Every person periodically needs to get to some part of the city without knowing the way. If previously it was necessary to approach passers-by, ask questions, or simply wander around in search of the right way, then now everything has become easier! Just log in from any device and find out the current schedule public transport to Minsk.

Our service will provide a route schedule for:

Whether you are in your city or an unfamiliar area, the presented public transport schedule in Minsk will help you find your bearings and spend a minimum of time creating a travel schedule. Our service is as easy to use and functional as possible.

Where can I buy travel tickets and tokens?

All types of tickets can be purchased at the following sales points:

  • Kiosks
  • Post offices
  • Kassakh metro
  • Drivers

The fare is:

  • V on the bus0,60 rubles
  • V trolleybus0,60 rubles
  • V tram0,60 rubles
  • V metro0,65 rubles
  • V express0,75 rubles

Fine for traveling without a ticket

If you have not paid for the trip (have not validated the ticket) or are traveling without documents confirming the right to travel without a ticket, you will have to pay a fine of 0.5 base value.

Public transport routes in Minsk

Our service will help you find out the current public transport schedule in Minsk and study routes. If you look at the road map, you will see that buses, trolleybuses, trams and metro cover almost all streets of the city. This allows every resident and guest to move around without problems and long waits at the bus stop.

The schedule is presented in an orderly form and sorted by number and name of the stop. Thanks to this you can find out necessary information within a minute.

Hello! How can we help you?

Bus/trolleybus/tram deviated from schedule

According to the Rules road transport passengers approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 30, 2008 No. 972, during urban passenger transportation, deviations from the schedule from -5 to +3 minutes are allowed.

More significant time delays may occur due to traffic congestion, difficult road conditions, etc.

You can contact the bus, trolleybus or tram depot of your city with a question.

The bus/trolleybus/tram did not arrive

We are a reference site and are not responsible for driver compliance with schedules.

Often the lack of transport is due to a breakdown or traffic conditions in the city. You can contact the bus, trolleybus or tram depot of your city with a question.

There is also a possibility that the schedule has been changed and is no longer current on the website. You can inform us about this if the stop has a schedule different from ours. We will immediately review and make changes to prevent others from being put in your situation.

Thank you for your help!

The website has an incorrect schedule

If you find that the site displays an incorrect schedule, then write to us at help@site or click on the “Other” item at the end of the list of questions to call the site’s contact form.

! Make sure you haven't made a mistake:

Users often view transport schedules in the opposite direction from the desired one, which misleads them.

I lost things in public transport, help!

Don't worry, we receive several emails daily at this topic. The good news is that you (or your child) are not alone in this trouble;)

To search for your belongings, you need to contact the bus/trolleybus fleet manager in your city.

ZhD: I didn’t receive a ticket in the mail, what should I do?

  1. Check the spam folder in your mailbox.
  2. If your mail is empty, but you received an SMS with an order number, then log in. If the purchase is successful, then your ticket will be there and the option to proceed/cancel electronic registration. If you have made several purchases, a separate account is created for each order number.
  3. The payment may have failed, please check your account for declined transactions or returned funds.
  4. If the problem is not resolved, send your order number to help@site, or click on the last item in this window, “Other,” and leave your message.

Changes in traffic flow on the street. Zheleznodorozhnaya and Surazhskaya.

Dear passengers!

