The beauty of a rose is in the flower, the dignity of a word is in its brevity.

For a long time it was believed that there were sayings, proverbs and sayings collected in the biblical Book of Proverbs. With the deciphering of the writing of Ancient Egypt, Egyptian proverbs and sayings were discovered that were several thousand years older than the Hebrew ones. And that's not it. Already in one of the most ancient states of the East - Sumer, people were perfectly able to use witty expressions, which, in essence, differed little from modern ones. In this civilization, for the first time in the history of the ancient world, Eastern wisdom - proverbs, sayings, sayings - was put into written form.

Eastern wisdom about life

And again Ancient Sumer. Thousands of years ago, the Sumerians were tormented by the same thought about the frailty of existence as modern Europeans:

– Life goes by quickly. Why save, let's spend it all.

– Still, you still have a long time to live. Let's save up.

Centuries passed, civilizations changed, the minarets of the Arab East rose to the sky, marvelous temples of India and pagodas of China and Korea were built. And throughout the populous East, people composed fables, parables, aphorisms, proverbs and sayings. Different for different peoples, and at the same time having many common features. Below are examples of proverbs, sayings, and sayings characteristic of different nations.

China. A completely unusual civilization for a European. On the one hand, the cruelty of the Chinese rulers has become the talk of the town. On the other hand, the conscience of the nation was Confucius and Lao Tzu, whose apt sayings have lived on for more than a millennium.

  1. When friendship is based only on profit, they sow hostility and anger. (Confucius)
  2. Be as strict as possible with yourself, as gentle as possible with others. This way, human hostility will not arise. (Confucius)
  3. There will certainly be many difficulties along the way if you hope for an easy road. (Lao Tzu)
  4. The human heart is like a snake - always full of poison. (Lao Tzu)

Interestingly, in the Chinese language, as well as in Russian, there are set expressions called proverbs. And they are talking about concepts familiar to us:

  1. About friendship: “The sea, sun and friendship have no price.”
  2. About the experience: “The old horse will find his way home.”
  3. About betrayal and ingratitude: “I raised a tiger from a tiger cub - I received suffering and destruction.”
  4. About immoderate greed: “The rich man, having received Long, wanted to get Sichuan.”

Japan. A country of amazing mixture of Buddhism and ancient beliefs. A country of samurai honor, talented calligraphers and poets who described the whole world and all human experiences in three or five lines of haiku and tanka. The Japanese language is a language of metaphors, allegories, figurative comparisons, many of which have become proverbs and sayings. And the themes and images of the proverbs of the Japanese, so distant from us, are familiar and understandable:

  1. On irresistible injustice: “Right is powerless where power rules.”
  2. About perseverance and patience: “An ant hole will destroy a stone dam.”
  3. On the ability to rejoice in the happiness of others: “If others are happy, be happy too.”
  4. About tolerance: “there is no arguing about the customs established in the house.”

Arab East. Bukhara, Baghdad, the sultry deserts of Yemen and the green gardens of Agra - all this is the Arab East. A world of deceit, flattery, nobility and courage. The world of great politicians, scientists, poets and folk wits. The East is the world of Omar Khayyam, Nizami Ganjavi, Hamid Mohmand. And these are also folk thieves' stories - "maqams" - a complete collection of fables, parables, proverbs and sayings. Here, by the way, is one of them - a short excerpt from the novella:

“Once upon a time there was an old donkey. And one day he fell into a well. The owner thought and thought, but still couldn’t figure out how to help the trouble. And he decided to bury both the donkey and the well. I called my neighbors for help, and they began to fill up the well. The donkey screamed and cried, and then began to stand with its feet on each thrown lump of earth. The donkey rose higher and higher until it jumped out of the well.”

And there are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of proverbs and sayings. About courage, courage, deceit, friendship, work - about everything in the world. Here are some of them:

  1. Hyenas celebrate when a lion dies. (Afghan proverb)
  2. He who said and did not do it is a donkey, he who did and said it is a man, he who did not say it and did it is a lion.
  3. You can consult with at least a thousand people, but don’t reveal your secret. (Persian proverb)
  4. Two people can know about the secret, provided that one of them is in the grave. (Persian proverb)
  5. The future of the lazy bull is to sell to butchers. (Arabic proverb)
  6. Anything done hastily will bring disaster. (Kurdish proverb)

Eastern wisdom about family and marriage

The uniqueness of the East lies in its “dual” attitude towards women. On the one hand, her position is subordinate to a man, on the other: “I’m ready to give both Samarkand and Bukhara for one of your moles.”

