“You won’t have a second chance to make a first impression,” said the legendary Coco Chanel about appearance.

The catchphrase also applies to self-presentation.

By inviting you for an interview, the employer provides the only chance to convince him to give the coveted position to you.

What to say at a job interview, how to present yourself to the employer competently? Good self-presentation requires preliminary preparation and does not tolerate impromptu. Think in advance about what to tell about yourself at the interview, make a plan for the story and rehearse in front of the mirror, controlling your facial expressions and gestures.

Important! The employer pays attention not only to your speech, but also to your appearance.

Remember the 30 second rule - you have half a minute to please the employer, don’t drag out your story, keep it short and to the point. The main rule is little, but to the point. Stick to the plan, but do not memorize the text, otherwise it will be uninteresting to listen to you. You will find examples of what to tell about yourself at an interview later in the article.

Why is self-presentation necessary?

The employer has already formed his opinion about you in absentia, based on the data in your resume and application form. It would seem, what else does he want to know? Why do you need self-presentation at an interview?

The employer wants to hear, first of all, that you have exactly the qualities and professional skills that he is looking for.

For example, saying that you are a cheerful and sociable guy when applying for a position HR specialist, not the best idea.

In this case, it is more appropriate to characterize yourself as a responsible and sociable person.

It has long become commonplace that during an interview you are asked to tell about yourself. During your story, the employer will evaluate your manner of behavior and narration, your ability to convey the most useful information to the listener in a short time.

Read more about what to say at an interview when asked to talk about yourself and what you need to say at an interview to get hired, later in the article.

Telling a story about yourself at an interview: example and algorithm

Before going for an interview, it would be a good idea to find out more about the company. Search for information on the Internet, read reviews. Read what, according to employers, qualities a specialist should have. This data will help you identify the employer's needs and use them as the basis for your story.

There is no single presentation form for all organizations; only the general structure is highlighted, which you can change depending on the specifics of the company’s work.

How to tell about yourself? The story can be divided into several points:

Reference! This structure is the basis of the presentation, can be supplemented and changed at your discretion!

How to answer interview questions is up to you. Remember, there is no need for lengthy explanations, just a short story about yourself.

So, self-presentation at an interview is an example or sample of a story about yourself at an interview. For an interview at Focus company for a position sales representative Sokolova Elena will go.

My name is Elena, my specialty is active sales manager.

I am 31 years old, married, have a son – a schoolboy, 10 years old.

In 2007 she graduated from Orenburg State University, Faculty of Management. While working in her specialty, she was repeatedly noted by management as the best active sales employee.

I own English language at a conversational level and have 8 years of driving experience. Attended trainings: “Hard Selling”, “Consumer Psychology”, as well as personal growth trainings. With the computer on first name terms.

In my work, I aim to achieve optimal results, not being satisfied with mediocre results. Interested in professional development and growth.

I can characterize myself as a purposeful, strong-willed person, capable of quickly and effectively solving the tasks set by management. Working in sales is impossible without communication skills, stress resistance and responsibility, which I am not deprived of.

I like to spend my free time from work usefully: riding a bike, reading, relaxing with family and friends.

I think that's all I would like to tell you about. Thank you.

Reference! Please note that for clarity, in Elena’s story, each structural point is highlighted in a separate paragraph!

What should you not say at an interview? There are several points that it is better to keep silent about in your story.

Firstly, you shouldn’t speak badly about management and colleagues from your previous job.

Secondly, do not tell your employer about your mistakes and failures in your professional career.

Your story should not contain a single drop of doubt about your own abilities and professionalism.

Be confident and do not underestimate your own merits, but do not overdo it with self-praise. Find a suitable example of how to talk about yourself at an interview in advance and remake it to suit yourself. Remember that everything is good in moderation.

How is the response analyzed?

The employer, analyzing your answer, pays attention not only to the information content, but also to other factors:

Even if you have clearly decided what you need to say at the interview and what not, follow everything “ golden mean"And under no circumstances lie to your employer.

Useful video

Self-presentation at an interview - more details in the video below:

Preliminary preparation and the right attitude will lead you to your desired goal and open up new horizons for you. Moreover, now you know what to answer at an interview to the question: “Tell me about yourself?” Good luck to you in your professional career!

