Methods of investing on the stock exchange/stock market in GTA 5. In this article we will describe in detail the methods of investing money in the stock market by purchasing and selling shares in GTA 5. First, you need to know that in the world of the game there are two types of stock markets: LCN(The Liberty City National) and BAWSAQ.

The Liberty City National is an exchange that is designed for single player play. Its stock prices are influenced solely by what happens in the GTA 5 story campaign and by your own actions. The BAWSAQ exchange is intended exclusively for the network aspect of GTA 5. Share prices on this exchange are already influenced by Rockstar Games itself and the actions that players take in the virtual world of Los Santos.

From the above, a very obvious truth emerges - the LCN exchange will work even without a network connection, but BAWSAQ will not, since it is tied to the Rockstar Games network. To access the exchange on your PS3 console, all you need to do is sign up for a free account. It's the same on Xbox 360 and you won't need to purchase a Gold Membership. On current generation consoles, stock markets can be accessed in the same way as on previous generation consoles.

Largest amount of funds in the account

The largest amount of money in an account in GTA 5 can reach the amount of $2,147,483,647. This figure has a slight quirk in that it is a representation of the maximum value of a 32-bit value.

Earning money by investing through Leicester missions

Now we will describe to you a way to get very rich after completing Lester's missions and investing your money in certain stocks. Everything is extremely simple. Below you can find a description of your actions, company shares and some other useful figures.

Lester's First Mission: Assassination - Hotel

The first steps towards getting rich begin with a mission called "Murder - Hotel", in which we take control of Franklin. Before you begin this task, there are two conditions: each of the three must have a decent amount of money in their account and you will need to buy BettaPharmaceuticals shares on an online exchange BAWSAQ for all this money. As soon as you meet these conditions, start the mission.

So, you have completed the mission. Now you need to wait four in-game days. To do this, you can simply save twelve times in a row. As a result, the price of purchased shares BettaPharmaceuticals will rise to 81,5% . Sell ​​the shares and take your money.

You need to understand that your income from this game on the stock exchange will depend on your funds in your bank account at the moment. That is, you can earn millions of dollars by buying/selling.

Lester's second mission: Assassination - 4 targets

The next mission from Lester will become available to complete as soon as you finish completing the first one, which is obvious, of course. As in the previous point, collect all the money from the three main characters and invest it in stocks Debonaire Cigarettes on the stock exchange LCN(The Liberty City National). Now you need to perform a series of steps.

First, you need to wait about 3 hours in the game so that the prices for the purchased shares increase by 80% . After reaching this threshold, we shift our gaze to a competitive company - Redwood.

We are waiting for their stock prices to become 50 dollars each and then sell all the shares Debonaire Cigarettes and use all the proceeds to buy company shares Redwood. After which you need to wait again for four game days for the prices of the purchased shares to increase. On the fourth day, Redwood stock prices should jump by 300% . We sell shares and get our jackpot.

Lester's Third Mission: Assassination - Panel

We recommend that you start doing this mission only after completing the story of GTA 5, since it is during this period that you can make the biggest profit. Mission "Murder - Panel" will become available to you immediately after completing the mission called “Black Helicopter”.

Again we take all the money from the troika’s accounts and invest them in company shares Fruit, which can be found on the network exchange BAWSAQ. Once you buy a stock, expect it to rise to the level of 51% . Then we immediately sell the company's shares Fruit and buy shares with this money Facade. Now we wait about three game days. As soon as Facade share prices rise by 33% — we sell them and receive revenue.

Lester's Fourth Mission: Assassination - Bus

Your actions from the fourth mission will be different from what we did in the previous three. You will buy shares after the end of the mission "Murder - Bus". As soon as you complete this mission, then buy shares of the company with all the money Vapid on the stock market BAWSAQ. Now you need to wait about two days in the game. Once the price is on Vapid will rise to 100% , then sell them and get double the revenue.

Lester's Fifth Mission: Assassination - Construction

In the fifth mission, everything is repeated again, as in the cases of the first three. Before the mission starts "Murder - Construction", we buy shares of the company with all the money the troika has Goldcoast. We wait about three days and wait for the stock price to rise by 81% . As soon as this happens, we immediately sell them and get our huge sum.

Somewhere at the beginning of the article, we pointed out to you the maximum possible amount of money in your account in GTA 5. So, this was done for a reason, since by the actions described above, you can earn yourself exactly the amount of $2,147,483,647. Of course, it still depends on your initial capital when playing in the stock markets, but nevertheless the amount should be excellent.

Other investments

If you listen to the players, it becomes clear that they were unable to take Lester’s advice in time (i.e., the actions that we described above) and they missed their chance to get rich. However, there is another way to get rich and now we will also look at it.

