“On the appointment of the head of the Federal Tax Service as the new Prime Minister Russian edition“Kompromat-Ural” wrote several months before the event itself,” news reports in a number of federal media outlets came out with similar headlines the day before.

Thus, Polit.Ru (one of the first media outlets on the RuNet) notes that “the Russian publication wrote about the appointment of Mishustin as prime minister back in the fall of 2019.” We quote in more detail: “The Russian publication Kompromat-Ural wrote about the appointment of the head of the Federal Tax Service as the new prime minister several months before the event itself. An article with the headline “Mishun Dimona is not sweeter. Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich will sit in the chair of Prime Minister” was published in September 2019. The media outlet Info24 also drew attention to the surprisingly accurate prediction of the Kompromat-Ural editors.

It is noteworthy that Mikhail Mishustin (at least publicly) did not react to the September forecast in the Kompromat-Ural editorial feed. There was no official denial either.

Almost exactly four months after our forecast, January 15, 2020, Vladimir Putin proposed the candidacy of the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, Mikhail Mishustin, for the post of head of the Cabinet of Ministers. This happened after Dmitry Medvedev announced that the current government is resigning in its entirety. The resignation of the Cabinet was the result of the guidelines announced in the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly. In his message, Putin announced the dismantling of the power structure that is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in particular, he will go to reduce the powers of the president after he himself formally leaves this post and moves to another official status (of course, still “the most important person in the country” - Let's have no illusions.)

Some time ago, a notorious "figure" in the oil and gas industry Babaev Azad Kamalovich(RU-Energy company and related structures) published publications in the media that caused skepticism and irony in the expert community. It was reported with feigned pathos that Mr. Babaev himself wrote open letter Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev. According to the editors of Kompromat-Ural, the addressees of Babaev’s message also included the heads of police headquarters for the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Volgograd region - Alexander Udovenko And Alexander Kravchenko, respectively. In his opus to law enforcement bosses, Babaev complains about fate and the fact that he, they say, became a victim of his own internal family squabbles: he did not share the business with his uncle and cousins (Kerimovs). Really, according to Babaev, do Russian law enforcement officers have more important things to do than get involved in Caucasian clan conflicts based on the redistribution of financial flows?

A long-term squabble among southern businessmen is taking place over the redistribution of the Naftagaz group of companies. According to one of the versions spread in the media, both Naftagaz-Service and NG-Burenie were created on the production base of the Naftagaz company, which at the beginning of the 2000s was associated with Tokay Kerimov, a close friend of the chairman of the board of directors of the scandalous service holding RU-Energy, the same Azad Babayev. The holding accumulated hundreds of millions of debts to its partners and then went bankrupt.

The editors of Kompromat-Ural continue to study the negative media background around Babaev’s commerce. So, a year and a half ago, journalists conducted an investigation into how “Azad Babayev’s relatives got involved in a confrontation with Sberbank”...

Readers who have additional information about the activities of Roskomsnabbank (former sign - Bashkomsnabbank), which was controlled by a businessman close to the authorities of Bashkortostan, contacted the editors of Kompromat-Ural Flur Gallyamov(TIN 027408945156) and members of his family. In March 2019, the Gallyamovs’ “cash office” was covered with a wet hat. The Central Bank revoked the bank's license for questionable transactions and repeated violations Federal Law“On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.” From the office of the Chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina materials on the Gallyamov bank were sent “to the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation and the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for consideration and adoption of appropriate procedural decisions.”

“The activities of ROSKOMSNABBANK (PJSC) were marked by dishonest actions of management related to the bank’s participation in the operations of its individual clients-legal entities, aimed at attracting funds from the population with unobvious prospects for their return according to a scheme that has signs of “ financial pyramid" The credit institution accepted funds from individuals at an increased interest rate in favor of the client - legal entity, which were ultimately used to issue loans to a number of companies. At the same time, repayment of obligations to individuals such contributions were actually made at the expense of newly raised funds from the population.” In addition, “during the examination of the credit organization, signs were identified of operations aimed at withdrawing Bashkomsnabbank’s assets by lending to borrowers who do not have the ability to fulfill their obligations,” the regulator notes.

