The effectiveness of the personnel search and selection process can be assessed by the following main indicators:

Timeliness: Does the search and selection system ensure that vacancies are filled in a timely manner, or is the organization experiencing problems due to the fact that it is not possible to find candidates who meet all the requirements? established requirements, stretches out for too long?

Simplicity and ease of use: Are the methods used too complicated? Do they provide a lot of unnecessary information that is never used when making decisions about hiring or screening candidates? Is the level of qualification of those specialists who have to use these methods sufficient?

Economical– price-quality ratio (selection costs – quality and value of selected candidates). Is it too expensive to select these categories of personnel? Is it justified to use complex and labor-intensive selection methods to select this category? Is it possible to reduce costs by using the simplest and cheapest tools possible in the early stages of selection?

Reliability of results provided by the personnel search and selection system.

To assess the effectiveness of the search and selection process for new employees, a number of quantitative indicators can be used to assess the quality of the organization’s current system of search and selection of personnel and characterize the work of personnel who have started working in the organization:

· Time (number of man-hours) to fill the vacancy;

· Costs of filling specific vacancies;

· The number of errors (incorrectly selected, dismissed, resigned) candidates to the number of all accepted ones over a certain period of time;

Duration of required training for new employees

· The time required for the employee to reach an acceptable level of productivity;

· The level of staff turnover, especially among new employees;

· The share of employees who have not completed the probationary period out of the total number of employees hired;

· Financial costs for ensuring the process of searching and selecting personnel;

· Violation level labor discipline among new employees (absenteeism, tardiness, absence from the workplace, not agreed with management, etc.);

· Level of defects and mistakes made by new employees;

· Frequency of equipment breakdowns due to the fault of new employees;

Efficiency of use by beginners necessary materials, components;

· The level of industrial injuries among new workers;

· Number of complaints from clients, consumers, suppliers due to the fault of new employees.

Additional information information about the quality of the personnel selection system used in an organization can be obtained from three sources: from the candidates themselves, from the organization’s employees and from those leaving. For this purpose, interviews, surveys, and performance assessment can be used.

Before interviewing resigning employees, it can be helpful to review the employee's personal files. Maybe their educational level is too high, and this job simply does not meet their expectations? What conditions do they have to work under? Do they work in their specialty?

It makes sense to schedule an interview with the quitting employee not on his last day of work, but a few days before his dismissal.

Questions for an interview with a quitter:

Þ Why are you resigning?

Þ What did you like about your job?

Þ What didn't you like about your job?

Þ How fair do you think your pay was?

Þ How did this job fit into your career plans?

Þ How fair and complete was the assessment of your work?

Þ Have you received sufficient recognition and encouragement for your contributions to the organization/department?

Information obtained from an interview with a quitter may be useful for the following purposes:

1. Help in retaining (retaining) good employees. If the reasons for turnover are identified, steps can be taken to overcome them.

2. Identifying shortcomings in employee selection. Information obtained from interviews with leavers helps identify the need for changes in selection criteria and explains why some workers leave while others remain. For example, company practices may require employees to perform different functions. While this may be acceptable to some workers, others may not like it. Realistic information about the job and a more serious search and selection of candidates for whom such work practices will be acceptable will avoid increasing dissatisfaction among staff and high levels of turnover.

An important component of personnel management is the assessment of its effective performance. In practice, when assessing labor productivity, quantitative (direct) and qualitative (indirect) indicators are used. Direct assessment indicators include: labor intensity or wage intensity, productivity, productivity and labor efficiency. Efficiency characterizes the ratio of the effect obtained to the costs of its implementation. Serbinovsky B.Yu. Personnel management: Textbook. - M.: Dashkov and Co., 2008. - P. 333 The efficiency indicator expresses the amount of income per unit of cost. Productivity is one of the indicators of the efficiency of using various resources, and in this case labor resources. It is determined by the ratio of the volume of production to the cost of the resource.