The attitude towards marriage is equally ambivalent. A long time ago, in Sumer they said: “One happiness is in marriage, and if you think about it, the second is in divorce.” They are supported by the Iranians in the saying: “Marriage is happiness for a month, marriage is sadness for all the remaining years.” But the Kazakh proverb says: “Happiness is the first son, half of happiness is a good wife.” In Laos there is an expression: “In a good family, the husband and wife are like chopsticks - always a pair, always together.” In general, a good wife is very important, otherwise there may be the same troubles as in the Jewish proverb: “What could be worse than rain? Bad wife. At least the rain will drive into the house, and the bad wife will drive him out of it.” The only thing worse than rain, according to the Pashtun tribes, are tight shoes, and a bad wife, respectively: “A bad wife is like uncomfortable shoes, it pinches and presses.” And always, happiness is children: “A yurt without children is like a hearth without fire,” the Kazakhs said.

In the East they also said: “The first month after the wedding is like a pink flower, the second is like wormwood.” But love's eyes are blind, and when it is: "Wounds from smallpox are as beautiful as dimples on the cheeks."

It often happens like this: a girl fell in love with a poor guy. Years have lived together, and prosperity, and even wealth, has come to the house. The old wife seems ugly and boring. A Japanese proverb says: “Love the wife who loved you as a poor man.”

Eastern wisdom about love says:

  • Three things are not subject to reason: the wind blowing from the mountains, the sun running across the sky, love settled in the heart of a person.
  • The khan has advisers, the emir has advisers, love does not need advisers.
  • Love brings. Anger is a disgrace.
  • In the name of love, it is not a sin to wear rags.

In conclusion, we can cite the statement of an unknown Chinese author: “This is sadness, this is sadness. Both my wife and my mistress love me at the same time. Do I feel like God? Oh no. I feel like I’m both a resident of heaven and a resident of hell.”

There is a lot in Eastern philosophy that is incomprehensible to us; the West and the East are too different in their worldview. And yet, Eastern wisdom: quotes, aphorisms, sayings are quite applicable to today's European realities.

An unfortunate country is one that needs heroes. B. Brecht
There are no purely white or completely black people; people are all colorful. Maksim Gorky
Man was not created to suffer defeat... Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated. Hemingway
...All that remains of a person is his deeds. Maksim Gorky
Look into the distance - you will see the distance; look from the sky - you will see the sky; When you look in a small mirror, you only see yourself. Kozma Prutkov
It’s bad when everything in a person is gray: the soul, the thoughts, and the look. Gray only

Quails are beautiful. G. Stelmakh
It's better to be a shallow stream than a deep pool. Lu Xun
Only fools can be unshakable in their confidence. Raphael
Shame often prohibits what laws do not prohibit. Stack
Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts. A. Chekhov
Endure with dignity what you cannot change. Seneca
Go your own way and let people say whatever they want. Dante
Everyone is the smith of their own destiny.
A person is reflected in his actions. F. Schiller
Man is the universe. Maksim Gorky
Becoming a person is an art.
We are where there are not many standard “I”s, but many different universes. In Simonenko
The most difficult profession is to be a human. X. Marches
Do you know that you are human? Do you know about this or not? Your smile is one, Your torment is one, Your eyes are one. V. Simonenko
Each person has several characters: the one that is attributed to him; the one he attributes to himself; and, in the end, the one that actually exists. V. Hugo
I am affirmed, I am affirmed, because I am alive. G. Tychina
What a complete work - man! W. Shakespeare
There are two desires, the fulfillment of which can constitute a person’s true happiness - to be useful and to have a clear conscience. L. Tolstoy
Human happiness has two equal wings: Roses and grapes - beautiful and useful.
M. Rylsky
How much I have been given, how much happiness I have, damn it! - On earth, laugh and suffer, live and love between people! V. Simonenko
In struggle the goal is achieved. Voronko
You will grow up and begin to learn about the glory of heroes,
You will know your father’s glory and unshakable strength of courage. Virgil
Burn and fight! V. Sosyura
Only to fight means to live Franco
The scar that is the result of courage is not shameful. Sire
Do not be exposed to misfortune, but go towards it with double courage. Virgil
One should be distinguished by valor, not birth. Claudian
For a person, there is nothing more interesting in the world than people. V. Humboldt
Isolating ourselves from people will not achieve a single goal. J. W. Goethe
When a person has a people, then he is already a person. L. Kostenko
The best pleasure, the highest joy of life is to feel needed and close to people. Maksim Gorky
Man is a social being. Aristotle
A person can be recognized by the environment in which he moves. J. Swift
In every moment of our happiness, we need to look not for what separates us from other people, but for what we have in common. J. Reasin
The happiness of an individual outside of society is impossible, just as the life of a plant torn out of the ground and thrown into infertile sand is impossible. A. Tolstoy
He who is ashamed to admit his shortcomings will, over time, shamelessly justify his powerlessness, which is the greatest shortcoming. G. Skovoroda

