Presenter 1. Hello, dear friends!
Presenter 2. Good morning, beloved teachers!
Presenter 1. Hello, welcome guests!
Presenter 2. Welcome, our dear parents!
Presenter 1. We are glad to welcome you all to the solemn assembly dedicated to the Day of Knowledge!
Presenter 2. Today is the day of the beginning of school, new meetings with the huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to us. Good mood to you - both to those who came here for the first time, and to those who spent so many interesting and useful years in our school. Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday!
Presenter 1.

Every autumn he comes to school
First-graders noisy round dance,
Joyful, thoughtful, cheerful,
And the teacher will lead them to class.
Presenter 2 . Today we are welcoming a new group of first-graders into our school family.
Presenter 1.
Dressy! Front doors!
So darling!
Hairstyles with bows
The girls are coming!
And the boys are great!
So cute
So neat
They carry flowers in their hands!
All former pranksters -
First graders today.
Everyone is good today
They're waiting for people like them at school!

Leading 2 . ANDNow we invite those for whom the first call will be the very first on their journey. And for those for whom this, the first bell rings for the eleventh time.Let's meetour first-graders and their class teacher Anastasia Aleksandrovna Salygina and our future graduates with their class teacherIts leader is Elena Vasilyevna Polovyanyuk.
(MUSIC - "First-Grader")
Presenter 1 .

It may sound fanfare, but it depends on us

All Russia. The love for her is mutual.

And not just a melody will ring out now -

The power and pride of the Russian Anthem!The Russian Anthem is played.

Presenter 2 .

The ceremonial line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open.

Now the whole school is assembled!
Let's start the holiday!
And, of course, it's time
Give the first word to the director!
Presenter 1 . The word for greeting and congratulating students is given to the school director.

Presenter 2.

We have a lot of guests today
The road is open to everyone here
The guest of honor is in a hurry now
Happy holiday to all of you

Presenter 1.

The floor is given __________________________________________________________

Presenter 2.

There are various holidays throughout the year,
And today is your holiday:
First graders go for the first time
To your friendly first class.
Presenter 1.

And the parents stand on the sidelines
And they look at them with excitement.
It's like everyone saw it for the first time
Your grown-up children.
Presenter 2.

For many years the school has been welcoming
Greets first-graders -
Cute and funny kids
Cute, mischievous.

Presenter 1. Over to you, the little heroes of the occasion.
(Music “What They Teach at School” plays. First graders come out)
8. Let's play sports,
To avoid getting sick often,
So that our teacher,
There was no need to blush for us!
12. You all rely on us,
It will be a very friendly class.
Adopt you into the school family
And the teacher will support us.
13. On a sunny, cheerful holiday
The heart beats joyfully.
Primary school student -
This sounds great!

14. Our very first
Ring, ring, bell!
Go home, moms!
It's time for us to go to class.

Brownie Kuzya.

Skip, skip!

Let me pass quickly!

I'm definitely on holiday

Should have come here!

Making his way through the crowd with a huge backpack. He runs up to the microphone and bows.

Brownie Kuzya (sadly).

Oh, I overslept!

Oh, I overslept!

I'm late for the holiday! (Cries.)

Presenter2. Where did you come from?


Who are you

Came to the big school holiday?

Brownie Kuzya.

My name is Brownie Kuzya.

Children are friends with me. (Bows.)

Hello guys -

Girls and boys!

Hello viewers -

Guests and parents!

I want to live in your school.

I also want to learn everything!

Presenter2 . What would you like to learn?

Brownie Kuzya.

During changes - get angry,

During the lessons - sleep sweetly,

Break all the furniture

Paint everything on the walls,

And in the dining room for lunch

Receive one hundred candies.

You won’t find another sweet tooth, no.

Isn't that what they teach you in school?

Presenter1. Who told you about this?

Brownie Kuzya.

Boy Kolya.

He studies at school no...


I was in a hurry to get to this school.

I put a lot of things in my trunk,

I barely made it to school.

Presenter2 . Come on, Kuzya, let’s find out what they teach the children at our school. Guys, unanimously answer “yes” or “no”.

Presenter1. Do you always have to be late for classes?

Presenter2. Lessons never need to be learned?

Presenter1. Can you write on the walls with a felt-tip pen?

Presenter2. Are you always working hard to get bad marks?

Presenter1. How about studying for straight A's?

Presenter2 . To excel at the Olympics?

Presenter1. Respect teachers?

Presenter2 . Love school?

Presenter1. Keep it clean?

Presenter2 . And also sing, dance, have fun?

Presenter1. Do you want to study like this at school, Kuzya?

Brownie Kuzya. I really want to study!

Brownie Kuzya. You were all good!

The best of all are the kids!

I'll go to first grade,

To learn all sciences!

