This question can be asked at the beginning, and only preliminary preparation will help you navigate correctly.

- Tell us a little about yourself. (What are your responsibilities at your current job?)

In a concise two-minute answer, you can talk about your education and work experience, while trying to prove that you are an excellent candidate for the available position.

- Why did you choose such a job (company, education)?

Give serious reasons: growth opportunities, useful experience, etc.

- Have you received other job offers?

If you have received it, say so directly: it will increase your chances. Of course, it should be added that this work interests you more.

- Have you been interviewed in other places?

As a rule, you can answer yes, but not specify where exactly.

- Will your personal life interfere with your work, which involves traveling and long working hours?

This question is asked more often to women. The law prohibits an employer from asking whether an applicant's marital status affects the job. If you try to circumvent the law, answer with a firm no.

- What are your strengths?

Emphasize first the qualities that are useful for the job. Confirm the presence of these qualities with examples from your life during your years of study or work.

- What are your weaknesses?

Under no circumstances answer this question honestly. It should be used to improve your chances. It is best to name a disadvantage that would be a logical continuation of your own advantages.

- Why do you want to get this particular job? Why should we hire you?

You should prepare for the answer to this question in advance. You are expected to confirm that you are aware of the company's affairs. Lack of knowledge about the company and industry is one of the main reasons for rejection of a job.

- Why did you leave your previous (decided to change place) job?

You should not talk about the conflict, even if it took place, and blame your former boss or employer. Give a reason like: due to the upcoming reorganization, I am not sure that I can continue to be useful to the company; I cannot realize my full potential; I have no opportunity for professional growth. If the interviewer knows that you had a conflict, without going into details, explain that it was a unique case associated with special circumstances, and emphasize all the positive things that happened in your previous job: acquired experience, skills, etc.

- How do you imagine your position in five (ten) years?

It’s better to answer in a more streamlined way, for example: I would like to work in the same organization, but in a more responsible job.

- What salary do you expect?

It's better to try to avoid the answer by saying that you don't think salary should be discussed in the first place. If the interviewer insists, try to find out from him how much the company expects to offer. If you are still forced to name a number, name it slightly above the average or the upper and lower limits of the expected amount.

- What else would you like to know?

Never say that you have no more questions. You can ask about the content of your future work, what the company expects from a candidate for this position, why the person who held this position before you quit, or clarify something that remained unclear from the previous conversation.

- If you get this job, what will be your first steps?

The question is most often asked to applicants for managerial and administrative positions. You should demonstrate your familiarity with similar situations and the ability to take initiative. But don't go overboard and be willing to leave no stone unturned. Also beware of proposing changes if you have not had the opportunity to become sufficiently familiar with the state of affairs.

- What are your greatest achievements?

Make a list of your greatest achievements over the past 5 years. Where possible, provide numbers to gauge the measure of your success.

- What do you think a boss should be like?

In fact, they want to find out from you whether you are prone to conflicts with your superiors. The ideal answer would be: A competent, strong leader from whom I could learn, who would give me a chance to test my own strengths, who would mentor me and, if necessary, give me a dressing down.

Some additional questions you may be asked during the interview:

  • How does your working day usually go?
  • How do you prioritize your tasks?
  • What do you like most and least about your job?
  • What problems do you have to solve in your work?
  • Do you usually agree or argue, and why?
  • What would you be interested in trying your hand at?
  • If given a choice, would you prefer to make plans or carry them out?
  • Name 3 situations in which you were unable to succeed. Why?
  • Name 3 character traits that you would like to improve. Why?
  • Why were you laid off (fired)?
  • What did you agree and what did you disagree with your previous boss?
  • How was your work evaluated?
  • Did you agree with the assessment?
  • Why are you interested in getting this position?
  • How does this position compare with your career expectations?
  • What benefit could you bring to the company?

In any case, you shouldn’t be afraid of the interviewer’s questions; you won’t be afraid to ask a question, and he, in turn, won’t be afraid to answer it.

It is quite understandable that during an interview, surrounded by strangers (your potential employers) you will be very worried. Even the simplest questions can throw you into complete confusion. Therefore, our useful tips will not hurt you.

What questions are asked most often during an interview?

We surveyed employers and people who have successfully passed interviews and compiled a list of the most common questions. In addition, we have prepared answers to them! Just adapt them to your specific situation.

What interview questions might stump you?

Study the interview questions and answers quickly! And rest assured that this place is yours!

