The book describes a method for achieving wealth and success based on the experiences of the most successful people in the world.

For a wide range of readers.


“I bequeath the best part of my fortune—the philosophy of personal success that has been the source of all my accomplishments—as a legacy to the American people.”

These are the words from Andrew Carnegie's will. It is from them that a story begins that can change the life of everyone who gets to know it.

It all started in the late autumn of 1908. It was then that Andrew Carnegie invited me to his home and praised me, my intelligence and character. And all this in order to then entrust to me what he himself considered “the best part.” your condition. My role was to transfer this wealth to its rightful heir - the American people.

It is not for nothing that I mention this case here. First of all, I want to inform you that in the will there is also your share, the right to which you own. And all we can do is introduce you to the conditions under which you can take possession of your wealth.

These conditions are too simple. You don't have to be a great genius to do them. And don't try to find a catch in this. In fact, everything is real: both the conditions and the reward.

So that you can decide whether these conditions are suitable for you, I will formulate as precisely as possible what the reward will consist of:

· a clear formula for success, with the help of which you will become the owner of universal knowledge - a magic key that will open the gates to you new life, life without unnecessary problems, without offensive mistakes and mistakes. This key will open the way to obtaining twelve great treasures, including successful business;

· a comprehensive list of all the wealth that Andrew Carnegie bequeathed to you; and, moreover, useful recommendations to receive these treasures as quickly as possible;

· a description of the means by which you can more effectively take advantage of the experience, knowledge and skills of those people who will help you along your path to success. This will help you achieve a lot in life and do it faster than “certified geniuses”;

· the opportunity not to make your own mistakes and blunders, but only to analyze the mistakes of others, in order to then use the philosophy of personal success with greater efficiency;

· a specific plan of action to obtain not only high income, but also highly appreciated your work;

· a specific plan that provides the opportunity to work not only for others, but also to open your own business;

· a specific plan, following which any businessman will be able to turn his customers not only into regular customers, but also into his assistants in finding new customers;

· a specific plan, following the instructions, which you can turn the employees of your company into your friends and assistants, which will only be the key successful work in future.

But to get all this, you will have to do something. First, you should read this book twice without missing anything. And not just read, but seriously think about every phrase. This will be the first step that will bring you closer to the moment of receiving wealth.

I want to say in advance that by wealth we mean not only money and a bank account. There are a number of equally important components of the concept of “wealth”: freedom, human relationships, and, ultimately, a full life available to everyone. And achieving such a life requires very little effort.

You yourself will have to choose what kind of wealth you want to have and in what quantity.

Americans are lucky because their lifestyle provides them with as many choices as a person could want. And I expect that every reader will want to receive his part of the inheritance, and not only with money, but also with what money cannot buy.

The purpose of this book is not to impose a certain lifestyle on the reader, but we can confidently say that money does not guarantee success and happiness in your personal life.

In the same way, we are sure that you cannot become happy yourself without trying to make your loved ones happy. There are many people who have untold wealth but have never found happiness.

We are talking about this without wanting to lecture you or reproach you for anything, but only to awaken in you the desire to act. We want you, remembering the countless material values, they did not forget about the spiritual values ​​that make up the meaning of human life.

Chapter 1


I can say with all confidence that you, and all people in general, dream of changing your life for the better. Each of you strives for economic independence, which becomes possible only if you own a certain amount of money. And I have no doubt that you would like to use your skills and abilities to 100 percent enjoy all the riches that are possible in our lives.

And everyone does this differently. Some try to get unrealistic wealth for free without doing anything. Agree that each of you has dreamed about this at least once in your life. But I think I can convince you that this is as unrealistic as the possibility of getting something out of nothing.

There is only one way to master life's treasures. It will open only to the person who, with our help, finds the universal key to those still locked doors behind which countless riches are hidden. But the owner of this magical master key still has to overcome and eliminate many obstacles along the way.

But I assure you that it is worth trying, because what awaits you is truly worth trying. This:

· good health;

· love and romance;

· friendship: you will display character traits that will attract people and help you find good friends.

· The universal key will close you and will not allow you to enter those doors behind which failures, mistakes, disappointments, and mistakes may await you.