In the meantime, I'll go to your class

And I will wait for you there.
Presenter 2. Our little friend is a first grader! Today you will cross the threshold of our school for the first time and become a full member of the school team. You have unforgettable school years ahead! A journey of 11 years! Our dear young friends! Now listen to some advice from 2nd grade students.
1. Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
So as not to yawn at school,
Don't peck your nose at the desk.
2. Dress neatly.
So that it was pleasant to watch.
Iron the shape yourself and check it.
You're big already.
3. Don’t giggle in class
Don't move the chair here and there.
Respect the teacher
And don't bother your neighbor.
4. Don't tease, don't be arrogant,
Try to help everyone at school.
Don't frown in vain, be bolder.
And you will find friends.
5. That's all our advice.
They are wiser and simpler.
You, my friend, don’t forget them:
You are on your way to the land of knowledge!

Presenter 1.

This is the last time on this line
11th grade arrived today.
It's their last school year
From this minute it comes.

Presenter 2. For our eleventh graders today, as well as for first graders, it is an exciting day - reaching the finish line. They begin their last school year today. The floor is given to 11th grade students!

Olya: The doors are wide open for us -
This school welcomes us.
And we, going up the steps,
Let's go into a cozy, quiet classroom.

Andrey: We are enjoying the moment -
This will be our last year at school.
This makes me a little sad
Time has its own turn.

Sergey: Let them fly by carefree
Three summer months are like a blink,
We are happy to meet today
Your own teachers.

Lesha: Smart, discreet, and again
Already calling us to class
With such a familiar chime
Last Our first call.

Lena: Soon, school, dear,
We will part with you.
A year left is not enough.
You have become completely dear.
And native teachers
They gave us so much knowledge.
And now your paths
Everyone chooses for themselves.
11th grade. And to you, dear first-graders, we give advice:
We are at the finish line, and you are still at the start,
And before you is a fabulous flight.
Take off without doubt and with confidence,
There is a teacher who will correct and understand.
12. The teacher is a wizard, the teacher is a scientist,
Teacher and doctor, and mother, and friend.
If your class is united,
You are not afraid of troubles, you are not afraid of illness.
Be friends with each other, dream together,
And be prepared to protect those who are weak.
And in difficult times, don’t abandon your friends,
Learn to be heroes from childhood.
Lena: lazy people and ignoramuses will not achieve anything in life. From now on, each of you must not only study well, but also be the master of the school. Remember: learning is light, and ignorance is darkness! Take care of our teachers, because they are the best!
Eleventh grader: And now, according to tradition, accept a souvenir from us.
(Graduates present gifts and balloons and return to their seats to the music)
Presenter 1. It's hard to raise your children,
There is a lot you need to know for this.
We would like to wish parents:
Always help children with everything,
Get the child ready for school in the morning,
Give good parting words in time,

Presenter 2. Have time to read a smart book,
And don’t forget to take a walk on your day off.
To avoid everyone's illnesses,
We still need to toughen up the children,
Everyone also attends meetings,
Help the school as much as you can.
And most importantly - without a doubt -
We wish you patience!
Presenter 1. We meet the Assorted group with dance _.
Presenter 2. That's it, the time has come
The road to school awaits you in the morning
You will now be called to class -
Forever young and ringing - the school bell!
Presenter 1. A minute - the magic bell will ring,
The very first lesson will begin for you.
Through school years of many years,
Carry, friends, its ringing, its light!
Presenter 2.
The honorary right to ring the first school bell is given to a 1st grade student ……………… and an 11th grade student ………………….
The bell rings.

Presenter 1. According to tradition, first grade students will now be the first to enter their classes, and our graduates will lead them.
(Graduates approach first-graders, take 2 people by the hand and take them to class).

Presenter 2 . Once again, we are pleased to congratulate all students, their parents and teachers on the beginning of the new school year!
Presenter 1 . At this point the ceremonial line is declared closed. We invite students to their first school lesson and wish them success in their studies.


Scenario for the holiday “September 1”

September meets us at the school threshold.

1 presenter.
Good afternoon school! We're together again! The wonderful summer holidays are over. We are sure that each of us was looking forward to returning here!

2 presenter.
But today is truly a big holiday for both teachers and students!
The new school year begins!

1 presenter.
Here it is autumn.
This means the school year has begun again.
Around the country September redhead
He's wearing a student uniform!

2 presenter.
Near the school, near ours
Right from early morning
Again in the autumn time
The kids were gathering.
Hello guys!
Our school is happy for everyone,
Separated for a while
We remained friends
To celebrate the first day of September
We had a rest during the summer,
And now, you know,
Feel free to get down to business
And comprehend science.
Good luck guys!
The school is happy for us all:
Study, hurry up,
Love objects
Today is the first day of September.

1 presenter.
Today is a special holiday, although every year it is repeated again and again. To make this day memorable for a long time, we invited many guests to our holiday and the most important guest was on the doorstep.

(the throne with the king of knowledge is carried by buffoons, they take out decrees and read)

1 buffoon.
I'm reading the decree!
Written for you!
Written - rewritten
After Sanka Denisov's fairy tale
Makarka wrote with a black cinder
In the bathhouse on the door, listen, don’t turn around
Learn to be smart!
Everything from today
Allowed to enter the class!
All lessons as always
They start at 8
Both big and small
Sad and happy
Thin and plump
With and without freckles
Ordered to study
To have something to be proud of
There's even a signature here! King of knowledge

2 buffoons.
Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
Right after summer
Whether you want it or not,
For boys and girls -
It's time for everyone to learn.
Drive away boredom
Hide under pillows
And keep it all year round
Ears on top of head.

