Biography of Mrochkovsky Nikolai Sergeevich- very bright and rich, and is a shining example of the path to success for an ordinary guy - without connections, starting capital and rich parents. Nikolai was born on February 3, 1983, lives in Moscow. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow state university. Now he is very successful and is one of the most sought-after and professional business coaches, consultants and investors. But he was not always a successful businessman and investor, driving a Mercedes and owning several businesses with a turnover of millions of dollars.

In my second year, realizing that I needed to earn money somehow, I began to find part-time jobs. In my fourth year I got a full-time job as an analyst at large company, only occasionally appearing at the university so as not to be expelled. The guy had big plans, but everything changed when he read Robert Kiyosaki’s book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, this was the end of 2005. The book literally blew his mind and opened his eyes to life.

Nikolay Mrochkovsky I thought that having gotten a job as an analyst as a trainee, he would then become a junior manager, then a manager, senior manager, department head, etc. He thought that he would eventually become some kind of top manager like a vice president or commercial director. And such a model career ladder, according to which most people live, and which seemed natural, after studying the ideas and books of Robert Kiyosaki, it completely lost its meaning...

He began to communicate with those people who had already passed this path and became heads of departments or the like. As it turned out, they constantly spent time at work, and they did not like this work. And although they received much more than an ordinary analyst, these people still did not have much money. They didn't have enough money.

This line of development of Mroczkowski’s life did not suit him at all, and after reading Kiyosaki’s book, it no longer made sense. The guy realized that he needed to move in a completely different direction. Robert Kiyosaki has two main models of achievement big money- This business And investment. Not understanding how he could do business, Nikolai Mrochkovsky chose investments.

Then he started looking for people who would teach investing. Nikolai Mrochkovsky’s very first mentor was Heinrich Erdman, who gave him a lot of knowledge and in whose team Nikolai worked closely for 3 years (2006-2008). This was work on a consulting project in the field of investment, that is, they invested in stock market, in mutual funds, in shares, etc. According to the author himself, it was Heinrich Erdman who taught Nikolai a lot, both in business, in investing, and in coaching, as they conducted trainings, seminars and master classes.

Another main mentor of Nikolai Mrochkovsky is Andrey Parabellum, who also gave him a lot of understanding in aspects of business and consulting. But even this knowledge was not enough for the aspiring businessman. By the way, the very first independent business Nicholas was unsuccessful and did not bring profit. Then he received personal training from many leading experts in business, marketing, management, sales, finance and personal effectiveness in Russia and the world, for example, Anthony Robbins, Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Stephen Covey, Dan Kennedy, Robin Sharma, Gleb Arkhangelsky, Alex Levitas , from Robert Kiyosaki (no longer from books, but in person), etc.

Today Nikolay has work in many major projects and companies great experience Experience in consulting, real estate investing, business management, personal development. The author's popularity came from his books, which became real bestsellers. Thus, Nikolai Mrochkovsky was glorified books "Extreme Time Management" And "Personal power" written jointly with Alexey Tolkachev, as well as book "Business without rules"(together with Andrey Parabellum). A book “Extreme Time Management” by Nikolai Mrochkovsky gave the businessman the Runet Prize in 2012. To date, Nikolai has already written more than 60 books!

The business coach also offers trainings and courses on a variety of topics, such as business management, sales and marketing, real estate investing, personal effectiveness, etc. For example, course "Money management" in which he shares financial management techniques for the richest people, course “SYSTEM for achieving results in life, career and business”, where the author describes his own model of achieving success in life. All the best and most advanced courses and trainings are available .

In recent years, the entrepreneur has been particularly intensively engaged in real estate investing in its various manifestations. After all, real estate is a very powerful tool not only for creating capital, but also for ensuring stable passive income. cash flow. , and on your YouTube channel Nikolai Mrochkovsky, together with his colleagues and students, shared strategies for making money on real estate, land plots and other investment objects (car rental, profitable garages, profitable containers, profitable websites, microloans (collateral loans), gadgets, franchises, cryptocurrencies and other topics). Main specialization Nikolay Mrochkovsky - investments in new buildings. The author is not a theorist, but a real practitioner. He teaches students only really working strategies for generating income in real estate, tested by him personally. That is, if Nikolay, for example, publishes information in a video on his YouTube channel about some new or old method of investing, then this means that Nikolay Mrochkovsky himself has already invested in this instrument, and he shares the results and talks about the pitfalls of one or another investment instrument, tells the truth about his mistakes, failures, failures in business and investments.