  1. Tell us about yourself

At first glance it seems that more simple question can't even imagine! But watch yourself! Psychologists say that people first of all begin to talk about what worries them most. Don't show yours weaknesses. First of all, tell us about your education and work experience. This is what employers want to hear first. Most likely, they have already looked at your resume and know how old you are (and everything else). So there is no need to retell what is written there. Make an interesting, brief self-presentation that will prove that you are a worthy candidate for this position.

2. Do you have experience in this field?

Of course, the ideal answer is yes! Even if you have little experience, be able to tell that you have learned a lot during this time. But what to do if you decide to radically change direction. Then tell us what of the experience you have acquired will be useful in this position. Your professional skills may not be tested today, but in a serious company you will need them every day.

3. Why did you leave your previous job?

Just don't start saying nasty things about former director and complain about low wages. It’s better to answer that the previous place of work was inconvenient due to the territorial factor (long commute), there was no opportunity for career growth, and the work schedule did not suit you. Just make sure that this institution will not have similar problems. For example, career growth is possible at a new job.

4. List your pros and cons.

The advantages are clear - name what will be useful in this job: the ability to quickly organize, get things done, find contact with people. But disadvantages should also be advantages! Are you too busy working and forgetting about time? That's good! You can also answer that your negative aspects can only manifest themselves at home, and they do not in any way affect the performance of duties.

5. What achievements can you brag about?

At home, be sure to remember the achievements that you can be proud of: compiling successful business plan, sales increase, writing scientific work, production optimization. Tell us about something that might be useful new job. Of course, tell the truth. Don't talk about what you can't do. It is quite possible that you will be assigned exactly this kind of work in your new place. For example, do not boast about your knowledge of computer programming, because you may be entrusted, for example, with running a company website.

6. Are you going to have a child in the next 5 years?

This question is asked to women. Of course, you are not required to report on your personal life. But going on maternity leave six months after being hired is also not entirely fair. But know that you cannot be fired because you are pregnant and require a certificate from a gynecologist - this is illegal. This question most likely needs to be answered honestly. And add that work productivity does not depend on your personal life.

7. How do you feel about overtime?

Please clarify what kind of overtime workload we are talking about. Let them know that you have a habit of getting things done, even if you have to stay late during the workday. But you try to concentrate 120 percent on the task in the allotted time in order to complete the work and submit reports on time. But if the day off is free from job responsibilities, then the next day you will be much more productive!

8. Why do you want to get a job with us?

Of course, employers want to hear great reviews about themselves. And also understand what you value most in their organization. It is necessary to study all the data about the institution, their activities, areas of work, so as not to get into an awkward position. Demonstrate that you want to get a job here, and not just get a job.

9. What do you do in your free time?

This is how employers want to find out whether your hobbies will interfere with your job. For example, if you like to hang out in nightclubs with friends, then you are unlikely to come to work the next morning with a bright head. Talk about visiting theaters, indoor flowers, learning English. Don't complain that you don't have free time because of childcare. This means that you won’t be able to stay an hour after work to finish an errand.

10. What salary level suits you?

If the salary was not specified in the advertisement, then you can study from various sources, including on the Internet, how much they earn approximately for a similar position. If you name a low amount, they may think that you provide low-quality services and you were paid little for them. Name it high price, you can create the impression of a self-confident person. Definitely, voice the amount, a little higher than at your previous job, otherwise, why do you need such a position? Find something else. Tell me about a salary that will actually be adequate and will suit you.

What to say at an interview and what to remain silent about?

Sometimes self-confident bosses, who decide the fate of future employees, can allow themselves to behave a little impudently and willfully. People who were in charge famous company so confident in themselves that they feel superior to ordinary applicants for a vacant position. But remember, not only they choose, but you too. Therefore, it is worth immediately assessing their attitude to understand whether you want to work for them. Moreover, now there are a lot of options for smart, determined people. Our experts have published which increase your chances of successfully settling in life and making good money! And now some important tips from the site experts!

    • No one is interested in listening to a dull story about your boring life. The administration is only interested in the prosperity of the company (and therefore its own). Therefore, talk about yourself from the point of view of why you will be useful to the institution, how your skills will help lead the team to success.
  • Do not, under any circumstances, speak ill of former management and employees. There may be an opinion that you will also talk about the future team. In addition, they may know each other and discuss your opinion over telephone conversation. And this is not good for you.
  • If you are already tired of thinking about how to properly pass a job interview, prepare yourself in these questions! If you're unsure of yourself, you can even say your self-presentation out loud. This will help you look good at a meeting!

