The presentation was prepared for display at an open screening of educational art on non-traditional drawing techniques in the preparatory group on the topic: “Frosty patterns” (drawing with PVA glue, semolina).

Target: Formation of children’s skills to convey unusual natural phenomena in drawings - frosty patterns, using unconventional drawing techniques.

Tasks: Develop children's ability to draw frosty patterns. Help to master an unconventional drawing technique - (drawing with PVA glue and semolina)

Expand and diversify the figurative range - create a situation for the free and creative use of various decorative elements (dot, circle, curl, wave, straight line). Develop visual observation and the desire to reflect what you see in your creativity.

Develop imagination and fantasy. Foster a love for the beauty of our native nature.



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Slide captions:

Frosty patterns

Frosty patterns

Frosty patterns

Frosty patterns


Slide 1: Winter is coming quietly. As in a fairy tale, in one night it covers houses and trees with snow, freezes puddles, lakes and rivers. You wake up one morning and suddenly see that everything outside the window has changed.

Slide 2: With the onset of winter comes cold weather. Frost is walking around the world. He walks through forests and fields, cities and villages. He also comes to our house.

Slide 3: He knocked on the window, and at that time we were sleeping and didn’t hear anything. Frost left us a beautiful letter.

Slide 4: We woke up in the morning and looked out the window. Oh, how beautiful! Painted! Yes, these are frosty patterns on the window. Frost wrote and drew this!

Slide 5: What did he draw? Fir branches.

Slide 6: Snowflakes are white, wonderful, one more beautiful than the other.

Slide 7: And the tree branches sleep in icy patterns.

Slide 8: The daisies are wonderful, like real ones.

Slide 9: And these stars shimmer, as if they had descended from the night sky.

Slide 10: Wild flowers have blossomed, of unprecedented beauty.

Slide 11: Feathers are light and airy.

Slide 12: And here the long branches of the pine tree also shimmer in the sunlight.

Slide 13: And such a window can be seen on a winter night. Frost did his best and painted his fairytale forest and the winter night sky.

Slide 14: Frosty patterns remind us of magical gardens in which extraordinary trees and flowers grow.

Slide 15: In such gardens you can see anything your imagination allows you to see.

What do you think, how does Frost draw his patterns on the windows? Want to know?

Frost draws patterns with transparent water vapor, which is always in the air and in the room. Warm water vapor settles on cold glass windows and turns into ice crystals.

Unfortunately, we can only admire these snow laces in winter. But so that a piece of winter will always be with us, we will create our own patterns on our paper windows.

Look at the board, here is our house. - You and I will draw winter patterns on frozen glass and then decorate our house with them.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of educational activities in the field of "Artistic Creativity" on the topic: "Applique." Pattern for a matryoshka scarf ""...

Visual material for classes. Nikitin's cubes "Fold the pattern"

As you know, “Fold the Pattern” cubes are one of Nikitin’s most famous teaching aids; we very often use them in classes or, as is now customary, in joint organized activities with children....

Topic of the week: “Visiting the Dymkovo young lady” Decorative drawing “Pattern on the dress” (Dymkovo painting) Topic of the week: “Visiting the Dymkovo young lady” Decorative drawing “Pattern on the dress” (Dymkovo painting)

At the beginning of January, our kindergarten planned a week called “Visiting the Dymkovo young lady”. For this thematic week, didactic games were made, notes were developed BUT...

Frost. Drawing a winter landscape using an unconventional technique

Target: acquaintance with the method of drawing a winter landscape in gouache using printing technology.
- improve skills in working with gouache;
- develop a sense of composition, the ability to notice and reflect the beauty of nature in a drawing;
- develop color sensitivity, imagination, creativity;
- cultivate neatness and love of creativity.

- squirrel brushes No. 3, 5;
- A4 sheet);
- sheets of paper.

Enchantress in Winter
Bewitched, the forest stands -
And under the snow fringe,
motionless, mute,
He shines with a wonderful life.
And he stands, bewitched, -
Not dead and not alive -
Enchanted by a magical dream,
All entangled, all shackled
Light chain down...
Is the winter sun shining
On him your ray with a scythe -
Nothing will tremble in him,
It will all flare up and sparkle
Dazzling beauty.

