Most low-income people know what Second Hand means, because they have to save every penny to survive in our harsh world. In general, it is not so easy to determine what is Second Hand, whether this is a store for the poor or for very thrifty individuals trying to live until their salary, and buy something else for themselves from the necessary things. Before continuing, I recommend reading several informative publications, for example, what does Cherche la Femme mean, how to understand the saying Tête-à-Tête, what is C'est la Vie? Or maybe this is a store for special " cunning"citizens who are trying to show their friends that they always dress in expensive boutiques? In general, if you look at the statistics of visits, and there are some, it becomes clear that citizens of all walks of life go to these stores.

Second hand- this is a store of second-hand items, and usually this means used imported clothes that are bought in European countries for “ridiculous” money

The term " Second hand"was borrowed from English language "second hand" and translates as “second hands.” In fact, not many people know the history of the appearance of this expression, but it has its roots in hoary times. You’ve probably seen more than once in films how royals gave clothes from their shoulders to especially distinguished people In fact, it used to be considered very honorable, for example, to receive a hunting cloak as a gift from the king. In addition, once every six months, this item of clothing changed its owner. similar thing from the overlord himself he was considered his support, on which he could rely in all delicate matters; in fact, he was recognized as the “second” right hand, otherwise called “ second hand"Over time, this concept entered the colloquial speech of the first American settlers. At that time, constant events were held when wealthy people distributed their used clothes to the poor.

Today the store" Second hand"is part of our cities, and if in the democratic 90s, when the whole country was impoverished from liberal reforms, this establishment was a dirty basement or some point where various rags were piled up, now these are large and clean stores, where all things ironed and hung in places.

Is it harmful to wear second hand items?? In fact, this is another myth. In the EU, such clothing undergoes a special treatment with 40% paraformalin for 160 minutes, while the temperature is raised to 59 degrees, which allows the destruction of any germs and bacteria. The only thing that needs to be done after purchase is to wash the things, but not because they are contagious, but because paraformalin causes allergies in a person.

Do you want to dress well and beautifully? Rhetorical question... Fashionable branded clothing today is quite expensive, not everyone can afford it. However, in the West this problem has long been solved. A high-quality wardrobe, which consists entirely of products from popular manufacturers, can be created easily and quickly, without spending a lot of money. And the system of trading second-hand goods will help with this.

Don't wrinkle your nose or snort contemptuously. Know: many residents of Europe and America are perked up when they see such a store, and will not fail to look into it, not out of simple curiosity - isn’t this a convenient opportunity to pick up an inexpensive little thing that can become a pearl in appearance?! Moreover, these people are far from low income. It’s just that the culture of wearing clothes and their production in a consumer society is different.

Out of old habit, we are still focused on high-quality products that last a long time and wear them to the rafters for almost a decade. That’s why we think that the second sale is simply cast-offs. Nothing of the kind. All Western manufacturers focus on seasonal goods. Trade does the same. Unsold items for the season are usually included in sales at reduced prices. And branded stores simply dispose of what’s left in bulk.

What about the buyers? Inspecting their wardrobe for the upcoming season, they suddenly discover things in it that have been worn only a couple of times, or even not used at all, but which will definitely not be needed in the new season or will be replaced with new ones. Don't throw it away?! And they rent them out for resale - in case they come in handy for someone, and an extra cent (eureka) will never be superfluous...

So second hand today is excellent, very high-quality clothing from world-famous companies, varied in cut and style, relatively cheap, which can be compared with Chinese “brands” on clothing markets somehow indecent. Every year, greater demands are placed on such clothing, but undeniable advantages are also revealed: the ability to choose items to suit your individual image, maintain a suit in the same style, and, perhaps, discover collectible and self made, which you can show off. By the way, residents of large Russian cities have already appreciated this type of trade. Sales of second hand goods there are approaching the European level.

And yet you still have doubts? Is there some kind of unconscious protest in your soul? Second hands... What were the first hands like? A reasonable question.

One of the conditions for the supply of second hand clothing is its mandatory sanitary treatment with steam or disinfectant gas in accordance with current sanitary standards, guaranteeing the destruction of pathogens infectious diseases. A special certificate is issued for each batch of goods. It would probably be a good idea to wash it before wearing it. At least just for your own peace of mind.