The universal key will help you realize unfulfilled dreams, revive hope and teach you how to use knowledge from the great source of the Eternal Mind.

The universal key is a magic wand that can turn a modest loser into a successful businessman.

The universal key is also a unique opportunity to manage time in order to remain forever young.

The universal key will teach you to put into practice your abilities, skills and knowledge more effectively; he will show you how to control your emotions, how to concentrate your thinking.

The universal key will open the door to new knowledge for you and give you a real chance to succeed in this life.

And most importantly, the universal key will open doors leading to the twelve treasures of life, which will be discussed below.

From this book you will learn a lot of new things, so some preparation for its perception is necessary. But first of all, you must be firmly confident in the goal you have set for yourself, demanding and persistent on the way to achieving it. And know: there is no such person who would know everything in the world. Throughout the book I will try to explain to you the various principles

familiarize yourself with the facts. Many of them will no longer be unknown to you, because they reveal their true meaning to those who are ready to receive the universal key to mastering the treasures of life.

Two sides of your self

Before telling you about the twelve treasures, first of all I would like to point out to you other treasures, those that you already possess without knowing it.

The book describes a method for achieving wealth and success based on the experiences of the most successful people in the world.

For a wide range of readers.


“I bequeath the best part of my fortune—the philosophy of personal success that has been the source of all my accomplishments—as a legacy to the American people.”

These are the words from Andrew Carnegie's will. It is from them that a story begins that can change the life of everyone who gets to know it.

It all started in the late autumn of 1908. It was then that Andrew Carnegie invited me to his home and praised me, my intelligence and character. And all this in order to then entrust to me what he himself considered “the best part.” your condition. My role was to transfer this wealth to its rightful heir - the American people.

It is not for nothing that I mention this case here. First of all, I want to inform you that in the will there is also your share, the right to which you own. And all we can do is introduce you to the conditions under which you can take possession of your wealth.

These conditions are too simple. You don't have to be a great genius to do them. And don't try to find a catch in this. In fact, everything is real: both the conditions and the reward.

So that you can decide whether these conditions are suitable for you, I will formulate as precisely as possible what the reward will consist of:

· a clear formula for success, with the help of which you will become the owner of universal knowledge - a magic key that will open the gates to a new life, a life without unnecessary problems, without offensive mistakes and mistakes. This key will open the way to obtaining twelve great treasures, including a successful business;

· a comprehensive list of all the wealth that Andrew Carnegie bequeathed to you; and, moreover, useful recommendations for obtaining these treasures as quickly as possible;

· a description of the means by which you can more effectively take advantage of the experience, knowledge and skills of those people who will help you along your path to success. This will help you achieve a lot in life and do it faster than “certified geniuses”;

· the opportunity not to make your own mistakes and blunders, but only to analyze the mistakes of others, in order to then use the philosophy of personal success with greater efficiency;

· a specific action plan to obtain not only a high income, but also a high assessment of your work;

· a specific plan that provides the opportunity to work not only for others, but also to open your own business;

· a specific plan, following which any businessman will be able to turn his customers not only into regular customers, but also into his assistants in finding new customers;

· a specific plan, following the instructions, which you can turn the employees of your company into your friends and assistants, which will only be the key to successful work in the future.

But to get all this, you will have to do something. First, you should read this book twice without missing anything. And not just read, but seriously think about every phrase. This will be the first step that will bring you closer to the moment of receiving wealth.

I want to say in advance that by wealth we mean not only money and a bank account. There are a number of equally important components of the concept of “wealth”: freedom, human relationships, and, ultimately, a full life available to everyone. And achieving such a life requires very little effort.

You yourself will have to choose what kind of wealth you want to have and in what quantity.

Americans are lucky because their lifestyle provides them with as many choices as a person could want. And I expect that every reader will want to receive his part of the inheritance, and not only with money, but also with what money cannot buy.

The purpose of this book is not to impose a certain lifestyle on the reader, but we can confidently say that money does not guarantee success and happiness in your personal life.

In the same way, we are sure that you cannot become happy yourself without trying to make your loved ones happy. There are many people who have untold wealth but have never found happiness.

We are talking about this without wanting to lecture you or reproach you for anything, but only to awaken in you the desire to act. We want you, while remembering the countless material values, not to forget about the spiritual values ​​that make up the meaning of human life.