Where is the criminal legal assessment of the identified frauds? Judging by the official silence of his subordinates Yuri Chaika and Lieutenant General of Justice Alexandra Romanova(Head of the SD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Deputy Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev), what the Central Bank auditors managed to dig up was quietly shelved by gentlemen law enforcement officers. Readers of the portal "Kompromat-Ural" in connection with the journalistic investigation of the "Bashkir Laundromat" recommend paying attention to the activities of another deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the Secretary of State Igor Zubov. A very interesting person... “Another thing is surprising: in 2018, Roskomsnabbank received an award in the field of economics and finance named after P.A. Stolypin in the category “Best Regional Bank”! And it’s strange that no one noticed any big problems with balance. Or maybe they didn’t want to notice?” the competent interlocutors are perplexed.

Current publications

Chairman Investigative Committee Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin issued a number of orders aimed at preventing possible infection and spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) among department employees.

In particular, a decision was made to minimize the presence in the workplace of women serving in the Investigative Committee of Russia for the current week, until April 6. These measures are aimed, among other things, at the possibility of monitoring your children and ensuring their compliance with the self-isolation regime. This applies to women serving both in the central office of the department and in regional investigative units.

The measures taken by the Investigative Committee of Russia to self-isolate female employees will not affect the work of the department. During this period, the work of the central office and regional divisions of the Russian Investigative Committee will be carried out according to the work schedule. During the period of self-isolation of all women of the Investigative Committee, the Chairman instructed male officers to perform all their duties in full. This applies not only to the supporting structures of the department, but also, if necessary, male investigators will take over criminal cases investigated by female investigators.

In accordance with a separate order in all educational institutions IC of Russia in normal mode Men will continue to work under conditions of ensuring the necessary safety measures to prevent the spread of the virus. In addition, the management of cadet corps and academies in Moscow and St. Petersburg has been instructed to continuously monitor students’ compliance with the self-isolation regime and the quality of their remote learning. Special attention should be given to children from among orphans and children left without parental care, ensuring their daily examination and monitoring of their health, disinfection of premises at their place of stay and compliance with isolation rules.

All regional divisions of the Investigative Committee of Russia have been instructed to establish remote communications with sponsored orphanages for the subsequent organization of targeted assistance. As part of these instructions, employees of regional investigative bodies must provide assistance to students of specialized cadet classes of the Russian Investigative Committee located in the territories under their jurisdiction, preventing them from violating the established rules to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection.

“Is it possible to defeat a disease with the help of counterfeit?” - this is the rhetorical question asked by colleagues of the Kompromat-Ural editorial board, who studied “the continuation of the scandalous story with dubious medicines supplied by the companies ROUTEK and ROZLEX-PHARM, owned by an Indian citizen Samira Srivastava».

“As you know, impunity gives rise to permissiveness and pushes people to perform new “feats.” This happened with Samir Srivastava, who believed that he had been given the “green light” to implement new schemes.

This time, in addition to what can be called “falsification,” we are talking about much more serious violations. First of all, you should pay attention to the drug Levoflox-Routek, solution for infusion 5 mg/ml 100 ml, bottles (1) / complete with a disposable system for intravenous administration of solutions with a built-in ventilation barrier against bacteria “Eurodrip” / This is an antimicrobial drug with a wide spectrum of action, which is often used in medical institutions in particularly severe cases.

So, according to the documents, this drug is packaged in the Russian Federation by the company Rozlex Pharm, and it is produced outside the country, namely in India.

On the packaging of any medicine must contain the manufacturer's details, his address and license number. On Levoflox-Routek packages this information Yes, but the address and name of the manufacturer do not seem to match the license number. It turns out that the packaging contains data from two manufacturers at the same time, and which one exactly produced what is in the packaging is unknown. In relation to a medicinal product, such an “error” is unacceptable and should lead to the immediate withdrawal of the entire batch of drugs. Relevant requests have been sent to the manufacturers indicated on the packaging, but responses have not yet been received. It may also turn out that none of the manufacturers admit that this drug was produced by them, then what is it? Counterfeit?

