GOST 23652-79.

Viscous oils are the most widely represented in the range of transmission oils. Basically, gear oil is a low fraction mineral oil with a composition of additives.

The use of gear oils covers all trucks and cars, tractors, road-building machines and other types of equipment, as well as some types of heavy gearboxes industrial equipment. These oils are combined with GOST 23652-79.

Oil TEP 15 (GOST 23652-79) produced on the basis of residual products and distillate oils. The properties of the oil are improved due to the introduction of anti-wear and depressant additives. Day gear oil is used as an all-season gear oil for tractors and other machines in areas with temperate climates. The operating temperature range of the oil is -20...+100 °C.

Oil TSp 15K (GOST 23652-79)- transmission oil, for gearboxes and final drives of trucks domestic production KAMAZ, etc. It is a residual oil with a small addition of distillate and a composition of additives that impart extreme pressure, anti-wear, low-temperature and anti-foam properties. This gear oil is operational at temperatures of -20...+130 °C.

Oil TAp 15V (GOST 23652-79)- a mixture of a viscous product with distillate oil and a package of additives that impart extreme pressure and low-temperature properties. This gear oil is used in truck transmissions and for lubrication of spur, spiral-bevel and worm gears, in which contact stresses reach 2000 MPa and the operating oil temperature is 130 °C.

Oil TAD 17i (GOST 23652-79)- universal gear oil on a mineral basis. Contains depressant and antifoam additives. TAD-17 oil is used at temperatures down to -25 ° C; the upper limit of long-term performance is 130-140 °C. Designed for lubrication of all types of gears.



TEp 15

TSp 15K

TAp 15V

TSp 14gip

TAD 17i


kinematic, mm2/s, at temperature:

dynamic, Pa s,

at -15 (-20) °С, no more

Viscosity index, not less

Temperature, °C:

flashes in an open crucible, not less

hardening, no higher

Mass fraction, %:

Mechanical impurities, no more



phosphorus, no less

Water-soluble acids and alkalis



Corrosion test for plates for 3 hours:

from steel and copper at 100 °C


from copper at 120 °C, points, no more

Ash content, %

Acid number, mg KOH/g, no more

Stability on the DK-NAMI device (140 °C, 20 h):

change in kinematic viscosity at 100 °C, %, no more

sediment in petroleum ether, %, no more

Tendency to foam, cm3, no more, at temperature:

24 °C after test at 94 °C

Lubricating properties on ChShM:

scuffing index, N, not less

wear indicator at axial load 392 N, (20+5)°С, 1 hour, mm, no more

Color, units CNT, no more

Density at 20 °C, kg/m3, no more

TSP-15k oil is a popular transmission fluid actively used for transport. Its production history dates back to Soviet times, and quality criteria, rating, recognition and prevalence have not decreased to this day. Its production began at the Kama Automobile Plant with the purpose of improving the operation of KamAZ transmission units, however, today this lubricant is produced by different manufacturers, and the scope of its use has become much wider. In this article we will study the composition and its purpose and possible areas of application, we will talk about the most famous manufacturers of the product, analogues of foreign-made goods.

Gear oil TSP-15 is made from sulfur-containing petroleum product.

Oil composition

Transmission oil TSP-15 is classified as a mineral lubricant product. The product manufacturing process is based on refining, separating and processing petroleum with a huge capacity of sulfur-containing ingredients. As a result of processing, a lubricant is obtained based on residual substances with distillate impurities. The main active ingredient of the oil is sulfur, which increases the antifriction characteristics of the product, which significantly affects its ability to counteract the negative effects of the friction process, which is characteristic of transmission parts. In addition, component additives are added to the oil to improve the quality of the product and increase anti-corrosion and anti-foaming properties.