Investor Nikolai Mrochkovsky has successfully implemented several dozen projects for apartments, owns a number of investment properties (cars, garages, real estate in Thailand, etc.), from which he receives passive income. Students of Nikolai Mrochkovsky also successfully implement real estate investment strategies and receive stable passive income from properties.

The main idea of ​​the strategy for making money in real estate- dividing the big into the small. That is, you purchase a property and divide it into several mini-studios, which you then rent out and receive passive income. This can be realized using a mortgage with a minimum down payment, your own funds, investors’ funds, etc. As for new buildings, you can earn very good interest on buying new buildings at the initial stage and resale them after the house is commissioned. There are many nuances here, but achieving 200-300% on new buildings is real!

Learn more about Nikolay Mrochkovsky's real estate investment strategies , they are free.

Some people believe that Nikolai Mrochkovsky is a liar, not an investor! Someone thinks that he is a scammer and his strategies do not work, but he only makes money from his trainings. These are very strange and unsubstantiated statements, which are probably spread by those who have not even tried to follow the author’s advice. Nikolai Mrochkovsky always clearly demonstrates his investment objects that bring him income; at trainings and seminars he always explains his strategies using specific examples and answers all the students’ questions. Statement that "Nikolai Mrochkovsky is a deceiver or a fraudster" It is not supported by anything and makes no sense!

Those who really want to change their financial position, is ready to make efforts for this, follow exactly step by step plan investing by an experienced investor, and achieving results. Moreover, you can find a lot on the Internet reviews about Nikolai Mrochkovsky.

is an expert in real estate investing. Is this really so and how to choose the right investment property? It is this main issue that is devoted courses, trainings and books by Nikolai Mrochkovsky.

It's no secret that real estate is a truly popular investment tool around the world. The only question is whether now is really the right time to consider real estate as an investment. According to , you need to buy while everything is cheap, at the bottom, that is, when there is a period of crisis. In Chinese, the word crisis consists of two characters: the 1st means danger, the 2nd means opportunity. Therefore, the same as with the purchase valuable papers, real estate is on the one hand a danger, and on the other an opportunity. Why? Yes, because the prices are lower, cheaper, it is obvious that it is better to buy cheap and sell expensive, but usually people are scared. Why? Because - danger! During a crisis, people are afraid to buy everything! What if it will be even cheaper, what if everything will be absolutely terrible and vice versa, they buy when at the very peak everything is good, everyone is full of positive things, etc., when in fact it is not very profitable to buy. In this business you have to go against the crowd, that is, the crowd is usually always wrong - if everyone is running somewhere, then it’s too late to go there!

Everyone can't make money from real estate. To competently run a real estate business you need good knowledge, experience and ability to analyze and find alternatives. Are there prospects in the real estate market? As the official website of Nikolai Mrochkovsky tells us, there are two fundamental factors. The first factor is that Russia has a very low housing supply. If we look at our friends, relatives and acquaintances, we will probably find a lot of people who have an acute housing problem, that is, who need to buy and house children, parents or someone else. If you look at the statistics, Russia’s housing supply is at the level of Brazil, 2.5 times less than in the USA, Canada and other developed countries. The second factor is that very few new construction projects are starting now, about 2 times less than before the crisis. What does it mean? The fact that a bunch of facilities are now being introduced that began to be built even before the crisis. But in about a year and a half to two years, since there is little new construction to be done, the supply will be much smaller. Supply will drop significantly, there will be less new housing, and then prices should go up in any case.

Is real estate speculation or long-term investment? Investments in real estate - on the one hand, someone is engaged in this as speculation, for example, such real estate specialists are looking for apartments that people need to sell urgently and they make a 20% discount. And if a person has money, then he finds such options - he buys it 20% cheaper, and then calmly, within 2-3 months, sells it at full price. Here is an example of such classic speculation. On the other hand, for most people, real estate is still a long-term investment, it’s a long game when you buy an object, then, for example, you rent it out and it brings you stable passive income for many years, it itself grows in price, it doesn’t go anywhere. disappears because the lifespan modern houses not decades, but even centuries, can be passed on to children, grandchildren, etc.

