Many vegetable and berry crops, which are native to warm countries, do not have time to grow and bear fruit during our short summer, if they are not planted in advance in mini-greenhouses for seedlings. These are small greenhouses intended only for sowing seeds and obtaining young seedlings from them.

By the time the heat comes, they are already gaining strength and calmly transfer the transplant to open ground.

How greenhouses work

Any greenhouse - both large and small - is a shelter made of translucent materials. In, but the temperature inside, nevertheless, is much higher than in the environment.

This is explained by the fact that it freely penetrates into mini-greenhouses for seedlings. solar energy, which accumulates in them due to the lack of movement of air masses. And the smaller the volume of air inside, the sooner it warms up and the higher the temperature will be.

There is a way to achieve enough in a greenhouse high temperature even in early spring when it is still cool outside, and frosts occur at night. To do this, mini-greenhouses for seedlings are installed above a recess in the ground, covered with biofuels - fresh manure or bird droppings, plant food residues, dry leaves.

It is well watered and covered with a layer of fertile soil on top. When biofuels decompose, they release heat, so the air is heated both from above and below.

Types of mini-greenhouses

Growing seedlings does not require a lot of space. And yet, in the spring, gardeners do not have a single free centimeter left on the windowsills that is not occupied by boxes or pots. And this is often not enough.

Here greenhouses come to the rescue, in which the plants will feel comfortable not only at home, but also on the loggia, on the closed veranda or even on the site.

Home greenhouses

This is the simplest design that you can do with your own hands by covering the box with seedlings with glass or a frame with plastic wrap stretched over it. As such greenhouses, you can also use transparent plastic containers with a lid, for example, from under a cake.

Attention! So that water does not stagnate at the bottom of the container, holes must be made in it, and the container itself should be placed in a tray on a trellised stand for free drainage of excess moisture.

Similar industrial designs are also commercially available. Their price is very low, and they can be used repeatedly.

There are also more impressive designs in the form of a transparent mini-house with several rows of shelves inside, on which trays and boxes with young plants are installed.

Tunnel frame structures

If you live in your own house or move to the country in early spring, for tall plants (such as tomatoes or peppers) it is better to arrange a greenhouse shelter right on the site. Seedlings are planted in them at about three weeks of age, when the time comes for picking and it becomes crowded in a common box.

The simplest is a mini-greenhouse for seedlings on a frame basis.

It is done like this:

  1. Take a thick metal wire, strips of metal, or strong and long willow branches. Bend them into an arc and drive the ends into the ground by 20-30 cm.

Advice. The height of the arc depends on the type of plants to be grown. The most convenient width is 70-80 cm, the distance between the arcs should be the same.

  1. Tie the tops of the arcs together with a strong cord or wire, leaving long ends on both sides. Stretch them and tie them to stakes driven into the ground under the extreme arcs.
  2. Cover the resulting frame with foil. On the one hand, it should easily rise for watering and ventilation.

Portable mini greenhouse

The design described above is easy to manufacture, but not very convenient to use. It is rather problematic to fix the film so that it is not blown away by the wind, and at the same time it can be lifted if necessary.

These inconveniences can be avoided by buying or making your own small portable greenhouse. You have already seen an example of such a design in the picture at the beginning of the article.

You are now presented with instructions for self-manufacturing simplified analogue.

  1. First, a box without a bottom is made for the future greenhouse. For this, wooden blocks and edged boards are used.

  1. One of the long sides of the box is made higher than the second, so that the cover of the translucent material is angled, letting in more sunlight.
  2. If there are gaps between the boards, the box can be sheathed from the inside with a film.
  3. Frames with a film stretched over them are attached to the box on hinges.

Advice. If you have old glazed window frames, you can use them to make a greenhouse. In this case, the mini greenhouse for seedlings is adjusted to their size.

  1. To install the finished structure, a base is made of bricks, sleepers or other improvised material. It is necessary so that the wooden box does not rot from contact with wet ground.

In order for more light and heat to penetrate into the greenhouse, it is installed with a high side to the north, and a low side to the south. For airing and watering, it will be enough to open the frame.


The effectiveness of each described design can be increased by placing biofuels under the soil layer. It actively releases heat for about two months, and this time is quite enough to grow viable young plants from seeds ().

The video in this article has prepared a visual overview of useful information on this topic, look!

Growing seedlings is a complex of complex agrotechnical measures, each of which is equally important. In this article, we will consider only one factor - the creation of an optimal microclimate.

For growing seedlings outdoors, it is advisable to use mini-greenhouses.

What are their advantages?

  1. Versatility of use. In such designs, it is possible to maintain the parameters of humidity and temperature for all types of plants.
  2. Mobility. Mini-greenhouses can be transferred annually to other places, taking into account the characteristics of seedlings and the availability of free space on the site.
  3. Low cost. For construction, both purchased and any improvised materials are used, the remains of pipes and metal, the field of installation of complex engineering systems, used designs, etc.
  4. Minimum loss of time. The simplest construction can be done in an hour, for more complex reusable it will take no more than one day.

In the article we will consider several options for the manufacture of greenhouses using various materials and technologies. This information will allow summer residents to choose the best option for themselves, realistically assess their capabilities and coordinate them with their needs.

Mini greenhouses made of lumber for seedlings

The most affordable option for manufacturing, there are always several boards at their summer cottage. How to do it?

Step 1. Consider the size and specific location. For a mini-greenhouse, a length of 2 m and a width of 1 m are sufficient. The height is selected taking into account the width of the boards.

Practical advice. There are options for making inclined mini-greenhouses, in this way a stack of water is provided. We do not recommend doing this for several reasons. Firstly, rainwater will never harm the seedlings, let it fall into the greenhouse and natural watering is carried out. Secondly, one high side obscures the plants, and this does not benefit them. Plants in the shade grow weak, the stems are too elongated and thin. Thirdly, such a design is more difficult to manufacture. Why worsen the conditions for growing seedlings with your own hands?

