He knew how to put his thoughts into such a filigree, clear and witty form that almost any of his statements immediately turned into an aphorism. This enabled Nigel Rees to say: "In all cases of doubt, the quotation should be attributed to George Bernard Shaw."

Bernard Shaw's Rules of Life

  1. The world is made up of slackers who want to have money without working, and idiots who are willing to work without getting rich.
  2. Dance is the vertical expression of horizontal desire.
  3. Hatred is a coward's revenge for the fear he has experienced.
  4. We have no right to consume happiness without producing it.
  5. An ideal husband is a man who believes that he has an ideal wife.
  6. To be able to endure solitude and enjoy it is a great gift.
  7. There is no danger in being sincere, especially if you are also stupid.
  8. Sometimes you need to make people laugh to distract them from their intention to hang you.
  9. The greatest sin towards one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; This is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity.
  10. Women somehow immediately guess with whom we are ready to cheat on them. Sometimes even before it even occurs to us.
  11. There is no woman who could say “goodbye” in less than thirty words.
  12. It is easier to live with a passionate woman than with a boring one. True, they are sometimes strangled, but rarely abandoned.
  13. Alcohol is an anesthesia that allows you to endure the operation called “life.”
  14. People who do not have it often call the feeling of objective perception of reality cynicism.
  15. The one who knows how, does it, the one who doesn’t know how, teaches others.
  16. Try to get what you love, otherwise you will have to love what you got.
  17. Growing old is boring, but it's the only way to live long.
  18. The only lesson that can be learned from history is that people do not learn any lessons from history.
  19. A newspaper is a printed organ that does not see the difference between falling off a bicycle and the collapse of civilization.
  20. Democracy is balloon, which hangs above your heads and forces you to stare up while other people rummage through your pockets.
  21. If you have an apple and I have an apple, and if we exchange these apples, then you and I each have one apple left. And if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we exchange ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.
  22. Common sense and hard work compensate for your lack of talent, while you can be the most brilliant of geniuses, but through stupidity you will ruin your life.
  23. Titles and titles were invented for those whose services to the country are indisputable, but are unknown to the people of this country.
  24. A person is like a brick: when burned, he hardens.
  25. Reputation is a mask that a person has to wear just like trousers or a jacket.
  26. A person who does not believe in anything is afraid of everything.
  27. Nature abhors a vacuum: where people do not know the truth, they fill in the gaps with speculation.
  28. A reasonable person adapts to the world; the unreasonable one tries to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, progress always depends on the unreasonable.
  29. Rich people who lack convictions are more dangerous in life. modern society than poor women who lack morals.
  30. Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, to swim under water like fish, we lack only one thing: to learn to live on earth like people.

Source rosa-tv.com

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After many years of waiting, our official application for Android (IOS in April). You can choose which jokes you like best and the daily issue will be selected especially for you. And the best part is that the application remembers what you have already read and will never show you a repeat joke!

Buddha and his disciples sat by the river and waited for the boatman. A yogi appeared, who crossed the water several times, and with pathos turned to the Buddha with a question:
- Well, can you, Enlightened One, do that?
To which the Buddha asked:
- How long did it take you to achieve this?
“I spent almost my entire life learning, and spent a lot of time in severe asceticism.
A boatman came and Buddha asked him:
- How much does the crossing cost?
“Three pennies,” answered the boatman.
Buddha, turning to the yogi, said:
- Heard? That's how much your whole life is worth.

A friend asked about our future. I talked for an hour about teleportation, lasers, force fields. Later it turned out: I did not understand the question...

The guy is talking to his friends: “In front of my fiancée, I’ll ask you without swear words.”
And personally, Semyon, I will introduce you as my deaf-mute friend.

June 15: 20 new PHOTO jokes:

I met a girl. She's so weird. I invite her to the cinema - she comes with a friend, I invite her to a restaurant, to a club, to a barbecue - the same picture. I'll probably break up with her.
- Don’t be a fool, invite her for sex, you won’t regret it.

188> - There are fucking people who are not bothered by anything and who have no problems.
- Yes, of course.
- And how to recognize them?
- Just. They're on thumb the legs wear a name tag.

