• Classes will help you learn to see mini-problems, correctly find sources of information and develop skills business communication while working on the project.
Choosing a project theme
  • What do I want to tell my friends most about?
  • * about your favorite toy;
  • * about an interesting book;
  • * about a pet;
  • * about computer games.
  • What do you want to talk about?
  • The summary of my message is this:
  • topic my future project!
A project is what you will achieve after you have seriously worked on your topic, that is, these are your ideas, thoughts, plans.
  • Guess the theme of my friend's project.
  • I have a mischievous cat, Kuzya. I really like to play various games with him, especially hide and seek. My hiding place is under the table. And Kuzya loves to climb onto the curtain. Mom is strict about our games. And we're having fun!
Have you chosen the topic of your project?
  • To learn more about the topic of the project, you need to choose interesting material. To find out how to collect material on the project topic, find helpers.
You have made a choice. This is your first step on the project.
  • A stage is a separate moment in a process.
  • Helper - someone who helps someone with something
How many steps will it take to complete the following task?
  • Count the bunnies and squirrels in the drawing and color them with different pencils.
I have a problem! The machine broke down
  • You solved the problem of children, found a way out difficult situation, which means you will cope with the problem of your project.
What problem needs to be solved to help the artist? A hypothesis is an assumption to explain some phenomena.
  • A hypothesis is needed to solve any problem. A guess is a guess, a preliminary idea, or a plan.
  • When making guesses, use the words:
  • - May be;
  • - suppose;
  • - let's say;
  • - Maybe;
  • - what if….
  • Come up with a hypothesis.
  • If the children laugh, ……….
  • Think about how a tadpole turns into a frog?
L.N. Tolstoy "Chizh"
  • Varya had a siskin. The siskin lived in a cage and never sang. Varya came to the siskin:
  • - It's time for you, little siskin, to sing.
  • - Let me go free, in freedom I will sing all day long.
  • Answer:
  • Who lived with Varya?
  • Why didn't he sing?
  • What problem should Varya solve?
  • What is the siskin's problem?
Continue the thought
  • If Varya lets the siskin out of the cage, then...
  • What if the siskin remains in the cage?...
  • Let’s say Varya opens the cage door, how will the siskin behave?
  • Think about it!
  • The girl Varya was preparing a project. What do you think she named the theme of her project?
  • What hypothesis did she put forward?
A goal is your aspiration, what needs to be achieved, what is desirable to be achieved, decided
  • What do you think is Varya’s goal to solve the siskin problem?
  • Do you have a goal in your studies?
  • What problem can these items be used to solve?
What is the “project goal?”
  • We must learn to find ways that will help cope with the problem and achieve the goal. The following question will help you:
  • How will I do this? How?
  • Objectives are needed to answer the question of how to achieve a goal.
Business card (business card) - a card with the surname and information about its owner
  • 1 page - title page
  • school name;
  • theme of the project;
  • surname, first name, class;
  • photo
  • 2 page
  • * target
  • * project objectives
  • 3 page
  • conclusions
  • 4 page
  • * surnames, names of authors
  • * names of books that helped in the work
Information sources
  • Poems about rules traffic for children azbez.com/node/1702
  • School road safety. ABC of traffic
  • zanimatika.narod.ru/OBJ.htm

Extracurricular lesson on the course “Learning to create a project”

Topic of the training session: Assumption. Hypothesis. Problem solving.

Lesson type: UONZ

Lesson equipment: computers from the teacher, presentation from the teacher, workbooks from students R.I. Sizov, R.F. Selimov “Learning to create a project” 3rd grade. Part 1, pp. 32-36, reminders for children, illustrations of objects, cards.

Objective of the lesson: create conditions fordeveloping the ability to make assumptions about the unknown, suggesting a way to test one’s hypotheses, the ability to stage a search and test known and unknown methods of action.

Planned result

Subject: to form a positive attitude towards project- research activities, mastery of educational activities with language units of design technology and the ability to use acquired knowledge to solve cognitive, practical and communicative problems.

Personal: be able to conduct self-assessment based on success criterion educational activities.

Metasubject: be able todetermine and formulate the goal during the lesson with the help of the teacher; pronounce the sequence of actions in class; evaluate the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment;plan your action in accordance with the task; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made;express your guess.( Regulatory UUD).

Be able to express your thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; jointly agree on the rules of conduct and communication in class and follow them.( Communicative UUD).