Step 2. Assembly of the box. Cut two boards 2 m long and two 1 m long, trim the ends under the square. There are two ways to assemble the box: end-to-end or using bars. The second method is preferable, thin boards may crack when assembling end-to-end. To avoid such consequences, we recommend pre-drilling holes, the diameter of the hole is 0.5–1.0 mm smaller than the diameter of the hardware. True, in this case it is desirable to use self-tapping screws, the pressing force with ordinary nails may be insufficient. If the greenhouse is stationary, there are no problems, but if it is planned to be moved to a new place, then the structure may collapse.

Practical advice. We recommend to strengthen the box, this will significantly increase the time of using the mini-greenhouse. Reinforcement should be done with isosceles right triangles, the length of the side at the top is about 10 cm. Prepare 4 of these elements and fix them in all corners. It is better to install the squares from above, so they will not succumb to the processes of decay.

Step 3. Now you need to choose the option of covering the mini-greenhouse: using glazed window frames or ordinary plastic wrap. For mini-greenhouses for a long period of use, we recommend making glazed frames, they are stronger and more reliable, it is more convenient to use such devices.

How to make them?

  1. For a length of 2 meters, three frames with perimeter dimensions of 100 × 66 cm are sufficient. Frames can be made from a bar of approximately 50 × 50 mm.
  2. Cut the bars to size, you will need 6 pieces for three frames. 1 m long and 6 pcs. 66 cm long. Make a chamfer under the glass on one side. Chamfer sizes up to 5 mm in depth and width.
  3. It is better to assemble the frame using metal furniture corners, it is simple, easy and fast. The corners are fixed with self-tapping screws or nails 20–25 mm long.
  4. Take measurements under the glass, cut it out and install it in place. To increase the reliability of fastening, you can use glazing beads.
  5. From the inside, along the perimeter of the box, nail small slats, frames will lie on them. There is a second option - to increase the size by a few centimeters more than the width of the box, then the window frames will rest against the sides.

This is where you can finish making a mini-greenhouse, install it in place, prepare the soil and plant seeds for seedlings. But we will consider a few more options for lumber greenhouses.

First option. Hang window frames on hinges. This will make opening/closing them a little easier. In the open position, the structures rest on special stops. The disadvantage is that some of the seedlings will not receive enough full spectrum sunlight. Glass does not transmit ultraviolet rays, namely, they have a negative effect on pathogens.

Practical advice. Do not install cheap furniture piano hinges, they are non-separable. During the transfer of a mini-greenhouse, the windows cannot be removed, which greatly complicates the process of transporting the structure.

Second option. There are options for covering a mini-greenhouse with plastic wrap. To do this, you need to make a supporting frame from the rails, stretch the film on both sides, and press it along the perimeter with any heavy objects. For convenience, it is better to sprinkle one side with earth, and press the other.

The simplest mini-greenhouses made of lumber

You will need slats or narrow boards, the amount depends on the size of the greenhouse. The slats are connected at an angle at the top with two nails or self-tapping screws. After making the first element, you need to check its dimensions in the garden, if everything is fine, then you can do all the rest. The first element should be used as a template, so it will be possible to achieve the same size of all parts. The lower ends should be pointed to facilitate driving into the ground. To increase the stability of the mini-greenhouse, it is recommended to tie all the elements with wooden blocks on both sides. The structure is covered with plastic wrap, pressed around the perimeter with heavy objects.

A good option, quickly done, creates normal conditions for the development of seedlings. The bars should have a diameter of 6-8 mm, the length is chosen depending on the width of the structure. Height within 50 cm. Such devices are covered only with a film. The problem is to eliminate the sagging of the film. This can be done using several methods.

  1. The distance between the arcs is not more than 50 cm.
  2. After all the arcs are stuck into the ground, several lines of rope or wire are stretched between them, on which the film will lie.

Metal arcs can be bent on a specially prepared template or using any round object of a suitable diameter. During bending, it should be remembered that after the load is removed, the bars will straighten slightly.

The bending template is made on a flat surface of suitable dimensions. On it you need to draw a semicircle with a diameter slightly smaller than the desired width of the mini-greenhouse. After the load is removed, the bars will unbend a little, the width of the mini-greenhouse will increase.

Nails are driven in along the drawn arc at the insistence of 4–5 centimeters. In the center and along the edges, you need to drive in another nail, the distance between them and the arc is slightly larger than the diameter of the metal bar. The workpiece will rest against them during bending. For the manufacture of arcs, you need a certain practical experience, it is advisable to pre-train on unnecessary segments.

Mini greenhouses made of plastic pipes

For manufacturing, plastic pipes with a diameter of up to three quarters of an inch are suitable. Estimating the length and number of arcs is not a problem, difficulties can arise during bending. How to bend them?

Plastic is very elastic material, it is quite difficult to bend it, it always returns to its original state. If you try to bend too sharply, the pipe will definitely crack. During the manufacture of arcs the main task remove residual forces, they return the pipe to its primary straight state. To eliminate stress, the plastic must be heated to a temperature of + 100–120 ° C.

Step 1. Prepare a template. Drive a few nails into a wide board along the desired arc; to prevent straightening of the pipe after removing the force, additional persistent nails must be driven in along the edges.

Step 2. Insert a piece of pipe of the required length into the template and bend it in the template.

Step 3 Heat up the plastic. This can be done with a building industrial hair dryer or boiling water. You need to work with a hair dryer carefully, to avoid the situation so that the plastic begins to melt. The job, of course, requires experience. It is easier with boiling water, but it does not allow heating the pipe to the required temperatures, it will level out quite strongly after being removed from the template.

