Computer science is always useful to study

Number of participants

In modern schools, the subject of computer science is one of the most important disciplines studied by schoolchildren. Whatever profession your students choose, in most cases they will have to deal with computers. Initially, this Olympiad was compiled for middle school students. But practice has shown that younger students are not at all inferior in knowledge to their elders and do an excellent job!

Spelling NOT with different parts of speech

Number of participants

We offer you tasks to test your knowledge of spelling NOT with different parts of speech. We will give you examples of different parts of speech, and you will have to determine which spelling is NOT - continuous or separate. Try to complete the tasks to learn separate spelling NOT with different parts of speech. Knowledge of spelling NOT with different parts of speech has great value for correct and competent written speech.

Excellent Russian language

Number of participants

As a rule, children are much more willing to begin an entertaining task than an ordinary one, because the unusual is always more attractive. Our blitz olympiads are also in the entertaining category: it’s nice to feel like an expert, to achieve success in fair competition in such a difficult subject as the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE.

Spelling N and NN in suffixes

Number of participants

How much hassle there is with spelling, how much you have to learn it! But experienced students say that spelling N and NN in suffixes is the easiest topic in the Russian language. The questions of this blitz-olympiad to consolidate knowledge on the topic of spelling one and two letters N in adjective suffixes develop the ability to think analytically and improve spelling skills. Shall we check?

I speak and write correctly

Number of participants

Love and respect for the native language, responsibility for the spoken and written word, the ability to feel its beauty and expressiveness - we should all strive to improve knowledge of our native speech. The questions of the blitz-olympiad “I speak and write competently” are not at all easy...

Participial phrase

Number of participants

Do you know what "Participial Turnover" is? Questions to consolidate knowledge and skills on the topic “Adverbial and participial phrases”: determining the boundaries of adverbial phrases, conditions for isolating gerunds and participial phrases in writing, constructing sentences that include participial phrases, comparison, observation and independent work.

Spelling adverbs

Number of participants

With the help of adverbs, we can more accurately characterize actions, an object, a sign, and convey our attitude towards them. Adverbs play a special role when describing the inner world of a person or the state of nature. Adverbs play a significant role in creating emotional vocabulary, carry certain information, evaluation, create an image and logically connect the text. Spelling adverbs is an important component of competent written speech.

Gender of nouns

Number of participants

In many languages, not having a gendered noun probably makes life easier. For example, there is no need to solve riddles like: “coffee” is “he” or “it”. And schoolchildren do not have to memorize what gender a particular word belongs to. But all Russian speakers are accustomed to words divided into three categories grammatical gender: male, female and average.

Consonants of the Russian language

Number of participants

The Russian language has 21 consonant letters and 21 consonant sounds. Consonant sounds are divided into voiced and voiceless, hard and soft. They are paired and unpaired. Everything seems to be simple and clear. Can you answer correctly the questions of this blitz Olympiad?

In the world of grammar

Number of participants

Students primary classes very active and inquisitive. They take part in contests, competitions, and quizzes with pleasure. The questions of the blitz - Russian language Olympiad are interesting and entertaining, children love such questions. And we thereby develop and maintain interest in the Russian language.

Sounds and letters

Number of participants

Mastering the concepts of “sound” and “letter”, the difference between vowels and consonants, the difference between voiced and voiceless consonant sounds, the difference between hard and soft consonant sounds. All letters can sound and make sounds. Guys, do you know why we sometimes say “letter” and sometimes “sound”? How are these concepts different?

What is multiplication? It's a smart addition

Number of participants

What is multiplication? This is a smart addition. After all, it’s smarter to multiply times than to add everything up for an hour. Multiplication tables are useful to all of us in life. And it’s not for nothing that it’s called MULTIPLICATION.

Word and sentence

Number of participants

Nature has given only man a special gift - SPEECH. Human speech consists of sentences. A SENTENCE is a complete thought. With the help of sentences we not only communicate, but also think. The questions of this blitz Olympiad will help systematize and consolidate the concepts of “word” and “sentence”.

