I think that in this case, we could discuss the problems that we have in the region, you could make proposals on how to improve the quality, raise the standard of living of the population, solve your issues, your problems. “I will update all the information on my blog on a weekly basis.

That's why I don't say goodbye. Until we meet again, all the best to you,” says V.’s message.

On the street? These are the children who win prizes? 1st place in the region in 2011, 3rd place in the city in 2012, 2013, 2014.

There is no this team, the coach was dispersed.

Money is more important. There was a similar situation at the end of the season regarding children born in 2001-2004, it was possible to stop the chaos on the part of the coaches and the indifferent attitude of the leadership of the sports and sports complex.

The coach doesn’t want to talk (refers him to the management of the sports committee), the management sends him to the coaches - a vicious circle!

I ask you to look into and give an answer regarding the refusal of ice hockey coaches to train children who live nearby.

An open letter to the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region Valery Pavlinovich Shantsev

The Nizhny Novgorod regional branch of United Russia acted wiser: it did not answer anything at all, as if it had not received anything or something was confused in the address. However, by March 8, your postcard arrived to the mother of this family both from the governor and as from the leader of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the United Russia party.

What do you think, Valery Pavlinovich, did this mother vote for you? And go to the bathhouse! Fulfill a natural need!

120 rubles for washing one soul.

Valery Shantsev resigned of his own free will

According to the law, the entire government will also have to resign. Nizhny Novgorod region. The newly appointed head of the region will make his own decision - which minister to hire, and whose positions will be filled by other people. In addition, as political scientist Valentin Bianki told the publication today, the main reason for the purge in the 10 regions of the country announced by the media is, first of all, preparation for the presidential elections.

Send an appeal in the form of an electronic document

  1. Reply to the request in the form electronic document is not given in the following cases:
— if the appeal does not indicate the surname of the citizen who sent the appeal or postal address/address email, to which the response should be sent; - if the text of the appeal is not readable.
  1. In accordance with Article 11 of Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals Russian Federation»:
- an appeal in which a court decision is appealed is returned to the citizen who sent the appeal within seven days from the date of registration, with an explanation of the procedure for appealing this court decision.

Familiar hokhotniki said that there were huntsmen from the Pavlovsk region and they took everyone in a row, despite cronyism.

No one is afraid of the Vyksunskys anymore :), but you can run into visitors anywhere in the floodplain. Dear Evgeniy Viktorovich! Based on Article 21 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Animal World”, in order to preserve and reproduce objects of the animal world and their habitat, the implementation individual species use fauna, and also, the use of certain objects of the animal world may be limited, suspended or completely prohibited in certain territories and waters or for certain periods by a decision of the executive authority of the Russian Federation or the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation within their competence upon the proposal of the relevant specially authorized government agency on the protection, control and regulation of the use of wildlife and their habitats.

News from Balakhna, region, country and world

our address Balakhna st. Builders 2 Selling a used metal entrance door price 2000 rubles.

t 9200244685 Transporter required, contact tel. 7-47-03 To the assembly plant wooden products auxiliary workers are required in Balakhna.

Shantsev Valery Pavlinovich

Shantsev Valery Pavlinovich

Shantsev was born on June 29, 1947 in the Kostroma region. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. Service in the Armed Forces Soviet Union served on Sakhalin in the Air Defense Forces.

In 1994, Valery Shantsev was appointed prefect of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, the largest in the capital.

How well the woman writes!


Letter to the Governor

from a resident of the city of Balakhna
Vasyukova Alexandra Fedorovna

Dear Valery Pavlinovich!