Greeting, smile, handshake, a few phrases as a tribute to politeness. Everything follows the rules of establishing contact. The HR manager's name is Andrey. He briefly talks about the company and the vacancy. Below is something like a transcript of our conversation: Andrey: Valery Valentinovich, I would suggest that we further structure our conversation like this: you will tell us about yourself, then we will communicate in dialogue mode. I will answer your questions, you will answer mine. OK? I'm fine. Andrey, let’s decide what’s best: should I tell you about the last three years when I worked at the Network Octopus company or briefly highlight the entire 13 years of management experience in the field of HR? A: I think I would prefer the first option. Me: OK. In 2011-2013 I am the head of the personnel selection department at the retail company Network Octopus. The company specializes in online trading. Receiving orders through the website, processing, packaging and delivery to the consumer.

What to tell about yourself - 5 examples of a story for an interview

Now let’s imagine that this person, already a little familiar to us, decided to join the ranks of the club of travel photojournalists. The club is virtual, the main communication between its participants takes place on its own forum on the Internet.

And now our friend will have to register and greet the old-timers of the club, at the same time explaining to them who he is, why and why he came to the forum. The text of the story about yourself in that case will differ significantly from the one given above.

It could be, for example, like this: An example of an interesting autobiography: “Dear friends, allow me to introduce myself! My name may seem funny to you at first glance, but believe me: it is real. That’s exactly what my parents named me, thanks to their sense of humor, and that’s what it says in my passport - and this, by the way, is an official document! In general, my name is Vanya, my last name is Ivanov.
You can start making fun.

Examples of how you can talk about yourself at an interview


State your age and marital status. If there are children, indicate how many and their ages.

  • Education, experience, professional achievements. Next, tell us what educational institution You graduated, name the department.

If you have any degree, be sure to inform the employer about it. You should also report professional achievements and successful projects.

  • Knowledge and skills.

    In addition to the previous paragraph, you can talk about participation in trainings and seminars in your specialty or for personal growth, about possession foreign languages And computer programs. If you know that the vacancy involves working traveling nature, it would not be amiss to mention your driving experience.

  • Goals.
    Tell the employer what you expect from working in the company, what you strive for.
  • An example of a story about yourself at an interview

    Important! Confidently say that you will make every effort to ensure that you are hired for the proposed position. Many job seekers have a question about what to do if they have no work experience? Don’t be upset and go to the interview calmly.

    Pull yourself together and tell your employer about your academic success. Tell us about yourself at the interview, here is an example of a story: “My name is Ivanova Maria Ivanovna.
    I was born in 1988 and I am now 29 years old. I live in the Moscow region, the city of Vidnoye. I am not married. In 2010, I graduated from the Moscow Regional Institute of Management and Law with a degree in law. generalist. Educational process immediately attracted me, and I realized that I had not made a mistake in choosing a profession. I, like no one else, am suitable for this position.

    How to write about yourself in an interesting way?

    Moscow region, I’m 25 years old, not officially married.”

    • Next, you should indicate your level of education.
    • Be sure to tell your employer about your goals. Well, for example, you just recently graduated from design school, because in the future you plan to engage in professional tailoring.
    • In addition to all of the above, it is worth pointing out your personal qualities, such as punctuality, restraint, responsibility, etc.
    • Tell us about your hobbies. Well, for example, how much do you like skiing?
    • In conclusion, indicate that you have finished talking about yourself at the interview and are ready to listen to comments and questions.
    • See also Who corrects errors on sick leave and how? Basic recommendations on how to talk about yourself at an interview What to tell about yourself at an interview - examples may vary.

    Telling a story about yourself at an interview: example

    Thus, it turns out that it is quite possible to mention your interests and hobbies, but only in passing; the “body” of your story should consist, first of all, of your professional quality and experience. If you don't have anything interesting to say about this topic, don't go off on a tangent by talking about your family or how you spend your time.


    The interviewer may decide that your personal non-work matters come first and that getting a position is not that important to you. How to tell about yourself in English? If you get a job as a flower seller or mechanic at a factory, it is unlikely that the personnel officer will ask you to introduce yourself in English.