It turns out that it is impossible to reliably determine where exactly and by whom exactly this drug was produced; therefore, if questions arise, there is no one to make quality claims to. Instead of an antimicrobial drug, the containers can contain anything; professionals understand that such “medicines” are unlikely to help patients... well, if they don’t harm. But at the same time, this drug is supplied with impunity to medical institutions throughout our country. Will our doctors be able to cure someone using such drugs? Why don't law enforcement agencies respond to such actions?

Leading world-famous Russian economists demanded the introduction of a strict quarantine in Russia to prevent the further spread of coronavirus infection. The statement was published on the page Facebook Professor at the University of Chicago and the Higher School of Economics Konstantin Sonina.

The Kremlin has read a letter from well-known economists, in which they stated that the government should spend from 5 trillion to 10 trillion rubles to support enterprises, citizens and banks, the presidential press secretary said Dmitry Peskov.

Experts particularly criticized the strange decision to introduce a non-working week. “The fact that our economy is experiencing a recession along with the whole world is already obvious. And an extra non-working week will only intensify this decline,” said the director of the analytical department of Loko-Invest. Kirill Tremasov. At the same time, the expert is perplexed why a week off was announced at the expense of employers. “This measure clearly contradicts the goal of supporting business during the epidemic. And it is completely unclear how one week can solve the problem of spreading the virus (even if everyone stays at home). We have just begun an accelerated growth in the number of infected people, and according to the experience of other countries, this process does not stop within a week,” the analyst emphasized. The proposal for everyone to “take a break” is of particular concern to business representatives. At a meeting of entrepreneurs with Vladimir Putin March 26, founder of the Anderson cafe chain Anastasia Tatulova stated that a number of industries have no safety net, and this is “simply a tragedy.”

At the request of readers, the editors of Kompromat-Ural publish verbatim an appeal from economic gurus to combat COVID-19...

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation analyzed the practice of prosecutorial supervision in the implementation of national projects “Small and medium-sized businesses and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative”, “Labor productivity and employment support” and “International cooperation and export”.

Given the importance of creating in the country favorable conditions To conduct business, prosecutors closely monitor the proper implementation of the activities of the national project “Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives.”

During his supervisory support, measures were taken to eliminate about 400 violations of the law, 143 submissions were made, 71 persons were brought to disciplinary and administrative liability, 2 applications were sent to the courts, 7 were warned about the inadmissibility of violating the law officials, based on the inspection material sent by the prosecutor, 1 criminal case was initiated.

One of the reasons for underutilization budget funds is a long-term failure by authorized bodies to accept procedures for providing financial support economic entities.

IN Chelyabinsk region the prosecutor's response was required due to untimely approval by regional ministries economic development And agriculture procedures for providing subsidies to entrepreneurs and agricultural producers, as a result of which over 60 million rubles remained unspent financial assistance business.

In the republics of Adygea, Bashkortostan, Crimea, Tyva and Khakassia, Altai and Krasnoyarsk territories, Kemerovo, Kirov, Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg and Penza regions, Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, prosecutors took measures to ensure the formation legal basis implementation of the specified national project and suppression of cases of imposing responsibilities not provided for by law on entrepreneurs. In total, prosecutors protested 38 illegal regulatory legal acts.

In a number of regions, prosecutorial intervention was required due to improper information support small and medium-sized businesses (Republics of Crimea, Tyva, Altai region, Voronezh, Rostov, Tyumen and Ulyanovsk regions, Sevastopol).

By means of prosecutorial supervision, violations of the procedure and conditions for providing assistance to entrepreneurs were suppressed (Udmurt Republic, Kamchatka and Krasnoyarsk territories, Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Kostroma, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Ryazan, Samara, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions).

Cases of failure to achieve target indicators required a fundamental assessment of prosecutors regional projects when implementing a national project ( Krasnoyarsk region, Samara region).