Be able tonavigate your knowledge system: distinguish new things from what is already known with the help of a teacher; gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using your life experience and information received in class.(Cognitive UUD).

Lesson technologies: ICT, system-activity approach, gaming, health-saving, control and evaluation activities.

Structure and course of the lesson

Lesson stage


Teacher's activities.



1. Motivation

to educational activities

Develop cognitive activity

2 . Updating and recording individual difficulties in the trial training action.

Prepare students to discover new knowledge.

3. Identifying the location and cause of the difficulty.

To promote the development of the ability to observe, generalize, and draw conclusions .

4. Construction of a project for getting out of the difficulty.

Formulate the topic and set the goal of the lesson, develop a plan of educational activities.

5. Implementation of the constructed project.

Discussion of options and choice the best way actions .

7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Develop the skill of applying learned methods of action.

8.Independent work

with verification

according to the standard.

Form self-control actions.

9. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system.

10. Reflection.

The motto of today's lesson will be the words written on the slide.

Read the statement.

! ihepsu eishlob yastyuanichan ichadu yoknelam S

As soon as a problem arises, we begin to make a variety of assumptions about what we see, hear, feel. As a result of attempts to search for answers to one’s own questions,HYPOTHESES.

- So, guys, try to determine the topic of our lesson.(Card HYPOTHESIS on the board)

Everyone listened to me attentively, answer me, how do you understand the word HYPOTHESIS?

For those who doubt the desk, Dolphin's advice can help.

Paste the card into a printed notebook.From 9

Technique "Provocation"

Guys, in every lesson we set a goal: what we must learn.

But today I propose not to set goals for our activities, because... this was already done by the guys from another class.

Do you agree?

Since my proposal does not suit you, then determine the purpose of the lesson for yourself.

Remember what a goal is.(A goal is your aspiration, what needs to be, preferably, achieved, decided)

Children: learn to make assumptions about problems that arise problematic issues, put forward hypotheses.

Entertaining exercises and working with text will help us with this.

Let's get started.

A) Exercise on circumstances

Look at the pictures.

Under what conditions will items be very useful?

Can you think of conditions under which two or more of these items would be useful?

Under what conditions can these same objects be completely useless and even harmful?

B) Find possible reason of this event.

“The bear does not fall asleep in winter, but wanders through the forest.”

Guys, tell me, do you know the reason for this event?

Remember, when making assumptions, we use the following words

Name 2-3 of the most logical, plausible assumptions.

Come up with 2 of the most fantastic, implausible explanations.

CHANGE. Games with matches (in groups).

Move 2 matches so that the cow is facing the other way.

C) Working with text (p.9)

We received a letter from two brothers, Tigran and Georgiy - twin brothers. They are often confused. So they decided to explore whether their tastes in food were the same.

Let's get acquainted with the text from the project of two brothers.

What is your task? (Must write several tasks for this project).

Read the advice of the Wise Dolphin first.

(the task of the project is the choice of ways and means to achieve the goal)

Do you think the ability to assume and put forward hypotheses will be useful to you in your educational activities?

Yes, to search for answers, solutions, to reflect, to ask questions.

If you are satisfied with your work in the lesson, you think that the lesson was useful, raise the green flashlight if

Well done! Well done! Let's applaud ourselves.

As a gift from the Wise Dolphintest

Turn onin businessrhythm of extracurricularclasses.

They determine in what order they need to be read to make a statement.

Great successes begin with little luck!

Determine the topic of the lesson

Students offer options.

Vocabulary card in

Paste in a printed notebook.

Students disagree, explaining that someone else’s goal is someone else’s result. If we do not define the purpose of the educational activity, we will not be able to see the result of our activity. And what then should we strive for?

Students do work

Training the ability and to help generate hypotheses and provocative ideas

Express their opinion (No)


May be;


Let's say;


What if...

To solve this puzzle you will need matches (we used strips of cardboard)

Working in a printed notebookWith. 9

Working with instructions.

Self-assessment of educational action.

