Oksana Nikolaevna Maryina
Presentation Zimushka - winter for children 4–5 years old

1 slide topic:Hello winter - winter! Made up teacher: Maryina Oksana Nikolaevna Kindergarten "Topolyok"

2. slide image of a winter landscape,

3. riddle slide

The cold has arrived

The water turned to ice,

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring -

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?


What a beauty

Stands shining brightly

How luxuriously decorated.

Tell me, who is she?

(Christmas tree)

I wasn't raised

Made from snow,

Instead of a nose cleverly

Did you insert a carrot?


4. Question: How do we dress in winter?

ALGORITHM for putting on winter clothes

Hat, scarf, mittens, warm jacket (fur coat, warm winter boots, felt boots

5 slide game “A lot or a little” - pictures of snowmen are shown

6, slide game “A lot or a little” shows pictures of bullfinches

7 slide game “A lot or a little” shows pictures of tits

8 slide game: “Guess what’s extra?” pictures of the winter games and a picture of the summer game are depicted.

9 slide game: “Guess what’s extra?” depicts pictures of animals in the forest in winter, and a birdhouse in summer

10. slide What do animals eat in the winter? picture explaining what wild animals eat in winter

11. slide How do animals prepare for winter?

Slide 12 What animals sleep in winter, where and how?

Slide 13 How do people help animals and birds in winter?

14 slide Game: "Say kindly about winter"

WINTER - winter

SNOW - snowball

TREE - tree

YOLKA - Christmas tree

WIND - breeze

BIRD - bird

GORKA - hill

SLEDGE - sled

15 slide Children's winter fun

Children and adults make snowmen, sled and ski. down the slide, playing snowballs.

Slide 16 Poems about the New Year!

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,

He lit the lights on it.

And the needles shine on it,

And there’s snow on the branches! V. Petrova

The girls stood in a circle,

They stood up and fell silent.

Santa Claus lit the lights

On a tall tree.

There's a star above

Beads in two rows.

Let the Christmas tree not go out,

Let it always burn! A. Barto

Slide 17 Thank you for your attention"

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson for children 6–7 years old “Winter-winter” Goal: expanding and systematizing children’s knowledge about winter. Tasks: - expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Winter”; - develop skills.

Summary of integrated educational activities in the younger mixed-age subgroup (3–5 years old) “Winter-winter” Relevance: During preschool childhood, abilities for initial forms of generalization and inference are formed. However, such cognition is carried out.

Abstract of the educational activity “Winter-Winter” for children 3–4 years old Objectives: To consolidate children's knowledge about the season - winter. Teach children to classify objects according to certain criteria.

I bring to your attention a summary of the event, which can be carried out both in joint activities and as an educational activity. The materials have been selected.

PASSPORT OF THE PEDAGOGICAL PROJECT. Direction of Child Development / Educational area: “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative.

Project for young children “Zimushka - winter” Author of the project: teacher Ivanova Natalya Anatolyevna. Duration: winter period.

Dance “Oh, you, winter-winter” for children of senior preschool age 6 boys, 6 girls dancing Introduction: Girls stand in a column, one at a time, behind a screen. The boys slowly walk to the center, holding each other.

Quiz for children of senior preschool age “Winter-Winter” Quiz for older children preschool age“Zimushka-Winter” Purpose: generalization of ideas about winter. Tasks: generalize.

Galina Knutova
Lesson-presentation “Winter”

Lesson-presentation on the topic: « Winter»

Target: expand children’s understanding of the characteristic signs of winter; fix the names and sequence of the winter months; learn to find winter signs on your own; be able to analyze, compare, draw conclusions; develop imagination; cultivate a love for nature.

Equipment: multimedia installation.

Progress of the lesson:

How are the pictures different?

What time of year is it now?

Name the signs of winter.

Name the winter months.

Talk about the life of animals in winter.

What do animals eat in winter?

What do birds eat in winter?

Do you need to feed birds in winter?

What holiday do we celebrate in winter?

Now let's rest.

How is this holiday celebrated? - Tell me.

Musical break.

Winter fun for children.

Solve riddles.

The picture is a mystery.

- Didactic game: "Add a word"

Bottom line classes.

Publications on the topic:

Program objectives: To consolidate children’s understanding of the life of animals in winter and to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. Leisure activities Vocabulary: I wanted to.

Summary and presentation of a thematic music lesson for children of middle preschool age “Winter is an Entertainer” Basic educational area: artistic aesthetic development. Integration educational areas: cognitive development.

Abstract directly educational activities at 2 younger group on the topic “Winter” Purpose: To form general ideas about.

Program content: 1. Introduce children to the characteristic features of the “Winter” season. 2. Continue to activate the dictionary. 3. Continue.