Sounds and letters

Number of participants

In the Russian language, not all speech sounds are designated, but only the main ones. The Russian language has 43 basic sounds - 6 vowels and 37 consonants, while the number of letters is 33. The number of basic vowels (10 letters, but 6 sounds) and consonants (21 letters, but 37 sounds) also does not match. The difference in the quantitative composition of basic sounds and letters is determined by the peculiarities of Russian writing.

Excellent math

Number of participants

Math lessons in elementary school Almost all students love it. Mastering mathematical laws helps a child draw logical conclusions and build connections between concepts - this is necessary for solving problems of varying complexity. Is math difficult? Mathematics is interesting and exciting!

Journey to the Chess Kingdom

Number of participants

The game of chess is distinguished by its simplicity and accessibility, and the knowledge and skills acquired as a result of training have a beneficial effect on the process of implementation creative potential personality, contribute to the emergence of sustainable skills in making independent optimal solutions at any life situation. Teaching chess to children in secondary school opens up unique opportunities for the comprehensive development and education of students.

Young mathematician

Number of participants

There are laws in our lives that must be observed. Mathematics also has its own laws. Failure to comply with the laws of mathematics, at best, leads to the fact that the score is reduced, and in the worst case, it leads to planes crashing, computers freezing, roofs of houses flying away from strong winds, and the quality of communication deteriorating. The laws of mathematics consist of simple properties. These properties are already familiar to you. But it doesn’t hurt to remember them again...

Exploring the world

Number of participants

Do you love the subject - lesson " The world around us"? It means you love nature. And this is a great feeling! It helps a person become kinder, fairer, more responsible, and more generous. Only those who know and understand it, who know how to see and hear it can love nature. And to learn this, you need to be very attentive and inquisitive! Then our blitz olympiad will be interesting to you!


Number of participants

Quick blitz - Olympiad "Yes" or "NO" about everything. There are only two answer options: Yes or No. We have no doubt that you know all the right answers, but the main thing in this Olympiad is to understand the cleverly posed question and choose the correct answer.

Living and inanimate nature

Number of participants

Nature adorns our world. With what pleasure we listen to the singing of birds, the babbling of a brook, the mysterious whisper of the forest! With what pleasure we admire the mirror-like surface of the rivers, the majestic bulk of the mountains. Nature has two forms, living and non-living. Objects of living nature have a number of characteristics: they grow, eat, breathe and give birth to offspring. Objects of inanimate nature do not have such signs. Can you distinguish living and inanimate nature when answering the questions of this blitz olympiad?

Altai - the pearl of Russia

Number of participants

Altai is located in the south of Western Siberia. It occupies more than 261.7 thousand. square kilometers. The regions of the region are distinguished by such diversity natural conditions, which you can hardly find anywhere else on the globe. Altai is a land of blue mountains, deep taiga, thickets of cedar and sea buckthorn, swift rivers with the beautiful blue Katun and the majestic Ob, and crystal lakes. Altai is boundless dry steppes.

My protected region - Bashkortostan

Number of participants

The land of proud horsemen is the Bashkirs, the birthplace of Zemfira and Salavat Yulaev. Medieval authors mentioned this country, but since they themselves had difficulty imagining where it was, they composed all sorts of fables about it. All that was known for sure about the Bashkir people was that they lived “somewhere in the Urals region.”

A land rich in beauty - my Karelia

Number of participants

Karelia is called the land of thousands of lakes. But the region is rich not only in lakes. These include endless forests, rapids rivers, wild rocks, white nights and rare animals. How much you know about the nature of Karelia, we will understand from your answers.

Crimea is a piece of sunshine in the heart of Russia

Number of participants

Magic land! a delight to the eyes! Everything is alive there: the hills, forests, amber and yellow grapes, the sheltered beauty of the valleys, and the coolness of streams and poplars... All the feelings of a traveler beckon when, at a serene hour in the morning, in the mountains, along the coastal road, his familiar horse runs, and the green moisture before him and shines and rustles around the cliffs of Ayu-Dag... Alexander Pushkin, 1821-1823

My Republic is my Tatarstan!

