It's no secret that MTS is one of the mobile operators"Big Four". Many residents of Russia and the CIS countries are familiar with the products of this operator. Initially, MTS provided the population exclusively with mobile communication services, but over time new products appeared. Nowadays, no one can be surprised by the ability to connect cable or. MTS home Internet is also popular. To connect subscribers, MTS uses modern GPON technology, which is many times superior to ADSL. The theoretical speed of home Internet from MTS can reach 1 Gbit/sec. However, in practice one cannot count on such a speed.
MTS provides home Internet on good terms. Several tariff plans are available to subscribers, and the connection itself is free. Moreover, the provider promises free equipment included. All this, of course, looks very attractive, but do not forget that the promises of operators do not always correspond to reality. In this article we will tell you how to connect MTS home Internet, and also consider all the current tariffs, but first you should pay attention to other important issues. So that you are not disappointed in your choice after just a few days, you should familiarize yourself with the features of home Internet from MTS in advance, and also read relevant reviews from other users. All this information can be found on this page.

  • Important
  • MTS provides home Internet and television together with MGTS (PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network).

    What is home Internet from MTS

    MTS has many tariff plans with unlimited mobile Internet. True, it is difficult to call such an Internet completely unlimited, because after a certain traffic package is exhausted, the Internet speed decreases. This is true for all tariffs. Unlimited for a while mobile internet was available within the framework, but now its conditions have changed. By the way, a new one has recently appeared, which, perhaps, will repeat the fate of unlimited. If you want to really use unlimited internet without traffic restrictions, the only solution is to connect to a wired Internet. MTS provides home Internet using GPON technology. This technology makes it possible to achieve high bandwidth, due to which the data transfer speed increases significantly. GPON is significantly superior to ADSL. GPON technology really has many advantages and so far not many Internet providers can boast of its implementation. True, this is only available in Moscow and the region. It is also worth noting that the Internet from MTS is provided under special tariffs, which, in addition to the Internet, include other services.
    Tariffs with home Internet from the MTS provider include the following services:

    • Internet via ADSL and GPON technology;
    • Home Wi-Fi;
    • Digital television;
    • Home phone.

    Packages may also include additional services. If you wish, you can choose a tariff with only Internet or television. In fact, there are quite a lot of options. We will consider all current tariff plans in more detail below.

    When collecting information about home Internet from MTS, you will inevitably come to the conclusion that the MTS company itself does not directly provide such services. Home Internet MTS is provided by MGTS (PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network). These are two companies that have combined services in the Moscow region to create a unique multi-service operator. That is, the Internet and television from MTS and MGTS are one and the same. Perhaps this is all clear. Now let's move on to the features of home Internet and TV from this provider.

    Features of home Internet from MTS

    Undoubtedly, MTS home Internet has many advantages, but we should not forget about the disadvantages, which, unfortunately, are also not without. We do not have the goal of presenting you with MTS products in a bad or good color. The purpose of our resource is to help readers gain a complete understanding of a particular operator service. On the official MTS website, attention is paid specifically to positive aspects, and everything that may be negatively perceived by the subscriber is hidden behind the fine print. To make it easier for you to accept the right decision, we will list the main advantages and disadvantages of home Internet and television from MTS.

    MTS home Internet provides the following advantages:

    • High throughput provided by modern GPON technology (up to 500 Mbit/s);
    • Free installation of fiber optic cable to the apartment and Internet connection;
    • Wi-Fi modem and TV set-top box for free use;
    • The “Basic” TV package is included and is provided free of charge;
    • Large selection of tariff plans;
    • Regular discounts and promotions;
    • Payment system "Pay later".

    Let's be honest, MTS provides home Internet on tempting terms. You just need to pay the subscription fee according to the tariff, and the connection and equipment will be provided free of charge. Many will think that the catch is in the amount of the subscription fee. In fact, the low cost of tariffs can also be added to the list of advantages. The subscription fee will be approximately the same as that of other Internet providers, and compared to some it is even less. Has MTS really surpassed all expectations and presented the product for the first time on acceptable terms without pitfalls? Unfortunately, as always, there are some drawbacks, as you can see if you read reviews about MTS home Internet. You will find reviews at the end of the article, but we have listed the not-so-pleasant features of home Internet from MTS below.