Logorhythmic lesson in the preparatory group on the topic: Winter, its signs. Purpose: to develop children’s knowledge about winter and its signs. Tasks:.

Goal: Enrichment and activation of the vocabulary about winter; be able to compose simple sentences, develop auditory perception. Cultivating a love for winter.

We decided to present to your attention a variety of crafts made with children in middle group. Children's creativity is very interesting and...

Presentation “Nature - who are you: mistress or slave?” Presentation on the topic: “Nature - who are you: mistress or slave?”, teacher of the first qualification category MBDOU "Firefly", Chernyanka village.

Slides: 15 Words: 630 Sounds: 0 Effects: 8

Seasons. Block "Winter". Project topic: Fundamental question. How it changes environment in winter? Project participants. 2nd grade students. Academic subject. The world around us. White fluffy snow swirls in the air and quietly falls to the ground and lies down. The days have become shorter, the sun shines little. Now the frosts have arrived, and winter has come. I. Surikov. Abstract of the project. The course "The World around us" is studied in elementary school from 1st to 4th grade. An atmosphere of shared passion and creativity is created. Didactic goal: Methodological objectives of the project: Problems: What characteristic features changes can be found in nature in winter? How did they predict the weather in ancient times in Rus'? - Winter.ppt

White winter

Slides: 15 Words: 392 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Winter. Snowman. Snowflakes. What items are needed for winter fun? Colored circle. Dress Tanya. Finger gymnastics. Draw the answer. How many snowflakes are there? How many identical snowflakes are there? How many identical snowflakes were there? Sequence of pictures. Guess the riddle. What you shouldn't do on the street. - White Winter.pptx

Time is winter

Slides: 20 Words: 337 Sounds: 1 Effects: 120

Compiling a story on the topic “WINTER”. No bucket, no brush, no hands, But it will whitewash all the roofs around. What changes occur in inanimate nature in winter? In winter, the sun rarely appears, but if it shines, it does not warm. How does the sun shine in winter? What wind blows in winter? In winter, the entire earth is covered with soft, fluffy snow. Exercise for vision correction. We saw a snowflake and played with a snowflake. They lay down on the ground. We close our eyes, our eyes rest. Snowflakes flew to the right, The children looked to the right. And he lowered it to the ground... So the snowflakes flew, His eyes looked to the left. The wind lifted the snow upward. What happens to rivers, ponds and lakes in winter? - Time is winter.ppt

Winter - time of year

Slides: 18 Words: 341 Sounds: 1 Effects: 27

Year. The change of seasons is associated with the position of the sun in the sky. Winter is coming. Winter in nature. Height of the Sun. What do snowflakes look like? What are snowflakes? Homework. Thanks for the work. Resources. - Winter is the time of year.ppt

Hello, winter-winter

Slides: 22 Words: 822 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Winter-winter. Snowdrifts. Poems about winter. White birch. Winter sorceress. Freezing. Calendar. What do you know about Grandfather Frost. Santa Claus. Yolupukki. Per Noel. Weihnachtsmann. Dedko Morozko. Father Frost's birthday. Riddles about winter. Month. Heroes. Name the characters and the cartoon. Name the heroes. - Hello, winter-winter.ppt

Signs of winter

Slides: 43 Words: 894 Sounds: 0 Effects: 33

On a visit to winter. Signs of winter. Powdered the paths. Bewitched by invisibility. Our winter is very different. The breeze is blowing. No arms, no legs, but he can draw. Meteorologists. Folk signs. Birds flock to houses. December. January. February. Travelers Club. White birch. Dialogues about animals. I wear a fluffy fur coat. A cunning cheat. The hat is running in the forest. Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter. The owner of the forest. Bird life in winter. Flocks of birds flew away. Feed the birds in winter. Train your birds to come to your window in cold weather. I will save my health. If you want to be healthy, toughen up. Adviсe. Disperse the animals. Puzzles. - Signs of winter.pptx

Winter phenomena

Slides: 15 Words: 402 Sounds: 0 Effects: 73

On a visit to winter. Project activities. Cognitive skills. Life of a brown bear. Winter phenomena in inanimate nature. Stars. The secret of the birth of snowflakes. What is snowfall? What is a blizzard? What is present. What is ice? Phenomena. Frost. - Winter phenomena.ppt

Miracle snowflakes

Slides: 29 Words: 1487 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

These wonderful snowflakes. An idea of ​​snowflakes. Selection of reference and illustrative material. Snowflake. The secret of the birth of snowflakes. Snowflake shape. Crystals of various shapes. Beautiful snowflakes. Identical snowflakes. Why are snowflakes hexagonal? The secret of the whiteness of snow. The color of snow. Snow cover. The benefits of snow cover. Why does the snow creak? Crystallography. Johannes Kepler. Rene Descartes. Wilson Bentley. Kenneth Libbrecht. Ukihiro Nakaya. Museum of Snow and Ice. Classification of snow crystals. Classification of the International Commission on Ice and Snow. Classification of snow crystals by Ukihiro Nakaya. - Miracle snowflakes.pptx