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Epigraphs to topics about war and heroism

Let others fight.

If we want to use the world, we have to fight.

The evil of war and the good of peace are known to people to such an extent that since we have known people, the best wish has been the greeting “peace be with you.”

Tolstoy L. N.

No benefits can be expected from war.


During war, the laws are silent.

A people who does not want to feed their army will soon be forced to feed someone else's.

Napoleon Bonaparte

We must save the world not with blood, but with friendship and love.

Sachs Hans

Those who start a war themselves fall into their own networks.

John of Damascus

Any uprising against foreign invaders is a legitimate matter and is the first duty of every people.


Why shouldn't we live in peace?


The peace achieved is better and more reliable than the expected victory.

War inevitably drains the state treasury. Would what was taken from the vanquished fill it? Since the ancient Romans, I do not know a single nation that has become rich as a result of victory.

War is not a real feat, war is a surrogate for a feat. The basis of a feat is the wealth of connections it creates, the tasks it sets, the accomplishments it encourages. A simple game of heads or tails will not turn into a feat, even if the stake in it is life or death. War is not a heroic deed. War is a disease. Like typhus.

Saint-Exupery A.

To be created to create, to love and to conquer is to be created to live in the world. But war teaches us to lose everything and become something we were not.

Forge swords into sickles.


Although war may have peace as its goal, it is undeniably evil.

The best purpose is to defend your fatherland.

Derzhavin G. R.

The world is a mirror that shows each person his own reflection.

Thackeray W.
The fighters remember the days gone by and the battles where they fought together.

Pushkin A. S.

War is a crime that cannot be atoned for by victory.

War imposes tribute on both men and women equally, but only takes blood from some, and tears from others.

Thackeray W.

Weapons should be resorted to last, when other means prove insufficient.

Machiavelli N.

War turns people born to live as brothers into wild beasts.

People who... recognize war not only as inevitable, but also useful and therefore desirable - these people are terrible, terrible in their moral perversity.

Tolstoy L. N.

Discipline is the soul of the army. It turns a small army into a mighty force, brings success to the weak and respect to everyone.

Washington D.

One bad commander is better than two good ones.

Napoleon Bonaparte

It is easier to conquer than to rule. Using the appropriate lever, you can shake the world with one finger; but to support it, the shoulders of Hercules are needed.

What could be more terrible than all these newly invented means of extermination - cannons, cannonballs, bombs, smokeless powder rockets, torpedoes and other instruments of death?

Tolstoy L. N.

There is no good in war, we all ask you for peace.


Only a few, whose vile well-being depends on the people's grief, make war.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

The world is pitiful only for a pitiful man, the world is empty only for an empty man.

Feuerbach L.

There is no salvation in war.


When there are no enemies, there is no war.

We live in this world if we love it.

The world is beautiful, and outside of it there is no salvation.

When weapons thunder, the laws are silent.

A highwayman, whether he participates in a gang or robs alone, remains a robber; and a nation that makes an unjust war is nothing more than a large band of robbers.

Franklin B.

He who wages war for the sake of humanity will defeat his enemies.

Military forces are not enough to defend the country, while a country defended by the people is invincible.

Napoleon Bonaparte

If war is the cause of evil, then peace will be their cure.


Peace is the virtue of civilization, war is its crime.

No matter how terrible war is, it still reveals the spiritual greatness of a person who challenges his strongest hereditary enemy - death.

