
Personally, I believe that you should always look for a share of positivity and joy in everything. Not always, what seems terribly scary, offensive and unfair to us is so. Yes, in all cases there are exceptions. But there is no point in focusing only on the fact that everything is “bad” and “wrong.” In life, everyone goes through their own lessons. And there is no need to be afraid of them and run away from them. Sometimes they hit us painfully, but all this is lived through, sweeps through the soul and heart and thoughts, and comes out into right time conclusions already drawn and acceptance of the situation. There is no need to write out the scenario of events in your head in advance - everything will still turn out in a negative way. We are always ready to think about the worst. We don't know how to think about the best.

The same “problem” is experienced by an individual in his own way; no one decides, except ourselves, how exactly we will overcome the barrier that has formed. And no one will decide for us how to accept the current “not like that” situation. What happens to you happens only to you. No one will ever be able to look at the world through your eyes, see what you see, and understand it the way you understand it. Making mistakes is not scary. After all, you will know that you tried, you were able or were able to overcome the fear of mistakes. If you want to live without the burden of problems, grievances and missed opportunities - everything is in your hands, don’t listen to anyone but yourself.

We will never know everything in advance. Yes, and there is no need for this. Create and create your life yourself, with your positive thoughts and cherished desires! A positive attitude and desire are the main drivers of all processes!

And.. everything that is done and done is all for the better. The best is inevitable! ;)

On life path Different events happen to each of us.

Sometimes good things happen to us, sometimes bad things happen to us.

No matter how obvious and at the same time strange it may sound, you can control your future through your attitude towards the present.

Details are in the article!

Whatever happens, everything is for the better

When some event happens to a person, what happens next depends on his attitude towards this event.

Remember about? It’s as if we tune in to a certain wavelength and attract to ourselves what we think about (or we simply pay more attention to the subject of our thoughts - and thereby catch successful opportunities). So, regarding the topic of the article, the situation is exactly the same here. What we think about the present determines what will happen to us in the future.

Imagine that something not very good happened to you. For example, you get sick.

⛔️ Of course, there is nothing positive about this. But if you give in to despondency and complain about it, then there is a high probability that you will continue to suffer various failures. And in advanced cases - a whole wave of life-long failures.

✅ On the contrary, if you remember the rule “what is not done is all for the better,” then you significantly increase your chances that everything will really be fine in the future. For example: you will not only recover quickly, but during your recovery you will discover your own, which, ultimately, will significantly change your life in better side. Or maybe you'll meet someone you love, or develop a brilliant business plan.

Remember: life is full of surprises. Therefore, you should not turn away from it. When we concentrate on the negative, we behave like little capricious children: we close our eyes, cover our ears with our hands, and scream wildly, shrilly. Alas, in such a state it is almost impossible to notice the opportunities that life gives us.

Friends, we can never know the full picture. Therefore, worrying about how bad everything is is pointless. After all, happiness may be waiting for us around the corner, and we, having tuned in to the negative, will scare it away or simply not notice it. Don't do that!

It's like we're tuning in to a wave of good fortune. Everything that happens to us is the result of what we did earlier.

When a person tries to see something good or some opportunities in everything, then he is certainly in an advantageous position in comparison with other people. The reason for this is simple: while most of us live according to a pattern (if you lose, get upset, etc.), a positive person consciously chooses his attitude towards what is happening.☝️

He does not get hung up on it, but looks for its solution. He does not waste his time on sadness and regrets, but draws conclusions, develops and improves. A positive person lives and does not exist in captivity of stereotyped reactions and behavior patterns.

And each of us can become this positive person. Because the way we react to what is happening is a consequence of habit. That's right, it's just a bad habit that may already be deeply rooted within us.

But, as with any habit, you can break it. - is to replace bad habit to useful.

When something bad happens, ask yourself, “What will I gain by being upset and worried about this?” And you will see that not only will you not gain anything, on the contrary, you will lose a lot. When this becomes obvious, you no longer have to force yourself to think positively. Just add a little awareness into your life and everything will work out.

The main thing is to notice all the patterns and draw conclusions. Please just try it and you will see for yourself that everything that is not done is for the better.?

If you use this simple rule, then changes in your life will grow like a snowball that rolls down a mountain and turns into an avalanche. Good luck, friends!

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No matter what happens, we always have a choice Laws happy life What does Alice in Wonderland teach? 4 useful lessons How to get rid of bad thoughts? 6 ways How to attract luck into your life [ detailed guide]
How to become happy man?

Whatever is done is for the better!!!

But the Russian proverb is right!!! Everything that is done is for the better!

There are no wrong directions in life. Any path leads you to your goal. And if now you understand within yourself that you are doing the wrong thing, that this is not something, not YOURS, someone else’s - in fact, this is not so... You are moving exactly where you need to go! But only if you really do something, and don’t sit still and expect something from life - a miracle, a chance, an opportunity, but you don’t lift a finger.

