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One window - different services. A multifunctional center for the provision of public services began operating in Purpa. The newly built building for the center has not yet been put into operation, and for now specialists are receiving the population in a specially rented room. Alexey Bychaev found out what services citizens can receive by contacting the MFC.

The multifunctional center has been operating for almost a month. For Purpeians, the institution is new. At first they came in just to have a look and find out what they were doing. Pensioners were the first to appreciate the center's capabilities. For them, the most important thing was to receive government services locally.

“The hardest thing for them is to go to Tarko-Sale and receive services. Therefore, they come and find out how we work and what services we provide.

The range of services is really wide. More than 40 names of such authorities as tax authorities, Rospotrebnadzor, Rosimushchestvo, Rosreestr and Cadastre, Bailiff Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Pension fund And migration service. The latter, by the way, turned out to be very useful in Purpa.

Taisiya Khusaenova, document specialist at the multifunctional center for the provision of public services in the village of Purpe:

- That is, this is the migration service. People come to re-register. Due to the fact that we have built new home, I gave up, people come to re-register.

The “one-stop shop” principle, as the experts themselves say, is the provision of services after a single request from the applicant and further work without his participation. In simple terms- once I came with a package of documents, the second time - for the finished result.

Alexey Bychaev, correspondent:

- An electronic queue has already been organized at the MFC. From a large list of services, you can choose the one you need, get a coupon and, after waiting your turn, go to a specialist. For now, the center is in a transitional mode, as they say, on suitcases, but in the new building specialists will have practically equipped workplaces, which will soon have everything they need.

The new building will have 5 windows for citizens to contact. There are 9 of them in total. There is a special standard - 1 window and 10 square meters of area per five thousand citizens. There is enough here for 45 thousand people - this is a significant margin of safety.

Ekaterina Leunova, public relations manager
GU Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug "Multifunctional center for the provision of government and municipal services»:

- All these multifunctional centers are typical. They have a little perspective, there are more windows, a larger area. This is so that when the list of services expands, people will feel comfortable receiving services in these conditions.

The contractor must deliver the building on a turnkey basis. Construction work already finished, all that remains is to put the furniture in its place, put things in order and put away the tools. They promise to finish it this week. And after some time, the multifunctional center will move to a new building and become fully operational.

The department for providing services in the village of Purpe, Noyabrsky branch of the State Institution Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug "MFC" (multifunctional center) is an institution created specifically to facilitate the procedure for the population to receive state and municipal services. Budget non-profit institution“My Documents” ensures effective interaction between the population and executive authorities.

The MFC combines several authorities involved in the preparation, compilation and issuance of various documents, civil status acts, certificates and receipts. The advantage of a multifunctional institution is that citizens do not need to visit several government agencies to resolve your issue or get required document. It is enough for a person to contact the department of the multifunctional center in order to as soon as possible receive a service. You won’t have to wait long for your turn, since the branch located in the village of Purpe has 6 active windows. As a rule, the service time is no more than 15 minutes. The list of state and municipal services provided includes:

  • issuance and replacement of passports and foreign passports;
  • issuing certificates of the presence (absence) of a criminal record;
  • state registration marriage (acceptance of applications for services);
  • state registration of divorce;
  • appointment and issuance of maternity benefits, lump sum benefit at the birth of a child;
  • coordination of redevelopment of residential premises;
  • issuing certificates of pension amount;
  • issuing a hunting permit;
  • licensing individual species activities.

The head of the “My Documents” institution in the village of Purpe is Tsyganok Galina Ivanovna. You can always contact the center management with questions, complaints or suggestions. The list of state and municipal services provided by the MFC is quite wide due to the active interaction of various government agencies. organs. The MFC also interacts with the government services portal, where you can make a request for the provision of a particular service, and it is possible to order the document you need and receive it in the village of Purpe.


You can consult or sign up for the electronic queue by calling 88003000115, or you can also address your question to email.

Operating mode

The MFC operates according to the following schedule:

When planning your visit, be sure to check the opening hours by calling: 88003000115.

Official website

With more detailed information You can find out about the multifunctional center on the official website:


The MFC in the village of Purpe is located at the address: 629840, JSC. Yamalo-Nenetsky, district. Purovsky, p. Purpe, st. Aerodromnaya, 14.

INV is a procedure by which, in some cases, you can return the tax calculated upon the alienation or purchase of property or completely free yourself from the need to pay it. For example, when purchasing housing in the village of Purpe, the next owner can receive an INV and return the income tax that is associated with the transaction.

Property tax deduction is closely related to income tax, and has nothing to do with property taxes, despite its name.

How to apply for Property tax deductions

You can initiate the formation and calculation of a property deduction by visiting one of the following institutions:

  • any MFC office in the village of Purpe, regardless of the place of permanent registration of the citizen;
  • tax inspectorates (at the place of permanent registration).

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To qualify for income tax reduction individuals required:

  • be a tax resident of the Russian Federation;
  • be a payer of personal income tax.

When purchasing real estate

Necessary conditions for filing a property tax deduction:

  • the purchased property must be in the Russian Federation;
  • cannot be a counterparty close relative(children, spouse, parents).

The payment amount is calculated at 13% of the amount written in the purchase and sale agreement. At the same time, a tax deduction is only available for an amount of up to 2 million rubles in a regular transaction, and up to 3 million rubles when purchasing real estate with the help of a mortgage. Thus, the maximum payment amount will be 360,000 rubles or 390,000 rubles, depending on the form of the transaction.

When applying for a mortgage, the deduction also applies to the interest that was actually paid on the mortgage for the reporting period.

When selling real estate:

  • the largest amount of NV by which the declared income can be reduced (sale of capital real estate, land plots in the village of Purpe) - 1 million rubles;
  • the same thing for the sale of other items - up to 250,000 rubles.

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Conditions for calculating deductions

The possibility of receiving tax compensation arises in the year when:

  • the transaction was completed and expenses were displayed (deed of transfer of housing, bank statements);
  • changes were made to the unified state real estate register, about which there is a standard extract.

List of required documents

To receive payment you must provide:

  • birth certificate of children, marriage certificate, if ownership is acquired not only by the head of the family;
  • bank documents confirming the fact of payment sums of money(receipts, bank statements, checks);
  • citizen's passport Russian Federation, which proves identity;
  • if the money was deposited by order, you must submit a power of attorney for payment;
  • application for distribution of deductions (when the purchase is made by a married person).

Pension payment schedule in the village of Purpe in 2020

Terms of service provision

INV accrual is carried out in two stages:

  • up to three months, documents are analyzed by representatives of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the village of Purpe;
  • up to 1 month, payment is made to the account provided in the request.

In the case where the deduction was requested through the employer, no more than 30 days are allocated for verification.

The legislation does not establish a deadline within which supporting documents must be submitted; this can be done at any time.

Property tax deductions through MFC

If you wish to submit a package of documents, you should arrive at the nearest multifunctional center in the village of Purpe. No pre-registration required.

Property tax deductions through State Services

Submitting a request for payment accrual through the State Services portal is not provided. On the website you can submit a declaration and sign up for the electronic queue at the Federal Tax Service in the village of Purpe.

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