There is no greater disaster than underestimating your enemy.

Let weapons give way to the toga, military laurels to civil merits.

Once war becomes a reality, any opinion that does not take it into account begins to sound incorrect.

Wars are cursed by mothers.

An army of rams led by a lion will always win over an army of lions led by a ram.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Peace is not the absence of war, but the virtue that comes from fortitude.

Spinoza B.

If you want peace, prepare it, prepare it, sparing your strength. Every day of your life. Every hour of your days.

War is a path of deception.

The most incomprehensible thing in our world is that it is still understandable.

Einstein A.

War requires speed.

Put an end to wars.

I know that war is a complete atrocity and that in war people who are innocent of each other exterminate each other, being forcibly put into a state of self-defense.

Gorky M.

Violence is the essence of war.

Macaulay T.

Let the sword decide the fate of the world.

Money is the nerve of war.

There is no change in battle, there is only support. If you defeat the enemy, then the service will end.

Suvorov A.V.

While there is no war, enemies must be pacified with gifts; if they take up arms against you, you cannot evade. Patience and humility are necessary for both peace and war.

John of Damascus

For some reason, many people think that unjust conquests dishonor states less than thefts dishonor individuals.

Helvetius K.

Weapons have little value outside the country if there is no prudence at home.

Every warrior must understand his maneuver.

Suvorov A.V.

Peace is good, but at the same time you shouldn’t sleep, so as not to tie your hands, and so that the soldiers don’t become women.

Peter the First

Any war is easy to start, but extremely difficult to end.


Decide legally, not with weapons.

The world holds everything in its arms.

The ways of blood are not the ways of Providence.

Chaadaev P. Ya.

Not a day should pass without each of us repeating to ourselves: “For the sake of all that is holy in us, there is no need for war!”

Galsworthy D.

God created our distant world forever like this: fun after troubles, good after bad.


He who wages war on others has not made peace with himself.

Hazlitt W.

If only half of those efforts
That are given over to waging war,
We dedicated ourselves to the cause of education, -
We wouldn't need arsenals.
And “warrior” would become a hated word,
And the people who again, despising the law,
Started a war and shed the blood of another,
Again, like Cain, he would be branded.

Longfellow G.

Peace must be won by victory, not by agreement.

War is barbaric when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when defending the homeland.

Maupassant G.

Those who are scared are half beaten.

Suvorov A.V.

Better a boiled egg in times of peace than a roasted bull in times of war.

Feuchtwanger L.

Peace and harmony are useful for the vanquished, but only commendable for the victors.

The consequences of war will always be general disaster and general corruption...

Tolstoy L. N.

The courage of a soldier is good only when combined with the best peaceful virtues; discipline is good only when combined with the highest sense of freedom. When they exist separately - and this so often happens due to the fact that in peacetime the soldier is armed - the first degenerates into slavery, the second into savagery and unbridledness.

Humboldt V.

If you want the world to change, become that change yourself.

A war where brother rebels against brother will be cursed a hundredfold by the Almighty.

The soldier who answers: “I can’t know” is worthless.

Suvorov A.V.

There is no need for war, no need... Let's better work, think, search. The only true glory is the glory of work. War is the lot of barbarians.

Maupassant G.

Peace, happiness, brotherhood of people - that's what we need in this world!

Mark Twain

The world organism is an indivisible whole.

War is murder. And no matter how many people come together to commit murder, and no matter what they call themselves, murder is still the worst sin in the world.

Tolstoy L. N.

The world is a sphere, the center of which is everywhere, and the circumference is nowhere.

Pascal Blaise

A soldier must be healthy, brave, firmly resolved, truthful and pious.

Suvorov A.V.

The world by its nature is not only a work of art, but also an artist.

Is it really cramped for people to live in this beautiful world, under this immeasurable starry sky? Is it really possible that, amid this charming nature, a feeling of malice, revenge or the passion of exterminating one’s own kind can be retained in a person’s soul?

Tolstoy L. N.

It is strange to imagine that war, the wildest thing there is, should be the passion of the most heroic souls. Heroism and philanthropy are almost the same thing. But as soon as this feeling goes a little astray, the hero who loves humanity turns into a ferocious madman: the liberator and preserver becomes an oppressor and destroyer.