    When connecting home Internet from MTS (MGTS), pay attention to the following aspects:

    • The equipment is not provided free of charge, but is rented for two years. Rental is included in the subscription fee. In case of early termination of the contract, you will have to pay the cost of the equipment;
    • The cable is laid into the apartment free of charge, but in the event of termination of the contract with the provider earlier than 12 months, the subscriber is obliged to pay a penalty in the amount determined by MTS depending on various factors;
    • If you are not an MGTS subscriber, then the cost of home Internet will be higher for you;
    • GPON technology is currently only available in Moscow and the region, and it is not possible to install a cable in all apartments;
    • MTS and MGTS technical support does a poor job and it is often extremely difficult to reach an operator.

    As you can see, not everything is as smooth as they try to present it to us. In principle, the main shortcomings will only manifest themselves if you decide to terminate the contract with MTS early. It would seem thanks modern technology GPON there can be no disappointment in the quality of the Internet, which means there will be no need to terminate the contract. Unfortunately, numerous reviews about MTS home Internet indicate that here, too, not everything is as they promise us. There are a lot of angry reviews online about periodic Internet outages. This is where those shortcomings that at first glance are not important gain weight. If you want to change provider, there will be additional costs. That is why, before connecting to MTS home Internet, you need to think carefully about everything.

    Tariffs for GPON Internet from MGTS and MTS

    As you already understand, MTS home Internet is provided jointly with MGTS. Thanks to this cooperation, these two companies decided to create a unique multi-service operator. Whether they succeeded or not is up to you to decide. In principle, many subscribers have been using wired Internet from MTS for quite some time and are happy with everything. This product from MTS and MGTS is convenient in that it offers users a very significant choice. The provider offers several tariffs at once, so everyone can choose the best offer for themselves.

    The following tariffs are currently available:

    • “Internet GPON – 30 Mbit/s” - from 300 to 400 rubles/month;
    • “Internet GPON – 60 Mbit/s” - from 450 to 500 rubles/month;
    • “Internet GPON – 100 Mbit/s” - from 600 to 700 rubles/month;
    • “Internet GPON – 200 Mbit/s” - from 900 to 1200 rubles/month;
    • “Internet GPON – 350 Mbit/s” - from 1100 to 1400 rubles/month;
    • “Internet GPON – 500 Mbit/s” - from 1600 to 1900 rubles/month.

    Please note that the indicated prices are relevant for subscribers who do not use MGTS telephony. If you are a subscriber of MGTS, then your subscription fee will be 100-300 rubles lower, depending on the specific tariff. In addition to the tariffs mentioned above, MGTS often organizes various promotions within which you can take advantage of unique offer. Promotional rates occur quite often and do not last long, so there is no point in listing current offers. The latest information on tariffs can always be found on the official MGTS website.

    How to connect home Internet MTS

    If you carefully read our review, you will know all the pros and cons of home Internet from MTS. In particular, you should be aware of the presence of a clause in the contract that provides for the need to pay a penalty in the event of early termination of the contract. If you do not want to lose your money, you need to approach the Internet connection from MTS and MGTS consciously. If you have already made a decision, then all you have to do is follow a few simple steps and high speed internet will appear in your apartment.

    We remind you that the Internet from MGTS is available only to residents of Moscow and some cities in the Moscow region. You can find out the exact list of cities on the provider’s official website. As for the connection procedure itself, you will only need to submit an application; the rest will be done by specialists. They will install the cable for you free of charge and provide you with the necessary equipment.
    You can connect your home Internet:

    1. On the MTS website;
    2. On the MGTS website;
    3. By calling 8-495-636-0-636.

    That's all. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. Also, do not forget to leave reviews about MTS home Internet to make it easier for other readers to make the right decision.

Often many people need to connect the Internet to private house. Most often, this problem is solved by connecting mobile or satellite Internet. One of the most leading operators on the market cellular communication also offers Internet to a private home - MTS.

Since the telephone network is already quite widespread in Russia, the possibility of installing a wired network has become even wider.