Winter months

Slides: 35 Words: 2319 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

Winter months. Winter, like other seasons, has three months. December. Winter. Snow often falls in late autumn - in November and even in October. People, especially children, rejoice in the snow. Plants rejoice in the snow - it covers them with a warm blanket until spring. Snowflakes curl and swirl and rush into my room. Snowfall. It's not too soon to be spring. Everything around is white and blue, everything is in a thin lace of shadows. The skates on the skating rink are shining, the skating rink is shining, the fluffy snow is sparkling. The night in winter is like a black cat, the day is like a gray mouse. What's outside the window? Last month of the year. January. January is the first month of the year. - Winter months.ppt


Slides: 27 Words: 357 Sounds: 1 Effects: 71

Seasons. December. December trial. January. Winter. The Old Russian name for the month is lute. December ends the year, winter begins. Dictionary. Complete the sentences. Questions about weather changes in winter. Write a report on your winter excursion. Snow depth at open place. Snow is falling. Think and describe what snow is like. Temperature determination. Tell us about the thermometer by completing the sentences. - December.ppt

Month of December

Slides: 29 Words: 954 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

December. The first month of winter. Winter month. Snow is falling more and more often. Rivers and lakes. The days are getting shorter. Forest in December. Forest. The hares changed into white fur coats. Hares gnaw bark. Bears. Squirrels are gnawing on cones. Angry wolf. Nature in the first half of December. Amount of snow. First cold weather. Cold wind. Nature in the second half of December. The cold weather is coming. Sun. The days are getting brighter and lighter. Holidays in December. The brightest holiday of the year. New Year. Father Frost. Orthodox Christmas. International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Human Rights Day. - Month December.ppsx


Slides: 14 Words: 784 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

February signs. The forest turned into a fairy tale. Instead of stumps there are huge porcini mushrooms. Spruces and pines have white caps. Belarusians and Ukrainians call February “FIERCE”. In February, winter does not want to go away, sending snow and blizzards, blizzards and blizzards. But no matter how harsh and fierce February is, winter has already begun to wane. Signs of spring have also entered the forest. Squirrels are leaving their nests more boldly. Bullfinches and tits huddle closer to human habitation. The foxes and wolves began their wedding games. In dens, mother bears nurse their babies. Day by day the sun rises higher and higher. Everyone rejoices at the birth of spring. February is the last winter month. Signs of spring have also penetrated the taiga. - February.pptx

Lesson Winter - the world around us

Slides: 8 Words: 215 Sounds: 0 Effects: 5

Technology development critical thinking. Trkmchp. A lesson on the surrounding world on the topic “Winter - the peace of nature.” Updating knowledge. Winter. Trees. Animals. People. Work on the topic of the lesson CLUSTER. Students have tablets with words on the topic, children read and build a diagram on the board. Consolidation. Exercise “Thick and thin question”? How many months does calendar winter last? What month is January? What does a hedgehog do in winter? ? How do you understand the expression “peace of nature”? Imagine what would have happened if there had been no winter? - Lesson Winter.ppt

1st grade Winter

Slides: 24 Words: 81 Sounds: 0 Effects: 78

Winter. Speech development lesson 1st grade. For the lesson. - 1st grade Winter.ppt

Winter 2nd grade

Slides: 10 Words: 314 Sounds: 0 Effects: 48

Wildlife in winter. Lesson objectives: Game “Signs of Winter”. Crossword puzzle “What color is winter.” Questions for the crossword. How animals prepare for winter. Test "Visiting winter." - Winter 2nd grade.ppt

Russian winter

Slides: 8 Words: 603 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Sorceress - winter! Annotation. Methodological tasks. Arouse a feeling of admiration for winter pictures of Russian nature. Topics research work students. The theme of Russian winter in the works of P. A. Vyazemsky. Images of Russian winter in fine arts 19th century. Stages and timing of the project. Structure of the UMP. Business card. Contact information. - Russian winter.ppt


Slides: 7 Words: 89 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Project on the subject of the world around us “Winter-winter”. Goals and objectives of the project: We will study winter-winter. Let's take care of the birds and animals of our region. Fundamental question. What is winter? Do you know? Who do you want to be? Artist Designer Observer Consultant. - Zimushka-winter.ppt