We've given you the answers in the interview, but it also matters how you say it: confident, humble, arrogant or confused. Give your answers during the interview calmly, confidently, and speak competently. We plan to publish new article about how to behave in an interview. It matters how you dress at the meeting. Of course, it allows some liberties for women, but at such an important meeting it is necessary to give preference to the classics.

Tricky interview questions

But if you are sure that you want to get this place, then be prepared for tricky questions. Every boss has his own character. But, surprisingly, they ask the same thing during the interview.

    • Just sell me this pen now.
  • Sell ​​me a comb.
  • How much were you paid in your previous job?
  • What would you do if you won a million today?
  • What did you do last night?
  • What are you doing tonight?

This is how they test your ability to think outside the box and think interestingly. You can show your sense of humor (but without excess). In any case, do not be alarmed by such questions. Take a ten-second break, collect your thoughts and surprise your future boss! To increase your chances of getting the position you want, read ours to those around you. Simple secrets of authoritative psychologists will help you in life! As you can see, the interview questions are quite standard! And if you are ready to answer them, then success is guaranteed!

In gardening and vegetable farming, in terms of size, the most
a variety of flower pots ranging from small to 2-21/2 inches at the top
diameter and ending with tub-shaped 14-15 inches in upper diameter, counting
it along the internal line, i.e. without wall thickness.
No matter how great the variety flower pots, latest by
the ratio of the size of the lower (bottom) and upper diameters and height, considering
the last along the finished weight from the inner surface of the bottom to the level with the edges
pots can be classified into the following three types:
1 type, in which the upper diameter, counting along its inner line,
equal to the plumb height of the pot;
Type 2 - the height of the pot is equal to the lower diameter, along its inner
line, but parallel to the lower surface of the bottom, and
Type 3 - the height of the pot is equal to twice the lower diameter.
In all types, the lower diameter should be 2/3 of the upper
diameter, counting along the internal lines. Size of pots of proper type
increases not along external, but along internal lines, with full compliance
these lines.
If a workshop produces pots of many sizes, then for each
of these you should have patterns made of tin or maple wood. Self
it is clear that all these patterns should have the shape of truncated
isosceles triangles (regular trapezoids), with the lower edge
the pattern corresponds to the inner diameter of the bottom, and the top corresponds to the top
the same diameter of the pot. It is very useful that the inner surface
the bottom was not strictly parallel to the outer surface of the bottom of the pot, but had
there would be a small slope (5-70 to the horizon), directed towards the center of the pot, where
a hole is made; Accordingly, this lower edge of the patterns is given
the shape is not strictly parallel to the top line. An experienced potter, with the help
one “knife” can make a pot into the required shape and give the top
bottom surface the specified form, but inexperienced, especially when
it is required that pots of a given type and size be strictly uniform,
the pattern will bring undoubted benefits. Almost inserted into the pot
ready, held vertically in the plane of the diameters of the pot, with copper
By rotating the disk of the molding wheel, the pattern will immediately give the entire internal
the surface of the pot with the required correctness, including the surface
drain for water. It remains by taking out the pattern and moistening your hands or a piece of sponge in
clay mash, smooth the inner surface, wash off lumps of clay and
remove the pot from the disk, which is achieved by thin copper wire, length in
11/2 arshin, ends tied to sticks for ease of holding
wire in the hands while it is being used.

Most frequently asked questions people just starting their path in Orthodoxy

We especially dedicate this chapter to those who are taking only the first, often very timid steps on the path to the world of Orthodoxy.

Often people who have already achieved much in life, have a good education and are rich life experience, are faced with a completely unfamiliar area, a kind of terra incognita, deciding to become parishioners of this or that temple. In such a situation, it is very difficult for a person to join the church community.

At first, it seems that in an Orthodox church people are left to their own devices, as if no one notices you, no one needs you. This is, of course, a wrong impression, which is easily dispelled with the beginning of systematic attendance at divine services, in the process of which a person acquires and necessary knowledge, and new friends, and an understanding of their rights and responsibilities in the Christian community. But all this is preceded by the fear of taking the first step, standing through the first service, coming to the first Confession and Communion, and asking an important question for oneself.

Therefore, here we will present in question-and-answer form examples of the most common questions, which can be difficult to ask directly in the temple.

Question: How often should you attend church?

