Recipes for Beginners

Scrub soap with tea tree oil

100g for children
- 50 ml of milk (yes, exactly 50. The soap goes well)
- 30 ml sesame and olive oil
- 1 tsp vitamin E
- 1 tsp red clay (or other)
- 1 tsp ground oatmeal (less possible)
- several drops of tea tree essential oil

Moisturizing facial soap. This is a very gentle soap that is suitable for the most sensitive skin.

150 g of soft, high-quality natural soap without fragrances
- 15 ml cocoa or jojoba butter
- 50 ml of strong chamomile infusion
- 10 ml almond oil
- 5 ml honey (if you are not allergic to honey)
- 8 drops rosewood or lavender essential oil

Honey(I really like it. Soft. Great for the body)

100g soap

50-100ml milk or cream
- 30ml (2 tbsp) base oil
- 2-3 tbsp. l honey (put some first, the second part at the very end)
- essential oils, vitamins, etc. - optional.

Turpentine soap. Contains turpentine emulsion. Very useful. Opens capillaries and removes toxins. The smell is specific. Turpentine imulsions can be purchased at the pharmacy. There is a white emulsion (for people with low blood pressure) and a yellow solution (for those with high blood pressure).

Children's 100g
- 60ml milk
- 1-2 tbsp. l sesame oil (or other)
- 2 tsp bonfire oil (to improve soapiness)
- 1 tsp vitamin E
- 2 tsp aloe juice
- 2 tsp lemon juice (to neutralize alkaline effects)
- 1-2 tbsp. l turpentine white emulsion

Coconut soap.

Grind 2-3 tablespoons of coconut flakes in a coffee grinder (optional).
- pour 200 ml of water. Boil. Strain.
- pour soap shavings (100-150g) with this milk
- 3 tbsp. l base oil (optional, coconut or mix)
- coconut flakes from the decoction.
- other ingredients as desired.
The soap turns out to be gentle.

Soap "Coffee"

1. baby soap (Svoboda company, baby soap with string) – 100g
2. jojoba oil – 1 tsp.
3. almond oil – 3 tsp.
4. castor oil – 1 tsp.
5. ground coffee – 3 tsp.
6. cinnamon – 2 tsp.
7. vanilla sugar – 3 tsp.
8. honey – 2 tsp.
9. water – 100 ml.
10. coffee beans for decoration – 3 tsp.
11. milk chocolate – 2 pieces

Soap making process:
1. Grate soap (100 g).
2. Grate milk chocolate (2 slices).
3. Pour water (100 ml) into the pot, add ground coffee (3 tsp), ground cinnamon (2 tsp), vanilla sugar (3 tsp). Cook, stirring constantly over medium heat. Without bringing to a boil, remove from heat.
4. Prepare a “steam bath”.
5. As soon as the water boils, pour carrier oils into the inner bowl: jojoba oil (1 tsp), almond oil (3 tsp), castor oil (1 tsp).
6. Add grated soap into the heated oil, stirring constantly.
7. Pour warm coffee, previously brewed in a Turk, into the warm shavings of soap and oil.
8. To make the soap melt faster, add honey (2 tsp) to the mixture.
9. Add grated chocolate to the melted mass. Mix. The consistency of the soap mass should be similar to pancake batter.
10. Prepare the molds. Lubricate them from the inside with a base oil (any kind). Sprinkle coffee beans on the bottom.
11. Remove the soap mass from the “steam bath” and pour into the molds.
12. Cool slightly.
13. Place the molds with soap in the freezer for 30 minutes.
14. Remove the soap from the molds and leave to dry at room temperature.

Coffee with cinnamon (scrub soap)

Soap base - 200 gr.
Water for brewing coffee - 250 gr.
Base oils: olive, sea buckthorn, vitamin E - 1 tablespoon each.
Essential oils: ylang-ylang, patchouli – 5 drops each.
Additives: freshly ground coffee, cinnamon - to taste.
Prepare a decoction of black coffee. Prepare a soap base using coffee broth and oils. Add coffee cake, cinnamon, and essential oils to the melted soap. Mix everything and pour into molds.
Very important! The coffee should be ground as finely as possible! Otherwise it will scratch when washing!

Chocolate cocktail (divinely fragrant soap)

Soap base - 200 gr.
Water for making cocoa - 250 gr.
Base oils: olive, peach, vitamin E, jojoba oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.
Essential oils: patchouli and rose oil - 5 drops each.
Additives: white chocolate bar 100 g, cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. spoons with top, vanillin - 5 gr.
Boil cocoa powder in water. Prepare a soap base using cocoa infusion and oils. Add a chocolate bar, vanillin and essential oils to the melted soap. Mix everything and pour into molds.
You don’t have to heat the tiles further or put them on earlier. If you don't want to overpower the smell of chocolate, you don't have to add essential oils.

