A company's favorable image begins with the opinion of its employees about it. Many companies on their sad experience We were convinced that if you do not build relationships with your team consciously and based on strategic objectives companies, they will still line up, but chaotically and with significant distortions.

Various employees of the company, starting with the HR director, social psychologist and ending with the head of the department, work to explain the orders of the manager, his ideas for the development of the organization, congratulate employees on their birthdays, give gifts, provide prompt information, work with complaints and suggestions, organize parties and field trips, gathering a sports team and PR. But this work is mostly scattered and uncoordinated. The disadvantage of such work is the following: in the process of interpretation corporate information The broken phone rule is activated when the reliability of the message decreases and the number of rumors increases. Distracting employees from their main jobs does not improve firm productivity. Officially announced but fragmentary information will not bring the same results as constant meetings between managers and their subordinates. In addition, it is impossible to introduce corporate values ​​in the absence of a communication policy.

In this work we will talk about internal PR, about planned work to establish relations between management and employees in the company.

This work consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion.

The first chapter, called “The Goals of Internal PR of a Firm,” discusses the role and importance of internal PR and its tools.

The second chapter describes methods of internal PR, such as: dissemination of information within the company, the influence of channels for disseminating this information on the effectiveness of internal PR methods, as well as the need for career growth for company employees.

In conclusion, conclusions are drawn based on the results of the work.

Chapter 1. Goals of the company’s internal PR

1.1 Interior PR firms

Internal PR is a managed activity to develop a corporate culture, which is based on the ideas, views, and fundamental values ​​that are shared by team members. Tasks to be solved: provision of operational information about sentiments, needs, trends in the campaign and organization of targeted information impact on the internal environment of the company.

The success of any business depends on the opinions and moods of the employees working for it, and labor relations can certainly be considered mutually beneficial (otherwise, why are they needed?). Thus, several conclusions can be drawn from the above definition:

1. Internal PR is an integral function of top management.

2. In its goals and objectives, internal PR is completely identified with PR in general, only the target audience is different.

3. Establishing long-term relationships with audiences, including internal ones, is a manageable function.

4. Employees are internal clients who choose their employing company in exchange for their time, qualifications and work activity.

5. Since we are talking about an internal audience, such activity is closely intertwined with personnel policy and the activities of the HR department.

The purpose of PR activities is the formation of a managed image (image, reputation, corporate identity) of the company itself, its products/services in the eyes of employees, clients, partners, authorities.

One of the main elements of PR is communication, the act of communication, the connection between two or more individuals, through which information is exchanged between employees and management.

The "internal" public is labor collectives, employees of firms, companies, institutions, government apparatuses, united by official and professional relationships. The task of PR services is to control the “internal” public, to promote the most effective management the human factor, the meaning of which is that modern highly complex equipment and technologies are dead without human knowledge, professionalism, and responsibility. The effectiveness of PR services depends on the depth of understanding of the socio-psychological characteristics of personnel, who are considered not only as a collection of individuals. Therefore, the concepts of “collectivism” and “individualism” have the same weight in this case.

Today's worker is not a “hired force”. Operational efficiency modern company depends on the cohesion of the staff, on trusting, interested relationships between management and employees, on the reliability of vertical and horizontal connections. A modern employee should be interested in the success of the company and in the results of his work. What does this interest consist of?

There are the following motives: compliance of the nature of the work with the character of the employee; salary, which performs the function of feedback and is based on personal contribution, participation in the work of the team and participation in profits; comfort in the workplace, the lack of which should be compensated for by a monetary bonus; the feeling of ownership experienced in any workplace; self-management is the employee’s confidence that the opinion he expresses, combined with the opinions of others, can influence production technology, management organization, selection and placement of personnel.

The core of internal company policy in Japanese companies is reliance on collective responsibility and collective decisions. This corresponds to the national character, in which collectivism is the leading feature. As Japanese researchers write, “companies are more like communes than corporations. People have a common life, common hardships and common hard work.” In a Japanese company, the public relations service explains to the employee that his well-being depends on the well-being of the company, on the harmony of labor and capital. Of course, the leading feature of the Russian national character is also collectivism. And this must be kept in mind when public relations services determine internal policies.

Effective information communications with employees lead to higher productivity and job satisfaction, better achievement of organizational goals, better relationships with consumers, investors, etc. In turn, efficiency information links determined by a good organizational climate. The task of PR specialists is to better inform employees about the affairs of their organization and help them convey their opinions to management.

Work with employees should be based on two-way partnership communication. Employees must be well informed and have the opportunity to express their opinions on organizational issues. The bottleneck of corporate communication is the middle of the hierarchical ladder. Middle and lower level managers sometimes do not have clear criteria for communication policy. The organization must have a communication policy similar to financial, personnel, market, etc. If it does not exist, then rumors and misinformation will spread throughout the organization.

Communication policy must be goal-oriented. Its success is determined by management’s commitment to:

Familiarize employees with the goals, objectives and plans of the organization;

Communicate problems, actions and results;

Consulting with employees regarding negative, sensitive or controversial issues;

Promoting constant, honest, solution-oriented labor problems two-way communication between manager and subordinates;

Prompt, quick information about the most important matters and decisions;

Establishing a spirit of creativity and innovation.

Based on a study of employees’ assessment of the company’s image, the goal of the PR project was formulated as follows:

Attract the attention of employees and interest them in the activities of the corporation by informing them about problems, management actions and their results; prompt information about the most important matters and decisions.

1.2 Goals and Objectives of PR

The goals of a PR program have at least four components:

Informing staff about management activities;

Guaranteeing the active participation of employees in management programs, as well as consent to the adoption of regulatory standards;

Ensuring public support for selected strategies and adopted programs;

Formation of an effective management team.

