Sometimes, after purchasing a technology product for everyday use in their home or as a gift, the buyer decides to return the product back to the store. Usually the item is returned due to damage. But can this be done without compelling reasons?

Such reasons include:

  • Inconsistency with interior design;
  • Color differences;
  • Unnecessity of electrical equipment;
  • Technological complexity of devices, etc.

What products are classified as household appliances?

Many owners are interested in what products are included in the range of everyday products that have complex technological characteristics? These include some household items that differ in the complexity of their structure. All technologically complex equipment can be divided into two large categories: large-scale and small-scale.

The first includes equipment for water heating, exhaust, gas and electric stoves, climate control, freezing, washing, dishwashing and other areas.
The second includes small appliances with air fryer, blender, coffee maker, food processor, mixer, steamer, vacuum cleaner and other types.

Is it possible to return household appliances back to the store?

If the buyer has identified any problems, then it is necessary to return the device to the store:

  • After making sure that the warranty document is valid and taking supporting documentation, return the product back and make demands for its repair at the seller’s expense or for a refund based on the customer service research;
  • Subject to a valid warranty, you can return the equipment to the retail chain and receive its full cost;
  • Make sure that the product has been repaired multiple times under the current warranty, and the repaired equipment has served for no more than 30 days in total without repair;
  • In the case of repairs (warranty periods are established for the protection of consumer rights), repairs are made no later than a 45-day period.

The presence of defects and breakdowns due to the fault of the manufacturer may include:

  • Poor quality of the manufacturing process;
  • Violation of the rules for the delivery of the finished product from the manufacturing plant to the store;
  • Improper storage of products prior to sale to the consumer.

But if, as a result of expert research, it is proven that the malfunction occurred due to the carelessness of the buyer himself, the money cannot be received.

Reasons for refusal include:

  • If the device shows signs of chips or impacts as a result of it being dropped by the buyer;
  • If the device is flooded with liquid.

So, the buyer, when returning equipment to the store, must have sufficient reasons for this operation.

Deadline for returning household appliances under the consumer protection law

How to return household appliances to the store within 14 days?

You can return the equipment within 14 days. To do this, you need to go to the store, bring the device, a receipt for it, a box and other documents , and you can also bring a witness confirming the fact of purchase. If the store does not want to accept the goods, you need to formally write a return application.

Rules for returning household appliances to the store within 14 days

The return of household appliances of proper quality is carried out under the following rules:

  • Packaging safety;
  • Intact appearance;
  • Preservation of consumer properties, sealing elements; factory markings;
  • No traces of operational use;
  • Availability of goods, cash receipts or other documentation confirming the payment transaction for the sale of the product;
  • Evidence indicating the fact of the operation.

Is it possible to get a refund for household appliances?

Termination of purchase and sale relations with a refund of money is possible only in cases of manufacturing defects. But initially the product is sent to the service center for examination to determine the reasons. If the fact that the product is defective is established, then the sellers must immediately return the money spent on the product, or carry out an exchange operation for a similar model.

In other cases of breakdown under warranty (usually it is equal to a 1-year period), it is proposed to repair the device at the expense of the manufacturer. But this is only when the device breaks down through no fault of the buyer. The device can also be repaired for an additional fee charged to the owner of the electrical device.

What household appliances cannot be returned?

These could be:

  • Machine tools with metal-cutting and woodworking characteristics;
  • Electrical machines and electrical appliances;
  • Equipment with radio-electronic parameters;
  • Electrical devices with computing and multiplying purposes;
  • Devices for taking photographs and making videos;
  • Telephones;
  • Electric musical device of instrumental orientation;
  • Gaming electrical products;
  • Gas appliances and devices.

Before contacting a retail chain to return a purchased product, you must familiarize yourself with the group of products that cannot be exchanged.

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Article 25 of the Consumer Protection Law states that the consumer does have the right to exchange non-food products within 14 days. To do this, you need to contact, present a cash receipt or sales receipt, demonstrate the integrity of the presentation, seals, and labels of the item being returned.

The seller must personally verify that the item has not been used and that the original packaging has been preserved. The buyer is not required to explain the reasons for the return, please keep this in mind. If it turns out that the purchased item is defective, immediately contact the store where the item was purchased.

The law is on your side: you must get your money back or exchange the defective item.
Moreover, the absence of a cash register or sales receipt is not a reason for refusal or exchange of goods. In this case, refer to witness testimony.

The situation is different with technically complex household appliances. These are household electrical machines and appliances, household radio equipment, household computer equipment, photographic equipment, video equipment, electric musical instruments, electronic toys, household gas and appliances. Such products have a warranty period, which emphasizes their technical complexity.