    But if your potential position requires knowledge of languages, then this option is not excluded. Sometimes knowledge of English may not even be mentioned in an advertisement for a new employee. But, for example, you get a job as a consultant in a fashion boutique or as a maid in a large hotel.

    Examples of stories about yourself

    After all, all these epithets, with all their weight, do not carry any meaning and say absolutely nothing about you. Forget these stereotypical words and don't use them at all if you really need the position.

    However, there is a small exception. If after each such epithet you can tell in two sentences interesting story about yourself, why not? For example: “I easily adapt to difficult circumstances. At my previous job, I had to combine two positions for two months, which I managed, and then received a letter of commendation from the general director.”

    Be truthful “I am constantly improving in my specialization, now I am taking regular advanced training courses, I am fluent in English, I am studying German and Italian.” This example of talking about yourself at work sounds impressive, but only if it is true.

    Born April 6, 1950. High school graduated from Jõgeva. In 1968-1974. studied at the Faculty of Medicine of Tartu state university. She worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist for eighteen years. In 1991 she entered private practice. Three months later I listened to the 15-day initial course in parapsychology. This marked the beginning of a tangible turn in my life. After another three months it turned out that I see. I don't want to use the word clairvoyance, that wouldn't be entirely fair. Since clairvoyant friends have proven to me that I can see, I do not consider this to be any special gift. More precisely, I can’t imagine how it could be any other way.

    She was a practicing doctor, whose patience, calmness and eccentricities in communicating with patients in the first years of work in in a good way used. Foresight and foresight were also constantly useful. For the last eight years, already at another job, she caused many problems for her colleagues who had material interests and fears and was forced to leave traditional medicine. Apparently, unnoticed by myself, I moved further and further to the side and became more confident in myself - after all, I am an Aries. Of the privately practicing gynecologists, I am the eighth licensed gynecologist in Estonia and the first in the county. Black sheep among whites.

    It was and is. The sword of fate is raised.

    How private doctor, I hoped to finally begin to deal with patients normally, without constant fatigue and the way it should be. Three months later, I took a course, which I enjoyed like a hot bath before bed to gain peace of mind. I found it, only the bath imperceptibly turned into an immense sea of ​​spiritual knowledge, and I can no longer see the shore. I see that the bottom is getting deeper and the waves are steeper. Fear was polished by suffering.

    I have been regulating my relationship with the complexities of the material world since childhood in a simple way- forced myself to take on unpleasant work or be in a very conflict situations, but at the same time turned off. I didn’t see, didn’t hear, didn’t feel bad, I just stayed in my thoughts where I felt good. I never found out whether it was a fantasy world or a dream world. The only strange thing was that I always coped well with material work(at school I was considered smart and conscientious, at home - obedient), but when they asked me if the work was ready, I often found it difficult to answer. I knew that I had started work, but whether I finished it, I didn’t remember at all. I now know that I am capable of shutting out or shutting out negativity to such an extent that only a photograph can prove my presence.

    I grew up in the era of atheism, I was taught that there is no God. But when someone mocked God, for me he became a desecrator of the shrine. I felt the presence of a higher power next to me, which supported, gave courage, controlled and tugged at my conscience. She didn't have a name. My existence was determined by feelings, I always knew how to convey them to others. I often had the opportunity to be both a justice of the peace and a defendant.

    It is no coincidence that over the past three years God has strengthened my healing abilities precisely at the level of interpretation of the sphere of feelings and the sphere of thoughts. I think everything in the world is important, but the first most important thing is thought. The word is an exponent of thought on physical level. I have been given the right and ability to explain complex things in simple terms.

    From the teachings of Christ, I learned the doctrine of forgiveness and love, as well as the ability to heal people with its help.

    Unfortunately and unfortunately, the results of treatment last only when a person understands why he is sick. To do this, he must know a lot. The healthier he wants to be, the more he should know.

    At the beginning of 1994 I wrote my first work " Love, forgiveness and health"Until a person has mastered this brief basic knowledge, I do not begin treating him. Over the course of about a year, I learned a lot of new things and thus got the opportunity to explain to patients the root causes of their illnesses. Let's call them stress. When stress is released through forgiveness, the disease goes away.