TSP gear oil is manufactured in accordance with GOST 23652–79, according to SAE it is marked 80W-90, classified as a product category TM-3 and identified by the code TM-3–18. The lubricant has the following basic technological characteristics:

  1. According to production technology, when operating temperature one hundred degrees Celsius is fifteen units, while the variable viscosity of TSP-15k oil at temperature conditions at minus twenty degrees it should fluctuate between up to seventy-five points.
  2. The density of TSP-15k oil does not exceed nine hundred and ten units.
  3. The operating temperature range varies from twenty degrees minus to one hundred and thirty degrees plus. In this case, the lubricant hardens at a temperature no higher than twenty degrees below zero, and the temperature criteria for ignition are no less than two hundred and forty degrees.
  4. The scuffing coefficient, according to production standards, is no less than five hundred and forty units, the tendency to foam does not exceed three hundred in operating condition.
  5. The mass fraction of water should not be determined, only traces of it in the composition are possible, and mechanical impurities, according to the standard, do not exceed a hundredth of a percent.

TSP-15k, according to technical criteria, can be classified as a multi-purpose lubricant and can be used on vehicles at any time of the year. Oil service life ranges from thirty-six to seventy-two thousand kilometers, depending on external and internal factors.

Scope of application

Initially, the range of use of TSP oil was limited to KamAZ trucks, while it was recommended for use both in the main gear and for filling into transmission units. Today, the sector of application of TSP-15k lubricant is much wider. TSP oil can be used in any type of cargo transport with spiral-bevel and cylindrical gear modifications. It is actively used for lubrication of components and assemblies of agricultural machinery, construction machines and tractors. The use of lubricant is recommended for all types of transport, the technical documentation for which requires filling with TM-3 class liquid.

What's in the name?

TSP-15 oil is classified as an oil with the identifier TM-3. What does its name mean? Based on the technical documentation, the “TSP-15k” marking is interpreted as follows:

  1. The letter "T" is an abbreviation for the word "transmission".
  2. The symbol “C” indicates that the product is manufactured from a sulfur-containing petroleum product.
  3. The letter “P” indicates the presence of additives in the product, which ensure wear resistance of the processed structures and guarantee the quality of the oil.
  4. The number 15 indicates the viscosity coefficient of the lubricant.
  5. The symbol “k” stands for vector standardization of products, or, more precisely, the sectoral purpose of the oil for technical units of KamAZ vehicles.

Previously, when there was one plant producing oil in this category, it was simply called TSP-15k. Today it is produced by several large manufacturers lubricants and a lot of small companies. To differentiate your oil from similar products, large factories often the company name is written before the labeling. When choosing an oil, the buyer should first of all be guided by the labeling of the product, which characterizes its technical features, and then by the manufacturer.

Competitors and international recognition

Lukoil is considered the most popular manufacturer of TSP-15k oil today, however, it is not a monopolist in this field of activity. RosNeft is also considered Lukoil's biggest rivals. Gear oil of the TSP-15k category is also produced by many small factories, the most active among which are the Zarechye and Nekton Sea concerns, as well as numerous regional suppliers.

Among other things, TSP-15 oil, according to the API classification, complies with the GL-3 standardization, recognized throughout the world. Lubricants for trucks are produced by foreign manufacturers according to the same standards. The most popular imported analogues of TSP 15 lubricating fluid: Shell, SpiraxEP 90W Mobil, Gear oil EP 90 and others. Availability of analogues on international market speaks of the high competitiveness of domestic TSP liquid and confirms its demand in the industrial sector. Despite the strict control of the foreign market by its manufacturers, TSP-15 is successfully exported abroad and has its own buyer.

Let's sum it up

TSP oil is recognized not only by domestic consumers, but is also ranked among those recognized throughout the world. Its quality characteristics have proven their effective influence on the performance properties of transmission structures, provided that the products are used in the appropriate climatic regions. Priority should be given to oils that are sold at points of sale that have certification documents for the goods sold. This is the only way the buyer can protect himself from purchasing low-quality lubricant products that do not meet GOST standards and, accordingly, the declared characteristics.

5.1. Oil samples are taken according to GOST 2517. The volume of the combined oil sample of each brand is 2 dm 3.

5.2. When testing for corrosion on copper plates of TSp-10 grade oil, redness is allowed, including shades from yellow to crimson. The appearance of green, brown-black and steel-gray spots and plaques on the plates is a rejection sign. When testing TSp-14 hyp oil, the presence of foci (spots) of darkening and tarnish on copper plates does not serve as a rejection sign (with a total area of ​​darkening of no more than 50%); Black stains and deposits are not allowed.
Corrosion testing is carried out on plates made of copper grade M1k according to GOST 859 and steel grades 40, 45 or 50 according to GOST 1050.