B. Smirnov-Rusetsky “Rime”
Work progress
1. Cover the album sheet with gouache. The paint layer should be dense and even. Then we take an additional sheet of paper, crumple it, and form a ball. While the paint has not dried, we apply a wad of paper to the sheet, leaving marks and giving the surface of the sheet a peculiar relief and texture.

2. We work over the entire surface of the sheet, imprinting a lump of crumpled paper.

3. Mark the snow with white gouache at the bottom of the sheet.

4. We outline the tree trunks.

5. Draw twigs and branches on the trees.

6. Now we move on to the image of frost on tree branches. To do this, we again prepare lumps of crumpled paper, dip them in white gouache and apply them to the drawing, leaving uneven prints.

7. Mark frost on tree branches.

8. Add an image of bushes under the trees using printing technology.

9. Add branches on trees and bushes by scratching their outline with the back of the brush (the tip of the pen). If necessary, add missing details with a thin brush.

The work is ready.
You can also try other options for constructing the composition of a winter landscape.

Thank you for your attention!
I wish you creative success!

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • Continue to develop knowledge about folk arts and crafts, about decorating a given shape with a pattern using natural motifs, the ability to combine traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques;
  • Develop the ability to compose a drawing composition, figurative representation and imagination; Strengthen graphic skills;
  • Cultivate aesthetic taste and neatness.

Materials and equipment: paper for watercolors, gouache or watercolors, a candle, Vologda lace, a disk with works by Russian and foreign composers, samples of frosty patterns, cards “Order of work,” a letter from Santa Claus and an A4 envelope decorated with an applique with New Year’s symbols.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Setting a goal.

Teacher: Dear guys! We received a message from Santa Claus! Let's read the letter:

“Dear children! The best in the world! I have become very old, I can’t come up with new patterns for windows.
Help! Send your drawings with patterns! I'm sending you an envelope! I rely on your imagination and invention.
Your Santa Claus.”

Let's help Santa Claus and draw patterns?

A poem about Frost the artist will help you tune in to your fantasy:

Moroz is the best artist,
Walking around the city.
It will rouge your cheeks,
He'll pinch everyone's nose
And at night, while I was sleeping, he
Came with a magic brush
And I drew it on the window
Sparkling leaves.

III. Conversation:

– These products will help us draw frosty patterns. (The teacher shows Vologda lace. They can be pinned onto blue or black fabric.)

– Who knows what they are called? (Lace.)

- Yes, it's lace. They are woven using a special hook and various threads. This weaving is practiced in many Russian lands. Especially in the North, in the Vologda region. The fate of this type of art is happy. We still use lace to decorate our homes and clothing.

– Tell me, what natural forms do we see in them? (Leaves, flowers, curls.)

- Right. Craftswomen have always looked for forms from plants to make their products!

– What else can we depict as a frosty pattern? (Children's answers.)

- Now I will ask you riddles, and the answers will be the answers to my question.

1. Only the white pattern that lacemakers weave

The twinkling of these stars can be compared to (snowflakes).

– There is not a single snowflake in the world that is similar, but they all arise according to the same rule. Their rays are located as if in a mirror image.

(Draw a snowflake on the board.)

Everything turned white overnight
And there is a miracle in our apartment
Outside the window the house has disappeared
A magical one grew up there... (forest)

We can depict the forest correctly.

3. Children, what else can be depicted as a frosty pattern on the window, dream up. (5–6 answers.)

Physical education minute.

IV. Explanation of the stages of work.

  • What's on your table? (Artist's tools.)
  • Do you know how to work with everyone? (We don’t know how to use a candle.)
  • I will teach you, but first of all you need to determine the procedure.
  • How to arrange a sheet of paper? Horizontal or vertical? Remember where and how Frost draws his patterns? (On glass, vertically.) Position the sheet the same way.
  • And in what parts of the window are patterns most often located? (On the bottom of the glass and on the sides.)
  • What time of day is best to look at patterns on glass? (Early morning and evening) What color paints will we need? (Blue and white.)
  • No, guys, we won’t need white paint today, because its function will be performed by a candle. Candle wax does not allow water to pass through and does not stain the paper. The stripes drawn by the candle will remain white.
  • Listen carefully to the order of operation:
    1) Think about the composition of the drawing.
    2) Apply the design to the paper using light strokes and lines.
    3) Trace the pencil drawing with a candle with strong pressure on a dry sheet
    4) Cover the sheet with water without paint.
    5) Without letting the sheet dry, apply blue paint evenly.
    (Cards with a step-by-step depiction of the work are placed on the board: a pencil, a candle, a glass with a brush, a jar of blue paint.)

