
The demand for specialties directly depends on socio-economic conditions. This affects the level of wages and shapes the specifics of the market. There are many jobs that pay well in most countries in the world. There are such specialties in every field of activity.

The highest paid professions in Russia

There are many specialties that, once mastered, can make a good profit. Highly paid jobs in Russia:

  1. Supervisor high level. This is the highest paid profession in Russia and other countries of the world. Banking executives earn more. The work requires maximum employment; you will have to work 14–15 hours a day. Salary is up to 500 thousand rubles.
  2. Manager internal communications. This specialty involves organizing the work of company employees. For this you can receive from 100 thousand rubles per month.
  3. IT specialist. Salary – from 60 thousand rubles. Knowledge of several programming languages ​​and world-class certificates, for example, Microsoft, are required. This direction is the leader among those in demand.
  4. Accountant. A specialist with work experience can receive from 55 thousand rubles. It is important to understand that accountants have enormous responsibility. The upper level is 350 tr.
  5. Auditor. Salary starts from 100 thousand rubles.
  6. Lawyer. Specialists in this field are in great demand. At the entry level, the salary is from 35 thousand rubles. You need to constantly improve your skills. A specialist with extensive work experience and education receives up to 350 thousand rubles.
  7. Sales and purchasing managers. The size of the salary is influenced by the region, business sector, corporate policy and other factors. Average level payment – ​​45 tr.
  8. Marketer. A specialist with extensive work experience and recommendations receives 100–200 rubles.
  9. Logistician. The average payment is 45 thousand rubles. What is important here is not theoretical knowledge, but practical skills and experience.

For girls

The popular belief that it is difficult for a woman to find a well-paid job is wrong. Profitable options for girls:

  1. Internal communications specialist – 100–300 tr.
  2. Advertising Manager. Girls are successful in this area. By getting a job as an advertising manager and proving yourself early on, you can earn up to 100 thousand rubles.
  3. Beauty industry specialties. There are many professions in this area, each of which can be highly paid. It is impossible to define salary limits. Income depends on the girl’s skill level, the range of services provided, and the level of workload.
  4. Accountant - up to 350 tr.
  5. Tourism manager. Having taken leadership position, you can receive up to 10 thousand dollars per month. An additional bonus is frequent travel.

For men

Representatives of the stronger sex have access to almost all highly paid professions. The following categories can be distinguished:

  1. Pilots. This job is responsible, so the salary is up to half a million rubles per month.
  2. Construction sector. Most specialties in this category are for men. Engineers and architects are especially valued. A construction specialist receives at least 50 thousand rubles.
  3. SMM specialists. This direction has recently gained popularity, but is considered in demand and highly paid. SMM specialists are engaged in promotion on social networks.
  4. Programmers (50 thousand rubles and above).

Medical specialties in Russia

It's sad, but in our country doctors don't earn too much. List of lucrative medical jobs:

Working professions

Physical labor can also be profitable. Some job specialties don’t even require higher education. To receive a good salary, you need to diligently perform your duties and develop. You can become an employee large company, a small team or even start your own business. Rating of highly paid and in-demand working specialties:

IT industry specialists

Earnings in this area are good. The highest paid IT specialties:


Software engineer

System engineer

System Administrator

Software Developer


Web developer

Graphic Designer

Systems Analyst


Financial analyst

In the gas and oil industry

The pay in this area is decent. Profitable vacancies:


Average monthly salary(thousand rubles)

Director of Geology

Drilling Director

Directional or directional drilling engineer




Automatic operator and surveyor

Desalting and dewatering plant operator and technologist


For humanists

You don't have to be technically minded to make good money. There are many humanities majors that bring good income. The following are well paid:

  1. Brand manager. These specialists are required in many enterprises. To become a good brand manager, you need to have a creative streak. The salary is unlimited, depends on the level of the company, starts from 50 thousand rubles.
  2. Etiquette specialist. This direction has received a second life. A person giving private etiquette lessons receives 70–100 thousand rubles.
  3. Politician. This profession also falls into the humanitarian category; there is no upper limit here.

Millions of students in the country who are about to graduate from school are deciding what profession they should start mastering after school. If you don’t have any special preferences, then you should pay attention to the most in-demand professions in 2017. They will allow their owners not to be left without work, and will also provide a stable income.