Number of participants

The Republic of Tatarstan is a multinational country, on whose territory Tatars, Russians, Chuvashs and some representatives of other nationalities live. Each nation has its own traditions, customs and national holidays. Friendship of peoples is the wealth of Tatarstan.

We are residents of the Urals

Number of participants

The official Ural economic region is not only a highly developed heavy engineering, metallurgical, oil refining and chemical industry. Not only the extraction of oil, gas, coal, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. These are people. Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan and Orenburg region, Perm region, Bashkiria and Udmurtia. And then there is the Ural Federal District, which includes the Tyumen region. We can continue further. Geographically, the very south of the Urals is the part of Kazakhstan bordering us, the north is part of the Komi Republic and Arkhangelsk region. And every resident of these regions can say to himself - “Yes, I am from the Urals.”

Travel to the Tundra

Number of participants

In Russia, the tundra occupies about 1/5 of the entire territory of the country and stretches from west to east for many thousands of kilometers along the polar seas. The main occupation of the indigenous population - Nenets, Nanai, Dolgans, Yamals, Chukchis, etc. - is reindeer herding. Russia is home to most of the world's reindeer population - more than two million domestic and about one million wild. Reindeer provides the indigenous people of the North with meat and skins, from which very warm clothing, shoes, and portable shelters - tents, yarangas - are made.

My pride is Yakutia

Number of participants

An ancient legend beautifully tells about the natural resources of Yakutia: God held a bag of treasures in his hands and divided them among everyone on Earth. But over the territory of Yakutia, he froze his hands and dropped his treasures. A mountain of diamonds, precious stones, gold, platinum, silver and other very useful minerals scattered in one beautiful northern lights across the Yakut taiga. For a long time, Yakutia has been famous for its countless amazing treasures, very minerals, northern lights and very severe frosts.

Space Olympics

Number of participants

Space blitz - Olympics for children. Tell your children about space, astronauts, learn the names of the planets, and look at the starry sky. Let the child grow up curious, and what if he also later becomes a scientist or astronaut and you will be proud of him.

Space connoisseurs

Number of participants

People dreamed and prepared for a flight into space for a long time, and this became possible thanks to the work of Soviet engineers and scientists. The best of the best astronauts were chosen to fly into space. Several people applied for this place, all of them passed tough tests, medical examinations. And only shortly before the flight the name of the first cosmonaut became known. What do the guys know about the events of those distant days? This is the question of our blitz - the “Space Experts” Olympiad

Time of the first

Number of participants

They don't hire people from the street to become astronauts. Astronauts are carefully checked for their physical capabilities, health, hard work and much more. What do you think an astronaut should be like? What should she be able to do and know?

My Yugra

Number of participants

There is a beautiful land in our country - a land of rivers, lakes and swamps. Most The year here falls on winter: frosty, snowy, blizzard. The days are short and gloomy, the sun is hidden behind a layer of clouds. But the sun still appears on the horizon, and then a short summer comes. Wonderful people of different nationalities with their own traditions live here. Guys, what is this edge? Yes, this is our region - Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region– YUGRA, your small Motherland.

Riddles about Space

Number of participants

Space is a huge mystery for all humanity. Thoughts about billions of planets and systems are breathtaking not only for adults, but also for children. Riddles about space with answers will diversify your leisure time with your child and help you answer some difficult questions in a simple form. Blitz Olympiad "Riddles about Space" will fit perfectly into thematic classes in the garden, school or home.

Favorite fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky

Number of participants

The educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance of K.I. Chukovsky’s works is enormous, as they expand the child’s knowledge of the world around him, influence the child’s personality, and develop the ability to subtly sense the form and rhythm of the native language. Blitz Olympiad "Favorite Tales of K.I. Chukovsky" was compiled on the basis of everyone's favorite childhood works.

Fabulous losses

Number of participants

Every person has a favorite fairy tale. As you and I know, in fairy tales good always triumphs over evil. Today we will remember our favorite fairy tales by answering questions about what we lost fairy-tale heroes and where they found something... It will be interesting!