Step 4. After heating, the arc should cool completely in the template. Take it out and check the effect. If necessary, you can repeat the heating of the material and again hold it in the template until it cools completely.

To make plastic pipes easier to enter the ground, the ends should be cut at an angle. You can use a hacksaw or a circular grinder with a metal cutting disc.

To increase the stability of mini-greenhouses made of plastic or metal arcs, it is necessary to install inclined supports on both sides. For these purposes, any pieces of metal or lumber are used.

Growing seedlings is not easy. Plants need the right microclimate to grow and develop quickly. That is why gardeners install mini-greenhouses on their plots.

Exist different types such structures. Since the imagination of craftsmen is limitless, you can make a simple structure yourself. This requires both ingenuity and improvised means. If you need to make a durable product for outdoor installation, you may need polycarbonate or agrofibre.

Why do you need a mini-greenhouse

A mini-greenhouse is needed not only for a garden or summer cottage, but also in an apartment. Whimsical and heat-loving plants can be planted in it. Such a structure has several obvious advantages:

  • protection from wind, draft and rain;
  • optimal microclimate;
  • seedlings gradually get used to the conditions of the street;
  • plants are easy to care for;
  • ease of installation.

It often happens that a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site does not allow placing a full-fledged greenhouse on it. On a small plot, you can install a compact and practical mini-greenhouse. Sooner or later, the grown seedlings will have to be transplanted into conditions open ground, but the greenhouse will always become a cozy home for other plants (greens, carrots, beets, flowers). They do not need a large space: they also feel great in a mini-greenhouse.

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Varieties of mini-greenhouses

There are many varieties of mini greenhouses. They can have different shapes and sizes.

Mini greenhouse at home

As a rule, it is placed on the windowsill, and crops begin to be grown in early spring. Some plants are sown in winter. The main purpose of the application is to accelerate the development of plants so that they can be planted in open soil in spring or summer.

By appearance home buildings are no different from street buildings, except for dimensions. Small copies of street models on an arc frame are very popular. There are greenhouses consisting of several tiers or floors. As a simple option, ordinary wooden boxes covered with polyethylene film are used.

Portable board construction

This is a wooden box without a bottom, but with a film or glass lid. The box can be moved anywhere at any time. It is used when crops planted in the ground are threatened by spring frosts. Vegetables, berries and flowers take root well in a portable outdoor greenhouse.

Recessed or Belgian greenhouse

To create a Belgian greenhouse, you will need to dig a trench and strengthen its walls with strapping. In the trench make out a bed with fertile land. The structure is covered with a lid. The material for it is a film or polycarbonate. Fertile soil is an ideal heat insulator, but if necessary, you can additionally insulate the building with biofuel.


Belgian greenhouses are most often made with pitched roofs. This saves space on the site.

Mini-greenhouse "Butterfly"

Model "Butterfly" got its name because of the design features of the valves. If both of them are fully open, the structure becomes like a butterfly with open wings. Since the greenhouse doors open on both sides, this provides easy access to the plants at any time. The size of the "Butterfly" can be anything, but most of all, these are attractive small-sized structures.

Greenhouse "Snail" or "Breadbox"

This greenhouse exactly repeats the design of a real bread box. Its semicircular sash is fully lifted up. At the same time, it slides behind the fixed part of the semicircular roof. Plants are easy to care for, and the structure does not take up much space.

Balcony greenhouses (shelf)

For the manufacture of a "shelf" greenhouse, an old cabinet or rack is used. At the cabinet, the wall is removed from the back, and the resulting void is tightened with polyethylene. A door is equipped in front, which often looks like an ordinary piece of film. The door is fixed with a rail or magnets. Such a greenhouse resembles a shop window. It is transparent, and this allows you to constantly observe the plants. It can grow herbs and vegetables throughout the year.

Wall mini-greenhouse

It is always placed against the wall of a house or outbuilding. The greenhouse is compact and can be a great outlet when country cottage area very small, and it is impossible to place even a small “Butterfly” on it. This design has a pitched roof. It will have to be regularly cleaned of snow.


For a wall-mounted mini-greenhouse, you need to choose the southern wall of the house so that the plants receive enough heat and light.

Mini greenhouse from a plastic bottle

You can make several mini-greenhouses from ordinary bottles if you don’t want to buy wooden boxes and fiddle with plastic wrap. You will need a 2 liter plastic bottle. A rectangular hole is cut into it. The resulting door is bent, then the bottle is filled with earth and plant seeds are planted in the container. The door of the greenhouse must be tightly closed, fixed with tape. As soon as the seeds germinate, airing can be started so that the plants receive more oxygen.

Mini-greenhouse from an old barrel or can

Do not throw away the old can or barrel. Of these, you can make an excellent greenhouse of a classic shape. To do this, several holes are cut out in a barrel or can. Holes should be made so that it is convenient to care for seedlings. After the holes are ready, a dense material in the form of a tarpaulin or double polyethylene is attached on top. Four screws will suffice for fastening. It is better to use a tarp, because the polyethylene will quickly wear out due to the wind.

Mini greenhouse from window frames

This is a heavy structure, so you need to build a foundation for it. Frames must be carefully prepared before installation. They are cleaned of old paint and covered with stain or drying oil. For the manufacture of the frame, you need one rack and two strapping - lower and upper. It is better to make the floor concrete, with a layer of waterproofing, and the roof - gable. Despite some difficulties, the advantage of a window frame product is that its main elements can be obtained for free.


Frames should be selected the same size and shape, otherwise it will be difficult to dock them during assembly.

Materials for manufacturing

When building a simple mini-greenhouse, the following materials are used:

  • plastic;
  • metal profile;
  • tree;
  • polyethylene film;
  • polycarbonate sheets;
  • agrofibre;
  • glass.

