Death is the completion of the material form of life and the transition to a spiritual form, that is, the transition from a non-eternal habitat to an eternal one. And only after death a person will feel and know which category he belongs to - happy or unhappy.

Commemoration of death

Because talking about death is useful, and the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) himself said to often think about the destroyer of pleasures - death, we also, with the help of Allah, want to write about it, so that a person has an idea of ​​what he will face in the future will certainly collide.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

أكثروا من ذكر هادم اللذات الموت، فإنه لم يذكره أحد في ضيق من العيش ألا وسعه عليه ولا ذكره في سعة إلا ضيقها عليه

Meaning: " Increase the remembrance of the destroyer of pleasures, death, truly a poor man does not remember it, unless it seems to him that he has become rich (that is, he will be content with little), and a rich man does not remember it, unless it becomes hard for him from this wealth (that is he will feel responsible) ».

Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “I once sat near the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and one of the Ansars (companions of Medina) came, greeted the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) and asked: “O Messenger Allah! Which of the believers is the best? The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “The best in character,” then he asked another question: “Which of the believers is the most witty?” To which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: “Those who are the most remembers death, and improves their preparation for what will happen after death, they are more witty” (Ibn Majah).

Whether we talk about death or remain silent does not play a role in its occurrence, because if it were possible to forget about death and thereby delay it, then the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him), taking care of his community, would be the first to I would recommend this, however, this is not the case.

One thing is certain, that death will come and we need to prepare for it, guided by the religion of Allah Almighty.

Scientists say: " A person who remembers death in a true way (thinking about it and understanding what awaits) will mentally come to renounce the worldly and everything sinful..." Therefore, it is better to remember the end, which will certainly come, and think about what we have prepared for this difficult transition.

Ibrahim At-Taymiyy (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

« Two things hold me back from worldly pleasures: 1) the memory of death 2) the memory of reporting to Allah (on the Day of Judgment) ».

Al-Qurtubi (may Allah have mercy on him) writes in the book “at-Tazkirat”: “Umar ibn Abdul Aziz (may Allah be pleased with him) gathered all the scientists, and they reminded each other of death, and they cried as if before them the corpse (of one of them).”

Imam Al-Qurtubi (may Allah have mercy on him) writes that Abu Nuaim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“When death was mentioned before as-Sawriy, he was paralyzed, and for several days, when people asked him about something, he answered: “I don’t know!” I don't know!" (even if he knew).”

Imam al-Qurtubi (may Allah have mercy on him) writes that Ad-Daqqaq (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“A person who thinks about death acquires three qualities: 1) acceleration in repentance of sins. 2) contentment with little things in the heart 3) ardent desire, activity in worship...”

Mortal agony

Very often there is a false opinion about the ease of death, that a person dies easily and painlessly, this is not so, the human soul does not want to leave this world so easily. A man in agony experiences his death throes. Allah Almighty in the Quran mentioned the agony of death in some verses:

وَجَاءَتْ سَكْرَةُ الْمَوْتِ بِالْحَقِّ ذَلِكَ مَا كُنْتَ مِنْهُ تَحِيدُ

Meaning: " And the (hour) of mortal agony will come - the truth in which there is no doubt and which you tried to avoid "(Kaf, verse 19). Allah also said:

وَلَوْ تَرَى إِذِ الظَّالِمُونَ فِي غَمَرَاتِ الْمَوْتِ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ بَاسِطُو أَيْدِيهِمْ أَخْرِجُوا أَنْفُسَكُمُ الْيَوْمَ تُجْزَوْنَ عَذَابَ الْهُونِ

Meaning: " ...If you saw how these wicked are in the abyss of death, and the angels extract souls from their bodies harshly and cruelly, you would see the terrible torment to which they are subjected, and the angels then say to them: “Now begins your humiliating punishment for that you lied against Allah and exalted yourself over His signs in the Universe and over the Quran, neglected them and did not reflect on them "(al-Anam, verse 93).