Judge of the Shcherbinsky District Court of Moscow Anna Boriskina received from a lawyer Alexandra Zabrodina a strange lawsuit that could have “viral” consequences for the entire law enforcement system. Businessman from Sevastopol, director and founder of the one-employee company Inter 2012 LLC Yuri Hermann(his interests are represented by Mr. Zabrodin) demands a ban on the disclosure of his individual taxpayer number (TIN) under the pretext of protecting “personal data.” According to experts, what makes the situation especially scandalous is the fact that the tax identification numbers of tens of millions of Russians have been openly published in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for many years in a row as part of innovations to increase the transparency of the business environment, organized by Mikhail Mishustin during the period of his leadership of the Federal Tax Service (FTS). Public access to the numbers of individuals is in accordance with the international practice of fiscal authorities. Lawyer Zabrodin avoided questions from journalists.

Yuri German’s claims against online publications became known recently, although his claim was submitted to the Shcherbinsky District Court in early July 2019. It is noteworthy that Anna Boriskina, who is considering the case, was appointed as a federal judge only in November last year; before that, Anna Vladimirovna was a magistrate (court district No. 432 of the Moskovsky and Mosrentgen settlements of Moscow). According to journalists, the plaintiff did not contact the editorial office directly. “The position is illogical, and the claim itself seems far-fetched. In the summer of 2018, an article is published, for some reason you “endure” for almost a year, only then do you file a claim. Months go by, already years. The publication remains, and you have never written to the editor about the essence of your dissatisfaction, so as to at least try to remove yourself from the public without a trial. How is this possible?” asked a lawyer we interviewed, who was familiar with the details of the process.

Mr. German is dissatisfied with the occasional mention of his person in a journalistic investigation published in August 2018 about the former beneficiary of the Dialog-Optim bank. Alexandra Polyakov, against whom criminal cases were initiated in Russia and Ukraine (on the facts of fraud on an especially large scale and the use of a deliberately fake passport to cross the border). According to the latest data, after illegally leaving Ukraine, Polyakov settled in Slovenia. Journalists drew attention to a number of legal entities that, after Polyakov left the Russian Federation and was put on the wanted list, continued to function in Moscow and were registered with his wife Larisa Sliwinskaya and sons: Kirill And Mikhail Polyakov.

NPO Avtomatiki, headed by Andrei Misyura, is gradually degrading. In the previous material, we suggested that the problems lie in the wild unprofessionalism of managers. However, in addition to mediocrity, real chaos is flourishing at the enterprise, which was revealed by our reader, a former employee of Avtomatika.

We express special gratitude to the readers of our publication “Ustav.net” for their active position and statements on the topic of corruption and lawlessness on the topics of our publications. This time, we were approached by a former employee of the Avtomatiki NPO from Yekaterinburg, about whom we wrote in the context of its “strange” leader Andrei Mesyura.

Let's move on to our reader's letter. Author's spelling preserved:

“About NPO Avtomatika.” He worked there as a REA and P. installer from 2012 to 2017. He quit in 2017. It’s terrible what was going on there... money is being laundered by everyone, the workshop economist Svetlana Durova launders the money like this. She doesn’t even have an education, she completed a two-week accounting course and moved on. There are people who even held positions REA installers and adjusters, but in fact they worked in the laundry as caretakers in the archive and received salaries as installers of 40 thousand. The question is how if we are all on a deal. Durova could come up and say, let me write out the premium, but you will bring 70 percent to me later... then A.A. Mukhin appeared. Who is now deputy director, it seems. He has real estate abroad, he’s 28 years old and seems to be already a director! How? And as far as I know, with real estate abroad, there is no way to occupy such positions in the defense industry! Misyura closed his eyes to this. I personally wrote to the prosecutor’s office about them. I worked at level 4 and was supposedly paid at level 2. In general, there is a lot of interesting stuff there. I hope to remain anonymous."
We are pleased that the reader confirmed the conclusions we made in the article without having insider information. However, the details of the theft and lawlessness around NPO Avtomatiki are extremely important. It turns out that the defense enterprise uses a classic scheme, in which the director acts in close cooperation with the chief accountant.

More interesting for us is the information about Mr. Mukhin, which we will look into later

Humpty Dumpty Andrey Misyura

As for Andrei Misyura, the position general director NPO Avtomatika he was appointed from the post of Minister of Industry Sverdlovsk region. Before becoming a minister, he worked at the same enterprise under the supervision of former director Shalimov.

Misyur got into the chair of Minister in many respects thanks to Shalimov, who, realizing the futility of this personnel, decided to push him out of harm’s way from the enterprise.