5.3. When determining the ash content of TEP-15 oil, the residue is calcined at (850 ± 50) °C.
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

5.4. Determination of thermo-oxidative stability

5.4.1. Method for determining thermal-oxidative stability on a gear machine.
The essence of the method is the oxidation of oil at elevated temperature for 50 hours and the subsequent determination of the increase in the viscosity of the oxidized oil and the content of substances in it that are insoluble in petroleum ether or gasoline. Equipment and materials
Thermal oxidation machine in the following set:
a stainless steel gearbox with a pair of gears made according to VAZ drawings;
an air heater consisting of two insulated elements of 2 A each;
temperature control and regulation system, consisting of two thermocouples and two potentiometers;
a current generator providing a load on the gears with a power of 128 W;
electric motor with a power of 0.75 - 1 kW with a rotation speed of 1410 rpm;
rotameter for measuring air flow.
Catalyst plate measuring 50 x 24 x 2 mm made of M1k copper according to GOST 859.
Plastic cuvettes or centrifuge cups with a capacity of 100 cm 3 .
Nylon brush (nylon).
Gasoline B-70.
Petroleum ether grade 70-100. Preparing for the test
Thoroughly clean the walls and all parts of the box with a brush (except for gears and bearings), wash them with B-70 gasoline and dry them. Inspect the gears and bearing for damage, wash them with B-70 gasoline, and then with petroleum ether and dry them. The edges of the copper plate are polished, then washed, dried and weighed with an error of no more than 0.0002 g. The bearings, gears and catalyst plate are installed in the box. Close the box and pour 120 cm 3 of the test oil through the inlet tube. Carrying out the test
The time is noted and the electric motor is turned on. Set the generator output power to 128 W and the air supply speed to 1 dm 3 /h. Heat the oil to 155 °C and maintain the temperature with an accuracy of ± 1 °C. After 30 minutes of machine operation, an oil sample (2 cm3) is taken and the kinematic viscosity is determined at 50 °C (GOST 33). Then oil samples to determine viscosity are taken every 10 hours of machine operation. At the end of 50 hours of testing, the machine is stopped, the oil is poured into a clean flask or glass and the viscosity at 50 ° C and the amount of substances insoluble in petroleum ether and gasoline (separately) are determined according to GOST 6370. The gears and copper plate are removed, inspected and described condition of the parts and components of the box, bearing gears and copper plate. Remove deposits from the catalyst plate and weigh it to determine the activity of the oil towards copper.




Date of introduction 01/01/81

This standard applies to petroleum gear oils intended for lubrication of transmission units (cars, tractors, diesel locomotives, agricultural, road and construction machines) and gear reducers.

The standard does not apply to thickened gear oils.

Mandatory requirements for product quality are set out in clause 2.2 and section. 4, 5.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4, 5, 8).


Depending on the viscosity, area of ​​application and composition, the following brands of gear oils are installed:

TEP-15 - manufactured on the basis of extracts of residual and distillate oils with anti-wear and depressant additives and used for lubrication of cylindrical, bevel and spiral-bevel gears;

TSp-10 - manufactured by mixing deasphalted oil from Emben oils with a low-viscosity, low-solidifying distillate component, containing extreme pressure, depressant and anti-foam additives and used for lubrication of heavily loaded cylindrical, bevel and spiral bevel gears;

TAp-15V - made from a mixture of extracts of residual phenolic oils and distillate oils or paraffin deoiling filtrate, containing extreme pressure and depressant additives and used for lubrication of heavily loaded cylindrical, bevel and spiral bevel gears;

TSp-15K - made from a mixture of distillate and residual oils of sulfur oils, containing extreme pressure, anti-wear, depressant and anti-foam additives and used for lubrication of heavily loaded cylindrical, bevel and spiral bevel gears of heavy-duty KamAZ vehicles;

TSp-14 hyp - made from a mixture of residual and distillate components of sulfur oils, containing extreme pressure, antioxidant, depressant and anti-foam additives and used for hypoid gears of trucks;

TAD-17i is a universal product, manufactured on a mineral basis, containing multifunctional sulfur-phosphorus-containing, depressant and anti-foam additives and used for lubrication of cylindrical, bevel, worm, spiral-bevel and hypoid gears of VAZ cars and other equipment.