For an arched greenhouse, a flexible frame is needed. The arcs of the frame are made of plastic or metal. Among gardeners there are craftsmen who manage to make a semicircular frame of wood.

The tree looks very nice, but it is prone to decay. Metal or plastic look more prosaic, but they are more practical. Their disadvantages are that plastic bends, and metal is prone to corrosion. When using metal, the situation can be corrected: treat it with an anti-corrosion agent and paint it. Unlike metal, plastic does not corrode, but it is more brittle and much cheaper. Most often, a box for portable models is made of wood.

Now you need to deal with the materials that are used for plating. A good material is agrofibre. It transmits light and creates a good microclimate in the greenhouse. Agrofibre is very dense and porous, has the ability to pass moisture and retain heat inside. The material is easy to wash, and if it is carefully stored, it will serve for many years.

Often in gardens you can see greenhouses coated with polyethylene of different thicknesses. The film is easy to use. It creates a microclimate for plants no worse than other materials, but it cannot be called durable. In bad weather, especially in strong winds, it quickly breaks, so it needs to be changed every two to three seasons.

- a material that many gardeners like. It is lightweight and durable. You can veneer them with a small greenhouse, and a full-fledged greenhouse. Working with polycarbonate is a pleasure: it is easy to cut and process. It can be given any desired shape. Products from it look beautiful and neat.

Those gardeners who grow seedlings on their own know well how much effort needs to be made to provide all the conditions for seed germination and the normal growth of young plants. In winter and early spring, with a lack of heat and sunlight, this is not easy to do.
A mini greenhouse can make this task easier. If you use it together with peat tablets, you can count not only on strong and healthy seedlings, but also on its successful transplantation into the ground in the future.

Many flower and vegetable crops grown in our area have a long growing season and do not have time to go through it in 2-3 warm months. Therefore, they are grown in seedlings, starting to sow seeds as early as February-March and planting them in the ground only after the likelihood of frost has passed.
Of course, you can buy ready-made seedlings in the spring, but its price is much higher than the cost of a bag of seeds, and many gardeners like to take care of the plants themselves from the very beginning.
However, not everyone can even germinate a seed, let alone get a strong and healthy seedling out of it. The reason for this is not only a lack of experience, but also the inability to create suitable conditions.

seed germination

What do seeds need to start growing? Moisture and warmth. During the germination period, the air temperature and soil moisture must be constantly monitored, but there is not always time for this.
What to do? The answer is simple: buy a mini greenhouse for peat tablets.
The principle of its "work" is simple:

  • Tablets saturated with water are installed in the cells of the greenhouse;
  • A seed is planted in each tablet;

  • Greenhouse The tablet is covered with a transparent lid and placed in a warm place. The cover does not prevent the penetration of light, but retains heat and prevents moisture from evaporating quickly;
  • When the crops need to be watered, water is poured into the pan, from where the tablets take the required amount. Thus, the frequency of watering is reduced, and the nutrient substrate does not dry out.

As you can see, everything is simple and convenient. A similar greenhouse can be made with your own hands, simply by pouring soil into any container and covering it after sowing with a film or glass.
But in this case, you will have to water from above, at the risk of washing the earth off the seeds or not guessing with the amount of water.

Seedling care

When the seeds begin to germinate, in addition to heat and moisture, they will need a lot of light and nutrients. Our tablets will provide them with all this - miniature greenhouses are transferred to a window sill or a backlit rack, where young plants will be illuminated while continuing to be under a warm cap, and the nutrients dissolved in the water that make up the tablets will make it possible to do without top dressing and fertilizers.
What else is convenient to use this simple device:

  • Often the seeds germinate very unevenly, with an interval of several days. It becomes difficult to create ideal conditions for all seedlings growing in a common bowl.
    But if they are planted in tablets, they can be taken out of the "maternity hospital" greenhouse and transferred to another without disturbing the seeds that have not yet sprouted.

  • Many plants do not like moisture on the stems and leaves - they begin to hurt, wither. Watering in a peat greenhouse is done from below - through a pallet.
    Tablets suck in required amount moisture, which does not harm the seedlings.
  • The most crucial moments in growing seedlings are diving and planting seedlings in a permanent place. The instruction requires transplanting seedlings as they grow into more spacious conditions.
    In this case, the roots are often damaged, the stems break, the transplanted plants spend a lot of energy on adaptation. With tablets, all this can be avoided, as the seedlings are transferred to pots or into the ground with them without any damage.

For reference. It is especially convenient to grow plants from small seeds with the help of tablets, as well as capricious crops that do not tolerate unnecessary manipulations.

How to use peat tablets correctly

Peat or peat humus tablets are made from pressed peat, to which trace elements and nutrients have been added.
They are placed in a bag of fine mesh, which protects them from spilling. Only the upper plane remains open.

Note. Tablets are produced in different diameters - from 2-3 to 7-8 cm for growing seedlings of crops of different sizes. If the purchased mini-greenhouse for peat tablets has cells, pay attention to their dimensions.

To prepare the peat for planting seeds, the tablets are poured for several minutes with warm, settled water. Keeping the diameter, they increase in height by 5-7 times, turning into a cylinder.
After that, the excess water is drained, and a recess is made in the upper part of this cylinder, into which the seed is placed.

Then everything is as described above: the cylinders are installed in cells or on a greenhouse pallet, covered with a lid and sent to a warm place. Your task is to add water in time, as peat dries out very quickly.
Let me give you a few more practical tips:

  • If you decide to use peat tablets - mini greenhouses are better to take cellular ones. In a solid pan, with densely installed cylinders, the roots of plants can intertwine as they grow.
    Or stack the tablets at a distance from each other.
  • Filling the tablets with water for swelling, add a little potassium permanganate to it to disinfect the peat.
  • If a white coating forms on the surface of the tablet, this indicates constant waterlogging. Watering should be temporarily stopped, and the greenhouse should be well ventilated.
  • Seedlings need to be transplanted when the roots of plants germinate outward. To do this, they are placed in a separate cup with earth, without separating from the tablet.
    But before that, you need to remove or at least tear the mesh from it so that the roots freely grow into the ground.