1.When making assumptions, use the words:

1. we demand that...;

2. suppose;

3. we really want...;

2.If you don’t know the answer to a question:

1. admit that you don’t have enough information;

2. don’t admit that you don’t have enough information; 3. start composing an answer

Extracurricular activities program

“Learning to create a project”

Explanatory note

Today, many teachers and educational psychologists understand that in order to successfully study at school, a modern student must have such characteristics and skills as the ability to navigate the surrounding situation, independently choose the type and direction of activity, determine their interests, and plan work in order to realize opportunities. Attention to this problem is also due to the fact that in recent years the number of students who experience difficulties in adapting to the educational environment, mastering school programs. Observations of these children and their diagnostics show insufficient development social sphere. Children experience difficulties in organizing their behavior, most often react inadequately to the situation and, as a result, experience difficulties in mastering school programs.

In this regard, there is a need to reconsider the organization of the learning space in order to create conditions that promote the formation of competencies that would contribute to the development of the child and his socialization.

Currently, the project method is actively used in educational practice, which successfully solves both educational and educational problems. Classes using the project method give the student the opportunity to express themselves in the system public relations, contribute to the formation of a new social position. During the classes, students acquire planning and organization skills own activities, they have the opportunity to discover and realize their innate abilities.

This program for developing self-determination skills is planned taking into account the age specificity of students.

Project method - this is not just a set of techniques and actions selected by the teacher, it is a problem situation specially organized by the teacher, which encourages the student to search for information, choose ways to process it, and options for communicative activities in order to resolve it. It is the problematic situation that is universal for solving both educational and educational problems because it creates a natural environment, as close as possible to the real one, in which it is stimulated practical activities student. The situation of the need to solve the problem identified by the teacher ensures that the student masters new methods of learning activities and forms the experience of self-organization own capabilities and actualization of innate abilities.

Purpose of the program: creating conditions for developing the skills of self-regulation and self-determination of primary schoolchildren.


  1. Getting to know design technology, with an algorithm for constructing a project (cognitive UUD).
  2. Formation of an interaction position, group interaction skills (communicative UUD).
  3. Formation of experience in performing independent creative work, evaluating one’s activities (regulatory UUD).
  4. Formation of the skill of self-determination and implementation own project(personal UUD)

Age justification:

Social development.The age of creating the basis for self-development, the completion of the formation of self-awareness.

Thought becomes personally socialized. The search for oneself begins. New ones are being learned social concepts, deepens understanding of the motives of human behavior.

Motives are revealed and differentiated. The child begins to really understand his activities and behavior in the system of relations with the outside world. Motivation is a social assessment. Dissatisfaction with oneself grows, criticism of oneself and the people around them appears.

Cognitive functions.Prospective regulation of attention becomes possible. Peak memory development. The child remembers in patterns, according to meaning, and reproduces them on demand. Perception in the form of organized, active and differentiated observation.

Thinking becomes a reflexive, creative, dominant cognitive process.

The child is able to set cognitive goals, select the necessary information, and organize his activities in connection with the goals.

The program is aimed at achieving the following results:

  • Students learn to work with a primary idea.
  • The skill of planning activities is being developed.
  • The ability to concentrate, hold, and switch attention to other activities is formed.
  • The experience of defending your idea is formed.
  • The experience of self-determination is formed.
  • The skill of public speaking in front of an unfamiliar audience is developed.
  • Students learn to interact in pairs and in a group.
  • Experience in primary research activities is being formed.

The acquired skills help the student to better navigate the surrounding reality and respond adequately to it.


Maximum efficiency of the learning process can be achieved if students are immersed in an atmosphere of creative research and research activities. Only when the children are interested, when they are interested, do useful and important work, do they learn the material better. Creating conditions for activating the personal potential of students, as well as a harmonious combination, on the one hand, of individualization of knowledge acquisition and, on the other hand, collective forms of their application givesdesign technology.

The project method is a flexible model for organizing the educational process, focused on the development of students and their self-realization in activities. It promotes the development of observation and the desire to find explanations for one’s observations, teaches one to ask questions and find answers to them, and then check the correctness of one’s answers by analyzing information, conducting experiments and research.

The project method is an effective means of student’s personal development. He orients educational process on creative self-realization of the individual, forms an active independent and proactive position of students in learning and promotes the socialization of students, which, ultimately, is one of the goals of the educational process.

Map of continuity in the development of general educational, complex didactic and research skills.

2nd grade

  • listen and read based on the stated goal and task;
  • master the material based on an internal action plan;
  • make corrections to the development of one’s own mental actions;
  • carry the story from beginning to end;
  • creatively apply knowledge in new conditions, conduct experimental work;
  • work with books, be able to select material for a specific purpose.