It is conveyed in one story that happened to the people who lived before us. Jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

أَنَّ قَوْمًا مِنْ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ خَرَجُوا يَمْشُونَ فِي الأَرْضِ وَيُفَكِّرُونَ فِيهَا ، فَمَرُّوا بِمَقْبَرَةٍ ، فقالوا : لو دعونا الله أن يخرج لنا رجلاً من أهل هذه القبور فَنَسْأله عَن المَوت ، فَدَعوا الله فَخَرَجَ إِلَيْهِمْ رَجُلٌ بَيْنَ عَيْنَيْهِ أَثَرُ السُّجُودِ ، أَسْوَدُ أَوْ حَبَشِيٌّ - أَحَدُهُمَا - فقال : يا قومٍ ، مَا أَرَدْتُمْ إِلَيَّ ؟ لَقَدْ رَكِبْتُمْ مِنِّي أَمْرًا عَظِيمًا ، فَقَالوا : دَعَونَا الله أَنْ يُخْرِج لَنَا رَجُلا نَسْأله عَن المَوت ، فقال : لَقَدْ وَجَدْتُ طَعْمَ الْمَوْتِ وَحَرَارَة المَوْت مُنْذُ أَرْبَعِينَ عَامًا ، فَوَافَقَتْ دَعْوَتُكُمْ سُكُونَهُ عَنِّي ، فَادْعُوا اللَّهَ أَنْ يُعِيدَنِي كَمَا كُنْتُ ، فَدَعَوْنا ، فَأَعَادَهُ كَمَا كَانَ .

Meaning: “One of the people from the children of Israel walked on foot through this land, being in thought and, passing by cemeteries, they said:

“Should we ask Allah for a man from the inhabitants of the graves to speak to us, and we would ask him about death?” As soon as they prayed to Allah about this, the deceased immediately appeared from the grave.

This deceased was a righteous man and zealous in the worship of Allah, as evidenced by the mark on his forehead from constant prostration (in this world). Then the deceased asked them:

“What do you need from me? Truly, you have burdened me with a huge task (disturbed).” They said: “We prayed to Allah to raise (from the dead) the person from whom we ask about death,” then the deceased said:

“Truly, I have felt the taste (bitterness) of death for forty years, and the day of your prayer and the departure of the bitterness of death coincided. Ask Allah to return it as it was (i.e. peace),” and the people turned to Allah with a request for the deceased” (Ithaf al-Khairat, volume 2, p. 420).

Every soul will taste death...

Now, who will experience death? Will there be exceptions? If so, for whom?

Everything that is created is mortal, except that which Allah willed to be eternal. Over the entire life of mankind, some people try to refute everything that is not visible to the eye and cannot be felt by touch, there are even people who deny God, but there is a phenomenon that cannot be denied, and even if denied, it is still irreversible - death.

The hadith says:

الموت كأس وكل الناس تشربه

Meaning: " Death is a cup and all men will drink from it "(Imam Muslim).

The whole life is given to a person to test how he will spend it - whether he will submit to Allah or submit to Satan. Allah said in the Qur'an:

الذي خلق الموت والحياة ليبلوكم أيكم أحس عمل

Meaning: " Who created death and life to test you to see who was the best of you in deeds "(al-Mulk, verse 2). That is, the life we ​​live is a test for us; accordingly, troubles, illnesses and failures are a test from Allah in order to test our faith.

Death- this is not a punishment, but a test of a person; through the hardships of mortal torment, a person’s sins are forgiven.

Allah said in the Qur'an:

كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَآئِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ

Meaning: " Every soul (that is, everything that has a soul) will certainly taste death (its bitterness). Then the angels said: “We are not physical creatures and death will not touch us!", at this time another verse was revealed:

كُلُّ مَنْ عَلَيْهَا فَانٍ وَيَبْقَى وَجْهُ رَبِّكَ ذُو الْجَلالِ وَالإِكْرَامِ

Meaning: “Everyone (man, genie, angels) who is on it (earth) will disappear, except your Lord,” the angels in heaven again said: “We are the inhabitants of heaven, death will not touch us, but only those on earth,” and then another verse came that said:

كُلُّ شَيْءٍ هَالِكٌ إِلاَّ وَجْهَهُ لَهُ الْحُكْمُ وَإِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ

Meaning: " Every thing dies except Allah, and to Him belongs the decision, and to Him is your return " Death will be felt by every living thing, jinn and even angels, in heaven and on earth, everything that has a soul will die except Allah Almighty and Ever-Living.

As we understand, there are no exceptions before death, except for Allah, the Creator of all things, even the Angel of Death himself will be killed by the will of Allah.

