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Foreman for locomotive, train, and refrigerator crews

4 - 6 digits

Job responsibilities. Ensures that crews work on schedule in accordance with the daily plan and route schedules. Fills out, issues and accepts driver routes. Takes into account and regulates the duration of their work and rest. Participates in the development of route schedules and crew work schedules. Prepares reports on the work of teams. Ensures team workers get to work on time, as well as the necessary reserves to carry out economic and additional work. Monitors the medical examination of locomotive crew employees before and after trips. Implements operational management work of teams in accordance with established plan. In case of changes in the passenger traffic schedule and shunting work makes decisions in the prescribed manner on the organization of work in changed conditions. Participates in work to analyze and evaluate the activities of teams. Ensures timely provision of scheduled vacations and days off to team employees. Maintains established documentation. Ensures the provision of approved reporting.

Must know: Regulations on employee discipline railway transport Russian Federation; charter of the enterprise; current instructions, orders, instructions and regulatory documents on the work of teams; the procedure for organizing work and changing teams; driver routes and rules for registering them; traffic schedules and circulation areas served by teams; location of receiving, departure and equipment routes; work and rest schedules for team workers; job description (card); basics labor legislation; Regulations on working time and rest time for railway transport workers; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Qualification requirements by pay grade.

4th category: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in the field of at least 1 year;

5th category: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a supervisor for locomotive, train, and refrigerator crews for at least 1 year;

6th category: secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience as a supervisor for locomotive, train, and refrigerator crews for at least 2 years.

Job responsibilities. Draws up monthly work schedules for drivers, taking into account the specifics of local conditions (availability of daily inspection of rolling stock, availability of personnel, vocational training drivers, the availability of service routes for delivering crews to work and place of residence, etc.), as well as the development of standard working hours, compliance with the alternation of working days and weekends, morning and evening shifts based on schedules for routes assigned to the depot. Writes out and issues primary documents to drivers on the basis of daily shift assignments, on the basis of which the development of standard working hours and drivers’ wages (work orders, statements, etc.), as well as additional payments caused by violations of normal working conditions, downtime not due to fault, are taken into account drivers, for overtime work etc. Keeps records of issued orders and documents, standardized time, transfers them for accrual wages, is necessary information for the site foreman and labor standards engineer. Keeps records of drivers' working hours. Maintains records and registration of sick leaves for drivers. Accepts necessary measures on the use of modern technical means in work.

Must know: regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and regulatory documents on the organization, labor standards and wages of tram and trolleybus drivers, the procedure for their application; deadlines and registration rules primary documents for recording working time and wages; methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials relating to the operational activities of the tram (trolleybus) depot; rules for operating technical equipment; basics of labor legislation; internal rules labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection.

Qualification requirements. Initial vocational education no requirements for work experience or secondary (full) general education or basic general education and special training according to the established program without presenting requirements for work experience.

2nd category - train crew supervisor: general secondary education and individual training for at least 3 months.

3rd category - train crew supervisor of category II: secondary vocational education without requirements for work experience or secondary education and work experience as a train crew supervisor for at least 3 years.

4th category - train crew supervisor, category I: secondary special education and work experience as a train crew supervisor of category II for at least 1 year.

Section 13. Organization of the work of the head of the locomotive brigade reserve

The main task of the head of the locomotive brigade reserve (senior contractor) is to implement a set of measures aimed at ensuring stable operation locomotive crews in terms of rational use of working time, timely provision of days off and next holidays, solving specific issues regarding the work schedule of locomotive crews.

13.1. General provisions

13.1.1. Persons who, as a rule, have practical experience work as an orderly or a depot attendant with at least a secondary specialized education. The head of the reserve of locomotive crews ensures the maintenance of locomotive crews to the volume of work, planning of work in accordance with the daily plan for the delivery of locomotive crews in compliance with the norms of work and rest, and supervises the work of contractors.

13.1.2. The head of the locomotive brigade reserve is directly subordinate to the head of the operational locomotive depot and operationally to the deputy head of the depot for operation.

13.1.3. In the absence of the head of the reserve of locomotive crews, his duties are usually assigned to the shift supervisor of the locomotive crews.

13.2. Responsibilities of the head of the locomotive brigade reserve

13.2.1. The head of the locomotive brigade reserve is obliged to:

Supervise and train contractors;

Compose annual charts vacations of locomotive crews, under forced circumstances, make their adjustments;

Develop personalized work schedules for locomotive crews;

Monitor compliance by locomotive crew employees with job descriptions, labor discipline, labor legislation regarding the organization of work and rest regimes;

Daily monitor and analyze the irrational use of working time of locomotive crews, take measures to improve the use of working time and rest time of locomotive crews;

Monitor and regulate the time worked by locomotive crews, the number of hours of overtime work;

Control the assignment of drivers and their assistants based on approved lists;
- control and maintain a book of temporary securing of locomotive crews;

Compile a daily analysis of violations of operating hours, extension of working hours of locomotive crews and provide the depot manager with materials for investigation;

Monitor the timely passage of locomotive crews through regular medical examinations.