Random event #31

In this random event, you will have to let down one businessman whose car has broken down. While you are driving to the place indicated by him, he will give you one piece of advice about investing money. And the advice is this: invest money in stocks Tinkle on the stock exchange BAWSAQ.

Complete the mission and buy company shares Tinkle. Now you will need to wait a couple of game days. As soon as the prices for the purchased shares reach the level of 33% , then sell the shares and take your profit. The amount earned will be proportional to your initial investment.

Competition between companies

On many sites you can find advice that you can make huge amounts of money if you take advantage of the competition between warring companies correctly. For example, you can damage the property of one of the companies or kill an employee at its enterprise in order to lower the price of its shares and increase it on the enemy's side.

However, even if you constantly try to do this, you will not be able to earn much. A lot of money can be obtained, perhaps, only from competition between companies Raine And Ecola. With them, everything is quite simple: we buy Raine shares, ruin the life of Ecola and sell the Raine shares that have increased in price.

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Another good way to make money in single-player mode is to play on the stock exchange in GTA 5. If you don’t know how to make money on the stock market in GTA 5, read this article carefully and you will find answers to all your questions. Of course, it involves a certain risk, however, there is a little trick. The fact is that at a certain point in the main storyline, Lester will begin to offer Franklin missions to eliminate unwanted people, after which he will openly report which companies are about to go bankrupt, and which, on the contrary, will experience a fabulous increase in money on the stock exchange. By using this information wisely, you can earn a very decent amount of money in a short time and without much effort. Read to the end and you will understand which stocks to buy on the stock exchange in Grand Theft Auto 5.

We act according to the following plan: after the cutscene in which Lester tells Franklin about which company is about to become the market leader, we need to die in order to temporarily cancel the mission, and then run to bet all our money on the stock exchange on the specified company. It’s better to do this with all the characters at once and bet all the money you have. Don't be afraid, you definitely won't lose here. Immediately after the end of the mission, the shares of the specified company will jump by 20%, and after 2 game days they will rise further, to 85%. It's best to complete these missions after the end of the game, when you already have millions of money. The earnings that await you if you complete the missions right away will, of course, be pleasant, but they are nothing compared to what you can earn on the stock exchange if you are patient.

If we talk about Lester’s missions, which ultimately allow you to earn money on the stock exchange in GTA 5, then it’s worth remembering that there are only five of them. The essence of this earnings is that before the start of each of them you will need to buy back shares of a certain company, and upon completion of the mission, sell them. So, when is it worth entering into transactions on the stock exchange?

Mission "Murder - Hotel".

Before completing this mission, you need to go to the BAWSAQ exchange and buy shares of BettaPharmaceuticals (BET), boldly investing all your available money in this operation. After the task is completed, and also after 4 game days, sell all the shares that you have. The profit will be more than 80%.

Mission "Assassination - 4 targets".

Here the scheme will be a little more complicated. Before starting the mission, purchase shares of Debonaire Cigarettes on the LCN exchange. At the end of it, start tracking the stock price of another corporation - Redwood, and as soon as the price per share reaches $50, feel free to sell the securities of the first company and buy shares of the second company on the same exchange. After 4 game days you can safely sell them.

Mission "Murder - Panel".

It is recommended to complete this mission only after completing all the story missions. In this case, earnings in GTA 5 on the exchange will be maximum. Before it starts, buy shares of Fruit. To do this, you need to go to the BAWSAQ network exchange. As soon as their value rises by 51%, dump them and buy shares of Facade. After their value increases by 31%, the time comes to sell them and make a profit.

Mission "Murder - Bus".

In this case, the purchase of shares begins after the completion of the mission. Use all available funds to purchase Vapid securities on the BAWSAQ exchange. They should not be sold until their price doubles.

Mission "Murder - Construction".

Here the profit making scheme is no different from the first three. By going to the LCN exchange before the start of the mission, buy shares of GoldCoast, and after its completion, wait until the value of the assets increases by 81% and sell them.

Also, information about stock fluctuations on the stock exchange, imminent bankruptcy or unexpected growth of a company may slip through conversations with characters in side missions; listen carefully to their dialogues so as not to miss your luck.

Of course, you can play on the stock exchange without these “tips”, but the income from money will be less and the risk will be greater. After all, you play as criminals who are ready to use any dirty tricks to earn an extra hundred thousand bloody dollars.

Have you tried everything you can in the world of GTA V? Tired of making money from robberies and buying stolen cars? Few people know, but by investing in the Los Santos stock market, you can make fabulous profits. Make yourself comfortable - in this material we will tell you how to make money in GTA 5 big.