Any action takes you where you need to go. Even if you don’t see and don’t understand where and why now. And it doesn't really matter. What is important is moving forward.

Now why is this so? In fact, any action you take develops you and embeds a bunch of knowledge and skills - the skill of setting and achieving goals, decision-making skills, the ability to get along and negotiate with people, the ability to overcome failures, and so on. Even if you are currently doing something you don’t like, you still develop it all within yourself. Whatever you do, you learn to understand yourself, you grow personally, you improve yourself...

For what??? So that when the moment comes, use these skills to achieve YOUR GOAL. Everyone knows the expression - when the student is ready, the teacher comes. The same goes for YOUR goal. When you become ready for its implementation, the opportunity for this comes to you. But if you don’t do anything, don’t move anywhere, don’t develop, just do the same thing - this opportunity will never appear, which means you will never achieve your goal. And you will never live the way you want.

Here you go real example - Steve Jobs, creator of Apple. While still a student, he enrolled in calligraphy courses, which were in no way connected with anything. I just signed up - I wanted to. It would seem why and for what? But then this knowledge was put into the computer font system and now the whole world uses these fonts, information about which Steve Jobs received in calligraphy courses. But for you, the conclusion is simple - Any path leads you to your goal.

If you need more examples, read biographies successful people. They all went bankrupt, did the wrong thing, but in the end they came to an understanding of their goals with the necessary skills and knowledge and made a sharp leap forward. So wherever you are now, whatever you are doing, you are preparing to achieve your goal. Even if you don’t yet see it on the horizon and have no idea what this goal is... This understanding will definitely come!

But it will come only to those who move forward, act and develop! Instead of complaining about life, the government and employers and sitting on TV or on social media. networks - this way you definitely won’t find your target. So today you have added a solid plus to your motivation! Take action! Now you know that any path leads you to your goal!

Updated 01 Dec 2013. Created 25 Nov 2012

“No matter what is done, everything is for the better” - such a hymn to denial and rationalization. This was invented by those who did not find the moral strength to cope with the challenge of the human situation. A wonderful consolation for events beyond one's control or an excuse for poor choices?

Probably, we want to believe in the harmony and higher meaning of what is happening, inaccessible to us logic and wisdom beyond the limits of consciousness. But it's hard to rely on something you can't control. There are things that happen with varying degrees of regularity, but some are a consequence of choice, including unconscious ones. For example, being in a zone with an increased probability of a particular event is also a choice. And any choice leads to certain consequences - “good” or “bad”.

I'm afraid there is nothing predetermined: scenario, fate, guarantees. It is not easy to accept responsibility for something that went wrong that is our fault. This is a difficult moment. But it in itself is a challenge to maturity and a point of growth. How to come to terms with what turned out to be a consequence of choice?

The main goal of Gestalt therapy is to fix the Ego function. That is, to return or replenish the ability to make choices, be responsible for them and at the same time be satisfied with the course of one’s own life. For spending the rest of your days regretting the previous ones is somehow irrational from the point of view of evolution. If we turn to the religions of the world, we will find that one of the common and most important ideas is the idea of ​​humility. Reconcile - be at peace. Do what you need to do, come what may. Some things depend on us, and some don’t.

As a starting point, it is worth taking the fact that no one knows how life would have flowed had it been decided differently at that moment of choice. This will all remain in the fantasy zone. In reality, there are only consequences that then need to be dealt with somehow. That's it.

The consequences may be different. Joyful - giving a feeling of triumph, victory over circumstances, special luck. Or sad - leading to feelings of guilt, powerlessness, deep regret. You can't ignore unpleasant feelings. You can, with varying degrees of success, suppress them, repress them, or try to get rid of them in some other way, or you can meet them and live with them. In the first case, this high costs mental energy, loss of time and stagnation. In another - learning a lesson, even a bitter one, and reaching new level. Having made a so-called mistake, you receive a wonderful bonus - a kind of vaccination against stupidity! And in the light of this experience, many things become clear.

In reality, making the right choice is not so easy. To set priorities correctly, to navigate what has not yet happened (to predict the future), to feel what will be important later... It is not at all easy. I would say - on the verge of the possible. “Following the stars,” hearing the subtlest voice of intuition, trusting it, reading the signs correctly, does not always work out, but only when you are under stress.

Important decisions are always associated with anxiety, and under stress we usually regress and become “stupid.” It’s stupid to feel sorry and reproach yourself for choosing something that seemed important at that moment. At that moment, you were a person to whom this choice seemed the best possible. Then it’s easy to argue that it would be necessary...

It's bad if you don't make a choice at all. More precisely, there is still a choice - to react passively or to transfer responsibility to someone or something. But this, again, is rarely recognized as a choice. Everything that cannot be explained is endowed with an artificial meaning, and fatalism is formed. Lucky in some situations - and a victim of circumstances in others.