188> Two acquaintances meet, one asks the other:
- Do you know how the trial ended between a Jew and an Armenian?
- I know. The prosecutor was given 10 years.

357> There are such moods that you want to give up everything and send everyone to the Chinese mountain Khu Yam...

I saw an interview on TV today about housing and communal services. I found out that if management company does not repair the elevator in our entrance, then the state will fine her 300-500 thousand. Considering that the income of the management company consists only of our payments, the question is: why is the state so scared, instead of forcing the company to make repairs, it takes away our money intended for these repairs?

This story is old, it happened when my daughter was only two years old. Times were hard then, perestroika. It was like crazy in the stores. Empty shelves, even the most necessary things were in short supply, let alone luxury. There was almost none of the food, and then what was there stood huge

One day I was going to visit a friend after work. I ran into the store to buy something for tea. And suddenly I see: Cakes! Real! Biscuit! And even decorated with huge cream roses. True, the color is kind of poisonous! Yes, God be with him, with color.
I bought treats for everyone! We sat with a friend, talked a lot, drank tea with her - time flew by quickly. Naturally, we also enjoyed some cakes. And I left one for my baby. We carefully placed it on a notebook sheet (there was tension with packages then, as with everything else, and we had never even heard of containers). To prevent the roses from becoming wrinkled, the notebook sheet was carefully lowered to the bottom of the bag.
My friend and I stayed up a long time, so I arrived home at half past one in the morning.
My daughter was still very young, and due to her tender age and the difficult economic situation in the country, she had never seen cakes. I was riding home on the bus, and imagined how tomorrow my baby would wake up, and I would show her a treat and say: “Daughter, this is a cake!” “And I just saw how she would clasp her hands and rejoice.
I carried the treat for my little one very carefully, constantly reminding myself: “There’s a cake in the bag, be careful!” " I jumped out of the bus with the same thoughts, carrying my bag almost at arm's length, in the air, and not on my shoulder, out of habit. And she repeated and repeated: “Galka, don’t remember the cake!” "
I live on the outskirts of the city, in the private sector, so the places there are quiet and uncrowded, especially at late times. There was a short path leading from the bus to my street (as I always said: two buses long), but the problem was that someone broke the lamp there.
In short, I’m running home along the little path, all so joyful, holding my bag over the roof, thinking only about the cake. And suddenly a man jumps out of the bushes, grabs me by the shoulders and starts dragging me into the bushes!
But the fact is that when I see a goal, it’s very difficult to turn me off it! that is, I’m rushing forward, home! And he pulls me to the left, into the bushes. Well, our desires do not coincide! And we are marking time in one place, and at the same time we are snoring loudly! Who will pull who over!
And then I begin to understand that something wrong, bad is happening! And then - fear, a desire to defend yourself, and to say something at the same time is obligatory (silently, or something to defend yourself). But only when you are scared, sometimes you say and do something completely different from what is expected of you. Here I am, everything turned out to be so illogical and unexpected.
When suddenly I yell: “Sc&ka!” Why are you crushing my cake! »
I don’t know what the rapist thought, he was inexperienced, he was probably some kind of guy. But he suddenly let me go. And I screamed again: “Who are you to crush my cake!” »
And how I’ll give him a bag!
The rapist, poor thing, jumped back! And I turned around and grabbed his bag, my bag! And I yell something like: “It’s not yours, I didn’t bring it to you!” "
The unfortunate rapist has apparently gone completely crazy. I don’t know, and will never know, what kind of thoughts were in his head, but he rushed away from me very briskly - into the bushes. He rushed through them and galloped on. And I follow him, and hit him with my bag, with my bag, as hard as I can. And I yell something accusing! I got confused in the bushes, fell, and while I was falling, I suddenly realized that I needed to run in a completely different direction.
She came running home furious. The cake, of course, has a blast. It flattened and the end of the roses came. I trimmed it as best I could, scraped the cream off the notebook sheet with a fork and spread it on top. And with a fork I drew a lattice on it. And when I drew the lattice, it suddenly dawned on me that this was a serious matter. And then I remembered how I was screaming - and I was filled with such laughter that I couldn’t help myself - I laughed all over the apartment, I was already squealing!
In the morning everything was as I had dreamed. I said: “Daughter, this is a cake!” “And my baby clasped her hands and was very, very happy. And she liked the delicacy, by the way (who would doubt it).