Advantages and features of the service

In this regard, MTS has developed a special offer for its subscribers, namely connection satellite internet in a private home, which will allow you to quickly and easily access the network. Among other things, the user has a large geographical coverage when purchasing additional equipment. The price for home Internet is discussed directly during consultation during the discussion of all connection details.

You can connect to the Internet using the “Internet for Home” service from MTS. Under these conditions, it becomes possible to use unlimited MTS Internet traffic to a private home for a telephone, as well as special equipment at a fixed price.

Connecting to the Internet occurs in several stages:

  1. First, you need to contact the mobile operator’s salon and sign the required contract there.
  2. Get your hands on the equipment you need to connect.
  3. Discuss with a consultant the most favorable time to connect.
  4. Wait for specialists who will install the equipment, give instructions for operation, and also configure all parameters.

Under what conditions does it operate?

Conditions under which you can use fast Internet from MTS:

  • Monthly fee: 50 rubles;
  • Traffic provided for a month at maximum speed: 100 gigabytes;
  • Monthly traffic at a speed of 1 Mbit/sec: without restrictions;
  • The price of the equipment, namely the router and satellite dish: 50 rubles.

Price for installation, consultation and configuration: 0 rubles.

It is worth considering the fact that if the user has reached the maximum traffic, then the Internet speed will decrease to 1 Mbit/sec, and gigabytes will not accumulate, i.e. you will not need to pay extra for them.

If these speed limits (1 Mbit/sec) do not suit you, then you can use special offer and connect additional 20GB of speed. This means that an additional 20GB can be used at maximum speed. A one-time connection to this service costs 10 rubles. along with VAT. The subscriber can use this speed throughout the entire month.

If desired, you can use wireless Internet. Therefore, now you can go online from anywhere in the city. Please note that genuine applications and websites mobile version allow you to save a little on the Internet.

This service is paid for subscribers using the “smart” tariff from September 2016. On average it costs 50 rubles, but this amount may be higher; these are individual characteristics depending on the region of residence.

Despite the fact that reviews about this service from MTS are positive, there are some nuances that need to be taken into account, namely:

  • You can use the equipment free of charge for two years. Upon expiration of the term, the subscriber will need to pay for the equipment. If the concluded contract is terminated earlier than after 2 years, then you will need to pay full price all equipment.
  • The equipment and cable are installed free of charge, but if the contract between the company and the user is terminated earlier than a year later, the subscriber will be required to pay a penalty at the rate set by the company.

In addition to cellular communication services, MTS provides home Internet and television. Internet and digital TV services are provided by MGTS (PJSC Moscow City Telephone Network). MTS and MGTS have combined services in the Moscow region to create a unique multi-service operator.

Home Internet and MTS TV - unlimited Internet access at speeds up to 500 Mbit/s latest technology GPON, which is many times superior to ADSL technology. By connecting to one of MGTS tariffs you receive fiber optic cable to an apartment with a bandwidth of up to 1 Gb/sec. GPON is a broadband multi-service access network where services are provided over one cable quality services Internet, telephony and television.

As part of this review, we will tell you what home Internet and MTS TV are, what features they have and how to connect them. The purpose of this article is to give you a complete understanding of MGTS services and GPON technology. On the company’s official website you can find information exclusively about the benefits of the services, but we will try to tell you about all the pitfalls.

Home Internet from MGTS

inferior to home Internet from MGTS in all respects. In fact, it’s even difficult to compare them, because the difference in quality and speed is simply colossal. The GPON optical channel guarantees communication without interference and failures at the highest speed. Theoretically, the maximum speed can reach 1 Gbit/s. MGTS tariffs provide speeds from 30 Mbit/s to 500 Mbit/s.

Advantages of MTS (MGTS) home Internet:

  • Unlimited Internet access at speeds up to 500 Mbit/s;
  • Large selection of tariffs: Internet from 300 rubles to 1900 rubles per month with speeds from 30 Mbit/s to 500 Mbit/s;
  • A modem with Wi-Fi function is provided free of charge;
  • Personal fiber optic cable to the apartment at no additional cost;
  • Constant promotions and the opportunity to receive a substantial discount;
  • Convenient personal account for MGTS subscriber.