In the regional Government, Misyura did not distinguish himself with any positive successes, breakthrough projects were not implemented, and all the announced breakthroughs turned out to be a waste of money.

The only asset that Misyura had was his lack of professionalism, which Evgeny Kuyvashev quickly recognized. Realizing the uselessness of Misyura, Kuyvashev used the first opportunity to get rid of him, and Misyura himself successfully took advantage of the unsuccessful launch at Vostochny, after which former director NPO Avtomatika lost its chair.

A combination of luck and unprofessionalism led to the fact that Misyura managed to successfully communicate with Rogozin at Vostochny, and he decided that no better place for a talkative official than the chair of the director of a strategic enterprise.

During his two-year directorship, Andrei Misyura has already replaced two teams.

As soon as Misyura came to NPO Avtomatiki, he hastily began to clean up Shalimov’s team. You can understand him - having recognized the professionals, the seasoned apparatchik sensed a threat and got rid of all competent employees.

In the first wave, Misyura recruited a team of... no, not people from the industrial or high-tech industry, but officials, bureaucrats, the same as Misyura himself, chief executives.

For example, Misyura took the former deputy regional OFAS for the Sverdlovsk region, Evgeniy Ruzhnikov, as his deputy. Ruzhnikov understands missiles at a first-class level (if he understands them at all?), but in fraud with government procurement, he would probably do an excellent job - after all, he dealt with them at the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

It is interesting that although Ruzhnikov worked at the Federal Antimonopoly Service before the arrival of the new leader Dmitry Shalobodov, he quickly got along with him and was completely satisfied with him. Shalobodov is considered a Tyumen official, Kuyvashev’s man, and was brought into the region precisely for the interests of the “Tyumen residents.” It is quite possible that Ruzhnikov’s appointment was part of a package agreement with Misyura, who is being lobbied for the position of director, and Ruzhnikov would decide “all matters” for him.

However, apparently the money was not divided, since Misyura fired Ruzhnikov six months later. He realized that having direct access to Rogozin, the old agreements with the Tyumen team could be broken, and it was better to “cut” alone.

For Andrei Misyura, the most important thing is to stay in this place, or to come to an agreement with Rogozin to move to a position with more money and more perspective from the point of view of corruption opportunities. Considering that Rogozin himself operates on a similar principle, Misyura “found his home” in his team. Nobody needs this mediocre manager from Yekaterinburg anymore.

This was precisely the reason for appealing the decision at the beginning of 2018 JSC "RCC Progress" on signing the regulations for interaction with the parent shareholder. Wanting to achieve his goal and not sign the regulations, on the advice of his wife Petrova D.V. and lawyer A.D. Kurdyukova the general director of NPO Avtomatiki JSC filed a lawsuit against own enterprise. However, later, fearing the consequences, he urgently withdrew the claim. This was widely reported in the media, but the reason for filing the lawsuit was carefully hidden.

However, Misyura A.V. continues to behave as if the enterprise is his property, just like cash which he disposes of. Countless expenses at the expense of the net profit of a legal entity are proof of this. In the summer of 2018, more than 20 million rubles were paid from net profits for the World Skils youth championship. Despite the fact that the source of payment of dividends is net profit, and only shareholders can control it, the general director makes the decision on payments. The financial policy of purchasing gifts, souvenirs and even diving watches (including for the general director) at state expense has led to a sharp reduction in the amount of net profit at the enterprise. Instead of what was expected, society will receive several hundred million less.

Being the coordinator of the federal party project “Locomotives of Growth” in the Sverdlovsk region, Andrei Misyura nevertheless thinks about the development of foreign business. Thus, in August 2017, through agreement with the Board of Directors of the enterprise, Misyura lobbied for the creation of Ural Gas Motors LLC. According to the data, the co-founder of this legal entity is LLC "Technology 1604".

In turn, one of the co-founders of Technology 1604 LLC, again according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is the offshore Cypriot company Waystime Investments Limited. For what purposes does the head of a large defense enterprise started interaction with an offshore company together with a third-party legal entity? Are the Board of Directors and major shareholders aware of this scheme? It's unlikely.

