When buying something in a store, a person remains satisfied with it forever.

The same applies to cosmetics.

Is it possible to return unsuitable or spoiled cosmetics to the store?

What does the buyer have the right to?

In lawRF cosmetics and perfumes are not subject to exchange or return, but the product can be returned to the store only if it turns out to be of poor quality, the product has expired, or the buyer in the store was not provided with all the necessary information about a particular product .

Please note: You can return cosmetics to the store only when the product turns out to be defective or expired. If it doesn’t suit you or you don’t like it, the product cannot be returned or exchanged.

When he can't

As previously written, the buyer will not be able to return cosmetics to the store that simply did not suit him.

It’s another matter if the product turns out to be defective or has expired.

Situations often arise in which it is simply impossible to return cosmetics to the store.

The following factors come into play here:

  • the cosmetic product is of high quality;
  • the goods are sold to the buyer in compliance with all rules;
  • The cosmetic product contains the necessary labeling, which includes information about the manufacturer of the cosmetic, the composition of the product, and its expiration date.

In simple terms, if a woman suddenly buys lipstick or lip gloss, and at home finds out that the acquired shade simply did not suit her, then of course no one will return her money because of this.

Is it possible to get a refund for purchasing low-quality cosmetics in a salon?

You can buy professional cosmetics not only in a cosmetic store, but also in a beauty salon.

A striking example of such a salon is Desheli. They sell quite expensive cosmetics, when purchasing which many people take out a loan.

But situations often arise when a person, without thinking everything through, rushes and buys a suitcase with cosmetics. Is it possible in this case to get my money back and cancel the loan?

Please note: When applying for a loan, the situation becomes more complicated due to the presence of a third party - the bank.

The easiest way to solve this problem is directly on the day of purchasing cosmetics, because the transaction may not yet have time to go through. If suddenly more time has passed, then the buyer must do the following to solve the problem.

First of all, the consumer must write an application to the bank in order to refuse the loan, and ask him not to transfer money to the salon to pay for cosmetics.

When purchasing cosmetics, no matter where, in a salon or a regular store, be very careful. If you need to buy certain products, write a list in advance and go to the store with it.

This way you can protect yourself from unnecessary expenses. In addition, before buying a particular product, read reviews about it on the Internet.

If you are purchasing foundation, powder or, for example, lipstick, then be careful, buy a shade that suits you. No one will return your money for your mistake.

Watch the video in which a specialist talks about whether cosmetics are subject to exchange and return:

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Having bought cosmetics in a store, we sometimes find out at home that they are not suitable, have deteriorated or do not meet the standards and quality requirements. Is it possible to return such cosmetics back and what the law says, we will consider further in the article.

To contact Rospotrebnadzor, you must write an application. It is written in the same form as an application to the store. Only in the header should you indicate the name of the local body of Rospotrebnadzor and its address. The data can be found on the Internet. In the main part, you should additionally describe the fact of filing a complaint with the store and attach a copy of the seller’s response to the application. Based on the results of the review and confirmation of the facts of your application, the store will be required to accept the cosmetic product. An administrative fine may also be imposed.

In addition to the Rospotrebnadzor authority, you can directly go to court. In this case, this is the world section. If the amount of your purchase is more than 50,000 rubles, you should contact the city court. When going to court, the statement of claim can indicate both compensation for moral damage and compensation for penalties for failure to fulfill the buyer’s requirements on time.

Sample claim

LLC "Krasotka"

254612, Bryansk, st. Lenina, 476

Ivanova Natalya Sergeevna

245163, Bryansk, st. Lomonosova, 487


I, Ivanova N.S., bought a night face cream from Novaya on October 17, 2017 at the Krasotka LLC store. When purchasing, I inquired about the presence of a scent in the cream, to which the seller D.P. Kupriyanova told me. She said he was missing. The packaging says odorless. Upon opening, it turned out that the cream had a strong lotus scent. This fact makes it impossible for me to continue to use it. I am enclosing the purchase receipt with the application.

I ask you to return the cream and pay the money I paid in the amount of 2000 rubles.

The rules and conditions for the return of goods of proper and inadequate quality are regulated by the current norms of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. According to it, the buyer has the right to return both high-quality and low-quality purchases if a certain list of conditions is met.

In this article we will answer the following questions: are cosmetics returnable? In what cases will its return be considered legal, and in what cases will it not? What does the return procedure look like? What documents will need to be provided during the process? Find answers to these and other questions below.

Legislative regulation

In accordance with the list approved by Resolution No. 55 of 1998, everything that fits the concepts of “cosmetics” and “perfumes” can be returned or exchanged. being of proper quality, is not subject to.

However, to return low-quality cosmetics (for example, those that have expired), by law, it is allowed.

So, Article 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, stipulates a list of rights of a buyer who is faced with the purchase of low-quality products (in this case, cosmetics):

  • exchange of low-quality cosmetics for a high-quality analogue;
  • exchange of low-quality cosmetics for a cosmetic product from another manufacturer, brand, brand with recalculation of the purchase price (additional payment or refund of part of the cost);
  • a discount accompanied by a partial refund of the cost of the product due to a detected defect/shortcoming;
  • refund of the full cost of the cosmetic product.

Reasons for return

In accordance with Article 18-19 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, in order to return purchased low-quality cosmetics, the buyer must secure one of the following reasons:

  • Incorrect or incomplete labeling of cosmetic products. So, if it does not contain information about the manufacturer, country of origin, date of manufacture and expiration date, legal address where it is produced, safety measures and composition, the buyer has the right to return it back to the store, pointing out its defectiveness;

If the cosmetic product is domestically produced, all information on it must be presented in the national (Russian) language.