If the purchased product from the specified category is of proper quality, it is impossible to simply return it to the store without compelling reasons within 14 days. No refund or exchange for a similar product is possible.

However, if a defect or defect is discovered during operation, you can legally terminate the sales contract. To do this, contact the store, present the faulty item or an independent expert report if the defect is not visible at first glance. Now the seller must return the money or replace the faulty item.

Remember, the seller has the right to his own examination, the purpose of which is to find out the reasons for the occurrence of defects. If the examination shows that there was mechanical damage to the item or product due to the fault of the buyer, your claim will be denied.

Video on the topic

Please note

Remember that ignorance of the laws does not relieve the seller from liability.
If the seller continues to stand his ground and refuses to replace the defective item, file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor.

Useful advice

If the seller refuses to do this, make a written claim or contact the city Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights.


  • Consumer protection
  • returning equipment to the store

Household appliances belong to the category of technically complex goods, so the rules for returning them differ from those that apply to ordinary items. In particular, you cannot return household appliances to the store under the pretext that you simply did not like them.


There is a list No. 55 of industrial goods of good quality that cannot be returned to the store. Check to see if your home appliances are included in this list. It mentions household electrical machines and appliances, photo and film equipment, telephones, electrical music equipment, and electronic toys.

If you find a malfunction, check out list No. 575. It lists household appliances that can be returned to the seller only if significant technical problems are discovered. These include irreparable breakdowns or defects that can only be corrected at disproportionate expense or time. Significant shortcomings include those that appear repeatedly even after repairs.

A refrigerator and freezer, a washing machine, or a computer with defects that simply cause you inconvenience cannot be returned or exchanged. In this case, only free warranty repairs are provided. For example, when you think that the washing machine is too noisy, you will not be able to return or exchange it in the store. And in the event that it does not fulfill its purpose -

Buying household appliances is always a big event for a person, as they are not cheap. At the same time, you always want to expect that it will serve for a long time and properly. But what should you do if, during use at home, serious shortcomings or defects are revealed in it? What are the rules for exchanging and returning goods of good quality household appliances?

Not everyone is properly familiar with consumer rights in the field of returning to a household appliance store if there is a desire to make warranty repairs or get your money back. Store salespeople or service center employees remain indifferent to the problem and rarely share useful information.

Light on the problem can be shed by the fact that household appliances are technically complex goods, which means they are not subject to return or exchange. But what does this look like in practice? Let's figure it out.

Technically complex products

The situation is different with low-quality, defective household appliances. It must be returned to the store within the first 15 days after purchase if minor defects are found in it. If more than 15 days have passed since the purchase of household appliances, then you can exchange them for money under certain conditions - the appliance cannot be repaired, and the seller did not have a similar product in stock.

According to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” any non-food product must be returned to the store if it does not meet the buyer’s requirements in terms of configuration, shape, size, color or other parameters. But in the case of household appliances, the situation is different. Household appliances are durable goods, which means they cannot be returned or exchanged.

More precisely, according to the law, it is impossible to return household appliances of proper quality, unless the store management meets you and does it voluntarily.

The following types of goods are technically complex:

  • Cars, tractors, motorcycles and other technical equipment with a motorcycle engine, including walk-behind tractors;
  • Swimming equipment (boats, cutters, steamships);
  • Snowmobiles;
  • Computer equipment, printers, monitors;
  • Televisions and television projectors;
  • Household appliances – washing machines and dishwashers, electric stoves, refrigerators, heating devices, ovens, microwave ovens, air conditioners, etc.;
  • Mobile touch phones with more than two functions, electronic navigation tools;
  • Satellite TV, video game consoles;
  • Video cameras, cameras and their components, complex optical devices.

It is better to check durable goods before purchasing; for this, store employees are required to demonstrate it in a fully assembled, technically sound form. If no special conditions are required to turn on the equipment, then sellers demonstrate its operation by connecting to the network.


At the buyer's request, the seller is obliged to check all components, compliance of the price tag with the product, and the availability of technical and warranty documents for the item being sold. Along with household appliances, the consumer is given documents that record the fact of purchase, date, warranty period and other data. Be sure to take the receipt!

If the purchased household appliance, according to the technical documents, does not allow self-assembly at home by the consumer, then the seller is obliged to involve special technical specialists who will come to the house and correctly install the equipment. Another option is for the seller to provide the buyer with information about such specialists so that he can call them himself.