Learn to never tell anyone anything. Learn to never... Expect anything... from anyone...

Instant pension.

If a woman rejects a rich man, it means he is not that rich.

Friendship is like a diamond. It is rare, expensive, and there are a lot of fakes...

The usual May snow was falling...

I noticed that a woman only listens to a man attentively when he is talking on the phone with another woman.

There was just an incident. I leave the office to smoke, and right next to our porch there is a one-way street. And on the other side the sidewalk was dug up and fenced off. The tractor is standing, the workers are walking, there has apparently been an accident. And, I see, some Pentium in an Outlander drove into the oncoming traffic and parked there in front of the fence, against the grain.

And then, I look along the road, a tow truck is already loading someone and a “ten” heavy-duty vehicle is standing nearby on the emergency gang. That is, they will come here now. They graze here all the time, the street is quiet, it’s convenient for them to pack. But the driver doesn’t see them because of the tractor, she’s standing there, smoking, smoke coming out of the window. Well, I think I’ll go and drive him away before he gets into trouble all the way up to his saffron milk caps. It’s not that I’m some kind of altruist, but they will accept a dunce, driving in oncoming traffic, deprivation.
I approach, there is an oil painting - two girls are sitting, sucking thin cigarettes with might and main, a music band is screaming. Well, fools, I think, okay, especially if we need help. Well, I turn to them:
“Dear ladies,” I say, “I see you are busy, but can I contact you?” - They are girls after all, why not come up with a joke?
And this is where things got a little strange. The passenger only glanced at me slightly, and didn’t even turn her head (goddess, in the process), but the one behind the wheel opened the window a little more and spoke contemptuously at me through her lip:
- Well, what do you need?
To be honest, I was even a little taken aback. And I didn’t even have time to answer when she pushed it back at me again:
- What, you just got released? What, you lost your certificate, you don’t know how to steal? Can we help you in any way we can? Yes, you've already fucked up begging! - and the window went back, bam, and closed.
And I just stood there like a fool. Then he went to the porch and lit a cigarette. Nice, I think the elk went to buy salt, so do good deeds for people. Well, I looked at myself from the outside, and I seem to look fine. Not in a tailcoat, of course, in some jeans and sneakers, but he never looked like a homeless person. Holy shit, in short...
Well, then everything follows the laws of the genre. They notice the trash, kick, they roll up to them, inspector so-and-so, that’s all. I stand, smoke, watch. They both jump out here, at first they smile like flight attendants, saying, hello, hee-hee, why can’t you stand here, hee-hee, we didn’t know, hee-hee, oh, sorry, hee-hee, and so on...
For three minutes he explained to these fools what they, in fact, had violated. I see that both teeth have stopped drying, the one who is driving is shoving documents at him, and she herself has become so pale and her eyes are already like ozone holes.
Then he informs her that she will be punished for this, and she generally goes into a trance and begins to cry, saying, “I’m sorry.” And the passenger runs around them, waves her tentacles and also whines, forgive me, let me go. Cockroach race, in short.
But the inspector doesn’t care, apparently, he’s already seen enough. There is no work at all, the driver is taken away to complete the registration, but the passenger remains near the car. She stood there for a while, then suddenly turns to me and says indignantly:
- What, it was impossible to tell us humanly! ! ? (Humanly!)
“Yes, you are the color of an apple tree,” I answer, “so I seemed to approach you in a good way.” I don’t know why you don’t understand as a human being.

What time is it now if the rest of the day is 2 times longer than the past?

Correct answer on Friday!

If you put an empty wallet to your ear, you can hear the rustling sound in it.
Government of the Russian Federation.

A squad of riot police busted a large drug den, after which they declared themselves space rangers and flew into space to fight Pokemon.

