Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education "Station of children's (youth) technical creativity "REGATA""

Spassky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan


for making a model

aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov"

Radjabov Ruslan Tolibovich,

additional education teacher

Association "Ship Modeling"

Bolgar - 2017


The idea of ​​​​creating a model of the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" arose due to both objective and subjective circumstances.

The objective reason that prompted the team of the Shipbuilding Association to take on the development of the project was the desire to familiarize students with the history of the Russian Navy, to bring them closer to an understanding of the international situation that existed at the time of the creation of the ship.

In the modern world, the Russian fleet protects the country’s interests at all latitudes of the world’s oceans. The aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, launched from the stocks of the Black Sea Shipyard in 1991, was created to protect the naval formations of the Russian Navy.

The subjective reason for creating the cruiser model was the opportunity for students to improve their skills in working with tools, as well as the development of analytical and creative thinking (search for information, familiarity with the history and technology of the Navy, application of knowledge in physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology). In the process of creating a model of an aircraft carrier, schoolchildren had to find answers to questions about the technical characteristics of ships, methods for ensuring buoyancy and stability, and possibilities for eliminatingroll and trim, about the distribution of weapons below the deck of a ship, etc.

The aircraft carrier model is completely radio-controlled: a team of 6 people, while on shore, has the ability to remotely maneuver the ship, take off and land aircraft (radio-controlled helicopters), and launch missiles.

The presented model is unique:

    the ship's hull is built from available materials - plywood, pine slats, fiberglass and epoxy resin;

    a fundamentally new electrical circuit has been developed to control the ship (movement back and forth, turning);

    The runway and masthead lighting are identical to the analogue.

The work of the team of teachers from the "Shipbuilding" association was adequately appreciated by the jury at the All-Russian children's festival of folk culture "Heirs of Traditions", held on September 8 - 11, 2016 in the Vologda region. The model took 2nd place in the “Traditional Shipbuilding” category.

This textbook is intended for teachers of additional education of shipbuilding and ship modeling associations.

Explanatory note.

Aircraft carriers are the personification of the naval power of the state; they are designed to serve and base aviation as a mobile airfield;are carriers of nuclear and missile weapons.

The heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (TAVKR) "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" is the only one in its class. It is capable of effectively carrying out air defense of ships, ensuring the safety of nuclear submarine missile cruisers, conducting air operations, and hitting large surface targets.

Part of the Northern Fleet. The Admiral Kuznetsov differs from most conventional aircraft carriers in its use of take-off ramps, its power plant and the presence of Granit anti-ship missile systems. This is the only aircraft carrier in the world on which the Su-33 heavy fighter can land and take off.

On board "Admiral Kuznetsov" may be located28 aircraft (Su-33 carrier-based fighters and MiG-29K multirole fighters) and 24 Ka-27 and Ka-29 anti-submarine and attack landing helicopters, Granit missiles (weighing seven tons each and with a range of up to 700 kilometers), a powerful system air defense and anti-submarine defense.

Cruiser dimensions: 306 meters long and 72 meters wide. The speed of the Admiral Kuznetsov is up to 32 knots (59 kilometers per hour). The cruising range at an economical speed is more than eight thousand miles. Displacement - 61.3 thousand tons.

The radio-controlled model "Admiral Kuznetsov" is a prototype of an operational ship of the Russian Navy, has an engine power of 1.5 kW, and has excellent performance. When the batteries are fully charged, the power reserve is up to 1.5 hours.

The model of the aircraft carrier measures 3 m in length and 80 cm in width (scale 1:100), and is advantageous in comparison with ready-made ones for salebench teamsmodelyamimade of plastic "Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov» in scale 1:350(874x205 mm) or on a scale of 1:720 (425x100 mm).

Purpose of the tutorial- providing the necessary assistance to additional education teachers and schoolchildren in creating operating radio-controlled models of ships using the example of the aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov”.


Familiarization with materials and manufacturing technology of an aircraft carrier model;

Improving skills in working with tools;

Use of elements of design, electrical engineering, physical and mathematical knowledge.

Relevance benefits:creating a model of a powerful modern ship serves as a way to attract students to the Ship Modeling association.