V. Let's get to work.

The teacher places sample drawings on the board.

Rice. 1

Rice. 2

Rice. 3

1. A selection of classical works is played (quietly).
2. The teacher points out the children’s mistakes.

The guys who complete the work take it and attach it to the board with a magnet. This is our exhibition.

At the end of the lesson we will admire our drawings.

VI. Summing up. Exhibition. Analysis of works.

1. Which works did you like best? Why? Explain.

(Analysis of work.)

2. Did you enjoy the lesson?

– What new things have you learned about the artist’s work?
– What folk art did you get acquainted with?
– What artist’s tools do you know?
– Which one is new to you?

What was the most interesting thing in the lesson?

House task: draw at home with parents with a candle

And now we will take our drawings, write our wishes to Grandfather Frost on the reverse side and send them in this fabulously beautiful envelope.

Natalia Nikolaevna Kazakevich

Direct educational activities - artistic creativity - drawing.

Target: To form the artistic taste of children, develop creative potential, thanks to the ability to see and notice the beauty of nature.

Tasks: Enrich children's cognitive level in the field of natural phenomena;

Teach children to work carefully, to do work, observing its sequence;

Develop children's creative abilities - reflect the characteristic signs of the season in drawings (winter patterns on the window) using an unconventional method of drawing - with a candle - to improve visual control over the creation of a drawing, to develop imagination, fantasy, and sense of color;

To develop in children the ability to observe - to see the unusual in the ordinary;

To cultivate a love for nature, for beauty, for the word of art (poetry, to cultivate emotionality, activity, a sense of associations.

tricky job: storm, blizzard, blizzard, patterns, carved, mysterious.

Preliminary work: Observation in nature of the beauty of the winter landscape; reading poems: S. A. Yesenin "White Birch", K. Balmont "Snowflake", V. Orlov "Fringe", R. Kudashova “Now winter has come”, looking at paintings on the topic "Winter", "Winter Fun", acquaintance with the technique of drawing in an unconventional way - with a candle.

Material: recording of music (album by M. Tchaikovsky "Seasons", poems by V. Tatarinov, A. Brodsky, « frosty windows» or illustrations; al. A4 sheets, candles (or white wax crayons, brushes No. 5, blue, purple gouache, water, cups.

Part 1. Music from the album is playing "Seasons" M. Tchaikovsky (melody on the theme "Winter"- blizzard, blizzard howls - "sings")

Educator: Children, what did you imagine while listening to this music?

(Children's answers)

Educator: When (what time of year) Is this a natural phenomenon happening? (children's answers)

Educator: “...A storm covers the sky with darkness, spinning snow whirlwinds. Then she will howl like an animal, then she will cry like a child..." (A. S. Pushkin) What do you guys think, do these lines of the poem fit this music and reflect its character? (children's answers)

Educator: What mood, what feelings does the character of this music evoke in you? (children's answers, feelings of sadness, sadness, loneliness)

Educator: A storm, a blizzard, a snowstorm, a blizzard, howling - all this happens, as you already said, in winter. But in winter there are probably many pleasant and beautiful moments. What makes you happy about winter? (children's answers)

Educator: I’ll tell you a riddle that, once you guess it, you’ll be able to name another beautiful winter phenomenon time:

He grabbed me by the cheeks, by the tip of my nose,

Painted a window without asking

But who is it - that's the question,

All this makes... freezing! (children's answer).

Educator: Let's take a closer look at these "drawings" on window(if possible, it would be nice to consider such windows in reality; if not, then you can make a selection of illustrations depicting « frosty windows» )

Do you guys like these "drawings"? What do you see? (what images). (children's answers)

Educator: (I summarize the children’s answers) Beautiful, fluffy, carved, crystal branches...

Invisible, carefully he comes to me

And he draws like an artist patterns on the window.

This is a maple, and this is a willow, and here is a palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he paints with just white paint!

I look - I can’t look away: the branches lines are tender!

And the artist is happy to try, he doesn’t even need brushes. (A. Brotsky).