Vanilla orange (delicious soap)

Soap base - 200 gr.
Freshly squeezed orange juice and water 1:1 - 250 gr.
Base oils: olive, sea buckthorn, vitamin E, jojoba oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.
Essential oils: patchouli, rose oil and cedar – 3-6 drops each.
Additives: cinnamon (5 g), vanillin (5 g).
Warm up the orange juice. Prepare a soap base using water, adding orange juice during the process. Add cinnamon, vanillin, and essential oils to the melted soap. Mix everything and pour into molds.
If the soap does not melt in orange juice, then you need to increase the temperature and add a little sugar.

Hand soap (restorative)

The soap gently cares for the skin of your hands and nourishes it. Thanks to sea buckthorn oil, it has a healing effect.
basis - baby soap
+ olive and sea buckthorn oils, oat-milk jelly, “Vorozheya” hand cream, turmeric, tangerine essential oil
oatmeal-milk jelly... I don’t remember the exact ratio of products, but I’ll write approximately. In general I did this:
Take 1-2 glasses of milk, heat it, add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, cook like porridge for 5 minutes, add 1 tsp. l. starch diluted in cold water. I bring it to a boil. I strain through a sieve. Kissel is ready.

It should turn out liquid, slightly thicker than water, otherwise it will be difficult to make soap with it. If it is too thick, dilute with water or milk.

Functional peeling soap for showering “Coffee”.
Compound: “Duru” soap + oils (olive, almond, grape seed, castor), decoction of flax seeds and oak bark, aloe juice, vitamin E, “Children’s” cream, ground coffee beans.
I would clarify that it is better to use brewed coffee, then the soap will have more beneficial coffee oil and the grind itself will not be so rough on the skin. I use brewed coffee to exfoliate my body, the effect is amazing. Coffee oil makes your skin very soft and soft.
? Approximately how much coffee do you put in?
I added a teaspoon. More is possible.

Soap "Avocado" (anti-aging)
Compound: base – Alice soap 220g + rice water 220ml,
150ml - olive
30ml - wheat germ (used for dry and mature skin, it also helps get rid of birth marks)
1 tbsp. l - castor
40ml - avocado puree mixed with lemon juice,
2 tsp. aloe juice
essential oils of rose, neroli (2 drops each)

Today we’ll talk about a spice whose excellent aroma can turn your head. This is cinnamon beneficial properties which we will discuss. After all, it attracts attention not only with its aroma and taste, but also with its medicinal properties.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Every housewife has cinnamon in her kitchen. Some people use it often, but others don’t, because they know little about its beneficial properties. The knowledge of some housewives is limited to the use of cinnamon as a spice. But, this is also an excellent medicine that is always at hand. So where is cinnamon used? We will look at the beneficial properties of this product right now!

First, let's talk about biological properties. Cinnamon is very rich in vitamins E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and manganese. Based on this list of vitamins and nutrients, we can confidently say for which diseases it is worth consuming cinnamon. These are diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, gall bladder.

For example, manganese helps produce the hormone thyroxine, which stimulates the thyroid gland. It improves memory, reduces irritability, and eliminates impotence. Manganese also regulates blood glucose levels, which is why cinnamon is used in diets for diabetics. This microelement also promotes the maturation of germ cells, fetal development and gestation during pregnancy.

Unique spice

Cinnamon's ability to attack harmful microorganisms has been noted, especially for stomach ulcers, gastritis, urinary tract infections and fungal diseases. One type of cinnamon - Chinese - infused with alcohol, can even kill the tuberculosis bacillus. Here's the usual spice - cinnamon. You've probably already noted why it's useful.

What about everyone’s favorite mulled wine in the winter? The warming properties of cinnamon in it are achieved due to cinnamic acid aldehyde, which is part of cinnamon. This useful substance helps us avoid hypothermia, and is also an antipyretic during colds. Truly a unique spice.

And yet, cinnamon essential oil can stimulate the functioning of brain cells. Improves memory and concentration, eliminates fear, gives joy and hope. Cinnamon is a good sedative. And also, by inhaling the aroma of cinnamon oil, you can improve your metabolism.