Walking into one of these stores and being surprised low prices, people bought things in trunks. But what was the disappointment of most of them when the seller informed them that someone had already worn these clothes...

What is this "second-hand"?

All modern consumers are conditionally divided into two groups: the first with admiration looks for a priceless trophy for a penny on countless hangers, the other half frowns in disgust at one glance at the sign of a store of such things.

In Europe and America, second-hand goods have long been treated absolutely adequately, but the opinion of many Russians still remains invariably negative. In their opinion, in such places only dirty, low-quality and too cheap clothes. But despite this large number negative reviews, second-hand stores are springing up like mushrooms after rain. Let's figure out whether it's still worth making purchases in such retail outlets, what you need to pay attention to, and how to understand whether such a cost is appropriate.

Second-hand stores are often confused with vintage clothing stores. Indeed, there is a lot in common between them and the line is sometimes very difficult to determine. But the so-called vintage are things that were popular in past centuries. In order for an item to reach this rank, it must exist for at least 30 years. There is one more nuance - the outfit should reflect the fashion trends of its time. Second-hand stores sell outfits from collections from previous seasons, and they no longer represent much value for the fashion world. Typically these items are intended for use in everyday life.

A thrift store can also be easily confused with a consignment store. Evening and formal wear, wedding dresses and men's tuxedos are most often sold here. Ordinary citizens of our country supply thrift stores with products; the store sells them and pays the client a certain percentage.

There are also stock stores, which are also often confused with second-hand stores. But here we are talking about new things that could not be implemented large manufacturers clothes.

What's on sale second-hand?

I must say that such stores are a great way to find worthwhile clothes for a nominal fee. Sometimes the quality of the items sold there turns out to be an order of magnitude higher than in ordinary boutiques and showrooms. Here are some facts about stores that sell used items:

  • More than half of buyers here are looking for basic items, and only a minority of people go here in search of truly unique and original outfits. Here you can find an unusual acid-colored jacket, dresses from the 60s and 70s, and branded clothing from past collections.
  • Items in mass markets are not always of unsurpassed quality, and second-hand clothes sometimes serve their owners for more than a year.
  • Now only in these stores you can find old Levi’s jeans from Belgium or England, things from Lacost and Burberry. These outfits will always have the perfect cut and unique quality that distinguishes these world-famous manufacturers.
  • Outfits that were worn 20–30 years ago are gradually returning to fashion, or rather, such styles are returning. This means that such things can be worn now.
  • There is no need to worry about potential infection with fungus or lichen. Before the outfits are hung on store racks, they are treated with disinfectant gas.

Now only in these stores you can find old jeans from Levi’s originally from Belgium or England, things from Lacost and Burberry
  • Sometimes you can find stains on a jacket you like, but there is nothing to say about the fact that things often hang wrinkled. But after fumigation, you should not be afraid of dangerous viruses. Just wash your purchase as you would with new items.
  • It is difficult to say who exactly wore these things before you; history is silent about this. But perhaps the most squeamish will be pleased by the idea that clothes come to Russia mainly from countries near and far abroad.

Who comes to the second-hand store?

Among store visitors you can find different people. Some come here out of hopelessness and extreme need, not having the means to buy new clothes, others just want to save a little money, others come here in the hope of finding something really worthwhile, something that cannot be bought in a regular showroom. The last category includes those who prefer to create their own style rather than blindly follow the latest fashion trends.

In the era of the development of mass markets, people are accustomed to templates and mass production of the same type of clothing. But among us there are also those who want to stand out from the crowd, emphasize their individuality and unique style. Often in second-hand stores you can find clothes from foreign brands that are not sold in Russia, which are what modern “hipsters” are after.

Those who are looking for real vintage products also come to such stores. Of course, if you try hard, you can find in countless outfits something that falls into the “retro” category.

Elderly people who come to second-hand stores are looking for warm, inexpensive items made from natural materials. Among older people, there are also those who, for a lot of money, 30–40 years ago bought Adidas or Levi’s brand clothes, which were in short supply in the USSR.