Home Internet and MTS TV have many undoubted advantages. You don’t have to pay for an Internet connection or buy a router; you just need to pay one of the tariffs. As for tariff plans, there is plenty to choose from. The cheapest tariff provides a subscription fee of 300 rubles/month. For this money you get unlimited MGTS home Internet at a speed of 30 Mbit/s. If this speed is not enough for you, you can choose a tariff plan with the optimal price and Internet speed for you. The most expensive tariff will cost 1,900 rubles/month, but you will receive Internet at a speed of 500 Mbit/s. Below is detailed information at all rates.

Tariffs for home Internet MTS:

  • “Internet GPON – 30 Mbit/s” - from 300 to 400 rubles/month;
  • “Internet GPON – 60 Mbit/s” - from 450 to 500 rubles/month;
  • “Internet GPON – 100 Mbit/s” - from 600 to 700 rubles/month;
  • “Internet GPON – 200 Mbit/s” - from 900 to 1200 rubles/month;
  • “Internet GPON – 350 Mbit/s” - from 1100 to 1400 rubles/month;
  • “Internet GPON – 500 Mbit/s” - from 1600 to 1900 rubles/month.

The exact amount of the subscription fee depends on the connected additional features and whether you are a client of MGTS or not ( for MGTS telephony subscribers the monthly payment will be less). Wi-Fi modem use is provided free of charge on all tariffs. Also, regardless of the tariff plan, the subscriber receives a free “Basic” TV package. All tariffs are subject to the “Pay later” payment system, which allows you to use the service even if negative balance. It is also worth mentioning the existence of the “Home-Lite” tariff, which provides daily payment. Maximum speed on this tariff plan is 50 Mbit/s, while the subscription fee is 30 rubles per day.

After reading the above information, you may get the impression that MTS home Internet and TV are the best on the market and have no competitors. If you study MGTS services more in-depth and experience them in practice, the first impression may change. Nobody says that home Internet from MGTS is bad. We are only trying to convey to you that any product from operators implies the presence of pitfalls and you should be aware of their existence before using the service.

Features of home Internet from MGTS:

  1. If you want to terminate the contract early (up to 24 months), you will have to pay rent for the equipment provided by the provider.
  2. In case of termination of the contract earlier than a year after its conclusion, the subscriber is obliged to pay a penalty, the amount of which depends on numerous factors (known only to MTS).
  3. Home Internet and MTS TV are provided free of charge and there is no need to pay for laying cable in the apartment, but for subscribers without MGTS telephony, the monthly subscription fee will be higher. That is, you still pay for the Internet connection, but in installments.
  4. Despite the promised high-quality and high-speed Internet, many subscribers leave reviews about periodic failures. There are also a lot of comments online about terrible technical support.

Of course, these are not all the features of home Internet from MGTS. We have provided only the most common information. If you have anything to add, please leave a comment.

MTS Television

Previously reviewed MGTS tariffs By default, they provide the “Basic” TV package. If you need more, then connect your home TV from MTS. Thanks to the “Personal TV” system, you can choose the channels you want to watch and not overpay for unnecessary things. To make MTS television even better, you can use additional services.

By connecting home TV from MTS you get:

  • Personal channel selection system;
  • More than 230 popular television channels;
  • Excellent picture and sound;
  • Optimal and flexible tariffs;
  • Convenient management of TV services;
  • Ability to independently determine the list of channels;
  • Wi-Fi router with support for digital television and TV decoder for rent (99 rubles/month);
  • Possibility of connecting to digital TV up to 3 TVs in one apartment.

To connect to digital TV you need to become an MGTS subscriber. The Basic TV package includes 131 channels and will cost you 145 rubles/month. You can also subscribe to the “Nothing Extra” package, which includes only the most popular channels (64 channels, 28 of them HD). The cost of such a package is 300 rubles per month. It is possible to connect additional TV packages (12 packages). You can connect to the “Personal TV” service and independently choose the channels you want to watch (from 1 ruble per month per channel).

Since 2015, MTS home television is no longer provided based on ADSL technology. Connecting Home Internet and Home TV services is only possible using GPON technology.