    Wrong thinking leads to wrong action, and illness is a reflection of this. A physical person is capable of understanding if he is taught to do so. All it takes is desire. The will determines the result.

    He who looks for someone to blame outside himself will not recover.

    You can start changing yourself right now, it's never too late. But it’s still better if we know the root cause, then the result is achieved faster and easier.

    Everything I have stated should explain to you the origin of your illness in such a way that it is possible to begin treatment immediately. Just take the time to think logically.

    I would also like to emphasize that this teaching is one of many possible ones. The person himself must find the right one. They are all parts of a single whole.

    Remember Christ, who came to teach people the simple wisdom of forgiveness and love, but to whom the people, out of their stupidity, did not listen. Christians today preach that Christ came to atone for the sins of people with his suffering. What could he do? The people did not want to accept his teachings; the people wanted their sins to disappear by themselves. The people continue to commit sins and still hope that Christ will atone for them again and again. But did the suffering of Christ deliver anyone from misfortunes? They didn't deliver. Only sincere faith in forgiveness and Divine love helped.

    Christ set an example. He taught to live with forgiveness and love in the heart. His ascent to Golgotha ​​only showed how difficult the path of a teacher is. You can turn yourself inside out, but until a person feels the weight of his cross, he will not begin to think. Life cannot and should not be easy.

    Humanity has acquired too little intelligence over two millennia.

    Fortunately, the number of exceptions is growing. Exceptions sanctify the Earth.

    Do this too!

    With the help of this book, I wanted to convey the information that I give to every patient. If this turned out to be too long, please forgive me.

    Peace of mind and love to you

    Getting to know each other is an obligatory stage of communication with people around you. Of course, it is easier to contact old friends: these people are aware of your character, habits and other individual characteristics. And the new ones have to tell everything again. It’s also good if we are talking about a casual conversation in the company of friends! But you often have to talk about yourself in writing, sometimes even in official documents. All kinds of profiles, resumes, accounts and interest clubs can’t wait for you to tell them information about yourself. For some, this is a mere formality, limited to a couple of standard sentences. But it happens that a lot depends on your description. In this case, you need to write about yourself not only honestly and competently, but also as interestingly as possible, so that your story does not get lost among other similar autobiographies.

    Telling a story about yourself, whether spoken or written, is not easy for everyone. There are people for whom self-presentation is a habitual and even pleasant thing; they willingly share facts from their biography and present them in an exciting way, like a literary work. But for most, the need to write about themselves, and even in a special, non-standard style, is a serious test of their natural shyness, creative imagination, and simply their writing talent. For such people, we have prepared a kind of “cheat sheet” with hints and small tips on how to start, build and design your work, so that readers would be interested in reading about you even if no outstanding events occurred in your life, the description of which can become the basis of an adventure novel. In fact, everything is much simpler: even the biography of an average person who leads the calmest and most peaceful life can be read avidly if it is written in an interesting way.

    Telling a story about yourself: rules, nuances and tips
    An interesting feature of autobiography as a genre is that the same person can have any number of descriptions of his life. Moreover, life also remains one, and all the events that happened in it are true. But, depending on the style, purpose, and writing conditions, these works turn out completely different. As in any text, while maintaining one plot, an almost infinite number of plot development options are possible, where the narrative will be chronologically sequential or artistically distorted, logically correct or creatively adapted. As they say, there is a time and place for everything, and an autobiography when applying for a job has little in common with self-presentation when applying to a theater school. The only factor that unites them is you, or rather, the actual events of your life. Therefore, let’s first determine why and for what purpose you needed to write about yourself. The most common options are:

    1. When applying for a job, study or service. This is the shortest, essentially formal and therefore simplest option. It is not difficult to cope with it even without special tips, especially since in such cases the autobiography, as a rule, is written according to, right down to filling out the fields of the questionnaire. But even if in front of you Blank sheet paper, you are only required to present in chronological order basic information about the time and place of your birth, education received, professional experience and, briefly, marital status. Formal autobiographies do not require more. An exception may be the biographies of representatives creative professions: journalists, copywriters, editors. They are more demanding in terms of vocabulary used and possibly examples of work. But a portfolio is a separate task and it is also formed according to its own standards, independent of the autobiography.
    2. When joining a thematic organization/club/section More detailed information about the candidate may be required. Depending on the direction of the establishment, include the relevant data in the list. For example, tell us about the sports awards, diplomas, medals and certificates won for participation and victories in Olympiads, intellectual games and competitions. If we are talking about a creative workshop, then it would not be amiss to talk about your preferences and tastes, favorite genres and techniques, idols and role models. The task of your life story in this case is to reveal your own character to people who still don’t know anything about you, and to join their formed team. Therefore, the more friendly and open your written story is, the more likely it will resonate and you are more likely to receive an invitation to an in-person oral interview.
    3. When registering on a social network/dating site There are not and cannot be any hard and fast rules. But there are certain techniques that can be used to make your story about yourself interesting and attractive to other users. For example, many representatives of the fair sex use poems, lyrics of their favorite songs or quotes from literary works for this purpose, which, in their opinion, correspond to their character and worldview. This tactic should be considered quite ingenious, because, in the absence of confidence in your own literary talent, you can take advantage of the win-win creation of a recognized genius. One way or another, your task is to create the image you need in the eyes of strangers, and even invisible to you, people. And for this it is not at all necessary to adhere to documentary accuracy. Allow yourself a little invention, complete your own image in your imagination so that you like it - then others whose tastes coincide with yours will also like it. But don’t get carried away with fantasizing - you are still writing about yourself, and not creating a fictitious image of an ideal, but, alas, non-existent person.
    4. While creating own blog and/or literary work It’s interesting to write about yourself, it’s easy and difficult at the same time. On the one hand, for a professional writer, telling a story about yourself is not even work, but a pleasant relaxation bordering on subtle intellectual pleasure. And, since you dared to become an independent “parent” of an entire book or tool mass media(and a blog can easily be equated to information publication), then writing an original and engaging autobiography should not be a problem for you. On the other hand, it is self-narrative that takes many professionals by surprise. Because it’s one thing to analyze and present information within the framework of a well-studied and interesting topic. And it’s quite another thing to reveal yourself to readers as a person, to demonstrate to them not only your fundamental knowledge, erudition and talent, but also the traits characteristic of mere mortals, sometimes far from the qualities of an ideal creator. Plus, not all creative individuals are the same in their desire to speak publicly. And for writers, unlike actors and musicians, this causes many internal barriers: embarrassment, fear of excessive frankness, etc. In this case, it is advisable to call on your sense of humor to help. A successful joke can disguise unsightly facts and even turn them into advantages, or it can simply fill a pause or fill the content with unexpected meaning.
    These recommendations were not invented yesterday or even last week; biographies have been created according to similar canons at all times, starting with the most ancient events in human history. Depending on the incidents and cultural values ​​of that time, not only and not so much facts of personal life were documented, but socially significant achievements. Thus, the eastern kings wrote down stories about their military victories, the ancient military leaders took over the baton from them, and Julius Caesar subsequently created “Notes on the Gallic War,” which is both a manual on military affairs and a fascinating story about the events of those times.

    Medieval philosophers, travelers and even skilled craftsmen described their lives for students and descendants. The genre of autobiography then gained such popularity that it even became an independent literary movement, the classic and witty parody example of which remains, for example, “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” by Rudolf Raspe. It is difficult to remember at least one writer who did not publish a description in his books own life. It was possible to find out a lot of details about even the most mysterious personalities with the help of their personal diaries and correspondence. By the way, the epistolary genre is an inexhaustible source of inspiration when writing a story about yourself. After all, people try to be sincere in letters and trust the recipients with a lot of secret things. This can serve as a good school and a storehouse of ideas for you. Therefore, do not be lazy to read the biographies of famous people, feel free to borrow interesting techniques and speech patterns from them.

    Example interesting story About Me
    So, with theoretical aspect We’ve figured out how to write a story about ourselves, it’s time to move on to practice. Because no one but you will write a biography about you in such a way as to reveal to readers all the facets of your character and bright personality. Don’t forget that the most difficult thing is to start, to overcome the resistance of a blank sheet of paper. And then, word by word, the story will flow by itself if you allow yourself to surrender to creativity. You can gain such emancipation gradually; to do this, start with something simple: first write a formal autobiography, then expand it with introductory phrases and artistic vocabulary, and then completely color it with beautiful images and literary devices. Moreover, save each next option separately, it will be useful to you in the appropriate situation. This way, you will receive the blanks of several stories about yourself at once and will be able to use and modify them as necessary.