Answer: According to the teachings of the Saint Orthodox Church, the temple of God, or church, is a building especially dedicated to God, in which believers gather to receive the grace of God. The Church is compared to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, to a gracious oasis in the midst of the “desert” of this vain world. Therefore, just as a traveler after long wanderings needs rest in the coolness of an oasis, so the human soul, wounded and burdened with everyday problems, needs to visit the temple of God as often as possible. Of course, due to workload and family responsibilities, not everyone can attend the entire annual cycle of services of the Orthodox Church, but attendance at Sunday and holiday (twelve, great and temple) services is an integral responsibility of every Christian.

Question: What are the responsibilities of godparents?

Answer: As mentioned above, godparents must make every effort for the spiritual and moral education of their spiritual children. This means the whole range of activities that contribute to a person’s churching: systematic attendance at divine services, participation in the sacraments and rituals of the Orthodox Church, instruction in the fundamentals of faith and morality, pilgrimage, helping those in need, etc. However, the main thing here is the example of one’s own, living and active faith .

Question: Do adults need godparents?

Answer: Godparents, main responsibility which is the concern for the spiritual and moral education of a minor Christian, an adult (i.e., adult) person does not need. Due to the fact that for a long time (and especially now) the sacrament of Baptism is performed mostly over children, the Orthodox Church introduced the institution of succession. Adoptives (i.e. godparents) profess the basic tenets of the Orthodox faith and make a promise to God of a good conscience (see: 1 Pet. 3:21) instead of minor children, following the example of the Gospel companions of the Capernaum paralytic, through whose faith Christ performed a miracle of healing (Matt. 9, 1–7).

Question: Who can become a child's godparents?

Answer: The choice of godparents is the prerogative of carnal parents. It is they who have to decide who will take responsibility for the spiritual and moral education of their children. It is obvious that these people themselves must have sincere faith in God and be active members of any Christian community (parish), and not just be formally baptized. Godparents are entrusted with the enormous responsibility of raising a future Christian, so inviting people far from the Church (but “necessary” for the family) to this important service can become a fatal mistake.

Question: What to do if you don’t know whether you were baptized in early childhood?

Answer: In such cases, the practice of the Orthodox Church provides for a special rite of Baptism, in the sacramental formula of which the words “if not baptized...” are added. In all other respects, this rite corresponds to the usual sacrament of Baptism.

Question: How to choose a name?

Answer: Choosing a child's name is the right of the parents. According to the ancient Christian tradition, the name is chosen according to the calendar (i.e., according to the church calendar), so that the future Christian will life path tried to imitate the feat of the saint whose name he bears. If the names listed on the child's birthday seem outdated, you can choose names from dates following the birthday.

Question: How often should you take communion?

Answer: The Sacrament of Holy Communion, or Eucharist, is the central sacrament of the Orthodox Church. In this sacrament, the human soul and body are directly united with the Risen Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, in the practice of the Church there is a special charter for preparing for Communion. Only with sincere desire, deep spiritual reasoning and careful preparation can a Christian begin this sacrament. Unprepared, careless and, as a result, unworthy Communion can cause a person’s spiritual disorder and even his death (see: 1 Cor. 11, 27–30). The frequency of receiving the Holy Gifts depends on the spiritual, moral, and sometimes on the physical state of a person and is regulated by the confessor or priest who receives Confession before Communion. According to established practice, believers are recommended to take communion at least once a month. During periods of multi-day fasting, you can begin the sacrament weekly.

Question: What to do if you are late for the start of the service?

Answer: This question is especially important for a person preparing for Communion. In this case, it is necessary to explain to the priest and receive his blessing - permission to receive Communion.

Question: When and how should you perform the sign of the cross?

Answer: The sign of the cross, as a form of confession of faith in the Holy Trinity, is performed during the most important rites of worship. Also, the sign of the cross is performed upon entering the temple of God and before leaving it, before and after kissing icons and holy relics, while reading or singing prayers glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God and the holy saints. You should not make the sign of the cross in front of the Holy Chalice at the moment of Communion. The main guiding principle for a novice Christian is to imitate the actions of others, including with regard to the sign of the cross.

Question: What should you do if you suddenly become ill during your service?

Answer: In this case, a person must act in accordance with his condition. If his well-being allows him to continue to participate in worship, then it is better not to do anything. But if your physical condition is critical, you are allowed to sit on a chair or leave the temple and go out into the fresh air.

Question: Is it possible to sit in the temple?

Answer: According to the tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church, believers must pray standing. However, elderly people, small children or the sick are allowed to sit during the service.

Question: Is it possible to talk (ask about something) during the service?