The compliance of oil grades established by the standard with previously adopted GOST 17479.2 and oil grades according to foreign classifications, as well as the temperature ranges of oil application are given in Appendices 1 and 2.

Sec. 1. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 3, 5).


2.1. Transmission oils must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this technology standard, from raw materials and components that were used in the manufacture of oil samples that have been tested with positive results and approved for use in the prescribed manner.

2.2. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, gear oils must meet the requirements and standards specified in the table.


Standard for the brand


OKP 02 5362 0100

OKP 02 5363 0100

OKP 02 5363 0300

OKP 02 5363 0200

TSp-14 hyp OKP 02 5363 0400

OKP 02 5364 0600

1. Density at 20 °C, g/cm 3, no more

2. Kinematic viscosity, mm 2 /s (cSt):

3. Dynamic viscosity, Pas (P), no more, at temperature:

6. Pour point, °C, not higher

7. Mass fraction of mechanical impurities, %, no more


11. Acid number, mg KOH per 1 g of oil, no more

12. Mass fraction of active elements due to additives, %, not less:

No more than 3.0

Not standardized. Definition required

13. Thermal-oxidative stability, %, no more:

scuffing index (I 3), N (kgf), not less

welding load (P s), N (kgf), not less

wear indicator (D and) with an axial load of 392 N (40 kgf) at (20 ± 5) °C, for 1 hour, mm, no more

16. Compatibility with UIM-1 tires (volume change), %

19. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

20. Coking rate, %, no more


1. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

2. (Deleted, Amendment No. 5).

3. Sand and other abrasive substances are not allowed in mechanical impurities.

5-7. (Excluded, Amendment No. 7).

8.(Deleted, Amendment No. 3).

9. The rate of sediment in petroleum ether (indicator 136) for TEP-15 oil, produced on the basis of an extract of phenolic purification of residual oils from a mixture of West Siberian and Ural oils, is set to no more than 7.0%.

10. (Deleted, Amendment No. 4).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).


3.1. Transmission oils are a flammable liquid with a flash point of 128 - 200 ºС.

3.2. In the room for storing and operating oils, handling open fire is prohibited; artificial lighting must be explosion-proof.

3.3. When opening the container, it is not allowed to use tools that produce a spark when struck. When oil catches fire, use the following fire extinguishing agents: sprayed water, foam; for volumetric extinguishing: carbon dioxide, SRC composition, composition 3.5 and superheated steam.

3.4. In terms of the degree of impact on the human body, transmission oils belong to the 4th hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007 with a maximum permissible concentration of hydrocarbon vapors in the air of the working area of ​​300 mg/m 3 and to the 3rd hazard class with a maximum permissible concentration of oil mist of 5 mg /m 3.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 6).

3.5. The room in which work with oils is carried out must be equipped with ventilation. When working with oils, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment in accordance with standard industry standards approved by the USSR State Committee for Labor and social issues and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

3.6. When oil spills, it is necessary to collect it in a separate container, fill the spill area with sand and then remove it.


4.1. Oils are taken in batches. A batch is considered to be any quantity of oil produced during a continuous technological process, homogeneous in its quality indicators, accompanied by one quality document containing data in accordance with GOST 1510-84, as well as the results of determining density, kinematic viscosity at 40 ° C and sulfur content in the oil in base oil.

4.3. If unsatisfactory test results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, repeated tests are carried out on a newly selected sample from the same sample.

Results repeated tests apply to the entire party.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).

4.4. The indicators “Density” and “Kinematic viscosity at 40 °C” are determined in oils intended for export according to GOST 3900 and GOST 33, respectively.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4, 5).