The objectives of internal PR are:

Ensuring the implementation of a certain systematic and consistent PR program as part of the organization’s management, aimed at creating a positive image of the company among the internal public in order to enhance the motivation of organizational behavior;

Harmonization of the relationship between the organization and its internal public, based on the sharing of basic principles organizational culture;

Monitoring and correction of the state of the intra-organizational environment - psychological climate, awareness, opinions, moods and behavior of members of the organization;

Analyze the impact of organizational culture, policies, procedures and actions on internal publics;

Correcting such policies, procedures and actions that conflict with the public interests of personnel and pose a threat to the viability of the organization;

Advising management on the choice of new policies, procedures of action that are mutually beneficial for both the organization and its public;

Making certain adjustments to the organizational culture, acting as an agent of change;

Establishing and maintaining two-way communication between the organization and its internal public, formal and informal organizational structures, official and subcultural groups, etc., solving problems of internal integration;

Organizing the transmission from generation to generation of cultural values ​​through the socialization of new members of the organization, maintaining desirable ones and creating conditions for eliminating undesirable patterns of behavior.

To perform these tasks, four functions are implemented, and in different companies, depending on the goals, personnel and financial strategies, state of external and internal environment, and most importantly, depending on the type of organizational culture, certain functions will come to the fore:

Analytical and forecasting (trend forecasting analysis, research);

Organizational and managerial (ensuring the goals of the organization, developing response measures);

Communication and information (achieving awareness and mutual understanding);

Advisory and methodological (activities as a management advisor).

So, intra-company PR facilitates self-regulation processes in social systems(organizations), ensuring the satisfaction of the physical and social needs of the internal community and the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

We can talk about effective PR support for a company only when each target group has developed its own specific strategy, taking into account the nature of the goal, the psychological and socio-psychological characteristics of the contact audience, including the specifics of organizational culture, the stage of development of the organization, audience attitudes, type of motivation, etc. d.

1.3 The role and importance of internal PR

Some sources claim that large diversified corporations set, if not equal, then comparable budgets for external and internal PR. The question arises: for what? What is the relevance of systematic internal corporate PR activity?

Firstly, in labor markets. It is known that we are now faced with a so-called poor labor market. That is, due to demographic “failures”, population aging and low birth rates, “brain drain” and other negative processes, the labor market is significantly short of offers from the most productive specialists: middle-aged (25-35 years old) with good education and work experience 3-10 years. Competition for qualified personnel forces companies, in addition to using direct material incentives, to consciously build their image and relationships with actual and potential employees. Thus, the company’s image is a unique product in the labor market, that is, what this company can convince the applicant to “vote” for her.

Secondly, in the tireless struggle of enterprises for efficiency. A competent internal corporate PR campaign increases work efficiency, motivation and loyalty. This occurs due to the corporate identity effect that occurs in people as a reaction to the positive message and respect inherent in internal PR. The most advanced companies have an internal corporate slogan that sounds similar:

“Intel believes employees are the most important investment for success...” - Intel Corporation believes that its employees are the main key to success. Intel

“Best results through unlocking the potential of the organization and its employees” – Telecominvest Group of Operators

“Right now, we’re looking for people who think big and dream big - people a lot like you” – Right now we are looking for people who think and dream big – like you – Microsoft

Based on the slogan posted on open resources, one can judge the personnel policy. As a rule, although it has a certain propaganda flair, it still shows how far the company’s management has advanced in understanding the relationship “Company” - “Employees”.

Having a competent internal PR concept and a beautiful PR slogan does not guarantee or replace a developed and socially responsible personnel policy. But its absence most likely means that company executives consider this an optional “dessert” and they have yet to think about it.

Thirdly, the relevance of spending on internal PR is due to the development of markets, global integration and cooperation. This is inevitably associated with the arrival in Russia of new strong market players, global corporations, bringing with them not only investments and technologies, but also a culture of relations with their employees. Here, as they say, I called myself a load - climb into the back, or if you want to be on the level - reach out.

Fourth reason- development of business and the institution of property in Russia. If an enterprise issues its shares (as an OJSC), attracts foreign capital (as a joint venture) or is an affiliated structure of a person or group of persons, then relations with the owners determine many business processes. Agree, this imposes its own characteristics on financial reporting, information transparency, and the formulation and awareness of personnel and marketing policy. According to the author, we are about to go through and experience a period of mass “retirement of the owner.” The entrepreneur who created and raised the business will cease to be its full-time employee and will engage in other life or business projects. That is, the owner of not only large, but also medium and even small enterprises will become an external figure in relation to the business or will completely transfer the business to the heirs. While he/she worked as an insider, everything was clear to him by default as a subject of the internal corporate situation. After the “exit”, it will also be necessary to formulate values ​​and maintain a favorable image of the company for him. Thus, internal corporate PR has another, rather specific target audience, something between internal and external – the retired owner and/or his heirs.

1.4Internal PR tools

Formulated values ​​and goals in relation to one’s inner target audience are the strategic level of internal PR. At the operational level, this must be translated into practical actions and activities that achieve the objectives. This activity can develop in the following areas:

Meetings of the entire team with management companies create a sense of community, serve as a good opportunity to communicate, ask questions, talk about achievements and problems .

News and communications, including news feed, corporate paper or electronic media; specific channels and forms of communication , characteristic of this particular group.

Sports and health, for example rent health center, compensation for sports activities, health promotion, invitation at the expense of the company of a trainer or instructor.

"We are one team." Any teams or associations that bring a spirit of unity and healthy competition are suitable.

Children and Families Policy employees, for example, benefits from the company to mothers-employees, financial assistance at the birth of a child, congratulations from the company on “children’s” holidays - September 1, New Year, inviting family members to events.

Large corporate events also a good reason to chat, but the informal moment is important here.

Professional excellence, honorary titles. Try assigning a prize for the title " Best Manager sales", say, a car, and you will be surprised at the sales volumes. The car will most likely pay for itself.

Birthdays and personal dates, marked by the company, always leave a pleasant impression and gratitude in the soul of the “toasted”.

Encouraging behavior that is valuable to the Company, for example, bonuses for quitting smoking, for knowing a second foreign language or mastering a related profession, for the absence of sick leave or defects in work.