Educator: Would you like to draw something like this? patterns(children's answers)

Educator: How can we draw beautiful frosty patterns?

What do you think is the best way to do this?

(children’s answers; I suggest that the children complete the drawings in an unconventional way - with a candle. Together with the children, we recall the technique of doing the work using this way: candle (or white wax pencil) apply the drawing to a sheet of paper, then lightly, with soft movements of the brush, paint the entire sheet blue-blue (day) or dark blue, purple (night) tones, at the request of the children)

Educator: Children, how beautiful you got the patterns! Like real! And you, Ksyusha, what do you call these patterns? What word would you like to call them?

(I give children the opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings, emotions - to speak out; I suggest epithets - adjectives: original, fabulous, magical, mysterious, mysterious)

Educator: Grandfather Frost is breathing on the windows,

Writes on the glass of the picture:

Arrows, towers and flowers

Unprecedented beauty!

From which crystal fairy tale

Did he get these paints?

The foliage sparkles,

The lace is turning silver...

Wow, what a beauty.

(V. Tatarinov).

You guys have just created some extraordinary beauty too.

Well done! Even the mood was lifted. What feelings are you experiencing right now? (children’s answers, joyful, cheerful, feelings of admiration)

Educator: And remember your mood when listening to music...It (mood) has it changed? Why? What changed your mood? (children's answers)

Educator: (generalizing) Beauty, children, creates a wonderful mood! Makes us kinder, more soulful...Thank you for the beauty, for the wonderful mood!



Tel.: 6179-998, 6179-909 140451, Moscow region, Kolomna district

Email: [email protected] Lesnoy village, Shkolnaya street, house 1.

Fine art lesson

in 1st grade on the topic


Art teacher

Tselousova S.B.

December 2011


Class: 1

Teacher: Tselousova Svetlana Borisovna

Type of activity : drawing from memory and imagination (according to a pre-prepared form)

Lesson type : familiarization with new material and techniques for performing work

Methods: dialogical presentation, integration, educational dialogue.

Goal objectives:


Learn how to transform a real form into a fabulous one. Express your feelings, depict the beauty of the world around you.


Emotional perception of nature in its various states

Development of creative imagination

Observing the beauty of nature.


Cultivate interest in works of art, the world around us, music, and literary works.

Results of mastering the material:

Personal: Master the primary skills of depicting on a plane, develop independence.

Subject : mastery of techniques and techniques for working with wax and watercolor

Metasubject : connection with music (listening to musical works), natural science (acquaintance with the origin of the natural phenomenon of frost), literature (listening to poems about winter).

Forms of organizing children's work:

View slides introducing children to winter natural phenomena

Frontal work with slides and pictures, solving riddles

Listening to music.

Looking at photos and answering questions on the topic.

Form of work in class- individual.


For students: watercolor, wax crayons, brushes, napkins, sponge, jar of water, glue - pencil, shapes of windows and doors.

Panel on the board - a fairy-tale palace without windows or doors.

For the teacher - multimedia projector, laptop, screen, board.

Music: G. Sviridov. Music for the film "Blizzard", ringing bells, "Waltz of Snowflakes".

Literature: Riddles, poems about winter.


  1. Organizational moment. Slide 1

The children take their places.

Hello guys! I'm glad to welcome you. Today we have an unusual lesson for you!

2. Conversation on the topic of the lesson. Slide 2

(Music sounds , Sviridov “Blizzard”)

It came to us
One letter
It was strange.
Instead of stamps -
Three snowflakes
And the envelope -
From pure ice,
But the letter is not on a piece of paper,
And on the white snow:
- Soon, soon
I'll rush to you
I'll fly to the snowstorm,
I'll dance and spin,
I'll cover the ground with snow,
And trees, and houses...–
And signed: "WINTER" ( I. Pivovarova)

Who could send us such a letter?(children's answers: winter)

When can you say that winter has arrived?When it snows, the puddles freeze, it's cold

Winter is coming quietly. As in a fairy tale, in one night it covers houses and trees with snow, freezes puddles, lakes and rivers. You wake up one morning and suddenly see that everything outside the window has changed.

Look how beautiful winter can be. Do you like this nature?(viewing pictures of nature) slides 3,4,5,6

Guys, can you guess the riddle?