The most in-demand female professions in 2017

1. Professions in demand for girls in 2017

Representatives of the fair sex should take a closer look at the following professions:

1.1. Nutritionist

Many people are overweight. They dream of getting rid of it, but this is not so easy to do using traditional methods. Nutritionists are called upon to help them, who will create an optimal diet for their clients. There will be no room for high-calorie foods. It will help you get back into shape short time and without harm to health. Already now many medical institutions are interested in hiring a nutritionist and paying him a high salary. In the next 50-100 years, a specialist will not be left without clients.

1.2. Master of manicure and pedicure

Every girl tries to look after her appearance and is a potential client of a manicurist and pedicurist. As statistics show, representatives of the fair sex try to tidy up their fingernails and toenails at least once a month. The list of men who are also not averse to visiting a manicurist and pedicurist is also growing. A specialist can start working in a salon, and when he has experience, he can take it at home. Registration for a couple of weeks will be provided.

1.3. Psychologist

Without any doubt, it is worth saying that a psychologist is a qualification that ranks high on the list called “the most in-demand professions in 2017.” Interest in it will only grow in the future. Frequent stress, worries and family problems force you to go to a specialist. A psychologist can improve a person’s moral state and put his psyche in order,

1.4. HR Specialist, HR Manager

Mostly women are hired for this position. They are more insightful and can understand in a couple of minutes whether it makes sense to register a person as a staff member. There are HR specialists in every firm, company, every enterprise and plant. The advantage of the profession is the absence of a huge amount of work. They deal exclusively with document management.

1.5. Logistician

Trade turnover between cities, regions and even countries is constantly growing. To deliver consignments of goods, enterprise managers resort to the services of transport companies. Just like in the latter, logisticians work to plan the routes that freight transport will follow. There is plenty of work for specialists and its volume will only grow.

1.6. Secretary

To become a secretary you do not need to graduate from a higher educational institution. It is enough to complete a six-month course. After that, try to get a job in one company or another. The remuneration of a specialist largely depends on the prestige of the organization. Secretaries are paid the most in banks, where they are even willing to reward them for certain merits.

1.7. Nanny

Photo: Nanny's profession

When considering the most in-demand professions for women in 2017, one cannot fail to mention nanny. Everyone knows what her activities involve. She takes care of children and sometimes raises them. If there are two spouses working in a family and there is a child preschool age, then they, like no one else, need the services of a specialist. Having proven herself from the very beginning and received a couple of flattering recommendations, the nanny will be in great demand. By the way, to become one there is no need to study. It is enough just to love children and be able to care for them.

1.8. Stewardess

Photo: Profession flight attendant

The only profession with a touch of romance. To become a flight attendant, you just need to not be afraid of long flights, complete the courses and then get a job at a domestic airline. If you have knowledge of English, then there is a chance to start working for an international airline, and here the salaries are already higher. A flight attendant has a unique opportunity to visit many cities in her country and many other countries, and absolutely free of charge.

1.9. Tourism manager

The profession became popular in the early 90s, when everyone had the opportunity to go to another country. As a rule, women work as tourism managers. To acquire this qualification, you should enroll in an educational institution where there is a department of tourism. Working in travel agency, you will be the first to know about the availability of last-minute tours and special offers hotels.

2. The most popular professions for men in 2017

Men will also not be left without work in the future. There is a list of professions that they can master and are guaranteed to find a place for labor activity even without experience. So, the most popular professions in 2017 for men are as follows:

2.1. Engineer

Construction is developing at a rapid pace. Factories are being built shopping centers, residential buildings, bridges and much more. Before builders begin constructing a facility, it must be created on paper by an engineer. The work of this specialist is difficult, but profitable. Talented engineers are invited to work in well-known companies, including foreign ones. To fully master this specialty, you will have to graduate from university and work for some time as a student under an experienced specialist.

2.2. Sales Manager

If you have a talent for selling, then you should immediately enroll in a college or institute at the Department of Management and Commerce and become a certified sales specialist. Currently, hundreds of companies are in need of managers and are ready to hire even an employee without experience. At first, the income will be low, but as soon as the client base grows, and sales grow with it, the manager’s financial situation will improve significantly. If he is constantly successful in transactions, then there is a high probability of becoming a sales manager. His income level is no longer limited from above.