As a well-mannered person, I cannot leave unanswered your congratulations sent to me on International Women’s Day. Thank you very much for your attention to my humble person and for your warm wishes addressed to me. But since I have taken up the letter, allow me, dear Valery Pavlinovich, to ask you about who advised you to take such a step, that is, to congratulate all women of voting age on the holiday? I think he was a short-sighted man, and here's why. (Let’s just agree that you will not be offended by my words: I dare to assure you, they come from the bottom of my heart).
So, I receive your congratulations. What is my first feeling? God! What else haven’t I paid yet? I open the envelope and see beautiful postcard, reading. Everything seems to be fine, kind, warm words, sincere wishes, but the question in my mind is: why is this? Who is Shantsev and who am I? Why did the governor suddenly need to congratulate me on Women’s Day in a personal letter, when I haven’t felt like a woman for many years? And then the most bitter thing: how much did such a promotion cost? Is there really so much money in the treasury that it’s not a pity to “sprinkle” it with congratulatory messages?! But I, Valery Pavlinovich, haven’t congratulated anyone for a long time, and especially this year. Judge for yourself: one envelope only costs 15 rubles (if at the post office) and up to 18 rubles if bought at Soyuzpechat kiosks. Your envelope, I believe, costs 20 rubles, and the postcard costs 15 - 17 rubles. So this postcard must be passed through special equipment, to print my name in a special way, put it in an envelope and give work to the couriers who distributed them throughout the constituency. The result is a hefty sum, and if you multiply it by the number of recipients, then it’s not rubles, but thousands of rubles that appear behind this seemingly good action.
What's the end result, Valery Pavlinovich? I talked to many women, different from me, different social status and age, but we have the same reaction: indignation and indignation! And so, instead of voting for “United Russia” in gratitude for your kind words (after all, this is what everything was planned for!), I voted for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. I voted not for ideological reasons, but as a protest against the ostentatious attention to a person, which in reality is completely absent. Let me give you an example. A large family lives on my street. They have six wonderful children who, unfortunately, were born before the “maternal capital”. The eldest, she is 18 years old, is studying at a medical school (by the way, she is studying with excellent marks), the youngest will turn seven this summer and will go to first grade. A family of 9 people (add mother, father and grandmother to the six children) lives on an area of ​​40 square meters. meters. Our city can't help this family in any way. All attempts to find some kind of understanding end with the usual phrase: “Nobody forced you to give birth to so many children, so it’s your problem.” The Nizhny Novgorod regional branch of United Russia acted wiser: it did not answer anything at all, as if it had not received anything or something was confused in the address. However, by March 8, your postcard arrived to the mother of this family both from the governor and as from the leader of the Nizhny Novgorod branch of the United Russia party. What do you think, Valery Pavlinovich, did this mother vote for you?
Don’t think, Valery Pavlinovich, that we are so mercantile: if they don’t help us, then we won’t lift a finger in response. The point is different. People see how quickly your party is multiplying millionaires and billionaires against the background of the lack of a decent life even for those who work. I'm not even talking about pensioners, for whom ten letters a month is an unaffordable luxury. The same postcards of yours? For some reason, last year you didn’t even know anything about me, but this year the authorities wanted to remember. Frankly speaking, such memories have no use for me. It would be better, in connection with the increase in electricity tariffs, to remember the canceled reduction factor for those consumers who have electric stoves installed. But in St. Petersburg and Moscow it exists, but in the Nizhny Novgorod region it is canceled at the regional level. It is almost impossible to supply gas, because there is nowhere to get those tens of thousands of rubles that are requested for connection management company.
And go to the bathhouse! Fulfill a natural need! 120 rubles for washing one soul. What if there are nine of them in the family? You say: the social service issues coupons large families. Yes, for January you receive coupons on the 25th, not earlier, for February - on the 18th. A pensioner can wash for 70 rubles, but in St. Petersburg for some reason old people wash for 25 rubles, and on Thursdays a bathhouse for them, believe it or not, costs only 10 rubles Perhaps all these are little things, but it’s these little things that make up the life of a potential voter. And you know, it would be possible not to pay attention to these little things at all, if at least in the future there was something that was worth tightening our belts for. In reality, the picture is bleak: impoverishment of the population, rapid degradation of physical and intellectual state people, lack of prospects for young people, and hence the consequence of drunkenness, drug addiction, hooliganism and robbery. It feels like a maximum program for the destruction of Russia is being purposefully carried out with the help of the leading and guiding party “United Russia”. And pay attention, Valery Pavlinovich, to a certain pattern: in areas where the standard of living is extremely low, there is a very high percentage of those who voted for “United Russia”. What is this? Unscrupulous falsification of elections or “United Russia” is a party of a degenerating majority?
So, Valery Pavlinovich, you see what thoughts your greeting card led me to. I did not want to offend you, and if this happened unintentionally, I ask for your forgiveness. Of course, you don’t have to answer my letter: the need for feedback disappears by itself due to the end of the election campaign, but life goes on. Let's live!