Select a market

In the world of GTA 5 there are two exchange markets. The first is called LCN, and its races are determined by single-player events. The second is called BAWSAQ, and the value of its shares is a direct result of the actions of live GTA V players online. Let's say, if in the world of the game they buy a lot of guns and cartridges on the Ammu-Nation network, then the securities of this company rise in price. To play with BAWSAQ you need a network connection, whereas with LCN you don't. Therefore, it is easier to manipulate the latter exchange.

How to manipulate prices on the stock exchange

Once you have accumulated enough money to buy a large number of shares, go to the game browser, click the “Money” tab and select the exchange. Then select the “Markets” option and find a company whose shares are rising in price (green triangle). Buy securities and then wait for prices to rise. Once this happens, sell the shares and make a good profit. It is best to invest in stable players on the exchange - companies producing cars and weapons. If you don't want to wait for a price increase, there is a faster way.

Choose companies with a yellow triangle next to their name to invest in

Make an investment in cars. Choose your favorite brand - Lampadati, Coil, Vulcar or something else - and then destroy as many cars of this brand as possible in the game world. The method doesn't matter - blow it up, shoot it, leave it on the railway tracks. Soon, the shares of this car company will begin to lose value. As soon as the price drops significantly, buy securities. Next, you have a choice: wait for the company to rise on its own or “help” it. If you want to get money faster, go destroy cars again. Only this time, destroy cars of any brand, exceptthe one you invested in. The stock price will quickly skyrocket.

It's not just car companies that can be manipulated. The table below shows the competing companies in the world of Grand Theft Auto 5. Create riots in the retail outlets of one of your competitors in order to raise your opponent's shares (by investing in them first).

Leicester Missions

The next way to cash in on price surges is suitable for those who have not yet completed missions in the main campaign. The described method involves manipulation of the stock exchange, thanks to the unique parameters of some story missions.

Mission "Murder - Hotel".

Completing this mission is required to progress through the main story. In this mission, you will cause damage to Bilkington in order to raise the shares of Betta Pharmaceuticals (BAWSAQ exchange). Possible profit - up to 50 percent.

Mission "Assassination - 4 targets".

Inflicting damage will now be required by Redwood to increase Debonaire rates. The profit from Debonaire will be about 80 percent, but after the mission you should sell all shares of the company and invest in Redwood. Wait a few days and the profit will be about 300 percent.

Mission "Murder - Panel".

This time your target is the Facade company, and we will raise Fruit shares. Income from the latter will be up to 50 percent, but then Facade will rebound, and a timely investment will bring you an additional profit of another 30 percent.

Mission "Murder - Bus".

Before this kill, do not make any deposits, but after the mission, invest in Vapid (which was damaged) to receive 90 percent of the profit after the rebound.

Mission "Murder - Construction".

Invest in GoldCoast before starting a mission to receive up to 90 percent profit.

To earn money during assassination missions, you need to invest in shares of the companies indicated in the text, which will make a profit. However, the value will not jump immediately after completing the mission. It usually takes you to go to bed 2-3 times to discover huge gains in the form of higher stock prices.

Other options

While traveling around Los Santos for fun, you can also accidentally meet people who will help you make money on the stock market. For example, in one of the points in the south of Los Santos you can see a scene of an expensive bicycle being stolen from under the nose of the owner. Don't stop the theft, but once the theft is complete, go after the criminal and take the bike. Upon returning the bike, in gratitude, the owner will reveal that he is the owner of the ARK store chain and will give you a large number of company shares for free.

Stop the theft of a rare bike to get shares in one of the companies

The game also has a random encounter with a character who will tell you what to invest in at a particular moment. The character can be found near the tunnel on the state highway heading north towards Paleto Bay. Drive the person to the airport and take his advice on investing in stocks.

Now you know how to play on the stock market in GTA 5. With a good investment, your profit will be a good tidy sum.

You can buy it in the PiterPlay store.

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The gaming world of GTA 5 provides a lot of opportunities, one of them, namely the presence of the stock market in the game, will help you feel like the wolf of Wall Street. As the game progresses, events occur that affect the value of assets. By completing certain missions, you contribute to a collapse or, conversely, an increase in prices.

Before discussing in detail how the exchange works and which stocks to buy, It should be noted that before starting games on the stock market, it is best for you to complete all the heist tasks as efficiently as possible in order to save as much money as possible for investment. After all, everyone knows the truth: “To get rich, you need money.”

So, after the heist missions have been completed and the main characters have tidy sums in their accounts, it’s time to start completing Lester’s side missions, investing in the stock exchange along the way.