If any of the creations could at least avoid this bitterness, then the most worthy would be the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and other messengers, and if Allah made an exception, then again the first on the list would be Muhammad (peace be upon him). and blessing). But we see that they are not with us, they have left this world.

How to prepare? What to do?

When we are convinced that we cannot escape from death and this is an inevitable fate with arguments from the Koran, Sunnah and logic, then we must resign ourselves and prepare for it. The best provision is fear of God. Allah said in the Qur'an:

تَزَوَّدُوا فَإِنَّ خَيْرَ الزَّادِ التَّقْوَى وَاتَّقُونِ يَا أُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ

Meaning: " Stock up on provisions, and the best provision is fear of God, so fear Me, O people of understanding. " The most useful thing for a person in the eternal world is his fear of God and, of course, his good deeds.

No one knows when his hour of death will come, a person will not spend an extra second on earth, and will not leave this world a second earlier than the time prescribed by Allah. May Allah help us in good deeds and make the words with our last breath words of testimony about monotheism.

When I say to myself: “We are all going to die,” my mood immediately improves. I want to work, love, listen to some energetic music. Doctor, isn’t that the case with you? Well, try it, tell yourself: “We are all going to die, we are all going to die, we are all going to die...” Yeah, you see - you are smiling!

Doesn’t Franz Liszt’s “Funeral Songs” make you want to live? And from Mozart’s “Requiem”? What about the deadly heavy songs of Pyotr Mamonov or Radiohead? Why is the theme of the inevitability of death so invigorating?

If anyone hasn't realized yet, this is a column about National Unity Day. But first things first.

Recently I was digging a grave. Where, to whom, why - you can find out from my upcoming report in the Russian Reporter. But in fact, that's not what matters. Something else is important. It turns out that digging graves is also a surprisingly positive activity. I recommend it to everyone as the best remedy for depression. But on one condition: the deceased must die a natural death, preferably over seventy years old, so that his life can be lived to the end. Only then will you achieve enlightenment. Only in this case will you feel with your whole body that the funeral of a naturally deceased person is the same part of life as childbirth, a wedding, christening or seeing off a child for the first time in first grade. This feeling, multiplied by the production of endorphins through a fair amount of physical activity, ultimately gives an amazing effect.

Let me remind you again: this column is about national unity. But let's move on.

I am, of course, afraid of death. Everyone is afraid of death. Someone is simply afraid of it with animal fear, without any attempt at awareness. Some people think that after that there will be nothing at all, insects will just come, crawl into your eyes, ears, gnaw through your armpits, and in a month they will crawl away about their business. Someone is afraid not even of the eternal torment that he honestly earned in this life. Only the greatest sinners are not afraid of death, who are sincerely confident that a place in heaven has been reserved for them and a visa has been issued. I’m not a great sinner, I’m an ordinary sinner, so I’m a little jittery on the plane, and on a dark night I try to avoid rowdy people.

But fear is fear, and for some reason “memento mori” still cannot but please. Just some endless source of positivity - like watching kittens or jumping on a trampoline.

Positive first. “We will all die” relieves any tension like a hand. The session is just around the corner, the deadline is overhead, there’s still a whole half month until payday - God, how petty and ridiculous all this is compared to the fact that we all will soon get off this train going only in one direction.

The second positive. “We will all die” instantly extinguishes any aggression. Some fool was rude to you, and at the most inopportune moment, when all your nerves were already on end. I really want to ruin his face or at least his mood. But you just have to accept a little “we will all die” - and now you are drawn not to kill your offender, but to hug him. After all, he and I have so much in common. We will all die.

“We will all die” does not allow what is called conscience to completely fade away in a person. You will not be influential and omnipotent forever. Sooner or later, important ties will be broken, our strong patrons will all die, you will become as helpless as those whom you oppress today. And it’s somehow inconvenient in front of our descendants. I want them to tell legends about you, compose songs, raise toasts. And I don’t want them to curse the day you were born. “We will all die” is the only judge on this planet who cannot be bribed or killed.