Since the decree was read here
And all the people gathered,
It's time to start the holiday
Give wise advice
Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
So as not to yawn in the office!
Don't peck at the table!
Dress neatly
To make it pleasant to watch,
Stroke the uniform yourself, check it,
You are a student now
Train yourself to order
Don't play hide and seek with things
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean.
Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth,
Respect the teacher
And don't bother your neighbor.
Don't tease, don't call me names
Try to help everyone in the class.

1 buffoon.
Do you know that our school has the kindest, fairest, most creative teachers. The importance of director's work is great

2 buffoons.
Let them glorify and thank you a hundredfold. And they will ascend to the throne of songs, so that with each generation from now on. It's magical for you to look younger. In work that is so wonderful!

Song. (As a gift for teachers)

A smile will make your life more beautiful
Let all further work be on your nerves
If a conflict suddenly arises, hold on,
Smile when you're ready to scream
And then for sure
You are in the eyes of the student
Respect, read it without error.
From the blue stream
The river begins
Education begins with a smile.

Riddles for 1st grade about school things

Fairy tale “An Incident in the Kingdom of the Diary”

Characters: Tsar Diary, Secretary, Bookmark, One, Two, Three, Four, Five.

There is a throne on the stage, the King sits on it, and the Bookmark stands next to it.

Diary. Between heaven and earth
In the middle of the earth alone.
Not far away, here in the woods
(This point is not on the map)
Built sometime ago
The Tsar's Chambers.
The ruler, the king, lives in them,
Local fairy tale sovereign. (puts on crown)
I'm used to calling myself
My name is Diary.
Grandma lives here too
By name Bookmark
This is the royal secretary -
It's supposed to be like that in the old days.

He has a secretary
Strong brothers, because...
If something is not for her -
Get away quickly.
The Diary itself is afraid of her,
If suddenly Bookmark gets angry.
Well, God bless her! This evening
We were waiting for a meeting with the Diary,
He is the god and the king in the briefcase,
Our dear sir.

The Diary Tsar is now in sadness,
You can hardly make him laugh!
I lost weight from caring:
I searched my entire lot -
Empty! There are no brides here!
There isn't even anywhere around.
If possible, help
And find the bride!

Tsar Diary, I'm on my way!
I'll clear it up.
Would you like me to play the harmonica?
Don't worry, just sing a little!

Don't bullshit me here
And don’t look sarcastically.
The king is still before you,
Not the local sexton.

You, my dear, don’t be angry,
Drink some kvass, come on.
I found a newspaper the other day,
And what’s missing from it?
All kinds of congratulations,
All sorts of different advertisements
That newspaper is a dime a dozen.
Well, look at the Tsar Diary.

Diary. Where should I look?

Here, here about brides.
I sent them letters
And I called to you
Now they're starting to arrive,
I will communicate with them.
Look at both eyes.
Whoever you like, match him right away.

One day, another one has flown by,
Someone knocked on the door.

Don't be shy, come in
Present your face to the King.

Who decided to get married here?
I am a Bride One.
Both slim and thin.
Craftswoman - no matter where!
Who will contact me -
It won't seem enough!

So quickly climb onto the stall,
Read us the primer.


What kind of mess is this?
What kind of stupidity is this? So-rastak!
You have no mind!
I shouldn't take this one!
I am still the sovereign.
Not some gibberish.
And I ask you to get out -
I'm so angry!

The unit runs away, there is another knock.

Who is there, feel free to come in,
Show your face to the king.
Two. Here I am! Bride “Two”
Admire what it's like!
Waist, figure
And not at all stupid!

Write us a poem
So that the king could listen.
Show us your talent
Let it sparkle like a diamond.

Why not write a poem?
This is not a lesson to teach!
Right now I’ll quickly rhyme for you.
Just what rhyme should I use?
Without me, you king will die!
You won't find a better Deuce!
Will you sing and dance to me?
To please everyone.
I'll just be lazy -
After all, that’s why I’m a queen!

What are you singing to me here?
I don't care about you.
What kind of verse is this?
Get out of my sight!

The deuce runs away. There's a knock on the door.

Who's there? Feel free to come in
Show your face to the king.

Troika. (instead of r she says l)
Here I am - the bride of “Three”
What the hell, look!
And I’m round and blush -
There is no flaw!

There is no flaw in appearance, right.
Only you talk badly.
Practice your speech
There is grass in the yard. There is firewood on the grass.

(three tries to repeat several times, but confuses the letters)

No, that won't do
I have no intention of marrying her.
They will laugh with such a wife.
I'd rather be single.

(The troika leaves with his head down. There is a knock on the door.)

We are waiting for you, we are waiting for you, come in.
Show your face to the king.

Hello our wise king
And good sir.
I have news for you:
The bride lives in the mansion.
It's amazing how smart she is.
And besides, she’s modest.
There is no other like it in the area.
She and I are close friends.