The team ideally selected for him covers all of Misyura’s actions. Thus, his closest associate, the director of the branch, M.V. Belyaev, who is under investigation for fraud, is lobbying for personal interests, trying to start the company of his wife, Multiprocessing LLC, and the company of his closest friends.

Executive Director Petrova D.V. (part-time wife of Andrei Misyura), who controlled all financial orders, provides full support for all administrative documentation. And thanks to her intervention, her immediate circle receives financial assistance and increased scholarships. For example, Andrei Misyura’s personal driver “earns” 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles a month.

Being a “highly qualified” specialist in Khrunichev Center, he created such a reputation for himself that the workers were very happy when Misyura took him to NPO Automation. They said about him: “A valiant employee who destroys workshops No. 6 and 21.”

After the dismissal of the general director of the Khrunichev Center, Andrei Kalinovsky, and then Pyotr Aksanyan, the enterprise was left in a critical condition with huge losses. 11 criminal cases were opened.

At NPO Automation Aksanyan P.A. took up the usual and familiar business: creating schemes for personal enrichment. More than once he said in the offices of the enterprise that he had moved his family from Moscow, they did not have enough money for accommodation and clothing, for a kindergarten and expensive food.

At the first stage, the advisor to the general director created a department with poorly understood functions. Then this department was assigned full control for the production of civilian products. In order to fully control the movement of products, it was necessary to establish power over customers. To achieve this, Aksanyan decided to steal NPO automatic molds belonging to customers to produce products. It was for this purpose that he developed, and A.V. Misyura. a mold inventory plan was approved with the subsequent removal of logos of third-party organizations.

The assignment of molds allowed NPO Automation to produce civilian products, without paying third-party legal entities for their operation, without incurring costs for the manufacture of equipment. And those enterprises that previously transferred them to NPO Automation found themselves hostage. Repeated requests third party companies with a request to return the molds were unsuccessful: lawyer Kurdyukova A.D. skillfully drafted replies, demanding original documents confirming the development of molds, design documentation etc. We are aware of the preparation of mass appeals to the Prosecutor's Office of the Sverdlovsk Region and the Arbitration Court demanding the return of molds. Is this plan evidence of organized theft of equipment?

The next step of Aksanyan P.A. was the acquisition of personal competencies in the field of scrap sales. This process was carried out in several stages.

Then all that was left was to get control over the sale of scrap. To begin with, through various procedures, long-established buyers of scrap were excluded, including Vtorchermet NLMK LLC, a scrap-collecting giant that is part of the NLMK Group of Companies, owned by V.S. Lisin.

Then Aksanyan P.A. drew up a protocol in which he outlined the following conclusions:

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, TK Chermet LLC was created in November 2017. According to public data from the tax authority average number the legal entity is 1 person, and the company is not located at a legal address.

This is a small part of the schemes that Aksanyan P.A. began to implement: friends are hired - representatives of the Armenian diaspora, hardware are written off as production waste and sold at the price of scrap, and in foundry under pressure from Aksanyan, the newly appointed chief Vogulkin D.V. began casting production, bypassing the interests of the enterprise.

Against this background scientists reduce wages, staff reductions continue, the organization is losing orders, some departments are being transferred to a 4-day working week, and the credit burden increases. Perhaps this was precisely the reason for the frequent mentally unbalanced outbursts of Misyura A.V., accompanied by obscene outpourings on his subordinates, and high-precision scientific production is compared with prostitution...

Didn't have time new manager Yekaterinburg NPO Automation Andrei Misyura took the manager's chair when a lot for the purchase of a Japanese SUV for 6.42 million rubles appeared on the government procurement website. The former regional minister is clearly starting his path to “cure” the enterprise with the wrong thing...

A wasteful purchase in these times of crisis was discovered by local activists of the All-Russian Popular Front project “For fair procurement" It was they who reported that the management of the region’s main defense enterprise had announced a competition for the purchase of a TOYOTA Land Cruiser 200. “The terms of reference for the purchase stipulate that the vehicle must have a 4.5-liter V8 turbo-diesel engine and interior trim with wood-look inserts.” , four-zone climate control, premium audio system and chrome side moldings, reports the ONF headquarters. “The SUV must be produced no earlier than 2016.” “We believe that such budget expenditures are not entirely justified, especially in the current difficult times. economic conditions when the country has set a course for optimization, import substitution and support domestic manufacturer“, explained the head of the regional executive committee of the ONF, Zhanna Ryabtseva.