How to connect home Internet and MTS TV

After the merger of MTS and MGTS connection home Internet and television began to be carried out using GPON technology. We have already talked about what kind of technology this is and there is no point in returning to this question. Its advantage over ADSL is obvious. MTS is the only telecommunications company
which offers its subscribers home services
Internet and Digital TV with connection to networks
GPON from MGTS. The ONT modem required for connection is installed in Moscow apartments free of charge, which allows you to connect additional services remotely. The modem already has built-in Wi-Fi. The cable will be installed in your apartment free of charge, even if you are not an MGTS subscriber.

To connect your home Internet and MTS TV, you need to submit an application for connection of services. This can be done on the MTS or MGTS website. In the application you need to indicate the service to connect, several are possible (Internet, telephone, television, mobile communications). You also need to indicate your full name. and contact phone number. You can also connect to the Internet from MTS using GPON technology by calling 8-495-636-0-636. The connection will be made by a technician who will run a cable into the apartment and connect the equipment. It is difficult to say how long it will take to connect your home Internet and MTS television. Some people get connected the very next day, while others have to wait a whole month.

Internet from MTS is a convenient format for your constant communications with your friends, relatives, business partners and employers.

Based on modern telecommunications infrastructure, in which special attention focuses on performance and quality of communication, the provider offers modern telephony, convenient and extended tariffs for mobile and home Internet, as well as Internet roaming, MTS Internet tariffs for 24 hours and 14 days, VoIP services and a whole range of additional services, which will make surfing and working on the network more convenient, providing stable connections between sources on different networks.

Mobile Internet from MTS, all tariffs and options

MTS is the leading provider of telecommunications services in the Russian Federation, which has unique technical capabilities to provide communication services that have become available to all residents of the country. The operator, while building its infrastructure, keeps up with the times and offers its users both new opportunities and new services.

The convergent concept used for combining communication networks and high-performance resources allows us to provide unconditional access to the network to all subscribers and do this on affordable price terms. Thanks to a flexible infrastructure, the provider can offer inexpensive packages, such as tariffs from MTS for private Internet users for 150 rubles per month, serve mobile subscribers and provide digital television services with excellent video traffic speeds.

End users have the opportunity to choose a service package for their device depending on the speed of network access, which allows everyone to work in an acceptable format. For example, surf the Internet at home by paying for affordable MTS tariffs for iPad and Internet surfing or professional mobile service packages, including convenient options such as television, turbo button, security services, antivirus and parental controls.

Available rates:

  • MTS Mobile Internet Mini.
  • MTS Mobile Internet-Maxi.
  • MTS Mobile Internet-VIP.
  • MTS Mobile tariff - BIT.
  • MTS Mobile tariff-SuperBIT.
  • Mobile tariff - MTS Tablet.

MTS tariffs for home Internet

Home Internet from MTS is a real opportunity to provide yourself with a stable wired connection. The company is one of the best among providers.

Thanks to the implemented technologies, connectivity is available to users who want to use Wi-Fi. The most popular Home Internet package today is the MTS Economy tariff for high-speed Home Internet.

Used to connect users to the network innovative technology GPON, which involves a high-speed and guaranteed stable connection via a wired connection. The device that is installed by the user has a built-in wireless transmitter. As additional information on this issue, use the MTS website via the Internet VIP tariff if you need high-quality and advanced services.

Home Internet from MTS provides a stable, secure, guaranteed connection to the provider’s servers and unlimited access to the network as part of the service at a monthly rate. Subscribers have access to MTS tariffs in Moscow for Internet and TV, which allow them to be used at home or in the office digital television and other options.

How to connect mobile Internet from MTS

MTS mobile internet is activated using self-service services. To gain access to them, you need to be a subscriber of this provider and have a mobile number through which you will access the network. Next, to activate, you need to use your MTS personal account, where you can connect, among other things, digital television and all Internet tariffs for mobile services. The service can be ordered through the regional office.

Connection through your personal account

Receive a password via SMS.

We draw the attention of subscribers that through their personal account, access to all services of the provider is provided without the need to re-authorize for each service.