The grandfather stalled in the Zaporozhets, asks the driver of the Mercedes to pull
Grandfather: pull once, the headlights will blink - brake
Driver Merena: Got it!
Then Merena started to pull and overtook the Volvo, and Merena’s driver couldn’t stand it and stepped on the gas
We drove past the traffic police post, the traffic cop, in awe, calls another and says: Here, in short, now a Volvo with a measure of about 200 was driven away, and behind them a grandfather in a Cossack, blinking his headlights, saying give way!

George Bernard Shaw - English writer, philosopher and eminent
critic of his time. He is the only person who can simultaneously
was also awarded an Oscar for the screenplay of the film “Pygmalion”,
and the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Bernard Shaw admitted that he learned nothing in the schools he attended. He learned a lot from the books of Shakespeare, Bunyan, Dickens, the Bible, Arabian fairy tales, as well as from the operas in which his mother sang. Its huge life experience and wisdom were reflected in brilliant plays and apt sayings.

Kluber collected the most best quotes Bernard Shaw:

About life

  1. The world is made up of slackers who want to have money without working, and idiots who are willing to work without getting rich.
  2. The one who knows how, does it, the one who doesn’t know how, teaches others.
  3. Growing old is boring, but it's the only way to live long.
  4. People who do not have it often call the feeling of objective perception of reality cynicism.
  5. A thief is not the one who steals, but the one who is caught.
  6. Alcohol is an anesthesia that allows you to endure the operation called life.
  7. Try to get what you love, otherwise you will have to love what you got.

About relationships

  1. The greatest sin towards one's neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; This is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity.
  2. Hatred is a coward's revenge for the fear he has experienced.
  3. Dance is the vertical expression of horizontal desire.
  4. An ideal husband is a man who believes that he has an ideal wife.
  5. Sometimes you need to make people laugh to distract them from their intention to hang you.
  6. There is no danger in being sincere, especially if you are also stupid.
  7. We have no right to consume happiness without producing it.
  8. Marriage is an avalanche that a young man and a girl bring down on their heads while reaching for a flower.

About women

  1. It is easier to live with a passionate woman than with a boring one. True, they are sometimes strangled, but rarely abandoned.
  2. There is no woman who could say “goodbye” in less than thirty words.
  3. Women somehow immediately guess with whom we are ready to cheat on them. Sometimes even before it even occurs to us.

About ideas, talent and titles

  1. Common sense and hard work compensate for your lack of talent, while you can be the most brilliant of geniuses, but through stupidity you will ruin your life.
  2. My fame grew with every failure.
  3. Titles and titles were invented for those whose services to the country are indisputable, but are unknown to the people of this country.
  4. If you have an apple and I have an apple, and if we exchange these apples, then you and I each have one apple left. And if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.

About history

  1. A newspaper is a printed organ that does not see the difference between falling off a bicycle and the collapse of civilization.
  2. Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny; they merely shifted the burden from one shoulder to another.
  3. If my neighbor hits his wife every day and I never hit him, then statistically we both hit our wife every other day.
  4. The only lesson that can be learned from history is that people do not learn any lessons from history.
  5. Democracy is a balloon that hangs over your heads and forces you to stare up while other people rummage through your pockets.

About the person

  1. A person who does not believe in anything is afraid of everything.
  2. A person is like a brick: when burned, he hardens.
  3. Only a fool would celebrate the years of death's approach.
  4. Nature abhors a vacuum: where people do not know the truth, they fill in the gaps with speculation.
  5. Rich men who lack convictions are more dangerous in modern society than poor women who lack morals.
  6. A reasonable person adapts to the world; the unreasonable one tries to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, progress always depends on the unreasonable.
  7. Reputation is a mask that a person has to wear just like trousers or a jacket.
  8. Now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, to swim under water like fish, we lack only one thing: to learn to live on earth like people.

August 13th, 2016 , 10:27 pm

My mother told me at one time. But these 2 postulates at that moment in my life seemed to me just a set of correct words. How does it feel to not tell anyone anything? Nothing at all? No one at all? Not clear. About the back, okay, although I hammered a big thick bolt into my posture. Stupid.