In general, gritty realism is not popular. The magical paradigm is much nicer. But life is not for weaklings.published .

Tatiana Martynenko

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Everything that is done is for the better

Each of us has heard this expression. Someone believes, someone argues that this is not so. There is no point in convincing. In any case, it is best to give examples. I want to tell you about one such example from my life.

Since you and I are on the Internet, communication takes place through computers, an example on this topic, in my opinion, will be quite indicative and understandable to the majority.

The story began in mid-March. Who remembers, at this time there was a chain of failures in the server equipment. What kind of reason there is, that’s another conversation, but somewhat, enough major participants the Russian segment of the Internet were unable to fulfill their obligations. Simply put, they stopped working.

The most famous of them is the Smartresponder mailing service, which was not available at all for about two weeks. Smaller companies also suffered, including the company where I host this website.

For about a week, it was not possible to access the site, neither the support service nor the telephone numbers responded, in short - silence. Maybe some of you got into this period and saw the treasured inscription that the browser cannot display the page.

Basically, nothing bad happened. Well, there was a failure in the equipment, that’s why equipment breaks down. It needs to be repaired and data restored from backup.

I didn’t bother about this issue. Just waited until technical work will end, at the same time I read reviews about the work of hosting companies, looking for a more reliable option for the future.

And, naturally, the cherished moment came, the hosting started working, the data was restored. It would seem that the misunderstanding has been resolved and work can continue.

But not everything is as simple as it sounds in theory. No one promised an easy life. This and other projects were restored, but their performance was truly surprising.

On one site the design disappeared, on another the links stopped working, the third stopped loading altogether. Overall download speeds have dropped to a crawl, reminiscent of the Internet of the nineties.

In short, I won’t go into unnecessary technical details, but the situation is not fun. Anyone who runs websites will understand me, it’s one thing to fix a site of ten pages, it’s a completely different thing to fix a site of 500 pages. I tried to restore from my backups, and tried to negotiate with technical support, but nothing. We managed to fix some things, but the overall picture was not encouraging.

I’m not very strong on the technical side of the issue; I used ready-made engines for my sites. I used the two most popular ones - Joomla and WordPress, and on the support forums, as a rule, all the advice boiled down to one thing - you need to buy a dedicated server, then these systems will work quickly, reliably and stably.

But something told me that there was a simpler and less expensive solution. Well, what’s the point in additional investments, if the work is already unstable, then what will happen next? We need to look for another solution, a different approach.

Complicating the process is usually not the best solution, right decisions one must always look in the opposite direction, towards simplification. By breaking the situation down into its components, you can always find a way to change one thing that will radically affect the entire process.

What components did this situation of mine consist of?

  • First- this is hosting, with not the most better speed and job stability.
  • Second- this is the engine on which I made my websites.
  • Well third- my technical training in PHP programming is not very good.

What options can you find here?

  • First- this means investing in a dedicated server, hosting your websites on it, and continuing to depend on the unpredictable consequences of the operation of the equipment, and increasing the cost significantly.
  • Second- change the engine, find an option that would not require hosting, and would work easily and stably under any conditions.
  • Well third, engage in intensive study of the programming language, understand everything yourself technical details work.

Which of these options is the simplest? I think it's not difficult to guess. Naturally - the second. We need to find a fundamentally different approach to creating websites, not bulky, clumsy tools with many files and all sorts of additional bells and whistles, but a simple, easy, elegant solution.

The desire is formulated, the direction is indicated, all that remains is to find the information. And, naturally, this information came. The correct process differs from the incorrect one in that the necessary links appear as needed.

“Completely by accident” I found a site where its owner, under the pseudonym Maestro, offers an easy, fast and not at all resource-demanding solution completely free of charge. Engines for the site, under the general name Rumba. The engine itself is less than a megabyte, there is no need for any databases that load the server, basic management, highest speed work. Which is what was required in point two of my plan.

Moreover, I had a lot of pleasant experiences reading the support forum for this engine. Among the participants - respectful, right attitude to each other. All necessary points are explained calmly and clearly. No show-offs or fan fingers, no tricks to siphon off money, everything is explained calmly, in detail, with a good sense of humor.

The author himself has been leading this project for many years, the engines are constantly updated. It is clear that he is an expert in this matter at a fairly high level. But, most importantly, in my opinion, the Maestro loves his job, and understands perfectly well that for good result, for a good level, regular and painstaking work is needed. Which he successfully implements.

A little piquant detail. When I saw the page loading speed, at first I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was 0.02 seconds. Each engine has a counter. How do you like this result?

All that's left to do is to thank the Maestro and implement your projects at Rumbe. Which I did with success.

If earlier this site took up about 80 megabytes, today it is 4, and more than half is a visual editor that I installed for ease of use.