2.3. Financier

This profession is considered one of the most prestigious in the world. Financiers work in banks, investment funds, and sometimes government departments. Their scope of activity is quite extensive. Financiers can do analytics, manage accounting, and even act as marketers. The path of a future specialist begins in a secondary or higher institution, and ends with practice in one or another organization, where one can subsequently stay either temporarily or in order to gain experience.

2.4. Trainer at a fitness club

Photo: Profession fitness trainer

To get a sculpted body, girls and guys go straight to the fitness center. For a set of exercises, turn to trainers. Many show business stars and public figures have their own fitness trainers. The profession is quite specific, as it requires an interest in sports and constant maintenance of oneself. in better shape. Overweight coaches will be viewed with suspicion.

2.5. Stove maker

The most popular professions presented above in 2017 for men correspond to the spirit of the times. Surprisingly, the profession of a stove maker is also popular. It would seem that gas is used everywhere for heating and the stove has long outlived its usefulness, or is found in houses in the outback. In fact, stove makers are engaged not only in their construction, but also in stationary barbecues, tandoors, smokehouses and fireplaces. Many people not only want to see the listed designs in summer kitchens and gardens, but even in houses. A talented stove maker has a list of clients many weeks or months in advance. You can become a furnace professional by completing courses and working as an apprentice.

2.6. Risk Manager

Until recently, there was little information about this profession. Today, interest in risk managers is only growing. These specialists are designed to lead companies and organizations out of difficult economic situations and avoid financial risks. The profession is unknown, but very interesting. It is unknown how much an employee will earn, but certainly no less than a middle manager.

2.7. Translator

Photo: Profession translator

Many domestic companies cooperate with foreign companies. To establish this very cooperation and support partnerships in the future they will not be able to do without translators. Specialists provide simultaneous interpretation during business meetings and translate and adapt documentation, instructions and much more. Employees often travel on business trips to foreign countries. Work is convenient with constant practice foreign language and, accordingly, an increase in the attractiveness of a person as a specialist. Even if he is laid off in one place, not even a month will pass before he will be able to get a job in another organization.

2.8. Car mechanic

Photo: Profession car mechanic

Not a single car has yet been created that does not break down. In the most reliable vehicle One or another part from a well-known car brand may fail. The repairs will be carried out by auto mechanics at the service center. Specialists have a lot of work to do. They often have to stay after working hours if there are a lot of orders. Naturally, they will receive overtime for this. Specialists have the opportunity to repair their iron horse completely free of charge, if the need arises.

2.9. Webmaster

Every self-respecting company is simply obliged to have its own website. If previously its presence was only a minor advantage, now a web resource has become a mandatory attribute of a successful organization. Webmasters create websites. In addition, they also carry out their technical support, for which they receive a good reward. To become a webmaster, it will be enough to complete online courses and practice a little.

Which profession should you choose from the most in-demand professions of 2017?

Dear readers! If you have any questions or comments on the topic of the article, please leave them below.

  • 3 most highly paid professions 2019
  • TOP 5: highest paid professions for men
  • What are the highest paying professions for people without higher education?
  • The highest paying professions for humanists
  • What are the highest paid professions in the world?
  • The highest paid professions of the future

Everyone dreams of having a job where they can work less and get more - there is a fair amount of truth in this humorous statement. In a world where everything costs money, the winner is the one who has more of it - and therefore even schoolchildren who have not yet really decided on their choice of profession are in no hurry to consider unfashionable and not very highly paid professions. So who gets the highest salary in the labor market? We will talk about this now.

First of all, you need to decide which profession is considered highly paid. According to Rosstat, for 2018 average salary in Russia was 35,843 rubles, but this figure fluctuated greatly depending on the region - for example, in the Volgograd, Ivanovo, and Tver regions it is significantly lower.

Traditionally high salaries in Moscow (66 thousand rubles for the same period), St. Petersburg, in the north of Russia (Magadan region, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region, Yakutia, etc.), as well as in megacities. But we will focus on the average for Russia and consider those professions where salaries are higher.

We will also make a reservation that “profession” and “position” are not exactly the same thing. Of course, top managers and senior executives, directors of banks and large enterprises. But this is a position that not everyone can rise to. We also do not take into account the income of businessmen in the ranking, which can be very significant (or can be very modest and even negative). So,?