Answer: Conversations during public prayer, especially during the singing of the Cherubic Song, the Eucharistic Canon, and the Lord's Prayer, are not allowed. In case urgent need All questions and requests must be said in a whisper, without interfering with the prayer of others.

Question: What clothes are appropriate to wear when going to church?

Answer: The clothing of believers who come to the house of God should be modest, but neat, clean and covered. Men must take off their hats when entering the church; women, on the contrary, must cover their heads with a scarf. Women are not allowed to enter the temple wearing men's clothing (trousers, shorts, etc.). In the cold season, when entering the temple, you should take off your gloves.

Question: How to behave in front of an icon?

Answer: Holy icons show us images of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, and the holy saints of God. When we worship icons, we ascend with our minds and hearts to their prototypes, that is, we bow to those who are depicted on them. Therefore, icons must be treated with special reverence. You must make the sign of the cross in front of the icon, then reverently kiss the image (that is, lightly touch your lips or, as they say, venerate) and, walking away, make the sign of the cross again. You should not linger for a long time in front of icons and holy relics, making it difficult for other people to get to them. If there is a desire to read a prayer in front of the holy image, this should be done to the side, without disturbing other believers.

Question: Who, when and in what form can you ask something in church?

Answer: All questions related to church life must be clarified from competent people, primarily from clergy. They are the ones who have the gift of shepherding and pass through special training. If the clergyman is unable to answer your questions, you can also contact other church employees or regular parishioners. It is better to ask questions in such a way as not to distract the priest from performing the service. The most acceptable and generally accepted form of addressing a priest is: “Father, bless...”

Question: What objects can and should be blessed?

Answer: According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, both man himself and the world around him are subject to sanctification. The Church sanctifies with its presence the entire universe, the entire cosmos. Nevertheless, in the practice of the Orthodox Church, there are special rites for the consecration of individual objects that are most important for the spiritual life of a Christian. These are the holy life-giving Cross of the Lord (any variant of its image), holy icons, water, candles, oil, bells. The Bible and books of spiritual and moral content are not subject to consecration, since they are consecrated by the presence of the word of God in them. Rings, chains, earrings and similar items are also not consecrated.

Question: How, when and for what to ask for a blessing?

Answer: Every good deed of a Christian must begin with a blessing. Already in the order of morning prayers there are petitions for the sending of the Lord’s blessing for the coming day. When a Christian requires a special blessing, he should, placing his right palm on his left, turn to the priest with the words: “Bless, Father on...” According to the Christian’s faith, the priest’s finger symbolizes the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. As a rule, such a blessing is sought for the most important actions in the life of an Orthodox Christian.

Question: How often can you give your child communion?

Answer: According to the word of the Savior (see: Mark 10, 14), children must be brought to church as often as possible. You need to give them communion as often as possible. But at the same time, it is necessary to monitor the behavior of children in church and try to explain to them the responsibilities assigned by the Church to Orthodox Christians.

Question: What should (shouldn't) godparents do before baptism?

Answer: Before participating in the sacrament of Holy Baptism, godparents need to tune in to this serious and responsible event. To do this, the day before you need to ask in prayer for God’s special help for the worthy passage of the upcoming sacrament. Various amusements and celebrations on the eve of Epiphany are unacceptable. It is best to attend a service or partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. We must not forget that you are going to become the spiritual parents of a new member of the Church of Christ, therefore your whole life should be an example of sincere faith and genuine spirituality for him.

Question: How should newlyweds behave before the wedding (fast, etc.)?

Answer: According to the ancient pious Christian tradition, the newlyweds (newlyweds) on the eve of the wedding must partake of the Holy Gifts in the sacrament of the Eucharist. Preparation for this sacrament involves fasting and abstinence from everything vain, sinful, and entertainment. Consequently, the best prelude to the sacrament of Marriage is Eucharistic asceticism followed by participation in the sacrament of Communion.

Question: Is it necessary for an Orthodox Christian to read the entire Bible?

Answer: It is advisable for every Orthodox Christian to read the entire Bible at least once in his life, and daily reading of the New Testament is absolutely necessary. Since Holy Scripture is the word of God by which man will live (Matthew 4:4), the daily reading of the Gospel and the messages of the holy Apostles is irreplaceable food for the soul of every believer.

Question: What to do if you don’t know by heart the words that everyone present in the temple pronounces?

Answer: To do this, you need to purchase an Orthodox prayer book, which contains all the main church prayers and chants, and, to the best of your ability, try to learn them by heart. During worship, it is allowed to use a prayer book as an aid during singing or reading the statutory rites.