Social responsibility personnel policy not only gives employees a feeling of security and “rear support”, but also works on the principle “The company respects and cares about me - I respect the campaign.”

Creation of a quality education system, training, objective certification, advanced training and career growth;

Creating an organizational basis for corporate policy– local normative document(Charter, Code, etc.), publicly discussed upon adoption;

Formation collective public bodies composed of elected leaders or experts. For example, “Arbitration Court”, “Conflict Commission”, “Quality Commission”.

Charity and participation in sponsorship programs, positively illuminated within the team.

Thus, internal PR is part of both marketing and personnel policies. Modern business dictates to managers such requirements that, apparently, will force some managers to develop their internal corporate PR menus, and others to take up their formation. If you want to have a serious lunch, you won't be satisfied with dessert. And it’s quite possible to have a snack.

1.5 Mission, corporate values

Employees must know the real mission of their organization. This will help them develop an understanding of their contribution to the organization's mission. In some organizations, employees participate in setting goals and thus take responsibility for achieving them. In others, employees only participate in the choice of methods and means of achieving goals, and thirdly, there may be neither one nor the other or there may be both.

1. Level of organizational culture of the company: level of work organization, efficiency, order, original work methods; high level and culture of customer service.

2. Implementation of the concept of social and ethical marketing.

3. Organization of internal company events.

4. Corporate prestige. Psychological climate in the company.

5. Staff turnover rate.

6. The personality of the leader, his image.

8. Work efficiency; quality of products or services; growth and development trends; stable income.

9. High level of quality of management (management) and technology.

10. Professionalism of employees.

11. Availability of an internal information center

12. Presence of traditions and spirit of competition.

13. Respect for legal norms, legality of transactions.

14. Level of wages and social benefits.

15. Company name.

16. Corporate identity.

17. Office: location, interior design.

The combination of these and other factors determines the image of the company.

2.2 Channels for disseminating information within the company

Now let's move on to the channels of information dissemination in the company: meetings and conferences, letters and articles in newspapers, newsletters, exhibitions, annual reports, advertising, books, films, surveys, internal television, etc.

Let's take a closer look at internal newspapers and bulletin boards, personal meetings between the head of the company and employees, meetings, thank-you notes and annual reports.

A) Domestic newspapers

One of the most common means of communication with the general public is domestic newspapers. Sam Black points out that it is preferable to use this term rather than the previously accepted "internal magazine", given the fact that they are published periodically. “The importance of an internal newspaper in establishing good relations with the general public both within and outside the company is evidenced by its constantly and rapidly growing circulation. In Great Britain over 1,800 internal newspapers are published with a total circulation of more than 23 million copies and a total value of approximately £15 million. Art. In the USA, it is believed, there are ten thousand domestic newspapers with a circulation of 300 million copies, in Japan there are 3000 such newspapers, in France 700.

An internal newspaper is generally defined as a non-profit publication produced by an organization to maintain contact with employees and the general public outside the organization. Large-circulation publications differ so greatly in size, style, and fonts that it is easier to classify them according to the composition of their readers. They are published for internal use, for distribution outside the organization, or for these two groups of readers at the same time." Therefore, in our case, it was decided to publish two publications: for employees and the external public.

“The main task of a large-circulation newspaper for internal use is to create a sense of a single family in the team, strengthen confidence in management, explain the organization’s policies, attract employees to cooperate with the administration, and awaken their interest in the affairs of the organization. But if the newspaper does only this, it will be boring , no matter how original the materials are presented. Therefore, the newspaper should contain articles on more than that. general topics, it should more fully cover the activities of employees."

Let's move on to a description of the topics covered in in-house newspapers. There is the following topic rating:

1. Goals, objectives and principles of the corporation. Orders and instructions from management. Information and rumors about senior management.

2. Structural changes (reorganization) of the management apparatus

3. Equipment modernization

4. Transition to new products

5. Financial success (profit, loss)

6. Vacancies, dismissals, appointments

7. Salary growth

8. Change internal regulations. Working conditions.

9. Downsizing

10. Retraining of personnel

11. Employee benefits

12. Bonuses, additional payments

13. Participation in professional competitions; awards in this regard

14. Recreation conditions, sports team

15. External conditions affecting results corporate activities(new legislative acts, pre-crisis situation, market conditions, etc.)

16. Successes and failures of a competitor

17. Charity activities

19. The prestige of the corporation in the mirror of public opinion

20. Finding a new job

21. History of the corporation

22. PR program for optimizing corporate relations

23. Editorials (current corporate policy issues)

24. Interviews with managers

25. Manual Print Statements

26. Reports from press conferences

27. Photo essays (creating the image of a leader)

28. “We asked, we answer”

30. Columnist.

B) Notice board

It gives orders, instructions and other types of management documentation a shade of informal address: in any case, the level of official “instruction from above” is reduced by the very fact that on the same board, next to the last order, an announcement of a club of interests may well be posted. The bulletin board accurately models the specifics of corporate communication of a given team: the set of announcements itself, their topics, frequency, and design clearly define the range of issues raised by management for urgent information. On the other hand, responsible announcements show how effective the feedback between managers and managed is. The advantage of a bulletin board is the speed of influence on the opinion and behavior of small groups, a high degree of personalization of appeal. The spirit of corporate unity is especially supported and (created!) by congratulations on behalf of management, condolences, announcements of charitable events (collecting donations, establishing scholarships and funds for a company or company, and PR.)

C) Personal meetings of the head of the company with employees

They are highly valued by employees among all sources of management information. A high position and the interlocutor’s belonging to the “arbiters of destinies” add authority to their judgments. The employee feels involved in the development of corporate policy and important management decisions.