Benefits and applications in cosmetology

IN beauty salons Cinnamon essential oil is used to nourish the skin. It is included in cleansing masks, anti-cellulite creams, tonics, and soaps. These products stimulate blood circulation well, improve complexion, and give it freshness. Cinnamon extract contains huge amount tannins and antioxidants, and they relieve inflammation and stress well. What else is unique about cinnamon? How is it useful?

In principle, the use of cinnamon oil or extract is multifaceted. Wherever you feel the problem, adding a drop of oil can eliminate it. For example, if you have hair loss, add a little cinnamon oil to your shampoo. If you want to improve your complexion, mix your cream with oil, calculating 2 drops of oil per 15 ml of cream. But be very careful. For cosmetic purposes, use only oil from the extract of young leaves and green shoots. It is yellowish-brown in color. But if the oil resembles liquid gold, it is an extract from cinnamon bark and it is very irritating to the skin. It is used only for medical purposes.

Home Recipes

Here are a few recipes for masks that use cinnamon.

For example, to relieve inflammation, for those with sensitive skin, you can make a face mask: 1 tsp. cinnamon, 2-3 drops of lemon juice, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 1/3 banana - mix everything. Apply to face and rinse after 20 minutes. Rinse your face with boiled cool water.

And here is a mask for hair growth: 1 tsp. cinnamon, 2 tbsp. kefir, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 egg yolk. Mix everything and apply to hair, distributing evenly throughout hair. After 20 minutes, wash off.

If you know how to make soap self made, be sure to add cinnamon to it. The soap will not only look beautiful and smell pleasant, but also be able to play the role of a scrub.

Speaking about the benefits of cinnamon in cosmetology, we mainly mentioned its use at home. Why? Probably, due to its high cost, it is found in cosmetics very rarely. Although homemade beauty recipes are effective, do not forget to visit beauty salons. This will not only give you amazing results, but will also reveal several secrets of using cinnamon oil.

And more recently, European scientists discovered the benefits of cinnamon for weight loss. It turns out that cinnamon increases the metabolic rate several times, and perfectly suppresses appetite and hunger. Adding 0.5 tsp to food. cinnamon, you can control your weight.

But if you want to lose weight, then drink special cinnamon tea twice a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed. Here is his recipe: add 2-3 tsp to 1 liter of brewed green tea (without additives). cinnamon and juice of 1 lemon. Cool and store in the refrigerator. Take 1-2 glasses in the morning and in the evening. If you can't drink this specific tea, add honey.

Try it for yourself! Feel the beneficial properties of this excellent spice from the East!


Crazy about natural bar soap. Firstly, it smells delicious, and secondly, it is very beneficial for the skin, as it contains natural essential oils and more. Thirdly, it is aromatherapy in the shower or bath. And if it is with delicious cinnamon and aromatic vanilla, then the pleasure is double.

Full name: .

Orientation: for dry and sensitive skin.

Price: 280 rubles.

Place of purchase: Jurassicspa online store.

Manufacturer: LLC "ROYAL"

Package. Cardboard box white with a window in front. Its edges are decorated with a delicate floral pattern. Vintage style will appeal to everyone.

natural soap"Castilian" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

natural soap "Castile" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

On the back, that is, on a colored background, is the basic information about the product. This is the composition, special instructions, the effect of the components on the skin and everything about the manufacturer.

natural soap "Castile" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

The date of manufacture is printed in blue. The barcode corresponds to the Russian one.

natural soap "Castile" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

Inside the box there is soap sealed in transparent film.

natural soap "Castile" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

natural soap "Castile" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

natural soap "Castile" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

I'll show you the soap in film closer.

natural soap "Castile" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

And soap without film. The color resembles real sherbet. and how fragrant it is, even through the film the soap smelled of delicious cinnamon and vanilla.

natural soap "Castile" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

One side looks like it's broken.

natural soap "Castile" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

The reverse side is flat. The soap is comfortable to hold in your hand, the size is very small and not too big.

natural soap "Castile" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

Before I start describing the action, I’ll tell you a littlewhy exactly was it called "Castilian""this soap. And it's all in the composition.

The answer is simple - only that which is 100% natural and made from 90% extra virgin olive oil.

The history of its origin goes back to the Middle Ages. In those days, only aristocrats used such a product. The name was given in honor of the region located in Spain - Castile. It was there that this wonderful soap was brewed for the first time.

In action. The soap foams beautifully, emitting a lovely aroma with sweet and tart notes. A thick foam cloud gently covers every millimeter of skin.

natural soap "Castile" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

natural soap "Castile" Relic. Vanilla oil + cinnamon essential oil

Cleansing is excellent, removes odors perfectly and does not dry out the skin at all. I use it for the whole body, it’s even suitable for the face, although not all soaps are accepted by the skin of the face.