  • If after sowing all the seeds you have extra tablets, you can save them until the next season. They do not have a limited shelf life if stored in a dry and cool place.

What you need to know before growing a crop

But before deciding to grow seedlings, you need to check the fact that you will grow it. Some plants may not tolerate low temperatures at night.

Advice. If you live in the middle lane, then you should not plant eggplant and pepper seedlings, they will not grow in you. But it is quite possible to reap a good harvest by growing seedlings of radishes, tomatoes or cabbage.

When can you start building a comfortable mini greenhouse with your own hands, followed by planting seedlings:

  • The exact date, of course, cannot be named. You have to take into account the weather. It is very important that the temperature at night kept +7 or +8 not lower. And in the afternoon, the column on the thermometer should show no less than +13.
  • But you should worry if you didn’t guess with the weather. It's just that the seeds will not germinate in two weeks, but in three or four. It has long been believed that planted seedlings grow stronger by the end of April or the beginning of May.

Advice. In mini greenhouses, it is very important to use a proven and high-quality substrate for seedlings, it is necessary to prepare seeds in advance and follow all instructions when growing seedlings.

How to choose a place for a mini greenhouse on your site?

Ideal for this "mini greenhouse" a flat surface and a quiet place. The surface in the garden is best suited.
As long as there are no leaves on the trees, and they do not give shade, the seedlings will sprout and its root system will be able to get stronger. Position your "plant incubator" conveniently so that the water tap is nearby, or for example, the barn is located nearby.
Seedlings in mini greenhouses: how to choose the right size?

Actions: Recommendations:
Beginning of work Before you start making a design yourself, draw up a clear work plan or simply draw an approximate diagram on paper, think about what dimensions you would like for it in width, height and length.
Consider the material from which you will build a greenhouse. According to the standard, a mini greenhouse is one meter wide, and you can take the length as you see fit.
In height, such a structure will be 50-60 centimeters. This optimal dimensions for a mini greenhouse. It will not interfere with you when working on the site and take up a lot of space.

How to make a mini greenhouse, instructions:

  • Let's immediately consider the simplest version of a mini greenhouse. It comes out cheap in terms of material costs and comfortable for growing your future crop.
  • After the seedlings grow, such a greenhouse can be immediately removed from the site, and the planting material will grow beautiful and healthy.

Note. For the construction of such an "incubator" you need to purchase only a film. Everything else is done exclusively from improvised means.

How to make arcs for the frame?

Of course, you can use frame arcs from last year (if any), ask your neighbors or buy inexpensive and already used ones on the market. But if all these options do not suit you, you can build them yourself.
Any material is suitable for them:

  • These can be metal-plastic pipes left after repair, fittings or ordinary steel wire. You can even use a wooden beam, only then you will get not arcs, but a wooden rectangular frame.
  • If you have already decided on the size of your mini greenhouse or took as an example those that were proposed by us earlier, install arcs or another frame you have built around the perimeter.

In order not to disturb the stability and bearing capacity of your frame, after covering it with plastic wrap, install the arcs as small as possible in distance from each other.

How does a mini greenhouse work?

After you have finally finished installing the arcs, fold a small base of wood under them, you can use bricks to make a “high bed”.

Advice. This is necessary in order to be able to lay a high-quality substrate for planting seedlings. Only in it will your seeds be able to sprout as much as possible, and grow into healthy seedlings.

If you wish, you can tie the greenhouse frame with its lower part to make the structure stable. This is done so that at the first gust of wind the polyethylene is not torn off and the future crop is not spoiled.
Why cover the greenhouse with foil:

  • Experts advise purchasing a film of medium strength and good throughput Sveta.
  • It is thanks to these qualities Sun rays they will warm up your mini greenhouse well, the film will serve you for more than one season, and at night the temperature inside the structure will be as stable as possible.
  • It is advisable to purchase polyethylene of a size that best matches the size of your "bed". How to stretch film? It's very simple.
  • It is necessary to transfer the material from one side to the other, stretch it evenly around the entire perimeter of the frame, and tie the load along the edges.
  • For cargo, you can use old bricks or pipes, they will help keep the film on the frame.

A mini greenhouse is made with your own hands, now you just have to prepare a high-quality substrate for seeds and you can get down to business.

What other options are there for mini greenhouses?

Mini greenhouses for the garden and summer cottages can be very different. You can build not only an arc greenhouse, there are more interesting and convenient options.
You can build a structure of polycarbonate. This is considered the most practical option.

Note. You can simply order it in the size you need. It will be delivered to you, installed, and all that remains is to plant the seeds and wait for them to sprout. This type of mini greenhouse has many advantages, there is only one big drawback, its high price.

Mini greenhouse - thermos

You can say everything about this type of construction in three words - excellent, functional and practical. After studying this model in more detail, you can make it yourself, according to the scheme, or invent your own model.
This design can be covered with old glass windows.

Note. Mini hotbed-thermos is designed specifically for avid gardeners. Such a greenhouse can be built with additional function: ground heating.

How to build a wooden greenhouse with glass:

  • First you need to knock down a wooden box under the greenhouse, then install it on the base (you can take bricks).
  • This great idea for people who like to plant seedlings early.
  • Inside you need to fill up a high-quality substrate, plant seeds and cover with glass, the design is ready. Now you can expect the first shoots.

How to make a cheap greenhouse for summer cottages and gardens

The easiest and cheapest option for growing seedlings is to make a mini greenhouse from the means at hand.