In addition, Barbara Gee notes the importance of the emotional connection of such meetings, which helps the manager to win over the employee, which means that in the future he will not be so sensitive to unpopular measures:

"Many managers reject the idea that emotions are an integral part of business life. "Bobby, don't give me that nonsense about feelings, a manager once told me, when I make decisions, I rely only on my reason and ability to think logically, and not on emotions." Recent research conducted by medical scientists from San Francisco has given us startling new evidence that our brains, especially our ability to make decisions, are governed by emotion rather than logic. Dr. David Sobel and Robert Ornstein, professors of neurology at University of California medical center, have established the existence of a “command center” on which brain function, decision-making and human abilities depend. Is his work based on logic or emotion? Sobel and Ornstein answer this question this way: “Of course, we can think that our abilities and talents are controlled by the rational component of the brain. However, we will have to disappoint the apologists of logic. Fortunately for humans, the control system for mental operations is largely associated with emotions and the body’s automatic self-defense system than with the conscious process of thinking... We are controlled by emotions rather than reason.”

D) Notes of gratitude

As an example of the use of such notes, let us quote another excerpt from B. Gee’s book “Company Image”:

“When my friend Julia started working at a new place, I advised her to try to establish an exchange of notes with her employees. She was hired for a position with an annual salary of $25,000, but wanted to achieve more. And Julia followed my advice, bolstering her epistolary activities enthusiasm for the work and impeccable appearance. Soon, the morale of her subordinates was noticeably strengthened, and Julia’s positive contribution to creating team spirit did not go unnoticed by the company’s management. A year and a half after Julia joined the company, she was offered a position with an annual salary of 50 thousand dollars, although she did not graduate from universities, and she had little work experience. But Julia was able to harness the amazing power of complimentary notes, which she spent just a few minutes a day on.”

E) Meetings and briefings can be held on various occasions and with varying regularity. They must be clearly planned and organized. The task of the public relations department is to create opportunities for direct communication between the manager and other employees of the company. The main significance of this technique is in the informal communication of those present, allowing dozens of those present to get to know each other and exchange information.

On annual meetings heads of companies thank their employees, emphasizing their importance and contribution to the common cause. Often, industrial workers engaged in monotonous activities are told about the role their work plays in obtaining the final product, where the devices they work on will be used. Nobody likes to work blindly. Familiarization with the final stage of work is especially facilitated in the so-called closed-loop departments, i.e. in those where all stages of creating a given product take place.

According to Samuel Vauclain, chairman of the board of Baldwin Locomotive Works, "The average person is easy to lead if you have his respect and show him that you respect him for some ability."

E) Annual reports are a relatively new and less common means of communicating organizational information to employees, while foreign firms have been using them for a long time. "Such reports may be printed in parallel with annual reports to shareholders or distributed as single annual reports...An annual or annual report carries information function, reflecting the company's activities and significant events during the year. At the same time, it should also have a motivational function, implicitly appealing to a sense of corporate involvement, pride and patriotism."

personnel policy corporate image

2.3 Opportunity for career growth

According to a study conducted international agency according to Robert Half International recruiting, employers believe that in most cases, good employees leave the company due to a lack of career opportunities or because of troubles with management, and not because of the level of salaries and bonuses.

According to the online resource HR-zone.net, among the surveyed managers, 39% believe that staff dismissals occur due to a lack of additional career opportunities, 23% indicated difficulties in communicating with management as the reason, and 17% indicated a lack of recognition. And only 11% noted the level wages and bonuses. During the study, 150 large international companies were surveyed.

It is not a high salary level that helps reduce staff turnover or increase employee motivation. It's all about meeting the emotional needs of employees. When employees feel that they are being bypassed by inviting outside managers, the morale of the team inevitably drops. Employees feel that no matter how well they perform, they will never be able to advance in their careers. This does not mean that it is not necessary to determine whether a certain employee is suitable for a higher position. Opportunities for employee advancement relate to a company's overall corporate philosophy rather than to any specific situation.

The fact is that a company that uses a policy to promote its employees (like IBM with its lifetime employment system) and values ​​their merits receives in return a dedicated, highly motivated, productive employee and low staff turnover, which determines its financial success .


Communication work requires significant costs. Saving on it can lead to disproportionate losses due to an unclear image of the organization, a negative psychological climate, and a lack of mutual respect and trust between employees and management. Sometimes management only tries to “sell” its line to employees without showing interest in their position. This one-way communication is ineffective. PR specialists establish relationships with employees through a variety of means: meetings and conferences, letters and newspaper articles, newsletters, exhibitions, annual reports, advertising, internal television, etc. It must be remembered that all of these means will be effective only if if the feedback works, i.e. There is not one-sided propaganda, but a two-way exchange of information and opinions. In addition, work in Public Relations is long-term in nature and does not forgive mistakes, as was the case with Lee Iacocca (see Appendix 1). The created image of the organization must be constantly maintained and not risked for short-term profit.

This paper presents a possible justification for objects and methods of image formation, as well as examples from the practice of some PR campaigns.

Having achieved respect in society, the company will be forced to maintain its image. However, the company’s efforts will not be in vain; everything invested in creating a positive image will not only bring decent profits, but will create a good foundation for further growth.

In this work, an attempt was made to highlight and analyze the basic principles of the company’s internal PR, taking into account, first of all, the features of the psychological and aesthetic perception of information.

1. The role and importance of internal PR is in the formation of a managed image (image, reputation, corporate identity) of the company and its products/services.

2. Objects of internal PR are labor collectives, employees of firms, companies, institutions, government apparatuses, united by official and professional relations.

3. The task of internal PR is to position the company as caring about its employees and maintaining constant contact with them.

4. Internal PR channels - internal newspapers, bulletin boards, personal meetings of the head of the company with employees, notes of gratitude, annual reports, as well as the company’s corporate website, which can combine the above methods of communication with staff.

Quote according to B. Gee "Company Image", p. 162.

“In 1986, Lee Iacocca was a living legend. He saved Chrysler from bankruptcy and became a symbol of American determination. The fact that he gave himself a symbolic salary of one dollar to pull the company out of crisis earned him the respect of the company’s workers and the entire society. He was considered a potential candidate for US President.