According to information state enterprise Gordorstroy begins major renovation overpass on the street Railway via railway Minsk-Brest with complete closure of all types of transport. For the period of work from 20.07.2019 to May 2020 This year the routes of urban passenger transport will be changed:
  • bus route movement № 6 from st. Minina to DS Druzhnaya is organized on the street. Zheleznodorozhny, Shchorsa, prosp. Dzerzhinsky, K. Tsetkin St., Tolstoy St. in both directions with all stopping points on the changed section except “Myasnikov”, “Tolstoy”, “Razinskaya” in the direction of Brilevichy;
  • bus route movement No. 32C from st. Semashko to st. Moskovskaya is organized on the street. Zheleznodorozhnaya, Umanskaya, ave. Dzerzhinsky, ave. Zhukova, st. Aerodromnaya, Chkalova in the forward direction, along the street. Chkalova, Brilevskoy, ave. Zhukova, ave. Dzerzhinsky, st. Umanskaya, Zheleznodorozhnaya in the opposite direction with stop points “st. metro Mikhalovo", "Nevsky lane", "Hotel Sputnik", "Academy of Management" in both directions;
  • bus route movement № 101 from ave. Pushkin to DS Druzhnaya is organized along Ave. Zhukova, st. Aerodromnaya, Chkalov, Moskovskaya, Tolstoy in the forward direction, along the street. Tolstoy, Moskovskaya, Chkalov, Brilevskaya, ave. Zhukov in the opposite direction with the stop points “Nevsky Lane”, “Brilevskaya”, “Hotel Sputnik”, “Academy of Management” on the variable section in both directions;
  • express bus service No. 1280-TK from st. Golubeva to Ave. Independence is organized on Avenue. Dzerzhinsky, ave. Zhukova, st. Aerodromnaya, Chkalova, Moskovskaya in the forward direction, along the street. Moskovskoy, Chkalov, Brilevskoy, ave. Zhukova, ave. Dzerzhinsky, st. Alibegova, ave. Pravda newspapers in the opposite direction;
  • bus route № 52 from the street Mayakovsky is shortened to st. Surazhskaya with naming the route No. 52 “Chervensky market - Commodity”, from the street. Lermontov - cancelled;
  • № 64 from Malinovka it will be organized until DS Lermontov following from Ave. Dzerzhinsky on the street. Zheleznodorozhnaya, Shchorsa, R. Luxemburg, Lermontova in the forward direction, in the opposite direction - along the street. K. Liebknecht, Khmelevsky, R. Luxemburg, Shchorsa, Zheleznodorozhnaya and further along the route, assigning a name to the route No. 64 “DS Malinovka-4 - DS Lermontov”;
  • trolleybus route movement № 63 (with service by electric buses) is organized from the street. Gursky to DS Druzhnaya on Ave. Dzerzhinsky, ave. Zhukova, st. Aerodromnaya, Chkalov, Moskovskaya, Tolstoy in the forward direction, along the street. Tolstoy, Moskovskaya, Chkalov, Brilevskaya, ave. Zhukova, ave. Dzerzhinsky in the opposite direction with the stop points “Grushevskaya”, “Nevsky Lane”, “Brilevskaya”, “Hotel Sputnik”, “Academy of Management” on the variable section in both directions;
  • trolleybus route movement № 66 from the side of DS Sukharevo-5 it is organized to the street. Zheleznodorozhnaya from the street. Gursky Avenue Dzerzhinsky, st. Shchorsa in the forward direction, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, Umanskaya, Gursky and further along the route in the opposite direction, assigning a name to the route No. 66 “DS Sukharevo-5 - Shchorsa”;
  • trolleybus route operation № 8 is cancelled.
In order to compensate for the removed trolleybus service on all days of the week A temporary bus route is being organized:
  • No. 908 “DS Sukharevo-5 - DS Druzhnaya”- along the existing route of trolleybus route No. 8 from DS Sukharevo-5 to the station. Mikhalovo metro station and further along Ave. Dzerzhinsky, ave. Zhukova, st. Aerodromnaya, Chkalov, Moskovskaya, Tolstoy in the forward direction, st. Tolstoy, Moskovskaya, Chkalov, Brilevskaya, ave. Zhukova, ave. Dzerzhinsky in the opposite direction, with stop points “Grushevskaya”, “Nevsky Lane”, “Brilevskaya”, “Hotel Sputnik”, “Academy of Management” on the changed section in both directions;
  • bus route route No. 50C from the side of DS Sukharevo-5 it is shortened to the railway station and follows the street. City Val, ave. Independence st. Sverdlova, Kirova in the forward direction, st. Kirov, Bobruiskaya, ave. Independence st. City Val and further along the route, assigning a name to the route No. 50C "DS Sukharevo-5 - Station". Route operation canceled on weekends. Dropping off passengers in the area railway station organized at the “Kirova” stopping point, passenger boarding is organized at stopping points "Railway station», "Leningradskaya".
Passengers who have travel documents or single travel documents for a certain period of time (without a travel limit), which include one of the types of transport trolleybus, are given the right to travel without additional payment on bus routes No. 32С, 908 on duplicated and changed sections until 08/01/2019.

Temporarily excluded from transport services stopping point "Car Repair Plant". Passengers are recommended to use buses and trolleybuses at the Shchorsa stop on the street. Railway.

Please take this information into account when planning your trips.