Return of household appliances of inadequate quality

Regulated by Article 18 of the PPL. It states that if deficiencies are discovered, the consumer has the right:

  • Demand that the defective product be replaced with a similar but fully functional one;
  • Eliminate defects in the product by the seller (by law, the repair period is no more than 30 days);
  • Demand to replace the equipment with another one, with a refund of the difference in price or with an additional payment;
  • Sell ​​equipment at a discount (return part of the funds);
  • Refuse the equipment, return it to the store and return the money.


The seller can be required to reimburse expenses incurred due to the use of substandard household appliances, but most likely, a qualified specialist will be needed to prove this damage.

If defects and shortcomings are found in technically complex goods, which include almost all types of household appliances, then the law establishes specific deadlines for their return:

  • Minor defects and shortcomings in appearance or technical functionality were discovered - 15 days from the date of purchase (Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation);
  • Serious shortcomings have been discovered that do not allow the device to be used for its intended purpose - during the warranty period or expiration date established by the manufacturer or store. If a guarantee is not provided for the product, then a return is possible within 2 years after the purchase of the product (Articles 18 and 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation);
  • The terms for repairing equipment were violated - also during the warranty period or two years if it was not installed;
  • In case of constant repair of equipment, due to which it was impossible to use it for a total of more than 30 days during the year, the buyer also has the right to return it.

The procedure for returning equipment if a significant defect is found in it

To exchange and return household appliances that have been found to be seriously defective, there is no requirement to comply with the 15-day period after purchase. You can make a return during the entire warranty period of the device.

The first step is to write a written complaint addressed to the store management, in which we detail the reasons for the return. The definition of a significant deficiency is given in the preamble of the PPA.

On what grounds can you be refused to return your equipment? Only if they prove that there is actually no defect or that it appeared due to your fault. To determine the reasons that caused the defect, the seller appoints an examination. If you are not satisfied with the results, have it repeated by independent experts. The refund period for a claim is 10 days and is not suspended during the examination.

Useful advice

By law, you have the right to be present during the examination in order to exclude the possibility of its distortion for selfish interests.

If you are not satisfied with the conclusion of the initial store examination or you were refused a refund without it being carried out, then you have the right to present the results of a repeat examination to the seller. You are not obligated to do this, but re-conclusion sometimes helps convince the seller that you are right and not bring the matter to court. The conclusion will also be useful in court.

The results of the re-examination should be handed over to the store management with a note of receipt. The same mark should be required when submitting a return claim. If this does not help persuade management to return the money, then we file a statement of claim in court.

Any documents that need to be transferred to the seller can also be sent by Russian post with a list of the contents and a notification of delivery. In this case, if the seller refuses to accept documents from the postman, a corresponding note will be made in the notification.

Every person throughout his life deals with the purchase of something. Starting from groceries to cars.

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Sometimes it turns out that the purchased item does not always suit the buyer. The reason for this may be poor quality of the purchased product, breakdown during operation (without the user’s fault), or simply the buyer may be dissatisfied with the appearance of the product.

In such cases, the question becomes about returning the purchased product and getting back the money spent. It is clear that no one will rush to return a rotten tomato or a spoiled apple. We will talk about expensive products of complex design.

It is important to remember that if the purchased product is technically complex, then you can return it, even if in the place where you bought it it is written in capital letters “The product cannot be returned or exchanged,” because this is provided for by the law on consumer rights.

What is a technically complex product?


A technically complex product is a product that is characterized by a complex design consisting of many parts. Often such products are expensive due to the labor-intensive and multi-level process of their assembly and the high price of the materials from which they are assembled. These include things that have a wide range of functions.

The list of technically complex goods according to the law includes:

  1. Small helicopters and airplanes. Aircraft having an internal combustion engine or an electric motor.
  2. Vehicles:
    • car;
    • motorbike;
    • scooter;
    • truck;
    • public transport;
    • other mobile vehicles of this group having an internal combustion engine or an electric motor.
  3. Agricultural machinery and equipment:
    • tractor;
    • walk-behind tractor;
    • multicultivator;
    • combine;
    • other equipment in this category, equipped with an internal combustion or electric engine.
  4. Snowmobiles and other vehicles designed to move on snow.
  5. Various types of vessels:
    • for walking;
    • tourist destination;
    • boats;
    • yachts.
  6. Navigation equipment, wireless and satellite communication devices, equipped with a touch screen, performing more than two functions.
  7. Desktop and portable computing devices:
    • laptop;
    • desktop computer;
    • other electronic computers.
  8. Multifunctional office devices:
    • printers;
    • scanners;
    • photocopying equipment.
  9. Equipment providing satellite television, game consoles under a digital control unit.
  10. TVs, various projection devices.
  11. Cameras and video cameras, cinema equipment, peripheral accessories in this category.
  12. Household appliances:
    • coolers;
    • washing machines;
    • vacuum cleaners;
    • dishwashers;
    • air conditioners;
    • boilers.

