Other Characteristics of work . Management of gas logging, self-propelled logging and perforating stations, logging lifts during geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells up to 1000 meters deep. Preparing stations and lifts for transportation and operation. Selection, site preparation, as well as installation of a laboratory, generator group and lift. Installation and dismantling of equipment. Connecting stations to the power and lighting network. Lowering equipment (instruments) into the well and raising them. Carrying out daily shifts and participating in planned maintenance

and current repair stations, laboratories, lifts, winches, gasoline engines and generators; changing electrolyte and charging batteries. Loading, unloading and transportation of equipment, equipment and tools. Must know: well designs; procedure for conducting geophysical research in wells; rules for lowering and lifting devices; rules for transporting logging and perforating equipment and equipment, their design and operating rules; rules for conducting shift and scheduled maintenance and current repairs of equipment for gas logging, perforating and logging stations; types and specifications

When carrying out geophysical research and shooting-blasting works in wells with depths of over 1000 to 4000 m, as well as in inclined wells with depths of up to 1500 m - 5th category.

When carrying out geophysical research and shooting-blasting works in wells with depths of over 4000 to 5000 m, as well as in inclined wells with depths of over 1500 m - 6th category.

When carrying out geophysical research and shooting-blasting operations in wells with a depth of over 5000 m, horizontal wells, wells with a weighted drilling mud with a density of over 1.6 g/cubic. cm - 7th category.

February 6, 2020 - Requirements: Availability of a qualification certificate for a 5th category logging station lift operator. Driving license category C is required with experience in driving heavy vehicles (KAMAZ, Ural). Driving experience according to labor...

February 6, 2020 - Requirements: Availability of a qualification certificate for a 5th category logging station lift operator. Driving license category C is required with experience in driving heavy vehicles (KAMAZ, Ural). Driving experience according to labor...

February 6, 2020 - Requirements: Availability of a qualification certificate for a 5th category logging station lift operator. Driving license category C is required with experience in driving heavy vehicles (KAMAZ, Ural). Driving experience according to labor...

February 6, 2020 - Requirements: Availability of a qualification certificate for a 5th category logging station lift operator. Driving license category C is required with experience in driving heavy vehicles (KAMAZ, Ural). Driving experience according to labor...

February 6, 2020 - Requirements: Availability of a qualification certificate for a 5th category logging station lift operator. Driving license category C is required with experience in driving heavy vehicles (KAMAZ, Ural). Driving experience according to labor...

February 19, 2020 - Responsibilities: ​control of the logging station lift when studying the geological section of a wellbore using GIRS methods and performing perforation and blasting operations in wells. Requirements: work experience. Conditions: ​official employment, travel...

February 11, 2020 - Responsibilities: Operating a logging station lift during well logging Requirements: Category C driver's experience for at least 3 years, PKS operator for at least 1 year Conditions: Work in the Far North region, the Nenets deposit Autonomous Okrug and republics...

February 5, 2020 - Responsibilities: work on a lift with a hydraulically driven winch Requirements: 6 years of work experience, possession of a logging station lift operator's license Conditions: work on a rotational basis...

January 30, 2020 - Responsibilities: Operating a logging station lift during well logging Requirements: Category C driver experience for at least 3 years, PKS operator for at least 1 year Conditions: Work in the Far North region, deposits of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the republic...

January 30, 2020 - Responsibilities: Operating a logging station lift during well logging Requirements: Category C driver experience for at least 3 years, PKS operator for at least 1 year Conditions: Work in the Far North region, deposits of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the republic...

January 29, 2020 - A logging station lift operator of the 5-6th category is required to work in the field. Mandatory presence: - Certificate of the 5/6th category logging station lift driver (You can study at training centers cities VERIFIS, Technoimpulse, ...

January 29, 2020 - Responsibilities: Management of a logging lift (hydraulic and mechanical drive) during geophysical research and work in wells (GIRS). Preparing a geophysical station for geophysical surveys. Loading, unloading and transporting equipment/equipment...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: well designs; procedure for conducting geophysical research in wells; rules for lowering and ascent of vehicles; rules for transporting logging and perforating equipment and equipment, their design and operating rules; rules...