    Example of a formal autobiography:

    “I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, was born on June 13, 1980 in Kiev. In 1987, he was admitted to the first class of secondary school No. 13, from which he graduated in 1997 with honors. In the same year he entered the Kiev National University. T.G. Shevchenko to the Faculty of Philosophy, majoring in Political Science. During my studies at the university I passed full preparation In the reserve officer training program, he received the rank of junior lieutenant. He graduated from the university in 2002 with a degree in political science. Immediately after completing his studies, he began working in news agency as an analyst and consultant to the editor-in-chief. In 2008, I took the position of editor of the politics department, which I hold to this day.

    I am married and have a 7-year-old son and a 2-year-old daughter. Wife, Anna Valentinovna Ivanova, born in 1986, a journalist by training, works for a monthly publication. I am interested in photography and painting, and love to travel. I lead a healthy lifestyle, regularly go to the gym and ride a bike. Bad habits I don’t have one; I prefer to spend my free time from work with my family and on active recreation.”

    Now let’s imagine that this person, already a little familiar to us, decided to join the ranks of the club of travel photojournalists. The club is virtual, the main communication between its participants takes place on its own forum on the Internet. And now our friend will have to register and greet the old-timers of the club, at the same time explaining to them who he is, why and why he came to the forum. The text of the story about yourself in that case will differ significantly from the one given above. It could be, for example, like this:

    An example of an interesting autobiography:

    “Dear friends, allow me to introduce myself! My name may seem funny to you at first glance, but believe me: it is real. That’s exactly what my parents named me, thanks to their sense of humor, and that’s what it says in my passport - and this, by the way, is an official document! In general, my name is Vanya, my last name is Ivanov. You can start making fun. But it will be even easier to remember me this way J

    I have been interested in photography for quite a long time, for about seven years now. But, unfortunately, I only recently learned about your community. I really hope that you don’t have hazing and that newcomers are not barred from entering the club. Because your work and accumulated experience interested me extremely. I had the courage to look through the photo gallery presented on the site, and I am ready to take off my hat to the authors of these photographs. The accuracy of the reporting, the quality of the photographs, and the artistic flair of the photographers are very impressive. For my part, I promise that I will make every effort to meet this high level and adequately present my creativity.

    As for me personally, I am a very ordinary person and practically not outstanding in anything. I make a living doing what I love most and what I know best: building hypotheses and making forecasts about the political situation in our country and beyond. It’s a troublesome and thankless task, but someone has to do it. But at home, waiting for me is an almost adult son, a first-grader, a sweet daughter, and, of course, my beloved and only wife, Anya. All three of them, by the way, also know a lot about travel and beautiful photographs.

    In general, if I have not yet tired you too much with my biography and can be at least somehow useful to the respected community, then I will be very glad to be accepted into its ranks. I promise to be disciplined, polite and obediently follow all the rules of the club. A special greeting to all Kiev residents and an invitation to Sunday bike rides. To everyone else - just my immense affection and best wishes J"

    Do you feel the difference between the first and second text? It is completely justified and caused by the specifics of communication and the purpose of the story about oneself. Analysis of the features of the given texts will help you understand the nuances of presenting information and in the future can be used by you when writing your own biography:

