULLDOZERS WITH TRAILED SCRAPERS MUST BE MAINTAINED WHEN THEY ARE OPERATING SIMULTANEOUSLY? /4, clause 15./ 1. Not less than 10 m. 2. Not less than 20 m. 3. Not less than 30 m. 2. WHAT SPECIAL SHOES SHOULD A BULLDOZER OPERATOR USE WHEN WORKING IN WINTER? /4, paragraph 3./ 1. Yuft boots. 2. Canvas boots. 3. Valenki. 4. It is allowed to use any of the above safety shoes, at the discretion of the bulldozer operator. 3. IN WHAT SEQUENCE IS IT NECESSARY TO APPLY SPRINTS WHEN PROVIDING FIRST AID TO A VICTIM IN THE CASE OF AN OPEN FRACTURE OF LIMB BONES? /6, p. 34/ 1. First apply a bandage, and then a splint. 2. First apply a splint and then a bandage. 3. In any order. 4. Splints should not be applied to open fractures of the limb bones. Ticket 8 1. WHAT ARE THE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROCESS OF FILLING A BULLDOZER WITH FUEL? /4, clause 25./ 1. While refueling the bulldozer, the driver and persons nearby are not allowed to smoke or use open fire. 2. After refueling, the bulldozer must be wiped of fuel and oil leaks, and the oily rags must be placed in a closed metal box. 3. Lighting a fire at a distance of less than 50 m from the refueling site is not allowed. 4. All of the above safety requirements must be observed. 2. WHAT OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD A BULLDOZER OPERATOR PASS WHEN A BREAK IN WORK IS MORE THAN TWO MONTHS? /2, p/1. Unscheduled. 2. Repeated. 3. Target. 3. HOW MANY HOURS PER WEEK IS THE NORMAL WORKING TIME? /1, art. 91/ 1. No more than 75 hours. 2. No more than 60 hours. 3. No more than 40 hours. 26

8 Ticket 9 1. WHAT SHOULD BE USED TO CONNECT THE BULLDOZER WITH THE SCRAPER? /5, p/1. Only with the help of a steel rope. 2. Only using a rigid metal hitch. 3. Only with the help of a special earring. 4. Using any of the above means. 2. WHAT IS THE MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM THE BULLDOZER TRACK TO THE EDGE OF AN EMBARKMENT MADE OF COHETH SOILS MUST BE MAINTAINED DURING ITS CONSTRUCTION? /5, p / 1. Not less than 50 cm. 2. Not less than 1 m. 3. Not less than 1.5 m. 3. WHAT FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ARE THE MOST EFFECTIVE FOR EXTINGUISHING THE FIRE OF LIQUID COMBUSTIBLE SUBSTANCES? /7, Table 1/ 1. Powder fire extinguishers. 2. Air-foam fire extinguishers. 3. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. Ticket WHAT IS THE MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM THE BULLDOZER TRACK TO THE EDGE OF AN EMBARKMENT MADE OF LOSS SOIL MUST BE MAINTAINED WHEN CONSTRUCTING IT? /5, p / 1. Not less than 1.5 m. 2. Not less than 1 m. 3. Not less than 50 cm. 2. UNDER WHAT VIOLATIONS OF SAFETY REQUIREMENTS IS THE BULLDOZER OPERATOR PROHIBITED TO START PERFORMING WORK? /4, clause 9./ 1. In case of malfunctions or defects specified in the manufacturers’ instructions, for which the operation of the bulldozer is not allowed. 2. If there are people, machines or equipment in the work area. 3. When the terrain slope exceeds that specified in the manufacturer’s passport. 4. If there are underground communications at the work site that were not specified by the work manager. 5. In case of all the above violations of security requirements. 3. WHAT ARE THE SIGNS OF VENOUS BLEEDING? /6, p. 73/ 1. Scarlet blood flows from the wound in a gushing stream, and a roll of flowing blood forms above the wound. 2. Blood flows passively from the wound, the color of the blood is very dark. 3. The skin around the wound turns pale, the color of the flowing blood is scarlet. 27