With its help, an MTS user can connect satellite television and find out Internet tariffs for Home Internet, which can be used to deploy an internal network in your home, student campus or entrance. Purchasing comprehensive communication services from MTS will be optimal in cost.

Through their personal account, subscribers can fully manage connected services, options and services:

  • make payments and manage expenses;
  • activate services with selection of the optimal service package;
  • receive bonuses;
  • use additional free services;
  • backup call numbers and content from mobile devices to a network drive;
  • control the location of children by phone number.

How to work with your personal account?

To get started with personal section services follow these steps:

  1. On the provider’s official website, go to the “ Personal account».
  2. Receive your password via SMS from number 3339 by following the link where you will need to enter your phone number.
  3. Enter your password and enter the secure section.

Appearance of the first page of the MTS personal account

An intuitive interface will help you quickly understand the functions. Please note that your MTS personal account allows you to connect your home Internet and select tariffs for all types of services.

How to connect home Internet?

Home Internet from MTS is an innovative service that involves obtaining high-speed network access using a home fiber optic line and using GPON Internet technology (speed from 30 to 500 Mbit/s).

The service package is selected based on the subscriber's requirements for the line. Additionally, a preferential digital TV connection is available under two plans. In your MTS personal account you can select home Internet tariffs and connect the required service, fully managing the configuration of your own service package.

The advantages of this service include very high speed of individual packets, secure and guaranteed data transmission. Service formats with a speed of 500 Mbit/s allow you to perform professional tasks, use torrents, resource-intensive video games in 4K quality, and manage content on network drives. The service allows you to deploy a modern home network and connect all devices, including wirelessly.

How to connect:

  • Follow the link -
  • Fill out the form and wait for a response

You can get information from the official MTS website about the home Internet tariffs you are interested in. You can order the service at one of the MTS offices, whose employees will activate the service and tell you about the features of the plan.

How to find out the remaining Internet packages?

There are three ways to find out the remaining Internet packages in your tariff plan:

  • call the MTS hotline;
  • send an SMS to a specific number with a request;
  • through "Personal Account".

By phone through the call center

Internet access is provided via communication satellites. Modern satellite transmission is provided to individual users through geostationary satellites, which offer relatively high speeds data transfer up to 50 Mbit.

The MTS company, like some others in the Russian Federation, provides Internet access services via a satellite dish.

What equipment is required

The Internet depends on three components:

  • satellite in geostationary orbit,
  • a number of ground stations - gateways that transmit data,
  • VSAT parabolic antenna of MTS with a transceiver located at the subscriber's premises.

It is the third point that will be especially interesting to us, because other equipment is a headache for your provider - MTS.

The role of the satellite in this network is a device for transmitting signals from the end user terminal to the MTS gateways, and back without signal processing on the satellite.

Other components of a dish Internet system include an end modem that links the user's network to the transceiver and a network operations center (NOC) to control the connection.

Together with a multi-band gateway, the satellite operates in a star network topology, where all network connections pass through a centralized central processing unit. With this configuration, the number of remote VSAT terminals that can be connected to the hub is limitless.

Characteristics of satellite Internet

MTS is implemented as a center for broadband satellite networks of a new generation of powerful geostationary stations located at 35,786 km, in the 18.3-30 GHz mode. These new purpose-built satellites are designed and optimized for any application and instrumentation that is aimed at a much smaller area than the wide beams used in early communications satellites.

This technology allows the satellites of an assigned band to be reused several times, which are capable of achieving much higher throughput rates compared to conventional satellites.
The gateway network provides network services for terrestrial communications. Each gateway guarantees multi-service access for the subscriber terminal to connect to MTS Internet.

For the client, subject to the availability of equipment (PC and router), in order to access the satellite broadband network, additional components will be required:

  1. outdoor unit (ODU) - dish.
  2. VSAT antenna (head) - must have an unobstructed view of the sky to provide lines of sight (L-O-S). Three physical characteristic parameters used to tune the antenna: azimuth, altitude, polarization (skew).

Internet via phone

Bandwidth varies from 2400 bps for network satellites, and above 60 kbps on phone bases. The dish provides Internet access at a speed of 9600 bps.