Journey with Little Red Riding Hood

Number of participants

Charles Perrault's fairy tales teach virtue, friendship and helping one's neighbor, and remain in the memory of adults and children for a long time. We invite you to take a trip to the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”.

Mathematics in fairy tales

Number of participants

We don’t yet know how to read and count, but we already know a lot of fairy tales in which something unusual, mysterious, and magical happens. Numbers appear very often in fairy tales and their choice is not accidental. Numbers are stored in fairy tales and allow them to better reveal their meaning. Fairy tales help to better understand various mathematical properties and rules.

I am a citizen of Russia!

Number of participants

Blitz - Olympiad for children about the legal life of Russia, its state structure and lifestyle. The Olympiad questions are aimed at knowledge state foundations, concepts and symbols that will allow a child to proudly say: “I am a citizen of Russia”!

Our friendly family

Number of participants

Everyone has their own family: mother, father, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers. A family is a home where they love and respect each other, share joys and sorrows, and preserve their family traditions and values.

I am proud of my Russia!

Number of participants

Russia is the largest country in the world, a country with great history, a country with incredibly beautiful nature. It is home to many people who love, are proud of and respect their great country.

School time

Number of participants

Questions from blitz-olympiads about school will help yesterday’s preschooler consolidate knowledge about school supplies and events school life. The Olympiad can be used at extracurricular events and extracurricular activities. A colorful diploma will remind children of the beginning of a wonderful school time...

We'll go to school soon

Number of participants

The desired hour has come: you are enrolled in first grade. You, my friend, listen to us, we will give you an order: tell everyone about the school, cherish the honor of the school! Always keep your books, copybooks, and notebooks in order! At school you must learn to read, count, and write. You are not allowed to be lazy - you need to do everything to perfection!

Paws, ears and tails

Number of participants

Where do the animals live?

Number of participants

Animals do not build ordinary houses like ours, but many of them build their own homes. They are all very different. Rabbits live in burrows, beavers live in huts, wild bees and wasps make nests. The list goes on and on...

Funny cartoon concert

Number of participants

Cartoons are an integral part of the life of any child. Our blitz Olympiad is dedicated to Soviet cartoons. They carry educational potential - correct speech, behavior patterns, original music, understandable plots and images. Remember how doing very important matter, but when you heard a familiar melody on TV, you dropped everything and rushed to the screen?

Seasons: spring

Number of participants

We'll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it. Be careful! “It dawns early in the morning, there are thawed patches here and there. The stream is noisy like a waterfall, starlings are flying to the birdhouse, drops are ringing under the roofs, a bear is up from the spruce tree. The sun is warmly caressing everyone. Who knows this time of year?”

Transport - air, land, water

Number of participants

Towards the end before school age Many children have a persistent interest in technology. Children often associate the desire to grow up faster with the dream of driving a car, launching rockets into space, driving ships, planes, and tractors. Taking into account the developmental characteristics of children preschool age, their great emotionality and impressionability must be widely used fiction, riddles about technology, games. The questions from this blitz Olympiad will help consolidate and systematize children’s familiarity with modes of transport.

The Republic of Buryatia is a piece of Russia

Number of participants

Buryatia is rich in its culture and history. Two traditions are intertwined here - European and Eastern, each of which is amazing and unique. The land of Buryatia remembers the times of the great nomads of the Xiongnu, the warriors of Genghis Khan, and the Cossacks who defended the borders of Transbaikalia. Buryatia was once part of Mongolia, so the culture of this country has become an integral part of the Buryat people. The past is remembered here; it has not gone away without a trace, but has become part of the present.

Bloom, my Kalmykia

Number of participants

Until recently, few people knew about the existence of a small republic in the south of our country, but now the whole world is talking about it. What is it called? - The Republic of Kalmykia - endless steppe, fields of tulips, herds of horses, flocks of sheep, camels, Kalmyk tea - jomba. Kalmyks are very open, optimistic and hospitable.

I love you, my Mari land

Number of participants

An ancient Mari proverb, which became a testament of our ancestors, says: “memory remains from the departed.” Hundreds of centuries have gone into the distant past, but the people's memory has carefully preserved for posterity the events of a thousand years ago. Thanks to the memory imprinted in a song word, wood, stone, embroidery, women's clothing, written sources bring to life before us the history of the Mari people who inhabited the land on the banks of the Volga and Vetluga.