9 Ticket AT WHAT STEPTY OF SCOPE IS IT ALLOWED TO GRADE IT WITH THE HELP OF A MOVEMENT BULLDOZER? /5, p/1. With a slope steepness of 1:4 or more. 2. With a slope steepness of 1:4 or less. 3. When the slope steepness is 1:2 or less. 2. IN WHAT GEAR IS IT ALLOWED TO MOVE A BULLDOZER OVER ROUND TERRAIN? /5, p/1. Only in first gear. 2. No higher than second gear. 3. In any gear depending on the terrain. 3. WHAT MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS (SURVEYS) IS A BULLDOZER OPERATOR MUST PASS? /1, art. 214/ 1. The bulldozer operator is required to undergo preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations. 2. The bulldozer operator is required to undergo only a preliminary (upon employment) medical examination. 3. The bulldozer operator is not required to undergo medical examinations (examinations). Ticket AT WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM SLOPE OF THE SITE IS IT ALLOWED TO MOVE SOIL WITH A BULLDOZER? /5, p / 1. No more No more No more IN WHICH OF THE FOLLOWED CASES SHOULD A BULLDOZER OPERATOR PASS TARGETED OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS? /2, p/1. When performing one-time work, when eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and work for which a work permit, permit or other special documents are issued, as well as when holding mass events in the organization. 2. When changing technological processes, replacing or upgrading equipment, devices, tools and other factors affecting labor safety. 3. In both of the above cases. 3. FROM WHAT DAY ARE THE DATES FOR USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CALCULATED? /3, clause 20./ 1. From the day when they were first used by the employee. 2. From the date the employee concludes an employment contract. 3. From the date of their actual issue to the employee. 28

10 Ticket IN WHAT POSITION SHOULD THE BULLDOZER BLADE BE INSTALLED WHEN IT STOPS? /5, p / 1. When stopping the bulldozer, the blade must be lowered to the ground. 2. When stopping the bulldozer, the blade must be raised. 3. When stopping the bulldozer, the blade can be set to any position at the discretion of the bulldozer operator. 2. ON WHICH SLOPES IS IT ALLOWED TO USE A BULLDOZER FOR HITTING DRY SOIL AND DISPOSING OVERSIZED BITS? /5, p/1. On slopes with a steepness of at least 1:4. 2. On slopes with a steepness of no more than 1:2. 3. On slopes with a steepness of no more than 1:3. 3. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY RESPONSIBILITIES SHOULD BE FOLLOWED BY A BULLDOZER OPERATOR? (1, Art. 214) 1. Undergo mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations). 2. Comply with labor protection requirements established by laws and other regulatory legal acts, as well as rules and instructions on labor protection. 3. Correctly use personal and collective protective equipment. 4. All of the above responsibilities. Ticket WHAT PRECAUTIONS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED BY A BULLDOZER OPERATOR WHEN MOVING A BULLDOZER ON AN ICE RESERVOIR? /4, paragraph 19./ 1. Move the car away smoothly at a reduced speed without towing. 2. Make turns carefully at reduced speed. 3. Keep the cabin doors open. 4. Follow all of the above steps. 2. WHAT SHOULD A BULLDOZER OPERATOR DO WHEN DETECTING UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATIONS OR STRUCTURES AT THE EARTHWORK SITE THAT ARE NOT INDICATED WHEN RECEIVING THE TASK? /4, paragraph 27./ 1. Continue work in compliance with increased precautions. 2. Immediately stop work and notify the work manager. 3. The bulldozer operator can perform any of the above actions. 3. WHAT DOES THE TERM “SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS” MEAN? /1, art. 209/ 1. Working conditions under which exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors on workers is excluded or their exposure levels do not exceed established standards. 2. Working conditions under which the employee should not use special clothing, safety shoes and personal protective equipment. 3. A set of factors in the working environment and the labor process that influence the performance and health of the employee. 29