Suitable especially for dry and aging skin. Never caused an allergy. You can wash your face several times during the day, there will be no negative effects.

The presence of two types of clay in the composition evens out the complexion, brightens, thereby making the skin healthy. And relic salt plays the role of an antiseptic. Essential oils add an unforgettable scent to both your wash and your skin.

There is an EAC (Eurasian Conformity) mark.

In the future, I would like to try other soaps; I liked the anti-dandruff hair soap and the Strawberry Castille soap.

Soap Jurassic Spa Castile RELIC Vanilla and cinnamon

P.S.Castile soap will be just right for the cold seasons of the year like autumn and winter. When you want to warm up and cheer up.

Making your own cinnamon soap at home is not such a labor-intensive task. But you will know exactly what your soap is made of and what additional components are included in it.

And besides this, soap made with your own hands at home can serve as an excellent gift that can be prepared for absolutely any holiday. A handmade soap gift with health in mind is always better than one bought in a store.

Soap Ingredients:

  • white with transparent soap base (English production);
  • cinnamon, ground dry;
  • Avocado cosmetic oil;
  • aromatic cosmetic fragrance "Coffee with cinnamon";
  • brown pigment (dye) for soap;
  • mold with decorative recesses for soap;
  • sticks (wood or glass) for mixing;
  • pipette for filling small parts in soap.

The first stage of making cinnamon soap with your own hands: pouring the first layer - cinnamon sticks. You need to melt 25 grams of transparent soap base.

Add one drop of brown dye to it. Using a mixing stick, stir until the coloring is dispersed throughout the soap base.

And using a pipette, pour in the cinnamon sticks. We do this quickly and carefully, because... soap base in small quantities hardens quickly.

To prevent bubbles from forming on the surface, it must be sprayed with pure alcohol immediately after pouring. This way there will be no bubbles, and the adhesion between the layers will be stronger. And wait until the layer hardens well.

The next stage is the second: filling in the intermediate white layer. We drown 30 grams of white base. Add a couple of drops of cosmetic coffee-cinnamon fragrance to it.

And pour the base on top of the already well-frozen previous layer. Before doing this, spray the surface with alcohol again.

After pouring, do not forget to spray with alcohol. And leave it to harden.

The third stage is final: pouring the third useful layer. To do this, you need to melt 50 grams of white soap base, add 5-8 drops of the “Coffee with Cinnamon” fragrance, a small spoon of ground cinnamon, and half a small spoon of avocado oil.

Using a stick for mixing the ingredients, stir everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

And pour it on top of the previous well-frozen layer sprinkled with alcohol.

And sprinkle with alcohol.

Once the soap has completely hardened, you can remove it from the mold and use it.

This DIY cinnamon soap will have a warming and toning effect on the skin, and will moisturize well and give the skin elasticity.

I really liked the recipe for soap with milk and cinnamon. The finished soap is fragrant and very soft.

We will need:

  • 2 pieces of baby soap;
  • 1 – 2 tablespoons of glycerin;
  • 1 tablespoon liquid vitamin E;
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil;
  • 4 teaspoons of cinnamon (or so, I added about 3 tablespoons to the soap itself for the “eye” and left 1 spoon for decoration);
  • 150 ml. hot water and a little warm milk (2 - 3 tablespoons).

Grate the soap pieces on a coarse grater.

Pour the soap shavings into a saucepan and place it in a water bath. Gradually the soap begins to “melt” and we add water and milk to it.

Take a blender and beat the mass. So, we don’t have to stand at the stove for a long time - the blender significantly speeds up the process. Why do I add a little milk to the water? So that the soap shavings are not like a “paste” that even a blender cannot beat into a homogeneous mass. If there is no milk, you can add a teaspoon of honey, this will also help “soften” the mass.

So, beat the soap mass with a blender, gradually adding a small amount of water. The consistency of our mass should resemble thick sour cream. If you add too much water, the finished soap will turn out to be very soft, and it will simply be impossible to use.

Remove the saucepan from the water bath and add oil, glycerin, vitamin E and cinnamon to the mixture. Cinnamon will immediately color our soap light brown.

Pour our soap into molds, sprinkle cinnamon powder on top and place in a cool place for a couple of days (so that the soap dries).

You can use children's dishes, jars of yoghurt, cheese and desserts as molds.

Before pouring the soap into the molds, they need to be greased with some kind of oil (for example, olive or sunflower) so that we can easily get our soap out of the molds.