February 20, 2020 - Responsibilities: well designs; procedure for conducting geophysical research in wells; rules for lowering and ascent of vehicles; rules for transporting logging and perforating equipment and equipment, their design and operating rules; rules...

January 29, 2020 - Responsibilities: Management of a logging lift (perforating station) during geophysical research and perforation and blasting work in wells. Preparing the station and lift for transportation to work sites. Choice, preparation...

February 9, 2020 - Control of logging lifts during geophysical surveys and perforation and blasting operations in wells. Contact person: Maryeva Tatyana Vladimirovna Our expectations: Driving license categories B, C. Identifications are welcome: ...

February 8, 2020 - Control of logging lifts during geophysical surveys and perforation and blasting operations in wells. Contact person: Maryeva Tatyana Vladimirovna Qualification: Driver's license category B, C, logging driver's license...

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Management of gas logging, self-propelled logging and perforating stations, logging lifts during geophysical surveys and perforation and blasting operations in wells up to 1000 meters deep. Preparing stations and lifts for transportation and operation. Selection, site preparation, as well as installation of a laboratory, generator group and lift. Installation and dismantling of equipment. Connecting stations to the power and lighting network. Lowering equipment (instruments) into the well and raising them. Perform shift work and participate in scheduled maintenance and repairs of stations, laboratory, lifts, winches, gas engines and generators; changing electrolyte and charging batteries. Loading, unloading and transporting equipment, equipment and tools.

and current repair stations, laboratories, lifts, winches, gasoline engines and generators; changing electrolyte and charging batteries. Loading, unloading and transportation of equipment, equipment and tools. well designs; procedure for conducting geophysical research in wells; rules for lowering and ascent of vehicles; rules for transporting logging and perforating equipment and equipment, their design and operating rules; rules for conducting shift and scheduled maintenance and current repairs of equipment for gas logging, perforating and logging stations; types and technical characteristics of equipment, apparatus, generator and stations; brands of cables and wires; basics of electrical engineering; procedure and rules for carrying out blasting operations; rules and modes of battery charging; grounding device and methods for finding faults in the network; signs of malfunctions of gasoline engines, generators and auxiliary mechanisms of stations and methods for eliminating them.

5th category

When carrying out geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells with depths of over 1000 to 4000 m, as well as in inclined wells with depths of up to 1500 m.

6th category

When carrying out geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells with depths of over 4000 to 5000 m, as well as in directional wells with depths of over 1500 m.

7th category

When conducting geophysical surveys and perforation and blasting operations in wells with a depth of over 5000 m, horizontal wells, wells with weighted drilling mud with a density of over 1.6 g/cubic. cm.

More detailed information regarding the characteristics of work and descriptions of categories, you can find in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS).



[Job title]



[Name of company]

________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"____" ____________ 20__


Logging station operator, 6th category

1. General Provisions

1.1. Real job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a logging station operator of the 6th category [Name of the organization in genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. A logging station operator of the 6th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position as established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. A logging station operator of the 6th category belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. A logging station operator of the 6th category is responsible for:

  • timely and high-quality performance of tasks as intended;
  • compliance with performance and labor discipline;
  • compliance with labor safety measures, maintaining order, following rules fire safety at the area of ​​work assigned to him (workplace).

1.5. A person with secondary education is appointed to the position of logging station operator of the 6th category. professional education in this specialty and work experience of at least 1 year.