Diary. What's your name?

Four. Four.

Diary. How about your girlfriend?

Four. Five.

Well that's good news.
Bring your bride here.
Four returns from 5.
For the sake of the dear king, my efforts were not in vain.
Here's your bride, king!
Our worthy sovereign.

Well, well, let me take a look...
I'll turn to the primer.
On page 48
Read everything to us, we ask.

(Five reads the primer.)

Above all praise!
I would take one like that as my wife!
Ah, my soul maiden.
How I dream of getting married!
Okay! Bravo! Bravo!
Take the royal throne by right!

The king thought for a while,
On the same day he became married,
They live in friendship for centuries
And they take care of each other.

Poems are read by first graders.
Look at us
First class ahead of you!
First class - the beginning of the trail
On a long journey to life,
I won't be timid now
I want to go study!

We all got ready for school
Tossed and turned all night
Smiled, dressed up,
Even the cat wanted to help
Only we told the cat:
“Cat, don’t bother adults.
We used to play with you
I’m going to school, you know!”

It’s hard to see behind the bouquet,
I'm shorter now.
I'm a little offended -
You cannot take the doll with you.

I'm skipping to school!
Mom, wait late.
Read the book for me
And play with cars.

I'm the business one in the family,
And now it’s quite big,
Read my primer, mom.
And then you can tell me.

Today we promise
Be an example to everyone in everything
Graduate, we know for sure
We won't let you down.

Graduates speak back.
1 presenter
The bell is ringing louder and louder

And the boys’ faces bloom.

To the music of the autumn waltz.
Quiet, trembling, affectionate
Leaves fall at your feet
This autumn is a charmer
She asked to visit us
The maples are quietly rustling in the yard
This morning of smiles and light
The sun is playing brightly in the window,
Play, say goodbye to summer!
The classroom walls are bright,
The floors smell like paint,
Golden autumn looks through the windows,
And in front of everyone
Leaves in the school garden
Quietly circling, flying smoothly,
The school bell rings again
He calls us to class
So the noisy summer is over
On the first day of September
Giving us all joy
This happens every time!

The bell is ringing louder and louder
What a trill is spreading over the world
Do you think the nightingale has sung?
But no, lessons begin!
The bell is ringing, we have been around for many years in a row,
People smile when they hear him.
And the boys’ faces bloom.
The time has come - lessons begin!

September 1 is a special day for first-graders who will come to school for the first time, for graduates who will hear the first bell ringing for the last time at this school and a new stage in their lives will also open for them.

The ceremonial parade on this day will be remembered by schoolchildren for the whole year, and for some even for the rest of their lives. The first bell at school, joy in the eyes and excitement in the hearts of schoolchildren. Today, the doors of knowledge and new impressions of the educational process are opening for them. How to successfully and interestingly spend the holiday on September 1 at the first line at school, we recommend using this scenario.

Scenario for the ceremony for September 1st. Scenario for the first bell celebration. Scenario for the Day of Knowledge holiday.

All classes line up and music sounds.

1st presenter.

Summer is over

Discoveries, dreams.

How many funny songs do you have?

We sang the fire;

How many different events have happened!

But autumn is on the threshold again,

And the school waltz sounds,

Inviting us all to the lineup.

2nd presenter.

Dear children, parents, distinguished guests and teachers, today in our country thousands of students came to school for the First Bell holiday! On the threshold of autumn, we celebrated this special holiday - Knowledge Day! And we congratulate everyone who came here for the first time, and those who spent several interesting and useful years at our school.


The heart beats more joyfully

If in the morning I soar to the zenith,

The Russian flag flutters proudly,

The anthem of my country sounds!

Fanfare sounds.

Voenruk. School! Attention! Stand at attention under the State Flag of the Russian Federation! Take out the flag!

2nd presenter. The ceremonial line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open.

The floor is given to the school director...

1st presenter. At our celebration there are (presentation of guests) ...

2nd presenter.

What is autumn? - It's time

We should go to our favorite school.

And meet good friends here,

We were so bored without them in the summer.

1st presenter. First-graders are invited to the “First Bell” ceremony.
2nd presenter. Next to the first-graders are their first teachers.
1st grade students and their class teachers are introduced.
3rd presenter.

You came to us in first grade -
We are all glad to see you.
Don't crowd at the door
Come in quickly.
4-th presenter.

Dear kids,
How good are you!
Lucky teachers
That the kids came to us.
5-th presenter.

Here's a future athlete
And a famous businessman.
And here is the future builder
And an honored teacher.
There is a doctor and there is an artist,
There is a driver and a programmer,
The cook is also a military man,
An ordinary astronaut.
There is a seamstress and a tractor driver,
There is a mechanic and a lawyer.
Look at these faces -
How can you not fall in love with them?!
6-th presenter.

Yura and Natasha are here,
Nastya, Igorek and Sasha,
Olya, Svetochka and Vanya,
Vova, Lenochka and Tanya.
Our school welcomes you
And he wishes everyone success.
The school was very worried
I tried to please you,
After all, it is your second home.
Let there be order in it!
3-th presenter.