The program consists of three sections:

  1. The very first projects (formation of the concept of project activity and cooperation skills. (formation of cooperation skills. What is a team? How to work in a team?
  2. Fundamentals of project activities. (From problem to goal. Working with reference literature. Methods of processing information. Fundamentals of rhetoric. Public speaking. Questions guiding the project: fundamental, problematic, educational. Work on projects.)
  3. Working on a project. (Work on full-fledged group and individual projects.)

In the 2nd grade, 34 hours per year are allocated for studying the course, 1 hour per week.

Planned results:

Level of development of communicative competence:

-- oral presentation;

- - productive communication (work in a group).

Level of development of information competence:

-- information search;

Information processing;

Level of development of problem solving competence:

Statement of the problem;

Goal setting and planning;

Evaluation of the result.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

  • see problems, ask questions;

Put forward hypotheses, define concepts;

  • classify, observe;
  • conduct experiments, draw conclusions, conclusions;
  • defend your ideas.

Expected result:

1. Intellectual development and personal growth of the child.

2.Ability to work with information.

3. Experience in goal setting.

4. The child has gained experience in planning.

5. Expanding your horizons.

6.Development of thinking.

7.Development of the emotional sphere.

8.Experience in public speaking.

  1. General education organizational skills.
  • Determining ways to monitor and evaluate activities (answering the questions “Is this the result obtained?”, “Is this being done correctly?”); identifying the causes of difficulties that arise and ways to eliminate them; anticipating difficulties (answering the question “What difficulties may arise and why?”), finding errors in work and correcting them.
  • Educational cooperation: the ability to negotiate, distribute work, evaluate one’s contribution and overall result activities
  1. General education information search skills.
  • Mastering the initial skills of transferring, searching, converting, storing information, and using a computer; search (check) necessary information in dictionaries, library catalogue.
  • Observation of objects in the surrounding world; detection of changes occurring with an object (based on the results of observations, experiments, work with information); verbal description of the object of observation. Correlating the results with the purpose of observation and experience (answering the question “Did you manage to achieve your goal?”).
  1. Creative general education skills.
  • The ability to solve creative problems at the level of combinations, improvisations: independently draw up an action plan (intention), show originality in solving a creative problem, create creative works (messages, short essays, graphic works), act out imaginary situations.
  1. Managerial skills.
  • Ability to design a process (product).
  • Ability to plan activities, time, resources.
  • Ability to make decisions and predict their consequences.
  • Skills in analyzing your own activities.
  1. Communication skills.
  • The ability to initiate educational interaction with adults - enter into dialogue, ask questions.
  • Ability to lead a discussion.
  • The ability to defend your point of view.
  • Ability to find a compromise.
  1. presentation skills.
  • Monologue speech skills.
  • Ability to hold oneself confidently during a performance.
  • Artistic skills.
  • Ability to use various visual aids when speaking.
  • Ability to answer unplanned questions.
  • Application of acquired knowledge. Activity competence.
  • Practical work on projects involves the constant application of both the knowledge gained while working on a topic and the knowledge gained in classroom lessons.
  1. Parent Involvement
  • Involving parents is necessary to establish relationships between children and parents, to establish fruitful connections between family and school.

The “Learning to create a project” program includes 34 hours, 1 lesson per week

This program is based on the program by R.I. Sizova, R.F. Selimova “Learning to create a project”, A.I. Savenkov “I am a researcher”

Thematic planning for grade 2

Lesson number


Col. hours

Introduction to the course “What is a project?” Your range of interests. Hobby. Hobbies.

Choosing the theme of your project. You are a designer

Introduction to the concept of “formulation”. Working with dictionaries

Selecting assistants to work on the project. Where does it begin? independent work. Why does it need to be planned?

Stages of work on the project

Relevance of the project topic. Your familiarity with the concept of “relevance”

Stages of work on the project. Problem. Solving the problem

How to put forward a hypothesis. Development of a hypothesis-assumption

Project goal

Project objectives


Gathering information for the project. Introduction to the concepts of “collection” and “Internet”. How to draw conclusions based on the information received.

Siste matization of material, layout.

Information processing. Selection of relevant information

What is a project product? Creation of a project product. Your familiarity with the concepts of “model”, “craft”

Working in the library with catalogs. Selection of literature on the topic of the project. (Mini message)


The importance of the computer in creating projects. Creative work. Presentation. Your familiarity with the concept of “presentation”


The first steps of making a presentation on a computer.