13.3. The work of the head of the locomotive brigade reserve

13.3.1. The head of the locomotive brigade reserve must be guided by the rules and recommendations for the formation of locomotive brigades:

A locomotive crew can only be formed from a psychologically compatible driver and an assistant driver; one crew can only include workers with consistent professional suitability groups;

Workers are not assigned to the same locomotive crew if at least one vulnerable quality is the same;

Under no circumstances of compatibility, one locomotive crew may include employees included in the list of personnel incompatible with the given employee. Lists of incompatible personnel are compiled by the depot psychologist and approved by order of the depot manager;

A locomotive crew is formed from personnel working in one type of movement. In special cases, as an exception, a driver and an assistant driver from different types movement, but only from types of movement that are compatible with the requirements of professional selection (based on specific tests and methods);

The team can be formed only from workers who have not expired any of the controlled deadlines (passing a medical commission, passing a psychologist, the validity of an electrical safety certificate) and having the appropriate permits and qualifications.

13.3.2. The lists of permanent assignment of locomotive crews approved by the head of the depot are transferred to the head of the reserve of locomotive crews (senior contractor), who within a week (taking into account the work schedule of locomotive crews) forms (reforms) permanent assignment crews in the contractor's workstation in accordance with the order on permanent assignment.

13.3.3. The head of the locomotive brigade reserve forms a long-term turnout plan. For this purpose, the schedule of freight trains is transmitted to the operational locomotive depots of the road and is the basis for the formation of a schedule of fixed turnout lines. The turnout schedule necessarily includes turnouts supporting freight trains included in the “core of the schedule” category.

The basis of the turnout log is the long-term turnout plan, which must be provided by locomotive crews. The head of the locomotive brigade reserve can formulate an appearance plan both automatically and manually. Automatic addition of appearances is made from schedules, the presence of which is provided in the contractor’s workstation:

Passenger train schedule (intended for entering schedules of passenger trains, as well as any other trains with a stable travel algorithm - on certain days of the week or dates, provided that their departure time is unchanged, for example, commuter trains);

Daily turnout schedule (intended for entering daily turnout schedules for cargo, shunting, export and other types of movements).

In addition, the contractor’s workstation provides the ability to quickly add appearances according to promptly received requests for locomotive crews.

A long-term turnout plan is formed for at least 5 days in advance and is the basis of the depot’s operational plan for the shift.

The head of the locomotive crew reserve is responsible for the timely formation of a long-term turnout plan, and the locomotive crew supervisor and the depot duty officer are responsible for the prompt adjustment of the plan.

13.3.4. To ensure compliance with all norms and rules for the use of locomotive crews, the head of the locomotive crew reserve must have full information about the plan for the upcoming use of the requested locomotive crews:

About the location of the upcoming work (a specific traction arm or shunting station);

About the type of upcoming use (which train, freight or passenger, combined or double, etc., will the locomotive crew work with);

About the type of traction in which the locomotive crew is supposed to be used, etc.
Section 14. Organization of the work of a locomotive crew contractor

14.1. General provisions

14.1.1. The main task of the locomotive brigade contractor is to ensure the attendance plan of locomotive brigades, taking into account compliance with all the norms and rules established in the regulatory documents of the locomotive department of JSC Russian Railways.

14.1.2. Persons who have undergone on-the-job training and passed tests in their knowledge of the basic provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations relating to the organization of work of locomotive crews, with at least secondary education, are appointed as supervisors of locomotive crews.

14.1.3. In his work, the locomotive brigade supervisor is directly subordinate to the head of the locomotive brigade reserve and the operational duty officer at the operational locomotive depot.

14.1.4. When starting a shift, the locomotive crew supervisor is briefed by the depot duty officer on safety precautions and train traffic safety issues, and becomes familiar with current situation work order, checks the functionality of the contractor's workstation, the previous employee fills out the established reporting forms, enters his personal data in the user line of the contractor's workstation, makes the established marks in the duty check-in log.