Don't bring chewing gum to school
Better keep it at home.
After all, then, after the lesson,
I'm eager to chew it.
1st presenter.

I still want to scream
Run, jump and knock.
And the lesson is to learn,
To strive for knowledge,
Answer questions
And get grades.
2nd presenter.

Let the fives fly into the diary
And a little bit of four.
You need to be friends with them
And be diligent.
Threes and twos are not friends,
They should not be allowed into the diary.
Well, you'll be lazy
A meeting with the unit awaits you.
Unit, or "count"
Meeting her is a big mistake!
3rd presenter.

It's like this at school -
We are all together, at the same time,
We are all a friendly family,
At least separately, each one is me.
All successes, achievements,
All awards, performances,
Our ups and downs
We take ours to school.
At school we take strength,
We study at school, we get smarter,
Every year we grow up in it,
And from year to year she
Blooms and grows.
4th presenter.

First graders, over to you.
Performance by first graders.
5th presenter. Guys, now you will go to class, and the mystery of learning the sciences, the world, and life will begin. May good luck accompany you!
Presentation of gifts.
6th presenter.

We greet our dear teachers today!
And we wish you this year
Live without grief and hassle.
1st presenter.

“Troubles” - after all, this is us,
To be honest.
It would be nice without the hassle
You have to live this whole year!
2nd presenter.

Thanks to the school door!
Thanks to all the teachers!
You opened the way for us -
We are grateful to you for everything.
3rd presenter.

And on this holiday we want
I wish you all the blessings of earth,
Give you all the flowers in the world -
You fully deserve them.
Presentation of flowers to teachers.
4th presenter.

The bell is ringing louder and louder.
What a trill is spreading over the world!
Do you think the nightingale has sung?

5th presenter.

For you, first graders, the first bell in your life is ringing!
A first-grader girl and a high-school boy ring the bell.
6th presenter.

Oh, how it rings in all corners of the earth!
Let the sleeper wake up quickly.
Do you think that guests have come to us?
But no, lessons begin!
Take your briefcase and walk merrily
Some lazy people take a long time to wake up.
Do you think the tram is ringing with all its might?
But no, lessons begin!
The bell rings, and it is cheerful and loud,
And the soul is filled with joy.
The bell is ringing for each of us.
It rings like this every time for [eleven] years in a row.
People smile when they hear him,
And the guys’ faces bloom:
The time has come, lessons begin.
The first classes, having made a victory lap, are the first to enter the school.

Scenario of the first bell for September 1 “Hello school”

Option II

1st presenter. We are starting the holiday
The one they've been waiting for all summer.
First Bell Celebration
This school year.
2nd presenter. On September 1, all schoolchildren are dressed up and happy. But the most elegant and happy ones today are our first graders.
Seven-year-old boys
Today for the first time
With briefcases, with bouquets
Stepping into first grade.
Let's welcome them! First graders and their first teachers: 1 “a” - ...
1 “b” – ...
1 “in” – ...
1 “g” – ...
They go to the line.
3rd presenter. The school is glad to see you!
You will often dream about
How do you go for the first time
Go to first grade!
4th presenter. In a large and bright school
The door is open for everyone!
You all came to learn!
You are schoolchildren now!
1st presenter. The ceremonial ceremony dedicated to the beginning of the new school year is considered open.
The Russian anthem sounds.
2nd presenter. September has come, summer has ended,
The holiday of knowledge, study, and grades has arrived.
Children, parents, teachers!
Happy holiday, friends!
3rd presenter. It seems like yesterday we were standing here,
Celebrated the holidays with joy,
Which after the school year
How long ago did it start?
But queen nature
Relentless, and the months of summer
In the past. And the school uniform is on.
A couple of minutes - and the first call
He will call you back to class.
4th presenter. The school doors will open again.
Tomorrow the school day will begin.
Well, today is a festive hour!
Happy holiday we congratulate you all!
1st presenter. The floor is given to the school director.
Speech by the school principal.
2nd presenter. Are you all ready to learn?
In a few minutes
The cheerful bell will ring,
Everyone will go to class.
And when we sit down at our desks,
It's like we're in a fairy tale,
The amazing world of knowledge
The school house will open for us.
3rd presenter. And now the floor to the first graders!
Performance by first graders.
1st student. Autumn means again
The school year has arrived.
Around the country September redhead
He wears a student uniform.
2nd student. And let there be many glorious ones
Different days in the calendar,
But one of the most important -
The very first one in September!
Today the train "First Class" sets out on a journey to gain knowledge.
3rd student. You can board the train.
This train is moving fast
From border to border,
Through the steppes to the blue mountains,
At a green traffic light.
4th student. He's rushing to school now
Come to us for a holiday in first grade,
You can't be late for the holiday -
Everyone knows this.
The First Class train is rushing,
Speed ​​is picking up.
5th student. Adds along the way
Four to three, two to five,
It makes a little noise with pencil cases,
Moves his lips a little,
Learning the alphabet.
6th student. How long have you been running around in kindergarten?
Are we behind a soap bubble?
And now guys, at school
We have a meeting with the primer.
7th student. Hello school!
Hello studies!
Let's go on a hike to gain knowledge!
Today is a holiday
School holiday –
We welcome the school year!
4th presenter. And now we will give our first-graders a virtual tour of the school.
Here is the first floor, and here is the wardrobe,
Which is opposite the doors.
Undress? Perhaps! We don't feel sorry!
Do you need to see the director? The door to the left.
Director's office
We won't linger here too long,
There is nothing to do here without a reason.
Let's move on, we invite you
Let's go to the local canteen and sit there.
Dining room
Soups, pies, goulash and cutlets,
Tea and compote, juices and kvass –
How delicious everything here is and how healthy it is for us!
This is how they feed you, comrades, here. What about you?
Mathematics room
And here mathematics reigns,
Here you have to work with all your might.
And if someone hasn’t learned the theorem,
He will carry the deuce in his briefcase home.