Shaftesbury E

Don’t offend the average person, he gives us water and food; a soldier is not a robber.

Suvorov A.V.

Why not try governments for every declaration of war? If the peoples understood this... if they did not allow themselves to be killed without any reason, if they used weapons to turn them against those who gave them to beat them - on this day the war would die.

Maupassant G.

I would prefer the most unjust world to the most just war.

Peace is the highest good that people desire in this life.


(based on materials from:

“I began to understand what people are capable of. Anyone who has gone through the war and does not understand that people create evil, just as a bee produces honey, is either blind or out of his mind.”

(William Golding. Quoted from the book: Golding, William // Nobel Prize Laureates: Encyclopedia)

“If everyone fought only according to their convictions, there would be no war.”

(Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace)

“- Is there no God? - No, my friend. Of course not. If he had, would he have allowed what I saw with my own eyes?

(Ernest Hemingway. For whom the bell tolls)

“Everyone in government power is obliged to avoid war, just as the captain of a ship avoids shipwreck.”

“War is barbaric when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when one defends the homeland.”

(Guy De Maupassant. Complete Works)

“Franco bombs Barcelona because, according to him, monks were brutally exterminated in Barcelona. Consequently, Franco defends Christian values. But a Christian, in the name of Christian values, stands in bombed Barcelona near a fire in which women and children are burning. And he refuses to understand. Meaning of life".

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Who are you, soldier)

“Of all the monstrously insane phenomena of the past, the war was, without a doubt, the craziest. Perhaps, in reality, it caused less harm than such a less noticeable evil as the universal recognition of private property in land, but the disastrous consequences of the war were so obvious that they were indignant at it even in those dark and troubled times. The wars of that time were completely meaningless. Apart from the mass of killed and crippled people, apart from the destruction of enormous material wealth and the waste of countless units of energy, the wars did not bring any results. The ancient wars of savage, barbarian tribes at least changed humanity; some tribe considered itself physically stronger and more organized, proved this to its neighbors and, if successful, took away their lands and women and thus consolidated and spread its power. The new war did not change anything except the colors on geographical maps, the designs of postage stamps and the relationships between a few random individuals.”

(H.G. Wells. In the Days of the Comet)

“Permanent peace would be the same as constant war. War is peace."

(George Orwell. 1984)

“War is not just about who will shoot who. War is about who will change someone’s mind.”

(Boris Lvovich Vasiliev. And the dawns here are quiet...)

“I quickly began to become disillusioned with military affairs. My brothers in arms zealously polished their boots and participated in the exercises with great enthusiasm. I didn't see any point in this. They just turned us into fresh cannon fodder.”

(Charles Bukowski. Bread and Ham)

"When a war breaks out, people usually say, 'Well, this can't last, it's too stupid.' And indeed, war is indeed too stupid, which, however, does not prevent it from lasting a long time.”

(Albert Camus. Plague)

“As long as the earth revolves around the sun, as long as there is cold and heat, storm and sunlight, so long will there be struggle. Including among people and nations. If people stayed in paradise, they would rot. Humanity became what it is thanks to struggle. War is a natural and commonplace thing. War is going on always and everywhere. It has no beginning, no end. War is life itself. War is the starting point."

(Adolf Hitler. My struggle)

“Oh, human shame! Consent reigns

Among the damned demons, but a man -

A creature possessing consciousness creates discord with its own kind; Although he has the right to rely on the mercy of Heaven and knows the covenant of the Lord: to preserve eternal peace, he lives in hatred and enmity, Tribes devastate the Earth with merciless wars, bringing destruction to each other.”

(John Milton. Paradise Lost)

“War is a psychosis generated by someone’s inability to see the relationships between things. Our relationships with our neighbors. With economics, history. But above all - with nothing. With death."

(John Fowles. Magus)

“War and love, on Earth, are the two main items of trade. Since time immemorial, we have been releasing them in huge quantities.”

(Robert Sheckley. Pilgrimage to Earth)

“Anyone who has ever looked into the glassy eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think twice before starting a war.”

(Otto von Bismarck, speech, August 1867, Berlin)

“War is a disaster and a crime that contains all disasters and all crimes.”

(Voltaire. Quoted from the book: Kuznetsov V.N. Francois Marie Voltaire)

“We justify everything we do as a necessity. When we bomb cities, it is a strategic necessity, and when our cities are bombed, it is a heinous crime.”