Mom didn’t answer my questions (in general I was and am a big fan of empty arguments and unnecessary meticulousness). She only answered - with age you will understand. I can’t stand this mothball-smelling sour phrase, but in this case that’s exactly what it turned out to be.

Understood. And exactly that only with age.

There are topics that are taboo if you are a woman and not a market woman. Not auntie.
- appearance. Including your own. We all love to talk in society about our shortcomings, imaginary or real. Wrinkles began to appear, cellulite on my ass, I gained weight, my hair was splitting...
- health. Including your own. There is a strict ban on discussing women's problems, all types of thrush, vaginosis, endometriosis and other gynecology. No sick kidneys, hearts, stomachs or flatulence. Maximum - a headache due to the weather or pressure. And it’s better not to.
- money. There are a lot of them. There are few of them. What do you spend it on? How long until salary? Never to anyone. Only to the creditor, if there really is no money and you ask to wait. The rest - no. This also includes the cost of this or that item, if this is not a consultation.
- recipes for maintaining beauty and health. Not even because she was greedy, but because it was immediately clear - she was looking, interested. So you need it. This means that beauty and health are no longer the same.
- culinary recipes(possible in a narrow circle, if this is your custom). Immediately the image of a mother in an apron with a seaming fig (remember, everyone had one of these?) in her hand.
- problems with a partner. The strictest taboo. No discussions with left-wing people about your relationship.
- dirty gossip and discussions of other people's beds of course.

When I worked in the municipal kindergarten, there were traditional tea parties at Sonchas. While the children were sleeping, the teachers were having fun. For a long time I could not understand why I was so disgusted with listening to them (I did not participate in the conversations - “too young”). And the main topics were yes... all of the above and a little more.

No, I fully believe that someone will say, what the hell, you need to be simpler and not worry about it. In general, I was often told about “simpler”. But I don’t want it to be simpler. Don't want. The desire to be a lady is slowly but steadily awakening in me, and this simply will never happen. So, don't tell anyone anything. And yes, your back is straighter!

1. The first thing to keep secret, the sages say, is your far-reaching plans. Keep quiet until this plan is fulfilled. Any of our ideas are not only not ideal, they huge amount weak points, which are very easy to hit and destroy everything.

2. The second thing the sages recommend is not to share the secret of your charity. A good deed is a rarity in this world, and that is why it must be cherished like the apple of one’s eye. Don't praise yourself for doing good things. Pride will immediately see and take away all the good that came as a result of this charity.

3. The third thing that sages do not recommend talking about is your asceticism. Don’t talk left and right about your restrictions in nutrition, sleep, sexual relationships, etc. Physical asceticism is beneficial only if it is combined with an emotional component.

Why can’t you tell people, friends and anyone about your plans, personal life, dreams?

4. The fourth thing you should keep silent about is your courage and heroism. Some people face external challenges, others internal ones. External tests are visible, so people receive awards for them, but no one notices overcoming internal trials, so no awards are given for them.

6. The sixth thing you should not particularly share with others is to talk about your domestic conflicts and in general about your family life. Remember: the less you talk about problems in your family, the stronger and more stable it will be. A quarrel is getting rid of the negative energy that has accumulated during communication.

7. The seventh thing you shouldn’t talk about is the ugly words you heard from someone. You can get your shoes dirty on the street, or you can get your mind dirty. And a person who, having come home, tells everything that he heard stupidly on the way, is no different from a person who came home and did not take off his shoes.

As you know, the ability to achieve success depends very much on motivation. We begin to act only when we experience a strong desire to get something we need, or, on the contrary, to get rid of what is unpleasant to us. For example, one fine spring morning we wake up, and passing the mirror in the hallway, we realize that summer is coming, and something needs to be done urgently with these hips.

Thus, the ancient “motivation – action” mechanism turns on in our heads. And now we are already scouring the expanses of Youtube in search of videos with active training or running headlong to buy a gym membership. Or inspiration comes to us to sell donuts own production on the Internet - it doesn’t matter. Just imagine that as soon as you get excited about an idea, you immediately tell your girlfriends about it, who always support you so much. And at that moment when last word leaves your lips, and Lenka, Zinka and Klava clap their hands in admiration, the urgent desire to implement your plans fades away, replaced by pride for the results that have not yet been achieved.