Cabinet of Russian Language and Literature
Great, powerful and very melodious
And all this is our Russian language.
Here they learn to confidently wield it skillfully,
But not everyone has grasped the subtleties of the word.
Labor training room
And if you want to lend a hand
Or suddenly melancholy will overwhelm you all at once,
Look into this office, take a sledgehammer
And you can drive nails in until the morning.
Teacher's room
And who said about the teachers' room?
words like about hot pepper?
No! This is not torturous!
She is the heart of the school!
Biology room
And here are spiders, worms and insects,
And also the entire earthly herbarium has been collected.
Here we all learned about white chamomile,
Here the skeleton may wave to you.
Geography office
And here is the geography room at school.
Here we sit with interest throughout the lesson,
With Miklouho-Maclay we will travel along the sea,
I would like to swim, but the bell is already ringing.
History Cabinet
Come in here and sit down a little,
Here is a story about a great war.
You will visit different eras in an hour,
You will ride on the Trojan Horse.
Chemistry room
Here the chemistry of formulas is a huge flow,
It’s difficult here for the ignorant, the lazy,
Who loves chemistry and knows a lot about it,
People come here to study with great desire.
Physics room
Come to the office of amazing physics,
Where you can benefit from the ceiling.
If there are thoughts and convolutions in your head,
You will definitely become a scientist.
Foreign language classroom
Abroad to fly
You need to know a foreigner.
So as not to be considered a donkey there,
We'll learn a lot of words here.
Drawing and drawing room
This is an art cabinet
This is where we will draw.
So that we can be a designer,
Here we will learn to draw.
There is a place at school where books are kept,
They stand neatly in a row on the shelves.
Take these books, open them and read them,
Find out more about what is in our world.
Computer Science Room
If you want to go to the Internet,
Come into this office.
Homework here
You will quickly complete it in advance.
There is also a place like this in our school -
The area resembles a train station,
Physical education classes are held there...
What is it? Of course, the gym!
Presenters (together).
Well, that's it! End of the excursion.
White light has been shed on your darkness.
I hope we have convinced you,
What is better than our school - no!
11th grade students come out to present gifts.
1st presenter. From the first school bell to entry into adulthood, the teacher accompanies us, becoming part of our childhood, our growth, our communication with the world.
2nd presenter. How many memories, words of gratitude, warm feelings arise in every person when he thinks about his teachers, who gave him knowledge, taught him to understand the complex vicissitudes of life, and opened up a world of spiritual values ​​to him.
3rd presenter. The role and importance of a teacher in a person’s life are infinitely great, and the work of a teacher is complex and varied. It requires complete dedication, great knowledge, skills, great internal self-discipline, as well as simple human sensitivity and kindness.
4th presenter. So let's say thank you to our teachers!
Presentation of flowers.
1st presenter. For 11th graders this is the last “first bell”.
2nd presenter. The summer rains have faded away,
We came to 11th grade.
We are looking forward to spring -
After all, then we will finish school.
3rd presenter. Time has flown by - our graduation class,
We will leave school next spring.
We will remember the time of school life more than once,
We will forever remember our best class!
4th presenter. We continue the school holiday,
We invite everyone to study.
May the school new year
Our bell will begin!
The bell rings, the first classes take a lap of honor and enter the school.

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Scenario for the ceremonial line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. The event is held outdoors. During the event, the floor is given to the school director, guests of honor, first-graders, and graduates.

Purpose of the event: creating a festive atmosphere, introducing first-graders to the traditions of the school and to the school.

Objectives of the event:

  1. formation of educational motivation and desire to learn;
  2. development of a culture of communication and mutual understanding;
  3. education of universal human values.

Event organization form: school-wide ceremonial assembly.

Progress of the event


Ved. 1:

School, stand still!
Comrade school director!

Students and teachers of the high school are lined up for the solemn ritual of the first bell!

Head teacher: I declare the line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge open!

Ved. 1:

Today in schools the door is wide open in the morning.
Summer has passed. Children are heading back to school!


Hello studies! Hello school!
Let's go on a hike to gain knowledge.
Today is a holiday, a school holiday!

Together: We welcome the school year!

Ved. 1: Good morning guys! Good morning, parents!