Chapter 1


I can say with all confidence that you, and all people in general, dream of changing your life for the better. Each of you strives for economic independence, which becomes possible only if you own a certain amount of money. And I have no doubt that you would like to use your skills and abilities to 100 percent enjoy all the riches that are possible in our lives.

And everyone does this differently. Some try to get unrealistic wealth for free without doing anything. Agree that each of you has dreamed about this at least once in your life. But I think I can convince you that this is as unrealistic as the possibility of getting something out of nothing.

There is only one way to master life's treasures. It will open only to the person who, with our help, finds the universal key to those still locked doors behind which countless riches are hidden. But the owner of this magical master key still has to overcome and eliminate many obstacles along the way.

But I assure you that it is worth trying, because what awaits you is truly worth trying. This:

· good health;

· love and romance;

· friendship: you will display character traits that will attract people and help you find good friends.

· The universal key will close you and will not allow you to enter those doors behind which failures, mistakes, disappointments, and mistakes may await you.

The universal key will help you realize unfulfilled dreams, revive hope and teach you how to use knowledge from the great source of the Eternal Mind.

The universal key is a magic wand that can turn a modest loser into a successful businessman.

The universal key is also a unique opportunity to manage time in order to remain forever young.

The universal key will teach you to put into practice your abilities, skills and knowledge more effectively; he will show you how to control your emotions, how to concentrate your thinking.

The universal key will open the door to new knowledge for you and give you a real chance to succeed in this life.

And most importantly, the universal key will open doors leading to the twelve treasures of life, which will be discussed below.

From this book you will learn a lot of new things, so some preparation for its perception is necessary. But first of all, you must be firmly confident in the goal you have set for yourself, demanding and persistent on the way to achieving it. And know: there is no such person who would know everything in the world. Throughout the book I will try to explain to you the various principles

familiarize yourself with the facts. Many of them will no longer be unknown to you, because they reveal their true meaning to those who are ready to receive the universal key to mastering the treasures of life.

Two sides of your self

Before telling you about the twelve treasures, first of all I would like to point out to you other treasures, those that you already possess without knowing it.

To begin with, let me assure you that you are an extraordinary, multifaceted personality, despite the fact that you are the most ordinary, average person. It turns out that there are two (or even more) independent “selves” inside you.

The first "I" is easy to see if you look in the mirror. This is the physical self; the shell in which your other selves reside. In any case, there are at least two of them, and they constantly conflict with each other.

Your negative self lives with a constant feeling of uncertainty, fear, in an atmosphere of expectation of poverty and illness. Failures, doubts, fears, illnesses, superstitions - this is fertile ground for the existence of your negative “I”. And no matter how much you try to get rid of these sad life circumstances, you have to come to terms with them.

But there is also a positive “I” in you. His constant companions are prosperity, good health, luck, love and friendship, creativity and cooperation. I think you will agree that it is this “I” that can help you master the twelve treasures of life. And only with. with its help you will be able to find the universal key to achieving wealth.

The book describes a method for achieving wealth and success based on the experiences of the most successful people in the world.

The universal key to achieving wealth, invented by the author, is exactly the magnificent device that opens the door to an exciting new world. This will happen to you here, on the pages of this book that everyone needs. Read it and it will certainly change your life for the better.


“I bequeath the best part of my fortune—the philosophy of personal success that has been the source of all my accomplishments—as a legacy to the American people.”

These are the words from Andrew Carnegie's will. It is from them that a story begins that can change the life of everyone who gets to know it.

It all started in the late autumn of 1908. It was then that Andrew Carnegie invited me to his home and praised me, my intelligence and character. And all this in order to then entrust to me what he himself considered the “best part” of his fortune. My role was to transfer this wealth to its rightful heir - the American people.

It is not for nothing that I mention this case here. First of all, I want to inform you that in the will there is also your share, the right to which you own. And all we can do is introduce you to the conditions under which you can take possession of your wealth.

The book describes a method for achieving wealth and success based on the experiences of the most successful people in the world.

For a wide range of readers.


“I bequeath the best part of my fortune—the philosophy of personal success that has been the source of all my accomplishments—as a legacy to the American people.”