Question: How to behave if you need to leave the church before the end of the service?

Answer: To do this you need, without attracting special attention, reverently make three bows from the waist and slowly leave the church.

Question: How to properly submit notes for health, death, etc.?

Answer: Notes on health, if they are submitted for the Liturgy (once, forty-eight, for six months and for a year), must contain exclusively the names of Christians baptized in Orthodoxy. At the prayer service, it is also possible to submit notes about the unbaptized, the lost, those who have apostatized from the Orthodox faith, or the heterodox, with a request for their admonition, conversion, or return to the bosom of the Church. For repose (whether it is a Liturgy, a memorial service or lithium), the names of exclusively Orthodox Christians who have died in peace with the Church are given. It is prohibited to submit notes for suicides (with the exception of mentally ill people), unbaptized people, schismatics, heterodox, heretics and sectarians. The widespread opinion about the admissibility of commemorating such people on Trinity Saturday is a fiction. Their posthumous fate is the destiny of God’s Providence, and close relatives can pray for them at home.

Question: At what age is a girl supposed to wear a headscarf?

Answer: According to a long-standing Christian tradition, a headscarf is an attribute of a married woman’s toilet as a sign of her husband’s power over her (see: 1 Cor. 11:10). However, in pious families, even little girls were taught to wear a headscarf in church, in imitation of the Most Holy Theotokos, who, being the Ever-Virgin, is depicted on almost all icons with a veil on her head.

Question: How to deal with consecrated objects? What can and cannot be done?

Answer: All consecrated objects must be treated with reasonable reverence and reverence. On the one hand, they should not turn into boring, everyday things, on the other hand, they cannot serve as some kind of amulets or amulets against the evil eye, damage, etc. Shrines that have become unusable (for example, icons) can be disposed of by burning, and prosphora can be throw into running water.

Question: Is it possible to visit the temple for pregnant women, during menstruation, after childbirth?

Answer: Pregnant women are encouraged to attend church as often as possible and participate in the sacraments (especially the Eucharist). On critical days, women can visit the temple, but must remain in the vestibule, without touching sacred objects (icons, cross, prosphora, etc.). After giving birth, a woman does not attend church for forty days, after which the priest must read a special prayer over her, allowing her to participate in church life.

Question: Is it possible to turn your back to the altar when leaving the temple?

Answer: In church tradition, it is not customary to turn your back to the altar barrier if the Royal Doors are open in it. This situation occurs at the most crucial moments of the service, during which it is not recommended to leave the temple unless absolutely necessary. In other cases, a person is free to act according to circumstances.

Question: How to prepare for confession, communion, etc. (especially if this is your first confession or communion)?

Answer: Preparation for the sacrament of Holy Communion implies spiritual fasting (i.e., a more attentive attitude to one’s spiritual and moral life, abstaining from condemnation, amusements, idleness and other sins) and physical fasting (not eating meat, dairy and fish food for at least three days before receiving the sacrament). In addition to this, the day before it is necessary to attend the evening service and read, in addition to the evening prayers, four canons (the Penitential Canon, the Prayer Service to the Most Holy Theotokos, the Guardian Angel and the Canon for Holy Communion). In the morning, after reading the morning prayers, you need to read the Follow-up to Holy Communion (except for the Canon to Holy Communion, read the day before). You must begin the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist strictly on an empty stomach (do not smoke, do not eat or drink anything, not even pills), having received permission from the priest for Confession. As for the sacrament of Confession, it is better to prepare for it using special models or experiments in constructing a confession (for example, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov or Archimandrite John Krestyankin). The first confession implies an audit of our entire life and should take the form of an individual conversation with a priest. The guiding principle for constructing any confession is sincere repentance of one’s sins and openly announcing them to the priest.

Question: Is it possible to wear makeup when going to temple?

Answer: The origin and purpose of cosmetics is rooted in pagan mysteries and magical rituals. Therefore, the use of cosmetics for an Orthodox Christian, especially before a service, seems unacceptable.

Question: What to do if a child makes noise in the temple, asks questions loudly, cries, etc.?

Answer: In this case, you need to try to calm him down, and if that fails, it is advisable to leave the temple.

Question: Is it necessary to be baptized when passing a church in transport?

Answer: The sign of the cross is a visible expression of our faith in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, thanks to which the world was saved from sin, curse and death. Consequently, its performance during divine services and home prayers, in difficult moments of our life and at the sight of Orthodox shrines (holy icons, crosses, relics and Orthodox churches) is one of the obligatory actions for every believer.