Stock jumps before and after completing missions

1. Mission: Murder - Hotel.

Before going through, go online from your phone or laptop and go to the exchange BAWSAQ and buy shares with EACH character Betta Pharmaceuticals (BET). Then you switch to Mr. Clinton, take the task from Lester, and after completing it, wait. After four in-game days, the price increase will be about 80% - then you sell them.

2. Mission: Murder - 4 targets.

Before we begin execution, go to LCN and buy assets Debonaire Cigarettes,and having gotten rid of the goals, expect an increase in prices forPC by 46-53%, for consoles up to 80% - this will happen within a few game hours. After that, we wait until the stock price Redwoodwill be $50 each.

Now, like a super-fast broker, you need to sell securitiesDebonaireand buy sharesRedwood. Further, after 3-4 game days, the increase will be 294-306% forPC, and on consoles this figure can reach 328%.

Upon reaching the peak, we sell Redwood shares.

3. Mission: Murder - Panel.

As before, it is better to buy shares before starting the task. We are buying securities of Apple's gaming analogue, the Fruit company, whose assets can be found in BAWSAQ. After completing the task, we wait for the exchange rate to increase byPCup to 25%, and on consoles approximately 50%. We sell what we had and buy assetsFacade, analogueMicrosoft. After waiting no more than 8 game days, you will receive an increase of 33% - the best time to sell securities.

4. Mission: Murder - Bus.

Breaking traditions at this stage, we first kill the target, and then invest in Vacid of the BAWSAQ exchange, the guideline for the purchase will be a two-fold drop in the exchange rate relative to the prices that were before the task was completed. After the company recovers - about 7 in-game days have passed, you can safely sell securities - your capital will double.

5. Mission: Murder - Construction.

Before completing the task, we buy securities of the GoldCoast company on the LCN exchange, and after completing the mission, you need to wait until 1 game day has passed. By this point, the increase will be more than 60% on PC, and more than 80% on consoles.

How to buy stocks to make money

In addition to Lester's static story missions, be sure to complete the side mission. You need a ride from a business analyst, who can be picked up at the highway exit, not far from the town of Chumash.

Before picking up a lucky passenger, invest all your funds in the Tinkle corporation of the BAWSAQ exchange. Having delivered a fellow traveler to Los Santos Airport and having received the coveted information, you need to wait one game day and then sell the assets. Thanks to these simple manipulations, the balance of your characters will be more than one and a half billion dollars.

In addition to scripted stock changes GTA 5 market, you can earn money by buying and selling shares, following the rule,- “Buy low, sell high.”

We go to the gaming Internet, go to the “Money” tab, select an exchange and on the “Markets” tab we decide where we will invest our money. We look for companies whose share prices are growing (green triangle icon next to the name), buy securities, and wait for the peak of growth - as soon as the shares begin to fall, we sell assets.

Every corporation has an antagonist, just like in real life. And, for example, if one company is attacked, its shares will begin to fall, and the assets of the antagonist company will begin to grow.

Below is a list of companies and their antagonists:










Slaughter, Slaughter & Slaughter








Clucking Bell



In addition, a great move would be to buy shares of AugeryInsurance and then destroy city cars - you will quickly notice the positive dynamics of the assets.

Once again, I would like to emphasize that it is important to invest the money of each of the game characters to maximize profits. A little secret is that if you don’t want to wait, you can just go to bed, each character sleeps a certain number of hours:

  • Trevor Phillips sleeps 12 hours.
  • Franklin Clinton - 8 hours.
  • Michael stays in bed for no more than 6 hours.

Members: Franklin

The mission that we carry out after completing the task "".

This is the third task from Lester (previous ones: “”, “”), with the help of which, among other things, we can earn huge money on the stock exchange. It is recommended to postpone this task until last, when you already have significant capital to invest.

In this mission, Lester asks Franklin to kill Jackson Skinner, the head of product development for Facade. Skinner has an affection for prostitutes, especially one who lives in the La Puerta area. You must follow the prostitute.

The girl will refuse everyone except one guy. When she jumps into the green open-top car, it will be Skinner. Kill him.

You can either get alongside the car and shoot Jackson, or knock him off the road and deal with him there, or kill the target with a sniper rifle from a distance, or use a sticky bomb. There are a lot of options.

100% completion of the mission “Murder - Panel” (gold):
- Don't attract the attention of the police.

How to earn money in a mission

Before the start of the mission, invest all three characters' money in Fruit shares on the BAWSAQ exchange. After completing the task, by selling the shares, you will earn approximately 60% of the invested amount. Read more in our article "