I think this situation is quite familiar to each of us - the whole point is that our brain is not always able to distinguish between the real realization of what we want, and the achievement of a goal only in words. At such moments, our mind relaxes and, like a light in a house, turns off the motivation mechanism. After this, it is naturally much more difficult for us to force ourselves to run in the morning, quit smoking, post our own portrait out of corn flakes - or whatever else we have in mind. What's the point? We are already happy with ourselves, morally satisfied and generally handsome, why do anything else?

“Imagine that today you are telling someone about your intention. Doesn't it feel good to say it out loud? Imagine their congratulations and the admiration in their eyes. Don't you feel like you've taken another step - as if your future achievements are already becoming part of your personality? And things are bad because you should have kept your mouth shut. Now this pleasant feeling will now only prevent you from achieving your goal. When you have a goal, you need to take some steps, do some work to achieve it. When you tell someone about your plans, your consciousness becomes trapped, as it were, by the feeling that everything is done,”- Derek Sievers, founder of the largest indie music site CD Baby, explains this phenomenon.

But the tragedy of such a situation lies not only in the fact that we will not achieve what we want and will not become a more fulfilled person. After we have described our far-reaching plans to our friends and acquaintances in vivid colors, and then did not follow through, our self-esteem begins to plummet. After all, now not only we know that we are unable to achieve anything in life, but also those around us. And it doesn’t matter what these people really think, perhaps they don’t remember at all what you told them, maybe they are sincerely upset that you didn’t go further, or, on the contrary, they are glad that your business died out, your subconscious will not forgive you for your mental weakness in the eyes of others.

Therefore, we will not beat around the bush, the moral of this article is simple and as old as time - if your dream is really very important to you, do not rush to share your thoughts on this matter or barely formed achievements until they become more tangible, and you are more confident in your abilities. And no matter how we are bursting with the desire to show off and feel like winners even for a moment, it is always better to show modesty and maintain more chances of becoming real winners.

Don't tell anyone about the purchase you are about to make. Don't tell your friends about plans that affect many things in your life. Do not boast about what you have not yet achieved, but are only about to achieve, even if you have all the capabilities for this. Keep your program secret, whether it is at the idea stage or already in the development process.

Be partisan about what you are going to do. You trip yourself up by showing your cards ahead of time. Bragging about unfinished business threatens complete failure!

Vanity can take many different forms. It can be disguised in the form of a desire to hear the opinions of others about your idea. Sometimes vanity hides behind the mask of seeking advice and ideas regarding the implementation of the desired goal. Vanity is diverse in its manifestations, and people who give free rein to it stumble out of the blue.

As the people say: “Warm water does not stay in one place.” The most common form of vanity is boasting on credit. You boast about unfinished tasks and there is a very high probability that the goal will never be achieved.

Think about times when you told your friends about your plans and then didn't follow through on your promises. You either started to do something, but eventually lost interest, or did not even begin to do what you so picturesquely told others about. As a result, we most likely blame ourselves for spreading the word about our plans, but the situation is still there. How many wonderful ideas remain just ideas! And the reason for this is banal human vanity.

Features of the brain

One day, scientists studying the functioning of the brain made an astonishing discovery: the brain practically does not distinguish between physical movements and imaginary ones. When a person thinks about how to perform a movement, their motor cortex activates as if they were actually moving! This can be easily demonstrated using appropriate equipment.

If we squat or visualize this process without performing real physical actions, the electroencephalogram of the brain shows the activity of the same zones. The same effect is observed when a person “replays” music in his head that he heard before. Despite the fact that in at the moment he is in complete silence, the equipment shows the activity of the areas of the brain responsible for actually listening to music.

Sports coaches understood earlier than others that clearly imagining and doing are almost the same thing. That is, if you play football, you can significantly improve your movements simply by incorporating visualization techniques into your training. It's no secret that professional athletes competing for gold spend a lot of time visualizing their every move.