4.5. By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to periodically control the quality of transmission oils according to the following indicators:

according to indicator 16 - for oils of all brands once every 3 months;

according to indicator 14 - for oils of the TSp-10, TSp-15K, TSp-14gip brands once every 3 months; for TAD-17i brand oil - once every 6 months;

for indicator 13 - for TEP-15 brand oil once every 10 days, for TAD-17 brand oil and once every 6 months;

according to indicator 15 - for the TSp-15K brand once every 6 months.

(Changed edition. Change no. 9)

4.6. If unsatisfactory results of periodic tests are obtained, the manufacturer transfers the tests for this indicator to the acceptance category until positive results are obtained for at least three batches in a row.

4,5; 4,6.

4.7. When supplying transmission oils under government orders, the batch is tested according to all the indicators indicated in the table.

(Introduced additionally. Change No. 9)


5.3. When determining the ash content of TEP-15 oil, the residue is calcined at (850 ± 50) °C.

5.4. Determination of thermo-oxidative stability

5.4.1. Method for determining thermal-oxidative stability on a gear machine The essence of the method is the oxidation of oil at elevated temperatures for 50 hours and the subsequent determination of the increase in viscosity of the oxidized oil and the content of substances in it that are insoluble in petroleum ether or gasoline. Equipment and materials

Thermal oxidation machine in the following set:

a stainless steel gearbox with a pair of gears made according to VAZ drawings;

an air heater consisting of two insulated elements of 2 A each;

temperature control and regulation system, consisting of two thermocouples and two potentiometers;

a current generator providing a load on the gears with a power of 128 W;

electric motor with a power of 0.75-1 kW with a rotation speed of 1410 min -1;

rotameter for measuring air flow.

Catalyst plate measuring 50 × 24 × 2 mm made of M1k copper according to GOST 859.

Nylon brush (nylon).

Gasoline B-70.

Petroleum ether grade 70-100. Preparing for the test

Thoroughly clean the walls and all parts of the box with a brush (except for gears and bearings), wash them with B-70 gasoline and dry them. Inspect the gears and bearing for damage, wash them with B-70 gasoline, and then with petroleum ether and dry them. The edges of the copper plate are polished, then washed, dried and weighed with an error of no more than 0.0002 g. The bearings, gears and catalyst plate are installed in the box. Close the box and pour 120 cm 3 of the test oil through the inlet tube. Carrying out the test

The time is noted and the electric motor is turned on. Set the generator output power to 128 W and the air supply speed to 1 dm 3 /h. Heat the oil to 155 °C and maintain the temperature with an accuracy of ± 1 °C. After 30 minutes of machine operation, an oil sample (2 cm3) is taken and the kinematic viscosity is determined at 50 °C (GOST 33). Then oil samples to determine viscosity are taken every 10 hours of machine operation. At the end of 50 hours of testing, the machine is stopped, the oil is poured into a clean flask or glass, and the viscosity at 50 ° C and the amount of substances insoluble in petroleum ether and gasoline (separately) are determined according to GOST 6370. Remove the gears and copper plate, inspect them and describe the condition of the parts and components of the box, bearing gears and copper plate. Remove deposits from the catalyst plate and weigh it to determine the activity of the oil towards copper. Processing the results

Increase in oil viscosity during its oxidation (D v) as a percentage is calculated using the formula

Where v- viscosity at 50 °C of oxidized oil, m/s (cSt);

v 0 - viscosity at 50 °C of fresh oil, m/s (cSt).

Mass fraction in oxidized oil of substances insoluble in petroleum ether and gasoline ( X 0) as a percentage calculated by the formula

Where T - weight of a sample of oxidized oil, g;

T 1 - weight of the bottle with a clean filter, g;

T 2 - weight of the bottle with filter and insoluble substances, g.

The test result is taken as the arithmetic mean of two parallel determinations, the permissible differences between which should not exceed 10% relative to the average determination result. The amount of insoluble substances less than 0.5% is assessed as their absence.

5.4.1 - (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).

5.4.2. Method for determining thermal-oxidative stability using a DK-NAMI type device

The essence of the method is the oxidation of oil at 140 °C for 20 hours in the presence of a copper plate and the subsequent determination of changes in viscosity and sediment, insoluble in petroleum ether. Carrying out the test

Each of the indicators - the increase in viscosity and the mass fraction of sediment - is determined in at least two flasks.