Those who, as it is now fashionable to say, are in the “topic”. Second hand stores are the perfect place to find these outfits. The result of one such outing could be a bright jacket from the 90s, which may have been worn by an American or Brazilian woman.

If you have gathered your courage and nevertheless decided to cast aside all doubts and go to a second-hand store, first get rid of negative thoughts and all kinds of prejudices. We are ready to give a number of valuable tips that will help you, as a beginner, buy a truly high-quality and original item in the store.

  1. Be prepared to try on every item you like. Usually in such stores it is difficult to find two identical products, and before purchasing you need to make sure that the outfit suits you.
  2. Avid fans of second-hand stores have long learned to sift out the unnecessary and find the valuable. But for a beginner it is very difficult to understand such diversity, so during your first trip you should have friends with you who are better versed in fashion and have refined taste.
  3. Don't rush to buy everything. The low cost of outfits can entice any hunter of everything cheap, and in a rush you can pick up a large number of things. During the trip home, the excitement will subside, and when you return to your home kitchen, you may be very disappointed in the purchase. Meanwhile, clothes can no longer be returned to the store.

By the way, some second-hand stores also sell new items that once found their owners, but were never worn. Here are a few signs that no one has worn the outfit you like:

  • The label on the side of the inside of the garment must be intact. Clear letters and marks indicate that the item has never been washed.
  • Pay attention to the seams near the zippers, the back of the trousers and skirts. With prolonged use of the outfit, pilling and abrasions appear on the seams, which naturally indicates that the item has been worn more than once.
  • New clothes do not have the armpit scuffs, sprained knees and elbows that are typical of used items.

If you still discover a number of features inherent in worn clothes, but still decide to make a purchase, carefully inspect the fabric for stains. Sometimes bright designs and intricate patterns distract attention and hide dirt, so for a productive search it is better to turn the outfit inside out.

The main thing you should do every time you find an interesting model is to conduct a careful inspection. Don’t be lazy to look at every detail of the style. Sometimes any abrasion or minor damage to the fabric can radically change your opinion about an outfit, and if you find such a nuisance at home, the item will most likely be thrown in the trash.

If you love all kinds of skirts and dresses, second-hand stores will seem like an oasis of paradise for you. These items are usually worn only briefly and infrequently, and therefore their quality does not suffer. All you have to do is choose the appropriate style and go to the checkout.

You can find it at second-hand stores huge amount items made from expensive cashmere or tweed. Do not rush to buy stretched sweaters and jackets of incredible size; in any such store you can find high-quality models that only need to be cleaned of the formed coils.

Processing items purchased second-hand

To get rid of odors, dip purchased clothes in a solution of ammonia and water. Pour 20 ml into a 5 liter container. alcohol For larger items, dilute 100 ml. composition in 10 liters of water. If the product is made from natural materials, 30 minutes is enough; to remove odors from synthetics it will take up to 6 hours. After the procedure, wash items with powder and hang them in fresh air.

If you bought something for a small child, the first acquaintance with the item should be short. After contact with clothing, check your baby's skin for allergic rashes.

Second-hand stores are sometimes a lifeline for those who do not have the opportunity to update their wardrobe in regular boutiques. This is a great way to save money for those whose budget is severely limited by unnecessary spending on other needs.

The second-hand store collects not only items for your everyday wardrobe. In a heap of textiles, you can choose really worthwhile and high-quality outfits with a worldwide reputation. By the way, for those who like to make exclusive purchases at low prices, there are specialized branded second-hand stores. Things are sent here from all over the world, which allows fashionistas to buy bright outfits from the collections of famous designers of past years.

Don't be intimidated by the clothes from these stores. Yes, sometimes their condition is alarming, and scuffs are hidden behind the wrinkled fabric, but in all their variety you will definitely find outfits that can be restored appearance which you only need to have a washing machine and iron on hand.

A separate point worth highlighting is online second-hand stores. It must be said that when purchasing goods in the open spaces World Wide Web should be treated with caution. Sometimes unscrupulous owners of such resources resort to all sorts of tricks. It is difficult to determine the condition of an item from a photograph, just as it is difficult to return it to the store after purchase.