After some time, in order to reduce production costs, Iacocca closed a number of unprofitable Chrysler plants and laid off thousands of workers, while simultaneously setting himself an annual salary of $18 million. He becomes America's highest-paid executive, and Chrysler workers wear badges on their overalls that read "Iacocca is a liar." Following this, company executives were accused of using new cars, and then changing the meter readings and putting them up for sale at the price of new ones. In one day, the news spread throughout the country, people began to joke: “Would you buy a used car from Lee Iacocca?” By betraying Chrysler's stated principles, Lee Iacocca tarnished his image."


1. Abelmas N.V. A universal guide to Public Relations. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008.237 p.

2. Sam Black. Public relations. Publishing house "Sirin", M.: 2002, 202 p.

4. Gee B. Company image: planning, formation, promotion - M.: "Center", 2000. - 414 p.

5.Kuznetsov V.F. Public relations: theory and technology (textbook for universities) V.F. Kuznetsov. - M.: Aspect Press, 2008. - 302 p.

6. Kochetkova A.V., Fillipov V.N., Skvortsov P.L., Tarasov A.S. Theory and practice of community relations. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. - 240 p.

7. Kapitanov E., Kapitanov A. Corporate culture and PR. Ed. “MarT”, M.: 2003. – 416 p.

8. Panasyuk A. Yu. Image formation: strategy, psychotechnologies, psychotechnics. – M.: Omega-L, 2007. – 266 p.

9. Pocheptsov G.G. Imageology. M.: Refl-book, K.: Wakler. –2000.- 786s.

10. Information resources Internet - Sovetnik.ru professional PR portal (http://www.sovetnik.ru)

WebsiteKADROVIK . RU http://www.kadrovik.ru/

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Having defined the role of PR as a management technology and identified its management potential in establishing interactions in internal and external environment organization, let us dwell in more detail on the first aspect related to internal PR.

Internal PR is also called intra-corporate PR. Internal PR is work with a team aimed at increasing cohesion, which in turn directly affects the organization’s achievement of tactical and strategic goals. Thus, one of the main conditions for the functioning of the team as a single whole is communication connectivity, which PR specialists must ensure.

Today, real internal PR is complex activities, aimed at establishing communication links between employees and groups of company employees, in which a variety of tools can be used. The main thing is to ensure compliance with the goals that the company seeks to achieve by building a system of relationships with its internal audience.

Internal PR is designed to increase the level of loyalty and motivation of personnel, and therefore the effectiveness of their activities. In addition, creating a positive image of the company in the eyes of employees affects the company’s image in the external environment, since personnel are one of the channels for transmitting information to the outside.

So, as we found out, internal PR technologies are aimed at maintaining friendly internal corporate relations and introducing employees to corporate values. To achieve these goals, public relations specialists working with the intra-organizational sphere of its life, turn their attention to working with the organization’s personnel and its management.

The subject of attention of “internal” PR specialists is: establishing intra-corporate connections, creating uniform standards of behavior, building a system for informing employees, creating a positive image of the company-manager, which generally influences the increase in loyalty and efficiency of each employee (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Volodina N. How to build effective system internal PR [ Electronic resource] - Electron. magazine Personnel Affairs - Access mode: http://www.hr-land.com/pages/kak_postroit__effektivnuyu_sistemu_vnutrennego_pr.html

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Interaction with company managers;

Working with company employees;

Facilitate interaction between management and employees.

To organize this work, personnel are segmented for some reason depending on the goal. The success of public relations specialists depends on how deeply they have segmented the target audience, dividing all employees according to their needs, interests, preferences and, moreover, taking into account their real official position.

At the same time, the following subgroups are distinguished on socio-psychological grounds: Sharkov F.I. Public Relations: 3rd edition. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2009. P.167-169.

Managers at all levels (they tend to value quality information);

Experienced employees without special education who thoroughly know the matter (they are interested in everyday and unofficial news);

Beginners who are just getting into the swing of things (it is important for them to please everyone at once);

Young employees who accidentally found themselves in a team (they don’t like their jobs, they’re almost indifferent to management information).

The functional roles of employees can also be taken as the basis for segmentation. On this basis, we can distinguish such small groups as:

Senior managers;

Specialists (experts, scientists, laboratory staff, engineers, etc.) - they are completely absorbed in tracking the flow of scientific and technical information and have no time left for management information;

Managers, as well as leaders of temporary creative teams, working groups, technical projects (all their time is devoted to control and administrative functions, a minimum of time is allocated to reading orders from managers);

Service personnel - qualified and unqualified (constantly busy looking for another, more suitable job, both outside and inside the team).

In the process of interaction with the management of the company, the following main tasks are implemented: Sharkov F.I. Public Relations: 3rd edition. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2009. P.172-173.

1. The mission of the company and its social orientation are determined and subsequently clarified.

2. The concept of forming mutually agreed images of the management team, the organization as a whole, its goods and services is being developed and implemented.

3. Speeches by the organization’s leaders at negotiations are prepared, using mass media, presentations, meetings, exhibitions, seminars are held.

4. Anti-crisis measures are developed and their implementation is monitored.

5. Trademarks are being developed, corporate identity, a set of measures to form and maintain the company’s image.

A special area of ​​activity for a PR specialist is working with the company’s employees, which consists of the following: Gundarin M.V. Book by the head of the PR department: practical recommendations. 2nd edition, expanded. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. pp. 149-150.

1. Participation in the selection of personnel, especially those directly working with clients.

2. Maintaining mutual understanding between team members and a good microclimate.

3. Education of personnel in the spirit of loyalty to the company.

4. Staff training to improve communication skills with clients and partners.

5. Elimination of unprepared communication between employees and the press regarding the company’s activities.

7. Preparing public opinion for changes in internal regulations and working conditions and pay, equipment modernization, and the transition to the production of new products.

8. Collection and storage of material on the history of the company.

9. Anticipating the emergence and prevention of rumors.

10. Work with documentation, client- or partner-oriented.

To summarize the above, let us summarize the main goals of internal PR, which are as follows:

Building corporate communications;

Formation and strengthening of corporate culture;

Strengthening staff loyalty.