Model of a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser

"Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov"

Materials for work:

Wood, birch plywood (10 mm), blanks of bars of various sizes, slats 2-4 mm thick (of different lengths and widths, since they will be joined during the work), epoxy resin (10 kg), fiberglass (3 rolls) , car putty (4 kg), primer, wood impregnation, car paint, sanding sanding belt (paper), hot glue.


Industrial stapler, jigsaw, grinding machine, drill (screwdriver), angle grinder (grinder), wire cutters, cutting tools (knives, saws), spatulas (rubber), heat gun.

Stages of work:

a) On the Internet we find drawings of a model of the aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov”.

b) We increase the size of the drawings in accordance with the selected scale. We make templates of the main parts on paper. We transfer the templates to plywood. We cut out the blanks, process them with sandpaper, removing small chamfers along the edges and removing chips and burrs.

c) We put transverse frames on two longitudinal beams(Frame (Dutch spanthout, from spant - “rib” and hout - “tree”) - a transverse rib of a ship’s hull; a wooden or metal transverse element of rigidity for the hull of a ship or aircraft).

In the upper part of each frame there is a groove for fastening 2 load-bearing beams (each measuring 20x50x5000 mm). To connect the frames to the beam we use hot melt adhesive.

Interior view of the ship's hull with frames installed.

d) When the glue on the frames has dried, we begin to sheathe the sides with thin slats. The thickness of the material should be 0.8 - 1.2 mm, since only in this case we will be able to bend the skin parts without the risk of damaging them. We fix the covering strips with a stapler in the places where they come into contact with the frames.

The initial stage of work on the ship's plating:

We are completing the bow:

e) After covering the body, we remove unevenness and roughness of the slatted covering using a grinding machine. In places of the most pronounced defects and deflections, we apply a layer of wood putty in order to save epoxy resin.

Sealing the lath seams with a mixture of epoxy resin and sawdust:

f) Sanding the ship's hull after impregnating the glass fabric applied to the hull with epoxy resin:

and)Made from thinplywood deck superstructures, which include a ship control center, a radar station (radar), and a navigation control system.

Central control unit for the ship's progress:

"Admiral Kuznetsov" is a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (in fact, a full-fledged aircraft carrier), part of the Russian Navy. Laid down in 1982 under the name “Riga”, during construction it was renamed “Leonid Brezhnev”, and when launched in 1987 it received the name “Tbilisi”. At the final stage of testing in 1990, it was named “Admiral Kuznetsov”. The ship's displacement is 58.6 thousand tons. Crew 1960 people.

The aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" at sea.

Construction and operation

The design of the new aircraft-carrying cruiser of the Soviet fleet was carried out at the Nevsky Design Bureau under the leadership of designer Sergeev. It differed from four similar ships already built by that time (the Kyiv project) by the presence of a take-off springboard and an enlarged deck, and was supposed to be the first in a new class of aircraft-carrying cruisers.

The keel of the ship took place on September 1, 1982. It was built at the shipyards of the Black Sea Shipyard in the city of Nikolaev; the production of equipment for it was carried out by the Leningrad Proletarsky Plant.

The ship was launched on December 4, 1985, after which further installation of equipment and installation of weapons was carried out afloat. By 1989, when the ship was 71% complete, sea trials began, including landing and taking off aircraft. In December 1991, the cruiser, having circumnavigated Europe, made the transition from the Black Sea to the Vidyaevo base (Murmansk region) and joined the Russian Northern Fleet.

Retrofitting of the ship and its testing continued. It received its first permanent carrier group (Su-33 fighters) in 1993. In December 1995, Admiral Kuznetsov made its first independent 90-day cruise to the Mediterranean Sea with 13 Su-33s and 11 helicopters on board.

Until 1998 it was under renovation. In 2004 and 2007, as part of a group of ships, he made voyages to the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. In 2008 it underwent new repairs and modernization. In 2014, the cruiser's air group received new MiG-29K aircraft. In October 2016, he was sent to the Mediterranean Sea to the coast of Syria.

The aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" before repairs.

The aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" after repair.