My land - Mordovia is mine

Number of participants

Mordovia is a small republic located near Moscow. It is located in the center of the European part of the Russian Federation. To be more precise, it neighbors the Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza and Ryazan regions. From Moscow to Saransk, the capital of Mordovia, is only about seven hundred kilometers. Mordovia is a relatively young state that was formed only in the 20th century. Before this, the Mordovian peoples lived in small settlements scattered throughout Russia.

Central Asia - Tuva

Number of participants

Tuva – amazing country, located in the depths of the Asian continent. This is the heart of Asia. The capital of the republic is the city of Kyzyl. Crystal clear rivers, healing springs-arzhaans and lakes, mountain peaks raised to the sky, archaeological and architectural monuments of various eras - all this is Tuva. But the main treasure of Tuva is its people, who reverently preserve the traditions of centuries and look to the future.

Udmurtia - my bright spring land

Number of participants

My homeland is Udmurtia! These words fill the heart of everyone who was born on the beautiful Udmurt land, ringing with transparent springs, with pride. The Udmurt land is fertile and generous. In its fields, wheat is earing, rye is ripening, juicy corn is spreading its long braids, proud sunflowers are stretching towards the sun. Since ancient times, flax has been grown, from which products needed in every peasant farm. The pride of Udmurtia is the forest, which provides the republic not only with fuel, building material, raw materials for chemical and paper industry, but also clean air that protects its inhabitants from diseases. He can be compared to a powerful wizard who stores countless riches in his storerooms.

The ecological holiday Sinichkin Day is celebrated in our country not so long ago; the date of celebration is November 12. A long time ago, the Slavs had a belief that on this day wintering birds fly to a person’s home: bullfinches, waxwings, jays and yellow-breasted tits. The birds hope that in the harsh winter a person will take pity on them and feed them.

On Sinichka Day, since ancient times, it has been customary to make feeders, hang them on trees and store food for the birds.

Anyone can help birds survive the winter; it’s not that difficult. All you need to do is make a feeder, or better yet several. For example, take a juice or kefir box, make a hole in the side, pour in unroasted seeds or grains and hang the feeder on a tree. Or you can show your imagination and make a feeder from other materials, for example, from plywood or boards. The main thing is that the birds are fed and the master is satisfied.

It’s so nice in the winter to watch these mischievous yellow-breasted birds through the window, how they cheerfully peck seeds from the feeder and sing their ringing songs that spring will come soon, that the frosts will go away, and there is no need to be sad.

What do you know about tits? How do you help wintering birds? Tell us! We are waiting for yours interesting photos, drawings, crafts, stories, videos about yellow-breasted tits, mischievous sparrows, red-breasted bullfinches and other wintering birds and, most importantly, we are waiting for your wonderful hand-made bird feeders, because we really help wintering birds!

We invite everyone to participate in International environmental competition “Titmouse Day - let’s give feeders to wintering birds”!

Procedure for holding the Competition:

Acceptance of works fromOctober 20 to December 25, 2019 inclusive.

Determination of winners from December 26 to 29, 2019.

Publication of the competition resultsDecember 30, 2019.

Diplomas in electronic form are sent to participants within a month from the date of publication of the competition results.
Diplomas in paper form are sent to participants within one to two months from the date of publication of the competition results (subject to ordering a diploma in paper form, more details in the Regulations of the competition).

Purpose and Objectives of the Competition:

    To instill in children and their parents a friendly and caring attitude towards the world around them, to teach them to take care of birds;

    Reinforce the concept of the need to help birds during the cold season;

    Identification and support of gifted and talented children;

    Promoting the development of the intellectual and creative potential of the child’s personality;

    Fostering in children a love of creativity, beauty, and art;

    Nurturing an artistic and aesthetic attitude towards art;

    Introducing children to cultural values;

    Stimulating the child’s cognitive interests;

    Development of artistic and visual abilities;

    Promotion of advanced training for teachers in institutions of any type who develop children of preschool and school age; identifying creatively working teachers and creating conditions for their self-realization.