The main objectives of this technology are:

Formation of a unified information space;

Overcoming communication gaps and achieving mutual understanding;

Receiving feedback from company personnel;

Demonstration of “openness” of management;

Clarification of corporate policy in the field of personnel training and development;

Formation of uniform standards of behavior in accordance with the corporate code and ethics of the company.

Having clarified the features of internal PR, we will specify its main tools. Note that they are practically no different from those traditionally used in the field of public relations. The only difference is their specificity, dictated by the audience.

In the very general view Internal PR tools can be divided into four groups: Shirokova I. Internal corporate PR tools [Electronic resource] - Electronic. magazine Remedium - Access mode: http://www.hrculture.ru/node/8175

1) informational (media, website, stands, leaflets, messages);

2) analytical (mailboxes, surveys, focus groups, personnel monitoring);

3) communicative (corporate holidays, corporate training, adaptation trainings, professional competitions, etc.);

4) organizational (meetings, conferences, management speeches, development and implementation of corporate standards, etc.).

Here are a number of examples of the use of individual tools in an organization. Thus, internal media are one of the most common internal PR tools. The volume, variety, frequency and circulation of the media are determined by the size and needs of the audience, as well as the technical capabilities of the company. So, let's say, on a large scale industrial enterprise(more than 1000 people) it becomes advisable to create an internal radio station, and in an office with no more than 100 people, a weekly newsletter or monthly magazine is sufficient. We should not forget about the informatization of social space in the 21st century, which determines the necessity and prospects of using electronic media. It makes sense to evaluate the possibilities for staff to use the Internet and create electronic internal media.

An important tool for establishing corporate culture through PR is the preparation of a specialized document - a guide to corporate culture. These guidelines should address aspects of behavior both inside and outside the company. Management must be accessible to employees of all grades. Obviously, when writing a “corporate bible” it is better to avoid dogma and approach this process creatively. Do not be afraid to use non-traditional genres, because most employees will not read a boring textbook on business etiquette, but will prefer an ironic detective story with neatly written norms of behavior.

An effective tool visual communication is the corporate identity. A significant achievement of internal PR can be the sense of pride that employees feel when using products with the symbols of the organization, as well as their ability to distinguish a fake from the original. Staff knowledge of the main differences (color, logo, office design, signs, etc.) promotes unification based on involvement with a specific organization, belonging to a special circle of people - employees of this company. It should be noted that the creation of symbols is one of the oldest ways to unite the masses.

Another internal PR tool is mass events (sports, tourism, etc.). Here everything depends on the imagination of the leader. However, it is recommended to choose activities that can involve as many more people. This could be, for example, a volleyball championship between divisions of the company.

Another tool is rumors. It should be emphasized that they are much easier to use in internal PR than in traditional PR. Firstly, the company can map out the channels and directions for the spread of rumors, achieve 100% awareness among employees and promote conversations on the desired topic. Secondly, you can immediately receive feedback and manage the process of rumor functioning from beginning to end. It's a little more difficult to deal with unwanted rumors. Here you can use the same technique, i.e. refuting rumors or internal official sources information through statements of authoritative persons on a topic of interest to staff.

Notice board as an internal PR tool -- open source information that encourages discussion and, therefore, facilitates communication between people in a team. Even if you have an electronic bulletin board, it is advisable to leave the traditional one and place it in an area where people pass by. large number workers (canteen, smoking room, entrance).

The honor roll in a modern organization is not a “relic of the past.” A company that is proud of its employees deserves to have employees proud of it. For many, especially older teams, honor boards still remain very strong motivators.

As a tool for internal PR trainings interpersonal communication, working in groups, working in conditions of company restructuring, etc. help maintain a favorable climate in the team difficult situation. Trainings are best carried out with the assistance of an external specialist. Training should be organized and conducted by specialists, and working group- determine their feasibility and role in overall strategy internal PR.

Meetings in internal PR are implemented taking into account the specifics of teams. These could be quarterly meetings in assembly halls with reports on the work done or weekly five-minute meetings in departments, at which the manager sets a task, distributes work and sums up the results of the previous week. Gundarin M.V. Book by the head of the PR department: practical recommendations. 2nd edition, expanded. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. P.164.

Only classic PR tools have been listed here, but creative thought can change them beyond recognition. When forming your own internal PR strategy, you must use only tools that are acceptable for a given organization. The better they are adapted to solve the assigned tasks, the faster you can feel the results from working in the field of internal PR.

Internal PR

Internal PR - PR tools used to improve the performance of a restaurant. When it comes to PR work inside a restaurant, then, first of all, it concerns the establishment of PR relations between its employees. According to Alexey Noskov, director of PizzaMania LLC, PR is a concern not only of the management, but also of each individual employee, especially those who come into direct contact with clients (waiters, bartenders, hostesses, sommeliers, head waiters).

Internal PR of a restaurant can be carried out in the following ways:

  • - employee survey, research and assessment of their opinions about work;
  • - personal characteristics;
  • - information “from the back door”;
  • - guidelines for new employees;
  • - open day for family members;
  • - free time program;
  • - advanced training seminars and reference literature;
  • - involving employees in planning and conducting PR events;
  • - press reports mentioning best workers enterprises;
  • - participation in culinary competitions.

PR events inside the restaurant have two goals:

  • 1) Creation of positive PR relations among employees;
  • 2) Establishing a trusting relationship between restaurant managers and its employees.

External PR

Community service in restaurants involves establishing relationships with potential clients, media, partners, suppliers, government agencies, investors, competitors, unions and associations. This work is ensured in the long term by measures to establish PR. This means creating a long-term positive image of the enterprise, including positive assessment clients and the public of its importance, prestige, reputation and fame.