Although only one application was submitted for the competition, it was recognized as successful and the winner was RESO-Leasing LLC, reports the online publication Ystav.com. The cost of the contract decreased in relation to starting price a little more than... 200 rubles.

Buying an expensive SUV was one of the first steps of the current CEO of the company. On the one hand, it looks quite logical. At a press conference given in connection with his appointment as head of NPO Automation, Mr. Misyura complained that he was left without a company car and was forced to get to work by taxi. Indeed, it’s probably hard to take a taxi... crowded... irritated people... Or maybe it’s not affordable. Although, judging by the suit and cufflinks, this cannot be said.

What is known about Misyura? Graduate of the radio engineering faculty of USTU-UPI. He completed graduate school and the European School of Business and Technology in Germany. He worked for ten years at NPO Automation, from where he became a minister in 2014 - Governor Kuvaishev liked him. And now - again at NPOA.

Misyura's return to the plant was greeted by the team with caution, not to say hostility. After all, he came to the place of the general as a result of hardware games in Moscow, the victim of which was Leonid Shalimov, the creator of Bulava and Soyuz-2, forced out of the enterprise after an unsuccessful rocket launch from the Vostochny cosmodrome. Leonid Nikolaevich devoted 46 years to the Automation Research and Production Association named after Semikhatov, developing ballistic weapons and control systems for space rockets. This is his only place of work: he came as a simple engineer, was fired by the famous Ural designer.

Formally, Shalimov was “left” for disrupting the launch of the first rocket from the Vostochny cosmodrome. Let us recall that on April 27, the first launch of the Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle was postponed there. Vladimir Putin, who arrived at Far East for a triumph that didn’t happen the first time Russian technologies, reprimanded Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the industry. In turn, Leonid Shalimov received an order that he was not fully qualified for his position. In principle, there was nothing extraordinary in what happened, industry experts say - Baikonur was launched on the 6th try, Yasny on the 2nd. Shalimov was made extreme, and what is characteristic is that not one of his influential friends - Ural politicians - spoke publicly in his defense. There is only one reason, according to independent experts: Rogozin’s revenge. “This is Rogozin’s personal war. Not a single systemic politician will cross his path,” Ura.ru quotes the words of the Ural leader of one of the parliamentary parties. - There's nothing you can do about it. Dmitry Olegovich is an extremely proud person. If the president reprimanded him, then the deputy prime minister will not rest until he proves the guilt of the other person to everyone who knows about the reprimand.”

Mr. Shalimov himself reacted philosophically to what happened. And he looks with hope at the fact that now Andrei Misyura will be at the head of the enterprise. “As for Andrei Vasilyevich, who, if not him, should return to the NPO? “What, I raised him for so many years in vain?” he told the local Internet portal 66.ru.

However, we repeat, not everyone at the enterprise shares the ex-general’s optimism. Troubles in the team are expected from KPI, the accelerated implementation of which was already announced by Andrey Misyura. And from here, the workers are sure, it’s not far to a personnel shortage.

It is not entirely clear how the NGO will earn money (besides the State Defense Order). And this is exactly the task Misyura set for the team. Now only a third of the company’s orders are civilian. "NGO - commercial organization– We are obliged to earn money, first of all, to pay salaries. Questions about [working as] a hobby are not acceptable for a company that employs 4,000 people who have to feed their families,” says the new director.

Agree that against this backdrop of supposed concerns about work collective purchasing an SUV looks like a complete mockery. It is no coincidence that sarcastic comments appeared on the Internet about why such a car was needed: “Probably in order to travel to distant space sites, located in dense forests and hidden from the eyes of ordinary people, off-road”; “Where were the factory workers going to drive such a colossus? To the moon and back in half an hour?” In fact, with this money it was possible to buy, for example, two apartments for workers. But such “little things” are not important to Mr. Misyura...

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