  • It can be not only old windows, you can even take broken and unusable refrigerators. Of course, in appearance it does not look very aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. But it functions great.

After watching the video, you can see the process of making a mini greenhouse.


Get more detailed information about the use of peat tablets, you can watch the video in this article. And you can build a home greenhouse for them yourself by adapting any container with a transparent lid under it or covering it with glass or plastic wrap in the old fashioned way.
Try it and make sure that this method is great for growing seedlings and propagating home flowers from cuttings.

Greenhouse structures are widely used for growing seedlings of flowers, garden crops or rooting cuttings. In closed ground conditions, you can get a crop of radishes, lettuce and greens. Making a greenhouse for seedlings with your own hands is quite simple. The first task is to become familiar with possible options, decide on the dimensions and location of the mini-greenhouse. The manufacturing technology will not create any difficulties in the assembly and installation process.

Competent placement greenhouse design on the site simplifies the care of planted seedlings and promotes the active growth of crops. When choosing a place, a number of criteria must be taken into account:

  • landscape characteristics of the area - the slope of the site, the presence of a reservoir, the level of groundwater;
  • directivity of light - illumination is of paramount importance in the development of plants;
  • convenience of location - proximity to communications for servicing a mini-greenhouse;
  • soil quality - weediness of the site, susceptibility to erosion, soil fertility.

Homemade wooden greenhouse

The optimal location has the following characteristics:

  1. A sloping base is good if the impromptu garden bed is “broken” on a small hill. In this case, the soil warms up faster, and the access of melt water is limited. When placing a greenhouse in a lowland, it is necessary to provide a drainage layer.
  2. South, southeast or southwest side of the site - sufficient illumination and reduced wind load. The maximum amount of light will penetrate inside the building, oriented along the east-west line.
  3. Wind protection. There are two ways to reduce the wind load as much as possible:
  4. the construction of a hedge or a blind fence up to 1.5 m high, the distance from the greenhouse is 7-10 m, in order to avoid the appearance of a turbulent vortex;
  5. attaching to the wall of the house - it is important that the building does not block the flow of light.
  6. The presence of paths paved with gravel, stone, tile or concrete - there should be a convenient approach to the structure.

Placing a greenhouse on the site

It is advisable to place a home greenhouse for seedlings in an apartment on the southern windows. When installing a mini-greenhouse from the west, east or north, reflectors should be used, for example, a mirror or foil cardboard. Plants should be exposed to diffused light to avoid leaf scorch.

Mini greenhouse on the windowsill

Greenhouse options for seedlings

The greenhouse differs from the traditional greenhouse, first of all, in size. Regardless of the size and shape, the design must fulfill the main tasks: ensuring optimal temperature and light conditions, protecting seedlings from rodents and pests.

Optimal dimensions of the greenhouse

The greenhouse is serviced from the outside, so it should not be too wide, optimally - 1.2-1.5 m. This size will allow you to easily reach and process plants planted in the middle of the beds. However, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a person: physical condition and growth.

It will be possible to determine the dimensions of a small greenhouse for seedlings empirically:

  1. In the selected area, sit down on the cards and pull your hand forward.
  2. Measure distance. The resulting value is the width of the greenhouse with a one-sided approach, for example, for a wall structure.
  3. To determine the width of a double-sided structure, the value must be doubled.

small shelter

The size of greenhouses for seedlings largely depends on the crop being grown. For flowers, cabbage, tomatoes, the optimal height of the structure is 0.7-1 m, for cucumbers - 1.5 m. The length depends on the expected number of plants and the layout of the site.

Determining the type and shape of the structure

Before you start making a mini-greenhouse with your own hands, you need to choose the type of construction. The variety of structures is classified according to the following parameters: the possibility of transfer, the presence of a frame, location relative to the ground and the method of planting seedlings.

Stationary nursery model

There are two types of greenhouses for mobility:

  1. Stationary - made of brick or wood. The design requires a foundation, and a reliable roof made of glass or polycarbonate. An interesting option- a greenhouse from old window frames.
  2. Mobile - arranged in the form of a box made of a metal frame or wooden boards. In fact, this is a portable shelter that allows you to change the location of the beds every year. Some supplement the frame with a bottom - this makes it possible to adjust the position of the greenhouse within one season.

Mobile design on wheels

By the presence of a frame, mini-greenhouses are:

  1. Frame - a film or glass is fixed on a previously mounted frame. This is the most versatile and common option. Varieties of structures according to the shape of the frame: tunnel, gable, single-slope, domed, trapezoidal. The easiest to manufacture are arc-shaped shelters made of flexible material (wire or PP pipes) and a heat-retaining fabric.
  2. "Insulated soil" - frameless protozoa greenhouse structures suitable for growing low-growing plants (greens, radishes). The seeds planted in the ground are covered with a film, the shelter is fixed with bricks and boards.

Frameless seedling growing technology

According to the level of deepening, deep and ground modifications are distinguished. The first type is located in the pit and retains heat better. Ground mini-greenhouses are easier to install, the box can be moved from place to place.

Traditionally, plants are sown along the micro-greenhouse. With a lack of space on the site, it is better to install a vertical greenhouse for seedlings, which includes several tiers of racks. Plants are planted in separate containers or in bags with soil mixture.

Vertical bed under the film

We make a greenhouse for seedlings with our own hands

It will be possible to build a compact nursery even alone. To work, you will need available materials and tools that are available in the arsenal of almost every home master.

Greenhouse made of metal rods

A small greenhouse for seedlings can be made from reinforcing bars. To create a metal frame with your own hands you will need:

  • reinforcement with a cross section of 10 mm - it is advisable to choose rods with a smooth surface so as not to damage the polyethylene;
  • film cover;
  • log.