Journalists are great helpers in creating PR around a restaurant. It is they who, wittingly or unwittingly, mainly shape the public opinion about the restaurant. Therefore, it is better for a restaurant director to be friends with journalists. They can, for a fee, write flattering articles about the establishment and analytical reviews restaurant market, where they can present the restaurant in a rather favorable light in relation to competitors. This is what a journalist does of his own free will. And secondly, a hard worker can benefit a restaurant quite by accident. So, many restaurateurs introduce for this writing fraternity special programs loyalty: free coffee, serious discounts, increased attention from service staff, reserving the best table, etc. And quite often, journalists choose the place where they meet with the “star” they want to interview, exactly the restaurant where the loyalty program operates for him. And a “star” in a restaurant is a very useful thing:

  • - the “star” will make a stunning impression on the guests of the restaurant (and rumors about this will fly throughout the city, creating positive PR around the establishment);
  • - when a journalist begins to photograph a star for his magazine or newspaper, it is quite possible that part of the interior of the guest room will be illuminated in the photograph.

The restaurateur also benefits from his own communication with journalists, because, probably, there are no people more knowledgeable about the situation in the restaurant market than the ubiquitous journalists - you can learn a lot of interesting things from them.

Working with clients, depending on the frequency of clients visiting a particular restaurant, the degree of its “persuasion” has different significance. In this case, it seems advisable to have special employees (in addition to waiters) who form the very “image” of the restaurant, working with restaurant guests, and not only within the framework of PR programs related to the reception of VIP clients - artists, politicians, athletes, etc. Being a tool of communicative marketing, PR activities should not neglect ordinary visitors.

Of course, special employee No. 1 will be a brave security guard. Its type and tasks depend on what kind of guests usually come to the restaurant. In good restaurants, security is polite and observant, and camouflage is a rare occurrence. Security guards, and does not ask guests “what they want here.” And, if security is only engaged in breaking up fights, regularly taking part in them, then this means either a lack of prevention (FACE CONTROL), or the conscious maintenance of such a dashing image of the enterprise by the owners. The security guard is not obliged to please the guests more than his immediate superior.

The doorman is a man in livery, the same one who runs out to meet you in the rain with an umbrella in his hand. And he calls a taxi, seeing him off. And he always has one hand free: for tips. His role is a clever gatekeeper, remembering you, and the good old days, and mutual acquaintances, and...

Wardrobe - you throw off your coat, coat, fur coat, cane, hat, gloves to him, without worrying about their safety. He grabs everything on the fly, he knows everything about you that the doorman knows. His wardrobe is in order, he won’t confuse your fur coat with a child’s jacket, he will carry your gifts to the car (if he can’t manage it, the doorman will help). The wardrobe keeper is the “master of the golden mountain”; people entrusted him with something sacred: what they wore when they went out into the world.

Toilet - in the age of small private restaurants, they save money on this position, but this is not correct. Only an experienced and calm person can react promptly to everything in such a specific place. Napkins, liquid soap, air fresheners, toilets (and everything connected with it), means for cleaning suits and cleaning shoes. By the way, until the mid-80s, linen hand napkins were served in toilets. The condition of the toilet determines who the owner of the house is. Accordingly, this? keeper of purity.

Musicians. A restaurant is all about eating, drinking and dancing. All this is a stereotype that has developed over many years. And there is no point in fighting for its abolition. A musical ensemble may irritate someone, but someone, on the contrary, will go to this music, the main thing is to know the limits. Artists are big children, they need to be tactfully but very firmly led. Do not let them drink with guests and try to make sure that one song is not performed more than 25 times in a row.

The bartender is the person behind the counter, always visible. His business is the drinks that he makes in front of people, and this process is not instantaneous, so an inevitable conversation arises about nothing, which develops into finding common topics. By juggling a shaker and performing the ritual of serving a cocktail, the bartender presents himself, and the conversation he is having does not distract him from other matters. Loners who want to chat or, conversely, those who don’t need anyone right now spend their time at the counter. A good bartender will always understand a person by the first phrases. Sometimes the tip after a glass of cognac is equal to the cost of the drink. That's the price of a good, friendly conversation while working.

Sommelier - this position has appeared in “fashionable” restaurants seeking to raise the class of service and their place in the ranking. This is a waiter in the “law”, mastering the art of service in full, a cupbearer, a wine specialist, an expert in the rules of recommending wines and the ritual of serving them. The sommelier speaks with dignity, makes suggestions, can politely express disagreement or approve the guest’s choice, paying tribute to his taste. The very phenomenon of a sommelier brings service to new level: Another specialist is taking care of the guest.

Hostess. Young, beautiful, intelligent Mistress, owning foreign language. She is always at the entrance to the hall. The right hand of the head waiter, replacing him at such moments when he has no opportunity to move away from the guests. Like sommeliers, hostesses are a new phenomenon in our restaurants. She shows the guests the halls, gives general information in the kitchen and wine list, entertainment programs. When showing interest in something specific, the hostess calls the appropriate person: chef, sommelier, art manager, etc. The use of hostesses is justified, because only one visitor can take a lot of time, and the head waiter must continuously attend to the guests.

Head waiter. The very courtesy with the guests and the ruthless drill sergeant with the waiters. He answers to guests and to his superiors. The waiters may not like him, but they recognize the authority of his words, his competence. If this is not the case, it is not a head waiter. He controls everything and makes decisions based on experience and the specific situation. Misunderstandings, conflicts, laughter and tears - everything is on it. Under any circumstances, the guest should leave satisfied, no matter how many waiters have to be changed.

Work with clients can also be carried out in writing, by processing information and publishing it in relevant publications, including your own “home” publication. It publishes messages about restaurant programs, the most important events that can interest a certain circle of consumers of restaurant services. As part of the PR program for establishing contacts with customers, discount systems provided by regular customers have a good effect.

“Several years ago, my company used only one brand of printers. They worked well enough, and there was no need to change them to something else. A young woman named Diana was engaged in selling and servicing the printers. As Diana gradually As she settled into our office, she began to discuss with us the shortcomings of her company, in particular, she only said something negative about her boss. In the end, her gossip and complaints about her company convinced me that they were faced with some problems. then terrible problems, although their service was still quite satisfactory. And I still stopped buying the printers offered to us, as did most of the other customers. After some time, Diana came to us to tell us that she had been fired from her job. The printer sales company lost so many customers that it was forced to lay off employees."