Finally, “we will all die,” like aspirin for a hangover, cures any social tension. Who is to envy if everyone sooner or later becomes corpses and is buried in the ground by the strong hands of positive gravediggers? Is it something to envy, the one that glows under the spotlights on TV? Or that one - at a table in a cool restaurant with a beautiful madame? Or maybe the teenager who just cut you off, who is dispersing the Moscow smog in his dad's Bentley? Or the inhabitant of the grave, who lies under three tons of granite and a pile of flowers?

I really hope that I don’t see the day when stupid humanity comes up with a cure for. Or at least doping, which prolongs life two to three times. I don’t believe in the possibility of the first at all, but the possibility of the second is not excluded. But from the moment the first video advertising this rubbish is released in the media, we will all begin to die much faster than before. Because life expectancy depends not only on the characteristics of the body’s vital functions, but also on external influences on it with blunt and sharp objects. The likelihood of which increases sharply in the era of disruption of the balance of power and opportunity in society.

“We will all die” is the main national idea of ​​Russia. “We will all die” is the main national idea of ​​all states of this world. “We will all die” is a humanity-forming circumstance, without which world peace would instantly end, and very soon the entire history of the human race. E the only thing that unites us truly and firmly at the moment. State ideology, geopolitical orientation, the balance of power in the world - all this can change at any moment. Universal and inevitable death is the only indestructible factor of stability and a call to a meaningful life. Well, how can you not be happy? We're all going to die, we're all going to die, we're all going to die... Take care of yourself.

Doctor, there’s something wrong with death... When I tell myself: “We’re all going to die,” my mood immediately improves. I want to work, love, listen to some energetic music. Doctor, isn’t that the case with you? Well, try it, tell yourself: “We are all going to die, we are all going to die, we are all going to die...” Yeah, you see - you are smiling!

Doesn’t Franz Liszt’s “Funeral Songs” make you want to live? And from Mozart’s “Requiem”? What about the deadly heavy songs of Pyotr Mamonov or Radiohead? Why is the theme of the inevitability of death so invigorating?

If anyone hasn't realized yet, this is a column about National Unity Day. But first things first.

Recently I was digging a grave. Where, to whom, why - you can find out from my upcoming report in the Russian Reporter. But in fact, that's not what matters. Something else is important. It turns out that digging graves is also a surprisingly positive activity. I recommend it to everyone as the best remedy for depression. But on one condition: the deceased must die a natural death, preferably over seventy years old, so that his life can be lived to the end.

Only then will you achieve enlightenment. Only in this case will you feel with your whole body that the funeral of a naturally deceased person is the same part of life as childbirth, a wedding, christening or seeing off a child for the first time in first grade. This feeling, multiplied by the production of endorphins through a fair amount of physical activity, ultimately gives an amazing effect.

Let me remind you again: this column is about national unity. But let's move on.

I am, of course, afraid of death. Everyone is afraid of death. Someone is simply afraid of it with animal fear, without any attempt at awareness. Someone - because they believe that after death there will be nothing at all, insects will just come, crawl into your eyes, ears, gnaw through your armpits, and in a month they will crawl away about their business. Someone is afraid not even of death, but of eternal torment, which he honestly earned in this life. Only the greatest sinners are not afraid of death, who are sincerely confident that a place in heaven has been reserved for them and a visa has been issued. I’m not a great sinner, I’m an ordinary sinner, so I’m a little jittery on the plane, and on a dark night I try to avoid rowdy people.

But fear is fear, and for some reason “memento mori” still cannot but please. Just some endless source of positivity - like watching kittens or jumping on a trampoline.

Positive first. “We will all die” relieves any tension like a hand. The session is just around the corner, the deadline is overhead, there’s still a whole half month until payday - God, how petty and ridiculous all this is compared to the fact that we all will soon get off this train going only in one direction.

The second positive. “We will all die” instantly extinguishes any aggression. Some fool was rude to you, and at the most inopportune moment, when all your nerves were already on end. I really want to ruin his face or at least his mood. But you just have to accept a little “we will all die” - and now you are drawn not to kill your offender, but to hug him. After all, he and I have so much in common. We will all die.

“We will all die” does not allow what is called conscience to completely fade away in a person. You will not be influential and omnipotent forever. Sooner or later, important ties will be broken, our strong patrons will all die, you will become as helpless as those whom you oppress today. And it’s somehow inconvenient in front of our descendants. I want them to tell legends about you, compose songs, raise toasts. And I don’t want them to curse the day you were born. “We will all die” is the only judge on this planet who cannot be bribed or killed.