The world around us in winter

Slides: 18 Words: 412 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Winter has come. Project type. Informational. Educational subjects. Ecology, speech development, fiction, child and the world around us. Duration of the project. Week. Project participants. Educators. Children. Fundamental question. Why is nature so different in every season? Problematic issues. Why does snow fall in winter? Why is snow white and fluffy? Study questions. What seasons do you know? What season comes after autumn? What time of year does the year start? What winter fun do you know? What's the weather like in winter? What season follows winter? What signs of winter do you know? - The world around us in winter.ppt

Human labor in winter

Slides: 16 Words: 204 Sounds: 0 Effects: 31

Lesson of the surrounding world Topic: “The work of city and village residents in winter.” On what basis are words divided into two groups? Blizzard blizzard snowfall snowdrifts drifts. Summer river strawberry tan flower swimming in the river. Choose the words: Clean up (what?). Crockery things harvest drifts. Clean (what?). Streets, pavements covered with snow, pots, sinks, shoes, clothes. Feed (who?). Children birds animals. Determine the topic of the lesson... Clean up (what?) drifts. Clean (what?) streets and pavements from snow. Feed (who?) birds, animals. Theme: “The work of city and village residents in winter.” Name the winter months: December January February. A blizzard is a heavy snowfall with snow. - Human labor in winter.ppt

Winter fun

Slides: 15 Words: 315 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Winter fun. Goal: Popularization of a healthy lifestyle. Feed the birds in winter! Let flocks of people flock to your porch from all over, as if it were home. But in our heart there is also warmth for the birds! How can we forget: They could have flown away, But they stayed to spend the winter Together with the people. I'm rushing like the wind on skis Along the forest edge... Mittens on my hands, Hat on the top of my head... One-two! So I accelerated... One and two! I almost tumbled... An ordinary walk or ride down a mountain can be made even more fun. The main thing is to choose something more interesting. Dead target Several targets are drawn on a wall, tree or board. For young sculptors, snow is a wonderful material for creativity. - Winter fun.ppt

Winter fun for children

Slides: 18 Words: 370 Sounds: 0 Effects: 84

Project. “Good in winter” for preschool children. Problem. Insufficient active participation of children in preparation for the New Year holiday. Target. Formation key competencies: - informational; - communication; - solution to the problem. Tasks. Blocks. “The season is winter” “Winter fun” “Creating a layout” “New Year’s holiday”. Action plan. Introduction to the winter sport “Skiing” - Making skis in a mock-up. - Walk “Sledding”. - Modeling and designing “Sledge”. - Excursion to the skating rink. Observation. - Design of the layout of the “Rink” corner. - Creation of little books on the theme “Winter fun”. - Studying games and entertainment that imitate winter fun. - Creation and design of dialogue based on photographs. - Shooting videos. - Creating a script and conducting New Year's holiday. - Winter fun for children.ppt

Where does dirt come from in snowballs?

Slides: 27 Words: 78 Sounds: 0 Effects: 13

Topic: “Where does the dirt in snowballs come from?” 1st grade. Did the snow defeat Zlyuchka-Muddy? Where does dirt come from in snowballs? Hooray! I'm with you again! I love it when people pollute everything around. Where will I go next? How can we reduce pollution in nature? We must love and protect our mother nature! - Where does dirt come from in snowballs.ppt

Winter holidays

Slides: 7 Words: 148 Sounds: 0 Effects: 22

Hello, guest winter! And we are glad for the pranks of Mother Winter... A.S. Pushkin. Winter signs. Cat on the stove - Cat on the floor -. Winter is snowy -. If it's warm in winter -... The stars shine brightly in winter. The sparrows chirp in unison. Pillar of smoke -. There are a lot of icicles in January -... To the cold. Towards warmth. Summer is rainy. It's cold in summer. To the frost. Towards the harvest. Winter holidays. New Year. Christmas. Winter fun. Winter's Tale. - Winter holidays.ppt

Wind in February

Slides: 11 Words: 292 Sounds: 0 Effects: 15

Purpose of the work: Find out why February is considered the windiest month. "Wind, wind! You are powerful, You drive flocks of clouds.....". Proverbs about the wind: When the wind blows, it will cover its tracks. A strong storm will not last long. You can't catch the wind with your hands. You can't keep up with the wind in the field. The wind doesn't blow, and the sedge doesn't make noise. You can't hold back the wind, you can't hide the truth. The wind destroys mountains, the word raises nations. You can't catch the wind in your mitten. Blizzards and blizzards arrived in February. January - father - frosts, February - snowstorms. Observation diary: Diagram of the number of windy days over three months. Wind. He will teach you to fly across the sky and touch the clouds there. -

Presentation provides information to a wide range of people in various ways and methods. The purpose of each work is the transfer and assimilation of the information proposed in it. And for this today they use various methods: from a blackboard with chalk to an expensive projector with a panel.

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