1.6. IN practical activities A logging station operator of the 6th category must be guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
  • internal rules labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.7. A logging station operator of the 6th category must know:

  • well designs;
  • procedure for conducting geophysical research in wells;
  • rules for lowering and ascent of vehicles;
  • rules for transporting logging and perforating equipment and equipment, their design and operating rules;
  • rules for conducting shift and scheduled maintenance and current repairs of equipment for gas logging, perforating and logging stations;
  • types and technical characteristics of equipment, apparatus, generator and stations;
  • brands of cables and wires;
  • basics of electrical engineering; procedure and rules for carrying out blasting operations;
  • rules and modes of battery charging;
  • grounding device and methods for finding faults in the network;
  • signs of malfunctions of gasoline engines, generators and auxiliary mechanisms of stations and methods for eliminating them.

1.8. During the period of temporary absence of a logging station operator of the 6th category, his duties are assigned to [name of the deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

A logging station operator of the 6th category performs the following labor functions:

2.1. Management of gas logging, self-propelled logging and perforating stations, logging lifts during geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells with a depth of over 4000 to 5000 meters, as well as in directional wells with a depth of over 1500 meters.

2.2. Preparing stations and lifts for transportation and operation.

2.3. Selection, site preparation, as well as installation of a laboratory, generator group and lift.

2.4. Installation and dismantling of equipment.

2.5. Connecting stations to the power and lighting network.

2.6. Lowering equipment (instruments) into the well and raising them.

2.7. Perform shift work and participate in scheduled maintenance and repairs of stations, laboratory, lifts, winches, gas engines and generators; changing electrolyte and charging batteries.

2.8. Loading, unloading and transporting equipment, equipment and tools.

In case of official necessity, a logging station operator of the 6th category may be involved in performing duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

A logging station operator of the 6th category has the right to:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the duties provided for in this job description for management’s consideration.

3.3. Inform your immediate supervisor about any issues identified during the execution of your duties. job responsibilities shortcomings in production activities enterprise (its structural divisions) and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

3.5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions of the Company in solving the tasks assigned to them (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the Company).

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. A logging station operator of the 6th category bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases, provided for by law RF, - and criminal liability for:

4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions from the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of your labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. The assessment of the work of a logging station operator of the 6th category is carried out:

4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. The certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of a logging station operator of the 6th category is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in these instructions.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work schedule of a logging station operator of the 6th category is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. Due to production necessity A logging station operator of the 6th category is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

I have read the instructions on __________/___________/“____” _______ 20__.

Other. Management of gas logging, self-propelled logging and perforating stations, logging lifts during geophysical surveys and perforation and blasting operations in wells up to 1000 meters deep. Preparing stations and lifts for transportation and operation. Selection, site preparation, as well as installation of a laboratory, generator group and lift. Installation and dismantling of equipment. Connecting stations to the power and lighting network. Lowering equipment (instruments) into the well and raising them. Perform shift work and participate in scheduled maintenance and repairs of stations, laboratory, lifts, winches, gas engines and generators; changing electrolyte and charging batteries. Loading, unloading and transporting equipment, equipment and tools.

and current repair stations, laboratories, lifts, winches, gasoline engines and generators; changing electrolyte and charging batteries. Loading, unloading and transportation of equipment, equipment and tools. well designs; procedure for conducting geophysical research in wells; rules for lowering and ascent of vehicles; rules for transporting logging and perforating equipment and equipment, their design and operating rules; rules for conducting shift and scheduled maintenance and current repairs of equipment for gas logging, perforating and logging stations; types and technical characteristics of equipment, apparatus, generator and stations; brands of cables and wires; basics of electrical engineering; procedure and rules for carrying out blasting operations; rules and modes of battery charging; grounding device and methods for finding faults in the network; signs of malfunctions of gasoline engines, generators and auxiliary mechanisms of stations and methods for eliminating them.

When carrying out geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells with depths of over 1000 to 4000 m, as well as in inclined wells with depths of up to 1500 m - 5th category.

When carrying out geophysical research and perforation and blasting operations in wells with depths of over 4000 to 5000 m, as well as in inclined wells with depths of over 1500 m - 6th category.

When conducting geophysical surveys and perforation and blasting operations in wells with a depth of over 5000 m, horizontal wells, wells with weighted drilling mud with a density of over 1.6 g/cubic. cm - 7th category.