For most people, the easiest way to invest in real estate is to buy apartments in new buildings. You can buy an apartment at different stages of building a house - at the excavation stage or at the stage when the house is almost completed. What is more profitable, what is more correct and most importantly, how to protect yourself? Courses, trainings and books by Nikolai Mrochkovsky help to get a more detailed answer to this question. However, it is more profitable to buy, of course, when they started building the house, there will be the biggest discount, that is, we can conditionally buy for half the price, for 60% of the cost, BUT today, according to Nikolai Mrochkovsky, this is very DANGEROUS! Because about a third of construction projects are in a problematic state. One way or another, they delay construction, freeze, etc. Therefore, for people who are just starting to use this tool, the safest option is to buy new buildings that are at the stage of issuing keys, because the risks are minimal, the house is delivered and when people receive a certificate of ownership, the housing becomes a secondary property and that’s another +15 to cost.

It is important to understand that in any case there are always risks. The main thing is to gain experience and learn. Courses, trainings and books by Nikolai Mrochkovsky will become a good support and confidence, will teach you all the intricacies of investing in real estate, and the blog of the company “Territory of Investment” will be an excellent ABC and assistant in this direction!

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Mrochkovsky Nikolai... Today we will talk about the success story of this active, positive person who infects with energy everyone who comes into contact with him.

Nikolai Mrochkovsky's areas of activity are information business, business management, management training successful business, sales and marketing.

Here are some of them: “Increasing sales”, “Business on autopilot”, “Personal effectiveness of a businessman” and many others.

In addition, we can meet Nikolai Mrochkovsky as a TV presenter or participant in television and radio programs on business topics.

And we can see Nikolai Mrochkovsky as an extreme athlete, now on the top of Elbrus, now diving, now rafting down mountain rivers, now windsurfing or on a bike ride in the Moscow region.

Andrey Parabellum and Nikolay Mrochkovsky in 2012 became the holders of a world record, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

And this record consisted of carrying out the most large-scale Online business training in the world, in which, think about it, 98 thousand people have registered!

Impressive, isn't it?!

In addition, Mrochkovsky writes books; there are about 60 of them in his archive. For two of them he received Runet awards. The Runet Prize was awarded for the book “Extreme Time Management” in 2012, and in 2013 for the book “Selling Texts”.

Books by Nikolai Mrochkovsky on information business

He has books on information business:

  • "Infobusiness. We make money by selling information”;
  • “Info business from scratch. 100 steps to creating your own money empire."

For an information businessman, the best-selling book by Nikolai Mrochkovsky and “Extreme Time Management” will be very useful.

The book “Extreme Time Management” was written in artistic genre, like the story of a young man, so it’s easy to read.

Book by Nikolai Mrochkovsky on making money on the Internet

  • “Fast money on the Internet. 50 ways to make money while sitting at home on your computer.”

He is fluent English language, and, by the way, advises everyone to master it.

And in order to learn foreign language he does not advise taking standard courses, but recommends Igor Serov’s seminar “How to easily and quickly learn any foreign language,” on the basis of which Mroczkowski himself teaches Egyptian Arabic.

Nikolai Mrochkovsky's attitude towards higher education

Mroczkowski’s attitude towards higher education is interesting. He believes that 5 years of studying at a university is a waste of time, since most of the information obtained there is not needed.

I believe that the fact that our universities do not provide practical, working knowledge is a problem of our education system, which needs to be changed at the state level.

And the very idea of ​​higher education is very correct and gives a lot for the development of a person as a harmonious personality.

Nikolai Mrochkovsky is also known as the founder of BizCon, an association of independent business consultants. At BizCon, you can get training for both beginner business consultants and more experienced ones.

If anyone is interested in this information, more details can be found on the BizCon website.

And it all started again with the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” remember both, who, like Nikolai Mrochkovsky, was delighted with it and considers it an impetus for a new successful life.

Photo provided by Nikolay. Although it is not a studio product, it is very valuable.

Of course, at first there was also increasing dissatisfaction with boring work, living from paycheck to paycheck, earning money not for yourself but for your bosses, the inability to do what you love, to travel only on long-awaited vacations.

And from this there is a growing feeling that something needs to change. And he changed, started creating his own own business. And before achieving success, there were failures, but Nikolai did not give up, he moved forward, at the same time he studied himself, and finally began to teach others.

Biography of Nikolai Mrochkovsky

After leaving school, he entered and graduated from Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, in 2006. While still studying at the university, Nikolai Mrochkovsky began working as an analyst in one of the international companies, where he was bored and there was no opportunity for career growth, and he goes on a free voyage.

In parallel with building his business, Mroczkowski studies personally from:

  • Stephen Coin;
  • Dena Kennedy;
  • Robin Sharma;
  • Gleb Arkhangelsky;
  • Alex Levitas and others.

He studies marketing, management, sales, finance, personal effectiveness.

