State budgetary professional educational institution

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

"Sangarsky multidisciplinary lyceum»

Methodological development

career guidance class hour


Developed and carried out

Master of Industrial Training

Lilyana Nikolaevna Rudykh

Sangar, 2017


    Introducing students to the profession of “Rural Estate Manager” in a playful way.

    Creation of an information space about the profession.

    Instilling interest in various types of activities.


    Intensify personal participation of students in shaping their future;

    To awaken the younger generation's interest in getting to know various types activities.

    Create conditions to increase the readiness of adolescents for socio-professional determination.




Form lesson



    Main part.


During the classes


Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. To do this, we first need to answer the questions.

1. Tell me who is so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup,
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes? (Cook)

2. Who acts in films or performs on stage? (Artist).

3. Who builds our housing? (Builder.)

4. Our concern is

Drive everyone to work in the morning. (Chauffeur).

5. Who dresses us in beautiful dresses.

Who sews our clothes?

To make it pleasant? (Seamstress).

6. Who gives us fairy tales,

Stories and fables,

Who is the world to the reader

Makes it more beautiful? (Writer).

7. He who gets up early and drives out the cows,

so that we can drink milk in the evening? (Shepherd).

Love nature, respect the elderly. (Teacher).

9. Who knows the roads are perfectly airy

And it takes us where we need to go? (Pilot).

Look carefully at the clue words. What word was encrypted?

What is very important in the life of every person? (Professions).

Main part

We will talk about the profession. What is a profession? This is the information the Explanatory Dictionary gives us:PROFESSION is a type of human labor activity that requires a certain level knowledge, special skills, human training and at the same time serves as a source of income.(However, not all work will be considered professional).

Labor activity is considered professional if at least two conditions are met:

    A profession is characterized by the presence of a certain level of qualification, skill, prof. training, specially acquired knowledge and skills which are confirmed by special documents about the prof. Education

    A profession is a kind of commodity that a person can sell on the labor market. Moreover, a product that is in demand and for which other people are willing to pay. In other words, professional activity can serve as a source of income.

What professions do you know?........................................................ ........................................................ .......

(students list professions)

As we see, there are a great many professions.

However, several years ago, many in our country decided that without higher education there would be nowhere. Parents purposefully sent their children to conquer institutes, academies, and universities. And yesterday’s schoolchildren completely rushed for higher education, especially in legal, economic and trade universities. Thus, Russia received a whole generation of lawyers, economists, accountants and all kinds of managers.

As a result, big questions arose:

    1. What to do with such a number of specialists, since there are not as many jobs in the country as universities produce annually?

      Who will ensure the livelihoods of these specialists?

Sew clothes for them;

To build houses;

Provide heat and electricity;

To bake bread;

Grow vegetables, fruits, etc. for them. - but all this can be provided by specialists working professions, which at one time faded into the background.

In connection with this there arose urgency raise the prestige of blue-collar professions.

Here's what V.V. says about it. Putin:

“It is high-quality jobs that should become the “locomotive of growth in wages and well-being of citizens.” It is necessary not just to mechanically increase the number of jobs, but to create effective, and therefore highly paid, jobs to replace the old ones.

But it is not enough to simply create new jobs; the country needs to have someone to fill these jobs. And this is a rather serious problem, given that over the past few years the authority of blue-collar professions in the country has greatly weakened. Most young people refuse to enter low-paid and unprestigious professions, and even if they do agree, their level of qualifications in most cases does not meet the requirements of employers.”

Today, I want to tell you about a fairly new, little-understood profession “Rural Estate Manager”.

Everyone understands:

Who is a salesman, welder, auto mechanic….

Guys, who do you think the “Rural Estate Manager” is and what does he do?


From the name of the profession it is only clear that it is related to agriculture.

From time immemorial, humanity has been cultivating the land, harvesting crops, and raising livestock for its food. Absolutely all countries are engaged in agriculture. Many centuries ago, countries began to establish the exchange of agricultural goods. This is how we, Russians, learned what potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, pineapples, Dutch cheese and much more are.

Despite the fact that Russia has its own agriculture, we received great amount agricultural products.

But recently, against the backdrop of political events, some European countries have introduced sanctions (restrictions) against Russia in order to punish and subjugate our country. This included agricultural products that they refused to bring to us.

The government of our country immediately responded to the current situation. And he gave the command to raise domestic agriculture with all our might. And the Russian people worked with renewed vigor to provide food for themselves, their families, their region and the country as a whole.