Design Features

The hull of the Admiral Kuznetsov TAVKR consists of seven decks and includes a large number of bulkheads capable of withstanding the impact of 400 kg of ammunition (in TNT equivalent), which increases the survivability of the ship. It differs from most conventional aircraft carriers in the use of take-off ramps, the power plant and the presence of Granit anti-ship missile systems.

The abandonment of catapults and the use of ski-jump takeoffs made it possible to save on the weight and energy maintenance of the ship, while simultaneously reducing the likelihood of the impossibility of using aircraft due to failure of the catapult equipment. On the other hand, such a solution complicates the takeoff and landing of aircraft - they are only possible on one side of the deck and in one direction.

The Admiral Kuznetsov's fuel oil power plant is characterized by increased smoke production during operation, but the use of fuel oil as fuel significantly reduces the cost of maintaining the ship and its repair. In addition, fuel oil stored in the cruiser's double hull is part of the anti-torpedo protection.

On the bow of the ship there are launch silos for the Granit anti-ship missiles, capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 700 km. With their help, the Admiral Kuznetsov can destroy enemy ships and fire at coastal targets without raising the aircraft of the air wing. When firing "Granites", aircraft take off from the deck is impossible.

A MiG-29K takes off from the deck of the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov.

A MiG-29K takes off from the deck of the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov.

Armament of the TAVKR "Admiral Kuznetsov"

The main weapon of a ship is its air group. It includes 14 Su-33 and 10 MiG-29K fighters. In addition, there are 15 Ka-27 multi-purpose helicopters and 2 Ka-31 reconnaissance helicopters (radar patrol helicopter) on board.

12 Granit anti-ship missile systems make up the cruiser’s strike weapons. To counter enemy aircraft, it is equipped with 24 launchers of the Kinzhal anti-aircraft missile system and 8 Kortik air defense systems.

Order of Ushakov heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser (TAVKR) "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" is a ship of Project 1143.5, the only one in its class in the Russian Navy. Designed to destroy large surface targets, protect naval formations from attacks by a potential enemy using aircraft carriers and a large number of submarines; also has the task of supporting amphibious operations.
Designed for basing and servicing 28 aircraft and 24 helicopters. The aircraft carrier also carries 12 launchers of 4K-80 heavy Granit missiles.
"Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" is the only aircraft-carrying ship in the world that can be in the Black Sea, since according to the Montreux Convention, the passage of "clean" aircraft carriers through the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits is prohibited, and the TAVKR "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" has missile weapons and on this basis it is declared as an “aircraft-carrying cruiser.”

Description of the model of the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" from Trumpeter

Foreign companies that produce plastic models for assembly do not indulge us with designs of Soviet ships. The exception is the leader of the Chinese market, Trumpeter. Its lineup includes quite a lot of Soviet ground, sea and air equipment. Including a model of the aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" in the popular 350 scale. Perhaps this is the most complex and solid model of Soviet technology. With a length of 872 mm, it contains 755 parts.

Features of the aircraft carrier model "Admiral Kuznetsov" 05606:

  • easy to process soft plastic;
  • two versions: full and along the waterline;
  • division of the hull along the waterline;
  • stand and plaque with the name of the ship;
  • The set includes models of the Ka-27 helicopter (4 pcs), Su-27k (6 pcs), Mig-29k (2 pcs) and Yak-141 (4 pcs) aircraft;
  • large decals, including flight deck markings;
  • color projections of the ship with paint scheme;
  • clear assembly instructions on 24 pages;
  • 755 parts, 26 sprues and 9 large parts.
Manufacturer code Trumpeter 05606 Admiral Kuznetsov.

The Russian multirole fighter Su-33 crashed while landing on the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov. The pilot was able to eject and was picked up by a rescue helicopter, the Russian Ministry of Defense said. The department said that the accident occurred due to a break in the cable that helps the plane brake on the deck. As a result, the Su-33 rolled off the deck. During its short stay off the Syrian coast, Kuznetsov has already lost two aircraft.

Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the incident, said: “This is very intense, complex and heroic work. “The point is, first of all, that the pilot remained alive.” In mid-November, a Russian Mig-29 fighter, also part of the Admiral Kuznetsov air group, crashed. The plane crashed into the water near the aircraft carrier. The pilot was saved. The official cause of the accident was engine failure. According to the unofficial version, the cause was the same brake cables: the Mig was circling in the area of ​​the aircraft carrier while on deck they were trying to repair the cable that had been broken by the previous landing plane. Repairs were delayed, as a result of which the fighter simply ran out of fuel and crashed into the sea.

The only Russian aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov” as part of the ship group of the Russian Navy is located in the Mediterranean Sea. On November 15, warplanes based on it began striking targets in Syria.

Military analyst Pavel Felgenhauer, commenting on the loss of the second Russian combat aircraft from the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, draws special attention to the very senselessness of its mission off the coast of Syria. The expert is sure that the goal of the admirals who sent the aircraft carrier there was to demonstrate to Vladimir Putin the justification of the huge expenditures on the fleet:


Russian aircraft carrier avoids attacks on Aleppo

People's Daily 11/18/2016

Vladimir Putin's rusty fleet

The Telegraph UK 10/27/2016

Why is Putin launching an aircraft carrier?

Reuters 10/21/2016
Andrey Sharogradsky: How common are accidents on aircraft carriers associated with broken braking cables?

Pavel Felgenhauer: Well, in general, they are not very common, otherwise there would be no carrier-based aircraft in the world. They seem to say that the cable broke, but I don’t know for sure. Either the pilot was poorly trained, or the cables were rotten, or both.

— Maybe the problem is that the Admiral Kuznetsov is an outdated ship?

“The problem is not his age, which is quite normal for a ship. Aircraft carriers serve a long time. These are large ships, they are designed to serve for quite a long time. And the fact is that his campaign in the Mediterranean Sea from a military point of view is absolutely meaningless - from beginning to end. This is purely a PR campaign. The ship was not built for such trips. He simply has nothing to do there. He couldn’t do anything there and didn’t do anything - he only suffered completely senseless losses.

— But both the aircraft carrier and its planes perform some kind of combat mission?

- He cannot bomb Syria. The planes had to take off from the aircraft carrier and land at a Russian base. There they refueled with fuel and bombs, and flew to bomb something. At the same time, SU-33 aircraft are also not intended for attacks on ground and sea targets. That's not what they were built for. These are pure fighters. Pilots are not prepared for this. The planes were equipped with some kind of sighting equipment there, but they were still not designed for that. He performs there a completely meaningless function of simply such representation. That is, a life-size self-propelled model of an aircraft carrier has been sent to Syria. True, it walks slowly, because, again, it is not intended for warm waters. It is a pure fighter aircraft carrier to protect deployed strategic nuclear submarines. He doesn't have any special goals anymore. Therefore, he should be in the Barents Sea, where his charges are located - strategic nuclear submarines. He must protect them from anti-submarine aircraft in the event of a nuclear war. It has a power plant that is not intended for long trips. Airplanes that are not intended for bombing attacks or any other attacks on naval targets either.

— Why was the Admiral Kuznetsov sent on a campaign to the Mediterranean Sea?

“The admirals wanted to show Putin that it’s not for nothing that trillions are spent on the fleet, that the fleet can do something. But the demonstration is not very convincing, because in reality “Kuznetsov” cannot do anything useful - only lose planes. Unlike "Peter the Great", whose nuclear power plant is designed for long-distance missions, "Kuznetsov" was never intended for them. Even its official autonomy is only 40 days.

— Why do you think the accidents happened?

- Most likely, they are tired - the crew, the pilots. The load is peak for them. This means mistakes, losses. These are not American aircraft carriers that are constantly at sea. They have replacement crews there. This is a completely different thing. “Kuznetsov” was sent to portray that our fleet can operate in the Mediterranean Sea almost like the American one, that money should be spent on it. The rearmament program until 2025 should be approved in the middle of next year. And the main expenditure item there is naval weapons. This is very important for the fleet. Because if they cut funding, then the leadership of the General Staff, first of all, of course, will substitute the fleet. Well, their programs are wildly expensive. Monstrous. It was very important for them to show that they could do something, that they were not completely useless. Although in reality our fleet is generally useless for such regional conventional wars. No, they play an important supply role there in Syria. There, every day 2 thousand tons of various supplies arrive in Syria. And the fleet does this, including landing ships. They bought old ruins abroad, transport ships. They fly under a naval flag so that they are not inspected by the Turks in the straits. They supply the group in Syria.