Slide 7

Who paints Fairy Tales in winter without a brush and paint? Who helps Zimushka decorate everything around? (frost draws fabulous patterns)

Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is a maple, and this is a willow,

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

Just white paint! (Freezing)slide 7 (photo by Moroz – click on it)

What does frost paint with white paint? Where does he draw?Frosty patterns on the windows.

Setting the topic of the lesson.

slide 8

Guys, The topic of our lesson is “Frosty patterns”.And let's go visit Frost.

Do you love fairy tales? Do you like looking at snowflakes or window glass covered with icy patterns?

slide 8 (click)

Such miracles happen if Morozko looked through the window. From his cold breath, wonderful ice flowers bloom on the window: roses and chrysanthemums, frosty twigs and leaves grow.

slide 9

Physical education minute

Music is playing

Imagine that we are in a fairy forest, it is snowing, the wind is blowing,the trees are swaying.

Stand up and show how the wind blows and tilts the trees in different directions, how the snowflakes circle. The wind subsides, subsides. Sit down.

Slide 10

Statement of the lesson objective

I open a palace on the board.

Do you like him? Let's look at it carefully.

Let's take a look through the window! Something, I can’t make out, but where are the windows and doors!? What a gloomy and cheerless palace this is!

And you know this palace is unusual, it is enchanted. He was bewitched by the evil Snow Queen. Let's try to disenchant him!

What do you think needs to be done so that we can enter this palace?

Draw and decorate windows and doors.This will be the task of our lesson.

But we won’t just draw windows. This is a winter palace, which means there will be winter windows. What do you think? (frosty, in patterns).

Well done on the patterns, of course!

Slides 11,12

Have you seen real frosty patterns?(Not really)

Let's admire the frosty patterns together.(slide view)

What do they remind you of? What do they look like? (forest, mountains, flowers, birds, branches).

In the frosty patterns you can see magical gardens in which extraordinary trees and flowers grow. In such a garden you can find spikelets, feathers, aster and chrysanthemum, spruce or pine branches.

Guys, do you know how patterns appear on windows?

The warm air we exhale comes into contact with a very cold window, freezing and turning into ice crystals. They form a complex pattern. Because there are invisible drops of water in the air.

What color are the frost patterns?(white, blue, blue)

Frosty patterns appear white only at first glance; they shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. But still they prevail cool colors . This is blue, cyan, violet, lilac. Why are they cold? What can they be compared to?(with snow, ice, frost).

Slide 13

Let's play! Circles will appear in front of you.If they are cold, we clap, if they are warm, we are silent..

Slide 14 Creative work

Please note that on the tables you have sheets of already given shape - according to the shape of windows and doors, we will need to depict frosty patterns on them. Today we will depict frosty patterns using mixed media (wax and watercolors). Look at your desks.What artist's tools do you have on your tables?(brushes, paints, candles)

Guys, today we will work with an unusual material - a candle. We are used to using it to make the house brighter. But today it will serve completely different purposes. Candle wax does not allow water to pass through and does not stain the paper. The stripes drawn by the candle will remain white and transparent.

Slide 15 Explanation of the stages of work.

Listen carefully to the order of operation:

1) Apply the design onto the paper with light strokes and lines using a candle and gentle pressure on a dry sheet. Draw clear lines, not very thin.

2) Cover the sheet with water without paint.

3) Without letting the sheet dry, apply blue or lilac paint evenly.

(during the explanation, cards with a step-by-step depiction of the work are placed on the board: a candle, a glass with a brush, a jar of blue paint).

Demonstration of how to work using wax crayons and watercolors.

Look what a miracle it turns out! What a wonderful pattern comes out from under my brush! Remember that we paint only with cold colors.

Slide 16 Practical work.

The music “Dance of Snowflakes” sounds

Slide 17 Summing up the lesson. Aesthetic assessment.

You disenchanted the palace and came up with your own fairy tale. View the palace. Look how bright, beautiful and elegant it turned out.

Your patterns look like the real thing! Did you like the palace?

Slide 18

Can you hear the bells ringing? What is this? This is Winter flying towards us on its magic sleigh. And Morozko gave everyone New Year’s souvenirs for our excellent work.


Did you enjoy the lesson? Did you like today's lesson?

What new artist tools have you learned?