Mroczkowski is married and has a growing son (edit: as of 2018, three children).

Blog of Nikolay Mrochkovsky

Nikolai Mrochkovsky has his own personal blog. You can go to the page Mroczkowski's blog.

In his recommendations to those starting their own business, including Internet business and MLM business Nikolai Mrochkovsky recommends, first of all, disconnecting from all distractions ( social media, ICQ, etc.) and work.

Don’t be afraid of failures, they are inevitable at the initial stages, and at the same time learn from people, from those who have already achieved success in this or that business.

Website of Nikolay Mrochkovsky

Among the projects of Nikolai Mrochkovsky is a website for businessmen Finance Consulting And school of winners.

By the way, on the latest website, registration for Mroczkowski’s webinar “How to create capital in real estate without large investments" That’s how versatile Nikolai Mrochkovsky is.

Courses by Nikolai Mrochkovsky

  • Secrets of creating capital in real estate;
  • Extreme time management training for winners “Five-year plan in 2 years”;
  • Training “Physical perfection and inner harmony”;
  • 3 proven ways to increase your income;
  • Seminar “Personal effectiveness of the winner”;
  • How to increase your income? Secrets of Rich Dad in Russia;
  • Seminar "Secrets of creating capital";
  • Training “Personal power”;
  • 5 reliable working ways to make money online during a crisis without leaving home;
  • Cash Flow on the Internet.

When you purchase information products, trainings, courses from Nikolai Mrochkovsky using the above links, I will return 10% of the costs to your wallet or card.

Affiliate program of Nikolay Mrochkovsky

You can right now become a partner of Nikolai Mrochkovsky and earn money by recommending his trainings.

Mrochkovsky Nikolay. The success story of a Runet information business coach. VIDEO

Watch the video with the success story of Nikolai Mrochkovsky.

Nikolay Mrochkovsky about the importance of our environment

Watch the video where Nikolai Mroczkowski talks about the importance of a positive environment for achieving success.

P.S. I am attaching a screenshot in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone can do it, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already making money, that is, from Internet business professionals such as Nikolai Mrochkovsky.

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Hi all! I will make a short review of a popular and well-known book, this is a bestseller of its kind - a book on time management - “Extreme Time Management”, the authors of which are Nikolai Mrochkovsky and Alexey Tolkachev.

The book is written in a form unusual for this topic - not in the form of a textbook with dry theory, but in the form of a fictional story, in which there is a main character and its own storyline. Therefore, the book is read “in one breath.”

The book has a main character, whose name is Gleb, an ordinary manager who floats with the flow of life, without taking any active actions to change it, because he does not see the point in this and is waiting for activities from the outside. Many readers will be able to recognize themselves in it. But on one decisive day, our hero meets a mentor who motivates him to change his life, giving direct instructions step by step. By reading this book, you and the main character can also change your life by doing the given exercises and homework, if of course you want.

Time management itself in its pure classical form is absent from this book. It seems to exist, but in a very simple “childish” form. This will be useful for beginners who want to gradually dive into this topic.

One of the most important ideas of the book is the wheel of life.
picture VitalijAdamsov

The Wheel of Life is a visualization various fields of your life, each is assessed on a 10-point system. 1 means that you are completely dissatisfied with the situation in this area of ​​your life. 10 – you are completely satisfied. Evaluation comes from your inner feelings. You can also choose the spheres yourself.

A few important thoughts from the book that I wrote down for myself:

Working 16 hours a day, seven days a week. This is how and only this way champions are born. And either you find a bunch of excuses why everything is still bad for you, or you work hard every day like Papa Carlo. In order to one day feel the taste of victory and enjoy it;

Selling something to an existing client costs about seven times less than attracting a new one;
As soon as the client agrees to buy something, immediately offer him something else. Many will agree;
You need to clearly state the specific result you want to get;
Mood is directly related to a smile. And if your mood is bad, then all you have to do is start smiling, and it will improve very quickly. Plus, smiling people are much more attractive;
Compared to the price of expensive services, the price of their normal services will seem much more affordable;
Don't go to bed until you've made a plan for tomorrow. Follow your plan every day;
Vacation planning. Do you always have time to refuel your car? Vacations are like refueling your car;
Develop a Morning Habit: Visualization Have a good day»;
Sleep one day a week without an alarm until you wake up on your own.

I recommend the book to those who want to get inspired to start changing something in their life in better side. For beginners in time management who want to “smoothly” enter this topic.
I thank the authors for advice and inspiration. Thanks to my “mentor” who recommended this book to me.