    Encouraging children and teachers to participate in network projects;

    Encouraging children and teachers.

    Providing participants with the opportunity to compete on a scale that extends beyond the boundaries of the institution and region within the framework of a distance competition.

Participants of the competition:

    pupils preschool institutions any type of RF and foreign countries;

    students in grades 1-11 educational institutions any type of the Russian Federation and foreign countries (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums);

    students of art schools, institutions additional education children;

    children not attending educational institutions;

    students of universities, colleges, schools, etc.;

    adults (teachers, educators, librarians, parents, etc.).

Competition nominations:

    “Do-it-yourself eco-feeder for birds” (for the feeder competition, bird feeders made by yourself are accepted, only from natural materials: edible feeders, feeders made of wood, branches, pine cones, pumpkins and other natural materials).

    “Bird feeder made from waste material” (bird feeders made by hand from waste material are accepted for the feeder competition: from old unnecessary dishes, plastic bottles, juice cartons and other trash that can be used for a good cause. Don't forget about bird safety! All sharp edges must be processed, for example, you can glue them with tape, do not make narrow holes so that the bird does not get stuck!).

    “Bird feeder “Miracle dining room” (the most original and beautiful bird feeders made of any materials are accepted for the competition of feeders for wintering birds).

    "Applique" (photos of applications in various techniques performance on the theme of wintering birds).

    "Decorative and applied creativity" (photos and video materials depicting crafts on the theme of wintering birds are accepted for the Titmouse Day crafts competition).

    "Plasticineography" (photos are accepted for the plasticineography competition plasticine paintings and plasticine drawings on the theme of wintering birds).

    "Fine Arts" (photos or scanned copies of drawings on the theme of tits and other wintering birds are accepted for the wintering birds drawing competition).

    "Drawing in non-traditional technique" (photos or scanned copies of drawings in various techniques: palms, fingers, threads, stencils, etc. on the theme of wintering birds are accepted for the Titmouse Day drawing competition).

    "Computer graphics" (computer drawings are accepted for the competition, as well as images processed in graphic editors, animations, etc. on the topic of the competition).

    "Poster» (presentations and photographs of a poster from your class, group, team, or individual poster on the theme of wintering birds are accepted for the Titmouse Day poster competition).

    "Wall newspaper" (photos of a wall newspaper from your class, group, or team on the topic of wintering birds are accepted for the wall newspaper competition).

    "Author's photography" (interesting, unusual photographs on the theme of wintering birds are accepted for the competition of photographs about the sea and photo collages).

    "Literary creativity" (poems, stories, fairy tales, essays, compositions and other creative works are accepted for the competition on the topic of wintering birds).

    Observation “Wintering birds” (Stories and observations of wintering birds, as well as diaries of observations of wintering birds, are accepted for the competition).

    "Expressive Reading" (audio recordings and video materials of expressive reading of poetry and prose by heart on the topic of wintering birds are accepted for the reading competition).

    "Theatrical creativity" (audio recordings, video materials of monologues, stage groups, classes, groups and readers are accepted for the competition).

    "Vocal and musical creativity" (Audio recordings, video materials of musical groups, dance groups, young composers and performers corresponding to the topic are accepted for the competition).

    "Presentation" (for the wintering birds presentation competition, your presentations on the topic of wintering birds are accepted).

    "Movie" (video materials on the topic of wintering birds are accepted for the video competition).

    "Cartoon" (Drawn, plasticine, computer, etc. cartoons that you have filmed are accepted for the competition).

    "Environmental action" (the competition accepts reports in the form of presentations, stories, supported by photos, or video materials about participation in environmental activities and events organized by someone or directly by the competition participants, for example, a winter canteen for birds, a parade of feeders, etc. ).

    "Research activities" (abstract works and research projects, research projects can be carried out in the field of theoretical and applied science. At the same time, a necessary requirement is the use of standard and innovative research techniques and methodologies for conducting experiments, monitoring and reporting results, including statistical processing. The addition of cartographic and photographic materials to the project is welcome).