3 the highest paid professions of 2019

This is what it looks likelist of highest paid professions Nowadays:

Other in-demand specialties can be identified:

  • Market analyst - conducts market analysis and gives advice on the implementation and promotion of products.
  • Business consultant - helps the manager build the right business model and get around the rough edges in the harsh world of entrepreneurship and free trade.
  • A logistician is a specialist responsible for delivering goods from point A to point B in the fastest and cheapest possible way.
  • A marketer is a person who prepares and implements an advertising campaign.
  • HR specialist. Personnel - key resource for any company, so competent HR is always valuable.
  • A risk manager and crisis manager is the one who can lead the company out of the deepest crisis.
  • Sales Manager. In a world where everyone sells something, the profession of a sales manager will never lose relevance.
  • Dentist. The only one medical specialty, which is officially considered highly profitable. Close on the heels of dentists are obstetricians-gynecologists, psychologists and surgeons.

The range of salary levels can be quite significant, but, as a rule, the minimum wage for these positions is 40-50 thousand rubles, and then everything depends on the size and capabilities of the company, as well as on the skill level of the specialist.

TOP 5: for men

Despite all the achievements of emancipation, in some areas men still earn more than the fair half of humanity.

These harsh male professions were and remain the domain of the strongest half of humanity.

The highest paying professions for women

Women hold strong positions in the following professions:

  • PR specialist (optionally, public relations specialist). Most often these positions are occupied by women. For such work, it is important to be able to competently build relationships with partners and produce good impression- just what the fair half of humanity does very well (of course, when they need it).
  • Internal communications specialist. This position involves building relationships within a team and monitoring adherence to principles corporate ethics, as well as maintaining employee loyalty to management and the company as a whole. The salary of such a specialist can be 100-300 thousand rubles.

  • Accountant. This profession has long been considered purely female. Although exceptions do occur, they are not very common. The chief accountant of a large company or enterprise is close in status to the general or financial director- no wonder this position pays so well. But don't forget that Chief Accountant, as a rule, is a financially responsible person, so he bears certain risks.
  • Lawyer. Unlike an accountant, this profession is not considered purely female. but still, representatives of the fair half of humanity have noticeably displaced men in the field of jurisprudence. But we should not forget that 10-15 years ago the profession of a lawyer was considered very fashionable, and universities graduated great amount specialists every year. Not all of them are well employed and work in their specialty - having a diploma is not enough, experience and qualifications are important. Only highly qualified lawyers receive good money (from 150,000 and above).

  • A master in the field of beauty (make-up artist, hairdresser, stylist, manicurist) is a purely female profession, and good masters with an established clientele are always worth their weight in gold - they can earn very decent money, because women are not ready to save on their beauty.

In these areas, women occupy leading positions, and it is unlikely that men will be able to displace them in the near future.

What professions are the highest paid?for people without higher education

As you know, “learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.” However, this statement can be disputed, because even among people who do not have the coveted certificate of graduation from a university there are successful and very wealthy people. Moreover, sometimes former school C-students who barely graduated from vocational schools are hired to work former excellent students and medalists. However, you should not take this as advice to “give up on studying” - this does happen, but this is not the rule, but rather an exception to the rule.

So, how can you make money without a diploma?

  1. Personal bodyguard/head of security. This is a fairly popular profession for men who have good physical training and are proficient in martial arts techniques, as well as weapons. As a rule, their employers are very serious and rich people, so the reward for the person who ensures their safety is a very significant amount.
  2. Personal driver. This is a person who is trusted with a premium class car, but also - involuntarily - with access to serious information, for which many competitors are willing to pay serious money, because in this car, in the presence of the driver, many important conversations are held. In addition, a personal driver must adapt to the often irregular rhythm of life of his employer. All this makes the profession of a personal driver so highly paid. To get to this position, it is not enough to drive a car well - people do not get here “from the street”, and all candidates undergo a thorough check and selection.

  3. Athlete. Here it is necessary to make a reservation that most athletes still have a diploma - as a rule, they study by correspondence, because they simply do not have time for full-time study. But strictly speaking, the diploma itself is not so necessary or important for a career - if you have potential and real sporting achievements, you can earn very decent money by scoring goals or pucks, and at the same time remaining a person without a higher education. But it is important to understand that only top division athletes have high earnings, amounting to hundreds of thousands (and even millions) of dollars a year.