    1. In both cases, the author did not sin against the truth and provided truthful information about himself. But in the second story, he deliberately omitted those facts that were not relevant to the case. But I included in the first paragraphs what might be of interest directly to this group of readers. A very correct tactic from the point of view of self-presentation - it takes into account the interests and characteristics of the audience’s perception.
    2. The same goes for presentation style and vocabulary. In the first case, it is dry and official, as required by the documents. In the second, it is replete with colloquial expressions, figurative expressions and other means of language that are unacceptable in business correspondence. But for a group of friends with similar interests, this language will be the most understandable and pleasant.
    3. Unlike the first, strictly text, in the second story the author makes full use of humor and personal charm, expressed through language. He verbally paints before the readers the image of a kind of joker and an easy-going person who is endearing to himself. This is a great way to make talking about yourself interesting because it takes away the rough edges of writing with the ease of friendly chat.
    4. In the second story, the author constantly maintains contact with readers. Talking about himself, he managed not to get hung up on his beloved self, but to always address the audience. Use this technique to interest the reader, because every person enjoys being given special attention.
    5. The author even took into account the fact that his story about himself would be perceived not aurally, but visually, and on a platform intended for interactive communication. That is why he allowed himself to use graphic symbols that were unacceptable in printed correspondence or a handwritten note. You can do the same: if you need to write about yourself on the Internet, then feel free to use emoticons and Unicode characters. But use them sparingly, do not overload the text, because an excessive number of pictures irritates the reader.
    As you can see, when in the right mood and with preliminary theoretical preparation, writing about yourself in an interesting and not dry way is not at all difficult. Finally, let me give you one final piece of advice. Before you start your story, make a list for yourself in which you list a few of your brightest and most characteristic features. These could be personality traits, outstanding achievements, or just fun facts from the past. By describing each of them, you will be carried away by the memories and involuntarily make the text fascinating and expressive. And it will be much more interesting for readers to learn about non-standard situations, rather than the average “born/studied/worked”. In general, write in such a way that it would be interesting for you to read about yourself, as if in front of you was the biography of some other, unfamiliar, but witty, cheerful and friendly person.

    My parents named me Evgeniy. Russian, born and raised in Moscow in a residential area in the southeast of the city. I am 35 years old, I am married and I have three children.

    My father is an engineer, a career military man, a reserve officer of the Strategic Missile Forces. Mom is a teacher of Russian language and literature. One grandfather, my mother’s, was seriously wounded in a Finnish war, but worked all his life, until he was 80, and raised eight children with his grandmother (she is also a teacher). Another grandfather, on my father’s side, was a military pilot. Fought in fighter planes. He went through the war and survived. He was awarded medals and the Order of the Red Star. And their great-great-grandfather, they say, killed a bull with his fist. Standard family.

    He studied in an ordinary Soviet school. Childhood and youth fell in the 90s - Octobers, pioneers, hooligans, nerds, suckers, gopniks and punks - peers and those older remember all this. They fought street to street, district to district, suburb to city.

    He graduated from school and college, worked as a government official, then in various positions in large holdings (natural monopolies). Career was a success. At 26 I was already financial director design institute and construction corporation, and by the age of 30 he became general director and co-owner of a large contracting organization, had several own businesses. There was everything - connections, acquaintances, money and everything that entails...

    And everything seems to be there, but bad luck - there’s no point. You know, when you clearly realize that there is no point, you feel very lousy. Hopelessness. The rest is no longer important and is not needed.

    Thank God, all this is in the past.

    Everyone has their own story of coming to God and repentance. But everyone has one thing in common - everyone, when asked “how did you come to Islam,” will answer: “The Lord brought you.” And this is not a memorized phrase. This is true. If you think carefully, remember your path, omitting the details, you clearly understand that all the time of your wanderings, outrages, throwings, the Lord patiently and carefully led you, protected you, gave you to try everything you want, each time showing you the other side of the coin, and waited. Was waiting for you. And when you became unbearable, and you groaned from the realization of the emptiness and meaninglessness of your existence, He showed you His infinite mercy and showed you the Path.

    What has changed for me since I accepted Islam? Everything and nothing.

    My perception of myself and the surrounding reality has completely and irreversibly changed. It's hard to explain in words. This is at the level of sensations. In short - I'm free! Remember at Aria? That's it.

    And in Everyday life Almost nothing has changed. All my fears turned out to be false. Friends and business partners reacted calmly, rather even indifferently - well, the person wants, it’s his business. Respect from partners has only grown. I was surprised to notice that my partners, Christians, Jews, secular people, are sincerely happy to help me when, while in negotiations, at the time of prayer, I ask to allocate a place for prayer and excuse me for a few minutes.

    How am I living now? Okay now, praise the Lord. I have a loving wife, three children, living parents, even more friends, more more possibilities in business. I no longer give all of myself to the “business”, this business works for me, and it does it better than before, when I “put my soul into it”. And most importantly, now I know who I am and why. And the soul is only for God. And for our loved ones.