Labor productivity at domestic enterprises is measured in two ways. The first (output) allows you to determine the amount of products produced per unit of working time, the second (labor intensity) - the amount of working time spent on producing a unit of production. In practice, it is customary to calculate the absolute indicator of labor productivity, which characterizes the total annual volume of products produced, work performed and services provided per person. average employee: Pt = Vp / Rppp, where Pt is annual labor productivity; Вп - the total annual volume of produced products, works and services; Рпп - average annual number of production - industrial personnel. Personnel performance assessments are carried out periodically, including daily. Serbinovsky B.Yu. Personnel management: Textbook. - M.: Dashkov and Co., 2008. - P. 331

Indirect indicators for assessing personnel effectiveness are characterized by factors influencing the achievement of results. Such factors of labor productivity include: efficiency of work, intensity of work, quality of work and much more. Kovalev O.P. Responsibility as important characteristic modern management // Personnel management, - 2008.-№24.-P. 15-16.

The following methods are used to evaluate personnel:

  • -Questioning method. The assessment questionnaire is a specific set of questions and descriptions. The evaluator analyzes the presence or absence of the specified traits in the person being certified and notes the appropriate option.
  • -Descriptive assessment method. The evaluator must identify and describe the positive and negative behavioral traits of the person being assessed. This method does not provide for clear recording of results and is therefore often used as an addition to other methods.

Classification method. This method is based on ranking certified workers according to a certain criterion from best to worst and assigning them a certain serial number.

Rating or comparison method. It is based on an assessment of the employee’s suitability for the position held. This is a method of scaling the personal qualities of an employee. The most important component of this type of assessment is the list of tasks that the certified employee must perform. After compiling this list (it can also be taken from job descriptions) there is a study of activities taking into account the time spent by the employee on decision-making, methods of performing assigned tasks. It also takes into account how economically the employee uses material resources. Then the qualities of the certified employee listed in the list are assessed on a 7-point scale: 7 - very high degree, 1 - very low degree. Analysis of the results can be carried out either by the correspondence of the identified assessments to the reference ones, or by comparison of the results obtained from employees of the same position.

Specified distribution method. With this method, the person conducting the assessment is asked to give employees ratings within the framework of a predetermined (fixed) distribution of ratings. For example: 10% - unsatisfactory; 20% - satisfactory; 40% - quite satisfactory; 20% - good; 10% - excellent; total - 100%. The only thing that requires the employee is to write down the employee’s last name on a separate card and distribute them into groups in accordance with a given quota. Distribution can be carried out on different grounds (evaluation criteria).

Evaluation method by decisive situation. To use this method, evaluators prepare a list of descriptions of the “right” and “wrong” behavior of employees in typical situations- "decisive situations". These descriptions are divided into categories according to the nature of the work. Next, the person conducting the assessment prepares a journal for each employee being assessed, in which he enters examples of behavior for each rubric. This log is later used for evaluation business qualities employee. Typically, this method is used in evaluations made by the manager, rather than by colleagues and subordinates.

  • -Method of rating behavioral settings. It is based on the use of “decisive situations”, from which the required personal business and personal qualities of the employee are derived, which become evaluation criteria. The evaluator reads the description of any evaluation criterion (for example, engineering competence) in the rating questionnaire and puts a mark on the scale in accordance with the qualifications of the evaluator. An expensive and labor-intensive method, but accessible and understandable to workers.
  • -Behavior observation scale method. Similar to the previous one, but instead of determining the employee’s behavior in a decisive situation of the current time, the appraiser records on the scale the number of cases when the employee behaved in one specific way or another previously. The method is labor-intensive and requires significant material costs.

Method of questionnaires and comparative questionnaires. Includes a set of questions or descriptions of employee behavior. The appraiser puts a mark next to the description of the character trait that, in his opinion, is inherent in the employee, otherwise leaves an empty space. The sum of marks gives the overall rating of the questionnaire of this employee. Used for evaluation by management, peers and subordinates.

Interview. This technique is borrowed by HR departments from sociology. Here is an example of an interview plan for personality assessment. In the interview, it is important to obtain information about the following components and characteristics of the individual: intellectual sphere; motivational sphere; temperament, character; professional and life experience; health; attitude towards professional activities; early years; kindergarten; school; vocational training(primary, secondary, higher, professional); military service; attitude towards work at the company; hobbies; self-esteem of capabilities, health; marital status, family relationships; forms of leisure.