Finally, “we will all die,” like aspirin for a hangover, cures any social tension. Who is to envy if everyone sooner or later becomes corpses and is buried in the ground by the strong hands of positive gravediggers? Is it something to envy, the one that glows under the spotlights on TV? Or that one - at a table in a cool restaurant with a beautiful madame? Or maybe the teenager who just cut you off, who is dispersing the Moscow smog in his dad's Bentley? Or the inhabitant of the grave, who lies under three tons of granite and a pile of flowers?

I really hope that I don't see the day when stupid humanity comes up with a cure for death. Or at least doping, which prolongs life two to three times. I don’t believe in the possibility of the first at all, but the possibility of the second is not excluded. But from the moment the first video advertising this rubbish is released in the media, we will all begin to die much faster than before. Because life expectancy depends not only on the characteristics of the body’s vital functions, but also on external influences on it with blunt and sharp objects. The likelihood of which increases sharply in the era of disruption of the balance of power and opportunity in society.

“We will all die” is the main national idea of ​​Russia. “We will all die” is the main national idea of ​​all states of this world. “We will all die” is a humanity-forming circumstance, without which world peace would instantly end, and very soon the entire history of the human race. The only thing that unites us truly and firmly at the moment. State ideology, geopolitical orientation, the balance of power in the world - all this can change at any moment. Universal and inevitable death is the only indestructible factor of stability and a call to a meaningful life. Well, how can you not be happy? We're all going to die, we're all going to die, we're all going to die... Take care of yourself.

Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich

The diamond mirror is my true friend because when I show the number 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10, it will never show other numbers