With respect and hope for understanding
Alexandra Fedorovna Vasyukova

P.S. Yes, Valery Pavlinovich, I almost forgot. In your postcard you wished my family peace and prosperity, and for me to be loved. It would be nice for your assistants, who knew my address, first name, patronymic, last name, it would be nice for them to know that my family is just me and my cat Anfisa Pavlovna. As for happiness and love, I will try, especially since you promised to help.

Write a letter to the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, Valery Pavlinovich Shantsev. Many citizens have problems that can only be solved with the help of officials at the highest regional level. You can contact the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region directly if your situation has the indicated regional connection and its consideration is within the competence of the official.

The post of head of the Nizhny Novgorod region is occupied by Valery Pavlinovich Shantsev. His third term in this position began in September 2014.

Anyone can contact the governor personally in several ways, each of which has its own characteristics.

Letters to the governor and their format

You can send your message to Valery Pavlinovich Shantsev in paper form to the following address: Kremlin, building 1, city Nizhny Novgorod, 603082 , and in the form of an email, using the online reception service located on the website http://www.shantsev-vp.ru. The last option is convenient, it saves time and effort, but it has a drawback. IN electronic format Messages longer than 2 thousand characters, as well as with document attachments, are not considered. If your letter requires a different format or attachment of accompanying papers, use traditional mail.

The website of the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Valery Shantsev (http://www.shantsev-vp.ru/) started working on the Internet.
“On this site you can get information about my work as governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, personal information: about my family, about my hobbies, about my favorite places in our Nizhny Novgorod region,” says the governor’s blog posted on the site.
“Of course, members of the government and I, as governor, we also hold personal receptions, and I often meet with the population. I will continue to meet more often and hold more of these meetings, but it would be right in our modern age of information technology development to use everything the possibilities of the Internet in order to establish a more dynamic two-way connection between me, as the governor, and between the population of the Nizhny Novgorod region. I think that in this case, we could discuss the problems that we have in the region, you could make proposals. about how to improve the quality, raise the standard of living of the population, solve their issues, their problems.

“And of course, I would like to hear criticism from you. For one simple reason, that, despite my external, sometimes serious, sad appearance, I love people, I love to argue, I love to receive information from specialists, because without professionals it is impossible to accept the right decision. And, as a rule, they argue, ask questions, sometimes make proposals that diverge from the point of view of the person they listen to and see - in this case, I mean myself - only caring people who want the area to develop dynamically, so that issues are resolved , the standard of living of the population increased. And I will be extremely grateful and happy if we establish such a relationship,” the governor addressed the readers.
“I will update all the information on my blog on a weekly basis. That's why I don't say goodbye. Until we meet again, all the best to you,” says V. Shantsev’s address.

Press service of the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region.


Dear readers!
According to the current legislative regulations on working with appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation, comments and appeals left on this article cannot be accepted for consideration by the Government and the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
If you want to write an appeal to the Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, please use a special section on the website of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region - Internet reception ( click to go) . All additional information can be found on the website of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Likharev D. V.
Chief editor of "Chkalovsk Online"