"360 degree assessment" method. An employee is evaluated by his manager, his colleagues and his subordinates. The specific assessment forms may vary, but all assessors complete the same form and the results are processed using computers to ensure anonymity. The purpose of the method is to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the person being certified. Belenko P. how to evaluate a top manager // Personnel Management, - 2006. - No. 19. - P. 32 - 33.

Method of independent judges. Independent members of the commission - 6-7 people ask the person being certified a variety of questions. The procedure is similar to cross-examination different areas activities of the person being certified. In front of the judge there is a computer on which the evaluator presses the “+” key in case of a correct answer and, accordingly, the “-” key in case of an incorrect answer. Upon completion of the procedure, the program issues a conclusion. It is also possible manual processing the employee’s answers, then the correctness of the answers is entered into a pre-compiled form.

  • -Testing. Various tests can be used to evaluate an employee. According to their content, they are divided into three groups: qualification, allowing to determine the degree of qualification of the employee; psychological, making it possible to assess the personal qualities of an employee; physiological, revealing the physiological characteristics of a person. Positive aspects test assessment is that it allows you to obtain a quantitative characteristic for most assessment criteria, and computer processing of the results is possible. However, when assessing the potential capabilities of an employee, tests do not take into account how these abilities manifest themselves in practice.
  • - Committee method. The assessment is carried out by a group of experts and is aimed at identifying the candidate’s abilities, giving him the right to apply for other positions, in particular for promotion. This technique consists of the following stages: the activity is divided into separate components; the effectiveness of each type of activity is determined in points on a scale (for example, from -10 to +10), and thus the degree of success is determined; three lists of jobs are compiled: those jobs that can be solved successfully, those that succeed from time to time, and those that never succeed; the final one is issued comprehensive assessment. The assessment itself general view contains the following four actions: selection of qualities to be assessed, employee performance indicators; using different methods of collecting information; assessment information should provide a comprehensive picture of the person; comparison of the employee’s actual qualities with the required ones. The sets of qualities being studied are developed taking into account the tasks performed by the position. Typically, there are from 5 to 20 such qualities.
  • - Method of business games. Personnel assessment is carried out within the framework of specially designed simulation and developmental business games. Both the participants of business games themselves and expert observers are involved in the assessment. Attestation business games As a rule, they are carried out for results, which makes it possible to assess the readiness of personnel to solve current and future problems, as well as the individual contribution of each participant in the game. This assessment method can be used to determine the effectiveness of staff teamwork.
  • - Method for assessing the achievement of goals (Method of management through goal setting). The manager and subordinate jointly determine the key goals of the employee’s activities for a certain period (one to six months). Goals should be specific, achievable but challenging, and meaningful to both professional development employee, and to improve the organization’s activities. The established goals outline the employee’s sphere of responsibility and the range of his responsibilities for the specific time frame that is necessary to achieve the intended result. These results must be measurable at least as a percentage. Results are assessed jointly by the manager and the employee based on individual standards for achieving goals, but the manager has a casting vote in summing up the results.
  • - Assessment method based on competency models. Belenko P. how to evaluate a top manager // Personnel Management, - 2006. - No. 19. - P. 32 - 33 Competence models describe the intellectual and business qualities of an employee, his interpersonal communication skills necessary for successful professional activities within the existing framework of the organization corporate culture. The gap between the required and existing level of competence becomes the basis for the development of individual professional development plans. The implementation of these plans, which is expressed in specific results of professional activity, is the subject of assessment and self-assessment, as well as independent examination. Krymov A.A. You are a personnel manager. - M.: Vershina, 2006. - P. 174

Currently, domestic and foreign enterprises are assessing the business qualities of personnel. Business assessment is understood as a procedure carried out to determine the degree of compliance with certain requirements, the personal qualities of an employee, and the qualitative and quantitative results of his activities. Personnel management: Tutorial/ V.N. Fedoseev, S.N Kapustin. - M.: Exam, 2004 - P. 96 The task of a business assessment of an employee is to identify: his labor potential, the degree of its use, the employee’s suitability for the position held, his readiness to take another specific position. Business assessment is directly linked to improved performance economic activity organization, since based on the results it becomes possible to: identify the direction of advanced training of employees; improving the placement of personnel through the implementation of plans personnel reserve; improving the forms and methods of work of managers and specialists; stimulation labor activity personnel through a more complete accounting of labor results in the material reward system; developing a positive attitude towards work; increasing job satisfaction.