Before you make a greenhouse for seedlings, you need to calculate the consumption of materials:

  1. The number of rods depends on the length of the building. You can perform the calculation according to the formula: the length of the greenhouse in meters / 0.4 + 1. For example, for a four-meter structure, you will need 11 arches (4 / 0.4 + 1 = 11).
  2. The length of one rod depends on the width and height of the finished structure. For example, if the specified parameters are 1 m and 50 cm, respectively, then the reinforcement is cut into segments of 240 cm (100 cm + 50 cm + 50 cm + 40 cm). In the calculation, 40 cm is the deepening of the rods into the ground on both sides. The indicator can be increased, but cannot be reduced, since the stability of the hotbed will decrease.
  3. The width of the film should be 20 cm less than the length of the rod. In the example considered, 220 cm is enough. The length of the material is determined by the formula: greenhouse length + two heights + 0.3 m. That is, 4 m + 2 * 0.5 m + 0.3 m = 5.3 m.
  4. The length of the log is equal to the length of the mini-greenhouse, that is, 4 m.

Greenhouse made of metal fittings

The procedure for making a simple greenhouse for seedlings:

  1. Bend the metal rods with the letter "P". The distance between the two ends should be 1.1-1.3 m.
  2. It is advisable to paint the ends of the metal reinforcement - this will protect the material from corrosion and will become a guideline when arranging the rods.
  3. On the site, make markings for the installation of arches.
  4. Deepen the rods into the ground by 20 cm, the distance between adjacent arches is 40-50 cm.
  5. Pull the film over the frame, leaving an overhang of 20 cm on the long sides, and 50 cm on the short sides.
  6. Cover the edges of the polyethylene with earth on three sides (two short and one long).
  7. Clear the log of knots and press down the film on the fourth side. This solution provides access inside.

The film should fit snugly against the frame, then gusts of wind will not be able to disrupt the shelter, and puddles will not form in the folds after rain.

Frame made of bent plastic pipes

Two options for greenhouses made of plastic pipes

It is possible to build a greenhouse for seedlings with your own hands using plastic pipes in different ways.

Option 1. Mini-greenhouse made of bent PVC pipes.

Necessary materials:

  • pipes with a diameter of ¾ inch;
  • wooden planks 10 cm wide;
  • metal pegs by the number of arcs;
  • reinforced film.

How to make an easy greenhouse for seedlings:

  • prepare a template - draw a sketch of the pipe of the desired bend, attach the sheet to a wide board and drive nails along the contour;
  • insert a piece of pipe and bend it according to the template;
  • heat the plastic with a building hair dryer;
  • wait for the pipe to cool completely and remove it.
  1. Put pipes on the pegs to form several identical arches.
  2. For the strength of the frame across the arcs, it is desirable to stretch one or three pipes - stiffeners.
  3. Cover the frame with a film, level it and fix it with clamps.

Ways of attaching polyethylene to the frame

Option 2. A home-made hotbed made of PP pipes, fastening the elements with tees. Such a device for a greenhouse for seedlings is characterized by increased strength. The work is carried out using a welding machine for plastic pipes.

Greenhouse construction from pipes and corners

The order of assembly of the gable model:

  1. Draw a diagram and calculate the consumption of materials - the length of the pipe and the number of tees.
  2. Assemble the frame according to the drawing. The technology is identical to pipeline soldering:
  • clean the edges of the pipes;
  • heat up the soldering iron and insert the docking parts into the nozzles;
  • remove the heated elements and dock with each other.
  1. Cover the frame with a film, leaving free access on one side for caring for plants.

Advice. The optimal shelter for a mini-greenhouse is a reinforced film, the density of which is 120-200 g / sq. m. The service life of the canvas is 3-4 seasons.

PP-pipe soldering technology

Three lumber greenhouses

It is not difficult to build a greenhouse for seedlings with your own hands from improvised lumber. The constructive solution is possible in various versions.

Simple mini greenhouse design

Method 1. Mini-greenhouse.

For assembly, you will need several boards and a cut of the film. The mobile structure has no bottom and can be installed in any corner of the site. The coating is fastened with furniture corners or carnations. For a mini-greenhouse, a width of 1 m and a length of 2 m is sufficient, the height is adjusted by the size of the boards.

Advice. In order for the nursery to serve for more than one year, the box must be strengthened. At the corners of the frame from above, you need to install isosceles triangles, sawn from a bar.

Gable micro-greenhouse from rails

Method 2. A gable simple shelter.

You will need narrow boards or slats - the number of parts depends on the dimensions of the building. Production order:

  1. From the rails make three longitudinal beams - two will serve as the base, and one - the top.
  2. Connect the truss elements to the top at an angle. For fastening, use screws or nails.
  3. After assembling the first element, it must be “tried on” in the garden.
  4. Fasten all parts with bases into a single structure.
  5. Install the structure on the garden bed and cover with polyethylene.
  6. Stretch the film, dig it in with earth or fix it with bricks.

Making a nursery from boards

Method 3. Shed greenhouse under glass.

A homemade greenhouse for seedlings will be more convenient and efficient if you use a glazed window frame instead of a film. The procedure for glazing a wooden box:

  1. Determine the number of frames. For a structure with a length of 2 m, 3 frames with a size of 100 * 66 cm are enough, made from a bar of 5 * 5 cm.
  2. Assemble frames from the bars, fastening the elements with furniture corners.
  3. Make chamfers under the glass with a depth of 5 mm.
  4. Prepare and insert glass.
  5. On the inside of the box, nail the slats - these will be stops for the frame.
  6. Fasten the hinges and hang the frame.
  7. Install the handle.