11 Ticket UNDER WHAT CONDITIONS IS A BULLDOZER ALLOWED TO WORK IN THE AREA OF A WORKING EXCAVATOR? /4, clause 14./ 1. Only on the condition that the safety of the joint operation of the bulldozer and excavator will be ensured by a specially appointed signalman. 2. Only on the condition that the distance between the bulldozer and the excavator during their joint work will not exceed 3 m. 3. Operation of the bulldozer in the area of ​​the working excavator is not allowed. 2. WHAT ACTIONS SHOULD THE BULLDOZER OPERATOR TAKE WHEN PERFORMING A HITCH? /4, paragraph 21./ 1. To perform the coupling, stop the machine. 2. Maneuver in first gear and closely monitor the worker performing the coupling. 3. Avoid sudden jerks during maneuvering. 4. Be ready to brake the bulldozer at the first signal. 5. When performing coupling, the bulldozer driver is required to take all of the above actions. 3. WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST WHEN PROVIDING FIRST AID TO A VICTIM IN CASE OF ELECTRIC SHOCK? /6, p. 45/ 1. Call an ambulance. 2. Disconnect the victim from power. 3. Start direct cardiac massage. 30




The time allocated for studying labor safety issues is determined depending on the volume of material being studied, as well as the complexity and danger of the work performed. Training includes mastering theoretical

AGREED BY Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Construction and Building Materials Industry Workers of Russia dated December 15, 1994 19-70 APPROVED by Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated March 13

Municipal budgetary institution "Center for Social Services of the Population" AGREED by Chairman of the trade union committee E.I. Firsova and. 2017 I APPROVED by the Director of the Municipal Budgetary Institution “TsSON” L.E. Bokova 2017 TRAINING PROGRAM

AGREED by the Chairman of the primary trade union organization APPROVED AND put into effect by order 01/03 of January 15, 2017 Mosolova E.P. Head of MBDOU January 15 “15”, 2017 Mikhailova T.M.




The material is relevant as of 02/15/2016 Instruction, training and testing of knowledge of workers, specialists and managers of labor protection organizations Training in the field of labor protection: general provisions In accordance

Examination tests for preliminary training in occupational safety and health (technical minimum) for surface workers. Topic 1: Permissible Activities 1. Is a worker allowed to perform work that is not related to

Depending on the volume of material being studied, as well as the complexity and danger of the work performed. Training includes the development of theoretical knowledge and practical skills for safe work in the profession. Training program

Freelance legal labor inspectors of the trade union FEDERAL LAW OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ ON EDUCATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION LAW OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW dated June 20, 2001 N 25 O

1. EXPLANATORY NOTE In accordance with the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education

Labor protection instructions should consist of the following sections: 1. General labor protection requirements; 2. Labor protection requirements before starting work; 3. Occupational safety requirements during work (under normal

APPROVED by order of the State budgetary institution of additional education of the city of Moscow "Children's art school "Rodnik" dated January 09, 2017 1/5 TRAINING PROGRAM for employees of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the city.

Ave. 137 From 07/21/2016 Tickets for testing knowledge on labor protection and safety of managers and specialists (teaching staff) TICKET 1 1. General principles of organizing work on labor protection.


Source: // with the ability to download a standard form in PDF format (Adobe Reader).

State budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Sevastopol “Kindergarten 127” 299055 Sevastopol, Khrustaleva st., 145 t/f 67-36-99, 67-39-65, E-mail [email protected]: [email protected]

EXAMINATION TICKETS FOR THE PROFESSION OF BATTERY-BASED (DIESEL) LOADER OPERATOR. TICKET 1 1. The procedure for starting a battery-powered (diesel, automobile) forklift into operation. 2. Basic battery parameters

Source: installations_related_to_lifting_to_ with the ability to download a standard form in PDF format (Adobe Reader).

2.5 Instruction, training, testing of knowledge and permission of personnel to work. 1 Objectives: After studying this section you will know: the procedure and types of labor safety briefings; employee training procedure

Open Regional Championship “Young Professionals” (WorldSkills Russia) Sverdlovsk Region Technical Department Occupational Safety and Health INSTRUCTIONS 44 Visual Merchandising and Showcase Visual Merchandising

Agreed Approved by the Chairman of the trade union committee by order of the school director N.V. Kuznetsova dated December 31, 2016 291-d 2016 REGULATIONS on the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science INSTITUTE OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY AND MECHANOCHEMISTRY of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences REGULATIONS on the procedure for training and testing knowledge in security