There are other professions for people without higher education, because back in the 2000s, a personnel crisis began in the market for blue-collar professions. And it’s no longer a secret to anyone that good plumber can earn more than a typical office clerk. Here are some in-demand job specialties.

  • builders;
  • masons;
  • electricians;
  • carpenters and plasterers
  • electric and gas welders;
  • repairmen.

The highest paying professionsfor humanists

It is believed that in the labor market technical specialists are more likely to find a high-paying job than humanities majors, but this is not always the case. These are the directions in which people who had a solid “D” in mathematics and other exact sciences at school can develop.

  • Brand manager. The person who helps turn a name or trademark into a recognizable brand. It is thanks to these people that we buy shampoos, shoes or candies of a certain brand.
  • Politician. Oddly enough, among politicians there are more humanitarians, and this profession provides an excellent opportunity to earn money.
  • Diplomat - Anyone who can resolve any conflict at the negotiating table must have a humanitarian mindset.

Also in recent years, the profession of etiquette specialist has been gaining popularity.

Watch the video on the topic:

What professions are the highest paid? in the world

This list may differ depending on which country you are talking about. Top managers and company executives are in the TOP in any state, but other positions on the list may vary.

In America and in the West in general, doctors are on the list of in-demand and highly paid professions, in addition to high-level managers. Here is a list of medical specialties with salaries ranging from $150,000 to $180,000 per year:

  • Surgeon (including plastic and maxillofacial);
  • Psychiatrist;
  • Orthodontist;
  • Dental prosthetist;
  • Anesthetist;
  • Pathologist;
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist.

It is obvious that in the West, the medical profession is much more promising and highly paid than in Russia and the CIS.

The highest paid professions in Moscow

Moscow is considered a separate state - it is logical to assume that the labor market here has its own characteristics. But in fact, the entire list of in-demand professions in the Russian capital is not much different from the one given above. Most in demand:

  • IT specialists;
  • Lawyers;
  • Accountants;
  • Marketers;
  • Auditors

The only difference with the regions is the number of vacancies and the amount of salary - on average 2 times higher than in other regions. Sometimes the gap can be significantly higher.

The highest paying professions future

We live in a rapidly changing world - some professions are becoming a thing of the past, and new ones are immediately appearing in their place. The list of highly paid professions in 2019 differs significantly from a similar list in 2010, and even more from the list in 2000. There is every reason to believe that in 5-10 years the situation will change again.

What professions are gaining popularity? Basically, these are professions in high-tech fields. Don’t forget that our world has finally entered the digital era: for example, German Gref recently proposed including blockchain, which underlies smart contracts and cryptocurrencies, in the curriculum of technical universities. Surely, the first specialists who have received such an education will be in great demand and will be able to qualify for excellent salaries.

Experts believe that the demand for engineers, IT and technical specialists will not decrease in the near future, so you can safely master these specialties.

Will also be in demand

  • biologists and microbiologists;
  • chemists and physicists;
  • specialists in the field of genetic engineering;
  • rocketry industry engineers;
  • designers and test pilots;
  • builders and railway workers;
  • all professions related to shipbuilding;
  • specialists in the field of hotel and tourism business.

Advice on choosing a profession for future specialists and their parents

Schoolchildren at the age of 16-17 cannot always do conscious choice, which will determine their entire future life - where to go to study. Often their parents make the choice for them, which is also not entirely correct. If you are not sure which major to choose, use the following tips.

  • write down on paper everything you love and get pleasure from, and try to analyze this list. Try to understand: do you have a humanitarian or technical mindset? Do you want to manage or work under someone's direction? Do you like to work alone or in a team? Do you like to communicate with people - or will you be comfortable sitting quietly all working day somewhere in a corner, with your nose to the computer? Try to give as honest answers as possible. Focus on your desires, not on the opinions of your parents or peers.
  • take a test that will help you determine your strengths and weak sides- after this you will also be able to get a list of professions that suit you. This testing can be done both online and offline. In addition, some schools offer career guidance programs for middle and high school students.

There is nothing shameful or terrible if you do not go to university in the first year after school - first, you can try to work without a specialty. Perhaps this experience will give you an impetus and help you navigate the choice of your future profession.