14.2. Responsibilities of a locomotive crew supervisor

14.2.1. The locomotive crew contractor is obliged to:

Ensure planning of arriving locomotive crews according to the work schedule or for the next shift;

Call locomotive crews to appear during the on-call system of work for trains indicated by the depot duty officer;

Ensure that established reporting documentation is maintained in paper or electronic form;
- monitor compliance by locomotive crews with the established continuous working hours in service areas, rest standards at turnover points and home rest;

Inform your immediate and superior managers about all cases of locomotive crew employees being late and absent from work.

14.3. Work of a locomotive crew contractor

14.3.1. The contractor ties up the locomotive crews to the train schedule.

14.3.2. The contractor keeps records of the use and issuance of route sheets.

14.3.3. Upon arrival of the locomotive crew after the trip, the locomotive crew supervisor determines the time of the locomotive crew's next report to work:

With a schedule system - according to the work schedule, informs the locomotive crew of the date, time and place of appearance with the signature of each member of the locomotive crew in the work order log;

When organizing turnouts, depending on the arrival of trains, determines the date, time and place of turnout according to calculations of the required home rest of the locomotive crew.

In accordance with this, the supervisor of locomotive crews must comply with the following conditions for scheduling locomotive crews to appear:

The standard time for home rest (provided after the trip) is calculated based on the trip data and should be:
T separate norm. = (T working) x 2.6 – T dept.

T working - general working hours locomotive crew for travel in both directions;

T dept p.o. - rest time at the turnover point;

2.6 - calculation coefficient established Labor Code RF, which determines the ratio of weekly working time to non-working time based on a 40-hour working week.
In this case, it is allowed to provide a reduced rest period of up to 0.75 normative, but in any case: the minimum time of home rest between trips should be at least 16 hours. A corresponding note is made in the work order log about the reduction of rest. After two night trips in a row, shortened rest between shifts is not allowed.

The standard rest time at the turnaround point, when planning “connections” of passenger trains and working with “foreign” locomotive crews resting at the turnaround point, should be at least half the time of previous work (calculated based on data from previous work - the time from reporting to the main depot to delivery at the turnover point);

Locomotive crews are not allowed to travel at night for more than two nights in a row. Night trips should be considered trips with work starting or ending between 0 a.m. and 5 p.m. hours local time. This requirement does not apply to locomotive crews returning from a locomotive turnover point or a locomotive crew replacement point as passengers.

14.3.4. When working with the contractor's automated workstation, a locomotive crew contractor is blocked from the very possibility of planning or operational use of an employee if at least one of these conditions is violated. But at the same time, it remains possible to record a violation that was not his fault, and in this case he must first set a mark recording the fact of the violation.

14.3.6. Providing a day off to the locomotive crew is carried out according to the work schedule for a month (quarter) by adding 24 hours to the calculated rest. The number of days of weekly uninterrupted rest should be equal to the number of Sundays (with a six-day working week) according to the calendar during the accounting period.
The duration of weekly uninterrupted rest should not be less than 42 hours. The transfer of a day off is carried out only upon a written application from the employee with justification of the reasons for the transfer. The duration of the summarized day off is determined by adding 24 hours to the day off, determined in the manner provided in the first paragraph of this paragraph.

The locomotive crew may be involved in working on a day off in cases of carrying out work necessary to prevent an industrial accident or eliminate the consequences of an industrial accident or natural disaster (snow and sand drifts, landslides, landslides, consequences of hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, heavy rains, floods and earthquakes) and with the written consent of the employee. For this purpose, an order is issued from the head of the operational locomotive depot, which indicates the reasons for attracting workers on a day off.

14.3.7. The provision of leave to employees of locomotive crews is carried out upon written notification of the head of the reserve of locomotive crews. Leave for employees of an assigned locomotive crew is usually granted simultaneously.

The supervisor of locomotive crews inspects the locomotive crew against signature with notification of the granting of leave, the date of actual leave, and the date of return to work.
14.3.8. The assignment of locomotive crew workers to a work order after a break in work of more than 10 days is carried out by the contractor or the head of the reserve of locomotive crews after conducting appropriate briefings with the employee, if it is necessary to conduct training on simulators or other work determined by these Regulations.

14.3.9. When the locomotive crew supervisor receives information about the impossibility of one of the locomotive crew members coming to work, the contractor makes the appropriate move of this employee in the contractor's workstation, puts a mark in the attendance register. Reports this to the head of the locomotive brigade reserve, the deputy head of the depot for operation. The selection of an absent member of the locomotive crew is made from the lists of recommended workers by the driver-instructor and psychologist for collaboration in accordance with the requirements for the length of service and qualification class of the driver or the experience and availability of driving rights of the assistant driver.

If it is impossible to select a replacement worker from the lists, the selection of candidates for the formation of a locomotive crew is made only after agreement with the driver-instructor and the depot psychologist.