    "Lapbook" (photos of finished lapbooks on the theme of wintering birds are accepted (at least 3 photos that clearly show the contents of the folder, the photos can be combined in a Word document or presentation, the work MUST include a description of the contents of the folder in free form).

    "Master class" (master classes on the topic of the competition in the form of text documents or presentations accompanied by photographs and video materials are accepted for the competition).

    "Methodological developments" (accepted for the competition methodological developments lessons, cool hours, extracurricular activities, eco-walks, bird watching, quests, quizzes, scenarios for events, holidays, entertainment, promotions, etc., corresponding to the theme of the competition).

    "Creativity without borders" (a free nomination in which presentations, photographs, drawings, stories and other materials on the topic of the competition are accepted for the competition).


The registration fee (PARTICIPATION + DIPLOMA) depends on the number of participants::

From 1 to 9 people (works) - 70 rubles , 70 rubles

From 10 or more people (works) - 60 rubles for each participant in each nomination, 60 rubles for a work supervisor diploma.

You can pay using a receipt, you can download the receiptInstructions for paying registration fees through Sberbank Online to the Yandex.Money e-wallet 410012112592773 no commission
Instructions for paying organizational fees through Sberbank Online using the organization’s details from the receipt

How to apply for the competition:


    Prepare the work(s). Files with works must be named (renamed) with the Last Name and First Name of the participant. Pay the registration fee(s).

    Write a letter to the postal address [email protected] The completed application, competition entry and a copy of the receipt must be attached to the letter. In the subject line of the letter, indicate the name of the competition and nomination.

    After sending the letter, you will receive an automatic response stating that the letter has been received, if you have not received an automatic response, check whether you have made a mistake in writing our email address and send the letter again.

    After processing your application, you will be sent confirmation that the work has been registered; confirmation should arrive within 3 to 5 days (maximum 10 days).

About awarding participants:

Based on the results of the evaluation of the competitive works, the Portal of the EC “Path of Knowledge” will determine the winners (I, II, III place in each nomination) and prize-winners (laureates, diploma winners). The Portal's decision is final and is not subject to comment. The winners and runners-up of the competition receive a personalized Diploma as a final document. Participants who are not among the winners receive a personalized Participant Diploma as a final document.

Teachers, educators, and parents, having paid their registration fee, can receive their own personalized diploma for leadership in the performance of work.

Also, teachers who organized the participation of 5 or more children in the competition (for whom Diplomas were issued), regardless of the results of the competition, receive a free letter of gratitude with the wording “for excellent preparation and pedagogical support of participants in International competition", which is sent to email specified in the Application, along with diplomas.

All diplomas comply with the Federal State Educational Standard and certification of teaching staff.

In case of errors made when filling out applications, corrections in diplomas are made only for an additional fee (20 rubles/document).If we made a mistake in your diploma, we will correct it for free!

Diplomas are sent electronically to participants within a month from the date of publication of the results of the competition for email addresses specified in the applications.
Diplomas in paper form are sent to participants within two months from the date of publication.



Director of Pedagogika.21 Century LLC

Fedosova I.G.


on holding International and All-Russian

remote events on the Smart Tit portal

These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing and conducting International and All-Russian distance events on the Smart Tit portal, their organizational support, the procedure for participation and determination of winners and prize-winners.

1. The following remote events are held on the site:

  • Competitions for teachers, children and their parents;
  • Educational and thematic quizzes for children;
  • Subject and thematic Olympiads for children;
  • Publication of original materials of teachers, students and schoolchildren.

The site’s events have an International or All-Russian level. Participants independently determine the level of participation in site events when filling out an application.

2. The main goals and objectives of remote events of the Smart Tit portal are to identify and develop children's creative abilities and interest in research activities, promote knowledge, and involve children and their parents in the process of expanding knowledge and horizons. For teachers and their students, it allows you to compare the results of their activities with the results of colleagues from other educational institutions. For educational institutions, participation in site events allows you to improve the quality educational process and rating of the educational institution.