If you haven't found your real one or future profession on the list of the highest paid - do not rush to get upset. Remember that you need to focus not only on the needs of the market, but also on your abilities, desires and dreams - this is the only way you can achieve a lot.

It is better to choose an ordinary profession, but become a top-class professional, than, at the insistence of your parents, to go to study to become an accountant, “because it good profession, which will always feed you” - and as a result, spend your whole life as a second-rate accountant in a third-rate company, quietly hating your job and counting the minutes to six. Remember that real professionals get good money in any field - and to become a real professional, you need to do what you love!

What does it take to get a high-paying position?

This list may be adjusted depending on the position you are applying for. And yet, we can highlight the basic requirements for specialists who dream of occupying a highly paid position:

  • 5-10 years of work experience in the industry;
  • good knowledge foreign languages(at least English);
  • specialized education (large foreign universities are especially valued);
  • completing MBA courses;
  • high stress resistance;
  • HR management skills.

Feedback from previous employers is also important, so it is important for a highly paid specialist to retain a good relationship with superiors even upon dismissal.

We reviewed the highest paid professions in 2019 in Russia and the world. Of course, this list is incomplete - businessmen, civil servants, as well as representatives of the creative sphere and show business, where you can also earn very decent money, were left behind.

As they say, “all professions are needed, all professions are important,” but if you compare the level of salaries, it turns out that this is not entirely true. Approach your choice of profession responsibly: of course, it is important for any person to realize their potential, but we live in a material world and cannot ignore the size of the monthly remuneration for your work.

IN Lately There are many opportunities to work and earn income online. If you are interested in the topic of making money on the Internet, all the most complete and up-to-date information is collected here:

They began to train students in non-core specialties and dubious programs.

Due to the low quality of education and the excess of supply over demand, graduates had to retrain and look for another job. Some mastered blue-collar jobs, others went into the service sector.

Let's remember what was relevant in 2017

In September last year, the Ministry of Labor named the most in-demand specialists on the labor market. The ministry also noted the demand for nurses (despite the introduction of automation systems) and skilled workers: electricians, welders, turners. According to the department, entrepreneurs, managers and document specialists most often remain unemployed in Russia.

The Ministry of Labor also provided a list of high-paying professions based on vacancies that appeared in the first half of the year.

But what awaited young specialists on the labor market, according to

Customer Service Operator - a leading position for young professionals in 2017

But when choosing a specialty, it is important to think ahead.

Let's look into the future: what awaits us after 2020

The recruitment agency "Unity" surveyed Russian companies and compiled a list of professions that will be in demand in 2021. The top 5 included the following specialties:

  • Food production technologist.
  • Mobile application architect.
  • Biochemist.
  • Financial analyst.
  • Strategist in the field of search and personnel management.

Also, according to respondents, companies will continue to look for specialists in Big Data, Java and Python developers, mobile application designers.

Well-known companies in the labor market also conduct surveys. According to recruiting company Hays: More than half of respondents believe that their profession will change greatly in 10 years and will require new skills.

The Moscow School of Management Skolkovo and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives have compiled a list of “dying” professions. The list included the following specialties:

  • notary, librarian, copywriter;
  • tester, system administrator;
  • bank operator, analyst;
  • secretary, logistician;
  • driver, dispatcher, journalist.

Also, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo created the Atlas of New Professions. It includes over 100 new specialties, most of which will appear only after 2020. The developers identify 5 future trends: automation, globalization, increasing complexity of control systems, increased competition and environmental requirements.

However, while universities do not teach IT geneticists, space tourism managers and medical robot operators, it is worth paying attention to the list of professions adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation.

What profession should I choose?

No one will make the choice for you: you need to make an informed decision, taking into account forecasts, market conditions and, of course, your abilities.

What to do:

  • Take a career guidance test and consult with a specialist.
  • Study the list of professions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Atlas.
  • Monitor vacancies: note the required requirements for applicants, salary levels.
  • Listen to expert forecasts and monitor the labor market. For example, HeadHunter periodically publishes reports on specific regions and industries. An example is on the website

P.S. We don’t live in the USSR: it’s unlikely to be possible to study, then get a job in one place and work all your life. You must always keep your finger on the pulse.