Before the first joint trip, the newly formed locomotive crew must undergo instruction from the head of the operational locomotive depot or the deputy head of the depot for operation.

14.3.10. A locomotive crew consisting of two locomotive drivers, a driver and an assistant driver, who previously worked together or are on the psychologist’s list of recommendations when re-formed is considered newly formed. A locomotive brigade is not considered newly formed when it is formed in accordance with the main assignment lists approved by the head of the department railway or the deputy head of the railway for locomotive and carriage facilities, or if a team of such composition has worked together for the last 30 days.
14.3.11. After each trip, the locomotive crew supervisor calculates the working time of each member of the locomotive crew and exercises control to prevent overtime hours work.

14.3.12. If a locomotive crew exceeds the continuous working hours established by order of the head of the railway, the contractor informs the head of the locomotive crew reserve, the head of the depot. Makes an entry in the logbook for violations of continuous duration, indicating the reason, time of excess work, position and surname of the person who passed the order to extend the work schedule. Information about violation of the continuous operation regime by the locomotive crew is transmitted to the railway department, dispatch center and locomotive maintenance service in the manner established by order of the depot manager.

14.3.13. Before the end of the shift, the locomotive crew supervisor compiles a report in the established form, which reflects:

Compliance by locomotive crews with travel time standards for each service area;
- violation of the established working hours;

Facts of irrational use of working time of locomotive crews;

Dislocation of locomotive crews at each turnover point;

Providing an outfit for the upcoming shift or day;

Other data provided for by the regulatory documents of JSC Russian Railways, the railway, the railway department and the operational locomotive depot.

It is possible to generate the specified report in an automated mode.

14.3.14. Training of locomotive crew workers should be carried out at least once a year at seminars organized by the railway locomotive service. Quarterly technical classes with contractors are conducted by the deputy head of the depot for operation and monthly by the head of the locomotive brigade reserve.

Job Description locomotive crew supervisor

I. General provisions
1. The locomotive crew contractor belongs to the category of specialists.
2. For the position:
- a worker of the 4th category of locomotive crews is appointed a person with a secondary
professional (technical) education and work experience in the relevant field for at least 1 year;
- a worker of the 5th category of locomotive crews is appointed a person with a secondary
professional (technical) education and work experience as a locomotive crew supervisor for at least 1 year;
- a worker of the 6th category of locomotive crews is appointed a person with a secondary
professional (technical) education and work experience as a locomotive crew supervisor for at least 2 years;
3. Appointment to the position of a contractor and dismissal from it is carried out
by order of the head of the depot on the recommendation of the senior supervisor of locomotive crews.
4. The locomotive crew supervisor reports directly to the senior supervisor
locomotive crews.
5. During the absence of the locomotive crew contractor (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by the locomotive crew contractor.

II. Gotta know
- Regulations on discipline of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the enterprise;
- current instructions, orders, instructions and regulatory documents on
work of teams;
- the procedure for organizing work and changing teams;
- driver routes and rules for registering them;
- traffic schedules and circulation areas served by teams;
- location of receiving and equipment routes;
- work and rest schedules for team workers;
- job description;
- basics of labor legislation;
- regulations on working time and rest time for railway workers
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and
fire protection.

III. Job responsibilities
1. Shift planning for the deployment of locomotive crews should be carried out according to
alternative schedule.
2. Locomotive crews should be provided with days off according to the approved schedule or
after two nights of work in a row. In this case, weekends should be provided for no more than the required duration and no less than 42 hours.
3. Monitor the correct staffing of locomotive crews.
4. Recommend to the head of the depot the driver and assistant driver for
formation of a newly formed brigade for moral and psychological compatibility.
5. Observe the established assignment of locomotive crews, especially young ones
drivers working for less than a year, with their assistants.
6. Strictly observe the assignment of trainee assistant driver students to
mentors during practical training.
7. Monitor the production of hours, preventing their unevenness among teams and
8. Inform the locomotive crews about all notes from the front sheet for recording hours.
9. Get acquainted with documents on train safety.
10. Responsible for the timely and reliable entry of information into the automated automated control system for the automated control system of the technical safety and security.
11. Monitors collateral safe work locomotive crews.
12. Provides optimal work and rest conditions for locomotive crews.

IV. Rights
1. The contractor of locomotive crews has the right:
- demand the personal appearance of any member of the locomotive crew after talking with the contractor by phone

V. Responsible
1. For the implementation of the shift plan for placing locomotive crews in order according to options.
2. For removing members of locomotive crews from duty without the necessary grounds.
3. For untimely provision of days off without instructions from the manager. locomotive crews or deputy depot operations manager.