(Erich Maria Remarque. A time to live and a time to die)

(Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky. How steel was hardened)

“War, Your Grace, is an empty game.

Today - success, and tomorrow - a hole...”

(Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky. Letter to General Z)

“History teaches that wars begin when governments believe that the cost of aggression is small.”

(Ronald Reagan)

“Perhaps the only reason wars arise again and again is that one can never fully feel how the other suffers.”

(Erich Maria Remarque. Return)

“You don't win war at all, Charlie. Everyone does nothing but lose, and whoever loses last asks for peace.”

(Ray Bradbury. Dandelion Wine)

“Only a few, whose vile well-being depends on the people’s grief, make war.”

(Erasmus of Rotterdam. Quoted from the book: Aphorisms. Golden Fund of Wisdom. Eremishin O.)

“War is not a real feat, war is a surrogate for a feat. The basis of a feat is the wealth of connections it creates, the tasks it sets, the accomplishments it encourages. A simple game of heads or tails will not turn into a feat, even if the stake in it is life or death. War is not a heroic deed. War is a disease. Like typhus."

(Antoine Saint-Exupéry. Military pilot)

“The old men declare war, but the young go to die.”

(Herbert Hoover)

“War is a test of all the economic and organizational forces of every nation.”

(Vladimir Lenin)

Sep 09 2011

An unfortunate country is one that needs heroes. B. Brecht

There are no purely white or completely black people; people are all colorful. Maksim Gorky

Man was not created to suffer defeat... Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated. Hemingway

...All that remains of a person is his deeds. Maksim Gorky

Look into the distance - you will see the distance; look from the sky - you will see the sky; When you look in a small mirror, you only see yourself. Kozma Prutkov

It’s bad when everything in a person is gray: the soul, the thoughts, and the look. Only gray quails are beautiful. G. Stelmakh

It's better to be a shallow stream than a deep pool. Lu Xun

Only fools can be unshakable in their confidence. Raphael

Shame often prohibits what laws do not prohibit. Stack

Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts. A. Chekhov

Endure with dignity what you cannot change. Seneca

Go your own way and let people say whatever they want. Dante

Everyone is the smith of their own destiny.

A person is reflected in his actions. F. Schiller

Man is the universe. Maksim Gorky

Becoming a person is an art.

We are not a set of standard selves, but a set of different universes. In Simonenko

The most difficult profession is to be a human. X. Marches

Do you know what you are? Do you know about this or not? Your smile is one, Your torment is one, Your eyes are one. V. Simonenko

Each person has several characters: the one that is attributed to him; the one he attributes to himself; and, in the end, the one that actually exists. V. Hugo

I am affirmed, I am affirmed, because I am alive. G. Tychina

What a complete essay - man! W. Shakespeare

There are two desires, the fulfillment of which can make a true person - to be useful and to have a clear conscience. L. Tolstoy

The human has two equal wings: Roses and grapes - beautiful and useful.

M. Rylsky

How much I have been given, how much happiness I have, damn it! - On earth, laugh and suffer, live and love between people! V. Simonenko

In struggle the goal is achieved. Voronko

You will grow up and begin to learn about the glory of heroes,

You will know your father’s glory and unshakable strength of courage. Virgil

Burn and fight! V. Sosyura

Only to fight is to live Franco

The scar that is the result of courage is not shameful. Sire

Do not be exposed to misfortune, but go towards it with double courage. Virgil

One should be distinguished by valor, not birth. Claudian

For a person, there is nothing more interesting in the world than people. V. Humboldt

Isolating ourselves from people will not achieve a single goal. J. W. Goethe

When a person has a people, then he is already a person. L. Kostenko

The best pleasure, the highest joy of life is to feel needed and close to people. Maksim Gorky

Man is a social being. Aristotle

A person can be recognized by the environment in which he moves. J. Swift

In every moment of our happiness, we need to look not for what separates us from other people, but for what we have in common. J. Reasin

The happiness of an individual outside of society is impossible, just as it is impossible for a plant torn out of the ground and thrown into infertile sand. A. Tolstoy

He who is ashamed to admit his shortcomings will, over time, shamelessly justify his powerlessness, which is the greatest shortcoming. G. Skovoroda

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