Samples of oxidized oil to determine the mass fraction of sediment and increase in viscosity are taken from different reaction flasks.

The device is prepared for testing in the same way as for determining stability motor oils according to GOST 11063. At the same time, in L 36.5 g of the test oil is poured into -shaped flasks. Copper plates of grade M1k according to GOST 859 with a diameter of (24.5 ± 0.5) mm, a thickness of 1 - 3 mm, with a hole in the center with a diameter of (4.5 ± 0.5) mm. Oxidation is carried out at a temperature of (140 ± 2) °C.

(Changed edition. Change no.9 )

To determine the mass fraction of sediment, oxidized oil at 50 - 60 °C is poured from one reaction flask into a clean conical flask with a capacity of 500 cm 3, with a ground stopper. The reaction flask with holder is rinsed with petroleum ether, pouring the solvent into the oxidized oil. All oxidized oil is dissolved in a 10-fold volume of petroleum ether and left in a dark place for 24 hours. If there is a precipitate, it is filtered through a blue ribbon filter, brought to a constant mass, washed with a heated solvent from the washing machine until the filter becomes colorless. The filter with the sediment is transferred to a weighing bottle and brought to constant weight in a drying oven at (105 ± 2) °C.

The increase in oil viscosity after oxidation is determined according to GOST 33.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 7). Processing the results

Mass fraction of sediment in oxidized oil ( X oc) as a percentage is calculated by the formula

Where T 2 - weight of the bottle with filter and sediment;

T 1 - weight of the bottle with a clean filter;

36.5 - mass of oil sample, g.

The test result is taken as the arithmetic mean of two parallel determinations, the permissible differences between which should not exceed 10% relative to the average determination result.

The mass fraction of sediment in oxidized oil up to 0.02% inclusive is assessed as its absence.

5.5. Determining the tendency of oil to foam

The essence of the method is to blow a certain volume of air through the oil at a constant speed and determine the volume of foam.

5.5.1. Equipment and materials

A steel air inlet tube with a spherical diffuser with a diameter of 25.4 mm, made of molten crystalline grains of aluminum oxide.

Rubber plug with holes for air inlet and air outlet tubes.

Rubber tubes with a diameter of (10 ± 1) mm.

The bath is cylindrical from refractory glass with a diameter of 300 mm and a height of 450 mm.

Stirrer with electric motor.

Microcompressor type MK-1 or other device that provides air supply at a speed of (94 ± 5) cm 3 /min.

Rheometer that controls air flow. Thermometer with a measuring range from 0 to 250 °C.

Stopwatch according to TU 25-1819.0021, TU 25-1894.003.

5.5.2. Preparing for the test

Thoroughly wash the cylinder, air inlet tube and diffuser alternately with gasoline and petroleum ether. Dry the cylinder, tube and diffuser with a stream of clean air. Air is supplied through the drying filter, maintaining a speed of (94 ± 5) cm 3 /min.

5.5.3. Carrying out the test

Heat 200 cm 3 of oil to 45 - 50 °C and cool to 22 - 27 °C. Pour 190 cm3 of oil into the cylinder, immerse the cylinder in the bath to the 900 cm3 mark and maintain the temperature (24 ± 0.5) °C. Insert a tube with a diffuser, turn on the microcompressor and pass a stream of air through the diffuser at a speed of (94 ± 5) cm 3 /min for 5 minutes, noting the time at the first appearance of air bubbles. After the specified time has elapsed, immediately record the volume of foam.

Then place 180 cm 3 of fresh oil in a clean cylinder, which is immersed in the bath to the 900 cm 3 mark, maintaining a temperature of (93.5 ± 0.5) ° C. Repeat the same procedure as above and record the volume of foam after 5 minutes.

The foam is deposited, after testing at 94 °C, cool the foam with stirring, place it in a cylinder, maintain it at (24 ± 0.5) °C and repeat the test, recording the volume of foam after 5 minutes.