And here are the words of the Minister of Agriculture of Russia, Alexander Tkachev, which were heard on October 4, 2016 in the Government of the Russian Federation:

“The restrictions introduced on the import of a number of products into Russia have had a positive impact on the development of domestic agriculture. For example, livestock and poultry production this year will increase by 4-5% and exceed 14 million tons. Much of the growth will be achieved through the intensive development of pig and poultry farming.”

Also, Alexander Tkachev noted that In 2016, Russia harvested a record harvest of grains and legumes of 117 million tons, a record figure since 1978.

Against the backdrop of everything that is happening, Russia needs workers whose profession is in one way or another connected with agriculture.

One of these professions is “Rural Estate Manager”

“Rural estate manager” is a specialist working in the field of production of agricultural goods and goods.

His type of activity is the organization of marketing and sale of agricultural products to consumers.

“Rural estate manager” is a rather complex profession and requires versatility from a person.

What does a Country Estate Manager do?

Identifies producers and potential suppliers of agricultural products.

Purchases agricultural products own production among the population, in institutions and organizations.

Stores it and implements it.

Establishes long-term connections and partnerships with agricultural producers.

Concludes purchase and sale agreements.

Keeps records of volume finished products, expenses of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy consumed in agricultural production of a rural estate.

Participates in the analysis of the economic and financial activities of a rural estate.

They drive cars of categories “B” and “C”.

Performs work on transporting goods and transporting passengers.

Implements Maintenance and fixes minor problems, Vehicle along the route.

Country estate manager, for successful work, must combine:

An agronomist is a specialist who works in agriculture and specializes in growing crops;

A marketer is a specialist in promoting goods, he analyzes the demand for the goods produced, studies the markets for the goods;






Car repair mechanic.


Professionally important qualities:

developed analytical thinking and imagination;

high level of visual, long-term and short-term memory


A rural estate manager is a specialist working in the production of agricultural goods and goods. This profession is characteristic of people who were born and raised in rural areas, devoted to their native land.

The profession of “rural estate manager” is quite new. You can get it from professional educational organizations. Upon receipt of this profession, the student is prepared for independent life as the owner of a rural house. Upon completion of the training course, he will be able to independently keep records, be a purchasing agent, and will also receive a license to drive a category “B” and “C” vehicle.

Professionally important qualities:

developed analytical thinking and imagination;

high level of visual, long-term and short-term memory;

emotional stability;

physical strength and endurance;






high efficiency;

communication skills.

Medical restrictions:

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

neuropsychiatric disorders;

severe visual and hearing impairment.

The estate manager carries out the work of purchasing agricultural products of his own production from the population in accordance with concluded contracts that determine the nature and volume of supplies, as well as their payment. He travels to agricultural areas, identifies potential suppliers (sellers) of the products they produce, and enters into purchase and sale agreements. Conducts explanatory work among the population on the procedure for concluding purchase and sale agreements for mutual favorable conditions, takes measures to establish long-term relationships with agricultural producers. Carries out quality control of purchased products. Prepares documentation for purchased products in accordance with the established procedure, orders containers and vehicles for their transportation. Monitors the availability of necessary equipment and the sanitary condition of vehicles intended for transportation, the correctness of loading and unloading operations and the rational placement of products. Sends purchased products to the address of the guarantor, accompanies the goods along the route, observing sanitary requirements and rules for storing products during transportation, facilitates their timely delivery. Monitors compliance with labor safety requirements during loading and unloading operations. Hands over delivered products, prepares established acceptance documentation.

Drives cars of categories "B" and "C", carries out maintenance of vehicles along the route, eliminates minor malfunctions that arise during the operation of vehicles.

Educational organizations in Omsk and the Omsk region:

Professional activity

Agricultural enterprises (farms, state farms, etc.).


Career prospects are associated with expanding production volumes, supplying products to reputable organizations (for example, large retail chains). With the acquisition of experience and an increase in the level of education, you can become a farmer or individual entrepreneur in the field of agricultural production.

    Application. Federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education by profession 112201.02 Rural estate manager

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2013 N 721
"On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education by profession 112201.02 Rural estate manager"

With changes and additions from:

In accordance with paragraph 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, Art. 2923), I order:

1. Approve the attached federal state educational standard for secondary vocational education by profession 112201.02 Rural estate manager.

2. Recognize as invalid the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 22, 2009 N 452 “On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary vocational education in the profession 112201.02 Rural estate manager” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 10, 2009 city, registration N 15489).

D.V. Livanov

Registration N 29684

Federal state approved educational standard secondary vocational education in the profession "Rural estate manager" (112201.02).

The standard is mandatory for use educational organizations who have the right to implement state-accredited training programs for qualified workers and employees in this profession in Russia.

The characteristics of preparation and professional activity graduates. The requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program and to its structure.