Making a presentation of the project.


Combining the text of the speech with the presentation

Preparing answers to expected questions from the “audience” on the project topic


Various design and research competitions

Test performance in front of an unfamiliar audience


Making a business card. Correct composition title page business cards

Introspection. Working on the concept of “self-analysis”

Self-analysis - reflection after your speech in front of an unfamiliar audience

Thank you drawings-responses to your project assistants


1. Belova, E. S. Giftedness of a child: to reveal, understand, support: a manual for educators and parents. - 3rd ed. /

  1. Savenkov, A. I. Research practice: organization and methodology [Text] / A. I. Savenkov // Gifted child. – 2005. - No. 1. – P. 30-33.
  2. Savenkov, A. I. Creative project, or How to conduct independent research [Text] / A. I. Savenkov // School technologies. – 1998. - No. 4. – P. 144-148.
  3. R.I. Sizova, R.F. Selimova. I’m learning to create a project: Workbooks for grade 2: In 2 parts. – M.: ROST Publishing House, 2012. – 56 p.: ill. – (To young smart people and smart girls. I’m learning to create a project.)

5. A. I. Zinovieva “ Project activities V elementary school Teka: / Savenkov A.I. – Samara: Educational literature, 2008, 119 p.

Meeting interesting people. Interview.

Item: lesson of the course “Learning to create a project.”

Class: 2

Lesson topic : “Meeting interesting people. Interview."

Lesson type: learning new material

Forms training : extracurricular activity

Types of training: explanatory-illustrative, search, problematic

Technology: developmental education, ICT

Teaching methods:

    Verbal (working with text, student presentations)

    Visual (multimedia presentation)

    Practical (completing assignments)

    Search using technical training tools

Educational objectives of the lesson:

    developing the ability to interview, lead and participate in discussions

    application of knowledge of interview basics in a non-standard situation

Educational objectives:

    organize the study and ensure that students understand the features of the interview;

    create a situation for students to use theoretical knowledge in practical exercises

Developmental goal : development of communication and information competencies

Developmental tasks:

    continue to develop skills in working with text, analyzing and summarizing the information received;

    formation of a conceptual apparatus;

    development of skills to work in groups;

    development of monologue speech.




    Multimedia presentation

Progress of the lesson:

    Org. moment.

We'll put our feet together

Let's turn the backs straight

Let's give everyone a smile

And let's start the lesson!!!

Guys, today in our lesson we will work in groups. Let's remember the rules of working in a group. But our groups will have a rotating composition. We have not worked like this before, so be careful and listen well to my instructions. I gave you geometric shapes of different colors. Divide in this way: group 1 - those with triangles, group 2 - with circles, group 3 - with squares.

2.Repetition of the material covered

Match the term with the appropriate wording. (check) - application

3.Creating a problem situation

You and I went yesterday to the village. Yelovo. Where were we? (at the fire station, at the museum, at the editorial office of the newspaper “Iskra Prikamya”)

Guys, who gave you the excursions?

Tell me, were you interested?

How can we call these people differently?

What are we going to talk about today?

You have cards with syllables on your tables. Make up a word using these cards.

What did you get? (interview)

Who knows the meaning of this word?

Let's look at the dictionary.

What is the name of the person who conducts the interview?

Imagine that your class is an editorial office school newspaper. When a new issue is being prepared, everyone is assigned some task. Let's start right away with the task. We need to interview the director of our school. I think Bardina Irina can easily cope with this task.

So, now you take a notepad, a pencil and go to interview.

Is the task clear? Where did you go? Have you already decided what you will ask him? Is he ready to give an interview? Maybe he’s busy in class, maybe he’s gone to a meeting...

What should I do?

Guys: What do you think will be the outcome of the interview? Will the editor's job complete successfully? What does it take to make an interview successful?

4. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today we will learn how you can communicate with interesting people through interviews.

5.Work on the topic of the lesson.

Remember what projects we wanted to create by the end of the school year. (Planting a flower bed, creating a cool newspaper for the 400th anniversary of Dubrovo.)

Can we implement these projects alone, without anyone’s help?

Select from the cards the specialists who would help us in the “Flower Flower” project and in the “Newspaper” project. (Work in groups) – application.