Ved. 2:

Good morning, teachers!
Guests, you came for a reason!
After all, today is a holiday at school!

Together: Celebration of the First of September!

Ved. 1:

When September is at the school threshold
Scattering delicate phlox petals,
Our difficult road will begin,
As they say, from an untouched board.

Ved. 2:

And the first ray in the blue sky
Sends his greetings to us today.
Over vast Russia
A solemn dawn rises.


To school, to school - the Motherland is calling,
To school, to school - the wind sings to us.
Let it be good, let it be cheerful,
May it be a happy school year.

Ved. 2: Today is a particularly joyful and exciting day for those children who crossed the threshold of our school for the first time. 75 first-graders joined the number of students at the Posevninsk secondary school.

Ved. 1:

Comes here every autumn
First-graders noisy round dance,
Joyful, thoughtful, cheerful,
Our teacher will lead them to class.

Ved. 2:

To a spacious, new, bright house
Light pours in like a stream.
You will spend time at our school
Eleven happy years.

Ved. 1: We invite our first-graders and their first teachers, as well as our future graduates, to the solemn assembly dedicated to the First Bell holiday!

The melody “Hello, first grade!” sounds.

To the music, first-graders, led by 9th and 11th graders, make a victory lap and take places of honor.

Ved. 2: Meet 1st grade - grade. head Petelina Natalya Aleksandrovna,

Ved. 1: 1st grade – class. head – Oksana Petrovna Stolbova,

Ved. 2: 1st grade – class. Head – Natalya Sergeevna Starodubova.

Ved. 2:

He proudly raised his two wings
Your coat of arms is a double-headed eagle.
And the sounds of the anthem are majestic
Floating over the eternal power,
Flying freely in the blue sky
The tricolor flag of my Russia.

Ved. 1: The honorary right to raise the flag of the Russian Federation is given to 11th grade excellent student Veronica Filonenko and 11th grade excellent student Frank Artem. Everyone calm down! The Anthem of the Russian Federation is being performed!

The Russian anthem sounds.

Ved. 2: Dear students, teachers and parents! Please accept congratulations on the start of the new school year from the head of the school, Vera Alexandrovna Kolomnikova.

Ved. 1:

We are always glad to have friends,
And at the holiday - for the guests!

The floor for congratulations is given to the deputy head of the district for organizational issues, Irina Viktorovna Shpedt (speech).

Ved. 2: The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the worker village of Posevnaya, Victoria Sergeevna Radchenko (speech);

Ved. 1: The floor for congratulations is given to Sergei Mikhailovich Chubarov, General Director of Poultry Farm LLC Posevninskaya (speech).

Ved. 2: On September 28, 1937, the Novosibirsk region was formed in connection with the division of the West Siberian region into the Novosibirsk region and the Altai region.

Ved. 1: This year our region celebrates its anniversary - its 80th anniversary!

Ved. 2:

Nobody praised this place to us,
He didn’t ask: “Have pity, love!”
Only the homeland, like a bride,
Bloomed in the vastness of the Ob.

Ved. 1:

This is where the sky seems to fall
And the forests are expanding in breadth.
There is enough will and bread here,
Our native Siberia is here forever.

Ved. 2:

Our region is not just a name.
It contains character, custom and way of life,
The precious pain of recognition,
The joy of meeting loved ones.

Ved. 1:

Our people have both courage and firmness,
Thirst for life and toughness at times.
But they are our everything, our pride.
Everyone is dear, beloved, dear!

Ved. 2: At our celebration there are honored guests, veterans of teaching work:

Karbysheva Nina Stanislavovna
Kovaleva Valentina Mikhailovna
Mishina Nina Ivanovna
Mikhailov Vladimir Alekseevich.

Ved. 1: We want to express our deep gratitude to you for your work, for the fact that you have given your soul to children for many years.

School director Vera Aleksandrovna Kolomnikova and Irina Viktorovna Shpedt, deputy head of the district for organizational issues, are invited to present the anniversary medals “80 years of the Novosibirsk Region” (speech, presentation of medals).

Music during the presentation of medals.

Ved. 1:

The first day of autumn... The first of September...
The mystery of the calendar is still poorly understood...
If you look closely -
Just one of these days
And how much from this pier
Ships dispatched!

Ved. 2: And now the floor is given to the most important heroes of our celebration - first graders!

(Performance by first-graders. Exit to “Now we are first-graders”)

Performance by first graders

1st student

I can't sit at home
I want to play.
I want to study quickly
And become a first-grader.

2nd student

I also ran and skipped,
I was afraid of being late.
Barely a briefcase under one arm
Mom managed to give it.

3rd student

I have an ABC book in my briefcase
And notebooks and a diary!
I'm for real now
First class student!

4th student

I turned seven years old
And I couldn't be happier!
Look what a miracle it is -
My first-class bouquet!

5th student

Mom braided her hair
I straightened my bows,
She gave me a brand new satchel -
Sent me to first grade!

6th student

The backpack is a miracle! Only now,
Dear girlfriends,
They don’t fit into that backpack
All my toys!