And the naval unit... Well, yes, it fires these cruise missiles, which is also wildly expensive and, in general, useless. It's not that it's completely useless, but it's pointless. Because shooting $5 million worth of missiles at militants in Toyotas is a pretty pointless exercise. It's good that no one has died yet. The pilots were saved. But will they fly or not? After an ejection, pilots usually do not fly again. There, back injuries can be very serious. And we have very few deck pilots. Two have already been injured. This is not good, because one of them will probably never fly again. Or maybe both. All this in order to depict the existence of an aircraft carrier, which is not an aircraft carrier. It would be good if he walked back under his own power.

— So what are the aircraft on the Admiral Kuznetsov now that are not of the type that are usually based on it?

- Why not those? The same ones. And we don’t have any others. The SU-33, also known as the SU-27K, is no longer in production. There are a dozen of them left. Yes, it crashed, but there were only three or four of them there. They apparently no longer fly at all after this accident. In principle, in theory, when it returns, the aircraft carrier should undergo extensive repairs and be rebuilt for the MIG-29. Because the SU-33 has not been produced since the early 1990s, and there seem to be no plans to produce it. And the MIG-29 is being produced. It was brought to mind for India. True, French avionics were installed for India. I don’t know which one is currently on the few planes that we have. But there are plans to convert the Admiral Kuznetsov into a MIG-29. Because there are almost no SU-33 left. So he left with a dozen planes. Well, what kind of aircraft carrier is it? It has 10 aircraft in total and a deck crew. Before this, it was under repair for years, and now it’s such a long trip, and even with constant combat work. The admirals, as if in a casino, bet on “zero” - they say, this ship, which is not intended for such tasks, in this heavy, wild tension, will perform remarkably well in such conditions. Well, it didn't work out very well for them. So far there has been no particular success. They reported that they killed 30 militants. And since aviators always exaggerate the enemy’s losses by at least 10 times, perhaps they actually killed two or three people.

Good health to all, dear creative colleagues. This is my second model, which I assembled after a long break in creativity, and presented on this resource. It was intended as an easy walk and relaxation after assembling the F/A-18E from Italeri, but it turned out to be a long and tedious marathon race for 4 months - that was how long it took to work in the evenings with the ship and about 3-4 weeks later on the air group. There were also interruptions in work caused by family circumstances and repairs, but in the end the ship “came into operation.” I present to your attention the model of the TAVKR “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Admiral Kuznetsov”, Zvezda, scale 1/720.


“Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov” (former names - in order of assignment - “Soviet Union” (project), “Riga” (laying down), “Leonid Brezhnev” (launching), “Tbilisi” (tests)) - heavy aircraft carrier Project 1143.5 cruiser, the only one in its class in the Russian Navy (as of 2011). Designed to engage large surface targets and protect naval formations from attacks by a potential enemy. Named in honor of Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union. Built in Nikolaev, at the Black Sea Shipyard. During cruises, the aircraft-carrying cruiser is based on Su-25UTG and Su-33 aircraft of the 279th naval fighter aviation regiment (based airfield - Severomorsk-3) and Ka-27 and Ka-29 helicopters of the 830th separate naval anti-submarine helicopter regiment (based airfield - Severomorsk-1). More detailed information can be found on this site or on the Internet.

Original set

I gave a brief overview of the kit at the very beginning of my topic about building the model and you can see it; in this article I will focus on the main points:
1. Poor fit of parts; putty was needed on almost all seams. It took me about a month to assemble the parts of the ship's hull, of which there are no more than a dozen, as well as subsequent polishing.

2. Complete discrepancy between the model and the prototype:

  • the stern contours and niches on the starboard side in the area of ​​the aircraft lifts have nothing to do with reality.
  • There are no niches for life-saving equipment at all, as well as a section of the deck under the flight deck on the port side.
  • there is no small superstructure above the wheelhouse.
  • there are no hatches for the Granit anti-ship missile launchers on the flight deck.
  • There are no large number of portholes along the ship's hull.

Further standard - glossy enamel