These are the words from Andrew Carnegie's will. It is from them that a story begins that can change the life of everyone who gets to know it.

It all started in the late autumn of 1908. It was then that Andrew Carnegie invited me to his home and praised me, my intelligence and character. And all this in order to then entrust to me what he himself considered “the best part.” your condition. My role was to transfer this wealth to its rightful heir - the American people.

It is not for nothing that I mention this case here. First of all, I want to inform you that in the will there is also your share, the right to which you own. And all we can do is introduce you to the conditions under which you can take possession of your wealth.

These conditions are too simple. You don't have to be a great genius to do them. And don't try to find a catch in this. In fact, everything is real: both the conditions and the reward.

So that you can decide whether these conditions are suitable for you, I will formulate as precisely as possible what the reward will consist of:

· a clear formula for success, with the help of which you will become the owner of universal knowledge - a magic key that will open the gates to a new life, a life without unnecessary problems, without offensive mistakes and mistakes. This key will open the way to obtaining twelve great treasures, including a successful business;

· a comprehensive list of all the wealth that Andrew Carnegie bequeathed to you; and, moreover, useful recommendations for obtaining these treasures as quickly as possible;

· a description of the means by which you can more effectively take advantage of the experience, knowledge and skills of those people who will help you along your path to success. This will help you achieve a lot in life and do it faster than “certified geniuses”;

· the opportunity not to make your own mistakes and blunders, but only to analyze the mistakes of others, in order to then use the philosophy of personal success with greater efficiency;

· a specific action plan to obtain not only a high income, but also a high assessment of your work;

· a specific plan that provides the opportunity to work not only for others, but also to open your own business;

· a specific plan, following which any businessman will be able to turn his customers not only into regular customers, but also into his assistants in finding new customers;

· a specific plan, following the instructions, which you can turn the employees of your company into your friends and assistants, which will only be the key to successful work in the future.

But to get all this, you will have to do something. First, you should read this book twice without missing anything. And not just read, but seriously think about every phrase. This will be the first step that will bring you closer to the moment of receiving wealth.

I want to say in advance that by wealth we mean not only money and a bank account. There are a number of equally important components of the concept of “wealth”: freedom, human relationships, and, ultimately, a full life available to everyone. And achieving such a life requires very little effort.

You yourself will have to choose what kind of wealth you want to have and in what quantity.

Americans are lucky because their lifestyle provides them with as many choices as a person could want. And I expect that every reader will want to receive his part of the inheritance, and not only with money, but also with what money cannot buy.

The purpose of this book is not to impose a certain lifestyle on the reader, but we can confidently say that money does not guarantee success and happiness in your personal life.

In the same way, we are sure that you cannot become happy yourself without trying to make your loved ones happy. There are many people who have untold wealth but have never found happiness.

We are talking about this without wanting to lecture you or reproach you for anything, but only to awaken in you the desire to act. We want you, while remembering the countless material values, not to forget about the spiritual values ​​that make up the meaning of human life.

Chapter 1


I can say with all confidence that you, and all people in general, dream of changing your life for the better. Each of you strives for economic independence, which becomes possible only if you own a certain amount of money. And I have no doubt that you would like to use your skills and abilities to 100 percent enjoy all the riches that are possible in our lives.

And everyone does this differently. Some try to get unrealistic wealth for free without doing anything. Agree that each of you has dreamed about this at least once in your life. But I think I can convince you that this is as unrealistic as the possibility of getting something out of nothing.

There is only one way to master life's treasures. It will open only to the person who, with our help, finds the universal key to those still locked doors behind which countless riches are hidden. But the owner of this magical master key still has to overcome and eliminate many obstacles along the way.

But I assure you that it is worth trying, because what awaits you is truly worth trying. This:

· good health;

· love and romance;

· friendship: you will display character traits that will attract people and help you find good friends.

· The universal key will close you and will not allow you to enter those doors behind which failures, mistakes, disappointments, and mistakes may await you.

The universal key will help you realize unfulfilled dreams, revive hope and teach you how to use knowledge from the great source of the Eternal Mind.

The universal key is a magic wand that can turn a modest loser into a successful businessman.

The universal key is also a unique opportunity to manage time in order to remain forever young.