How can these people help us? (interview)

Let's think about what a successful interview should be like.

Before you go for an interview, you need...

Express your hypotheses using help cards - application.

(students express their assumptions, the teacher makes notes on the board with a marker)

Think about the topic of the interview

Selecting an interlocutor

Preparing questions

Meeting agreement

Create a comfortable environment - win over your interlocutor

Questions are correct and open-ended

Let's change the composition of the group. Group 1 - those with red figures, 2 - blue, 3 - green.

What basic rules will be useful to us when interviewing our interlocutor? (Work with cards)

Select these rules from the cards.

    Be tactful.

    Be silent.

    Be friendly.

    Be rude.

    Be honest.

    Be inattentive

What is the name of the profession of a person who interviews almost every day? (journalist, correspondent)

Game "Choose a Journalist's Subject"

Microphone broom Video camera helmet

Handle bucket Tape recorder drill

Notepad ax Cell phone matches

Shovel iron clock notes

Computer paint brush Camera fire extinguisher

Let's change the composition of the group. Group 1 – who has the number 1 on the figures, 2 – the number 2, 3 – the number 3.

Game "Interview" (a sign with the name of a profession is attached under each student’s chair)

Find a card with the names of professions under your chair. We go to the board. Our correspondent will ask you several questions. (Correspondent, driver, salesman, hairdresser, teacher, janitor, cook, seamstress, photographer, builder, fireman, baker, artist, postman)

The correspondent approaches everyone and asks questions:

What is your job?

What interesting things can you tell us?

What do you need for this?

    Practical part.

The well-known truth says: “There is no greater treasure in the world than the soul of a person.” Today we will look for treasures in our interlocutor. Our task is to find the “treasure” in our interview partner, to find something that perhaps he himself did not know about himself; help him discover himself as a treasure.

Group assignment:

Read the questions on the questionnaire sheet. You need to interview 2 members of your group and record the answers in a table. Your task: choose an interlocutor, preferably someone less familiar, and learn as much as possible about him during the interview.- application.

Group assignment:

1. Interview our guest. Try to get as complete an answer as possible to the questions asked.

2. Present the data obtained during the interview in the form of an article-characteristic” “Interesting interlocutor”

Exercise “Interview without preparation”

In the work of a journalist, there are many cases when there is no time to prepare an interview or write questions. We need to act quickly. And then the outcome of the interview depends on the journalist’s skill, his intelligence, quick reaction to the interlocutor’s answer and communication skills. Let’s imagine a situation where you urgently need to take an interview and there is no time to prepare it. Let's lose the situation. Interview fairy tale hero.

    Little Red Riding Hood

    Postman Pechkin


5.Result of the lesson.

Remember the situation at the beginning of the lesson.

Can you do an interview now?

What did you learn, what knowledge did you gain?

6. Reflection "Suitcase, meat grinder, basket"

Drawings of a suitcase, a meat grinder, and a basket are hung on the board.

    The suitcase is everything that will be useful in the future.

    Meat grinder - I’ll process the information.

    Trash – I’ll throw everything away.

Students are asked to choose what they will do with the information received in class. Appendix 1.

Questionnaire sheet

Question no.

Which of the interlocutors...

Answer / name of the interlocutor

    What's your favorite color?

    What's your favorite toy?

    What's your favorite fruit?

    What's your favorite cartoon?

    Favorite game?

    Where do you like to walk?

    What's your favorite animal?

    Favorite song?

    What's your favorite book?

    Favorite holiday?

    What toy do you sleep with?

    What do you like to do?

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    What gift do you want for your next birthday?

    What do you like to do on the weekend?

Appendix 2.

1. Interview one of our guests. Try to “talk” to your interlocutor and get complete information.

Tip: Don't forget to introduce yourself and get to know your interlocutor.

Interview Questions:

1. What is your favorite book? Favorite movie, TV show?

2. Do you have a favorite hero, a character you would like to be like?

3. Please continue the sentence.

Most great success in life it is...

In life everything depends on...

I think I will never be able...

Rough plan articles about an interesting person (your creativity is welcome!)

My heroine's name.....

From a conversation with her we learned that... (what is your favorite book, show, who would you like to be like...)

... (name) believes that everything in life depends on...

The greatest success in life, in her opinion, is...

…. (name) will never be able to….

Conclusion: During the interview, I learned a lot about my interlocutor, that she...