Question: Where is the holy corner in the house?

Answer: The holy corner, like a small semblance of an Orthodox church, should be located in the eastern corner of the house or apartment.

Question: How to arrange icons at home?

Answer: A home iconostasis should be similar to a church iconostasis. Therefore, the central place is given to the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, and the Holy Cross should be placed above the icons. The remaining icons are placed at the request of the owners.

Question: Which temple to go to: the one that is closer, or can you choose another?

Answer: You can go to any temple that belongs to the canonical Orthodox Church. In this regard, a person has the right to choose a church that is either more convenient for him in location or closer spiritually.

Question: Is it necessary for spouses to attend the same temple?

Answer: This is not at all necessary, but from a practical point of view it is more convenient.

Question: Is it necessary to give up the TIN?

Answer: This undoubtedly difficult issue has already been covered in sufficient detail in the relevant decisions of the Holy Synod of both the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches. Their essence is that every believer in resolving this issue must be guided by the voice of his own conscience. It is important to remember that accepting a TIN is not a sin that excommunicates a person from church fellowship, just as refusing it is recognized as a free and acceptable choice.

Question: Why do parishioners bring prosphora in bags before the service, leave them, and then take them away at the end?

Answer: Prosphoras for health and repose are served together with memorials at the altar so that the pieces taken from them are dropped into the holy Chalice and washed with the holy blood of the Incarnate God the Word. This is the main meaning of the church commemoration of the living and deceased members of the Church of Christ, since the blood of Christ washes away the sins of those remembered in the service. The bags are needed solely for convenience: to transfer the prosphora and memorial service to the altar, and then take the consecrated prosphora and the read memorial service home.

Question: What does the word “churched” mean? Who can be considered a churchgoer?

Answer: A churchgoer is a person of the Church, whose life is entirely devoted to the Church and imbued with faith. Such a person is an active and active member of the community of a particular Orthodox church. Such a person tries to attend all services and take an active part in the life of the parish and the holy sacraments. In addition to this, a churchgoer tries to the best of his ability and in the life around him always and everywhere to remain an Orthodox Christian and to be worthy of the Lord who redeemed him.

Question: What is repentance? Is it enough for a person to simply realize that he has committed an unrighteous act, or is a special ritual necessary?

Answer: Repentance means changing your life and way of thinking. Simply realizing the error of one’s actions is not enough in this case (a striking example of this is the “repentance” of Judas Iscariot). Action is needed to eradicate the sin or bad habit. Only they testify to sincere and deep repentance. However, in order to completely blot out sin and receive grace-filled help on the path of correction, it is necessary to undergo the rite of the Sacrament of Confession, in which the priest performs only the role of a witness to the appearance of the human soul before the merciful court of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Question: If a person good reason Didn’t attend a church service on a major holiday, what prayers should he read at home?

Answer: First of all, we must remember that no home prayer can replace church prayer, where all believers glorify the Lord who saved them with one mouth and one heart. But if external circumstances nevertheless prevented a person from getting to church, then it is advisable to spend this day piously at home, and add the troparion, kontakion and deserving of the holiday to the usual prayer rule.

Question: What saints exist, patrons of artists (actors, singers, artists, writers)?

Answer: As for the attitude towards art, this issue has had different solutions in the history of the Church. Thus, during the era of the Ecumenical Councils, believers, under pain of excommunication, were forbidden to take part in (attend) spectacles (horse races, theatrical performances, performances of clowns, buffoons and comedians), since such actions were associated with immorality and debauchery and were rooted in various pagan mystery cults (Rules 24 and 51 of the Council of Trulla). However, over time, the nature and internal content of many art movements have changed qualitatively. Art has passed the stage of Christianization and at this stage can serve to educate people in morality and decent behavior. Therefore, now such areas of human creativity as theater, cinema, painting, music, literature, etc., can and should serve the principles of high morality and help awaken a sense of beauty in our contemporaries, making them think about eternal values. And this vector of direction of contemporary art is supported and encouraged by the Church in every possible way. Apparently, for the reason stated above, the liberal arts are not associated with the names of any patron saints. The situation is completely different with church art. Thus, icon painters consider the Apostle and Evangelist Luke as their patron, church choir singers ask for help from the Venerable Roman the Sweet Singer, etc. People working in this area can turn to the Lord, the Mother of God and all the saints for help, using generally accepted prayers and rites.