A very personal note

The idea to organize an online second-hand store “Overcoat No. 5” came to us almost seven years ago. We read everything we could about second-hand. And about the fact that he was born thanks to the enviable wealth of Europeans, which allows them to change things every season without wearing them out. And about the fact that these rich Europeans were not used to throwing things away, which meant that some acceptable forms of transferring them to other people had to be born. And about how charitable and commercial organizations they started going door to door, and how they began to collect second-hand clothes in schools, and they also installed special containers near their houses, and people themselves brought used clothes there. Then they are taken to specially created factories for sorting, disinfection... Well, etc.

It was interesting to learn that second-hand items also include completely new items; they are brought from various companies that were unable to sell the seasonal collection. The most reputable ones remove all the “identification marks” so that they don’t think that they have stopped buying them, which is why in second-hand stores you often find new things without labels.

You can learn a lot of interesting things on the Internet about second-hand goods. But it’s one thing to hear, and another thing to see.

At first, when we received factory bags of second-hand goods from abroad, we rolled our eyes when we took out things that smelled of gas. We wanted to take everything that fit our size, the dresses, jackets, jeans and other clothes were so unusual and cool. And we took it and flaunted it in branded clothes, surprising our friends. Then the excitement passed, but respect for what we sell remained, and the desire to dress only in the online store “Overcoat No. 5” also remained.

And when we receive letters of gratitude from our regular customers, we are glad that thanks to us, they, like prosperous Europeans, can now afford to change their clothes every season. Why not, because now they can afford it! Especially when, like now, we make serious discounts. Well, where else can you buy a Puma T-shirt for 50 rubles, an H&M jumper for 100 rubles, a Pimkie cardigan for 125 rubles?! And it’s not even about the names of well-known companies, but about the quality of the clothes, which will not fade or turn into a rag after the first wash, but will remain bright and stylish until you get tired of it. This is what makes branded clothing different.

Today I was collecting parcels for shipment and, to be honest, I was surprised at how many good things there were
people buy for very little money. Well, for example, one of our clients took a jumper, bra, top, shirt, three T-shirts, shorts and a skirt, paying 1,291 rubles for everything (including delivery). Another for 2710 rubles. I bought two capri pants, two breeches, two beautiful jackets, two sweatpants made of soft eco-friendly fabric, a bright stretch windbreaker, a blouse, four jumpers and a vest. Moreover, all things are not only in perfect condition, some of them are completely new. Try to buy so many things in regular stores for that amount!

The geography of our mailings is extensive, our clients live in the Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk territories, Buryatia, Stavropol, Vologda, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Leningrad regions, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, in the Urals, in the Caucasus, in the Far North, and almost throughout Russia. Some places only deliver mail by plane. And our parcels fly to distant lands, and we feel proud that we help men come to work in things that are in no way inferior to those in which their highly paid bosses flaunt, and women feel more beautiful, younger, more elegant... in In general, we help people be a little happier.



Origin of the business

The tradition of selling used items in our country dates back to thrift stores, which existed back in the Soviet years. Even then, unusual and exclusive items were obtained from thrift stores.

A flood of European second-hand goods poured into our country in the 90s. During that difficult period, affordable items were appreciated by low-income segments of the population. At that time, clothes were sold mainly by weight and were often in unusable condition: they mostly bought cheaper second-hand Original. In the 2000s, business received a more attractive face, and second-hand stores were appreciated by quite solvent people.

Where is the product from?

Our country receives second-hand goods from Europe, Canada, Australia, and the USA. In our country, people prefer to give things to relatives or friends, or, in the end, send them to their dacha. Europeans with grown unnecessary things do things differently. In the West, where the bulk of goods come to us today, buying clothes or other things in second-hand stores is not shameful. In Europe or America, they do not throw away or donate things that have become unnecessary: ​​they are handed over to collection points or charitable organizations. Because dressing in new clothes there is not a cheap pleasure, an affordable option for those who want to save money are “Second Hand” stores (this is how the phrase “Second Hand” is literally translated). Along with used goods, new items with tags arrive in our stores -