Business assessment is aimed at solving such management problems as: personnel selection (assessment of qualifications and personal qualities applicants); determining the degree of compliance with the position held (analysis of the rational placement of personnel, certification of employees, assessment of the clarity and completeness of performance of job duties, evaluation of employees after completing an internship or probationary period); improving the use of personnel (determining the degree of workload of employees and the use of their qualifications, improving the organization of managerial work); identifying the employee’s contribution to labor results; promoting employees and identifying the need for advanced training; improving the structure of the management apparatus; improvement of management. Alexandrova N. Features of assessing the effective performance of personnel operating in a competitive market // Personnel Management, - 2008. - No. 15 - P. 43 - 45.

In the practice of domestic and Western countries, there are three groups of personnel assessment methods: qualitative, quantitative and combined. Personnel management: Textbook / V.N. Fedoseev, S.N. Kapustin-M: Exam, 2004 - P. 101 K qualitative methods include the biographical description method, business characteristic, standard, assessment based on discussion. Quantitative methods include all methods with a numerical assessment of the level of employee qualities. These methods include the coefficient method and the point method. TO combined methods include methods of expert assessments, special tests and other combinations of qualitative and quantitative methods.

Ilyasova E. T.

Almaty Management University



In conditions of fierce competition, the issues of calculating performance indicators of a particular area of ​​activity of an organization, the use of a particular resource, system, source, become critical for the functioning and development. Every manager and owner has a high level of interest in finding methods to achieve the maximum level of efficiency for all types of business processes in the company. In the field of human resource management of an organization, HR specialists and managers at all levels have a need to evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process of company employees.

Key words: personnel management, selection and recruitment

Ilyasova E. T.

Almaty Management University



In a competitive environment issues for calculating performance of a particular sphere of activity of the organization, the use of a resource, the system, sources, are critical to the functioning and development. Each manager and the owner has a high level of interest in the search for methods to achieve the maximum level of efficiency in all types of business processes in the company. In the area of ​​human resource management organization, from HR professionals, managers at all levels, there is a need to evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment and selection of employees.

Keywords: personnel management, selection and recruitment

In this article, we want to highlight four main methods for assessing the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process of employees in an organization. When using each of them, related factors are analyzed, which helps to draw objective conclusions about the level and effectiveness of the system of recruitment and selection of employees as a whole. Let us highlight and characterize the following methods for assessing the effectiveness of recruitment and selection of personnel:

– calculation of the implementation of recruitment plans;

– calculation of general indicators of staff turnover in the organization;

– calculation of personnel turnover indicators among the organization’s personnel who worked during a specific period;

– calculation of indicators of the ratio of the growth of costs for recruitment and selection of personnel to the dynamics of growth of the organization’s performance indicators.

  1. Execution of planned work to recruit personnel for the organization. This indicator can be called a target indicator, the calculation of which gives the analyst answers to questions about the effectiveness of recruitment and selection of personnel.

Calculation indicators for this method possible when the organization carries out strategic planning. As part of the strategic plan, it is indicated in what time frame and how many employees the HR department in the organization should recruit and select. If there are such plans, then it is enough to compare the planned indicators with the actual ones. If there are deviations in favor of the planned indicators, it means that the work has not been completed in full and the recruitment system cannot be considered effective. In cases where there is more actual work than planned work, this indicates, first of all, low accuracy of planning of work on recruitment and selection of personnel.

In cases where the organization does not draw up strategic plans or does not indicate a recruitment and selection plan, the following related factors are used for assessment:

– indicator of time. How much time was spent recruiting and selecting one new employee? Recruitment and selection practices will be considered ineffective when it takes too much time to find and hire one candidate. The question of how much time should be spent on recruiting and selecting one employee is subjective and depends on the specific position. Thus, in order to carry out high-quality recruitment and selection of a candidate for a minor position, it does not take much time (1-2 weeks). And in order to find the head of the department, leading specialist, specialist narrow profile it takes a lot of time (1-2 months);