Many believe that it is better to get lost in the crowd (herd), while others believe that it is better to go astray in search of truths. We were sincere in our delusions so that we are not mistaken, everything is justified by life. My research has shown that until now they have made mistakes even in addition and multiplication of 2 integers. They say that there should be a single science in the world - Arithgraph, on its basis the only education. In this science, the main role is played by a Rubik's cube of about 2400 - the size of the Universe. Let us recall that the Rubik's cube of order 3 appeared in 1974 as a toy on sale, and that its properties coincide with the properties of integers, I recently established. The set of integers Z consists of X - even - female, where the last right (left for peoples are written from left to right) digit: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and Y - odd - masculine, where the last right digit: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Then there is no integer that is both odd and even (both feminine and masculine). About this A.S. Pushkin: The queen gave birth to either a son or a daughter that night... A Rubik's cube of about 2400 is assembled from 2400 x 2400 x 2400 = 13824000000 cubes of the same size and color, even adding 1 or removing 1 cube violates the integrity. It is clear that Z = 13824000000, X = 6912000000 (even - female) and Y = 6912000000 (odd - male). If Z = 13824000000 cubes are placed in one row or on top of each other, without gaps, then we get a horizontal or vertical segment, where each cube has a number: even - female or odd - male. Every 6 base of a Rubik's cube 2400 is a large square divided into 2400 x 2400 = 5,760,000 small squares. This can be shown on graph paper. We know that 1 m = 1000 mm, then 2 m 40 cm = 2400 mm. Then the model - map of the Universe is 2400 mm x 2400 mm = 5,760,000 sq. mm, where 1 sq. mm – there is a planet with a size of 1000 km x 1000 km – 10 st. 6 sq. km, altitude 1000 km. The earth is a cube - a rubik of about 24, and not a globe, which should be inside the rubik, the diameter is a segment, length 24,000 km. Center (middle) of the segment (n/2) +1= (24/2) + 1 = 13 - intersection of 3 lines: vertical, meridian and equator, radius 12000 km - there is a point of intersection of 4 states - holy place 360: northern Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, southern Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, eastern Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, western Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Every 6th base is a 3rd square matrix and a 3rd square patrix. This can be imagined as a 24-storey cubic house, where each floor consists of 24 x 24 = 576 apartments - states. Then planet Earth consists of 576 x 24 13824 apartments - states, where each state has an area of ​​1000 km x 1000 km - 10 st. 6 sq. km.
Now let’s make a table of addition and multiplication 1 (female and male units), because Each integer is unique, but the distances between them are different and differ in gender:
X=2, Y=2; Z =X + Y = 4, Z = XY = 11 x 11 = 121; X= 3, Y=2; Z =X + Y =5, Z = XY = 111 x 11 = 1221;
X=3, Y=3; Z =X +Y = 6, Z = XY = 111 x 111 = 12321; X= 4, Y=3; Z =X +Y =7, Z = XY = 1111 x 111 = 123321;
X=4, Y=4; Z =X +Y = 8, Z = XY = 1111 x 1111 = 1234321; X=5, Y=4; Z =X +Y =9, Z = XY = 11111 x 1111 = 12344321;
X=5, Y=5; Z=X+Y = 10, Z = XY = 11111x11111 = 123454321;
X= 6, Y=5; Z =X+Y =11, Z = XY = 111111x11111 = 1234554321;
X= 9, Y=9; Z =X+Y =18, Z = XY = 111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321;
X= 10, Y=9; Z =X+Y =19, Z = XY = 1111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678998765421
X=10, Y=10; Z=X+Y=20, Z =XY = 0111111111x1111111110 = 0123456789876543210;
X= 11, Y=10; Z =X +Y =21, Z = XY = 01111111111 x 1111111110 = 01234567899876543210.
All these operations are performed by a 20-bit calculator, there are no errors.
Based on the table of addition and multiplication of 2 integers, we will make generalizations. The number 9876543210 is 9 billion 876 million 543 thousand 210. This means the number is 10 st. 10 is 10 billion, then the number 01234567899876543210 is one of the variants of the number 10, article 20, which is from 20 zeros to 20 nines.
If the integer is 100 st.100, then 10 st.200 = 10 st.100 x 10 st. 100. Then 1000 st.1000 = 10 st.3000 = 10 st.1000 x 10 st.1000 x 10 st.1000. We know that integers pass through 3 digits to the next number system, then the base of integers is 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10, i.e. Rubik's cube of order 10 - from 1000 cubes a Rubik's cube of order 10 is formed. Then from 1 billion = 10 st.9 cubes a Rubik's cube of order 1000 is formed. This shows that the Universe operates cubic, where the base is a large square, divided by the Rubik's order, coordinate system, and the rectangular (Cartesian) coordinate system was considered.
X= 12, Y=12; Z =X +Y =24, Z = XY = 111…111 x 111…111…11 = 12…11(12)11…21;
X= 13, Y=12; Z =X +Y =25, Z = XY = 111…111 x 111…111…11 = 12…11(12) (12)11…21;
X= 180, Y=180; Z =X +Y =360, Z = XY = 111…111 x 111…111…11 = 12…179(180)179…21.
X= 181, Y=180; Z =X +Y =361, Z = XY = 111…111 x 111…111…11 = 12…179(180) (180)179…21.
X= 1000, Y=1000; Z =X +Y =2000, Z = XY = 111…111 x 111…111…11 = 12…999(1000)999…21.
X= 1001, Y=1000; Z =X +Y =2001, Z = XY = 111…111 x 111…111…11 = 12…999(1000) (1000)999…21.
If at the ends of a segment of 2000 we place a cube with a charge (+) plus, and at the other end a cube with a charge (-) minus, then they, attracting each other, meet simultaneously in the middle of the segment, each passing a distance of 1000 units, if there is no obstacles. Then give them charges of the same name, then they will return to their original positions with such speed. Then Newton's universal law of gravitation add repulsion.
I offer new DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) - small from a millimeter and RNA (Ribonucleic acid) - large from a millimeter there are cells that every organism contains.
The bases of integer n and 1/n (respectively +n and +1/n, - n and - 1/n) numbers are 1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 and 1/1000 = 1/ (10 x 10 x 10). Then accordingly
+1000 = +(10 x 10 x 10); 1/1000 = +1/ (10 x 10 x 10).
- 1000 =- (10 x 10 x 10); - 1/1000 = -1/ (10 x 10 x 10).
RNA: 1000 st.0 = 1, 1000 st.1 = 1 thousand. 1000 st.2 = 1 million,
1000 st. 3 = 1 billion. 1000 st. 4 = 1 trillion, 1000 st. 5 = 1 quadrillion, 1000 st. 6 = 1 quintillion, 1000 st. 7 = 1 sextillion, 1000 st. 8 = 1 octillion, 1000 st. 9 = 1 septillion, 1000 st. 10 = 1 ionillion.
DNA: 1000 st. 0 = 1.1000 st. -1 = 1 milli, 1000 st. -2 = 1 micron, 1000 st. -3 = 1 nano, 1000 st. -4 = 1 picot, 1000 st. -5 = 1 femto, 1000 st. -6 = 1 otto, 1000 st. -7 = 1 butto, 1000 tbsp. 8 = 1 sone, 1000 st. 9 = 1 surai, 1000 st. 10 = 1 murad. It is clear that Z = X + Y is a linear function, where X is an even integer, Y is an odd integer. DNA and RNA were considered to be helices, but they turn out to be a linear function.
Let's find a new living language that can unite Humanity. Currently, words do not have numbers in the dictionaries of the peoples of the world, so automatic translators make mistakes when translating. There are more than 1 million 200 thousand words in the English language. Of these, take 1 million words that are often used, give them numbers from 6 zeros to 6 nines, then each word will have a single meaning, then the translators are not mistaken. This way you can create a single language in the Universe - a single people, a single education, a single science - Arithgraph and a single religion. So, we do not educate and teach Men - Gods and Women - Goddesses, but we churn out 25-year-old ideal couples, then the needs of educational and educational institutions disappear. Let's get rid of existing animal methods of reproduction. Reproductive organs are used for cleansing and pleasure of organisms
Now the Presidents of the world will be offered:
- change the map - models of the Earth - 576 states of only 24 floors, the Universe - 13824000000 states - planets, table of addition and multiplication of 2 integers;
- introduce: New calendar for the Earth and the Universe, new DNA; RNA;
- create: A single language - a single people, a single science - Arithgraph, on its basis a single education, a single religion, ideal couples are cloned: Men - Gods and Women - Goddesses, we stop the existing animal methods of reproduction,
- Fermat’s Last Theorem and the Pythagorean Theorem are the proof of the theorem of M. Saparov - mine, then it turns out that we have still confused the proof with the theorem, not knowing the theorem itself, then the reaction is:
- USA - immediate impeachment;
- Japan - the Prime Minister resigns, the Minister of Education commits hara-kiri;
- China - an extraordinary congress of the Communist Party is announced;
- European - early re-elections with the opposition coming to power;
- African - another armed coup;
- Asian - immediately find the authors and punish them as opponents of the will of Allah;
- In Russia - everyone allowed to broadcast is lining up to say that these are long-overdue decisions, but now they are especially relevant.