The tendency to foam is assessed by the volume of foam in cm 3 formed after blowing air through the oil for 5 minutes at 24, 94 and 24 ° C (after testing at 94 ° C).

5.6. For TAD-17i oil, it is allowed to determine the content of water and mechanical impurities according to A8TM-D-96 (standard “no more than 0”).

5.7. In TSp-14gip brand oil, the color is determined by diluting the oil with a solvent in a ratio of 15:85.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 3).

5.9. The compatibility of transmission oils with UIM-1 rubber is determined at a temperature of 80 °C for 72 hours.

5.10. Determination of the dynamic viscosity of oils is carried out in measuring devices H or S 3 at minimum values shear rate gradient in the range of 0.167-9.000 s -1 .

5.9; 5.10. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 7).


6.1. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage - in accordance with GOST 1510 with the following addition:

The labeling must contain the full name of the oil brand. For example: “Transmission oil TEP-15, GOST 23652.” “Transmission oil TSp-14 gip, GOST 23652.”

6.2. (Deleted, Amendment No. 7).


7.1. The manufacturer guarantees that gear oils comply with the requirements of this standard subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

7.2. The guaranteed shelf life of oils is five years from the date of manufacture.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 4).


Conformity of gear oil brands according to this standard with previously accepted
regulatory and technical documentation, foreign classifications and
GOST 17479.2

Specification number and oil brand according to previously adopted technical documentation

Oil brand

Viscosity grade according to

Group by

according to this standard

→ TSP-15k (TM-3-18)

Transmission oil TSP-15K (TM-3-18)

TSP oil is a residual oil that is obtained by adding a small amount of distillate filler. Also, a complex of additives is added to TSP-15K oil, which have a beneficial effect on its properties and enhance the effect and effectiveness. Additives affect the extreme pressure, low temperature, anti-wear and anti-foam properties of this oil, making it universal for its purpose.

Areas of application of transmission oil TSP-15K (TM-3-18)

The main area of ​​application of this oil is gearboxes and final drives, which have a two-stage gearbox with cylindrical spiral-bevel gears. Most often, such components and assemblies are found in the structure of a KAMAZ vehicle and other trucks for various purposes. Oil TSP 15K remains operational at temperatures from -20 degrees Celsius to +130 degrees. The duration of work under such conditions is quite significant.

It should be added that this oil is used in large quantities trucks, and therefore the demand for it is constantly high. The peculiarity of this oil is that it is perfect for the specific components of trucks.

The Ural-Kub company offers its customers to purchase TSP-15K (TM-3-18) oil in the following packaging forms:

— in a metal barrel with a volume of 216.5 liters

— in a polyethylene barrel with a volume of 227 liters

— in eurocanisters with a volume of 5, 10, 20, 50 liters

- in any container of the client at will

We are one of the leading companies selling fuel and lubricants different types and classes, so all our products meet basic requirements, are reliable and of high quality.

Transmission oil TSP-15K meets the requirements of GOST 23652-79

How to buy TSP-15K (TM-3-18) oil

Specifications TSP-15K ( TM-3-18)

Indicator name Standard according to GOST ( THAT)
Density at 20°C, g/cub. cm, no more 0,910
Kinematic viscosity, sq. mm/s:

at 100°C
Viscosity index, not less 90
Dynamic viscosity, Pa-s, at -20°С, no more 75
Mass fraction, %, no more:

mechanical impurities 0,01

water traces
Temperature, °C:

flashes in an open crucible, not lower 191

hardening, no higher -25
Corrosion test for 3 hours on copper plates at 120°C, points, no more 2s
Thermal-oxidative stability on a DK-NAMI device at 140°C for 20 hours:
increase in viscosity at 100°C, % no more 7
sediment in petroleum ether, % no more 0,05
Tendency to foam, cubic meters cm, no more:
at 24°C 300
at 94°C 50
at 24°C after testing at 94°C 300
Tribological characteristics on a four-ball friction machine:
scuffing index, N, not less 539
wear rate at 20°C for 1 hour and axial load 392 N, mm, no more 0,5
Compatibility with UIM brand tires (volume change), % 1-8