Video: Mini-tips made of wood and polyethylene

Stationary brick greenhouse

The stationary construction of masonry or concrete is durable and efficient. For construction you will need:

  • cement, sand and brick;
  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws, nails;
  • water-repellent paint;
  • covering material - film, polycarbonate or old window frames.

Drawing of a brick mini-greenhouse

From the tools you need to stock up: a drill, a hammer, a shovel, a trowel, a saw, a tape measure and a container for mixing the solution.

Nursery construction technology:

  1. Mark a place for a mini-greenhouse.
  2. Along the perimeter, dig a ditch the width of a brick to a depth of 20 cm.
  3. Cover the bottom of the trench with sand and tamp.
  4. Mix the solution. Combine sand and cement in a ratio of 4: 1, add water.
  5. Lay out the walls of the greenhouse from bricks. The masonry height is about 50 cm. It is advisable to provide for a slight slope towards the south - so the plants will be more saturated with sunlight.
  6. A brick box from the inside can be divided into sections by erecting partitions.
  7. Assemble the lid. Knock down a frame from wooden slats, insert glass, cover with a film or fix polycarbonate.
  8. Install the hinges and hang the cover.

Stationary brick mini-greenhouse

Room mini-greenhouses

A mini-greenhouse for seedlings, as in the photo below, is used for "forcing" seedlings or a vegetable garden on the window. You can make a similar design yourself by calculating the dimensions and drawing up a sketch of a room greenhouse.

Growing seedlings in an apartment

The whole process of creating a micro-greenhouse for seedlings with your own hands can be divided into two stages. The first step is the manufacture of the bottom:

  1. Determine the optimal parameters of the greenhouse.
  2. Cut pieces of the desired size from wooden blocks.
  3. Make cuts for inserting glass, grind the slats, treat with an antiseptic.
  4. Lubricate the grooves with sealant, install the glass and wait for the composition to dry completely.
  5. Install the remaining rails and dry the frame.

Creating the bottom of the future greenhouse

The second step is fixing the walls and roof:

  1. Prepare the details for the walls and cover.
  2. Assemble the hinged frame, the frame of the triangular roof elements and install the glass in them.
  3. Fasten the blind slope and fix the hinged cover on the hinges.
  4. On the inside of the skate, you can install LED lighting.

Assembly procedure for indoor greenhouse

A simple mini greenhouse for seedlings on the windowsill can be made from improvised means:

  1. Cut two plastic bottles in half. Fill the top of the container with soil and place it in the bottom. To create a greenhouse effect, cover the structure with a plastic cup or the top from the second bottle.

Greenhouse from plastic bottle

How to equip a greenhouse for seedlings

Growing seedlings should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of agricultural technology. An important role is assigned to the preparation of the land mixture, maintaining the regime of illumination and heat.

Preparation of the land mixture

For the active growth of young plants, light soil is required, enriched with organic matter and minerals, with good gas and moisture permeability. Peat-based mixtures have suitable properties.

Composition of peat soil for seedlings:

  • 3 parts of peat;
  • 1 part of sod land;
  • 1 part of forest foliage;
  • 1 part humus.

Preparation of soil mixture for seedlings

All soil components should be harvested in the fall. Store them in plastic bags at a temperature not lower than 0°C. Mixing of components is carried out before sowing seeds.

Before filling the greenhouse for seedlings with soil, it must be subjected to a disinfecting treatment. The following methods are possible:

  1. Fumigation. In autumn, after harvesting, install a sulfur bomb in the greenhouse, set it on fire and close the greenhouse. After two days, ventilate the soil and “mothball” it for the winter. This option is only suitable for outdoor nurseries.
  2. Steaming. Pour boiling water over the soil or treat with a steam generator. The solution is relevant for indoor mini-greenhouses.
  3. Antiseptics. Ready preparations are used according to the manufacturer's instructions. A home-made mini-greenhouse can be disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate (for 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon).

When choosing a way to prepare a greenhouse for seedlings for planting, it is important to remember the safety measures. The smoke from sulfur bombs is toxic, so work must be done in a gas mask or respirator. Soil disinfection blue vitriol carried out with rubber gloves.

Electrical cable laying diagram

Creating the optimal temperature regime

A constant temperature inside can be maintained artificially or naturally.

The procedure for organizing heating using electric heaters:

  1. Put a gravel-sand pillow on the bottom of the greenhouse.
  2. Place a cable on top.
  3. To protect the heating element, install cast iron boxes and lay a thin sheet of iron.
  4. Pour a fertile layer - about 18 cm. Connect the system to the power supply - a regular network with a voltage of 220 V will do.

Film greenhouse heating

The most efficient, affordable and environmentally friendly way to maintain the thermal regime is the use of biofuels. The method involves the use of manure. With natural decomposition organic fertilizer gives off heat. Horse manure is considered the most heat-producing - it is heated to 55-58 ° C, pork manure is the least effective - heating to 44 ° C.

Types of biofuels based on organics

Organization of heating with biofuel:

  1. Remove the fertile soil layer (25 cm).
  2. Dig a pit over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greenhouse. Depth - 50 cm.
  3. Lay on the bottom and on the walls of the pit thermal insulation material (mineral wool or foam).
  4. Build a dense substrate of straw, leaves and peat.
  5. Lay out a "thermal" substrate, alternating layers of manure and leaves. The total thickness should be 50 cm.
  6. Pour a fertile layer of soil. Organics will gradually decompose, and the layer of soil in the greenhouse will settle. Therefore, the thickness of the earth mixture must be increased to 30-35 cm.

Scheme of biological heating of the nursery

To eliminate the lack of sunlight, you can equip the greenhouse for seedlings with lighting. Compact shelves or plant stands are placed in vertical structures.

The variety of options allows you to choose the optimal model for growing seedlings. An important plus of a mini-greenhouse is the simplicity and affordability of self-assembly. Even beginners can build and equip a hotbed.