Need for return

If the buyer is not given the opportunity to access information about the product itself, the place of sale, origin and legality, the buyer has every right to demand compensation for damage caused by unjustified evasion of the consumer rights law. But such cases are quite rare.

Most often, the reason that a buyer wants to return something purchased is a technical malfunction of the product.

Of course, if you buy, for example, a mobile phone or a computer, then the presence of a defect can be noticed almost immediately. But after purchasing a more complex and large-sized device, shortcomings emerge during operation. The fact is that a malfunction or poor quality assembly of product parts can lead to very serious consequences.

In the case of a car, its unreliability or insufficient safety system can lead to the death of the driver. If defective factory equipment is purchased, the employee working on it can also be seriously injured.

It also happens that a product is purchased online, that is, by mail or courier delivery. It may be that the sending store sent a serviceable purchase in compliance with all requirements, but it was damaged due to the negligence of the delivery service workers; this time the post office will be responsible for damage or breakage and compensate for the loss caused. The buyer may request a return if he discovers that the purchased product has already expired. The expired period of use also affects the quality and life of the product.

In addition to a refund for a defective purchase, the buyer and seller can agree on an exchange for a working analogue or free repair of the breakdown.

How to return a technically complex product to the store?

Many consumers are familiar with the return procedure firsthand. But for each purchase category, this process may differ. For technically complex products, it also has its own characteristics and can become an unpleasant surprise for a person unfamiliar with the procedures for exchange or return.

It must be remembered that according to the law, for many products, including technically complex ones, the return period expires within 14 days.

The time for returning products in this category is strictly regulated by the consumer protection law.

If the buyer declares that he wants to return the purchase within these 14 calendar days, then this request must be fulfilled immediately. And it doesn’t matter what the buyer was not satisfied with: a button that is pressed hard or does not work correctly. The main thing is that the flaw can be seen at first glance.

In the same case, when the purchased item is returned later than the due date, it can be accepted back only if there are significant fundamental defects. If you managed to return the purchase, but you were offered not a refund, but a free repair, then its period should not exceed 45 days, otherwise the purchase must be replaced with a working analogue.


Let's assume that you discovered a malfunction or a manufacturing defect in the technical device you purchased, which you did not pay attention to in the store. Before you go to the place of purchase and quarrel with the sellers, you need to determine whether what you are not satisfied with is a reason for an exchange or return. Because some trading enterprises deliberately warn about cases when warranty service will not be provided free of charge.

The mandatory conditions for returning a purchased product are:

  • availability of documentation that confirms the fact of purchase in exactly the store where you want to return it;
  • The original packaging and all tags must be present. Otherwise, you will be refused a refund;
  • it must be clear that the product has a defect for which the buyer is not to blame;
  • the person returning must have with him all the documentation accompanying the purchase (description, instructions for use);
  • if the device has a screen, then the protective film should not be removed from it;
  • the device will also not be replaced if you installed any software on it yourself (if it is possible to install such);
  • If you have not been informed of the return period, you can return the purchase within 90 calendar days.

Defective products

A product is considered defective if it does not comply with the regulations in at least one parameter and should not be put on the consumer market. The rules of this regulation are established in production.

There are two types of marriage:

  • Correctable is a defect that makes sense and is possible to correct. The main requirement is the financial feasibility of the correction;
  • final industrial - products containing it must be immediately sent for destruction and recycling, since it makes no sense to restore them. Such products can only be sold at a significantly reduced price.

If the device is working properly

How can I get my money back if the functionality of the device is not affected? Nowadays it is very popular to shop online. It’s easy, practical, you don’t need to go anywhere, and the choice in an online store is often much wider than in regular ones. But there is one drawback to this kind of purchase.

A person who is planning to purchase something sees his future purchase only in the picture.

Of course, it will be accompanied by technical specifications and photographs from different angles.

But it happens that the customer receives something by mail that is not at all what he expected to receive. Sometimes the image in the photo of an online store differs from the actual appearance of the product, even to the point that the color or even the external outline does not match. The managers of such stores, of course, try to protect themselves and write under the link to the product that its true appearance may differ from what is in the photograph. It is also possible to return such a product.