Recently, people's concerns about combat robots have become more frequent. Indeed, what if the robots do not recognize the target correctly and kill their own instead of the enemy? But it turns out that the danger of such phenomena has existed for a very long time. And all because humanity invented combat robots in the middle of the last century. I told about this problem.

Older than we thought

While the public may be concerned about so-called "killer robots", the concept is not new - SWORDS machines were used in Iraq as far back as 2007. But our relationship with such tools goes even deeper into the past. This is because when people say "robot", they can mean any technology with some form of "autonomous" element that allows it to perform a task without the need for direct human intervention.

During World War II, a fuse was developed to converge artillery shells at a specified distance from their target. This made projectiles much more effective than before by reducing the number of decisions entrusted to a human and, in some cases, taking the human out of the loop entirely.

Man vs. robot

One of the most controversial issues surrounding the war is the role of the drone or "operator". Like all personnel, these operators have a responsibility to “do their job well.” However, the conditions for success are far from clear. The job of drone operators is less about making human decisions and more about following directions accurately. If the computer tells them to kill, is there a reason why they shouldn't?

A similar argument applies to the modern soldier. Soldiers today carry numerous devices that link them into a vast network. This network tracks and controls soldiers at every turn. This fact leads to an ethical conundrum. If a soldier's goal is to follow orders—and his superiors monitor him with cameras—then why do we even bother with human soldiers?

Ethical cover

After all, machines are much more efficient than humans and do not suffer from fatigue and stress in the same way as humans. If soldiers behave just like robots, then what is the point of shedding unnecessary blood of allies? The answer here is that the human being serves as a kind of "ethical cover" for what is in reality an almost entirely mechanical, robotic act.

Just as the drone operator's job is to monitor the computer-controlled drone, the human's role is simply to act as an ethical cover in case something goes wrong.

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