7th student

Alphabet from “A” to “Z”
I learned before school:
Was going to school -
So I tried!

8th student

I won't be lazy
I will manage everything.
I want to learn
Read, write, count.

9th student

Now life is different
It will come for me.
Oh, dear mother!
What an adult I am!

10th student

Hurry up, ring the bell,
We've been waiting for you.
After all, for our first lesson
We've been planning for a year.
They teach at school to care for first-graders!

First-graders go to their places to the song “Now we are first-graders.”

Ved. 2: Dear first graders! Today is a wonderful holiday for you - you have become students. And our eleventh graders are on the verge of independent life. This academic year they are graduates, so we present the floor to our graduates.

(Speech by graduates).

1st graduate(Konyakhina Nastya):

Summer flew by quickly
It's time for us, friends, to get to work!
This year is very important,
He carries a million fives!

2nd graduate(Akishin Vanya)

You study, baby, great,
Look decent at school!
Behave yourself
Make more friends!

3rd graduate(Cousin Valya)

Please accept congratulations
After all, now - students,
So we once upon a time
We went to first grade on the sly.

4th graduate(Lomakin Anton)

We were afraid and embarrassed
And we were a little upset
That I had to leave the garden
But here everyone was very happy to see us!

5th graduate(Ivanov Zhenya)

We will escort you to class together,
There is no need for embarrassment here.
We'll tell you everything, we'll explain it all
And we'll sit in the after-school period!

6th graduate(Glukhov Sasha)

Good journey and good hour,

Be even better than us!

7th graduate(Anya Maltseva)

On this September day, the very first,
We came here for the last time
In a year we will hardly meet you,
You won't see us at this school anymore.

8th graduate(Filonenko Veronica)

It will be difficult to part with you,
Eleven happy years will pass here.
We will smile at schoolchildren on the street
And look after you enviously.

9th graduate(Bulaev Sasha)

And other children will sit at our desks here,
And they will have to solve all our problems.
Know that this school is the best in the world,
We wish you to study only for five.

10th graduate(Frank Artem)

Be friends with each other, dream together,
And be prepared to protect those who are weak.
And in difficult times, don’t abandon your friends,
Learn to be heroes from childhood.

Ved. 2: Today is an equally exciting day for our fifth graders. After all, for the first time they came from primary school to the secondary level, where they are accepted by new class teachers, they will be taught by new teachers:

5th grade - class teacher Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Pakhomova.

5 “b” grade – class teacher Tatyana Sergeevna Gonchar.

Ved. 1: Dear children, parents, teachers! This year our team has added new teachers:

Music teacher and social educator – Gonchar Tatyana Sergeevna.

Fine arts teacher - Babich Vladimir Petrovich.

Let's greet them together and wish them good luck and success!!!

Ved. 1:

Opening the New Year,
Let our school bell ring
Welcoming with the ringing of bells,
Everyone who came to the first lesson!

(The bell comes in)

BELL (Rarov Danil):

I called for the last time on May 25th
And then I said, saying goodbye to spring:
“Relax, sunbathe,
Have fun, don't fight.
Read different books
Don’t forget about me!”
Now I'm calling again,
To invite you to school!
Start the school year
Absorb knowledge again!
Everyone learn together
Be sad and have fun!
Thank you everyone for coming
And they brought smiles,
A sea of ​​aromas
Hello guys!

Ved. 2:

Let the very first bell ring now,
And our long-awaited lesson will begin.
You will keep these moments in your hearts
And carry the joy from them through the years!

Ved. 1.: Now it's time to ring the first bell of this school year. And this right is granted to 11th grade student Frank Artem and 1st grade student Anna Bauer.

Ved. 2:

Ring, ring! Ring, ring!
Cheerful, sad, daring!

Ved. 1:

Another lesson awaits you in life,
Childhood is passing away quietly!..

Ved. 2:

Ring, ring! Ring, ring,
Opening lessons!

Ved. 1:

We move forward towards knowledge,
Without knowing fatigue!

Ved. 1: Dear friends, teachers, parents, guests! The ceremonial ceremony dedicated to the beginning of the new school year is coming to an end.

Ved. 2:

Well, good morning and good journey,
Don't forget to smile, schoolboy!
The school invites us to the Land of Knowledge,
And the academic year begins!

Ved. 1: The right to be the first to leave the line is given to first-graders. And they go to their first lesson to friendly applause.

Success in studies, health. Happy new school year. Happy holiday!

(First graders leave to the song “They Learn at School.”)

2 Vedas:

Well, that's a start...
And on time according to plan from the pier
We're going sailing for the whole year!
Let him bring discoveries!

1 Vedas: And we don’t say goodbye to you, but only say goodbye.

Together: Happy school year!

Presenter 1. (To the music.) And now 2nd grade students are going to their classes,

Ved. 2. 3rd grade students,

Ved. 1. 4th

Ved. 2. 5th

Ved. 1: 6th

Ved. 2: 7th

Ved. 1: 8th

Ved. 2: 9th

Ved 1: 10th grade.

Ved. 2: 11th grade

Together: Good morning!!