The main rule is to do this within seven days of receipt.

There is no need to explain the reason for the return. The same conditions must be observed as when returning goods from a regular store. For 10 days the seller must return your money for the products. If you are not satisfied with the product, just report it to the post office, they will help you draw up a return certificate. As a rule, stores that value their reputation return money without any problems.

Exchange as an option

Of course, when exchanging, you can only ask for the same product in return. Otherwise, you will be refused, since fulfilling your request will be a violation of the law. If the seller has not found a similar replacement for your purchase, then he will be forced to return your money if you comply with the conditions listed above. When exchanging, the conditions of the procedure are almost the same as when returning, with the exception of some points.

The seller can replace a low-quality product only if he does not prove that the malfunction is your fault.

The seller may not accept the product back until the store staff checks the quality of the product. You may also be asked to conduct this examination yourself with the participation of competent persons.

If the outcome of the inspection is not in favor of the trade enterprise, then it must exchange what was purchased and reimburse the costs of the inspection. Home appliance stores often hold all kinds of sales and promotions. So, the exchange conditions for promotional goods are the same as for regular ones. The buyer can exchange the purchase if the warranty period or expiration date has not expired.

Seller's obligation to return

When a purchase is returned to a store clerk, his task is to strictly follow the instructions, including knowledge of consumer rights. The seller is obliged to return the money to the buyer within 10 calendar days subject to compliance with the terms of the procedure by both parties.

The refund is not made of the entire amount, but only of its part, which corresponds to the price of the product at the time of return.

If the return deadline is not met, the seller is fined in the amount 1% from the cost of the goods for each day of delay. A receipt must be required as proof of purchase at the return location.


By law, the buyer of household appliances has 14 days to return the purchased product. However, there are many nuances associated with this, and returning such products may not be so easy. Let's figure out, taking into account the specifics, how to find a decent way out of the situation when returning household appliances to the store.

So, if you come home and “test” the purchase, it turns out that the washing machine is too noisy or the vacuum cleaner does not fit the decor of the apartment, the first thing is to familiarize yourself with the legal framework. Knowing your consumer rights and some nuances will make the process of returning a purchase easier. Indeed, the Russian Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” takes the side of buyers. states that goods of good quality can be returned within 14 days, without even explaining the reasons for the return, to receive money for it or to make an exchange. When returning you must:
  • have on hand goods of the proper type that have not been used;
  • keep the seals, labels, and packaging of the equipment manufacturer intact;
  • sales and warranty receipt for purchase;
  • passport;

Important: the client’s loss of a receipt cannot serve as a reason for refusal, because The seller has a second copy of it.

If the equipment fulfills its purpose (the machine washes, and the iron irons), but with minor shortcomings that cause inconvenience to the user, it can be returned to the store within 14 days only if it is new or if it is not on the list of technically complex goods. Such goods cannot be returned or exchanged. To do this, after detecting minor defects within the specified period:
  • follow to the store;
  • provide the defective item;
  • hand the claim to the seller, requiring a signature on the second copy.

If the defect is visible to the naked eye, and the seller immediately made concessions, you are required to reimburse the money accordingly within 10 days. The seller has the right to refuse to return you only by proving that the equipment does not have defects or they appeared due to the fault of the buyer, after conducting an examination. You have the right to be present at the time it takes place.

But if the purchase includes a product from the list of technically complex ones, then returning it will not be easy. And without good reasons (if you just don’t like him anymore) - it’s almost impossible. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that some household goods cannot be tested upon purchase. When, after turning on the devices, it becomes clear that their operation does not suit you, the goods automatically become used. A warranty check is always issued for such household appliances, which emphasizes their technical complexity. In cases where complex equipment has minor deficiencies, only free warranty repairs are provided. If a technically complex product does not fulfill its purpose, then you can return it within the period specified in the warranty card upon termination of the sales contract or if the deadlines for eliminating defects in the product are not met.

To do this:

  • contact the store;
  • present the defective equipment;
  • present an independent examination report (if the store refuses to carry out its assessment);
  • write and deliver a claim to the seller.

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If the seller, citing various reasons, refuses to return the goods to you, to carry out an examination, or you disagree with its results, conduct an independent assessment. If the result is proof that you are right, this may help convince the seller not to take the case to court. In this case, give him a repeated claim and an expert opinion. Advice: in your repeated application, be sure to add a clause regarding compensation for your expenses for an independent assessment of the product. If the store management, even in this case, refuses to return the money, contact the Consumer Rights Protection Service with the above complaint, and then file a claim with the court at your place of residence.