Labor protection training Regulatory documents Regulatory documents of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. 212 DECISION MINISTRY OF LABOR AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE RF N 1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE RF N 29 dated January 13, 2003

STANDARD OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSULATORS ON THERMAL INSULATION (TIR 0-011 -2003) General safety requirements 1. Thermal insulators who have undergone appropriate training and have professional

1 APPROVED by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of 2016 PROFESSIONAL STANDARD 1 Operator of a crane, hoist (tower). Contents Registration number

Types of labor safety briefings Labor safety briefings, based on the nature and time of delivery, are divided into: introductory; primary at the workplace; repeated; target; unscheduled. INTRODUCTION INSTRUCTIONS:

Code Section Page 2.4 Instruction, training, testing of knowledge and admission of personnel to 1 Objectives: After studying this section you will know: the procedure and types of briefings on labor protection; training order

Department of Education of the City of Moscow State budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the city of Moscow Pedagogical College 15 Quality management system 08-01.08-2014

Agreed: Approved by: Head of the Educational Institution MBDOU MBDOU "Kindergarten 99" E.G. Gorbacheva S.B. Bryukhanova January 11, 2013 January 11, 2013 REGULATIONS on training in labor protection and testing knowledge of requirements


Characteristics of work. Control of stone-cutting operating (stripping) machines with one circular saw. Production of cross and longitudinal cuts in the extraction of standard stone and large blocks of natural stone. Installation of serviced machines for the cutting cycle. Installation and replacement of saws. Distillation of serviced machines to a new cutting cycle with moving the rail track. Participation in the management of a rope-cutting installation for the extraction and cutting of blocks of natural stone, installation and rearrangement of its working and guide posts into wells and trenches. Regulating the tension of the cable of a rope-cutting installation with a tensioning device, replacing a worn-out cable using a rope-laying device and splicing it together. Regulation of the supply of abrasive materials to the cutting area of ​​stone monoliths. Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of serviced machines and installations, participation in their repair.

Must know: installation of a stone-cutting operating (stripping) machine with one circular saw and a rope-cutting installation for extracting and cutting blocks of natural stone, running and cutting units, electric and hydraulic drives; methods for troubleshooting the operation of serviced machines and installations; technology for cutting and tipping monoliths; characteristics of the cables used on the machines and installations being serviced; methods for replacing and splicing cables of a rope-cutting installation; physical and mechanical properties of rocks; state standards for manufactured stone and large blocks of natural stone; rules for using abrasive materials.

§ 11. Stone-cutting machine operator of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Control of stone-cutting operating (stripping) machines with two circular saws or a rope-cutting installation for the extraction and cutting of blocks of natural stone. Selecting and ensuring the optimal operating mode of the serviced machine (installation), its rearrangement. Making cuts or drilling operations using a self-penetrating system. Refilling cables and monitoring the fastening of guide posts of a cable cutting installation for the extraction and cutting of natural stone blocks.

Must know: design features of stone-cutting machines of all types and a rope-cutting installation for extracting and cutting blocks of natural stone, running and cutting units, electric and hydraulic drives; technology for cutting and tipping monoliths; rules for choosing an abrasive based on its fractional composition and its consumption rate.

When operating stone-cutting operating (striping) machines with four or more circular saws for the extraction and cutting of blocks of natural stone - 6th category.

Characteristics of work. Control of stone-cutting operating (stripping) machines with one circular saw. Production of transverse and longitudinal cuts in the extraction of standard stone and large blocks of natural stone. Installation of serviced machines for the cutting cycle. Installation and replacement of saws. Distillation of serviced machines to a new cutting cycle with moving the rail track. Participation in the management of a rope-cutting installation for the extraction of cutting blocks of natural stone, installation and rearrangement of its working and guide posts into wells and trenches. Adjusting the tension of the cable-cutting installation with a tension device, replacing a worn-out cable with the help of a cable-laying device and splicing it together. Regulating the supply of abrasive materials to the cutting area of ​​stone monoliths. Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of serviced machines and installations, participation in their repairs.