B. Ji, "Company Image".

This example leads to the conclusion that the company's employees are its main clients. After all, they represent the organization, to a large extent creating public opinion about this organization. And this is the most important conclusion that any organization striving to be successful should make for itself.

One way or another, today's employee is not a “hired force”. The effectiveness of a modern company depends on the cohesion of the staff, on trusting, interested relationships between management and employees, on the reliability of vertical and horizontal connections.

Thus, in-house PR - Thispart of the personnel management policy designed to increase the level of loyalty and motivation of the company's employees.

The most classic manifestations of internal “public relations” are general meetings and group meetings, film screenings, seminars, and industrial press. These activities, based on preliminary research data and subordinated to a general plan that is both flexible and decisive, successfully defuse the situation in the team. In other words, internal public relations is an attempt to improve communication between people. This creates conditions for work in which trust and sympathy increasingly replace fear, envy and hatred.

Internal tools PR

Internal PR tools are practically no different from those traditionally used in the field of public relations. The only difference is their specificity, dictated by the audience. Classic internal PR tools include:

Internal media

This is the most common internal PR tool. The volume, variety, frequency, circulation of the media is determined by the size and needs of the audience, as well as the technical capabilities of the company. The main purpose of using this method of communication is the need to inform and reassure people concerned about certain issues related to the organization.

    A corporate newspaper is a powerful tool for interaction with the team. Typically, a corporate newspaper is defined today as a non-profit publication published by an organization to maintain contact with employees. The main objectives of such a publication are to create a sense of cohesion in the team, strengthen confidence in management, explain the organization’s policies, attract employees to cooperate with the administration, awaken their interest in the affairs of the company, etc. But, in addition to this, the newspaper should contain articles on the most general topics: the lives of employees outside the organization, their achievements in sports and hobbies should be more fully covered. An important condition for a corporate publication is ease of reading and understandability of the content.

Duche, head of Isorel , about the company’s newspaper: “Why did I come up with the idea of ​​​​creating this newspaper? There is only one answer to this question: so that members of the Izorel family can still participate in the life of their enterprise... It is necessary that each of us is aware of the family interests of our community...”

    Corporate television and radio carry the same goals and objectives as a corporate newspaper. They are especially effective for large industrial organizations and companies whose branches are scattered over a large territory.

The benefits of this modern way consists of personal communication, in the “face to face” option, which can lead to deeper mutual understanding between the administration and staff.

    Internal corporate website. It combines the advantages of large print runs with interactivity. Essentially, it consists of two parts: an electronic bulletin board and a permanent forum. There may be internal corporate email.

Bulletin board

This is an open source of information that encourages discussion and, therefore, facilitates communication among people in a team. Experts believe that the bulletin board accurately models the specifics of corporate communication of a given team: the set of announcements itself, their topics, frequency, and design clearly define the range of issues raised by management for urgent information.

Notice boards are quite common in organizations. However, management does not always remember that they can be used not only for informing emergency situations, but also to improve productivity, reduce losses and incidents.

The advantage of a bulletin board is the speed of influence on the opinion and behavior of small groups, a high degree of personalization of appeal. There may be an electronic bulletin board.

Employee events

It is necessary to clearly understand the goals and objectives of the events. Typical intra-corporate PR events are usually divided into two groups:

    Various forms of official intra-company communication: ceremonial summing up of the year in the form of meetings; so-called “flyers”; management appeal to subordinates explaining the current situation; meetings of top managers.

    Various forms of informal communication: corporate events; trainings; sporting events; conferences.


In some organizations, rumors are the most powerful means of communication. They often spread faster than official information and are more influential than regular instructions. Therefore, rumors can be destructive.

Rumors are not always the enemy in communications with busy people. Corporate rumors can be the same means of communication as the press or meetings of busy people. They can be even more valuable because they are believed and everyone can contribute to their creation and distribution.

Rumors are much easier to use in internal PR than in traditional PR. Firstly, the company can create a kind of rumor spread tree and achieve one hundred percent awareness among employees and stimulate conversations on the desired topic. Secondly, you can get immediate feedback and manage the process from start to finish.

Honor board

A company that is proud of its employees deserves to have employees proud of it. For many, especially older employees, honor boards remain very strong motivators.

Letters and congratulations

They are designed to simulate a direct, personal approach from management to staff in a conversational, personal manner.

Corporate identity

A very powerful visual communication tool. Staff knowledge of the main differences (color, logo, office design, signs, etc.) helps unite the team based on their belonging to something specific. Symbols are the oldest way to unite the masses.

Corporate Code

The life of each organization is subject to certain rules, which can be reflected in the corporate code. The Corporate Code is a document that describes the rules for conducting business and relationships in an organization. Every corporate code unique - it sets values ​​and patterns of behavior that all employees of the organization, including management, must follow. The Code also contains basic prohibitions, indications of unacceptable patterns of behavior, administrative measures, etc.

All these means will be effective only if the feedback works, i.e. There is not one-sided propaganda, but a two-way exchange of information and opinions.

The success of a modern company largely depends on the cohesion of staff, trusting, interested relationships between management and employees, and the reliability of vertical and horizontal connections. Investing in external PR and not taking care of internal PR is a waste of money. Attempts by management to present their point of view to employees without showing interest in their position, as a rule, do not bring success; sooner or later it causes resistance and rejection by employees, who in this case play only the role of mechanical performers.

The main thing is that you will never be able to convince anyone from the outside of the competence, promise and usefulness of your organization until they believe in it most own employees.

Motives that contribute to increasing employee interest in quality own work
Sam Black identified the following motives:

Complete and truthful information directed from top to bottom, bottom to top and from employee to employee;

- an atmosphere of trust between employee and employer;
- working conditions that are safe and harmless to health;
- decent remuneration;
- absence of conflicts;
- job satisfaction;