  • Failure to provide comprehensive information about purchased cosmetic products. For example, when purchasing eyebrow dye, the seller did not warn the buyer that it was quite toxic and therefore should not be left on the skin for longer than the specified time;
  • If included in a cosmetic product harmful substances that can have a detrimental effect on health will be detected.

Passing a special independent examination will help determine the presence of such substances.

Return procedure

In order to return low-quality cosmetics to the salon, You will need to meet the following return conditions:

  • Make sure of its poor quality by submitting it for an independent examination. If the inadequate quality is too obvious, for example, the expiration date expired a month ago, and the cosmetic product has an atypical smell, color or consistency has changed, there is no need to conduct an independent examination;

If a product is about to expire, it must be returned as soon as possible before it expires.

If the product really turns out to be of poor quality, the cost of the examination, for which the buyer will pay, will be compensated by the seller.

  • Submit an application for the return of goods of inadequate quality;
  • Find a receipt or other payment documents confirming the purchase of cosmetics at a specific outlet;

If the receipt was lost, any other document (warranty card, receipt) or testimony of a witness (a friend or one of the store consultants) will do.

  • Bring your passport with you to fill out the application, as well as a bank card if the payment was made by bank transfer.

If the salon acted as the seller

The situation is completely different with the return of cosmetics purchased in a professional salon. As a rule, most of the funds presented in such institutions have such a high price tag that they force buyers to take out a loan.

After evaluating the product personally, the buyer understands that its quality is strikingly different from that stated by the seller, and therefore decides to return it.

In this situation, the matter is complicated not so much by the seller, but by the presence of a third party in the disputable situation - the bank that approved the loan.

The best thing that can be done in this situation is to return the cosmetics and cancel the credit on the same day that the goods were purchased.

If it happened on another day, The buyer will have to do the following:

  • Contact the bank that approved the loan application with an application to refuse the loan;
  • Next, you should contact the bank itself with an application for the return of goods that are not of satisfactory quality.

At best, the buyer will be able to save himself from the consequences of a hasty decision; at worst, it will lead to litigation and significant financial costs.

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The law reserves for every citizen the right to return a purchased product if he is not satisfied with its characteristics, size, dimensions, color, style, configuration, properties, and he can do this within fourteen days from the date of purchase. But many people forget that the same law provides a list of goods to which this rule does not apply.

This is a wide list of products, which also includes cosmetics and perfumes. Therefore, before you make a purchase of a cosmetic product or decorative cosmetics, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the product, consult with the seller, select the desired product according to all the characteristics and only then buy it, since it will not be possible to return it back in the future for no apparent reason.

Cosmetics, decorative cosmetics and perfumes fall into the category of goods that cannot be exchanged or returned without any apparent objective reason. Even if the buyer kept the receipt, all labels, and did not open the packaging, the seller will not accept this product back. You can get a refund for purchased cosmetics only if they turn out to be of poor quality.

For example, a buyer might not notice in a store that a cosmetic product had expired and only discovered it at home. In this case, the seller is obliged to return the cost of the product or exchange it for another one. A situation may arise when a buyer purchased a lipstick, nail polish or other cosmetic product that was one color on the packaging, but in reality turned out to be a different one.

Here, the buyer also has the right to contact the store for a return or exchange, since he received inaccurate information about the purchased product, and the seller does not have the right to refuse the buyer his demands. Thus, the buyer has the right to exchange or return cosmetics if the product turns out to be of poor quality, it has expired, or the seller did not provide all the information about the product to the buyer, and therefore he received the wrong product that he needed.

According to the federal law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” the buyer has the right to exchange a low-quality product for a similar one, to replace such a product with any other with recalculation of the cost, to reduce the cost of the product, and to receive a refund for the purchased product.

The seller is obliged to accept the goods from the buyer if:

  • the packaging does not contain a complete indication of all data about the product: lack of information about the manufacturer, expiration date, legal representative, place of manufacture, composition, date of manufacture, precautions. In addition, all information must be indicated in Russian, since this is the official language accepted on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • if the buyer did not receive all the necessary information from the seller, and therefore the purchase turned out to be unsuitable for him. This may be information about the color of the product, about the features of use, about the properties of the cosmetic product. If the seller provided incorrect information about the product, thereby misleading the client, and therefore he purchased a product that does not suit him in terms of its parameters and properties;
  • If a cosmetic product contains harmful substances and components, then the buyer’s chance of getting a refund increases, since they will be identified as a result of any examination. According to the requirements of the law, the buyer has the right to refuse goods that contain substances and components hazardous to his health.

How can I return products from the category in question?

You can return or exchange a cosmetic product only if it turns out to be defective or defective; according to the law of the Russian Federation, you cannot refuse a product just because you didn’t like it.

In order to return a low-quality cosmetic product back to the seller, the buyer needs to write a claim and conduct an independent examination, which will reveal whether the product is really low-quality or whether it is the wrong way to use it by the buyer.

The buyer needs to worry about having time to return such a product before the expiration date of the cosmetic product, since the shelf life of such products passes quite quickly.

If the examination shows that the purchased product really does not meet the norms and quality standards, then the buyer can safely contact the store with the expert’s opinion and demand a refund, as well as reimbursement of the cost of the examination.

In what cases is it impossible to return such products?

The buyer does not have the right to return a cosmetic product back to the store if it does not suit him in color, smell, characteristics or other parameters. In order to return a cosmetic product to the buyer, good reasons are needed, such as defective, expired or non-compliance with quality standards.

The buyer will not be able to return the cosmetic product if the cosmetic is different and meets all quality standards, the product was sold to the buyer in compliance with all rules and sales requirements, the product packaging contains all the data that must be present on the product in accordance with laws and regulations.