Conclusion one: The brain does not see the difference whether a person boasts about a completed task or a task that has not yet been completed.

What does this lead to? When an idea comes to us, the brain perceives it as unfinished and the person feels the desire to achieve it. If we don't have the camera we want to buy, this is an indisputable fact for the brain. There is no camera. We don't hold it in our hands, we don't take pictures. We need to work hard this month to earn money.

But what happens when we tell our friends about our intention to purchase a specific camera, a specific model? The brain automatically begins to visualize how we come to the store and buy it. Or we begin to imagine that we already have a camera.

We show off the camera as if we already have it. The brain takes this literally. If we boast, it means we eat. And if you have purchased a camera, then why bother making money on it? If you tell your friends what you are going to write computer game, be sure that the brain perceives that the game is already ready. Why bother with programming if the game is over? The brain does not see the point in motivating a person.


In the first case, you program the conscious and subconscious mind to complete the task and give a clear picture of the destination. In the second case, you share an already accomplished fact with friends - this is how our brain perceives it. Intentionally visualizing the end goal is necessary in order to actually achieve it. He who does not know the end point of the movement will never reach it.

The energy of vanity is a powerful natural force. Use it!

Let's say you have an idea for a new business. Be it opening an unusual bookstore or creating an interesting Internet project. Anything. As soon as we thought about ultimate goal, a special emotion immediately arises - the desire to turn the idea into reality. For the purposes of this article, for simplicity, we will call this emotion a special type of energy - the energy of motivation.

The energy of motivation is released by the body's resources upon request. As soon as we want to achieve a goal, it appears required quantity energy for its implementation. To achieve desired result, we need to use one hundred percent of the allocated energy, no less.

In this case, the emotion of the desire to complete the task is that very motivation. This is the fuel that the body fills our tanks with to get us to our destination. Fuel needed for specific physical and mental activities. But how do we manage it?

So, initially we have 100% of the necessary motivational energy. We came to our friend Petya and told him that we were going to open an unusual online store. Subtract 10% from the allocated fuel. Now you came to comrade Vasya and described your idea to him in every detail. Subtract another 10%, or better yet, all 20%. Then you told your work colleagues that free time are going to devote to a new idea. Subtract another 20%. Did you tell your friend Masha? Do the appropriate calculations again. What percentage of motivation fuel is left in the end? 30? 5? -60?

The point is that we need 100%! We won't reach our final destination, we won't have enough gas. But what if you've already used half of your allocated fuel? You feel a loss of interest. You stopped halfway. Now either you give up the goal, or you wait and accumulate fuel again. It’s sad, considering the fact that you have already told your friends about your desire to definitely end this damn online store.

Conclusion two: Use the desire to brag to achieve your goal.

Grit your teeth and take a drink of water! Let the desire to show off push you forward! It is what drives us towards achievement, adding fuel to the fire. You want others to see your masterpiece as quickly as possible, so you begin to do everything possible to make this actually happen faster.

Be silent like partisans during the Second World War. These are your trump cards. Stop wasting precious fuel. Chat with your friends as if nothing had happened, as if you have nothing to tell them about. Actually, in essence, that’s how it is!

Thus, we kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, we do not waste our motivational energy, and secondly, even if we stop halfway, no one will know about it.

Note that truly productive people don't share their plans. They surprise us when they show us the end result. We feel respect for those who spent several months silently creating a masterpiece. That's right. Such people truly deserve respect and admiration. And they, in turn, achieve excellent results only because they resist the urge to squander their own motivation.

Let's sum it up

1. The brain doesn’t feel the difference whether you share real achievements or your plans for the future. When you talk about your ultimate goal, your brain automatically checks the “goal achieved” box. Proven by scientists, tested by electronics.

2. Don't confuse intentional visualization of the end goal with automatic visualization that occurs when you share plans for the future. These are two different things. Intentional visualization can and should be used in everyday life. She gives commands to our subconscious, and it, in turn, always finds ways to implement our plans.

3. When we set a goal, we are given the necessary amount of fuel to achieve it. Fuel is so powerful that one strives to realize oneself in any way in an accessible way. Don't let it be realized only in conversations with others.

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