3. The following people take part in the site’s events on a voluntary basis: teachers, educators, students of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, kindergartens and other educational institutions Russian Federation and other states, regardless of place of study, place of residence and citizenship. Also, everyone can take part in the events, regardless of age, who consider it acceptable to participate in the age category indicated for a particular event.

4. Remote events are held within the time limits indicated on the website in the corresponding thematic section.

5. The organizer of remote events is Pedagogika LLC. 21st century." The Organizer's details are listed in the "Contacts" section of the website.

6. Participation in distance events is individual. Preschoolers can be helped by their parents or supervisors in preparing competition materials and completing assignments.

8. The property right to the submitted works passes to the organizer of the Event, who can dispose of the work at his own discretion, incl. post works in various publications, at exhibitions, on the Internet. Copyright remains with the Participant.

9. Author's works made in accordance with the nomination topics specified in the corresponding section of the site are accepted for Competitions. Competition entries should not contain profanity, should not violate generally accepted moral values, should not infringe on the rights and dignity of citizens and should not contradict the Legislation of the Russian Federation and the terms of these Regulations.

10. The following are accepted for publication on the site:

  • lesson notes, lessons;
  • article (from work experience, methodological recommendations, etc.);
  • didactic material with methodological support (didactic games; simulators; demonstration and handouts (maps, diagrams, posters); tests; reminders (instructions) on the formation of logical operations of thinking: comparison, generalization, classification, analysis, synthesis; tasks on the formation of comparison skills , analyze, prove, establish cause-and-effect relationships, generalize; tasks of various levels of complexity: reproductive, transformative, creative tasks; problematic issues; tasks to develop imagination and creativity, etc.);
  • programs with methodological recommendations etc.

11. The procedure for participation in the events of the Smart Tit portal:

11.1. Read these Regulations in full.

11.2. To participate in competitions necessary: ​​select a nomination, pay the registration fee, fill out and submit the application. Applications are processed within one business day following the day the application is submitted. The status of your application can be tracked in your personal account. Participants independently download award documents in their personal account after processing applications. Step by step instructions with illustrations “How to participate in the competition”

11.3. To participate in quizzes: download the file with questions from the corresponding section of the site and fill out the answer form according to the instructions for filling it out. The teacher-organizer counts the points and determines the place. Fill out and submit an application to participate in the quiz. Pay the registration fee after filling out the application through the proposed online payment system using a card, phone or online wallet. Download award documents in your personal account immediately after payment. Step-by-step instructions with illustrations class="special-blue-letters" “How to participate in the quiz” are located on the “Help” page.

11.4. To participate in blitz olympiads: Choose an Olympiad, answer questions. The system automatically counts the correct answers and determines the winner. After passing the Blitz Olympiad, you must fill out the data for the diploma and pay the registration fee through the proposed online payment system. Download award documents in your personal account immediately after payment. Step-by-step instructions with illustrations “How to participate in the Olympics” located on the Help page.

11.5. To publish copyrighted materials: select the publication category, pay the registration fee, fill out and submit the application. Step-by-step instructions with illustrations “How to publish original material” located on the Help page.

12. Personalized diplomas are issued for participation in events on the “Smart Tit” website Winner (I, II, III place) or Participant. Issued for publication of original material Certificate of publication on the Smart Tit portal with a link to the published material. Participants independently download award documents in their personal account on the website. Award documents are issued only electronically.

13. The results of the events are published in public access on the Results page.

14. The number of winners and runners-up who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places is not limited, provided that they scored the same number of points.

15. Teachers who trained the winners and participants are indicated in the diplomas as leaders. Diplomas for managers are free (except for online Olympiads).

16. Letter of thanks for teachers for active participation in the life of the Smart Tit portal, it is issued automatically upon receipt of at least 10 paid works. IN thank you letter The name of the institution and the full name of the head are indicated. The letter is issued electronically free of charge.

17. Award documents are stored in personal accounts participants for 30 days, after which they are deleted into the archive. Restoration of award documents is free of charge, upon request of the participant.

I approve

Chairman of the organizing committee

remote portal

events “Smart Tit” _____________ Krylova A.V.