– understanding of the HR department what kind of specialist the organization needs. And in this case, a basic list of requirements will not make it possible to carry out high-quality recruitment and selection of specialists. The HR department in an organization should use tools such as: a detailed application form for recruiting employees, a profile vacant position and interviewing with the future immediate supervisor. In an effective recruitment and selection model, the HR department has the role of an expert, and future leader plays a leading role in the entire process;

– realistic requirements for future employees. In conditions of personnel shortage in a particular specialty, the requirements may be excessive, which will negatively affect the process of recruiting and selecting personnel for the organization;

– volumes of expenses for recruitment and selection of personnel. In conditions of personnel shortage, Kazakh companies began to spend more and more financial resources to position themselves as a reliable company in which they can build a career and get the desired salary.

  1. General indicators of staff turnover in the organization.

High staff turnover in Kazakh organizations is a big problem today. From the perspective of personnel recruitment and selection, the turnover rate is not the most important indicator of the level of efficiency, but nevertheless, this indicator makes it possible to indirectly assess the effectiveness of recruitment and selection. The idea is that when effective system recruitment and selection of personnel turnover rates should be low (unless they are affected by other factors, such as downsizing or restructuring).

To calculate the indicator of the overall turnover of labor resources in an organization, it is proposed to use the following calculation method. The employee turnover rate in an organization will be equal to the total number of employees who quit or were laid off during the month, divided by the total number of full-time employees as of the middle of the month) and multiplied by one hundred.

So, if within a month 50 employees were fired or left the organization, and the total number of employees of the organization at the middle of the month was 500 people, then the organization’s staff turnover rate will be 10%.

A more accurate indicator will be obtained if from the total number of those who quit (dismissed) we subtract those employees who would have left in any case. For example, those who went on maternity leave with subsequent dismissal, who moved family circumstances etc. In this case, the calculation will be as follows. The staff turnover rate, which reflects the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection system, will be equal to the total number of those who left minus the number of those whose dismissal would be inevitable divided by the number of employees in the middle of the month and multiplied by one hundred.

So, if out of 50 quit (dismissed) employees there were 10 those whose dismissal was inevitable, then with a number of employees of 500 people, the turnover will be not 10%, but 8%:

When using this indicator in analytical work, it is necessary to understand that the quantitative factor is not the only one. Also important are quality characteristics employees of the organization who are fired or have left the organization. That is, if a weak employee who could not cope with his job responsibilities was fired or quit, then this is a functional turnover of personnel in the organization. For the organization this is a positive event, but for the recruitment and selection system it is an indicator of problems effective recruitment and selection.

  1. Indicators of staff turnover among the organization’s personnel who worked during a specific period (month/year)

We believe that these indicators need to be analyzed separately from the indicators of general staff turnover. The calculation of these indicators makes it possible to accurately determine what problems were committed during the recruitment and selection of personnel. Here it is also necessary to take into account and consider leaving the organization at the initiative of the employer and at the request of the employee himself.

  1. Indicators of the ratio of growth in costs for recruitment and selection of personnel to the dynamics of growth in the organization’s performance indicators.

Today, the number of organizations that calculate the share of influence of individual factors on its final results is growing. financial indicators. During the recruitment and selection of employees (the main resource of any organization), the foundations are laid for improving the efficiency of the entire organization.

Thus, we have reviewed the main methods for assessing the effectiveness of recruitment and selection practices in an organization. In total, the four most popular methods are identified and characterized. In the process of assessing the effectiveness of recruitment and selection of employees, issues of assessing the work of several key areas of the organization are addressed at once, which end result will help assess the effectiveness of the organization in general and the personnel management system in particular.

List of literature / References

  1. Mokrik G.R. Issues of assessing the effectiveness of personnel selection in an organization // Humanitarian technologies. 2008. No. 7. C.18
  2. Tyulpanov A. Foreign experience recruiting development // Personnel management. 2012. No. 19. P.34-42.

List of references in Latin characters / References in Roman script

  1. Mokrik G. R. Voprosy ocenki jeffektivnosti podbora personala v organizaciju // Humanitarnye tehnologii. 2008. #7. R.18
  2. Tjulpanov A. Zarubezhnyj opyt razvitija rekrutinga // Upravlenie personalom. 2012. #19. R.34-42.

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