So, in this section we will look at the most common interview questions and answers to them. The number depends on the position, field of activity, status of the organization and the seriousness of the approach to personnel search.

Linear positions mean that it is enough to ask standard questions.

Standard interview questions

Most common

The words “Please clarify...” will be heard from the recruiter more than once. They ask a question in order to clarify whether the candidate has embellished when describing his achievements, or whether he will be confused in his answers.

If a person actually did the work described, he will be able to answer any question about it.

Using professional terminology when describing your experience will give a candidate a few extra points.

Why do you want to work with us?

Probably because I’m tired of looking for a job, they won’t hire me anywhere else - that’s definitely not the right answer, even if my thoughts are in tune.

It is important for the employer to see the motivation of the applicant. To feel that he chose the company consciously, and not out of despair.

It is worth first studying what the organization does in order to be able to operate with facts. Perhaps the employer is famous for its corporate spirit, attracts people with achievements in its field, and provides unprecedented prospects.

Why should they hire you??

I am the most ideal, I want to scream from the bottom of my heart. But being known as self-confident will not get you a job. The employer is looking for an employee with real judgment about his abilities, professional qualities. At the same time, he knows how to advertise himself. When ten people apply for one position, you will have to fight for it.

It is necessary to highlight one or two of the strongest qualities that other applicants usually do not indicate. But they are the ones who best suit the employer’s requirements. Long-term experience, specialized courses, even a hobby that has something in common with your job may be of interest to the recruiter.

Read more about how to answer such questions.

How did you communicate with colleagues??

The recruiter is trying to find out the identity of the person sitting in front of him.

Certain positions require leadership qualities; in others, an inconspicuous, quiet, lonely person would be more ideal.

By analyzing communication habits it is easy to understand how quickly new employee will fit into the team.

Tell us about your successes.

It is on this question that candidates begin a spatial story and remember everything that happened in their lives. Although it was necessary to answer essentially.

Frequently asked questions

In this part of the article, we will look at the most common interview questions and answers to them.

Are there any other offers??

There are two possible answers:

No offers. Since I am only looking for a job in your company, I am not considering other vacancies.

There are a couple of suggestions in mind. If the employer is very interested in the candidate, perhaps this answer will speed up the choice in his favor.

How do you fill your free time??

These types of questions are also fairly common interview questions. Even if a candidate doesn’t get out of bed on weekends, there’s no point in letting the employer know about it.

A few words about your hobbies, active recreation, and family gatherings is enough.

What salary do you plan to receive?.

When responding to a vacancy, the candidate sees the proposed salary. It is not rational to want more; they are unlikely to offer it. More details about questions about salary are described.

It is more difficult when there is no specific amount in the advertisements. In this case, it is worth monitoring the labor market and finding out what salaries other employers offer in similar positions.

How to answer correctly?

The candidate must understand: the employer is not his enemy. The applicant is interested in a good position, and the company is looking for a worthy employee.

Interview questions are asked with intent.. No one sets a goal to mock applicants or torment them. It is important for the employer to thoroughly study the candidates in order to choose the most suitable one.

There is no need to be afraid of questions. No matter how they seem at first glance, in fact there is nothing supernatural about them. It is unlikely that a psychologist will be asked to quote labor legislation, the accountant will not be required to describe his experience in a field other than the one in which he worked.

Everyone can talk about their personal life, work experience, and character traits.

It's just important to do it right:

  • answer confidently, hit the mark;
  • don't mumble;
  • be convincing, having come up with arguments in advance for each question;
  • not to be unfounded;
  • emphasizing your uniqueness; cliched phrases do not inspire the employer.

Brief, logical answers are best received. It is better to reserve a spatial story about your personal life for meetings with friends.

The employer is waiting for a substantive answer. He still has many interviews ahead and approximately 15-20 minutes are allotted for each applicant, during which he needs to understand whether the person is suitable for the company or not.

What can't you ask?

During interviews, questions about nationality and details of your personal life are not appropriate.

Although very often they sound:

  1. When are you going to get married?
  2. Why are you still without children?
  3. What religion are you?
  4. Are there any debts or loans?

These are some of the frequently asked questions during job interviews.

Having a sense of humor, any incorrect question can be turned into a joke. Or take these questions not as personal and calmly respond to the insatiable curiosity of the employer.

Any interview is stressful for the applicant. A simple question about past experiences or future plans can confuse him. Knowing which questions are the most popular among employers, you can prepare in advance and be ready for even the most tricky of them. And now you know what the most common interview questions are and how to answer them.