Must know: installation of a stone-cutting operating (striping) machine with one circular saw and a rope-cutting installation for extracting and cutting blocks of natural stone, running and cutting units, electric and hydraulic drives; methods for troubleshooting the operation of serviced machines and installations; technology for cutting and tipping monoliths; characteristics of the cables used on the machines and installations being serviced; methods for replacing and joining cables of a rope-cutting installation; physical and mechanical properties of rocks; state standards for cast stone and large blocks of natural stone; rules for using abrasive materials.

§ 11. Stone-cutting machine operator of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Control of stone-cutting operating (striping) machines with two circular saws or a cable-cutting installation for the extraction and cutting of blocks of natural stone. Selecting and ensuring the optimal operating mode of the serviced machine (installation), its rearrangement. Carrying out cuts or drilling operations using a self-penetrating system. Refilling cables and monitoring the fastening of guide posts of a cable-cutting installation for the extraction and cutting of blocks of natural stone.

Must know: design features of stone-cutting machines of all types and a rope-cutting installation for extracting and cutting blocks of natural stone, running and cutting units, electric and hydraulic drives; technology for cutting and tipping monoliths; rules for choosing an abrasive based on its fractional composition and its consumption rate.

When operating stone-cutting operating (striping) machines with four or more circular saws for the extraction and cutting of natural stone blocks - 6th category.

Tests for credit

by profession "190620.07 Crane operator (crane operator)"

for students 1st year

    Shaft purpose:

1.serves to transfer rotational energy

2. used to connect shafts

3.does not transmit torque

4. transmits torque

2. What are bearings used for:

1. are a support for shafts and axes

2. serve to transmit torque

3.are a support for gears

4. for installing mechanisms on them

3. The shaft that receives rotation first is called:

1. Chief

2. First

3. Slave

4. Presenter

4. Depending on the shape of the tooth, gears are:

1. chevron

2. Helical

3.straight teeth

4. straight, helical, chevron

5. How does friction transmission work:

1. due to torque transmission

2. due to the rotation of the shafts

3. due to the meshing of teeth

4. due to the friction force generated between the belt and the pulley

6. Purpose of couplings:

    Transmits torque

    Used to connect shafts

    Serve to connect axes

    Answer 1 and 2

7. What material are drums made of:

1. cast iron

2. Steel

3. Babbitt

4. cast iron and steel

8. What formula is used to determine the diameter of the block and drum:

1. D ≥d* h

2. D ≤d* h

3. d≥D*h

4. D=d* h

9. The rope capacity of the drum should be: least 1.5 turns of rope not counting the rope under the clamps

2. No more than 1.5 turns of rope, not counting the rope under the clamps

3. 1,5%

4. 1.5 meters

10. What are running wheels on mechanisms:

1. movement mechanism

2. load lifting mechanism

3.mechanism for raising and lowering the boom

4. working bodies

11. The strength coefficient of the slings should be:

    At least 6 rope diameters

    At least 3 rope diameters

    At least 9 rope diameters

    At least 2 rope diameters

12. How to determine the lay pitch:

1. half a turn of the strand around the core

2. complete rotation of the strand around the core

3. 1.5 turns of the strand around the core

4. complete rotation of the wires around the strand

13. What should cargo hooks be equipped with to avoid spontaneous loss of the removable load-handling device:

1. safety spring

2. safety key

3. safety lock

4. safety bracket

14. What is supplied with the hooks by the manufacturer indicating the load capacity:

1. brand

2. tag

3. lock

4. key

15. What specially made hooks are equipped with:

1. certificate

2. certificate

3. tag

4. passport

16. At what percentage of wear is the hook throat rejected:

1. if the hook wear exceeded 10%

2. if the hook wear exceeded 20%

3. if the wear of the hook mouth is up to 10%

4. if the hook wear exceeded 50%

17. What type of brakes are used on cranes:

1. normally open type

2. block

3. block, normally closed type

4. closed type

18. The brake pulley is rejected if

1. crack and breaks

2. wear has exceeded 25% of the original size

3. wear has exceeded 50% of the original size

4. answers 1 and 2

19. Brake linings are rejected:

1. if the wear of the linings exceeded 50% of their thickness

2. if the wear of the linings exceeds 25% of their thickness

3. if there are cracks and breaks

4. answers 1 and 3

20. With what drive on cranes are brakes used:

1. with electric hydraulic pusher

2. with electric hydraulic pusher and electromagnet

3. with electromagnet

4. electric

21. What formula is used to determine the number of gear stages:

1. n-1

2. n+1

3. n=1

4. n>1

22. What is the input shaft connected to in the gearbox:

1. with shaft brake

2. with motor shaft

3. with drive wheel shaft

4. with drum

23. What symbols should be on the crane plate:

1. load capacity, registration number, test date

2. crane number, lifting capacity, partial technical examination of the crane

3. partial technical examination, load capacity

4. registration number, load capacity, terms of the next partial and full technical examination

24. Replaceable load-handling devices include:

1. hook, grab, electromagnet

2. slings, pliers

3. lifting electromagnet

4. grips

25. Hooks are rejected:

1. if the thread on the rod is broken

2.if the wear of the hook mouth is less than 10%

3. if there is no tag on the hook

4. if there is no passport on the hook

26. Wear in the throat of the hook is allowed:

1. no more than 25%

2. at least 10%

3.exceeded 10%

4. not less than 7%

27. How is the end of the rope attached to the drum:

1. clamping bars

2. clamps

3. staples

4. using a braid

28. When attaching the end of a braided rope, what number of punctures should there be in each strand if the rope diameter is from 15 to 28

1. 4

2. 6



29 The number of clamps when fastening the ends of the rope should be:

1. 3

2. at least 3

3. no more than 3

4. 6

30. Manufacturer’s ropes must be equipped with:

1. tag

2. passport

3. inscription

4. certificate

31. As a result of wear or corrosion, the diameter of the rope has decreased by:

1. 10%

2. 7%



32. What elements does the bridge crane consist of:

1. cross beams

2. longitudinal beams

3. cabins and galleries

4. made of two longitudinal and two transverse beams

33. Indicate one of the elements of the mechanisms:

1. limit switch

2. gearbox

3. trolleys

4. current collectors

34. How is the current supply to tower cranes carried out:

1. with the help of the main trolls

2. using a flexible cable

3. using a power line

4. using a switch

35. The height of the gallery fence should be:

1. 0.5 m

2. 1m

3. 0.7 m

4. 1.5m

36. The width of the gallery intended to serve the travel mechanism should be:

1. 500 mm

2. 700 mm

3. 1 m

4. 1.5m

37. The cabin door must be:

1. 1 m high

2. swing

3. sliding

4. hinged or sliding

38. What should be the flooring of the crane gallery:

1. ribbed

2. have holes with a diameter of 20mm

3. smooth with continuous fencing

4. grooved or have a hole with a diameter of 20 mm

39. Which crane rests on two supports:

1. tower

2. pavement

3. gantry

4. pavement and gantry

40.What is indicated on the key stamp:

1. faucet brand

2. crane inventory number

3. crane registration number

4. crane lifting capacity

41. Tower cranes are classified according to installation method:

1. stationary, attached

2. mobile, self-elevating

3. moving on rails

4. answers 1 and 2

42. Based on the boom design, tower cranes are classified:

1. with luffing boom and with beam boom

2. boom radius changes due to raising or lowering the hook

3. boom radius changes due to the position of the trolley

4. boom reach changes due to turret extension

43. A staircase is considered inclined if the angle of inclination is less than:

1. 45


3. 60


44. Purpose of zero motor blocking:

1. provides a smooth start of the electric motor

2. protects the crane operator from electric shock

3. prevents spontaneous starting of the electric motor

4. Prevents the tap from running with the door open

45. At what distance from the hook suspension to the stop should the hydraulic cranes hook lift height limiter operate:

1. no more than 100mm

2.not less than 200mm

3. 500 mm

4. not less than 50mm

46. ​​The load limiter prevents the crane from being overloaded and is activated for tower cranes:

1. by 10%

2. by 25%

3. by 50%

4. by 20%

47. On which cranes is the skewing limiter used:

1. on overhead cranes

2. on tower cranes

3. on gantry cranes

4. on all taps

48. How often should the slinger and crane operator inspect the slings?

1. every 10 days

2. every month

3. before release for work

4. before starting work

49. What is the largest angle allowed between the branches of the slings when hooking loads:

1. no more than 45

2. no more than 90

3. not less than 120

4. no more than 60

50. When it is prohibited to move a load by crane:

1. above a trench or pit

2. above the platform, where there are people

3. above the equipment

4. above the truck

51. To what height is the load raised during a test lift to check the brakes and the quality of the sling:

1. 400mm

2. 100mm

3. 500-600 mm

4. 200-300 mm

52. When inspecting rarely used slings:

1. every 10 days

2. Once a month

3. before release for work

4. once every six months

53. What should a crane operator follow when working on a crane:

1. production instructions

2. labor protection instructions

3. crane operating instructions

4. load slinging diagram

54. The following persons are allowed to operate cranes:

1. at least 21 years old

2. not younger than 16 years old

3. at least 18 years old

4. at least 20 years

55. What type of training is carried out before working near power lines:

1. introductory

2. extraordinary

3. target

4. planned

56. What should be the distance from the protruding parts of the ends of the crane moving along an overhead crane runway to the columns and walls of the building, the railings of walk-through galleries:

1. not less than 400 mm

2. not less than 100 mm

3. not less than 60 mm

4. not less than 70 mm

57. The gap between the rail and the shield preventing the possibility of foreign objects getting under the running wheels of cranes moving along the rail track should not exceed:

1. 15 mm

2. 20mm

3. 10mm

4. 25mm

58. What load are the slings tested with:

1. equal rated load capacity

2. 10% exceeding their rated load capacity

3. 15% exceeding their rated load capacity

4. 25% exceeding their rated load capacity

59. What information about the manufacture of load-handling devices should be entered in the logbook for recording and inspection of load-handling devices:

1. name of the device, rated load capacity, certificate number for the material used;

2. own weight of the lifting device, its name and purpose

3. name of the device, registration number and purpose

4. test results and welding quality control results

60. To what height should the load be previously raised when moving it horizontally:

1. 1000 mm above encountered objects

2. 5000 mm above encountered objects

3. 1500mm above encountered objects

4. 700mm above encountered objects

61. What should be indicated on the tag attached to the removable load-handling device:

1. number, purpose, nameplate carrying capacity

2. number, passport load capacity, test date

3. purpose, number, nameplate carrying capacity, dead weight

4. registration number, passport carrying capacity

62. In what cases is a signalman appointed:

1. when the distance between the slinger and the crane operator is more than 36 m

2. when the height of the building being constructed is less than 36 m

3. in cases where the area served by the crane is not completely visible from the crane operator’s cabin and in the absence of radio and telephone communications between the crane operator and the slinger to transmit signals to the crane operator

4. in fog, snowfall, when the crane operator has difficulty distinguishing between the signals of the slinger and the load being moved

63. What should be the minimum vertical distance from the counterweight console or from the counterweight located under the tower crane console to the platforms where people may be:

1. not less than 2000 mm

2. not less than 1500mm

3. not less than 1800 mm

4. not less than 1000mm

64. What data is indicated on the container:

1. number and volume of container

2. tare weight

3. purpose and volume of container

4. number, purpose, weight and carrying capacity of the container

65. Who keeps a log of records and inspections of removable load-handling devices:

1. Engineers for supervision

2. crane operator and slinger

4. Person responsible for the safe movement of goods by cranes

66. Lifting a load with two cranes is carried out under the guidance of:

1. Persons responsible for the safe movement of goods by cranes

2. Engineering and technical personnel for supervision

3. Engineering and technical personnel responsible for the good condition of the crane


67.Who does not belong to service personnel:

1. crane operator

2. device adjuster

3. locksmith

4. mechanic

68. Where is it allowed to store cargo:

1. on temporary floors

2. at designated storage areas a distance of 1m from the railway

4.for freshly bulk cargo

69.What types of alarms are used when working with cranes:

1.two-way telephone communication

2. radiotelephone communication

3. sign and two-way radio communication

70.How to give a stop signal:

1. sharp movement of the hand to the right to the left

2. movement with an outstretched arm to the right to the left

3. intermittent movement of the hand to the right to the left movement of the hand to the right and left at waist level, palm facing down


